MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $Rؕ3}3}3}H̴3}H̱3}Rich3}PEL!  @.rsrc@@8P 0H`(x2<> ,6  8"P$h(6;7   (@Xp0H`x !#$6:; ?8@PAhBCDEFGHI(J@KXLpMNOPQR S T0 UH 2` 6x A   !       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CUsed space:PEEU Dworking...PE# E XR FPR. GFree space:PERU Hworking...PR# IPaJPg. KCapacity:PEgU Lworking...Pg# M XDtR'N Copying... Deleting...PA Moving...Creating Playlist...Compressing File:Waiting: %s is busy.Waiting: The device is busy.Preparing to create Playlist.Creating Playlist on device.PA Searching: %sAdded %sAdding media to PlaylistPA1You do not have permission to access this device.The device is currently busy and its contents may not be fully displayed. If another application is copying data to or from the device, please wait for it to finish and then retry. Device BusyCThe device name is either too long, or contains invalid characters.Invalid Device NameCannot Open FileCannot open %1: The filename is too long to open directly from the device. You may shorten the filename and retry, or copy the file to the PC and launch it from there.PAMoveCopy Move File Move FolderCannot move %1Cannot move itemBThe device has either stopped responding or has been disconnected. Move ItemTo '%s'/You do not have permission to create this item.>The device does not allow files to be placed in this location..Its file size is larger than the device limit.Convert and Copy<Do you want to convert %1 before it's copied to your device?Do this for all files#Yes, convert and copy (recommended)JNo, just copy Your file will be copied, but might not play on your device.Cannot copy %1Cannot copy itemPAError Deleting FileError Deleting Folder[%1 could not be deleted. The device has either stopped responding or has been disconnected.cThe delete operation has failed. The device has either stopped responding or has been disconnected.<The folder %1 could not be deleted. The folder is not empty.H%1 could not be deleted. You do not have permission to delete this item.]Cannot delete %1: The storage is write-protected. Remove the write-protection and try again.KThe storage is write-protected. Remove the write-protection and try again.Destination path too long. Copy File Copy FolderfThe file is protected with a digital license. This license does not grant you rights to copy the file.PThere is not enough free memory. Quit one or more programs, and then try again.BThe device has either stopped responding or has been disconnected. Copy ItemBThe device has either stopped responding or has been disconnected.PAAA file or folder with the same name already exists on the device.WARNING: Formatting will erase ALL data on this device. This may include any settings stored on the device. To format the device, click OK. To quit, click Cancel.Formatting your %s.Format Complete.-The device was unable to complete the format.GIts file size is larger than the device limit of %1!ls! (%2!ls! bytes).NThe file %1 could not be copied. There is not enough free space on the device.UThe selected files could not be copied. There is not enough free space on the device.9The file is protected with a digital license. The key to open this license may not reside on this computer or the license may require that you log into your account to copy the file. A missing license key may be obtained by playing the file in an application that supports Windows Media Digital Rights Management.LThe license for this content does not allow copying it to a portable device.RenamegIf you change a file name extension, the file may become unusable. Are you sure you want to change it?%d X %dCreate PlaylistCNo media files were found which could be used to create a playlist.PAMove up Move to top Move downMove to bottomDeleteError Creating FolderxThe new folder could not be created in this location. The device has either stopped responding or has been disconnected.Error Creating PlaylistzThe new playlist could not be created in this location. The device has either stopped responding or has been disconnected.PA%1!ls! (%2!ls! bytes)%1!ls! %s PropertiesMultiple Types All in %1All of type %1Various Folders%1!ls! Files, %2!ls! Folders%s%s, ...PAPortable DeviceDigital CameraPortable Media Player Mobile PhoneOpen as Portable Device$Opens the drive as a portable device;The destination folder is a subfolder of the source folder.8The destination folder is the same as the source folder.The device has either stopped responding or has been disconnected. The camera may not support copying files from your computer.~The device has either stopped responding or has been disconnected. The camera may not support moving files from your computer.Confirm File DeleteConfirm Folder DeleteConfirm Multiple File Delete1Are you sure you want to permanently delete '%1'?TAre you sure you want to permanently remove the folder '%1' and all of its contents?>Are you sure you want to permanently delete these %1!d! items?The file requires special content protection support to be transferred to portable devices. You may attempt transfer with an application that supports Windows Media Digital Rights Management.The file is protected by a digital license that has become inaccessible. Please see for information on how to recover and copy this file.eA problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support.mA problem has occurred in obtaining the device's certificate. Make sure the device is not busy and try again.QA file with the name you specified already exists. Specify a different file name.Cannot rename %2!ls!: %1!ls!Error Renaming File or FolderPAPThe file %1 is a read-only file. Are you sure you want to permanently delete it?Confirm File DeleteTThe folder %1 is a read-only folder. Are you sure you want to permanently delete it?Confirm Folder Delete/This folder already contains a file named '%1'.9This folder already contains a read-only file named '%1'.This folder already contains a folder named '%1'. If the files in the existing folder have the same name as files in the folder you are moving or copying, they will be replaced. Do you still want to move or copy the folder? modified: %1)The file is not supported on this device.)The file cannot be copied to this folder.)The file is not supported on this device.)The file cannot be copied to this folder.0The file may not exist or cannot be transferred.This device can only accept%This folder can only contain folders.This folder can only accept %s files.%s and %s files.%s, %s and %s files.%s, %s, %s and %s files.%s, %s, %s, %s and %s files. %s, %s, %s, %s, %s and %s files.$%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s and %s files.(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s and %s files.MIf possible, use a media program that can convert the file before copying it.I Although this device supports %1 files, it does not support %2 files. %3Open device to view files File Explorer#Configure device for network accessNetwork Configuration Wizardusing %sPortable DevicesPortable Devices Menu@View the content on portable devices connected to your computer.folderimagedocumentcontactaudiovideoplaylistmixed content album audio album image albumPA video albummemoemail appointmenttaskprogramgeneric unspecifiedYesNo(multiple values)PropertyValueGeneral1 (mono) 2 (stereo)%s bytesBattery Plugged inPA Contact Photo Thumbnail Album ArtPAAudio Annotation%lu dpiPAAccepted AttendeesLocationOptional AttendeesRequired Attendees ResourcesType Bit DepthBit RateBlock AlignmentChannels Format Code Major Version Minor Version Client NameRevision Birth DateBusiness EmailBusiness Email 2 Business FaxBusiness Postal AddressBusiness PhoneBusiness Phone 2Business Postal CityBusiness Postal Country/RegionBusiness Address Line 1Business Address Line 2Business Postal CodeBusiness Postal RegionBusiness Web Address Company Name Display Name First NameInstant MessengerInstant Messenger 2Instant Messenger 3 Last Name Middle Name Mobile PhoneMobile Phone 2PAOther Email AddressesOther Postal Address Other PhonesOther Postal CityOther Address Line 1Other Address Line 2Other Postal CodeOther Postal Country/RegionOther Postal RegionPagerPersonal EmailPersonal Email 2 Personal FaxPersonal Postal AddressPersonal PhonePersonal Phone 2PAPersonal Postal CityPersonal Postal Country/RegionPersonal Address Line 1Personal Address Line 2Personal Postal CodePersonal Postal RegionPersonal Web AddressPhonetic Company NamePhonetic First NamePhonetic Last NamePrefixPrimary Email Address Primary PhonePrimary Web AddressRoleSuffixPA Device DateFirmware Version Friendly Name ManufacturerModel Power Level Power SourceProtocol Serial NumberSupports Non-consumable Sync PartnerBCC LineCC LineHas Attachments Has Been ReadPA Received TimeSender AddressTo LineContent Types AllowedFunctional Category Bit DepthColor CorrectedNoYesShould Not Be CorrectedCroppedNoYesShould Not Be Cropped Bit Rate TypeDiscreteFreeUnusedVariableBuy NowComposer CopyrightDurationEffective RatingEncoding ProfileHeightLast Accessed Time Meta GenreUnusedMusicAudio AudiobookPASpokenNews Talk ShowVideoNews Music Video Home VideoMovie Television Educational Photo MontageOtherArtistParental Rating Release Date Sample RatePA Skip Count Star Rating Sub TitleSubscription Content IDTitleTotal Bit Rate Use Count User RatingWidth Album Title DescriptionGenreLyricsMood Track Number Content Type Date Authored Date Created Date ModifiedFormatID ProtectedHidden Read-onlySystemKeywordsNameNon-consumableOriginal Filename ReferencesSize SMS EncodingPASMS Max Payload SMS Provider SMS TimeoutArtistBurst Interval Burst Number Capture DelayCapture Format Capture Mode UndefinedNormalBurst Time-lapseCapture ResolutionCompression SettingContrast Digital Zoom Effect Mode UndefinedColorBlack and WhiteSepiaExposure Bias CompensationExposure IndexExposure Metering Mode UndefinedAverageCenter Weighted Multi-spot Center-spotExposure Program Mode UndefinedPAManual AutomaticAperture PriorityShutter PriorityCreativeActionPortrait Exposure Time Flash Mode Undefined AutomaticOffFillAutomatic Red Eye Reduction Fill Red EyeExternalPAF-Number Focal LengthFocus DistanceFocus Metering Mode Undefined Center-spot Multi-spot Focus Mode UndefinedManual AutomaticAutomatic MacroRGB Gain SharpnessTime-lapse IntervalTime-lapse NumberPA Upload URL White Balance UndefinedManual AutomaticOne Push AutomaticDaylight FluorescentTungstenFlashCapacity DescriptionFile System Type Free SpaceFree Object Space Serial NumberType Has ReminderOwnerPercent Complete Reminder DateStatusAuthorBit Rate Buffer SizeCredits FourCC Code Frame RateKey Frame IntervalQuality SettingChannelPARepeatStation Scan TypeUnused Progressive Interleaved InterleavedSingleSingleMixed Interlaced Mixed Interlaced and ProgressiveSubjectPriority Message BodyStart Date/Time End Date/Time Camera Model Camera MakerHorizontal ResolutionVertical Resolution Move to %1 Copy to %1device storageroot of storageAnalyzing files...&Do you want to copy %1 to your device?8Your device might not be able to play or view this file.Do this for all filesNo, skip this fileZYes Your file will be copied, but you might not be able to play or view it on your device.Copy to DeviceCDo you want to be able to play selected media files on your device?xYes (recommended) Media files will be converted and copied to the correct location, so you can play them on your device.gNo All the selected files will be copied to the same folder, but media files won't play on your device.Conversion problemI%1 can not be converted. Do you want to copy the file without conversion?PACYour device might not be able to play this file without conversion.Do this for all files No, skip this file (recommended)@Yes Your file will be copied, but might not play on your device.&Do you want to move %1 to your device?8Your device might not be able to play or view this file.Do this for all filesNo, skip this fileYYes Your file will be moved, but you might not be able to play or view it on your device.What do you want to do?Do this for all filesSkip this file Stop copyingCDevice has been disconnected. Aborting transcode operation on file.PACopy to Device1Do you want to be able to play %1 on your device?Do this for all files[Yes (recommended) The file will be converted and copied, so you can play it on your device.JNo, just copy Your file will be copied, but might not play on your device.PANameSizeTypeCreatedModified Total Size Free Space Percent FullAvailable Space Track NumberUnknown New FolderNew Folder (%d)%1!s! - Copy%2!s!%1!s! - Copy (%2!d!)%3!s!New Playlist.plaNew Playlist (%d).plaPATitleArtistAlbumYearGenreLyricsPADurationBitrate Sample Size Sample Rate Channel CountFormat Protected Supported Description Play Count Play Starts Play Expires Date AuthoredDate Picture Taken DimensionsPA4VS_VERSION_INFO@%@%?StringFileInfo040904B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft Corporationj!FileDescriptionPortable Devices Shell Extensionr)FileVersion6.3.9600.16384 (winblue_rtm.130821-1623): InternalNameWpdShExt.dll.LegalCopyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.JOriginalFilenameWpdShExt.dll.muij%ProductNameMicrosoft Windows Operating SystemBProductVersion6.3.9600.16384DVarFileInfo$Translation PADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPAD