MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $Rؕ3}3}3}H̴3}H̱3}Rich3}PEL!  @\.rsrc@@( @Xp   MUINרTML황u3T MUI en-UST  P11\ 00 PP  %LV.X^T7p<0G<`,ak4=Pfz` a h @  F0Developer Debug: Isolate Failures in Cloud Toast Notification Delivery Developer Debug: Isolate Failures in Local Toast Notification Delivery Developer Debug: Debugging Raw Notification Delivery Errors Developer Debug: Isolate Failures in Raw Notification Delivery 0Connection Manager ,Endpoint Manager Threadpool 8Presentation Layer API Platform Debug 0Connection Provider hPerformance Scenario: First cloud notification Performance Scenario: First cloud notification with cloud image download tPerformance Scenario: New cloud notification arrives Performance Scenario: New cloud notification refering cloud images arrives TPerformance Scenario: MoGo is panning Performance Scenario: MoGo is panning with downloading cloud images Performance Scenario: The Windows Push Notification shutdown 0WNP Transport Layer Developer Debug: Isolate Failures in Cloud Tile Notification Delivery dDeveloper Debug: Debugging Cloud Connectivity Developer Debug: Debugging Cloud Connectivity - Is device connected? xDeveloper Debug: Debugging Cloud Connectivity - errors pDeveloper Debug: Debugging Platform Setting Changes Developer Debug: Isolate Failures in Local Tile Notification Delivery Developer Debug: Debugging Polling Notification Delivery Errors |Developer Support: End-to-End trace for new notification $Response Time Info Start Stop Error Warning Information Verbose dMicrosoft-Windows-PushNotifications-Platform |Microsoft-Windows-PushNotifications-Platform/Operational pMicrosoft-Windows-PushNotifications-Platform/Debug pMicrosoft-Windows-PushNotifications-Platform/Admin The Windows Push Notification Platform has encountered an error in file: %1, function %2, line %3: %4. The Windows Push Notification Platform has started loading. |The Windows Push Notification Platform has been unloaded. The Windows Push Notification Platform has been disabled due to Group Policy settings. xThe Windows Push Notification Platform has been loaded. The Windows Push Notification Platform has started unloading. The Windows Push Notification Platform has launched as %1 with %2 privilege. The Windows Push Notification Platform is switching into new %1 privilege. The Windows Push Notification Platform has switched with error code %2, and current privilege is %1. The Windows Push Notification Platform has started defragging storage. The Windows Push Notification Platform has finished defragging storage. lThe Windows Push Notification Platform has determined new maximum number of applications %2 based on count of current applications %1. Old maximum number of applications is %3. The Windows Push Notification Platform has expanded its persistent header storage to accommodate %1 Applications. The Windows Push Notification Platform has switched to using an expanded persistence buffer. The Windows Push Notification Platform has started loading file data: count applications %1, count allocated entries %2, max count %3. The Windows Push Notification Platform has created a new memory-mapped file. The Windows Push Notification Platform has detected that its persistent buffer is out of sync. The Windows Push Notification Platform has registered inbox applications. The Windows Push Notification Platform has encountered error %2 opening file %1. The Windows Push Notification Platform has started processing tile update settings for %1 inbox and %2 preinstall apps. The Windows Push Notification Platform has stopped processing tile update settings. The Windows Push Notification Platform is setting URI %2 with recurrence %3 for AppUserModelId %1. 8A Connection Provider is registered with Windows Push Notification Platform using the following parameters: %1 [CLSID] %2 [Enabled] %3 [CLSCTX Flags]. The following Connection Provider is enabled with the parameters: %1 [CLSID] %2 [CLSCTX Flags]. The Connection Provider with CLSID %1 was instantiated with the following flags %2. lConnect request sent to the Connection Provider. lDisconnect request sent the Connection Provider. dThe Connection Provider status changed to %1. Sending a channel request to the Connection Provider with parameters: %1 [PackageFullName] %2 [Properties] %3 [Cookie] %4 [TransactionId]. The Connection Provider completed the channel request for transaction id %1. %2 [ChannelId] %3 [ChannelUri] %4 [Expiry]. Sending a channel revoke request to the Connection Provider for channel id %1. `%2 received for channel id %1 with notification tracking id %3, AppUserModelId %8, X-WNS-MSG-ID %4, timestamp %5 and expiration %6. Notification had the following tag: %7. TSending a request to the Connection Provider to renew a channel with parameters: %1 [ChannelId] %2 [PackageFullName] %3 [Properties] %4 [Cookie] %5 [TransactionId]. Setting batching configuration to the following state: %1. Configuring notification delivery for AppUserModelId %4 with channel id %1. %2 [NotificationType] %3 [Enabled]. The Resource Manager was notified that display state changed to %1. Configuring notification policy for %1 [NotificationType] %2 [Enabled]. The Resource Manager was notified of an update to the network cost. %1 [Cost] %2 [Costly]. The Resource Manager was notified of an update to the data plan. %1 [Source] %2 [BillingCycle]. The Resource Manager reset the Mobile Broadband Usage statistics. The Resource Manager was notified that user session state changed to %1 for session id %2. The current session id is %3. The Connection Provider status changed to a failure state: %1. Connecting to the Windows Push Notification Service. %1 [FeatureSet] %2 [AuthType] %4 [AuthPayload] %6 [BindPayload]. |Windows Push Notification Service connection result: %1. XSending Channel WNP Protocol command: %1 [TransactionId] %2 [ChannelId] %3 [PackageFullName] %4 [Properties] %6 [Command] %7 [Namespace] %8 [ContextId] %10 [Payload]. Channel WNP Protocol command tracking information: %1 [TransactionId] %2 [TrID]. Sending Revoke WNP Protocol command: %1 [ChannelId] %3 [Command] %4 [Namespace] %5 [ContextId] %7 [Payload]. 8Sending Block/Unblock WNP Protocol command: %1 [ChannelId] %2 [NotificationType] %3 [Enabled] %5 [Command] %6 [Namespace] %7 [ContextId] %9 [Payload]. Sending Options WNP Protocol command: %1 [State] %3 [Command] %4 [Namespace] %5 [ContextId] %7 [Payload]. WNP Protocol command response: %1 [TrID] %2 [Error] %3 [ContextId]. WNP Protocol delivered notification: %1 [Namespace] %2 [PayloadSize] %3 [MsgId] %4 [Ack]. |Disconnecting from the Windows Push Notification Service. Windows Push Notification Service disconnection result: %1. dRequesting Device Compact Ticket for the %1. Device Compact Ticket request completed with Device Id %1 for the %2. Sending Filter/Unfilter WNP Protocol command: %1 [NotificationType] %2 [Enabled] %4 [Command] %5 [Namespace] %6 [ContextId] %8 [Payload]. Sending Ack WNP Protocol command: %1 [MsgId] %3 [Command] %4 [Namespace] %6 [Payload]. Device Compact Ticket request failed with error %1 for the %2. Windows Push Notification Service was disconnected due to error: %1 and will now enter reconnect mode. Sending Ack WNP Protocol command: %1 [Nonce] %2 [Response] %4 [Command] %5 [Namespace] %6 [ContextId] %8 [Payload]. xWNP Transport Layer Connect call initiated for the %1. xWNP Transport Layer Connect call completed for the %1. WNP Transport Layer SendCommand call initiated for TrID %1 on the %2. WNP Transport Layer SendCommand call completed for TrID %1 on the %2. |WNP Transport Layer Disconnect call initiated for the %1. |WNP Transport Layer Disconnect call completed for the %1. WNP Transport Layer resolving DNS initiated for host %2 for the %1. xWNP Transport Layer resolving DNS completed for the %1. WNP Transport Layer retrieving proxy information initiated for the %1. WNP Transport Layer retrieving proxy information completed for the %1. WNP Transport Layer initial server connection initiated to server %2 on port %3 for the %1. WNP Transport Layer initial server connection completed to server %2 on port %3 for the %1. WNP Transport Layer proxy connection initiated for the %1. WNP Transport Layer proxy connection completed to server %2 on port %3 for the %1. WNP Transport Layer proxy negotiation initiated for the %1. WNP Transport Layer proxy negotiation completed for the %1. |WNP Transport Layer TLS negotiation initiated for the %1. |WNP Transport Layer TLS negotiation completed for the %1. dWNP Transport Layer sent %1 bytes on the %2. lWNP Transport Layer received %1 bytes on the %2. WNP Transport Layer sent command for the %6 with Verb: %1, Trid: %2, Namespace: %3 containing %4 bytes of payload: %5. tWNP Transport Layer received %1 bytes of payload: %2. WNP Transport Layer received command for the %6 with Verb: %1, Trid: %2, Namespace: %3 containing %4 bytes of payload: %5. WNP Transport Layer received proxy server response for the %3 of %1 bytes with payload: %2. $WNP Transport Layer received command when disconnected for the %6 with Verb: %1, Trid: %2, Namespace: %3 containing %4 bytes of payload: %5. WNP Keep Alive Detector received OnConnected event from the test connection with Error: %1 WNP Keep Alive Detector received OnReconnecting event from the test connection with Error: %1 WNP Keep Alive Detector received OnDisconnected event from the test connection with Error: %1 WNP Keep Alive Detector received KA hint from server: %1 seconds WNP Keep Alive Detector updating cached Ka time with value: %2 seconds; type: %1 Fast reconnect triggered for previous WNS session (%1) on the %3. It has been %2 seconds since last packet. X%2 TCP connection established over %1. (WNP Keep Alive Detector resetting Idle Failed Interval. Last Idle-Succeeded interval %1 seconds is larger than Idle-Failed interval %2 seconds WNP Keep Alive Detector incrementing Idle-Succeeded count to %1 WNP Keep Alive Detector encountered failed idle interval of %1 seconds lWNP Keep Alive Detector starting Test Connection WNP Keep Alive Detector starting KA measurement with value: %2 seconds; type: %1; Min Limit: %3 seconds hWNP Keep Alive Detector stopping KA measurement dWNP Keep Alive Detector lost network over %1. WNP Transport Layer received Power Management event with type %1 on the %2. WNP Transport Layer received Power Management event with type %1 on the %2. Message is ignored ,Connection to the Windows Push Notification Service (%1:%2) failed because proxy host detected (%3:%4) could not be used to establish the connection. Please check the proxy configuration on the client as well as verify that the proxy host detected is operating correctly. Connection to the Windows Push Notification Service (%1:%2) failed because the proxy host detected (%3:%4) explicitly requires user authentication. Only proxies configured with NTLM authentication are supported. WNP Transport Layer was disconnected from the Windows Push Notification Service due to a loss of network connectivity. Connection to the Windows Push Notification Service failed because of a failure to configure the connection to run properly in low-power states. Please ensure all network drivers are up to date. pConnection to the Windows Push Notification Service (%1:%2) failed because the proxy host detected (%3:%4) could not be connected to. The HTTP request failed with HTTP Status: %5. xStopKeepAliveMeasurement was called from message loop. TThe KA measurement was never started. The test connection disconnect failed synchronously due to error: %1 The KA value has converged. Now disconnect test connection. The test connection will be disconnected due to idle failure. xStarted tracking connection establishment performance. xFinished tracking connection establishment performance. (The Windows Push Notification Platform has received a channel request with the following parameters: %1 [PackageFullName] %2 [AppUserModelId]. The channel table has added a valid channel mapping: %1 [ChannelId] %2 [AppUserModelId]. The channel table has removed a channel mapping: %1 [ChannelId] %2 [AppUserModelId]. The channel table has updated a channel mapping: %1 [ChannelId] %2 [AppUserModelId]. The channel table has returned a cached channel mapping: %1 [ChannelId] %2 [AppUserModelId]. A cloud notification callback was added: %1 [AppUserModelId]. A cloud notification callback was removed: %1 [AppUserModelId]. A cloud notification could not be delivered to a callback due to an error: %1 [AppUserModelId]. A cloud notification was delivered to a callback: %1 [AppUserModelId] %2 [NotificationType] %3 [NotificationTrackingId]. LA local notification was received through an application endpoint: %1 [AppUserModelId] %2 [NotificationType] %3 [NotificationTrackingId] %4 [NotificationSource]. A clear tile message was received from an application endpoint: %1 [AppUserModelId]. A clear badge message was received from an application endpoint: %1 [AppUserModelId]. A cancel toast message was received from an application endpoint: %1 [NotificationTrackingId]. A toast feedback callback was added: %1 [NotificationTrackingId]. A toast feedback callback was removed: %1 [NotificationTrackingId]. A toast feedback callback was invoked: %1 [NotificationTrackingId]. A scheduled toast was added: %1 [PackageFullName] %2 [AppUserModelId]. A scheduled toast was removed: %1 [PackageFullName] %2 [AppUserModelID]. A scheduled toast is about to be raised: %1 [AppUserModelID]. A background task to application mapping has been added: %1 [AppUserModelID] %2 [EventId]. A background task to application mapping has been removed: %1 [AppUserModelID] %2 [EventId]. A raw notification has activated a background task: %1 [AppUserModelID] %2 [EventId] %3 [NotificationID]. A raw notification has activated a system task: %1 [AppUserModelID]. A scheduled tile was added: %1 [PackageFullName] %2 [AppUserModelId] %3 [Cookie]. A scheduled tile was removed: %1 [PackageFullName] %2 [AppUserModelId] %3 [Cookie]. A scheduled tile is being raised: %1 [AppUserModelId] %2 [Cookie]. A scheduled tile was removed because the number of scheduled tiles per app exceeded maximum queue size: %1 [AppUserModelId] %2 [Cookie]. A periodic update has been set: %1 [PackageFullName] %2 [AppUserModelId] %3 [Type]. A periodic update has been reset: %1 [PackageFullName] %2 [AppUserModelId] %3 [Type]. A periodic update has started polling URL: %1 [AppUserModelId] %2 [Type]. A periodic update has finished polling URL: %1 [AppUserModelId] %2 [Type]. A periodic update has rejected polling URL because size of notification exceeded maximum: %1 [AppUserModelId] %2 [Type] %3 [URL]. ,A periodic update has rejected polling URL due to mobile broadband connection such as roaming or reaching quota : %1 [AppUserModelId] %2 [Type]. A periodic update has failed polling URL. Please refer error description for detail: %1 [AppUserModelId] %2 [Type] %3 [URL] %4 [Error]. A background task application mapping entry has been removed: %1 [AppUserModelID]. Notification API call for %1 [AppUserModelId] failed. If you are logged into multiple sessions as the same user, please logoff and use a single user session. If you are using the Visual Studio debugging simulator, exit the simulator to resolve this error. A raw notification has failed to activate a background task: %1 [AppUserModelID] %2 [EventId] %3 [ErrorCode]. A periodic update has found HTTP Status Code rather than 200: %1 [AppUserModelId] %2 [Type] %3 [URL] %4 [HTTP Status Code]. A periodic update has failed polling URL because X-WNS-TAG header is invalid: %1 [AppUserModelId] %2 [Type] %3 [URL]. A periodic update has failed polling URL because X-WNS-EXPIRY header is invalid: %1 [AppUserModelId] %2 [Type] %3 [URL]. A periodic update of Type %2 for AppUserModelId %1 at URL %3 has been skipped due to settings. Error Code: %4 A cloud notification was dropped because the following channel is not valid: %1 [ChannelId]. A notification was dropped because the expiration time was in the past: %1 [NotificationTrackingId]. A notification was dropped because of global settings: %1 [PolicyLevel] %2 [NotificationTrackingId] %3 [NotificationType]. A notification was dropped because cloud notifications are disabled globally: %1 [PolicyLevel] %2 [NotificationTrackingId]. A notification was dropped because of application settings: %1 [AppUserModelId] %2 [NotificationTrackingId] %3 [NotificationType]. A notification was dropped because the application does not have the network capability: %1 [AppUserModelId] %2 [NotificationTrackingId]. TA notification was dropped because the application does not have the capability for the type: %1 [AppUserModelId] %2 [NotificationTrackingId] %3 [NotificationType]. A notification was dropped because the current network is costly: %1 [AppUserModelId] %2 [NotificationTrackingId] %3 [NotificationType]. 4A notification was dropped because the mobile broadband cap has been reached: %1 [AppUserModelId] %2 [NotificationTrackingId] %3 [NotificationType]. (Network traffic related to notifications was attributed to the following AppUserModelId: %1. %2 [NotificationType] %3 [Size] %4 [NetworkType]. An application setting was changed: %1 [AppUserModelId] %2 [SettingType] %3 [Enabled]. A group policy setting was changed. Notification Service connection was updated: %1 [Enabled]. An application setting was queried: %1 [AppUserModelId] %2 [SettingType] %3 [Enabled]. A global setting was changed: %1 [SettingType] %2 [Enabled] %3 [PolicyLevel]. A global setting was queried: %1 [SettingType] %2 [Enabled] %3 [PolicyLevel]. The list of apps with capability: %1 [SettingType] was requested. Callback registered for %1 [SettingType] with Cookie %2 [Cookie Value]. `Callback unregistered : %1 [Cookie Value]. |End of clearing Tile Notification Queues and Image Cache. Mobile Broadband Tile Cap Queried: %1 [Cap Value (Bytes)]. Mobile Broadband Tile Cap Changed: %1 [Cap Value (Bytes)]. Mobile Broadband Tile Usage Queried: %1 [Usage Value (Bytes)]. TMobile Broadband Reset Dates Queried. The list of apps with capability: %1 [SettingType] in Package: %2 [PackageFamilyName] was requested. Start of clearing Tile Notification Queues and Image Cache. Mobile Broadband Cap Enforcement Callback invoked: %1 [Enabled]. Toasts have been Temporarily Suspended until %1 [UTC FILETIME]. Toast Temporary Suspend Time was queried: Is Suspended? %2 wakeupTime? %1 [UTC FILETIME]. DToast Wakeup Timer has fired. The list of Polling apps in Package: %1 [PackageFamilyName] was requested. A Setting Sync was scheduled: %1 [PackageFamilyName] %2 [Collection ID]. A channel request was not allowed because of global settings: %1 [PolicyLevel] %2 [AppUserModelId]. A channel request was not allowed because the application does not have the network capability: %1 [AppUserModelId]. PA %2 notification with NotificationTrackingId %1 was dropped because appropriate privilege is not held. Please check out Mosh Debugger is running on your machine. A %3 notification with NotificationTrackingId %2 is being delivered to application %1. Notification channels associated with a package are able to receive raw notifications: [PackageFullName] %1 The following application was added to the lock screen: %1 [PackageFullName] %2 [PackageRelativeApplicationId]. The following application was removed from the lock screen: %1 [PackageFullName] %2 [PackageRelativeApplicationId]. System application was registered with the following paramaeters: %1 [PackageFullName] %2 [AppUserModelId] %3 [Settings] %5 [WNFEventName]. System application was unregistered with the following parameters: %1 [AppUserModelId] tTile session creation is requested from endpoint %1. Tile session creation is finished from endpoint %1 with result %3, and %2 is assigned as session id. LTile session %1 is being updated. hTile session %1 is updated with error code %3. HTile session %1 is being closed dTile session %1 is closed with error code %2. tToast session creation is requested from endpoint %1. Toast session creation is finished from endpoint %1 with result %3, and %2 is assigned as session id. LToast session %1 is being closed hToast session %1 is closed with error code %2. pStarted tracking Notification Request performance. pFinished tracking Notification Request performance. Toast with notification tracking id %1 is delivered to %2 on session %3. x%1 with notification tracking id %2 is delivered to %3. PTile queue entry is created for %1. |Tile notification id %2 for %1 is stored at %3 in queue. Tile notification id %2 overrided existing notification id %1. This is a verbose debug event that dumps Tile Queue information. `Badge notification id %2 is stored for %1. PTile image request %1 has started. Tile image request %1 has been canceled due to new request. Tile image request for notification %3 in %2 contains %4 URL. Image download request is being processed for first time: resource id [%1], URL [%2] Image download is complete for a single URL: notification id [%1], resource id [%2], local path [%3], error code [%4], flags [%5] Image download is complete for all URL with notification id [%1] Processing initial batch on Image request for toast: AppUserModelId [%1], Notification Id [%2], UrlCount [%3], Flags [%4] Processing Toast Image request URL: Resource Id [%1], URL [%2] Scheduling Image Download Task: [Slot Index] %1, [Notification Id] %2, [Priority] %3, [IsTile] %4, [URL] %5 Completed Image Download Task: [Notification Id] %1, [IsTile] %2, [Path] %3 Download image has failed: [Notification Id] %1 [Tile] %2 [ErrorCode] %3 [URL] %4 PImage resource is being processed. PImage resource has been processed. lClearing all tile notifiction is being processed. lClearing all tile notifiction has been processed. XClearing all images is being processed. XClearing all images has been processed. hImage Download Manager policy is changed to %1. \Detail event for tile session %1 update. Detail event at start of Notification Request performance tracking. Image Download Manager drop request due to newer request arrival. Downloading image has failed because protocol is not supported: URL [%1] Downloading image has failed because downloaded image it too big over maximum 150KB: URL [%1] Downloading image has failed because downloaded image is empty: URL [%1] The new tile notification was found to be a duplicate of a previous notification: new notification id [%1], previous notification id [%2] The new badge notification was found to be a duplicate of a previous notification: new notification id [%1], previous notification id [%2] |Started tracking Toast Notification Request performance. |Finished tracking Toast Notification Request performance. |Toast notification id %2 for %1 is stored at %3 in queue. Toast notification id %2 overrided existing notification id %1. xStarted tracking Clear Toast Notification performance. xFinished tracking Clear Toast Notification performance. xStarted tracking Clear Toast Notifications performance. |Finished tracking Clear Toast Notifications performance. Toast with notification id [%1] has expired and will be removed from the queue. Connected 4Authentication Failed (Connect Failed $Disconnected 4Unexpected Disconnect @Authentication Unavailable ,Tile Notification 0Badge Notification 0Toast Notification ,Raw Notification $Group Policy $Administrator User ,Batching Disabled ,Battery Save Mode $Passive Mode Off On Connected $Disconnected $Tile Setting $Badge Setting $Toast Setting $Audio Setting <Lock Screen Tile Setting <Lock Screen Badge Setting <Lock Screen Toast Setting (Tickle Setting ,Cloud Capability (Tile Capability ,Toast Capability 0Internet Capability ,Badge Capability 0Ringing Capability ,Tickle Capability 0Tile Image Request 0Toast Image Request $Unrestricted Restricted DNotification Platform Default @Network Provider Specified Default 8Measurement In Progress Converged (Test Connection (Data Connection IPv4 IPv6 Host Simulator Full ReadOnly ,Automatic Resume ,Resume Low-Power Suspend 4Power Status Changed 4Power Setting Changed Local Scheduled Polling ,Remote Connected 0Remote Disconnected $Session Logon (Session Logoff $Session Lock (Session Unlock 8Session Remote Control (Session Create ,Session Terminate (Image Download 4VS_VERSION_INFO@%@%?StringFileInfo040904B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft CorporationfFileDescriptionWindows Push Notification Corer)FileVersion6.3.9600.16384 (winblue_rtm.130821-1623)8 InternalNamewpncore.dll.LegalCopyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.HOriginalFilenamewpncore.dll.muij%ProductNameMicrosoft Windows Operating SystemBProductVersion6.3.9600.16384DVarFileInfo$Translation PADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADD