MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $Rؕ3}3}3}H̴3}H̱3}Rich3}PEL!  8P7@6.rsrc@8@@((@  0 H `xrs  8 H X h x          0V8  +613477~@:H;x@jBMUI)P5x&|g MUIen-USERROR:WARNING:INFO:VERBOSE:PA$Begin Activation Context Generation."End Activation Context Generation.Input Parameter:.INFO: Activation Context generation succeeded.,ERROR: Activation Context generation failed.\INFO: No manifest, or manifest is less or equal than 4 bytes long. Nothing to do. Returning. INFO: Parsing Manifest File %ws.INFO: Manifest parse finished.*INFO: Manifest Definition Identity is %ws.INFO: Reference: %ws*INFO: Parsing Application Config File %ws.#INFO: Parsing Publisher Policy %ws.ERROR: Component identity found in manifest does not match the identity of the component requested. Reference is %ws. Definition is %ws.GERROR: Line %d: The required attribute %ws is missing from element %ws.IERROR: Line %d: The value %ws of attribute %ws in element %ws is invalid.RERROR: Line %d: The attribute %ws is not permitted in this context on element %ws.WERROR: Line %d: The root or application manifest contains the noInherit element but the dependent assembly manifest does not contain the noInheritable element. If an application manifest contains the noInherit element, the assembly manifests of all assemblies on which the application depends are required to contain the noInheritable element.[ERROR: Line %d: The root element of a manifest file is required to be the assembly element.{ERROR: Line %d: The value specified for the manifest assembly element manifestVersion attribute is not currently supported.`ERROR: Line %d: The manifest assembly element is missing the required manifestVersion attribute.tERROR: Line %d: The element %ws appears as a child of element %ws which is not supported by this version of Windows.HERROR: Line %d: A subelement is not allowed for the <noInherit> element.;ERROR: Line %d: Multiple top level ASSEMBLY elements found.ZERROR: Line %d: The manifest defines multiple identities for this assembly or application.GERROR: Line %d: Attributes are not allowed for the <noInherit> element.DERROR: Line %d: The manifest contains multiple <noInherit> elements.GERROR: Line %d: The element %ws may only appear before the %ws element.@ERROR: Line %d: Only manifests may contain <noInherit> elements.YERROR: Line %d: The requestedPrivileges element is not allowed in the component manifest.VERROR: Line %d: Multiple requestedPrivileges elements are not allowed in the manifest.YERROR: Line %d: The DependentAssembly element is missing its assemblyIdentity subelement.ERROR: Line %d: An application configuration manifest contains more than one dependentAssembly element for configuring the same assembly identity.]ERROR: Line %d: The publisher policy config contains more than one dependentAssembly element.aERROR: Line %d: Multiple dependentAssembly elements within one dependency element is not allowed.FERROR: Line %d: The manifest contains multiple noInheritable elements.aERROR: Line %d: Multiple dependentAssembly elements within one dependency element is not allowed.NERROR: Line %d: The bindingRedirect element is only permitted in policy files.eERROR: Line %d: The root element of a configuration file is required to be the configuration element.!ERROR: Line %d: XML Syntax error.QERROR: Line %d: The application element is not allowed in the component manifest.7ERROR: The file %ws is included by multiple assemblies.XERROR: Line %d: Version overlaps in bindingRedirect. oldVersion = %ws. newVersion = %ws.RERROR: Assemblies that require branch version logic can not be privately deployed.xERROR: Line %d: The element %ws appears as a child of element %ws which is not supported except in desktop applications.aERROR: Line %d: The attribute %ws in element %ws is not permitted except in desktop applications.zERROR: Line %d: The COM class threadingModel must be specified in this type of application, and cannot be set to 'Single'.PAINFO: Resolving reference %ws.!INFO: Reference resolve finished.*INFO: Resolving reference for culture %ws.INFO: Culture probing finished.INFO: Applying Binding Policy.INFO: Begin assembly probing.INFO: End assembly probing.8INFO: Resolving reference for ProcessorArchitecture %ws.-INFO: ProcessorArchitecture probing finished.PA"INFO: Find publisher policy at %ws5INFO: Application Policy redirected assembly version.3INFO: Publisher Policy redirected assembly version. INFO: No publisher policy found.'INFO: No binding policy redirect found.+INFO: Post policy assembly identity is %ws.8INFO: Auto Servicing Policy redirected assembly version.'INFO: Attempt to probe manifest at %ws.INFO: Manifest found at %ws.PA,INFO: Did not find manifest for culture %ws.$ERROR: Cannot resolve reference %ws.*INFO: Did not find the assembly in WinSxS.4ERROR: Manifest %ws crosses an unsafe reparse-point.ERROR: Cannot resolve reference %ws. Note that centrally-installed dependencies are not processed except in desktop applications.PAkERROR: Two assemblies have the same assembly name with different version. Assembly 1: %ws. Assembly 2: %ws.)ERROR: The setting %ws is not registered.WinSxs Tracing Utility.Usage: SxsTrace [Options]Options:$ Trace -logfile:FileName [-nostop] Enabling tracing for sxs.( Tracing log is saved to FileName.@ If -nostop is specified, will not prompt to stop tracing.A Parse -logfile:FileName -outfile:ParsedFile [-filter:AppName]c Translate the raw trace file into a human readable format and save the result to ParsedFile./ Use -filter option to filter the output. Stoptrace2 Stop the trace if it is not stopped before..Example: SxsTrace Trace -logfile:SxsTrace.etlD SxsTrace Parse -logfile:SxsTrace.etl -outfile:SxsTrace.txtPA1Tracing started. Trace will be saved to file %ws.Parsing log file %ws...Out of memory!+Parsing finished! Output saved to file %ws.%ws failed. Error message is:Press Enter to stop tracing...-Open trace file %ws failed. Error message is:.Open output file %ws failed. Error Message is:Unknown Error.PA4VS_VERSION_INFO@%@%?StringFileInfo040904B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft CorporationJFileDescriptionSxs Tracing Toolr)FileVersion6.3.9600.16384 (winblue_rtm.130821-1623): InternalNamesxstrace.exe.LegalCopyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.JOriginalFilenamesxstrace.exe.muij%ProductNameMicrosoft Windows Operating SystemBProductVersion6.3.9600.16384DVarFileInfo$Translation PADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPAD