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Type and confirm a new password, and then click OK.P)f(˙˙‚&New password: Ps&Z$˙˙P;f%˙˙‚&Confirm new password: Ps8Z"˙˙PcP2˙˙€OKP›P2˙˙€Cancel˙˙ŔȐ ÔuChange PasswordMS Shell DlgPĆ&˙˙‚Your password on the remote network has expired. Type and confirm a new password, and then click OK.P)f'˙˙‚&Old password: Ps&Z#˙˙P;f(˙˙‚&New password: Ps8Z$˙˙PMf%˙˙‚&Confirm new password: PsJZ"˙˙Pc`2˙˙€OKP›`2˙˙€Cancel˙˙ŔȐ ădCallbackMS Shell Dlg€PŐ *˙˙‚You have 'Set By Caller' callback privileges on the server. To have the server call you back at the number below, click OK. To skip callback, click Cancel.P.Ő+˙˙‚&Enter your modem's phone number:€P9Ő)˙˙PrO2˙˙€OKPŞO2˙˙€Cancel˙˙ŔȐ äError Connecting to %1MS Shell DlgP,˙˙‚˙˙P( Ř\.˙˙‚PČh˙˙€Do not dial=88P‡Č6˙˙€&ClosePŃČ6-˙˙€&DiagnoseP†> °˙˙€&Enable loggingP† f˙˙‚P&´Link WindowFor logging options, see <A>diagnostics</A>PláÇ˙˙‚If you continue to receive error messages, you can enable logging for analysis.P&˘čČ˙˙‚Logging options can also be accessed by clicking the Remote Access Preferences menu item under the Advanced menu of the Network Connection Folder.˙˙ŔŔ.Ů<Connecting %1...MS Shell DlgP‰˙˙‚˙˙3€P'Ť I˙˙‚PT'2˙˙€Cancel˙˙ŔȀ äŞConnect %1MS Shell DlgPŰTL˙˙‚˙˙ŽPg0„˙˙‚D&ial:B!P>dšpˆ˙˙…Pg0˙˙‚&Connect:!P>dšpy˙˙…Pw.‡˙˙‚Dialing &from:!P>vWp†˙˙…P›u<T˙˙€Dialing &Rules PŒÖ˙˙˙˙‚P•26˙˙€&DialP>•27˙˙€CancelPt•2S˙˙€Pr&opertiesPŞ•28˙˙€&HelpPA˙˙ŔȀäŃConnect %1MS Shell DlgPŰUL˙˙‚˙˙ŽP f2…˙˙‚&User name:€P>cšP˙˙P x2X˙˙‚&Password: P>ušO˙˙ P‰Ö˙˙˙˙‚%P ŽË M˙˙€&Save this user name and password for the following users: %PÁ V˙˙€Me o&nly %PŠÁ W˙˙€&Anyone who uses this computerP Š f˙˙‚ PšÖ˙˙˙˙‚Pż26˙˙€&DialP>ż27˙˙€CancelPtż2S˙˙€Pr&opertiesPŞż28˙˙€&HelpPA˙˙ŔȀäĺConnect %1MS Shell DlgPŰUL˙˙‚˙˙ŽP f2…˙˙‚&User name:€P>cšP˙˙P x2X˙˙‚&Password: P>ušO˙˙P Š2V˙˙‚Do&main:ˆP>‡šN˙˙ P›Ö˙˙˙˙‚%P ŸË M˙˙€&Save this user name and password for the following users: %PŻÁ V˙˙€Me o&nly %PťÁ W˙˙€&Anyone who uses this computerP ť f˙˙‚ PĘÖ˙˙˙˙‚PĐ26˙˙€&DialP>Đ27˙˙€CancelPtĐ2S˙˙€Pr&opertiesPŞĐ28˙˙€&HelpPA˙˙ŔȀäConnect %1MS Shell DlgPŰUL˙˙‚˙˙ŽP f2…˙˙‚&User name:€P>cšP˙˙P x2X˙˙‚&Password: P>ušO˙˙P Š2V˙˙‚Do&main:ˆP>‡šN˙˙ PœÖ˙˙˙˙‚%P ¤Ë M˙˙€&Save this user name and password for the following users: %P´Á V˙˙€Me o&nly %PŔÁ W˙˙€&Anyone who uses this computerP Ŕ f˙˙‚ PŃÖ˙˙˙˙‚PÚ0„˙˙‚D&ial:B!P>ךpˆ˙˙…PÚ0˙˙‚&Connect:!P>ךpy˙˙… PéÖ˙˙˙˙‚Pň26˙˙€&DialP>ň27˙˙€CancelPtň2S˙˙€Pr&opertiesPŞň28˙˙€&HelpPA˙˙ŔȀäôConnect %1MS Shell DlgPŰUL˙˙‚˙˙ŽP f2…˙˙‚&User name:€P>cšP˙˙P x2X˙˙‚&Password: P>ušO˙˙ PŠÖ˙˙˙˙‚%P Ë M˙˙€&Save this user name and password for the following users: %PŸÁ V˙˙€Me o&nly %PŤÁ W˙˙€&Anyone who uses this computerP Ť f˙˙‚ PťÖ˙˙˙˙‚P Ć0„˙˙‚D&ial:B!P=Úpˆ˙˙…P Ć0˙˙‚&Connect:!P=Úpy˙˙… P×Ö˙˙˙˙‚Pß26˙˙€&DialP>ß27˙˙€CancelPtß2S˙˙€Pr&opertiesPŞß28˙˙€&HelpPA˙˙ŔȐ ԆISDN ConfigurationMS Shell DlgP+ƒ˙˙‚&Line type:C!P9”*˙˙…$P9” ~˙˙€&Negotiate line typeP0Ć3€˙˙€ $P 0f }˙˙€&Use old proprietary protocolP@H‚˙˙‚&Channels to use:€Pe=^˙˙$PRv |˙˙€&Enable hardware compressionPcq2˙˙€OKP›q2˙˙€Cancel˙˙ŔȐÔFISDN ConfigureMS Shell DlgP&ƒ˙˙‚&Line type:C!P9”+˙˙…$P9” ~˙˙€&Negotiate line typePc02˙˙€OKP›02˙˙€Cancel˙˙ŔȐ\MS Shell DlgDŁPNě‰˙˙@ü2Š˙˙€Pęü2˙˙€&DoneP#ü2˙˙€Cancel˙˙ŔȐ ü˝Modem ConfigurationMS Shell DlgPÖ˙˙‚˙˙Ţ@˙˙˙˙‚Modem€P(ÍÓ˙˙P$_Ű˙˙‚&Maximum speed (bps):C!Pm"ˆş×˙˙…P4_Ü˙˙‚Modem &protocolC!Pm2ˆşÝ˙˙…PDî9Ő˙˙€Hardware features$PRŮ Đ˙˙€E&nable hardware flow control$P_Ů Ď˙˙€En&able modem error control$PlŮ Í˙˙€Enable m&odem compression$P‘î Î˙˙€Enable mo&dem speakerP‹ 2˙˙€OKPĂ 2˙˙€Cancel˙˙ŔȀ~Select Network Component TypeMS Shell DlgP°˙˙˙˙‚Click the type of network component you want to install:MŔPź:ăSysListView32PQź˙˙˙˙€P Ząâ˙˙‚PÍ2ä˙˙€&Add...PÍ&2˙˙€Cancel˙˙@ŔPă×AutodialMS Shell DlgPŐ ˙˙˙˙‚If you are disconnected from a network, autodial attempts to connect to a network whenever you try to access remote information.P.Őî˙˙‚&Enable autodial by location:ăP9ŐměSysListView32$P­Ő Ř˙˙€Al&ways ask me before autodialing$PźŐ ˙˙€&Disable autodial while I am logged on˙˙@ŔPă×CallbackMS Shell DlgPŐ+˙˙‚When you dial into a server, it can offer to call you back to reduce your phone charges. Specify your callback preferences. (Callback is not supported for virtual private network (VPN) connections.) $P0Ő ˙˙€&No callback $P=Ő ˙˙€A&sk me during dialing when the server offers $PJŐ ˙˙€Al&ways call me back at the number(s) below:„ƒPU˝^ SysListView32Ph¸2˙˙€&Edit...PŸ¸2˙˙€&DeletePA˙˙ŔŔ=MS Shell DlgPF˙˙‚You need to set the dial-in credentials that remote routers will use when connecting to this interface. A user account will be created on this router with the information that you enter here.P*E6˙˙‚&User name:€Xu)Ż 2˙˙P;E5˙˙‚&Password: Pu9Ż 1˙˙PKE3˙˙‚&Confirm password: PuIŻ /˙˙˙˙ŔŔ =Demand-Dial Interface WizardMS Shell DlgP!F˙˙‚You need to set the dial out credentials that this interface will use when connecting to the remote router. These credentials must match the dial in credentials configured on the remote router.P*EH˙˙‚&User name:€Pu(Ż C˙˙P:EE˙˙‚&Domain:ˆPu8Ż A˙˙PJEG˙˙‚&Password: PuHŻ B˙˙PZED˙˙‚&Confirm password: PuXŻ @˙˙˙˙ŔȀă×NetworkingMS Shell DlgPŐ ”˙˙‚This c&onnection uses the following items: āPŐFăSysListView32P]Cä˙˙€I&nstall...PP]Cć˙˙€&UninstallP™]Cĺ˙˙€P&ropertiesPqŐ+1˙˙€DescriptionP~Ăâ˙˙‚˙˙@Ŕ@ă×SecurityMS Shell DlgPŐ/˙˙‚&Type of VPN:!P Ő.Š˙˙…P˜E>˙˙€Advanced &SettingsP(€ ˙˙‚&Data encryption:!P2Ő.×˙˙…PDŐz ˙˙€Authentication P PĹ˙˙€Use &Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) P |É ˙˙€Allow these &protocols P |É ˙˙€Use machine certi&ficates$Pˆž ˙˙€&Verify the Name and Usage attributes of the server s certificate P œÉ ˙˙€Use preshared ke&y for authenticationP¨ ˙˙‚&Key:€P4¨  ˙˙HŇx˙˙˙˙‚List of available EAP Packages:!P[ż* ˙˙…P¤j2 ˙˙€P&roperties$Pˆž Ó˙˙€&Unencrypted password (PAP)$P•ź Ö˙˙€&Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP)$P˘ž Ô˙˙€&Microsoft CHAP Version 2 (MS-CHAP v2)˙˙@Ŕ@ăćSecurityMS Shell DlgPŐ/˙˙‚&Type of VPN:!P Ő.Š˙˙…P˜E>˙˙€Advanced &settingsP(€ ˙˙‚&Data encryption:!P2Ő.×˙˙…PD՚ ˙˙€Authentication P PĹ˙˙€Use &Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) P |É ˙˙€Allow these &protocols P |É ˙˙€Use &machine certificatesHČx˙˙˙˙‚List of available EAP Packages:!P[ż* ˙˙…P¤j2 ˙˙€P&ropertiesP‡ś;˙˙‚EAP-MSCHAPv2 will be used for IKEv2 VPN type. Select any of these protocols for other VPN types.$PĄž Ó˙˙€&Unencrypted password (PAP)$PŽź Ö˙˙€Challenge &Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP)$Pťž Ô˙˙€Microsoft &CHAP Version 2 (MS-CHAP v2)$P"Ȳ–˙˙€&Automatically use my Windows logon name and password (and domain, if any)˙˙ŔŔ€ă×GeneralMS Shell DlgPÁd˙˙‚Connec&t using: LPÁ,hSysListView32@PĚl˙˙€&Up@PĚ$k˙˙€&Down$PD‰_˙˙€A&ll devices call the same numbers$PR‰Ń˙˙€Di&al only first available deviceP–B2j˙˙€C&onfigure...PeŐ^e˙˙€Sample typePt0m˙˙‚Ar&ea code:!P~0nb˙˙…PGt‹o˙˙‚&Phone number:€PG~Tc˙˙PĄ~2i˙˙€Alter&natesP’Ĺn˙˙‚Country/re&gion code:!PÁ‚f˙˙…$Pąe a˙˙€U&se dialing rulesPĄŻ2p˙˙€Dialing &RulesPÉÖßSysLink<A HREF="">Privacy statement</A>PA˙˙ŔŔ€ă×GeneralMS Shell DlgPÂd˙˙‚Connect using: ě€XŐgSysListView32PŠ&2j˙˙€C&onfigure...P9Őde˙˙€Sample textPH0m˙˙‚Ar&ea code:!PS0wb˙˙…PGHŒo˙˙‚&Phone number:€PGSTc˙˙PĄS2i˙˙€Alter&natesPgÁn˙˙‚Country/re&gion code:!PrÁ‚f˙˙…$P†ˆa˙˙€U&se dialing rulesPĄ„2p˙˙€Dialing &RulesPťÖßSysLink<A HREF="">Privacy statement</A>PA˙˙ŔŔP=Demand-Dial Interface WizardMS Shell DlgP†˙˙‚Type a name for this demand dial interface. A common practice is to name interfaces after the network or router to which they connect.P‡˙˙‚&Interface name:€P) …˙˙$HdŠ„˙˙€I &know all about demand-dial interfaces and would rather edit the properties directly˙˙@Ŕ@ă×SecurityMS Shell DlgP€ ˙˙‚&Data encryption:!P Ő.×˙˙…PŐi ˙˙€Authentication P *Ĺ˙˙€Use E&xtensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) P RÉ ˙˙€Allow these &protocolsHžŒ˙˙˙˙‚List of available EAP Packages:!P4ż* ˙˙…P¤C2 ˙˙€P&roperties$P^ž Ó˙˙€&Unencrypted password (PAP)$Pkź Ö˙˙€&Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP)$Pxž Ô˙˙€&Microsoft CHAP Version 2 (MS-CHAP v2)PŒŐ1™˙˙€Interactive logon and scripting$P™5 ”˙˙€Run &script:HHȌ˙˙˙˙‚List of available scripts:B!PH˜Œh›˙˙…Pj¨2ž˙˙€&Edit...PĄ¨2˙˙€&Browse...˙˙@Ŕ@ăćSecurityMS Shell DlgP€ ˙˙‚&Data encryption:!P Ő.×˙˙…PՀ ˙˙€Authentication P *Ĺ˙˙€Use E&xtensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) P RÉ ˙˙€Allow these &protocolsHÜx˙˙˙˙‚List of available EAP Packages:!P4ż* ˙˙…P¤C2 ˙˙€P&roperties$P^ž Ó˙˙€&Unencrypted password (PAP)$Pkź Ö˙˙€&Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP)$Pxž Ô˙˙€&Microsoft CHAP Version 2 (MS-CHAP v2)$P"…˛–˙˙€&Automatically use my Windows logon name and password (and domain, if any)PĽŐ:™˙˙€Interactive logon and scripting$P°Ć •˙˙€S&how terminal window$P˝5 ”˙˙€Run &script:HH܌˙˙˙˙‚List of available scripts:B!PHźŒh›˙˙…PjĚ2ž˙˙€&Edit...PĄĚ2˙˙€&Browse...˙˙@Ŕ@ ă×SecurityMS Shell DlgP€ ˙˙‚&Data encryption:!P Ő.×˙˙…PŐj ˙˙€Authentication P *Ĺ˙˙€Use &Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) P RÉ ˙˙€Allow these &protocolsHŇx˙˙˙˙‚List of available EAP Packages:!P4ż* ˙˙…P¤C2 ˙˙€P&roperties$P^ž Ó˙˙€&Unencrypted password (PAP)$Pkź Ö˙˙€&Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP)$Pxž Ô˙˙€&Microsoft CHAP Version 2 (MS-CHAP v2)˙˙@Ŕ@ ă×SecurityMS Shell DlgP€ ˙˙‚&Data encryption:!P Ő.×˙˙…PՀ ˙˙€Authentication P *Ĺ˙˙€Use &Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) P RÉ ˙˙€Allow these &protocolsHČx˙˙˙˙‚List of available EAP Packages:!P4ż* ˙˙…P¤C2 ˙˙€P&roperties$P^ž Ó˙˙€&Unencrypted password (PAP)$Pkź Ö˙˙€&Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP)$Pxž Ô˙˙€&Microsoft CHAP Version 2 (MS-CHAP v2)$P"…˛–˙˙€&Automatically use my Windows logon name and password (and domain, if any)˙˙ŔȀă×NetworkingMS Shell DlgPŐ ”˙˙‚This c&onnection uses the following items: āPŐTăSysListView32PmCä˙˙€I&nstall...PPmCć˙˙€&UninstallP™mCĺ˙˙€P&ropertiesPŐ+1˙˙€DescriptionPŽĂâ˙˙‚˙˙HŔ@ăÍOptionsMS Shell DlgPČ ˙˙€&Display progress while connectingPČ ˙˙€&Prompt for name and password, certificate, etc.PČ ˙˙€Include &Windows logon domain$P+Č ˙˙€Prompt for phone &numberP:Č ˙˙‚Idle ti&me before hanging up:!P–7Fl ˙˙…$PIČ Đ˙˙€&Keep this connection connected when switching usersPZ<‹˙˙€PPP Settin&gs...˙˙ŔŔ=MS Shell DlgP;˙˙‚Some dial-up servers and routers require an interactive login after connecting. You can run a script automatically to respond for you.P˘ ś˙˙€Show &terminal windowP*: ˇ˙˙€&Run script:HZx˙˙˙˙‚List of available scripts:B!P7X6˙˙…PÉG27˙˙€&Edit...PţG2š˙˙€Br&owse...˙˙ŔŔ=Demand-Dial Interface WizardMS Shell DlgPz˛ H˙˙‚Completing the Demand-Dial Interface Wizard.Pz)˛J˙˙‚You have successfully completed the Demand-Dial Interface Wizard.PzB˛,K˙˙‚When you click Finish, this wizard creates the interface and enables it on the router. To edit the interface, in the Routing and Remote Access snap-in, click Network Interfaces. Select the interface, and then click Properties.PA˙˙ŔŔ=MS Shell DlgP L˙˙‚Select the &modem or adapter this interface will use.āPPKSysListView32˙˙ŔŔ=MS Shell DlgP*P˙˙‚Enter the phone number of the dial-up server or router you are calling. Alternate phone numbers, if any, are dialed automatically if the primary number cannot be reached.P2Q˙˙‚&Phone number or address:€P>N˙˙PöP2O˙˙€&Alternates...˙˙ŔŔ=Demand-Dial Interface WizardMS Shell DlgP l˙˙‚Select all that apply:%P  j˙˙€Route &IP packets on this interface.%P  f˙˙€&Add a user account so a remote router can dial in%P , i˙˙€Send a &plain-text password if that is the only way to connect%P ;h˙˙€&Use scripting to complete the connection with the remote router˙˙ŔȀÔYConnect Using Smart CardMS Shell DlgPĆw˙˙‚&Connection user name:€PĆr˙˙P&Ćň˙˙‚&Smart card PIN: P0Ćó˙˙PeD2˙˙€OKP›D2˙˙€Cancel˙˙ŔȀ ×­Connect %1MS Shell DlgPÇ t˙˙‚Re-enter your user name and passwordPÇ2˙˙˙˙‚Windows could not connect using the user name and password you provided. You can leave the domain box empty, since domain names are not needed to connect to the Internet.PN,w˙˙‚&User name:€PIK„r˙˙P`-u˙˙‚&Password: PI]„q˙˙Pr5s˙˙‚&Domain:ˆPIo„p˙˙ P´ o˙˙€&Remember this user name and passwordPd˜2˙˙€OKP›˜2˙˙€CancelP’Ćv˙˙‚˙˙ŔȀ<ÔDPPP SettingsMS Shell Dlg$PĆ ˙˙€&Enable LCP extensions$PĆ ˙˙€E&nable software compression$P!Ć ˙˙€Negotiate &multi-link for single-link connectionsPc12˙˙€OKP›12˙˙€Cancel˙˙@Ŕ@ă×ConnectionsMS Shell DlgPŐ?.˙˙€Logon privilegesPÄ-˙˙‚Non-administrators might be allowed to create or modify connections before logging on.$P4ž Ů˙˙€Allo&w creating and modifying connections before logon˙˙ŔȀ Router CallbackMS Shell DlgPů˙˙‚When you dial into a router, it can offer to call you back to reduce your phone charges or to increase security. Specify your callback preferences. $P&ů Ý˙˙€&No callback $P3ů Ţ˙˙€Al&ways call me back at the number(s) below:„ƒP?ŕßSysListView32PŠÓ2ŕ˙˙€&Edit...PÂÓ2á˙˙€&DeletePéů˙˙˙˙˙˙‚P–ň2˙˙€OKPÎň2˙˙€Cancel˙˙ŔȀäšConnect %1MS Shell DlgPŰUL˙˙‚˙˙ŽP f2…˙˙‚&User name:€P>cšP˙˙ P{Ö˙˙˙˙‚P…26˙˙€&DialP>…27˙˙€CancelPt…2S˙˙€Pr&opertiesPŞ…28˙˙€&HelpPA˙˙ŔȀ äśConnect %1MS Shell DlgPŰUL˙˙‚˙˙ŽP f2…˙˙‚&User name:€P>cšP˙˙ P{Ö˙˙˙˙‚P ˆ0„˙˙‚D&ial:B!P>„špˆ˙˙…P ˆ0˙˙‚&Connect:!P>„špy˙˙… P›Ö˙˙˙˙‚PŁ26˙˙€&DialP>Ł27˙˙€CancelPtŁ2S˙˙€Pr&opertiesPŞŁ28˙˙€&HelpPA˙˙ŔȀäĆConnect %1MS Shell DlgPŰUL˙˙‚˙˙ŽP f2…˙˙‚&User name:€P>cšP˙˙ PxÖ˙˙˙˙‚P †0„˙˙‚D&ial:B!P>ƒšpˆ˙˙…P †0˙˙‚&Connect:!P>ƒšpy˙˙…P –.‡˙˙‚Dialing &from:!P>•Wp†˙˙…P›”<T˙˙€Dialing &Rules PŤÖ˙˙˙˙‚Pł26˙˙€&DialP>ł27˙˙€CancelPtł2S˙˙€Pr&opertiesPŞł28˙˙€&HelpPA˙˙ŔŔ€=Demand-Dial Interface WizardMS Shell DlgPzź ú˙˙‚Welcome to the Demand-Dial Interface Wizard.Pz+źű˙˙‚This wizard helps you create a demand-dial connection to connect this router to other routers.PzUźü˙˙‚To continue, click Next.˙˙ŔŔ@=Demand-Dial Interface WizardMS Shell DlgP˙˙˙‚Enter the name or IP address of the router you are connecting to.P ˙˙‚&Host name or IP address (such as or or 3ffe:1234::1111 ):€P4˙˙˙˙ŔȀ äŠConnect %1MS Shell DlgPŰUL˙˙‚˙˙ŽP f2…˙˙‚&User name:€P>cšP˙˙P x2V˙˙‚Do&main:ˆP>ušN˙˙ PŒÓ˙˙˙˙‚P–26˙˙€&DialP>–27˙˙€CancelPt–2S˙˙€Pr&opertiesPŞ–28˙˙€&HelpPA˙˙ŔȀäÉConnect %1MS Shell DlgPŰUL˙˙‚˙˙ŽP f2…˙˙‚&User name:€P>cšP˙˙P w2V˙˙‚Do&main:ˆP>tšN˙˙ P‰Ö˙˙˙˙‚P –0„˙˙‚D&ial:B!P>’špˆ˙˙…P –0˙˙‚&Connect:!P>’špy˙˙… PŠÖ˙˙˙˙‚Pą26˙˙€&DialP>ą27˙˙€CancelPtą2S˙˙€Pr&opertiesPŞą28˙˙€&HelpPA˙˙ŔȀäŮConnect %1MS Shell DlgPŰUL˙˙‚˙˙ŽP f2…˙˙‚&User name:€P>cšP˙˙P x2V˙˙‚Do&main:ˆP>ušN˙˙ PŠÖ˙˙˙˙‚P ˜0„˙˙‚D&ial:B!P>•špˆ˙˙…P ˜0˙˙‚&Connect:!P>•špy˙˙…P ¨.‡˙˙‚Dialing &from:!P>§Wp†˙˙…P›Ś<T˙˙€Dialing &Rules P˝Ö˙˙˙˙‚PĹ26˙˙€&DialP>Ĺ27˙˙€CancelPtĹ2S˙˙€Pr&opertiesPŞĹ28˙˙€&HelpPA˙˙ČŔ€ ă×GeneralMS Shell DlgPÁd˙˙‚Connec&t using: LPÁ,hSysListView32@PĚl˙˙€&Up@PĚ$k˙˙€&Down$PD‰ _˙˙€A&ll devices call the same numbersP–B2j˙˙€C&onfigure...PeŐ8e˙˙€Sample typePtżo˙˙‚&Phone number:€P~Šc˙˙PĄ~2i˙˙€Alter&nates$PR‰Ń˙˙€Di&al only first available devicePťÖßSysLink<A HREF="">Privacy statement</A>PA˙˙ČŔ€ă×GeneralMS Shell DlgPŞ&2j˙˙€C&onfigure...PHÂo˙˙‚&Phone number:€PS˜c˙˙PŞS2i˙˙€Alter&natesPÂd˙˙‚Connec&t using: ě€XŐgSysListView32PťÖßSysLink<A HREF="">Privacy statement</A>PA˙˙ŔȐîVInitial ConnectionMS Shell DlgPIA2˙˙€&YesPƒA2˙˙€&NoP'˙˙‚˙˙P( ´!(˙˙‚$P(/´ +˙˙€&Don't display this reminder again˙˙@ŔH=New Connection WizardMS Shell DlgP˙˙˙˙‚Type the name of your service in the following box. If you leave the box blank, Windows will automatically detect and configure your service when you connect.P˙˙˙˙‚&Service name (optional):€P*9˙˙˙˙ŔŔ€ă×GeneralMS Shell DlgPÖ –˙˙‚&Service name:€PŐ:˙˙PťÖßSysLink<A HREF="">Privacy statement</A>PA˙˙ČŔ@öPIKEv2MS Shell DlgP ćZŘ˙˙€P ( ŕ˙˙€&MobilityPj’˙˙‚&Network outage time:!PFl“˙˙…˙˙ČŔ@öPL2TPMS Shell DlgP B˙˙‚&Key: PÎD˙˙€Use &preshared key for authentication€P*Ź E˙˙ P(Îď˙˙€Use &certificate for authentication$P6Üđ˙˙€&Verify the Name and Usage attributes of the server s certificatePA˙˙ŔȀă×SharingMS Shell DlgP<Őd?˙˙‚˙˙ŔȀ=Demand-Dial Interface WizardMS Shell DlgP /˙˙˙˙‚To activate this demand-dial connection, you must add a static route to the network. Specify the IP address of the remote networks this network will communicate with.P" ˙˙˙˙‚&Static Routes: €P./>œSysListView32List1Po2˙˙€&AddP=o2ž˙˙€&RemovePA˙˙ŔȀůStatic RouteMS Shell DlgPë8˙˙˙˙˙˙€Remote network support using IPv4P=ë:˙˙˙˙˙˙€Remote network support using IPv6 P ‚á˙˙€&Remote Network Support using IPv4 P =‚â˙˙€Remote Network &Support using IPv6P@ć˙˙‚&Destination:P[ d ŸSysIPAddress32PFç˙˙‚&Network Mask:P[d  SysIPAddress32P+;č˙˙‚Me&tric:€ P[) ˘˙˙PK>é˙˙‚D&estination:€P[JŽ ămsctls_netaddressPZHę˙˙‚&Prefix Length:€ P[X ä˙˙Pi=ë˙˙‚&Metric:€ P[g ĺ˙˙P…z2˙˙€OKPŔz2˙˙€Cancel˙˙ŔȀă”DiagnosticsMS Shell DlgP a’ Ź˙˙€&Enable loggingPa f˙˙‚PpA§˙˙€&Clear LogP}pFŠ˙˙€&Generate ReportP#Ňb˙˙˙˙€Logging optionsP2š&˙˙˙˙‚You can enable logging to create log files to record connection errors. To view or save log files as one report or send them in one e-mail message, click Generate Report.PÔ˙˙˙˙‚The options you select apply to all your remote access connections.PA˙˙ŔȀ ôŐGenerate Diagnostic ReportMS Shell Dlg P3 Ă˙˙€&View report PĂ ˇ˙˙€&Save report to this file PNĹ ť˙˙€Send report to this e-&mail address:P,ŒĆ˙˙‚&Enter path and file name:€P:š˙˙PŻ:2Â˙˙€&Browse€PZĆž˙˙PŚ˝ Ä˙˙€&Generate summary reportPrż2˙˙€OKPłż2˙˙€CancelP~Í˙˙˙˙‚A normal report will take several minutes to generate. A summary report will take less time to generate but will contain less information.P uŕA˙˙˙˙€Report SizeP ái˙˙˙˙€Report Generation OptionsPA˙˙ŔŔ?Diagnostic ReportMS Shell DlgPĆ)2˙˙€Cancel€P đ Ĺmsctls_progress32Progress1P n ˙˙˙˙‚Generating report...PĽRÉ˙˙‚Finished: 0%P $­Ě˙˙‚˙˙ŔȀä’Connect %1MS Shell DlgPŰUL˙˙‚˙˙Ž PgÖ˙˙˙˙‚Pw26˙˙€&DialP>w27˙˙€CancelPtw2S˙˙€Pr&opertiesPŞw28˙˙€&HelpPA˙˙ŔȀ äœConnect %1MS Shell DlgPŰTL˙˙‚˙˙ŽPg0„˙˙‚D&ial:B!P>dšpˆ˙˙…Pg0˙˙‚&Connect:!P>dšpy˙˙… P}Ö˙˙˙˙‚P†26˙˙€&DialP>†27˙˙€CancelPt†2S˙˙€Pr&opertiesPކ28˙˙€&HelpPA˙˙ŔȀäConnect %1MS Shell DlgPŰUL˙˙‚˙˙ŽP f2…˙˙‚&User name:€P>cšP˙˙P x2X˙˙‚&Password: P>ušO˙˙ P‰Ö˙˙˙˙‚%P Ë M˙˙€&Save this user name and password for the following users: %PÁ V˙˙€Me o&nly %PŠÁ W˙˙€&Anyone who uses this computerP Š f˙˙‚ PźÖ˙˙˙˙‚PĹ0„˙˙‚D&ial:B!P>špˆ˙˙…PĹ0˙˙‚&Connect:!P>špy˙˙…PŐ.‡˙˙‚Dialing &from:!P>ÔWp†˙˙…P›Ó<T˙˙€Dialing &Rules PćÖ˙˙˙˙‚Pí26˙˙€&DialP>í27˙˙€CancelPtí2S˙˙€Pr&opertiesPŞí28˙˙€&HelpPA˙˙ŔȀäConnect %1MS Shell DlgPŰUL˙˙‚˙˙ŽP f2…˙˙‚&User name:€P>cšP˙˙P x2X˙˙‚&Password: P>ušO˙˙P Š2V˙˙‚Do&main:ˆP>‡šN˙˙ P›Ö˙˙˙˙‚%P ˘Ë M˙˙€&Save this user name and password for the following users: %P˛Á V˙˙€Me o&nly %PžÁ W˙˙€&Anyone who uses this computerP ž f˙˙‚ PÍÖ˙˙˙˙‚P×0„˙˙‚D&ial:B!P>Ԛpˆ˙˙…P×0˙˙‚&Connect:!P>Ԛpy˙˙…Pç.‡˙˙‚Dialing &from:!P>ćWp†˙˙…P›ĺ<T˙˙€Dialing &Rules PúÖ˙˙˙˙‚P26˙˙€&DialP>27˙˙€CancelPt2S˙˙€Pr&opertiesPŞ28˙˙€&HelpPA˙˙ŔŔ€ăćGeneralMS Shell DlgPÖ–˙˙‚&Host name or IP address of destination (such as or or 3ffe:1234::1111):€PŐ“˙˙P2ŐN—˙˙€First connectP?Á˜˙˙‚Windows can first connect to a public network, such as the Internet, before trying to establish this virtual connection.P^ˇ ”˙˙€&Dial another connection first:H×x˙˙˙˙‚List of available RAS connections:!PjśW•˙˙…PťÖßSysLink<A HREF="">Privacy statement</A>PA˙˙HŔ@ăÍOptionsMS Shell DlgPČ ÷˙˙€&Remember my credentialsPČ ˙˙‚Idle ti&me before hanging up:!P–Fl ˙˙…$P"Č Đ˙˙€&Keep this connection connected when switching usersP2<‹˙˙€PPP Settin&gs...˙˙ŔŔ€ă×GeneralMS Shell DlgPÖ–˙˙‚&Host name or IP address of destination (such as or or 3ffe:1234::1111):€PŐ“˙˙PŠÖßSysLink<A HREF="">Privacy statement</A>PA˙˙ŔŔ€ă×GeneralMS Shell DlgPÖ –˙˙‚&Service name:€PŐ:˙˙PťÖßSysLink<A HREF="">Privacy statement</A>PA˙˙ŔŔ€ă×GeneralMS Shell DlgPÄ-˙˙‚Select a location closest to your office.P<= ˙˙‚VPN &Destination:!PIÄG˙˙…PťÖßSysLink<A HREF="">Privacy statement</A>PA˙˙@Ȑ é>Network ConnectionsMS Shell DlgPŰ °˙˙‚C&hoose a network connection:!Pیą˙˙…P'2Š˙˙€&Connect...P=';´˙˙€&PropertiesP~'-ł˙˙€&New...P°'2Ż˙˙€ClosePA˙˙ŔȐ MS Shell DlgPů˝˙˙‚Sample text€PÁž˙˙P`$2ż˙˙€&AddP—$2Ŕ˙˙€&ReplaceP9ÁÁ˙˙‚Sample textĄPDÁŒÂ˙˙ƒ€PÎD2Ă˙˙€€PÎV2Ä˙˙€&DownP—Ó2Ĺ˙˙€D&eletePéůÇ˙˙‚P—ň2˙˙€OKPÎň2˙˙€Cancel˙˙ŔȐ MS Shell DlgPÁ˝˙˙‚Sample text€PÁž˙˙P`$2ż˙˙€&AddP—$2Ŕ˙˙€&ReplaceP9ÁÁ˙˙‚Sample textĄPDÁ‡Â˙˙ƒ€PÎD2Ă˙˙€&Up€PÎV2Ä˙˙€&DownP—Ě2Ĺ˙˙€D&elete$Páů Ć˙˙€Sample textP—ň2˙˙€OKPÎň2˙˙€Cancel˙˙ŔȐ MS Shell DlgPů˝˙˙‚Sample text€Půž˙˙P—$2ż˙˙€&AddPÎ$2Ŕ˙˙€&ReplaceP9ĹÁ˙˙‚Sample textĄPDůŒÂ˙˙ƒPÎÓ2Ĺ˙˙€D&eletePéůÇ˙˙‚P—ň2˙˙€OKPÎň2˙˙€Cancel˙˙ŔȀă=Phone Number EditorMS Shell DlgPŐÉ˙˙‚&Type the new phone number:€PŐĘ˙˙Pr(2˙˙€OKPŞ(2˙˙€Cancel˙˙HŔ@ ăÍOptionsMS Shell DlgPŐ7 ˙˙€Connection type $PÇ â˙˙€&Demand-dialPc˙˙‚Idle ti&me before hanging up:!PFl ˙˙… $P-Ĺ ă˙˙€&Persistent connectionPAŐ0 ˙˙€Dialing policyPOy˙˙‚&Redial attempts:€ PLF˙˙P`y˙˙‚A&verage redial intervals:!P^F{ ˙˙…P˛2˙˙€Call&backPA˛<‹˙˙€PPP Settin&gs...$P zČ Đ˙˙€&Keep this connection connected when switching users˙˙ŔŔ€=Demand-Dial Interface WizardMS Shell Dlg %Přű˙˙€Connect using a &modem, ISDN adapter, or other device %P#řü˙˙€Connect using &virtual private networking (VPN) P7 ˜˙˙€Connect &using PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE)˙˙ŔŔ@=Demand-Dial Interface WizardMS Shell Dlg %P ţ˙˙€&Automatic selection %P# ü˙˙€&Point to Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) %P6 ý˙˙€&Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) %PI ˙˙€&IKEv2˙˙ÄȀ ÔgGeneralMS Shell DlgP S ˙˙˙˙‚&User name:€PalY˙˙PS ˙˙˙˙‚&Full name:€PalZ˙˙P.S ˙˙˙˙‚&Password: Pa+l[˙˙P@S ˙˙˙˙‚&Confirm password: Pa=l\˙˙PbR2˙˙€OKP›R2˙˙€Cancel˙˙@Ŕ@ă×CallbackMS Shell Dlg $PŐ a˙˙€&Do not allow callback $PŐ ^˙˙€All&ow the caller to set the callback number $P!Ő _˙˙€Al&ways use the following callback number:€ƒP,É`˙˙˙˙@Ŕ@ăÍGeneralMS Shell DlgPŐl˙˙˙˙˙˙€Incoming connectionsPÁ˙˙˙˙˙˙‚Allow incoming connections on these devices.P˙˙˙˙˙˙‚&Devices:DƒP)Á/cSysListView32$P`A d˙˙€&Enable multilinkP–^<e˙˙€P&ropertiesPxŐ1˙˙˙˙˙˙€Virtual private network$P…Áf˙˙€Allo&w others to make private connections to my computer by tunneling through the Internet or other networkPA˙˙ČȀąIncoming IP PropertiesMS Shell DlgPú ˙˙˙˙˙˙€Network access%Pĺ i˙˙€Allow &callers to access my local area networkP+úl˙˙˙˙˙˙€IP address assignment $P8ç k˙˙€&Assign IP addresses automatically using DHCP $PGç l˙˙€S&pecify IP addressesPW5˙˙˙˙˙˙‚&From:PZUd jSysIPAddress32Pf5˙˙˙˙˙˙‚&To:PZed mSysIPAddress32Pw5 ˙˙˙˙˙˙‚Total:PZv< p˙˙‚$P†ç n˙˙€Allo&w calling computer to specify its own IP addressP›œ2˙˙€OKPϜ2˙˙€Cancel˙˙ŔȀÖ2Incoming Protocol PropertiesMS Shell Dlg%PČ z˙˙€Allow &callers to access my local area networkPe2˙˙€OKP2˙˙€Cancel˙˙ŔȀă×NetworkingMS Shell DlgPŐ ˙˙˙˙˙˙‚&Network components: DPŐY|SysListView32PqC}˙˙€&Install...PPqC~˙˙€&UninstallP™qC˙˙€P&ropertiesPŠŐE˙˙˙˙˙˙€DescriptionP–Á0€˙˙‚<protocol description>˙˙@Ŕ@ă×UsersMS Shell DlgPŐ˙˙˙˙˙˙‚&Users allowed to connect: DƒPŐSƒSysListView32PkC„˙˙€&New...PPkC…˙˙€&DeleteP™kC†˙˙€P&roperties$P—Ő ˆ˙˙€Re&quire all users to secure their passwords and data$P§Ő‰˙˙€Al&ways allow directly connected devices such as handheld computers to connect without providing a passwordP}Ô˙˙˙˙˙˙‚Note that other factors, such as a disabled user account, may affect a user's ability to connect.PA˙˙ČŔ€= Segoe UIP˙˙˙˙‚Select the check box next to a name to allow that person access to this computer and network.P(˙˙˙˙‚&User accounts on this computer: DƒP'ńBƒSysListView32P nP„˙˙€&Add someone& P’nP†˙˙€Account &PropertiesPA˙˙ČŔ€= Segoe UIP f˙˙€Through the &InternetP ˙˙˙˙‚Another computer can connect to this one using a virtual private network (VPN) connection.P'‚ ˙˙€Through a &dial-up modem DƒP6ý2cSysListView32˙˙ČŔ€=„ Segoe UIP˙˙˙˙‚Select the check box next to each type of networking software that should be enabled for incoming connections.P˙˙˙˙‚Networking &software: DP .|SysListView32PXP<}˙˙€&Install...P˜P<~˙˙€&UninstallPŘP<˙˙€&PropertiesP_˙˙˙˙‚Description:Pi&€˙˙‚<protocol description>˙˙ŔŔ€=MS Shell DlgP˙˙˙˙‚Virtual private connections to your computer through the Internet are possible only if your computer has a known name or IP address on the Internet. $PA  ˙˙€&Allow virtual private connections $PP  Ž˙˙€&Do not allow virtual private connectionsP4˙˙˙˙‚Do you want to allow virtual private connections to this computer?P–˙˙‚If you allow VPN connections, the system will modify the Windows Firewall settings to allow your computer to send and receive VPN packets.˙˙ČȀ zIncoming IPv6 PropertiesMS Shell DlgPú8˙˙˙˙˙˙€Network access%P⠘˙˙€Allow &callers to access my local area networkPCú˙˙˙˙˙˙€IPv6 Prefix assignmentPR#˙˙˙˙˙˙‚Pre&fix:€P>P  ™msctls_netaddressP›f2˙˙€OKPĎf2˙˙€CancelP"[œ˙˙‚&Private Adapter:!P+Í›˙˙…˙˙@Ŕ€œ,Dial-Up NetworkingMS Shell DlgP ˝M˙˙‚˙˙3P-ižM˙˙‚Waiting for services to start...&No, do not dial\You (or a program) have requested information from %1. Which connection do you want to use?Add Alternate Phone Number!Dial only first available deviceDial all devicesDial devices only as neededIEnter a user name and password with access to the remote network domain.3The area code must contain only the digits 0 to 9.wThe entry name must contain at least one non-blank character and cannot begin with a period. Choose a different name.…The custom authentication configuration DLL could not be loaded. Make sure the custom authentication package is correctly installed.ŒThe connection selected was established by the Multiprotocol router. Please use the 'Routing and RAS Admin' tool to hang up the connection.Comment8The custom authentication package configuration failed.ŐTCP/IP is not installed or is disabled for Routing and Remote Access. In Control Panel, start Network, go to the Services page, choose 'Routing and Remote Access Service' Properties, and press the Network button.<Do you want to remove the selected device(s) from the list?-Do you want to delete %1 from the phonebook?#Do you want to disconnect from %1?=A file named %1 already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?KSyntax errors were found in the script. Do you want to view the error log?'%1' is now connected. nRight-click the Dial-Up Networking Monitor on the task bar to hang up or check the status of your connection.Connected successfully.lnkDial-up shortcut files (*.rnk)*.rnkCreate Dial-Up Shortcut)Link to %1 failed. Reconnect pending...%Cannot retrieve framing information."Cannot retrieve port information.(Cannot retrieve projection information.Cannot load connection list.Client:DetailsDevice: Network:(not connected) &Connect... Hang &UpDial-up Connection$Modem configuration set to defaultsCOM1Remote RouterModem or deviceDEnter a username for this interface's account on the remote router.BAn entry named %1 already exists. Please choose a different name.@You may want to allow sending your password without encryption.Password EncryptionPhone &number:Call Me Back AtEdit Alternate Phone NumberoSince this connection is currently active, some settings will not take effect until the next time you dial it.QThere are no connections available to all users. You must log on before dialing.4The phonebook is empty. To add an entry, click OK.`Due to import/export restrictions, data encryption is not available in this version of Windows. Error %1: %2%1 Error %2: %3 %1 Error %2: %3 Diagnostic: %4%1 Error %2: %3 Fail Code: %41%1 Error %2: %3 Press F1 for more information.%1 Error %2: %3 Name: %4%1 %4%1 Error %2: %3 Response: %4Fail Code: 0x%1 Name: %1 %1 CP reported error %2: %3 %1 CP connected successfully. .You can choose which dial-up protocol to use.Choose Dial-up ProtocolClick Finish to save '%1'. netcfg.hlp=&Move successful number to the top of the list on connection&New phone number:&Phone numbers:Phone Numbers"You may enter a fixed IP address. IP AddressÓThe Internet protocols (TCP/IP), are not installed or are disabled for Remote Access. In Control Panel, start Network, go to the Services page, choose 'Remote Access Service' Properties, and then click Network.PATCP/IPIPsec, default policy (the current location)ISDN&All available ISDN lines multi-linked 64K Digital 56K Digital 56K Voice4You may need a special procedure before connecting.Choose Logon Options%d%%Phone number for %s&New location: &Locations: LocationsPA1This device will be used to make the connection.Select a DeviceFMultiple lines cannot be bundled unless you are calling a PPP server.ModemThe modem is not installed.5Microsoft Point-to-Point Encryption, 128-bit RSA/RC44Microsoft Point-to-Point Encryption, 40-bit RSA/RC4Multiple Lines(Click Configure to set),You may enter fixed DNS and WINS addresses.Name Server AddressesPPPPPP multi-linkPAaA personal phonebook has been created and initialized with the contents of the system phonebook.$No alternate phonebook is selected..That device cannot be dynamically configured.5The entry cannot be deleted because it is connected.5No entry is selected. To create an entry, click New.QA non-zero IP address must be supplied when 'specify an IP address' is selected.(none)'%1' is already in the list.$Help secure my password and my dataĐThe %1 protocol cannot be selected because it is not installed or is disabled for Remote Access. To change, in Control Panel start Network, choose Services page, Remote Access Properties, and click Network.Cannot save password.Cannot display data."Cannot get auto-dial information.Cannot load dialog.Cannot disable shared access.PACannot load property page.Cannot load phonebook.*Cannot load RAS Manager port information.,Cannot read user preferences from registry. Cannot load script information.%Cannot view script.log with Notepad.%Cannot edit switch.inf with Notepad.Cannot load TAPI information.Cannot create new phonebook.Cannot enable shared access.$Cannot connect the phonebook entry. Cannot get send/receive buffer.*Cannot get status information for a port.&Cannot retrieve protocol information.#Cannot receive buffer from device.PACannot send buffer to device.Cannot retrieve data.Cannot save TAPI information.Cannot save data.The script has halted.JThe script has halted due to an error. Do you want to view the error log?"Cannot set auto-dial information.Cannot delete saved password.Cannot write phonebook. Writing preferences to registry Cannot write the shortcut file.OK'Cannot configure incoming connections.ńBecause this connection was started by an application with restricted privileges, you cannot change the properties of the connection. Please use the Network and Sharing Center or Network Connections folder to change the connection settings.7The Password and Confirm password fields do not match.?The New Password and Confirm New Password fields do not match.pbkDial-Up Phonebook*.pbkOpen PhonebookClone Phonebook EntryEdit Phonebook EntryNew Phonebook Entry Phone numberPhone numbersNetwork Connections/You must select at least one network protocol.EBefore you can call PPP servers you must install a network protocol. &New prefix: &Prefixes:Phone Number PrefixesPAdPoint-to-point protocol settings to use when %1 initiates a demand-dial connection on interface %2:+[To change the saved password, click here]RemovedPA&RedialYou have chosen to disable one or more transports. Doing so requires the routing managers and routing protocols for the disabled transports to be removed from this demand-dial connection. To continue, click Yes. To re-enable the transports, click No.'Demand-dial interface dial-in account.CYou now need to set the dial-out credentials that interface '%1' will use when connecting to the remote router. These credentials must match the dial-in credentials configured on the remote router. When connecting to a Windows NT4/2000 router, the user name must also match the interface name of the remote router. mpradmin.hlpH&Move successful number or address to the top of the list on connection&New phone number or address:&Phone numbers or addresses:PANumbers and AddressesAll devices connected."Receiving registration results... Sending callback information...Sending new password...Calculating link speed..."Checking authentication status...,Registering your computer on the network...Retrying authentication...$Verifying user name and password...Authenticated.Connecting through %1... Dialing...PAModems connecting...Connecting over cable...Dialing %1...Post-connecting through %1...Pre-connecting through %1... Connected.Device connected.Disconnected.Modem connected.Cable connected.Opening port...Applying configured settings Port opened.Post-connect complete.Pre-connect complete.PAPreparing for callback...)Checking network protocol connections...$Verifying user name and password...(Connected, bundling additional lines...Unknown state.Waiting for callback...Waiting for modem reset...(Make the phone number change permanent?scp*.scpDial-up script files (*.scp)Browse Dial-Up Scripts/You must select at least one modem or adapter. Phone numberPAStatus &New suffix: &Suffixes:Phone Number SuffixesManual Modem Command TerminalAfter Dial TerminalBefore Dial Terminal 10 minutes 10 seconds1 hour 1 minute 24 hours2 hoursPA 2 minutes 30 minutes 30 seconds 3 seconds4 hours 4 minutes 5 minutes 5 seconds8 hoursnever.Discard multiple line settings for the entry?Unavailable deviceRemote Access PreferencesPA!Cannot enable on-demand dialing."Cannot disable on-demand dialing.VPN1lWhen Internet Connection Sharing is enabled, your network adapter will be set to use IP address This might cause your computer to lose connectivity with other computers on your network. If these other computers have static IP addresses, set them to obtain their IP addresses automatically. Are you sure you want to enable Internet Connection Sharing?%1 using '%2' &Connect$Let the server determine encryptionAlways encrypt my dataUse MPPE-40 data encryptionUse MPPE-128 data encryptionIThe current encryption selection requires MS-CHAP or EAP authentication.Custom Authentication MessageConnecting to %1... Automatic)Point to Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP)3Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol with IPsec (L2TP/IPsec)IKEv2(Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol (SSTP)Virtual Private ConnectionSUse any form of authentication required including clear text. Do not encrypt data.]Use any form of authentication that requires passwords to be encrypted. Do not encrypt data.Type a name for the entry.Encrypt passwords and data.(Type a port number between 1 and 65535.LSpecify custom authentication and data encryption with the Settings button.WUse any form of authentication that requires encrypted passwords. Do not encrypt data.Encrypt passwords and data.LSpecify custom authentication and data encryption with the Settings button.NThe port number is already used by another entry. Enter a unique port number.0Enter one or more ports for incoming responses.%Select the entry you want to delete. 1 second%Select the entry you want to modify. 20 minutes6Specify a name for this connection to your workplace.Network Application Settings6Type a name for this connection in the following box.0Type the name of your ISP in the following box.Advanced PropertiesJPlease type the IP address of the server computer on the private network.Advanced SettingsiThe entry name begins with a period or contains characters that are not valid. Choose a different name. PropertiesDiagnostic Report{The destination address is an IPv6 address.PPTP does not work over IPv6. The VPN connection type will be set to Automatic.PACommunications Port channelDirect Connection%Select a device for this connection. Verdana Bold12Connection Type=Select the type of demand-dial interface you want to create.Select a Device=This is the device that will be used to make the connection. Phone NumberFType the phone number of the remote server or router you are calling. VPN Type6Select the type of VPN connection you want to create.Destination Address2What is the name or address of the remote router?Router Scripting=You can set up a script for connecting to the remote router.Dial-In CredentialsfConfigure the user name and password that the remote router will use when it dials in to this server.Dial-Out CredentialsSSupply the user name and password to be used when connecting to the remote router.Interface Name2You can type a friendly name for this connection.No available devices‡A user account named %1 already exists on the local computer. Should the demand-dial interface be configured to use this user account?Allow unsecured passwordRequire secured passwordUse smart card?You must select at least one password authentication protocol.INo encryption allowed (server will disconnect if it requires encryption)4Optional encryption (connect even if no encryption)3Require encryption (disconnect if server declines)<Maximum strength encryption (disconnect if server declines) (encryption enabled)PA‚The selected EAP package does not provide encryption keys. Select an EAP package that does provide keys or choose not to encrypt.SThe current encryption selection requires EAP or MS-CHAP v2 logon security method.Protocols and Security<Select transports and security options for this connection.The protocols you have selected include PAP and/or CHAP. If one of these is negotiated, data encryption will not occur. Do you want to keep these settings?_To connect to '%1', you must first be connected to '%2'. Do you want to connect to '%2' now?"Connecting over parallel cable...Connecting over infrared...Parallel cable connected.Infrared connected.ÔThis connection was configured to use a data encryption strength that is not supported by the installed software. The security properties of this connection have been reset to the available encryption strengths.Please enter a user name.ŕThis user name and password will be saved for your own use. There is already a user name and password saved for all other users of this connection. Do you want to delete the user name and password saved for all other users?dFor example, you could type the name of your workplace or the name of a server you will connect to.Account InformationThe request cannot be completed at this time. The system must first be restarted before any configuration changes can be made.The request cannot be completed because another network property dialog box is open. Please close all other dialog boxes and then try again.@The request cannot be completed because access has been denied.EThe following message was received from your service provider: %1 Reconnect %1 Service NameIWhat is the name of the service that provides your broadband connection?FYou will need an account name and password to sign in to your account PPPOE1-0.Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE)'Type of &broadband connection to make:3You must select an EAP method for this connection.Custom EncryptionBroadband ConnectionfYou have selected to use a preshared key but you have not entered one. Please enter a preshared key.Cannot Commit Credentials•Because the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) service has been disabled, Windows cannot display the properties of this connection or the home network. To configure the properties of this connection or your home network, first enable the WMI service. To do this, in Administrative Tools in Control Panel, double-click Services, right-click Windows Management Instrumentation, and then click Start.0Windows cannot display the properties of this connection. The Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) information might be corrupted. To correct this, use System Restore to restore Windows to an earlier time (called a restore point). System Restore is located in the System Tools folder in Accessories.Allow incoming echo request!Allow incoming timestamp requestAllow incoming mask requestAllow incoming router request'Allow outgoing destination unreachableAllow outgoing source quench!Allow outgoing parameter problemAllow outgoing time exceededAllow redirectlog*.logFirewall log files (*.log)BrowsePAMessages sent to this computer will be repeated back to the sender. This is commonly used for troubleshooting, for example, to ping a computer.{Data sent to this computer can be acknowledged with a confirmation message indicating the time that the data was received.}This computer will listen for and respond to requests for more information about the public network to which it is attached.WThis computer will respond to requests for information about the routes it recognizes.˛Data sent over the Internet that fails to reach this computer due to an error will be discarded and acknowledged with a "destination unreachable" message explaining the failure.ŚWhen this computer's ability to process incoming data cannot keep up with the rate of a transmission, data will be dropped and the sender will be asked to slow down.When this computer discards data it has received due to a problematic header, it will reply to the sender with a "bad header" error message.¸When this computer discards an incomplete data transmission because the entire transmission required more time than allowed, it will reply to the sender with a "time expired" message.KData sent from this computer will be rerouted if the default path changes.\The value entered for the log file size is not valid. Enter a value between 1 and 32767 KB.PAxYour user account does not have permission to use this connection. Usually, this is because you are logged in as Guest.Type a user name and password. (If you have forgotten an existing account name or password, contact your network administrator.) ISP N&ameCompany N&ame@What is the phone number you will use to make this connection? "Static Routes for Remote NetworksLA static route is a manually defined, permanent route between two networks. DestinationNetwork Mask/Prefix lengthMetricDestination is required.Network mask is required.Metric is required.Invalid mask.Cannot add duplicate route.!Cannot load diagnostic functionsEnter a valid file name.Enter a valid e-mail address.%No diagnostic log file is available.?Unable to launch explorer.exe to load the diagnostic log file.@This process can take several minutes. Do you want to continue?SCannot export log to the file you specified. There might not be enough disk space.]Cannot send the log. Make sure that Microsoft Outlook is installed and configured correctly.Generating report...Writing to file is finished.Sending e-mail is finished.Operation was unsuccessful.Browse for Folder FinishedPAPPPTP does not work over IPv6. The VPN connection type will be set to Automatic.ęThe current VPN connection settings include PPTP as the connection type and PAP as an allowed authentication protocol. Data is not encrypted when PPTP and PAP are used. Change the security settings or use a different connection type.’The protocols you have selected include PAP and/or CHAP. The current VPN selection might not encrypt data. Do you want to keep the VPN selection? TCP/IPv6PAInvalid prefix length.Invalid destination addressPA 6 seconds 9 seconds 12 seconds 15 seconds 6 minutes 12 minutesPA 15 minutesPAIncoming TCP/IP Properties6You must choose a value from %1 to %2 for this field.Incoming Connections Error#Incoming Connections General ErrorIncoming Connections&Incoming Connections Networking Error,Incoming Connections Multilink Status ErrorIncoming Connections ErrorPA*Incoming Connections Initialization Error-Incoming Connections TCP/IP Properties ErrorIncoming Connections ErrorGenericDeviceMiscellaneous DatabaseUser DatabaseProtocol Database>You must enter a logon name for the new user or press cancel.(The password you entered was too short.?The passwords entered are not the same. Please re-enter them."An internal error has occurred. ListviewiAn error has occurred while attempting to commit the changes you have made to the local user database. OYou have insufficient privileges to add a user to the local system database. JThe user you are trying create already exists in the local user database.aThe user was not added to the local user database because the password you entered was rejected.HUnable to reload the system user database because of an internal error.LAn internal error has occurred: The local user database handle is corrupt.@Unable to load the resources necessary to display the user tab.kAn internal error occurred while attempting to rollback the changes you made to the local user database. 'The device database handle is corrupt.CUnable to load the resources necessary to display the general tab.iAn error has occurred while attempting to commit some of the device/vpn related changes you have made. An internal error occurred.QAn internal error occurred: The networking component database handle is corrupt."An internal error has occurred. iAn error has occurred while attempting to commit the changes you have made to the networking components.An internal error occurred.NUnable to commit the changes you made to the TCP/IP protocol to the system. PA(Unable to display the TCPIP properties.4Unable to load TCP/IP properties from the system. “Incoming Connections depend on the Routing and Remote Access service which was unable to start. For more information, check the system event log.wUnable to allow the editing of networking components at this time because they are currently being modified elsewhere.ąThe new user you entered was not added to the local user database because the name or password entered violated a system policy (it was too large, too small, or ill-formed). 5The system is unable to delete the requested user. FUnable to remove the selected network component because it is in use.Incoming Connections Warning“Any users that you delete will be permanently removed from the system even if cancel is pressed. Are you sure you want to permanently remove %s? ËYou are about to switch to a system management console. This Incoming Connections property sheet will be closed and any changes you may have made will be committed to the system. Is it ok to continue?čYour Network Mask value has been changed. A zero bit in a mask can only be followed by other zero bits. For example, a Network Mask value, expressed in decimal dotted notation, of, is valid, but is not. "Who may connect to this computer?<You can specify the users who can connect to this computer.How will people connect?NYou can choose the devices your computer uses to accept incoming connections.2Incoming Virtual Private Network (VPN) Connection?Another computer can connect to yours through a VPN connection]Networking software allows this computer to accept connections from other kinds of computers^Networking software allows this computer to accept connections from other kinds of computers.%Completing the New Connection Wizard Incoming Connections5No hardware capable of accepting calls is installed. "Assign specified &network number:+Assign &network numbers sequentially from: New UserPALNo devices capable of accepting direct connections are currently installed. New Incoming Connection WarningŰBecause Routing and Remote access is already configured, you must use the Routing and Remote Access system console to configure this machine to receive incoming connections. Cancel changes and switch to this console? %A&ssign network number automatically&A&ssign network numbers automaticallytoCommunications Port (%s) Network Connections does not display some specialized options for inbound connections that have been set using the Local User Manager or Remote Access Policy consoles. For complete and correct information on incoming connections, you will need to use these consoles.XThe user callback mode you have selected requires you to enter a valid callback number.HWindows must reboot to complete the operation. Is it ok to reboot now?FThe currently selected device has no configuration options available.Invalid RangeÔYou have requested that '%1' be disabled for Incoming Connections. In order to disable this, you must stop the 'Server' service. Once stopped, any shared directories or printers on this computer will no longer be available to any other computer. Do you want to bring up a system console that will allow you to stop the 'Server' service? Under Computer Management, click System Tools and then click Services. In the right pane, right-click Server and click stop.This serial port is not enabled for use in a direct connection to another computer. It will be enabled after you complete this wizard. You can then configure the port speed and other properties by right-clicking the icon for this connection and selecting Properties. Incoming Connections/The IP address pool you've entered is invalid.The mask provided is invalid.The start address entered for the TCP/IP pool is invalid. It must lie between and and it must not be in the form 127.x.x.x.WThe TCP/IP pool entered is invalid because the address is more specific than the mask.5The start address must be less than the end address.ŽThe Routing and Remote Access Service is in the process of stopping. Until it stops, the Incoming Connections option is not available. Please wait a few moments and retry.%s (%s)%s (%d channels)0You must enable at least one Internet Protocol.EYou do not have sufficient privileges to set up Incoming ConnectionsPA&Allow accessInvalid IPv6 prefix:Cannot load the Remote Access Connection Manager service.;Cannot load the file MPRAPI.DLL in the system32 directory.PA´4VS_VERSION_INFO˝ďţ@€%@€%?StringFileInfoî040904B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft Corporationh FileDescriptionRemote Access Common Dialog APIr)FileVersion6.3.9600.16384 (winblue_rtm.130821-1623)6 InternalNamerasdlg.dll€.LegalCopyrightŠ Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.FOriginalFilenamerasdlg.dll.muij%ProductNameMicrosoftŽ WindowsŽ Operating SystemBProductVersion6.3.9600.16384DVarFileInfo$Translation °PADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDING