MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $Rؕ3}3}3}H̴3}H̱3}Rich3}PEL!  L`'@,J.rsrcPL@@0H x  8 P ` p    \D>`VMUIuYJ9:u@ȓRC^qTY3=v MUI en-US(Enables the download, installation and enforcement of digital licenses for Windows and Windows applications. If the service is disabled, the operating system and licensed applications may run in a notification mode. It is strongly recommended that you not disable the Software Protection service.Software ProtectionPACD or DVD driveHard disk adapterHard disk or storage device Video adapter SCSI adapter Audio cardPCMCIA controllerPA Logical diskNetwork adapter ProcessorMemoryDocking station MotherboardVolume Activation ToolsAutomates and simplifies the issuance and management of Microsoft software volume licenses for a variety of scenarios and environments.;8800@@@@@@\@@@@@@ @@@@$@@@@4 @ @ @@ $@$@l *@*@P0@0@ @ @` @) @0@0@L0@0@0@0@@ 0@ 0@@@@@@@@@@\ PP PP  H!"0#|##h$  $,% "%++8'BB'4(*,P,,@--0...&&X//  P0  3 p3  3"0"08@@`9@@:P P ;Classic Start Stop The Software Protection service is starting.%nParameters:%1 lThe Software Protection service has started.%n%1 hThe Software Protection service has stopped.%n The Software Protection service has completed licensing status check.%nApplication Id=%1%nLicensing Status=%2 The Software Protection service has successfully installed the license.%nLicense Title=%1%nLicense Id=%2 Acquisition of Secure Processor Certificate was successful.%n Acquisition of Rights Account Certificate was successful.%n Acquisition of Product Certificate was successful.%nSku Id=%1 Acquisition of End User License was successful.%nSku Id=%1 Proof of Purchase installed successfully. %nACID=%1%nPKeyId=%2 Proof of Purchase removed successfully. %nACID=%1%nPKeyId=%2%n Grace period has been started. Grace days=%1 Grace type=%2. These policies are being excluded since they are only defined with override-only attribute.%nPolicy Names=%1%nApp Id=%2%nSku Id=%3 Duplicate definition of policy found. Policy name=%1 Priority=%2 A higher priority policy without override-only attribute found. Policy name=%1 Current priority=%2 Previous priority=%3 Validity period has been started. Validity minutes=%1 Grace type=%2. Hardware has changed from previous boot.%n AppId=%1, SkuId=%2. Kernel policy cache has not been updated after Windows Right consumption. This is OK in certain situations.%n hInitialization status for service objects.%n%1 Successfully matched deposited Installation ID with Confirmation ID.%nSku Id=%1 lToken Store not found. Recreating Token Store.%n Existing scheduler data could not be found. The schedule will be re-evaluated. The existing scheduler data does not match the expected data. The schedule will be re-evaluated.%nReason:%1 The existing scheduler data is incomplete. The schedule will be re-evaluated.%nReason:%1 The existing schedule data is expired. The schedule will be re-evaluated.%nReason:%1 The rules engine failed to evaluate the rules.%nReason:%1%nStage:%2%nAdditional Data:%n%3 The rules engine failed to perform one or more scheduled actions.%nError Code:%1%nPath:%2%nArguments:%3 The rules engine successfully re-evaluated the schedule.%nKernel policies:%n%1 |The rules engine gathered the following context data:%n%1 The rules engine failed while trying to update the task triggers with code %1. Reevaluation will occur again soon. The rules engine reported a failed VL activation attempt.%nReason:%1%nAppId = %2, SkuId = %3%nTrigger=%4 The client has sent an activation request to the key management service machine.%nInfo:%n%1 The client has processed an activation response from the key management service machine.%nInfo:%n%1 tAn activation request has been processed.%nInfo:%n%1 |Key Management Service (KMS) failed to start.%nInfo:%n%1 Publishing the Key Management Service (KMS) to DNS in the '%2' domain failed.%nInfo:%n%1 Publishing the Key Management Service (KMS) to DNS in the '%1' domain is successful.%n xSuccessfully acquired genuine ticket for template Id %1 pGenuine state set to genuine for application Id %1 Rearm successful for AppId = %1, SkuId = %2 - %3 Rearms Remaining. \Skipped Rearm for AppId = %1, SkuId = %2. Active Directory Activation has succeeded.%nSku Id = %1%nAO name = %2%nAO DN = %3 The client has processed an Automatic VM activation response from the parent partition.%nReturned hr=%1%n%2 An Automatic VM activation request has been processed.%nReturned hr=%1%n%2 lToken-based Activation has succeeded.%nSku Id=%1 Successfully scheduled Software Protection service for re-start at %1. Reason: %2. LSuccessfully started task %1\%2. Error Information lDetailed HRESULT. Returned hr=%1, Original hr=%2 Installation of the Proof of Purchase failed. %1%nPartial Pkey=%2%nACID=%3%nDetailed Error[%4]%n Removal of the Proof of Purchase failed. %1%nACID=%2%nPKeyId=%3 Proxy Execution Key has failed to load. %1%nProxy Execution Policy=%2 LThe system has been tampered. %1 <The hardware has changed. Unable to get detailed error information during license consumption. Last error %1. XKernel policy cache update failed. %1. lTime-based license remaining %1 time %2 minutes. The following errors occurred during license evaluation:%n%1%n PSome data has been reset. %1 [%2]. Unable to update Windows PID information in the registry: %1%n Installation of the Proof of Purchase from the ACPI table failed. Error code:%n%1 xGenuine information set for application. %1, %2, %3.%n The Software Licensing edition check failed.%nError code:%1%n xInvalid chunk hash detected in migration blob.%nUri: %1 xFailed to gather PKEY information for SKU.%nSku id: %1 tInstalling migrated PKEY failed with %1.%nSku id: %2 The Sku associated with the IID/CID is not installed on the local machine.%nSku id: %1 The Sku associated with the IID/CID does not have a PKEY installed.%nSku id: %1 xUnable to deposit chunk due to HWID mismatch.%nUri: %1 Unable to deposit chunk due to Trusted Store being recreated.%nUri: %1 HMicrosoft-Windows-Security-SPP xThe Software Protection service failed to start. %1%n%2 xAcquisition of Secure Processor Certificate failed. %1 tAcquisition of Rights Account Certificate failed. %1 |Acquisition of Product Certificate failed. %1%nSku Id=%2 tAcquisition of End User License failed. %1%nSku Id=%2 LThere are %1 invalid license(s). hFailed to collect hardware data. Error code %1. pDeposition of Confirmation ID failed. %1%nSku Id=%2 Failed to read migration blob - encryption key not recognized. SLSetGenuineInformation in sppcomapi failed with the following error code:%n%1 LoadLibrary call for loading Sppcommdlg.dll from SLUI.exe failed with error code:%n%1 SLUI.exe was launched with the following command-line parameters:%n%1 License Activation (slui.exe) failed with the following error code:%n%1%nCommand-line arguments:%n%2 \License acquisition failure details. %n%1 Token Store found to be corrupt. Recreating Token Store.%n Acquisition of genuine ticket failed (%1) for template Id %2 Genuine state set to non-genuine (%1) for application Id %2 tUpdate current edition product key id failed with %1 Update Windows license and product key tokens failed with %1. %n%2 Rearm failed for AppId = %2, SkuId = %3 - %4 Rearms Remaining. Error Code: %1 Activation Object cannot be retrieved from Active Directory.%nError Code = %1%nKms Id = %2 Active Directory Activation Object is not usable.%nError Code = %1%nKms Id = %2%nAO Name = %3%nAO DN = %4 Active Directory Activation has failed.%nError Code = %1%nSku Id = %2 Failed to deposit Token-based Activation response. %1%nSku Id = %2 Failed to schedule Software Protection service for re-start at %2. Error Code: %1. \Failed to run task %2\%3. Error Code: %1. HAuthorized upgrade for PID: %1. lDownlevel Genuine Ticket successfully deposited. @Health check initiated. %n 8Health check passed. %n Tamper detected: %n ScanNeutralFiles = %1, ScanMuiFiles: %2 hError occurred during Health check: %n hr = %1 LGenuine validation initiated. %n TGenuine validation result: %n hr = %1 XGenuine validation failure: %n hr = %1 hGenuine validation data collection started. %n dGenuine validation data collection ended. %n 4VS_VERSION_INFO@%@%?*StringFileInfo040904B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft Corporation/FileDescriptionMicrosoft Software Protection Platform Servicer)FileVersion6.3.9600.16384 (winblue_rtm.130821-1623).InternalNamesppsvc.LegalCopyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.FOriginalFilenamesppsvc.exe.muij%ProductNameMicrosoft Windows Operating SystemBProductVersion6.3.9600.16384DVarFileInfo$Translation PADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADD