MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $Rؕ3}3}3}H̴3}H̱3}Rich3}PEL!  0@@.rsrc @@( @Xp   t%MUIFxN;ȢB}]}ct{$};7&[q MUI en-US<Trying to install %1 ... <... %1 was copied to %2. @Trying to uninstall %1 ... <... %1 is not installed. *** You need to reboot your computer for this change to take effect *** L... failed. Error code: 0x%1!lx!. ... done. 0'%1' is installed. 8'%1' is not installed. Could not determine whether '%1' is installed (error code: 0x%2!x!). tInstance ID Description --------------------------- %1 %2 %1!-26s! %2 %1!-26s! %2 8 %1 ----------------- %1%0  -> %1 LBinding paths starting with '%1' HBinding paths ending with '%1' tCould not lock INetcfg, it is already locked by '%1' netcfg [-v] [-e] [-winpe] [-l <full-path-to-component-INF>] -c <p|s|c> -i <comp-id> -winpe installs TCP/IP, NetBIOS and Microsoft Client for Windows preinstallation environment -l provides the location of INF -c provides the class of the component to be installed (p == Protocol, s == Service, c == Client) -i provides the component ID The arguments must be passed in the order shown. Examples: netcfg -l c:\oemdir\myprot.inf -c p -i myprot Installs protocol 'myprot' using c:\oemdir\myprot.inf netcfg -c s -i MS_Server Installs service 'MS_Server' OR netcfg [-v] -winpe Example: netcfg -v -winpe Installs TCP/IP, NetBIOS, and Microsoft Client for Windows preinstallation environment OR netcfg [-v] -q <comp-id> Example: netcfg -q MS_IPX Displays if component 'MS_IPX' is installed OR netcfg [-v] [-e] -u <comp-id> Example: netcfg -u MS_IPX Uninstalls component 'MS_IPX' OR netcfg [-v] -s <a|n> -s provides the type of components to show (a == adapters, n == net components) Example: netcfg -s n Shows all installed net components OR netcfg [-v] -b <comp-id> Example: netcfg -b ms_tcpip Shows binding paths containing 'MS_TCPIP' General Notes: -v Run in verbose (detailed) mode -e Use servicing environment variables during install and uninstall -? Displays this help information |Skipping installation of component %1 in servicing mode. Skipping un-installation of component %1 in servicing mode. Failed while searching the instance reference of component %1. 4VS_VERSION_INFO@%@%?StringFileInfo000004B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft CorporationXFileDescriptionWinPE network installerr)FileVersion6.3.9600.16384 (winblue_rtm.130821-1623)8 InternalNamesnetcfg.exe.LegalCopyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.FOriginalFilenamenetcfg.exe.muij%ProductNameMicrosoft Windows Operating SystemBProductVersion6.3.9600.16384DVarFileInfo$TranslationPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGX