MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $Rؕ3}3}3}H̴3}H̱3}Rich3}PEL!  b@t.rsrc@@ 8P  @Xp222202H2`2x222236: :8:P:h:::"?@ABC(D@EXLpMN^~0@HA`BxCDEFGIJ L8MPlhm  ( 8 H X h x             (  8  H  X  h  x                      (  8  H  X  h  x                      (  8  H  X  h  x               |` H"P#h`'+8(0$L2Z89$;=px?A DDEJL0N PO pPSTUpV$ _aLacefi`jnj\ ,vxF0y$zv|d~l0<؈T,Z\xNܠz Xb>40*\P(MUIQ50/6ZRwxeĄ٢C MUI en-USȀjAbout Remote Desktop ConnectionMS Shell DlgPU2OKPP(Remote Desktop ConnectionP(P( P(+  2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.P(9P(DȀERemote Desktop ConnectionMS Shell DlgPP% Connecting to:@P%  P% msctls_progress32P2Cancel@P%0 ȀUBitmap Disk Cache FailureMS Shell Dlg PP(1Your disk is full or the cache directory is missing or corrupted. Some bitmaps may not appear. It is recommended that you disconnect and reconnect to disable caching bitmaps to disk.Pf@2OKBrowse for computersMS Shell DlgP2OKP2CancelP&Available computers:P~SysTreeView32ServerTree@@ GeneralMS Shell DlgPp3Logon settingsP 32P+3Enter the name of the remote computer.P+!$2&Computer:B!PZ2ComboBoxEx32P+3;2Pw43Connection settingsP 32P+3Save the current connection settings to an RDP file or open a saved connection.P+A2&SavePpA2Sa&ve As...PA2Op&en...@@ DisplayMS Shell DlgPU3Display configurationP 32P+3Choose the &size of your remote desktop. Drag the slider all the way to the right to use the full screen.PD$T 3msctls_trackbar32Slider1P,& 3SmallP&* #3LargeP/9} 3640 by 480 pixels P+H 3&Use all my monitors for the remote sessionP]0$3ColorsP i32P+h %3Choose the &color depth of the remote session.C!P+tq: 3 P 3Display the connection &bar when I use the full screen@@Local ResourcesMS Shell DlgP,3Remote audioP32P/ 73Configure remote audio settings.P/A3&Settings...P2583KeyboardP=32P/;93Apply Windows &key combinations:!P/G,3P/X :3Example: ALT+TABPiF;3Local devices and resourcesPt32P/t<3Choose the devices and resources that you want to use in your remote session. P/S3Prin&ters PS3C&lipboardP/A3&More...@@ProgramsMS Shell DlgP]=3Start a programP "32 P- 3&Start the following program on connection:P- 3&Program path and file name:P-*3P-= !3S&tart in the following folder:P-H3@@ExperienceMS Shell DlgP>3PerformanceP .32P+ ?3Choose your connection speed to optimize &performance.!P+'3P+/ R3Allow the following:P+/ Y3Connection quality-dependent features: P+; (3Desktop &backgroundP6= S3Desktop background P+H /3&Font smoothingP6J T3Font smoothing P+U 03&Desktop compositionP6W U3Desktop composition P+b )3&Show window contents while draggingP6d V3Show window contents while dragging P+o *3&Menu and window animationP6q W3Menu and window animation P+| +3&Visual stylesP6~ X3Visual styles P ,3Persistent bitm&ap caching P -3R&econnect if the connection is droppedPA@@fMS Shell Dlg@<3LV<3ToolbarWindow32ExpandoP02&CancelPAʀMS Shell DlgP/ce3RemoteApp logon settingsP ;d32P+A&g3Computer:PZ?^3P+S;f3Pl2OKP2CancelP2_3HelpȀ MS Shell DlgP 43P(83Who do you want to log on as? PM|3 P_}3 Pq~3 P3 P3 P3Someone elseP2OKP2CancelȀRemote Desktop ConnectionMS Shell DlgP/3Local devices and resourcesP;3Choose the devices and resources on this computer that you want to use in your remote session.HQ* 3SettingsPUZ3SysTreeView32SettingsP23OKP2Cancel@@dCredentialsMS Shell DlgP&3User name:P/ 3P3SysLink P,z 3Always &ask for credentials P,z 6Allow me to save c&redentialsPAȀ Remote Desktop ConnectionMS Shell DlgP/<3Remote audio playbackP<32 P/< 3&Play on this computer P/K 3&Do not play P/Z 3Play &on remote computerPn-3Remote audio recordingP {32 P/{ 3&Record from this computer P/ 3Do &not recordP23OKP2Cancel@ʀRemote Desktop Services Administration MessageMS Shell DlgDP |3PT23&Close@@f?MS Shell DlgPc63StartingP c)3SysListView32Ȁ RD Gateway Server SettingsMS Shell DlgP0kP3Connection settings P=D3&Automatically detect RD Gateway server settings PKE3&Use these RD Gateway server settings: PB3&Do not use an RD Gateway serverPZA G3&Server name:PcX H3PkA I3&Logon method:!PciJ3P}F3&Bypass RD Gateway server for local addressesPBQ3Logon settingsP:K3User name:@PPL3PM3PN3SysLink P O3Us&e my RD Gateway credentials for the remote computerP2@3OKP2CancelʀRemote Desktop ConnectionMS Shell DlgP8,&Computer:B!P65ComboBoxEx32PJ(2@u<LVu<ToolbarWindow32ExpandoPu2Co&nnectPu2&HelpP2SysTabControl32Settings@@dCredentialsMS Shell DlgP&3User name:@P.3P3SysLink P(z 3Always &ask for credentials P(z 6Allow me to save c&redentialsPAȀFRemote Desktop ConnectionMS Shell DlgP :P( 2:P2P:&View certificate...PY22OKȀZRemote Desktop ConnectionMS Shell DlgP :P( F:PFP:&View certificate...PYF2OK@@ AdvancedMS Shell DlgP[:Server authenticationP 532P* :P*7:!P*K23Pb6:Connect from anywhereP o632P+n:Configure settings to connect through Remote Desktop Gateway when I am working remotely.P+A43&Settings... P 73Automatically send us info about your connectionȀRemote Desktop ConnectionMS Shell DlgP :P( 2:SysLinkP(A(:Pn2OKRemote Desktop Connection#%s - %s - Remote Desktop Connection%s - Remote Desktop Connection (Build Number %4.4d)PA,Connect to %s with Remote Desktop ConnectionControl Version %s$Maximum encryption strength: %d bitsAn error occurred while loading the Remote Desktop Services ActiveX control. Please make sure the correct version of mstscax.dll is in the pathaCould not load the Remote Desktop Services ActiveX control. Make sure mstscax.dll is in the path.iThe Remote Desktop Services ActiveX control (mstscax.dll) does not match the version of the client shell.!The file (%s) could not be found.qUnable to create or access your %s folder (%s). Your connection settings will not be automatically saved on exit.#Unable to open connection file - %s)An error occurred while saving to file %s,An error occurred while loading from file %sThis computer can't connect to the remote computer. The problem might be due to low virtual memory on your computer. Close your other programs, and then try connecting again. If the problem continues, contact your network administrator or technical support.4Unable to get the path to your `My Documents' folderEAn error occurred while initializing your default connection settingsRemote Desktop Connection UsageThe path you entered, '%s', is too long so your connection could not be saved. Please try to save the file again with a shorter path.wHelp cannot be displayed because your system does not have HTML Help installed. Please install HTML Help and try again.&Invalid connection file (%s) specifiedConnecting to %s...JThe %s domain/workgroup does not contain any Remote Desktop Session Hosts. &Options >> &Options << 16 Colors 256 ColorsHigh Color (15 bit)High Color (16 bit)True Color (24 bit)%1!d! by %2!d! pixels Full ScreenOnly when using the full screenOn the remote computerOn this computerBring to this computerLeave at remote computer Do not playGeneralPADisplayLocal ResourcesPrograms Experience"Remote Desktop Files (*.RDP)*.RDPCloseRemote Desktop ConnectionHighest Quality (32 bit)'Network Level Authentication supported.+Network Level Authentication not supported.Hide &Options Show &Options CancelRemote Desktop ConnectionTahoma20Tahoma24501Tahoma24170Tahoma241Modem (28.8 kbps)Modem (56 kbps)Broadband (128 kbps - 1.5 Mbps)LAN (10 Mbps or higher)(Custom (Defined in Options / Experience)CustomOKThe computer name is blank or it contains invalid characters. Try typing it again. Invalid characters include: spaces, tabs, ; : < > * + = \ | ? , "'Low-speed broadband (256 kbps - 2 Mbps).Satellite (2 Mbps - 16 Mbps with high latency)PA'High-speed broadband (2 Mbps - 10 Mbps))WAN (10 Mbps or higher with high latency)'Detect connection quality automaticallyPABecause of an unknown error, the remote session will be disconnected. The local computer might be low on memory. Close some programs, and then try connecting to the remote computer again.The remote session will be disconnected. Your computer might be low on memory. Close some programs, and then try connecting to the remote computer again.Error: Out of memory. The remote session will be disconnected. Close some programs on the local computer, and then try connecting to the remote computer again.Error: Unable to allocate window resources. The remote session will be disconnected. Close some programs on the local computer, and then try connecting to the remote computer again.Error: Unable to allocate window resources. The session will be disconnected. After closing some applications, try to reconnect the session.An internal state error has occurred. The remote session will be disconnected. Your local computer might be low on memory. Close some programs, and then try connecting to the remote computer again.Your Remote Desktop Services session is about to end. This computer might be low on virtual memory. Close your other programs, and then try connecting to the remote computer again. If the problem continues, contact your network administrator or technical support.Error: An unrecoverable error occurred while the client was attempting to connect. Close some programs, and then try connecting to the remote computer again.Your Remote Desktop Services session is about to end. This computer might be low on virtual memory. Close your other programs, and then try connecting to the remote computer again. If the problem continues, contact your network administrator or technical support.Fatal Error (Error Code: %d)&HelpRemote Desktop Connection &help&About&Close Smart si&zingPASess&ion diagnostics&Remote commands &App commands&Charms S&witch apps&Start&Gateway information &Full screenRemote Desktop ConnectionfUse your computer to connect to a computer that is located elsewhere and run programs or access files.ConnectEditRemote Desktop Connection Accessories&Connect with Remote Desktop ConnectionWConnect to the selected computer to use all its programs, files, and network resources.PA4An error occurred while loading from registry key %sYour computer was unable to connect to the remote computer. Try to reconnect. If the problem continues, contact the owner of the remote computer or your network administrator.Advanced &Details >> &Details <<Show &Details Hide &Details 'Please review any messages that appear.Connected to %sVThe remote computer could not be found. Please contact your helpdesk about this error.kThe specified computer name contains invalid characters. For assistance, contact your system administrator.7The network connection to the remote computer was lost.Attempting to reconnect...OKConnectRemote Session ReconnectPAAllow me to select laterAsk for password (NTLM)PA Smart card&Use my currently logged on credentialsAsk for password (Basic)1A valid gateway server address must be specified.RConnections using a gateway server are not supported by your system configuration.oYou have specified to use a gateway server, however this feature is not supported by your system configuration.You have specified to auto-detect the presence of a gateway server, however this feature is not supported by your system configuration. If you continue, you will not use a gateway server. Do you wish to continue?"Default (Use gateway if necessary)Default (Always use gateway)Use gateway if necessaryAlways use gatewayDo not use gatewayDo not attempt authentication,Always connect, even if authentication fails&Do not connect if authentication failsWarn me if authentication failsWindows does not recognize the name specified in the computer name field. Verify that the name is typed correctly, and then try again.3You will be asked for credentials when you connect.The saved credentials for this remote computer will be used to connect. You can <a id="TscLinkEditSavedCreds">edit</a> or <a id="TscLinkDelSavedCreds">delete</a> these credentials.lYou will be asked for credentials when you connect. To use saved credentials, clear the following check box.AYour system administrator does not permit asking for credentials.HThe credentials of the currently logged on user will be used to connect.wYou will be asked for credentials when you connect. To use the current user credentials, clear the following check box.AYour system administrator does not permit asking for credentials.4No credentials will be sent to this remote computer.The credentials saved in the RDP file currently in use will be used to connect. You can <a id="TscLinkDelRdpCreds">delete</a> these credentials.6Are you sure you want to delete the saved credentials?JThe remote computer name is not valid. Enter a valid remote computer name.?The computer name field is blank. Enter a remote computer name.pA connection will not be made because your system administrator has restricted the credentials that may be used.fUpdate the credentials for %s. These credentials will be used when you connect to the remote computer.Unknown Device+Other supported Plug and Play (PnP) devicesDrivesDevices that I plug in laterDrives that I plug in laterUpdate your credentialsjThese credentials will be used to connect to %s. Clicking Submit will overwrite your previous credentials.These credentials will be used to connect to %s. If %s does not support Network Level Authentication, it will not accept these credentials. Clicking Submit will overwrite your previous credentials.$Other supported RemoteFX USB devices Smart cardsPortsPANone specifiedfThese credentials will be used to connect to %s. Clicking OK will overwrite your previous credentials.)Update your RD Gateway server credentialsPA9You will be asked for credentials when you connect to %s.ERD Gateway server will not be used to connect to the remote computer. Shadow ErrorUnspecified error.uThe Group Policy setting is configured to require the user's consent. Verify the configuration of the policy setting.gThe Group Policy setting is configured for view access. Verify the configuration of the policy setting.The Group Policy setting is configured for view access and to require user's consent. Verify the configuration of the policy setting.8This version of Windows does not support remote control.NThe version of Windows running on this server does not support user shadowing.#You cannot shadow your own session.WYou cannot shadow the specified session because that session is already being shadowed.Viewing %1 (sessionID %2) on %3#Controlling %1 (sessionID %2) on %3'The specified session is not connected.)The shadow session has been disconnected.PAfThese credentials will be used to connect to %s. Clicking OK will overwrite your previous credentials.These credentials will be used to connect to %s. If %s does not support Network Level Authentication, it will not accept these credentials. Clicking OK will overwrite your previous credentials. RemoteApp*Waiting for RemoteApp programs to start...Log off RemoteAppRemoteApp DisconnectedZThe remote program has been terminated. For assistance, contact your system administrator.dThe program did not start on the remote computer. For assistance, contact your system administrator.Couldn t open this program or file. Either there was a problem with %s or the file you re trying to open couldn t be accessed. For assistance, contact your system administrator.RemoteApp ErrorGPlease specify either a remote program to run or a remote file to open.^You must unlock your Remote Desktop Services session before you can start a RemoteApp program.Windows cannot start the RemoteApp program. The following RemoteApp program is not in the list of authorized programs: %s For assistance, contact your system administrator.The remote computer is not configured to open the type of data file that you are attempting to open. The complete name of the file that you are trying to open is: %s For assistance, contact your system administrator.PAdThe remote program cannot start while the Remote Desktop Services session is in Secure Desktop mode.None specifiedcThe digital signature of this RDP File cannot be verified. The remote connection cannot be started.DThis RDP File is corrupted. The remote connection cannot be started.xYour administrator has set policy that prevents the launching of this RDP file. The remote connection cannot be started.nThis RDP file has settings that cannot be overridden by command line. The remote connection cannot be started.%Remote Desktop Protocol %s supported.Shell Version %d.%d.%dMSTSC [<connection file>] [/v:<server[:port]>] [/admin] [/f[ullscreen]] [/w:<width> /h:<height>] [/public] | [/span] [/multimon] [/edit "connection file"] [/restrictedAdmin] [/prompt] [/shadow:<sessionID> [/control] [/noConsentPrompt]] "connection file" -- Specifies the name of an .RDP file for the connection. /v:<server[:port]> -- Specifies the remote computer to which you want to connect. /admin -- Connects you to the session for administering a server. /f -- Starts Remote Desktop in full-screen mode. /w:<width> -- Specifies the width of the Remote Desktop window. /h:<height> -- Specifies the height of the Remote Desktop window. /public -- Runs Remote Desktop in public mode. /span -- Matches the remote desktop width and height with the local virtual desktop, spanning across multiple monitors, if necessary. To span across monitors, the monitors must be arranged to form a rectangle. /multimon -- Configures the Remote Desktop Services session monitor layout to be identical to the current client-side configuration. /edit -- Opens the specified .RDP connection file for editing. /restrictedAdmin -- Connects you to the remote PC or server in Restricted Administration mode. In this mode, credentials won t be sent to the remote PC or server, which can protect you if you connect to a PC that has been compromised. However, connections made from the remote PC might not be authenticated by other PCs and servers, which might impact app functionality and compatibility. Implies /admin. /prompt -- Prompts you for your credentials when you connect to the remote PC or server. /shadow:<sessionID> -- Specifies the sessionID you wish to view. /control -- Allows control of the session. /noConsentPrompt -- Allows shadowing without user consent.PAMYou will be asked for credentials when you connect to this RD Gateway server.QYour Windows logon credentials will be used to connect to this RD Gateway server.Saved credentials will be used to connect to this RD Gateway server. You can <a id="TscProxyLinkEditSavedCreds">edit</a> or <a id="TscProxyLinkDelSavedCreds">delete</a> these credentials.Example: computer.fabrikam.comConnect and don't warn meDo not connectWarn meSaved credentials will be used to connect to this computer. You can <a id="TscLinkEditSavedCreds">edit</a> or <a id="TscLinkDelSavedCreds">delete</a> these credentials.7Your Windows logon credentials will be used to connect.DThe computer name field is blank. Enter a full remote computer name.FIf the &actual verification does not meet minimum policy requirements:PARChoose the &authentication method to apply when connecting to the remote computer.Server authentication verifies that you are connecting to the intended remote computer. The strength of the verification required to connect is determined by your system security policy.Programs on the remote computer will continue to run after you have disconnected. You can reconnect to this remote session later by logging on again. If server &authentication fails:!&Don't display this message again(Your remote session will be disconnectedMessage received at %s, %s c-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  PA"Automatically send connection infoThe server you are accessing supports automatically sending connection information to help improve the service and diagnose issues. Would you like to automatically send this information? <a href="">Privacy statement</a>p  ! " 4VS_VERSION_INFO@%@%?StringFileInfo040904B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft Corporation\FileDescriptionRemote Desktop Connectionr)FileVersion6.3.9600.16384 (winblue_rtm.130821-1623)4 InternalNamemstsc.exe.LegalCopyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.DOriginalFilenamemstsc.exe.muij%ProductNameMicrosoft Windows Operating SystemBProductVersion6.3.9600.16384DVarFileInfo$Translation PADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPAD