MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $Rؕ3}3}3}H̴3}H̱3}Rich3}PEL!  2P@1.rsrc@2@@x(@ 8Ph !?BEHI(L@~Xp  ( 8 H X h x           ( 8 H X h0THD )*,H/4|041"23|44:6B84<:D;`<=>MUIm .^Vv RxDsI5JH MUIen-USOut of memory.A run-time error has occurred.&Could not generate a random admin key.2Could not open a cryptographic algorithm provider.3Could not set a property on a cryptographic object.5Could not get a property from a cryptographic object.#Could not generate a symmetric key.Could not encrypt data.)Parameters are required for this utility.LTpmVscMgr.exe Commands: create [/quiet] /name <name> /adminkey 'PROMPT'|'DEFAULT'|'RANDOM' [/puk 'PROMPT'|'DEFAULT'] /pin 'PROMPT'|'DEFAULT' [/generate] [/machine <machine name>] [/pinpolicy [policy options]] policy options: minlen <length> maxlen <length> uppercase 'ALLOWED'|'DISALLOWED'|'REQUIRED' lowercase 'ALLOWED'|'DISALLOWED'|'REQUIRED' digits 'ALLOWED'|'DISALLOWED'|'REQUIRED' specialchars 'ALLOWED'|'DISALLOWED'|'REQUIRED' destroy [/quiet] /instance <device instance ID> [/machine <machine name>] Legend: 'PROMPT' => prompt for parameter 'DEFAULT' => default value for parameter 'RANDOM' => generate a random value 'ALLOWED' => these characters are allowed 'DISALLOWED' => these characters are not allowed 'REQUIRED' => at least one such character is required Note: The generate command formats the TPM virtual smart card so that it can be used to enroll for certificates. If this option is not specified, a card management system/tool will need to be used to format the card before first use. Note: /pinpolicy may only be used in conjunction with /pin prompt. Note: The default PIN policy options are as follows: minlen 8 maxlen 127 uppercase allowed lowercase allowed digits allowed specialchars allowed The lower and upper bounds on PIN length are 4 and 127, respectively. When using /pinpolicy, PIN characters must be printable ASCII characters. Examples: Create a TPM virtual smart card with default value for PIN and a random admin key: TpmVscMgr create /name MyVSC /pin default /adminkey random /generate Create a TPM virtual smart card with default value for admin key and a specified PIN policy: TpmVscMgr create /name MyVSC /pin prompt /pinpolicy minlen 4 maxlen 8 /adminkey default /generate Destroy a TPM virtual smart card using the instance ID that was returned when the card was created: TpmVscMgr destroy /instance root\smartcardreader\0000Unknown action: %{actionName}#Unknown parameter: %{parameterName},Missing required parameter: %{parameterName}:The value for the parameter is not valid: %{parameterName}I%{parameterName1} value must be PROMPT when specifying %{parameterName2}.Creating TPM Smart Card...Destroying TPM Smart Card...Enter Admin Key: Confirm Admin Key: &Admin Key confirmation does not match. Enter PUK: Confirm PUK: PUK confirmation does not match. Enter PIN: Confirm PIN: PIN confirmation does not match.:Smart Card Reader Device Instance ID = %{deviceInstanceId}<Please restart your computer for the changes to take effect.APlease restart the target machine for the changes to take effect.+Using default Admin Key: %{defaultAdminKey} Using default PUK: %{defaultPuk} Using default PIN: %{defaultPin}0Initializing the Virtual Smart Card component...,Creating the Virtual Smart Card component....Destroying the Virtual Smart Card component...0Initializing the Virtual Smart Card Simulator...,Creating the Virtual Smart Card Simulator....Destroying the Virtual Smart Card Simulator...-Initializing the Virtual Smart Card Reader...)Creating the Virtual Smart Card Reader...+Destroying the Virtual Smart Card Reader...PA$Waiting for TPM Smart Card Device...'Authenticating to the TPM Smart Card...PA.Generating filesystem on the TPM Smart Card...TPM Smart Card created.TPM Smart Card destroyed. Failed to impersonate the callerZEnsure that your PIN/PUK meets the length or complexity requirements of your organization.?The limit on the number of Smart Card Readers has been reached.TTPM Virtual Smart Card management cannot be used within a Terminal Services session.PA6Failed to initialize the Virtual Smart Card component.2Failed to create the Virtual Smart Card component.)Failed to destroy the Virtual Smart Card.PA6Failed to initialize the Virtual Smart Card Simulator.2Failed to create the Virtual Smart Card Simulator.3Failed to destroy the Virtual Smart Card Simulator.5Failed to configure the Virtual Smart Card Simulator.:Failed to find the specified Virtual Smart Card Simulator.3Failed to initialize the Virtual Smart Card Reader./Failed to create the Virtual Smart Card Reader.0Failed to destroy the Virtual Smart Card Reader.(Failed to connect to the TPM Smart Card.8Failed to generate the filesystem on the TPM Smart Card. Unable to create TPM Smart Card.!Unable to destroy TPM Smart Card.PA{TPM Virtual Smart Card management does not support PIN policy with the version of Windows running on the specified machine.PA4VS_VERSION_INFO@%@%?StringFileInfo040904B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft Corporationp$FileDescriptionTPM Virtual Smartcard Setup Utility^FileVersion4.00 (winblue_rtm.130821-1623)4 InternalNameTpmVscMgr.LegalCopyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.LOriginalFilenameTpmVscMgr.exe.muij%ProductNameMicrosoft Windows Operating SystemBProductVersion6.3.9600.16384DVarFileInfo$Translation PADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPAD