MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $Rؕ3}3}3}H̴3}H̱3}Rich3}PEL!  0M@H.rsrc @@( @Xp   MUI;gԃZ+t14sg($* MUI en-US ^ Provides help information for Net commands. NET HELP [command] command - displays help information on that command. This command is not supported by the net utility. Try "%1 /?". For more information on a specific command, type HELP command-name `NET ACCOUNTS [/FORCELOGOFF:{minutes | NO}] [/MINPWLEN:length] [/MAXPWAGE:{days | UNLIMITED}] [/MINPWAGE:days] [/UNIQUEPW:number] [/DOMAIN] NET ACCOUNTS updates the user accounts database and modifies password and logon requirements for all accounts. When used without options, NET ACCOUNTS displays the current settings for password, logon limitations, and domain information. Two conditions are required in order for options used with NET ACCOUNTS to take effect: - The password and logon requirements are only effective if user accounts have been set up (use User Manager or the NET USER command). - The NetLogon service must be running on all servers in the domain that verify logon. NetLogon is started automatically when Windows starts. /FORCELOGOFF:{minutes | NO} Sets the number of minutes a user has before being forced to log off when the account expires or valid logon hours expire. NO, the default, prevents forced logoff. /MINPWLEN:length Sets the minimum number of characters for a password. The range is 0-14 characters; the default is 6 characters. /MAXPWAGE:{days | UNLIMITED} Sets the maximum number of days that a password is valid. No limit is specified by using UNLIMITED. /MAXPWAGE can't be less than /MINPWAGE. The range is 1-999; the default is to leave the value unchanged. /MINPWAGE:days Sets the minimum number of days that must pass before a user can change a password. A value of 0 sets no minimum time. The range is 0-999; the default is 0 days. /MINPWAGE can't be more than /MAXPWAGE. /UNIQUEPW:number Requires that a user's passwords be unique through the specified number of password changes. The maximum value is 24. /DOMAIN Performs the operation on a domain controller of the current domain. Otherwise, the operation is performed on the local computer. NET HELP command | MORE displays Help one screen at a time. NET ACCOUNTS NET HELP ACCOUNTS describes the options for this command. dNET COMPUTER \\computername {/ADD | /DEL}  NET COMPUTER adds or deletes computers from a domain database. This command is available only on Windows NT Servers. \\computername Specifies the computer to add or delete from the domain. /ADD Adds the specified computer to the domain. /DEL Removes the specified computer from the domain. NET COMPUTER NET HELP COMPUTER describes the options for this command. NET CONFIG SERVER [/AUTODISCONNECT:time] [/SRVCOMMENT:"text"] [/HIDDEN:{YES | NO}] NET CONFIG SERVER displays or changes settings for the Server service. /AUTODISCONNECT:time Sets the maximum number of minutes a user's session can be inactive before it is disconnected. You can specify -1 to never disconnect. The range is -1-65535 minutes; the default is 15. /SRVCOMMENT:"text" Adds a comment for the server that is displayed in Windows Screens and with the NET VIEW command. Enclose the text in quotation marks. /HIDDEN:{YES | NO} Specifies whether the server's computername appears on display listings of servers. Note that hiding a server does not alter the permissions on that server. The default is NO. To display the current configuration for the Server service, type NET CONFIG SERVER without parameters. NET HELP command | MORE displays Help one screen at a time. NET CONFIG SERVER NET HELP CONFIG SERVER describes the options for this command. TNET CONFIG [SERVER | WORKSTATION] NET CONFIG displays configuration information of the Workstation or Server service. When used without the SERVER or WORKSTATION switch, it displays a list of configurable services. To get help with configuring a service, type NET HELP CONFIG service. SERVER Displays information about the configuration of the Server service. WORKSTATION Displays information about the configuration of the Workstation service. NET HELP command | MORE displays Help one screen at a time. NET CONFIG NET HELP CONFIG describes the options for this command. 8NET CONTINUE service NET CONTINUE reactivates a Windows service that has been suspended by NET PAUSE. service Is the paused service. For example, one of the following: NETLOGON SCHEDULE SERVER WORKSTATION NET HELP command | MORE displays Help one screen at a time. NET CONTINUE NET HELP CONTINUE describes the options for this command. <NET FILE [id [/CLOSE]] NET FILE closes a shared file and removes file locks. When used without options, it lists the open files on a server. The listing includes the identification number assigned to an open file, the pathname of the file, the username, and the number of locks on the file. This command works only on computers running the Server service. id Is the identification number of the file. /CLOSE Closes an open file and removes file locks. Type this command from the server where the file is shared. NET HELP command | MORE displays Help one screen at a time. NET FILE NET HELP FILE describes the options for this command. NET GROUP [groupname [/COMMENT:"text"]] [/DOMAIN] groupname {/ADD [/COMMENT:"text"] | /DELETE} [/DOMAIN] groupname username [...] {/ADD | /DELETE} [/DOMAIN] pNET GROUP adds, displays, or modifies global groups on servers. Used without parameters, it displays the groupnames on the server. groupname Is the name of the group to add, expand, or delete. Supply only a groupname to view a list of users in a group. /COMMENT:"text" Adds a comment for a new or existing group. Enclose the text in quotation marks. /DOMAIN Performs the operation on a domain controller of the current domain. Otherwise, the operation is performed on the local computer. username[ ...] Lists one or more usernames to add to or remove from a group. Separate multiple username entries with a space. /ADD Adds a group, or adds a username to a group. /DELETE Removes a group, or removes a username from a group. NET HELP command | MORE displays Help one screen at a time. NET GROUP NET HELP GROUP describes the options for this command. lNET HELP command -or- NET command /HELP h Commands available are: NET ACCOUNTS NET HELPMSG NET STATISTICS NET COMPUTER NET LOCALGROUP NET STOP NET CONFIG NET PAUSE NET TIME NET CONTINUE NET SESSION NET USE NET FILE NET SHARE NET USER NET GROUP NET START NET VIEW NET HELP NET HELP NAMES explains different types of names in NET HELP syntax lines. NET HELP SERVICES lists some of the services you can start. NET HELP SYNTAX explains how to read NET HELP syntax lines. NET HELP command | MORE displays Help one screen at a time. NET HELP NET HELP describes the options for this command. 8NET HELPMSG message# NET HELPMSG displays information about Windows network messages (such as error, warning, and alert messages). When you type NET HELPMSG and the numerical error (for example, "net helpmsg 2182"), Windows tells you about the message and suggests actions you can take to solve the problem. message# Is the numerical Windows error with which you need help. NET HELPMSG NET HELP HELPMSG describes the options for this command. NET LOCALGROUP [groupname [/COMMENT:"text"]] [/DOMAIN] groupname {/ADD [/COMMENT:"text"] | /DELETE} [/DOMAIN] groupname name [...] {/ADD | /DELETE} [/DOMAIN] NET LOCALGROUP modifies local groups on computers. When used without options, it displays the local groups on the computer. groupname Is the name of the local group to add, expand, or delete. Supply only a groupname to view a list of users or global groups in a local group. /COMMENT:"text" Adds a comment for a new or existing group. Enclose the text in quotation marks. /DOMAIN Performs the operation on the domain controller of the current domain. Otherwise, the operation is performed on the local workstation. name [ ...] Lists one or more usernames or groupnames to add or to remove from a local group. Separate multiple entries with a space. Names may be users or global groups, but not other local groups. If a user is from another domain, preface the username with the domain name (for example, SALES\RALPHR). /ADD Adds a groupname or username to a local group. An account must be established for users or global groups added to a local group with this command. /DELETE Removes a groupname or username from a local group. NET HELP command | MORE displays Help one screen at a time. NET LOCALGROUP NET HELP LOCALGROUP describes the options for this command. 4NET PAUSE service NET PAUSE suspends a Windows service or resource. Pausing a service puts it on hold. service Is the service to be paused. For example, one of the following: NETLOGON SCHEDULE SERVER WORKSTATION NET HELP command | MORE displays Help one screen at a time. NET PAUSE NET HELP PAUSE describes the options for this command. lNET SESSION [\\computername] [/DELETE] [/LIST] tNET SESSION lists or disconnects sessions between the computer and other computers on the network. When used without options, it displays information about all sessions with the computer of current focus. This command works only on servers. \\computername Lists the session information for the named computer. /DELETE Ends the session between the local computer and computername, and closes all open files on the computer for the session. If computername is omitted, all sessions are ended. /LIST Displays information in a list rather than a table. NET HELP command | MORE displays Help one screen at a time. NET SESSION NET HELP SESSION describes the options for this command. pNET SHARE sharename sharename=drive:path [/GRANT:user,[READ | CHANGE | FULL]] [/USERS:number | /UNLIMITED] [/REMARK:"text"] [/CACHE:Manual | Documents| Programs | BranchCache | None] sharename [/USERS:number | /UNLIMITED] [/REMARK:"text"] [/CACHE:Manual | Documents | Programs | BranchCache | None] {sharename | devicename | drive:path} /DELETE sharename \\computername /DELETE NET SHARE makes a server's resources available to network users. When used without options, it lists information about all resources being shared on the computer. For each resource, Windows reports the devicename(s) or pathname(s) and a descriptive comment associated with it. sharename Is the network name of the shared resource. Type NET SHARE with a sharename only to display information about that share. drive:path Specifies the absolute path of the directory to be shared. /GRANT:user,perm Creates the share with a security descriptor that gives the requested permissions to the specified user. This option may be used more than once to give share permissions to multiple users. /USERS:number Sets the maximum number of users who can simultaneously access the shared resource. /UNLIMITED Specifies an unlimited number of users can simultaneously access the shared resource /REMARK:"text" Adds a descriptive comment about the resource. Enclose the text in quotation marks. devicename Is one or more printers (LPT1: through LPT9:) shared by sharename. /DELETE Stops sharing the resource. /CACHE:Manual Enables manual client caching of programs and documents from this share /CACHE:Documents Enables automatic caching of documents from this share /CACHE:Programs Enables automatic caching of documents and programs from this share /CACHE:BranchCache Manual caching of documents with BranchCache enabled from this share /CACHE:None Disables caching from this share NET HELP command | MORE displays Help one screen at a time. NET SHARE NET HELP SHARE describes the options for this command. ,NET START BROWSER NET START BROWSER starts the Browser service. The Browser service supports browsing computers on the network and being browsed by other computers on the network. NET HELP command | MORE displays Help one screen at a time. lNET START BROWSER This command has no options. 0NET START EVENTLOG NET START EVENTLOG starts the event logging service, which logs events on the local computer. This service must be started prior to using the Event Viewer to view the logged events. NET HELP command | MORE displays Help one screen at a time. pNET START EVENTLOG This command has no options. 0NET START NETLOGON NET START NETLOGON starts the Windows NetLogon service, which verifies logon requests and controls replication of the user accounts database. NET HELP command | MORE displays Help one screen at a time. pNET START NETLOGON This command has no options. (NET START RPCSS NET START RPCSS starts the Windows RPCSS service. NET HELP command | MORE displays Help one screen at a time. hNET START RPCSS This command has no options. 0NET START SCHEDULE NET START SCHEDULE starts the Windows Schedule service. The Schedule service must be running to schedule events using the Scheduled Tasks folder or the AT command. NET HELP command | MORE displays Help one screen at a time. pNET START SCHEDULE This command has no options. ,NET START SERVER 8NET START SERVER starts the Windows Server service, which controls access to resources. NET HELP command | MORE displays Help one screen at a time. lNET START SERVER This command has no options. $NET START UPS NET START UPS starts the Windows UPS service, which provides uninterrupted power service to your computer. The UPS service must be configured before starting. NET HELP command | MORE displays Help one screen at a time. dNET START UPS This command has no options. 4NET START WORKSTATION NET START WORKSTATION starts the Windows Workstation service, which enables your computer to use shared resources on the network. NET HELP command | MORE displays Help one screen at a time. tNET START WORKSTATION This command has no options. 8NET START [service] (NET START lists running services. service May include one of the following services: BROWSER DHCP CLIENT EVENTLOG FILE REPLICATION NETLOGON PLUG AND PLAY REMOTE ACCESS CONNECTION MANAGER ROUTING AND REMOTE ACCESS RPCSS SCHEDULE SERVER SPOOLER TCP/IP NETBIOS HELPER UPS WORKSTATION When typed at the command prompt, service names of two words or more must be enclosed in quotation marks. For example, NET START "DHCP Client" starts the DHCP Client service. NET START can also start services not provided with Windows. NET HELP command | MORE displays Help one screen at a time. NET START NET HELP START describes the options for this command. \NET STATISTICS [WORKSTATION | SERVER] NET STATISTICS displays the statistics log for the local Workstation or Server service. Used without parameters, NET STATISTICS displays the services for which statistics are available. SERVER Displays the Server service statistics. WORKSTATION Displays the Workstation service statistics. NET HELP command | MORE displays Help one screen at a time. NET STATISTICS NET HELP STATISTICS describes the options for this command. 0NET STOP service NET STOP stops Windows services. Stopping a service cancels any network connections the service is using. Also, some services are dependent on others. Stopping one service can stop others. Some services cannot be stopped. service May be one of the following services: BROWSER DHCP CLIENT FILE REPLICATION NETLOGON REMOTE ACCESS CONNECTION MANAGER ROUTING AND REMOTE ACCESS SCHEDULE SERVER SPOOLER TCP/IP NETBIOS HELPER UPS WORKSTATION NET STOP can also stop services not provided with Windows. NET HELP command | MORE displays Help one screen at a time. NET STOP NET HELP STOP describes the options for this command. NET TIME [\\computername | /DOMAIN[:domainname] | /RTSDOMAIN[:domainname]] [/SET] NET TIME synchronizes the computer's clock with that of another computer or domain, or displays the time for a computer or domain. When used without options on a Windows Server domain, it displays the current date and time at the computer designated as the time server for the domain. \\computername Is the name of the computer you want to check or synchronize with. /DOMAIN[:domainname] Specifies to synchronize the time from the Primary Domain Controller of domainname. /RTSDOMAIN[:domainname] Specifies to synchronize with a Reliable Time Server from domainname. /SET Synchronizes the computer's time with the time on the specified computer or domain. The /QUERYSNTP and /SETSNTP options have been deprecated. Please use w32tm.exe to configure the Windows Time Service. NET HELP command | MORE displays Help one screen at a time. NET TIME NET HELP TIME describes the options for this command. NET USE [devicename | *] [\\computername\sharename[\volume] [password | *]] [/USER:[domainname\]username] [/USER:[dotted domain name\]username] [/USER:[username@dotted domain name] [/SMARTCARD] [/SAVECRED] [[/DELETE] | [/PERSISTENT:{YES | NO}]] NET USE {devicename | *} [password | *] /HOME NET USE [/PERSISTENT:{YES | NO}] NET USE connects a computer to a shared resource or disconnects a computer from a shared resource. When used without options, it lists the computer's connections. devicename Assigns a name to connect to the resource or specifies the device to be disconnected. There are two kinds of devicenames: disk drives (D: through Z:) and printers (LPT1: through LPT3:). Type an asterisk instead of a specific devicename to assign the next available devicename. \\computername Is the name of the computer controlling the shared resource. If the computername contains blank characters, enclose the double backslash (\\) and the computername in quotation marks (" "). The computername may be from 1 to 15 characters long. \sharename Is the network name of the shared resource. \volume Specifies a NetWare volume on the server. You must have Client Services for Netware (Windows Workstations) or Gateway Service for Netware (Windows Server) installed and running to connect to NetWare servers. password Is the password needed to access the shared resource. * Produces a prompt for the password. The password is not displayed when you type it at the password prompt. /USER Specifies a different username with which the connection is made. domainname Specifies another domain. If domain is omitted, the current logged on domain is used. username Specifies the username with which to logon. /SMARTCARD Specifies that the connection is to use credentials on a smart card. /SAVECRED Specifies that the username and password are to be saved. This switch is ignored unless the command prompts for username and password. /HOME Connects a user to their home directory. /DELETE Cancels a network connection and removes the connection from the list of persistent connections. /PERSISTENT Controls the use of persistent network connections. The default is the setting used last. YES Saves connections as they are made, and restores them at next logon. NO Does not save the connection being made or subsequent connections; existing connections will be restored at next logon. Use the /DELETE switch to remove persistent connections. NET HELP command | MORE displays Help one screen at a time. NET USE NET HELP USE describes the options for this command. NET USER [username [password | *] [options]] [/DOMAIN] username {password | *} /ADD [options] [/DOMAIN] username [/DELETE] [/DOMAIN] username [/TIMES:{times | ALL}] username [/ACTIVE: {YES | NO}] $$NET USER creates and modifies user accounts on computers. When used without switches, it lists the user accounts for the computer. The user account information is stored in the user accounts database. username Is the name of the user account to add, delete, modify, or view. The name of the user account can have as many as 20 characters. password Assigns or changes a password for the user's account. A password must satisfy the minimum length set with the /MINPWLEN option of the NET ACCOUNTS command. It can have as many as 14 characters. * Produces a prompt for the password. The password is not displayed when you type it at a password prompt. /DOMAIN Performs the operation on a domain controller of the current domain. /ADD Adds a user account to the user accounts database. /DELETE Removes a user account from the user accounts database. Options Are as follows: Options Description -------------------------------------------------------------------- /ACTIVE:{YES | NO} Activates or deactivates the account. If the account is not active, the user cannot access the server. The default is YES. /COMMENT:"text" Provides a descriptive comment about the user's account. Enclose the text in quotation marks. /COUNTRYCODE:nnn Uses the operating system country/region code to implement the specified language files for a user's help and error messages. A value of 0 signifies the default country/region code. /EXPIRES:{date | NEVER} Causes the account to expire if date is set. NEVER sets no time limit on the account. An expiration date is in the form mm/dd/yy(yy). Months can be a number, spelled out, or abbreviated with three letters. Year can be two or four numbers. Use slashes(/) (no spaces) to separate parts of the date. /FULLNAME:"name" Is a user's full name (rather than a username). Enclose the name in quotation marks. /HOMEDIR:pathname Sets the path for the user's home directory. The path must exist. /PASSWORDCHG:{YES | NO} Specifies whether users can change their own password. The default is YES. /PASSWORDREQ:{YES | NO} Specifies whether a user account must have a password. The default is YES. /LOGONPASSWORDCHG:{YES|NO} Specifies whether user should change their own password at the next logon.The default is NO. /PROFILEPATH[:path] Sets a path for the user's logon profile. /SCRIPTPATH:pathname Is the location of the user's logon script. /TIMES:{times | ALL} Is the logon hours. TIMES is expressed as day[-day][,day[-day]],time[-time][,time [-time]], limited to 1-hour increments. Days can be spelled out or abbreviated. Hours can be 12- or 24-hour notation. For 12-hour notation, use am, pm, a.m., or p.m. ALL means a user can always log on, and a blank value means a user can never log on. Separate day and time entries with a comma, and separate multiple day and time entries with a semicolon. /USERCOMMENT:"text" Lets an administrator add or change the User Comment for the account. /WORKSTATIONS:{computername[,...] | *} Lists as many as eight computers from which a user can log on to the network. If /WORKSTATIONS has no list or if the list is *, the user can log on from any computer. NET HELP command | MORE displays Help one screen at a time. NET USER NET HELP USER describes the options for this command. NET VIEW [\\computername [/CACHE] | [/ALL] | /DOMAIN[:domainname]] NET VIEW displays a list of resources being shared on a computer. When used without options, it displays a list of computers in the current domain or network. \\computername Is a computer whose shared resources you want to view. /DOMAIN:domainname Specifies the domain for which you want to view the available computers. If domainname is omitted, displays all domains in the local area network. /CACHE Displays the offline client caching settings for the resources on the specified computer /ALL Displays all the shares including the $ shares NET VIEW NET HELP VIEW describes the options for this command. NET [ ACCOUNTS | COMPUTER | CONFIG | CONTINUE | FILE | GROUP | HELP | HELPMSG | LOCALGROUP | PAUSE | SESSION | SHARE | START | STATISTICS | STOP | TIME | USE | USER | VIEW ]  The keyword NET specifies Windows commands. NET HELP command | MORE displays Help one screen at a time. tNET NET describes the options for this command. SERVICES NET START can be used to start services, including: NET START BROWSER NET START DHCP CLIENT NET START EVENTLOG NET START FILE REPLICATION NET START NETLOGON NET START PLUG AND PLAY NET START REMOTE ACCESS CONNECTION MANAGER NET START ROUTING AND REMOTE ACCESS NET START RPCSS NET START SCHEDULE NET START SERVER NET START SPOOLER NET START TCP/IP NETBIOS HELPER NET START UPS NET START WORKSTATION When typed at the command prompt, service names of two words or more must be enclosed in quotation marks. For example, NET START "DHCP Client" starts the DHCP Client service.  SERVICES There are no options for this topic. This topic is a list of some services that can be started. It is not a NET command. SYNTAX The following conventions are used to indicate command syntax: - Capital letters represent words that must be typed as shown. Lower- case letters represent names of items that may vary, such as filenames. - The [ and ] characters surround optional items that can be supplied with the command. - The { and } characters surround lists of items. You must supply one of the items with the command. - The | character separates items in a list. Only one of the items can be supplied with the command. For example, in the following syntax, you must type NET COMMAND and either SWITCH1 or SWITCH2. Supplying a name is optional. NET COMMAND [name] {SWITCH1 | SWITCH2} - The [...] characters mean you can repeat the previous item. Separate items with spaces. - The [,...] characters mean you can repeat the previous item, but you must separate items with commas or semicolons, not spaces. - When typed at the command prompt, service names of two words or more must be enclosed in quotation marks. For example, NET START "COMPUTER BROWSER" starts the computer browser service.  SYNTAX There are no options for this topic. This topic is about how to read syntax lines. It is not a NET command. NAMES The following types of names are used with Windows: Computername A unique name that identifies a computer on the local-area network. Devicename The name by which Windows identifies a disk resource or printer. A disk resource is identified by a drive letter followed by a colon (for example, D:). A printer is identified by a port name followed by a colon (for example, LPT1:). Workgroup A group of computers on the network. Each workgroup has a unique name. Localgroup A group of names in a Workgroup that are granted the same rights. Domain A group of Windows Servers, Windows Workstations and other computers on the network. A domain has a unique name. Usually, you must log on in a domain to gain access to the network. Domains are created and managed with Windows Server. Global group A group of names in a domain that are granted the same rights. Filename The name of a file. Under the file allocation table (FAT) file system, a filename can have as many as eight characters, followed by a period (.) and an extension of as many as three characters. Under NTFS and HPFS, a filename can have as many as 254 characters. Network path A description of the location of a shared resource, consisting of a computer's computername followed by the sharename of the resource. The computername is preceded by two backslashes, and the sharename is preceded by one backslash (for example, \\SERVER1\RESOURCE). Path The location of a directory. A path can consist of a devicename and one or more directory names. A backslash (\) precedes each directory name (for example, C:\CUSTOMER\CORP\ACCT). Pathname A path and a filename. The filename is preceded by a backslash (\) (for example, C:\CUSTOMER\CORP\REPORT.DOC). Sharename A name that identifies a shared resource on a computer. A sharename is used with the computer's computername to form a network path (as in \\SERVER\RESOURCE). Username The name a person supplies when logging on at a computer. To view these definitions one screen at a time, type NET HELP NAMES | MORE.  $NAMES There are no options for this topic. This is a help topic about the different types of names Windows uses. It is not a NET command.  For more information on tools see the command-line reference in the online help. CONTINUE: CONT$ FILE: FILES$ GROUP: GROUPS$ REPLICATOR: REPL, REPLICATOR$ SESSION: SESSIONS, SESS$ STATISTICS: STATS$ USER: USERS$ WORKSTATION: REDIRECTOR, REDIR, RDR, WORK, WKSTA, PRDR, DEVRDR$ SERVER: SVR, SRV$ @NAMES$ SYNTAX$ SERVICES$ 4VS_VERSION_INFO@%@%?StringFileInfo040904B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft CorporationTFileDescriptionNet Help Messages DLLr)FileVersion6.3.9600.16384 (winblue_rtm.130821-1623)2 InternalNameneth.DLL.LegalCopyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.B OriginalFilenameneth.DLL.MUIj%ProductNameMicrosoft Windows Operating SystemBProductVersion6.3.9600.16384DVarFileInfo$Translation PADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGX