MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $Rؕ3}3}3}H̴3}H̱3}Rich3}PEL!  :@.rsrc@@(@(@Xp      !0"H,`-x39XY_`  8 H X h x           ( 8 H X h x  `KaB\hn  p(qqv4ss2v$2@\$(PMUI DZGܺ}0ȕͲcE MUIen-US"REG Operation [Parameter List] Operation [ QUERY | ADD | DELETE | COPY | SAVE | LOAD | UNLOAD | RESTORE | COMPARE | EXPORT | IMPORT | FLAGS ] Return Code: (Except for REG COMPARE) 0 - Successful 1 - Failed For help on a specific operation type: REG Operation /? Examples: REG QUERY /? REG ADD /? REG DELETE /? REG COPY /? REG SAVE /? REG RESTORE /? REG LOAD /? REG UNLOAD /? REG COMPARE /? REG EXPORT /? REG IMPORT /? REG FLAGS /? REG ADD KeyName [/v ValueName | /ve] [/t Type] [/s Separator] [/d Data] [/f] [/reg:32 | /reg:64] KeyName [\\Machine\]FullKey Machine Name of remote machine - omitting defaults to the current machine. Only HKLM and HKU are available on remote machines. FullKey ROOTKEY\SubKey ROOTKEY [ HKLM | HKCU | HKCR | HKU | HKCC ] SubKey The full name of a registry key under the selected ROOTKEY. /v The value name, under the selected Key, to add. /ve adds an empty value name (Default) for the key. /t RegKey data types [ REG_SZ | REG_MULTI_SZ | REG_EXPAND_SZ | REG_DWORD | REG_QWORD | REG_BINARY | REG_NONE ] If omitted, REG_SZ is assumed. /s Specify one character that you use as the separator in your data string for REG_MULTI_SZ. If omitted, use "\0" as the separator. q /d The data to assign to the registry ValueName being added. /f Force overwriting the existing registry entry without prompt. /reg:32 Specifies the key should be accessed using the 32-bit registry view. /reg:64 Specifies the key should be accessed using the 64-bit registry view. Examples: REG ADD \\ABC\HKLM\Software\MyCo Adds a key HKLM\Software\MyCo on remote machine ABC REG ADD HKLM\Software\MyCo /v Data /t REG_BINARY /d fe340ead Adds a value (name: Data, type: REG_BINARY, data: fe340ead) REG ADD HKLM\Software\MyCo /v MRU /t REG_MULTI_SZ /d fax\0mail Adds a value (name: MRU, type: REG_MULTI_SZ, data: fax\0mail\0\0) REG ADD HKLM\Software\MyCo /v Path /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d ^%systemroot^% Adds a value (name: Path, type: REG_EXPAND_SZ, data: %systemroot%) Notice: Use the caret symbol ( ^ ) inside the expand string eREG DELETE KeyName [/v ValueName | /ve | /va] [/f] [/reg:32 | /reg:64] KeyName [\\Machine\]FullKey Machine Name of remote machine - omitting defaults to the current machine. Only HKLM and HKU are available on remote machines. FullKey ROOTKEY\SubKey ROOTKEY [ HKLM | HKCU | HKCR | HKU | HKCC ] SubKey The full name of a registry key under the selected ROOTKEY. ValueName The value name, under the selected Key, to delete. When omitted, all subkeys and values under the Key are deleted. /ve delete the value of empty value name (Default). /va delete all values under this key. /f Forces the deletion without prompt. /reg:32 Specifies the key should be accessed using the 32-bit registry view. /reg:64 Specifies the key should be accessed using the 64-bit registry view. Examples: REG DELETE HKLM\Software\MyCo\MyApp\Timeout Deletes the registry key Timeout and all its subkeys and values REG DELETE \\ZODIAC\HKLM\Software\MyCo /v MTU Deletes the registry value MTU under MyCo on ZODIAC REG COPY KeyName1 KeyName2 [/s] [/f] [/reg:32 | /reg:64] KeyName [\\Machine\]FullKey Machine Name of remote machine - omitting defaults to the current machine. Only HKLM and HKU are available on remote machines. FullKey ROOTKEY\SubKey ROOTKEY [ HKLM | HKCU | HKCR | HKU | HKCC ] SubKey The full name of a registry key under the selected ROOTKEY. /s Copies all subkeys and values. /f Forces the copy without prompt. /reg:32 Specifies the key should be accessed using the 32-bit registry view. /reg:64 Specifies the key should be accessed using the 64-bit registry view. Examples: REG COPY HKLM\Software\MyCo\MyApp HKLM\Software\MyCo\SaveMyApp /s Copies all subkeys and values under the key MyApp to the key SaveMyApp REG COPY \\ZODIAC\HKLM\Software\MyCo HKLM\Software\MyCo1 Copies all values under the key MyCo on ZODIAC to the key MyCo1 on the current machine REG SAVE KeyName FileName [/y] [/reg:32 | /reg:64] KeyName ROOTKEY\SubKey ROOTKEY [ HKLM | HKCU | HKCR | HKU | HKCC ] SubKey The full name of a registry key under the selected ROOTKEY. FileName The name of the disk file to save. If no path is specified, the file is created in the current folder of the calling process. /y Force overwriting the existing file without prompt. /reg:32 Specifies the key should be accessed using the 32-bit registry view. /reg:64 Specifies the key should be accessed using the 64-bit registry view. Examples: REG SAVE HKLM\Software\MyCo\MyApp Saves the hive MyApp to the file in the current folder REG RESTORE KeyName FileName [/reg:32 | /reg:64] KeyName ROOTKEY\SubKey (local machine only) ROOTKEY [ HKLM | HKCU | HKCR | HKU | HKCC ] SubKey The full name of a registry key to restore the hive file into. Overwrites the existing key's values and subkeys. FileName The name of the hive file to restore. You must use REG SAVE to create this file. /reg:32 Specifies the key should be accessed using the 32-bit registry view. /reg:64 Specifies the key should be accessed using the 64-bit registry view. Examples: REG RESTORE HKLM\Software\Microsoft\ResKit Restores the file overwriting the key ResKit ;REG LOAD KeyName FileName [/reg:32 | /reg:64] KeyName ROOTKEY\SubKey (local machine only) ROOTKEY [ HKLM | HKU ] SubKey The key name to load the hive file into. Creates a new key. FileName The name of the hive file to load. You must use REG SAVE to create this file. /reg:32 Specifies the key should be accessed using the 32-bit registry view. /reg:64 Specifies the key should be accessed using the 64-bit registry view. Examples: REG LOAD HKLM\TempHive Loads the file to the Key HKLM\TempHive REG UNLOAD KeyName KeyName ROOTKEY\SubKey (local machine only) ROOTKEY [ HKLM | HKU ] SubKey The key name of the hive to unload. Examples: REG UNLOAD HKLM\TempHive Unloads the hive TempHive in HKLM REG COMPARE KeyName1 KeyName2 [/v ValueName | /ve] [Output] [/s] [/reg:32 | /reg:64] KeyName [\\Machine\]FullKey Machine Name of remote machine - omitting defaults to the current machine. Only HKLM and HKU are available on remote machines. FullKey ROOTKEY\SubKey If FullKey2 is not specified, FullKey2 is the same as FullKey1. ROOTKEY [ HKLM | HKCU | HKCR | HKU | HKCC ] SubKey The full name of a registry key under the selected ROOTKEY. ValueName The value name, under the selected Key, to compare. When omitted, all values under the Key are compared. /ve compare the value of empty value name (Default). /s Compare all subkeys and values. /reg:32 Specifies the key should be accessed using the 32-bit registry view. /reg:64 Specifies the key should be accessed using the 64-bit registry view. Output [/oa | /od | /os | /on] When omitted, output only differences. /oa Output all of differences and matches. /od Output only differences. /os Output only matches. /on No output. *Return Code: 0 - Successful, the result compared is identical 1 - Failed 2 - Successful, the result compared is different Note: The symbols at the front of each outputted line are defined as: = means FullKey1 data is equal to FullKey2 data < refers to FullKey1 data and is different than FullKey2 data > refers to FullKey2 data and is different than Fullkey1 data Examples: REG COMPARE HKLM\Software\MyCo\MyApp HKLM\Software\MyCo\SaveMyApp Compares all values under the key MyApp with SaveMyApp REG COMPARE HKLM\Software\MyCo HKLM\Software\MyCo1 /v Version Compares the value Version under the key MyCo and MyCo1 REG COMPARE \\ZODIAC\HKLM\Software\MyCo \\. /s Compares all subkeys and values under HKLM\Software\MyCo on ZODIAC with the same key on the current machine REG EXPORT KeyName FileName [/y] [/reg:32 | /reg:64] Keyname ROOTKEY[\SubKey] (local machine only). ROOTKEY [ HKLM | HKCU | HKCR | HKU | HKCC ] SubKey The full name of a registry key under the selected ROOTKEY. FileName The name of the disk file to export. /y Force overwriting the existing file without prompt. /reg:32 Specifies the key should be accessed using the 32-bit registry view. /reg:64 Specifies the key should be accessed using the 64-bit registry view. Examples: REG EXPORT HKLM\Software\MyCo\MyApp AppBkUp.reg Exports all subkeys and values of the key MyApp to the file AppBkUp.reg nREG IMPORT FileName [/reg:32 | /reg:64] FileName The name of the disk file to import (local machine only). /reg:32 Specifies the key should be accessed using the 32-bit registry view. /reg:64 Specifies the key should be accessed using the 64-bit registry view. Examples: REG IMPORT AppBkUp.reg Imports registry entries from the file AppBkUp.reg PAREG FLAGS KeyName [QUERY | SET [DONT_VIRTUALIZE] [DONT_SILENT_FAIL] [RECURSE_FLAG]] [/reg:32 | /reg:64] Keyname "HKLM\Software"[\SubKey] (Restricted to these keys on local machine only). SubKey The full name of a registry key under HKLM\Software. DONT_VIRTUALIZE DONT_SILENT_FAIL RECURSE_FLAG Used with SET; flags specified on the command line will be set, while those not specified will be cleared. /reg:32 Specifies the key should be accessed using the 32-bit registry view. /reg:64 Specifies the key should be accessed using the 64-bit registry view. Examples: REG FLAGS HKLM\Software\MyCo\MyApp QUERY Displays the current flags of the key MyApp. REG FLAGS HKLM\Software\MyCo\MyApp SET DONT_VIRTUALIZE /s Sets the DONT_VIRTUALIZE flag (and clears DONT_SILENT_FAIL and RECURSE_FLAG) on MyApp and all its subkeys PA0ERROR: Invalid syntax. Type "REG /?" for usage. @ERROR: Invalid Argument/Option - '%s'. Type "REG /?" for usage. 3ERROR: Invalid syntax. Type "REG %s /?" for usage. 5ERROR: Invalid key name. Type "REG %s /?" for usage. eERROR: A remote machine was specified, the root key must be HKLM or HKU. Type "REG %s /?" for usage. UERROR: The root key must be HKLM or HKU for LOAD/UNLOAD. Type "REG %s /?" for usage. Insufficient memory. Try closing down some applications, and try again. If you still see this message, try restarting Windows. AERROR: Registry editing has been disabled by your administrator. hERROR: This operation can only be performed on subkeys of HKLM\Software. Type "REG FLAGS /?" for usage. PAZERROR: Invalid syntax. Specify valid numeric value for '/d'. Type "REG ADD /?" for usage. VERROR: Invalid syntax. Specify valid hex value for '/d'. Type "REG ADD /?" for usage. FERROR: Invalid value specified for '/d'. Type "REG ADD /?" for usage. VERROR: The registry entry cannot be copied onto itself. Type "REG COPY /?" for usage. 'Delete request is partially completed. PA9ERROR: The registry entry is being compared with itself. PAERROR: Failed to access "%s". GERROR: A remote machine was specified. Type "REG EXPORT /?" for usage. FERROR: A remote machine was specified. Type "REG FLAGS /?" for usage. PACThe system was unable to find the specified registry key or value. PA1Permanently delete the registry key %s (Yes/No)? $Value %s exists, overwrite(Yes/No)? )Value %s exists. Overwrite (Yes/No/All)? 6Delete all values under the registry key %s (Yes/No)? 'Delete the registry value %s (Yes/No)? YNA+File %s already exists. Overwrite (Yes/No)?PAREG QUERY KeyName [/v [ValueName] | /ve] [/s] [/f Data [/k] [/d] [/c] [/e]] [/t Type] [/z] [/se Separator] [/reg:32 | /reg:64] KeyName [\\Machine\]FullKey Machine - Name of remote machine, omitting defaults to the current machine. Only HKLM and HKU are available on remote machines FullKey - in the form of ROOTKEY\SubKey name ROOTKEY - [ HKLM | HKCU | HKCR | HKU | HKCC ] SubKey - The full name of a registry key under the selected ROOTKEY /v Queries for a specific registry key values. If omitted, all values for the key are queried. Argument to this switch can be optional only when specified along with /f switch. This specifies to search in valuenames only. /ve Queries for the default value or empty value name (Default). /s Queries all subkeys and values recursively (like dir /s). /se Specifies the separator (length of 1 character only) in data string for REG_MULTI_SZ. Defaults to "\0" as the separator. /f Specifies the data or pattern to search for. L Use double quotes if a string contains spaces. Default is "*". /k Specifies to search in key names only. /d Specifies the search in data only. /c Specifies that the search is case sensitive. The default search is case insensitive. /e Specifies to return only exact matches. By default all the matches are returned. /t Specifies registry value data type. Valid types are: REG_SZ, REG_MULTI_SZ, REG_EXPAND_SZ, REG_DWORD, REG_QWORD, REG_BINARY, REG_NONE Defaults to all types. /z Verbose: Shows the numeric equivalent for the type of the valuename. /reg:32 Specifies the key should be accessed using the 32-bit registry view. /reg:64 Specifies the key should be accessed using the 64-bit registry view. Examples: REG QUERY HKLM\Software\Microsoft\ResKit /v Version Displays the value of the registry value Version REG QUERY \\ABC\HKLM\Software\Microsoft\ResKit\Nt\Setup /s Displays all subkeys and values under the registry key Setup on remote machine ABC REG QUERY HKLM\Software\Microsoft\ResKit\Nt\Setup /se # Displays all the subkeys and values with "#" as the seperator for all valuenames whose type is REG_MULTI_SZ. REG QUERY HKLM /f SYSTEM /t REG_SZ /c /e Displays Key, Value and Data with case sensitive and exact occurrences of "SYSTEM" under HKLM root for the data type REG_SZ REG QUERY HKCU /f 0F /d /t REG_BINARY Displays Key, Value and Data for the occurrences of "0F" in data under HKCU root for the data type REG_BINARY REG QUERY HKLM\SOFTWARE /ve Displays Value and Data for the empty value (Default) under HKLM\SOFTWARE (Default)(value not set) Result Compared: Different PA Result Compared: Identical Value: %s Key: %s\%s#End of search: %d match(es) found. Type: %s Data: %s PABError opening the file. There may be a disk or file system error. NError reading the file. There may be a disk error or the file may be corrupt. Error accessing the registry. Not all data was successfully written to the registry. Some keys are open by the system or other processes, or you have insufficient privileges to perform this operation. OThe specified file is not a registry file. You can import only registry files. IThe specified file is not intended for use with this version of Windows. j Not all keys were successfully accessed. You may have insufficient privileges to perform this operation. The key selected is invalid. GUnable to write to the file. There may be a disk or file system error. ERROR:WARNING:SUCCESS:INFO:N/AType the password for %s:2Passing the user credential for local connection. 7The target system must be running Windows XP or above. 9The remote system must be running Windows 2000 or above. PA>Invalid syntax. '%s' value is not allowed for '%s' option. %s 9Invalid syntax. Specify valid numeric value for '%s'. %s AInvalid syntax. Specifiy valid floating point value for '%s'. %s 5Invalid syntax. Mandatory option '%s' is missing. %s FInvalid syntax. '%s' option is not allowed more than '%d' time(s). %s #Invalid argument/option - '%s'. %s 0Invalid syntax. Default argument is missing. %s FLength of the command line argument should not exceed 255 characters. IInvalid syntax. Default option is not allowed more than '%d' time(s). %s ,Invalid syntax. Value expected for '%s'. %s BInvalid syntax. '%s' value is not allowed as default argument. %s Type "%s /?" for usage.*Value for '%s' option cannot be empty. %s -Value for default option cannot be empty. %s PA<Invalid syntax. Specify valid numeric value for default. %s DInvalid syntax. Specifiy valid floating point value for default. %s >Value for default option cannot be more than %d character(s). ?Invalid syntax. Value cannot be specified with '%s' option. %s ;Value for '%s' option cannot be more than %d character(s). 4VS_VERSION_INFO@%@%?StringFileInfo040904B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft CorporationTFileDescriptionRegistry Console Toolr)FileVersion6.3.9600.16384 (winblue_rtm.130821-1623)0InternalNamereg.exe.LegalCopyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.@ OriginalFilenamereg.exe.muij%ProductNameMicrosoft Windows Operating SystemBProductVersion6.3.9600.16384DVarFileInfo$Translation PADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDING