MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $Rؕ3}3}3}H̴3}H̱3}Rich3}PEL!  Rpo@P.rsrc`R@@( @Xp   TK\MUI\(4v YY`qr qE{ MUI en-US  |00L)PPt)PP)QQ)qq))T**е85Application (%1) (PID: %2) is using Windows functionality that is not present in this release of Windows. For obtaining an updated version of the application, please, contact the application vendor. The technical information that needs to be conveyed to the application vendor is this: "An RPC method using synchronous pipes has been called on on protocol sequence %3 interface with unique identifier %4. Usage and support of synchronous pipes on this protocol sequence has been deprecated for this release of Windows. For information on the deprecation process, please, see" User Action Contact the application vendor for updated version of the application. XApplication (%1) (PID: %2) is using Windows functionality that is not present in this release of Windows. For obtaining an updated version of the application, please, contact the application vendor. The technical information that needs to be conveyed to the application vendor is this: "An RPC method using synchronous pipes has been called on on protocol sequence %3 interface with unique identifier %4. Usage and support of synchronous pipes has been deprecated for this release of Windows. For information on the deprecation process, please, see" User Action Contact the application vendor for updated version of the application. Application (%1) (PID: %2) is using Windows functionality that is not present in this release of Windows. For obtaining an updated version of the application, please, contact the application vendor. The technical information that needs to be conveyed to the application vendor is this: "An RPC method using the name service has been called. Usage and support for the RPC name service has been deprecated for this release of Windows. For information on the deprecation process, please, see" User Action Contact the application vendor for updated version of the application. \Application (%1) (PID: %2) is using Windows functionality that is not present in this release of Windows. For obtaining an updated version of the application, please, contact the application vendor. The technical information that needs to be conveyed to the application vendor is this: "An RPC method using pipes has been called on on protocol sequence %3 interface with unique identifier %4. Usage and support of pipes on this protocol sequence has been deprecated for this release of Windows. For information on the deprecation process, please, see" User Action Contact the application vendor for updated version of the application. Application (%1) (PID: %2) is using Windows functionality that is not present in this release of Windows. For obtaining an updated version of the application, please, contact the application vendor. The technical information that needs to be conveyed to the application vendor is this: "An RPC method has been called on a connectionless protocol sequence %3. Usage and support of this protocol sequence has been deprecated for this release of Windows. For information on the deprecation process, please, see" User Action Contact the application vendor for updated version of the application. XApplication (%1) (PID: %2) is using Windows functionality that is not present in this release of Windows. For obtaining an updated version of the application, please, contact the application vendor. The technical information that needs to be conveyed to the application vendor is this: "An RPC method has been called on a connectionless protocol sequence %3 and interface with unique identifier %4. Usage and support of this protocol sequence has been deprecated for this release of Windows. For information on the deprecation process, please, see" User Action Contact the application vendor for updated version of the application. Application (%1) (PID: %2) has failed to add endpoint %3:%4 for interface with unique identifier %5 with error %6. User Action Verify that the machine has sufficient memory. Verify that no other process is listening on the endpoint. Application (%1) (PID: %2) has failed to complete a COM/RPC call because of an invalid message from server. User Action Try the operation again. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator. 8Application (%1) (PID: %2) has failed to complete a COM call because an incorrect interface ID was passed as a parameter. The expected Interface ID was %3, and the Interface ID returned was %4. User Action Contact the application vendor for updated version of the application. Possible Memory Leak. Application (%1) (PID: %2) has passed a non-NULL pointer to RPC for an [out] parameter marked [allocate(all_nodes)]. [allocate(all_nodes)] parameters are always reallocated; if the original pointer contained the address of valid memory, that memory will be leaked. The call originated on the interface with UUID (%3), Method number (%4). User Action: Contact your application vendor for an updated version of the application. Start Stop Error Information Verbose Warning RPC Error 4Microsoft-Windows-RPC EEInfo Debug 4Microsoft-Windows-RPC Application Extended Error Information: %n%tProcessName: %t%1 %n%tComputerName: %t%2 %n%tProcessId: %t%3 %n%tStatus: %t%6 %n%tDetectionLocation: %t%7 An RPC call was blocked by an RPC firewall filter. %n%tProcessName: %t%1 %n%tInterfaceUuid: %t%2 %n%tRpcFilterKey:%t%3 An error occured. %n%tProcessName: %t%1 %n%tDetectionLocation: %t%2 %n%tStatus: %t%3 %n%tAdditionaData: %t%4 %n%tAddtionalData: %t%5 RPC Log Event. %n%tSubject: %t%1 %tVerb: %t%2 %tSubjectPointer: %t%3 %tObjectPointer: %t%4 %tData: %t%5 Client RPC call started. %tInterfaceUuid: %t%1 %tOpNum: %t%2 %tProtocol: %t%3 %tNetworkAddress %t%4 %tEndpoint %t%5 %tBinding Options %t%6 %tAuthentication Level %t7 %tAuthentication Service %t8 Impersonation Level %t9 4Server RPC call started. %tInterfaceUuid: %t%1 %tOpNum: %t%2 %tProtocol: %t%3 %tEndpoint %t%5 %tAuthentication Level %t7 %tAuthentication Service %t8 \Client RPC call completed. %tStatus: %t%1 dServer RPC call was completed. %tStatus: %t%1 tCall failed due to RpcRaiseException. %tStatus: %t%1 4RPC received a packet ,RPC sent a packet 4RPC/HTTP start event 0RPC/HTTP stop event RPC interface registered. %tInterface UUID %1%tTypeMgr %2%tFlags %3%tMax Calls %4 |RPC interface unregistered. %tInterface UUID %1%tTypeMgr |RPC Server bound to protocol. %tProtocol %1%tEndpoint %2 HANDLE CCONN SCONN CASSOC SASSOC CCALL SCALL PACKET CENDPOINT ENGINE ASSOC MUTEX STABLE ADDRESS HEAP BCACHE BCACHE2 REFOBJ THREAD TRANS_CONN EVENT EXCEPT CTXHANDLE EEINFO GC IF SECCRED HTTPv2 CORRUPT ALPC PROVIDER CAUSAL_F PROTOCOL SSECCTX $RESERVED_MEM TP_WAIT TP_WORK TP_TIMER TP_IO TP_ALPC TP_CALLBACK CREATE DELETE START STOP INC DEC PROC ACK CALLBACK NOTIFY APC STATUS DISASSOC STATE POP PUSH PKT_IN PKT_OUT BUFFER_IN BUFFER_OUT BUFFER_FAIL ABORT SET QUERY SUSPEND RESUME LOCK_WRITER LOCK_READER LOCK_UNLOCK CALL_STATE (PCONTEXT_ALLOC (PCONTEXT_DELETE DROP DELAY PRUNE TRANSFER RESOLVED WINDOW REMOVED CLEANUP BHCOPY ALLOCATE OPER SEC_INIT1 SEC_INIT3 SEC_ACCEPT1 SEC_ACCEPT3 ,SEC_SIGN_OR_SEAL 4SEC_VERIFY_OR_UNSEAL TP_WAIT TP_CONVERT Default None Connect Call Packet ,Packet Integrity (Packet Privacy Negotiate NTLM SChannel Kerberos Kernel TCP Named Pipes LRPC RPC/HTTP Default Anonymous Identify Impersonate Delegate SEND RECV (COMPLETE_HELPER $RECV_COMPLETE $SEND_COMPLETE FREE_OBJECT ABORT ,IIS_IO_COMPLETED (CHANNEL_RECYCLE 4DIRECT_SEND_COMPLETE SYNC_RECV (COMPLEX_T_SEND (COMPLEX_T_RECV 4DIRECT_RECV_COMPLETE ,WINHTTP_CALLBACK 4WHTTP_DRECV_COMPLETE 4WHTTP_DSEND_COMPLETE 0WHTTP_DELAYED_RECV WHTTP_ERROR OPEN 0CHECK_RECV_COMPLETE CLOSE (SEND_CANCELLED UNPLUG WinHttpOpen <WinHttpSetStatusCallback ,WinHttpSetOption (WinHttpConnect 0WinHttpOpenRequest 0WinHttpQueryOption 0WinHttpSendRequest ,WinHttpWriteData 8WinHttpReceiveResponse (WinHttpReadData 0WinHttpCloseHandle 0WinHttpQueryHeaders <WinHttpQueryDataAvailable 8WinHttpQueryAuthSchemes 4WinHttpSetCredentials <WinHttpAddRequestHeaders TWinHttpGetIEProxyConfigForCurrentUser 4WinHttpGetProxyForUrl ,WinHttpAutoLogon (SOCKET_CHANNEL 4PROXY_SOCKET_CHANNEL CHANNEL (BOTTOM_CHANNEL IIS_CHANNEL (RAW_CONNECTION 8INITIAL_RAW_CONNECTION 0IIS_SENDER_CHANNEL ,ENDPOINT_RECEIVER $PLUG_CHANNEL CLIENT_VC SERVER_VC INPROXY_VC OUTPROXY_VC PROXY_VC ,CDATA_ORIGINATOR (CLIENT_CHANNEL CALLBACK 0FLOW_CONTROL_SENDER ,WINHTTP_CALLBACK (WINHTTP_CHANNEL WINHTTP_RAW (PROXY_RECEIVER (SERVER_CHANNEL ,FRAGMENT_RECEIVER 4VS_VERSION_INFO@%@%?StringFileInfo040904B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft CorporationdFileDescriptionRemote Procedure Call Runtimer)FileVersion6.3.9600.16384 (winblue_rtm.130821-1623)6 InternalNamerpcrt4.dll.LegalCopyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.FOriginalFilenamerpcrt4.dll.muij%ProductNameMicrosoft Windows Operating SystemBProductVersion6.3.9600.16384DVarFileInfo$Translation PADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPAD