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ĄP -ڌ+˙˙ƒPę8,+˙˙€A&dd...PęJ,+˙˙€Re&movePę[,+˙˙€&Edit...˙˙HŔX "ĚMessagesMS Shell DlgPĂ˙˙˙˙˙˙€FTP site messagesPö‰˙˙‚&Banner:Ä!Pţ1ĽRICHEDIT50WPNřŠ˙˙‚&Welcome:Ä!PXţ1ŁRICHEDIT50WP‹ř˙˙˙˙˙˙‚E&xit:€P•ţ ¤RICHEDIT50WP¨ř˙˙˙˙˙˙‚&Maximum connections:€P˛ţ ˘RICHEDIT50W˙˙ČȐ2"ĚCustom ErrorsMS Shell DlgPž˙˙˙˙˙˙€Error messages for HTTP errorsP˙˙˙˙˙˙‚Custom error messages can be an absolute URL on this server or a pointer to a file.! ĄP+ű˙˙ƒPv°I+˙˙€&Edit...PČ°Iü˙˙€&Set to DefaultPA˙˙HŔX üÚInternet Information ServicesMS Shell DlgPî+˙˙˙˙˙˙€ P s >˙˙€E&nable Direct Metabase EditPÚ˙˙˙˙˙˙‚Allows you to edit the IIS metabase configuration file while IIS is running.P<î9S+˙˙€UTF-8 LoggingPIÝT+˙˙‚Allows IIS to write log entries using UTF-8 encoding instead of local code page.P dß „˙˙€Encode &Web logs in UTF-8P€î9U+˙˙€MIME typesP ‹˙˙˙˙˙˙‚˙˙P*‰~(V+˙˙‚IIS serves only files with extensions registered in the MIME types list. To configure additional file extensions, click MIME Types.PŞ‹A˙˙€&MIME Types...˙˙ČȐ2"ŇHome DirectoryMS Shell DlgPž˙˙‚The content for this resource should come from: PIĐ ˇ˙˙€A &directory located on this computer PIĐ ¸˙˙€A directory &located on another computerP)E˙˙˙˙˙˙€FTP site directoryP58ś˙˙‚L&ocal path:€PJ3t ÷˙˙PÉ3;Ĺ˙˙€Co&nnect As...PÉ3;5˙˙€&Browse...PJE} ^˙˙€&ReadPJR} _˙˙€&WritePJ_} `˙˙€Log &visitsPr)˝˙˙€Directory listing style P~ů Š˙˙€UNI&X Ž P‹ů Ş˙˙€M&S-DOS ŽPA˙˙ČŔ€ ëiShutting Down...MS Shell DlgPÝ)˙˙‚Attempting to shut down Internet Services...€P %Ô(msctls_progress32Progress1P@Ý9+˙˙‚Click 'End now' to shut down Internet Services immediately.@„S ˙˙€P”SP˙˙€&End now˙˙ĚȐăRMIME TypeMS Shell DlgPK˙˙˙˙˙˙‚&Extension:€PT‡>˙˙P&J˙˙˙˙˙˙‚&MIME type:€PT#‡?˙˙Pn<2˙˙€OKPŚ<2˙˙€Cancel˙˙ĚȐ ăÔMIME TypesMS Shell DlgPÓ˙˙˙˙˙˙‚Registered MIME &types (file extensions):ƒ ĄP˜t6˙˙ƒP¤78˙˙€&New...P¤!7<˙˙€&Edit...P¤37=˙˙€&RemovePŠŐ1@˙˙€MIME type detailsP–E9˙˙‚Extension:€PZ—|7˙˙P¨F;˙˙‚MIME type:€PZ¨|:˙˙PoŔ2˙˙€OKPŤŔ2˙˙€Cancel˙˙ČȐ ůuConnect to ComputerMS Shell DlgPB ˙˙˙˙˙˙‚&Computer name:€PIh *˙˙PŔ25˙˙€&Browse...Pë<˙˙˙˙˙˙€P : 2˙˙€C&onnect asP*03˙˙‚&User name:€PI(—4˙˙P>0ę˙˙‚&Password: PI<—ë˙˙PB_2˙˙€OKP_2˙˙€CancelPŔ_2Fá˙˙€&HelpPA˙˙ČȐ(#*’FTP User SessionsMS Shell Dlg! 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Please provide an account with administrator access.P7ś<˙˙˙˙˙˙€P H03˙˙‚&User Name:€P>Fw4˙˙P\0ę˙˙‚&Password: P=Zwë˙˙PÁ2˙˙€OKPÁ2˙˙€Cancel˙˙ČȐ2"ĚServiceMS Shell DlgP F˙˙˙˙˙˙€$P n ÷˙˙€&Enable bandwidth throttlingPű˙˙˙˙˙˙‚&Limit the total network bandwidth available for all FTP sites on this serverP4›ř˙˙‚Ma&ximum bandwidth (in kilobytes per second):‚ Pˇ3B ń˙˙şPŹ2 pmsctls_updown32Spin2PA˙˙HŔX "ĚSecurity AccountsMS Shell DlgPc˙˙˙˙˙˙€P o Ś˙˙€All&ow anonymous connectionsPÁ˙˙‚Use the following Windows user account for anonymous access:P-&.+˙˙‚&User name:€P;+ ,+˙˙PŇ+>ą˙˙€&Browse...P@&¨˙˙‚&Password: P;> -+˙˙@Ň>>/+˙˙€&Check PasswordP<PŹ §˙˙€A&llow only anonymous connectionsP<]ľ ľ˙˙€Allo&w IIS to control password˙˙HŔX "ĚAdvancedMS Shell DlgP Ë+˙˙‚By default, all computers will be:P+˙˙‚˙˙C'P+˙˙‚˙˙D' P+Ş +˙˙€G&ranted access P+$Ş +˙˙€De&nied accessP 8Î+˙˙‚Except those listed below:!ĄP EÍ~+˙˙ƒPáR2+˙˙€A&dd...Páe2+˙˙€&Edit...Páx2+˙˙€Re&movePA˙˙ČȐфMS Shell DlgP ş˙˙˙˙˙˙‚Type: PŻ +˙˙€&Single computer P&Ż +˙˙€&Group of computers P5Ż +˙˙€&Domain nameP Eg+˙˙‚&IP address:P QQ+SysIPAddress32PtQK+˙˙€D&NS Lookup...PvEX+˙˙‚Subnet &mask:PvQQ+SysIPAddress32€P Q˝+˙˙PgĹ˙˙˙˙˙˙‚P'p2˙˙€OKP`p2˙˙€CancelP™p2Fá˙˙€&HelpPA˙˙ČȐšADNS LookupMS Shell DlgP Ť˙˙˙˙˙˙‚&Type the DNS name:€PŤ +˙˙PF,2˙˙€OKP,2˙˙€Cancel˙˙ŔȀćuIIS6 ManagerMS Shell DlgP˙˙˙˙‚˙˙P ż!˙˙˙˙‚The authentication option you have selected results in passwords being transmitted over the network without data encryption. Someone attempting to compromise your system security could use a protocol analyzer to examine userP 'ż1˙˙˙˙‚passwords during the authentication process. For more detail on user authentication, consult the online help. This warning does not apply to HTTPS(or SSL) connections. Are you sure you want to continue?P"`2˙˙€&YesPZ`2˙˙€&NoP’`2Fá˙˙€&HelpPA˙˙ČȀ qNetwork Directory Security CredentialsMS Shell DlgP˙˙˙˙˙˙‚˙˙B'P$Ň˙˙˙˙˙˙‚Enter the security credentials that should be used to access the specified network directory from this Web site.P$-.+˙˙‚&User name:€P6"… ,+˙˙PÁ!@0+˙˙€&Browse...P2.+˙˙‚&Password: P61… -+˙˙@Á1@/+˙˙€&Check Password$P6CË‹˙˙€&Always use the authenticated user's credentials when validating access to the network directory.P)\2˙˙€OKPg\2˙˙€CancelPĽ\2Fá˙˙€&HelpPA˙˙HŔX "ŇPerformanceMS Shell DlgPT˙˙˙˙˙˙€Bandwidth throttling$P÷˙˙€&Limit the network bandwidth available to this Web siteP)Ÿř˙˙‚Ma&ximum bandwidth (in kilobytes per second):‚ PĘ'B ń˙˙şPŔ& pmsctls_updown32Spin2Pc5m˙˙€Web site connections PqŹ ž˙˙€&Unlimited P‚Ź Ÿ˙˙€Connections li&mited to:‚ PʁB˘˙˙şPŔ omsctls_updown32Spin1P:ńz˙˙‚For bandwidth throttling to function, IIS needs to install Windows Packet Scheduler. Installing Packet Scheduler will cause all current network connections to be dropped.˙˙HŔ 2"ŇDocumentsMS Shell DlgPV˙˙˙˙˙˙€Pk × ˙˙€Enable default &content pagePWH23+˙˙€Move &UpPŽH24+˙˙€Mo&ve DownĄP0-ƒ ˙˙ƒPÇ2+˙˙€A&dd...PÇ/2+˙˙€&RemovePa>˙˙˙˙˙˙€Pa] Ů ˙˙€Enable d&ocument footer€P1‰ˆ Ű ˙˙PLj25˙˙€&Browse...Ppŕ˙˙˙˙˙˙‚Append an HTML formatted footer to every document your Web server returns.˙˙ČȀ(˝:Add Content PageMS Shell DlgPŻ˙˙˙˙˙˙‚&Default content page:€PŻx ˙˙X&&2˙˙€OKPd&2˙˙€Cancel˙˙ČȀ )ęAdvanced Web Site IdentificationMS Shell DlgPc˙˙˙˙˙˙€&Multiple identities for this Web site! ĄP ?† ˙˙ƒPEW2+˙˙€&Add...P{W2+˙˙€&RemovePąW2+˙˙€&Edit...Pocđ˙˙€M&ultiple SSL identities for this Web site! ĄP }?‡ ˙˙ƒPEż2ú˙˙€A&dd...P{ż2-˙˙€Rem&ovePąż2ň ˙˙€Ed&it...PEŐ2˙˙€OKP{Ő2˙˙€CancelPąŐ2Fá˙˙€&HelpPA˙˙ŔȀ ŕBasic Authentication DomainMS Shell DlgPŇ]˙˙˙˙€Basic Authentication DomainP Ç˙˙˙˙‚The default Windows Domain used for Basic Authentication is the local domain the web server is active in. If the default domain should be other than the local domain, enter it here.P >0˙˙˙˙‚&Domain Name:€P><Z ˙˙P<25˙˙€&Browse...PN2Š ˙˙€&Use DefaultPi2˙˙€OKPWi2˙˙€CancelP–i2Fá˙˙€&HelpPA˙˙ČȀ ŰlAdd/Edit Web Site IdentificationMS Shell DlgPÍJ˙˙˙˙˙˙€IdentificationP E˙˙˙˙˙˙‚&IP address:!PUxO ˙˙…P (Eâ˙˙‚TCP p&ort:€ PU%(á˙˙P =Fă˙˙‚Ho&st Header value:€PU:v ˙˙PW2˙˙€OKPTW2˙˙€CancelP“W2Fá˙˙€&HelpPA˙˙@€P=şMS Shell DlgP Ą˙˙‚FTP Site Home DirectoryP˙˘˙˙‚The home directory is the root of your FTP content subdirectories.P#=Ľ˙˙‚P,˙˙˙˙‚Enter the path to your home directory.P;Ô˙˙˙˙‚&Path:€PEÝ÷˙˙PöE25˙˙€B&rowse...˙˙H€P=şMS Shell DlgP Ą˙˙‚FTP Site Content DirectoryP˙˘˙˙‚Where is the content you want to publish on the FTP site?P#=Ľ˙˙‚P;˙˙˙˙˙˙‚&Path:€PEÝ÷˙˙PöE25˙˙€B&rowse...P,˙˙˙˙˙˙‚Enter the path to the directory containing the content for this FTP site.PA˙˙H€P=şMS Shell DlgP Ą˙˙‚FTP User IsolationP˙˘˙˙‚Restrict FTP users to their own FTP home directory.P#=Ľ˙˙‚P,˙˙˙˙˙˙‚FTP user isolation prevents users from accessing the FTP home directory of another user on this FTP site. $Pa…˙˙€&Do not isolate users (Users can access the FTP home directory of other users.) $P}†˙˙€&Isolate users (Users must be assigned an FTP home directory within the root of this FTP site.) $P—‡˙˙€Isolate users using &Active Directory (Users must be assigned an FTP home directory that is configured using their Active Directory user account.)P@˙˙˙˙˙˙‚Important: Because you cannot change the user isolation option after creating this FTP site, you should read about FTP user isolation in the IIS product documentation before choosing an isolation option.PA˙˙HŔX"ŇWeb SiteMS Shell DlgP@‡ ˙˙€Web site identificationP@š˙˙‚De&scription:€PUŽ Ľ˙˙P B+˙˙‚&IP address:!PUŽNĂ˙˙…Pć2, ˙˙€A&dvanced...P0Cť˙˙‚&TCP port:€ PU." ˙˙P›1$( ˙˙‚SS&L port:€ PÁ."Ü ˙˙PE/˙˙˙˙˙˙€ConnectionsPRD˙˙˙˙˙˙‚Co&nnection timeout:‚ PUP: Ą˙˙P’R„˙˙˙˙˙˙‚secondsP` ˙˙€Enable HTTP &Keep-AlivesPv>˙˙˙˙˙˙€PvA ˛˙˙€&Enable loggingP†žČ˙˙‚Acti&ve log format:!PŸ*ł˙˙…Pş2´˙˙€&Properties...˙˙ČȐ#2"ŇHome DirectoryMS Shell DlgPôž˙˙‚The content for this resource should come from: PI Ë ˇ˙˙€A &directory located on this computer PIË ¸˙˙€A &share located on another computer PI%Ë  ˙˙€A redirection to a &URLP-—ř ˙˙€P-Bů ˙˙€P-PL ˙˙€P 9>n ˙˙‚Network dire&ctory:€PN7† ÷˙˙€PN7† ř˙˙PÚ7;5˙˙€Br&owse...PÚ7;c ˙˙€C&onnect As...P Fƒ c˙˙€Scrip&t source accessP Pƒ ^˙˙€&ReadP Zƒ _˙˙€&WriteP dƒ a˙˙€Directory &browsingP‘F `˙˙€Log &visitsP‘P b˙˙€&Index this resourceP FpK ˙˙‚The client will be sent to:P P÷ H ˙˙€The e&xact URL entered aboveP Zƒ I ˙˙€A director&y below URL enteredP d÷ J ˙˙€A permanent redirection for t&his resourceP nŻ ˙˙‚P qAš ˙˙‚Application settingsP ‚J° ˙˙‚Application na&me:€P\€xą ˙˙P ’Hł ˙˙‚Starting point:P ˘Mľ ˙˙‚Execute &permissions:!P\ x/ş ˙˙…P ˛Mť ˙˙‚Applicatio&n protection:!P\°x/´ ˙˙…@ڀ;ś ˙˙€xxx&exxxPڗ;¸ ˙˙€Confi&guration...PÚŽ;ˇ ˙˙€Un&loadP\’u˛ ˙˙‚xxxx˙˙ČȐ 2"ÇDirectory SecurityMS Shell DlgP+˙˙˙˙˙˙€Authentication and access controlP˙˙˙˙˙˙‚˙˙B'P7†˙˙˙˙˙˙‚Enable anonymous access and edit the authentication methods for this resource.PÁK1 ˙˙€&Edit...P6=ĺ˙˙€IP address and domain name restrictionsPEč˙˙‚˙˙/P7EŒ&ć˙˙‚Grant or deny access to this resource using IP addresses or Internet domain names.PÁ]K3 ˙˙€Ed&it...PyH˙˙€Secure communicationsP”Ś ˙˙€Ena&ble the Windows directory service mapper˙˙ČȀóAuthentication MethodsMS Shell DlgPĺS˙˙˙˙˙˙€Pf î ˙˙€Enable &anonymous accessP×˙˙˙˙˙˙‚Use the following Windows user account for anonymous access:P!3.+˙˙‚&User name:€PEk ,+˙˙Pľ20+˙˙€&Browse...P11+˙˙‚&Password: PE0k -+˙˙P;@ ľ˙˙€Allo&w IIS to control passwordP^ĺ˙˙˙˙˙˙€Authenticated accessPiŘ#˙˙˙˙˙˙‚For the following authentication methods, user name and password are required when: - anonymous access is disabled, or - access is restricted using NTFS access control listsPŽŘ í ˙˙€Integrated Wi&ndows authenticationP™Ř ˙˙€D&igest authentication for Windows domain serversP¤× ë ˙˙€Ba&sic authentication (password is sent in clear text)P°ž €˙˙€.NET Passport au&thenticationPÇC‚˙˙‚Default &domain:€PZÄV;˙˙PľÄ2<˙˙€Se&lect...PÚCƒ˙˙‚&Realm:€PZŘV=˙˙PľŘ2>˙˙€S&elect...P+đ2˙˙€OKPgđ2˙˙€CancelPĄđ2Fá˙˙€&HelpPA˙˙ČȀ$"ŠIP Address and Domain Name RestrictionsMS Shell DlgPn˙˙˙˙˙˙€IP address access restrictionsPm˙˙˙˙˙˙‚By default, all computers will be:P+˙˙‚P+˙˙‚ P“„ +˙˙€G&ranted access P“"… +˙˙€De&nied access! ĄP /Ú?+˙˙ƒPę:,+˙˙€A&dd...PęL,+˙˙€Re&movePę],+˙˙€Edi&t...P@w2˙˙€OKPww2˙˙€CancelPŽw2Fá˙˙€&HelpP#l˙˙˙˙˙˙‚Except the following:PA˙˙ČȀ ŢSecure CommunicationsMS Shell DlgP˙ ˙˙˙˙˙˙€P l L ˙˙€&Require secure channel (SSL)PŢ N ˙˙€Require &128-bit encryptionP%˙ž˙˙˙˙˙˙€Client certificates P 1ç í˙˙€Ign&ore client certificates P <ç î˙˙€&Accept client certificates P Gç ď˙˙€Req&uire client certificatesPVú˙˙˙˙˙˙‚P Zç G ˙˙€Enable c&lient certificate mappingP hś!9 ˙˙‚Client certificates can be mapped to Windows user accounts. This allows access control to resources using client certificates.PĚs2f {BBD8F29B-6F61-11D0-A26E-08002B2C6F32}PŽú˙˙‚P ’ç ˙˙€E&nable certificate trust listP Ą6˙˙‚&Current CTL:!PGŸ¸T˙˙…PRą2 ˙˙€Ne&w...P‰ą2˙˙€Ed&it...P^Č2˙˙€OKP™Č2˙˙€CancelPÔČ2Fá˙˙€&HelpPA˙˙ČȀ "nAnonymous User AccountMS Shell DlgPPđ ˙˙€Anonymous UserPń˙˙˙˙˙˙‚Select the Windows User Account used to access this computer when an anonymous user connects to this site.P&,.+˙˙‚&Username:€PC$… ,+˙˙PÎ#@0+˙˙€&Browse...P4++˙˙‚&Password: PC3… -+˙˙@Î3@/+˙˙€&Check PasswordPCDÔ ľ˙˙€Allo&w IIS to control passwordP>[2˙˙€OKPw[2˙˙€CancelP°[2Fá˙˙€&HelpPA˙˙ČȐ2"ŇISAPI FiltersMS Shell DlgPČ˙˙˙˙˙˙€P !1+˙˙‚xxx ˆP/ĘU2+SysListView32Pŕ02+˙˙€A&dd...PŕB2+˙˙€&RemovePŕT2+˙˙€Ed&it...Pŕx23+˙˙€Move &upPŕŠ24+˙˙€Move d&ownP…Ë>'˙˙€DetailsP‘/6+˙˙‚Filter Name:PJ‘‹7+˙˙‚xxxxxxxP/8+˙˙‚Status:PJ‹9+˙˙‚xxxxxxxPŠ/:+˙˙‚Executable:PJŠ‹;+˙˙‚xxxxxxxPľ/<+˙˙‚Priority:PJľ‹=+˙˙‚xxxxxxxPA˙˙ČȀ ŮUAdd/Edit Filter PropertiesMS Shell DlgP 7˙˙˙˙˙˙‚&Filter name:€PB>+˙˙P7˙˙˙˙˙˙‚&Executable:€PB?+˙˙Pœ,25˙˙€&Browse...P.3=+˙˙‚Priority:PB.U@+˙˙‚xxxP@2˙˙€OKP\@2˙˙€CancelPœ@2Fá˙˙€&HelpPA˙˙ČȀ~Edit Custom Error PropertiesMS Shell DlgP/˙˙˙˙˙˙‚Error code:PC ˙˙‚999P]:Œ ˙˙‚Sub Error Code:PœŽ ˙˙‚999P,9˙˙˙˙˙˙‚&Message type:!PC)j4 ˙˙…P<8 ˙˙‚&File name:€PC:ˇ! ˙˙PČJ25˙˙€&Browse...P/d2˙˙€OKPgd2˙˙€CancelP d2Fá˙˙€&HelpP1˙˙˙˙˙˙‚Definition:PCˇ ˙˙‚xxxxxxxxxxxxxPA˙˙ČȀÖ|Add/Edit Custom HTTP HeaderMS Shell DlgPť"˙˙˙˙˙˙‚Enter a custom header name and a custom header value. IIS appends this custom header name and custom header value to all request responses in the HTTP header.P&Č˙˙˙˙˙˙‚&Custom header name:€P0ČA+˙˙PDČ˙˙˙˙˙˙‚C&ustom header value:€PMČB+˙˙Pg2˙˙€OKPRg2˙˙€CancelPg2Fá˙˙€&HelpPA˙˙HŔ2"ŐHTTP HeadersMS Shell DlgP@˙˙˙˙˙˙€Pb C+˙˙€&Enable content expirationP oD+˙˙‚Web site &content should: Pľ E+˙˙€Exp&ire immediately P"4 F+˙˙€E&xpire after P04 G+˙˙€Expire &on€ ƒPI 1 H+˙˙!P} IqI+˙˙…PI/}J+SysDateTimePick32PÉ2 ˙˙˙˙˙˙‚at PŘ/=K+SysDateTimePick32PC;˙˙˙˙˙˙€Custom HTTP headers ĄP MĆ.L+˙˙ƒPÝM2+˙˙€A&dd...PÝ\2+˙˙€Edi&t...PÝl2$˙˙€&RemoveP(˙˙˙˙˙˙€Content ratingP‰˙˙˙˙˙˙‚˙˙E'P1‹™˙˙˙˙˙˙‚Ratings help your users to identify what type of content your site provides.P΍AM+˙˙€Edit Rati&ngs...P§)˙˙˙˙˙˙€MIME typesP˛˙˙˙˙˙˙‚˙˙P1°–˙˙˙˙˙˙‚IIS serves only files with extensions registered in the MIME types list. To configure additional file extensions, click MIME Types.PΡA˙˙€&MIME Types...˙˙@€P=şMS Shell DlgP Ą˙˙‚FTP Site DescriptionP˙˘˙˙‚Describe the FTP site to help administrators identify it.P#<Ľ˙˙‚P;˙˙˙˙‚&Description:€PE”é˙˙P,˙˙˙˙‚Type a description of the FTP site.PA˙˙H€P=şMS Shell DlgP Ą˙˙‚IP Address and Port SettingsP˙˘˙˙‚Specify an IP address and port setting for the FTP site.P#=Ľ˙˙‚P,˙˙˙˙˙˙‚Enter the IP address to use for this FTP site:!P7”1 ˙˙…PQ˙˙˙˙˙˙‚Type the TCP port for this FTP site (Default = 21):€P^0 ˙˙˙˙H€P=şMS Shell DlgP Ą˙˙‚Virtual Directory AliasP˙˘˙˙‚Specify a short name, or alias, for this virtual directory.P#=Ľ˙˙‚P,˙˙˙˙˙˙‚Type the alias you want to use to gain access to this virtual directory. Use the same naming conventions that you would for naming a directory.PCŞ˙˙˙˙˙˙‚&Alias:€PMŽ7˙˙˙˙H€P =şMS Shell DlgP Ą˙˙‚Security CredentialsP˙˘˙˙‚Specify a user name and password to prevent unauthorized access to the network resource.P#=Ľ˙˙‚P,˙˙˙˙˙˙‚Enter the user name and password that should be used to gain access to the network directory (UNC path).PC.+˙˙‚&User name:€PM,+˙˙P¨M20+˙˙€B&rowse...P`+˙˙‚&Password: Pj-+˙˙@¨jK/+˙˙€&Check Password$P†Ý‹˙˙€&Always use the authenticated user's credentials when validating access to the network directory.PA˙˙H€P=şMS Shell DlgP Ą˙˙‚Virtual Directory Access PermissionsP˙˘˙˙‚Set the access permissions for this virtual directory.P#;Ľ˙˙‚P,˙˙˙˙˙˙‚Allow the following permissions:$P;  ^˙˙€&Read$PJ  _˙˙€&WriteP˘Ť˙˙‚To complete the wizard, click Next.PA˙˙ČȐ 2"ĚServiceMS Shell DlgP!˙˙˙˙˙˙€Isolation modeP =˙˙€Run WWW service in IIS 5.0 &isolation modeP+iˆ˙˙€HTTP compressionP9 ‰˙˙€C&ompress application filesPG Š˙˙€Co&mpress static filesPVG‹˙˙‚&Temporary directory:€P\U{Œ˙˙PÝU25˙˙€&Browse...Pgý˙˙‚Maximum temporary directory size: Ps} Ž˙˙€&Unlimited P€• ˙˙€&Limited to (in megabytes):‚ƒPŻ(˙˙˙˙ČŔ€"ŇPerformanceMS Shell DlgP˙˙˙˙˙˙€Idle timeout P ÓG˙˙€&Shutdown worker processes after being idle for (time in minutes):‚ Pę*I˙˙şPß Hmsctls_updown32Spin1P)˙˙˙˙˙˙€Request queue limitP 4Č J˙˙€&Limit the kernel request queue (number of requests):‚ Pę2*K˙˙şPß2 Lmsctls_updown32Spin2PK[˙˙˙˙˙˙€P J_ M˙˙€&Enable CPU monitoringPZź˙˙˙˙˙˙‚Maximum &CPU use (percentage):‚ PęX*N˙˙şPßX Omsctls_updown32Spin2Pp˝˙˙˙˙˙˙‚&Refresh CPU usage numbers (in minutes):‚ Pęn*P˙˙şPßn Qmsctls_updown32Spin2P‡ň˙˙˙˙˙˙‚Action &performed when CPU usage exceeds maximum CPU use:!P’“+R˙˙…PŞ!˙˙˙˙˙˙€Web gardenP¸ž˙˙˙˙˙˙‚Maximum number of &worker processes:‚ Pę´*S˙˙şPß´ Tmsctls_updown32Spin2PA˙˙ČŔ€"ŇHealthMS Shell DlgP˙˙˙˙˙˙€P? U˙˙€&Enable pingingP Í˙˙˙˙˙˙‚Pin&g worker process every (frequency in seconds):‚ Pę*V˙˙şPß Wmsctls_updown32Spin1P,S˙˙˙˙˙˙€P+f X˙˙€Enable &rapid-fail protectionP 9÷˙˙˙˙˙˙‚Disable the application pool if there are a certain number of worker process failures within a specified time period.PTż˙˙˙˙˙˙‚&Failures:‚ PęR*Y˙˙şPßR Zmsctls_updown32Spin2Pjž˙˙˙˙˙˙‚&Time period (time in minutes):‚ Pęh*[˙˙şPßh \msctls_updown32Spin2P†˙˙˙˙˙˙€Startup time limitP•ž˙˙˙˙˙˙‚&Worker process must startup within (time in seconds):‚ Pę‘*]˙˙şPߑ ^msctls_updown32Spin2PŞ!˙˙˙˙˙˙€Shutdown time limitP¸Â˙˙˙˙˙˙‚Worker &process must shutdown within (time in seconds):‚ Pę´*_˙˙şPß´ `msctls_updown32Spin2PA˙˙ČŔ€"ŇDebuggingMS Shell DlgPR˙˙˙˙˙˙€P K a˙˙€&Enable debuggingP ˙˙˙˙˙˙‚Run a file on worker processes that fail to respond to pings.P *&˙˙˙˙˙˙‚&File:€P9(Ąb˙˙Pß(2c˙˙€&BrowseP>*˙˙˙˙˙˙‚&Parameters:€P9<Ą~˙˙˙˙ČŔ€ "ŇIdentityMS Shell DlgPm˙˙˙˙˙˙€Application pool identityP ˙˙˙˙˙˙‚Select a security account for this application pool: P $> d˙˙€&Predefined P 6É f˙˙€&Configurable!PQ"ˆ,e˙˙…PG1˙˙˙˙˙˙‚&User name:€PQEˆg˙˙PßE2c˙˙€&BrowsePX1˙˙˙˙˙˙‚Pass&word: PQWˆh˙˙˙˙@€P=şMS Shell DlgP Ą˙˙‚Web Site DesciptionP˙˘˙˙‚Describe the Web site to help administrators identify it.P#=Ľ˙˙‚P-˙˙˙˙‚Type a description of the Web site.P<•˙˙˙˙‚&Description:€PF”é˙˙˙˙H€P=şMS Shell DlgP Ą˙˙‚Virtual Directory AliasP˙˘˙˙‚Specify a short name, or alias, for this virtual directory.P#=Ľ˙˙‚P,˙˙˙˙˙˙‚Type the alias you want to use to gain access to this Web virtual directory. Use the same naming conventions that you would for naming a directory.PEˆ˙˙˙˙˙˙‚&Alias:€POŠ7˙˙˙˙H€P =şMS Shell DlgP Ą˙˙‚Virtual Directory Access PermissionsP˙˘˙˙‚Set the access permissions for this virtual directory.P#;Ľ˙˙‚P%˙˙˙˙˙˙‚Allow the following permissions:$P;  ^˙˙€&Read$PJ  O+˙˙€Run &scripts (such as ASP)$PY  P+˙˙€&Execute (such as ISAPI applications or CGI)$Ph  _˙˙€&Write$Pw  Q+˙˙€Br&owseP Ť˙˙‚To complete the wizard, click Next .˙˙H€P=şMS Shell DlgP Ą˙˙‚Web Site Content DirectoryP˙˘˙˙‚Where is the content you want to publish on the Web site?P#=Ľ˙˙‚P,˙˙˙˙˙˙‚Enter the path to the directory that contains the content for this Web site.P;Ü˙˙˙˙˙˙‚&Path:€PEÝ÷˙˙PöE25˙˙€B&rowse...$H] Ś˙˙€&Allow anonymous access to this web site˙˙@€P=şMS Shell DlgP Ą˙˙‚Web Site Home DirectoryP˙˘˙˙‚The home directory is the root of your Web content subdirectories.P#=Ľ˙˙‚P%˙˙˙˙‚Enter the path to your home directory.P;Ü˙˙˙˙‚&Path:€PEÝ÷˙˙PöE25˙˙€B&rowse...$P] Ś˙˙€&Allow anonymous access to this Web site˙˙H€P =şMS Shell DlgP Ą˙˙‚IP Address and Port SettingsP˘˙˙‚Specify an IP address, port setting, and host header for the new Web site.P#<Ľ˙˙‚P&˙˙˙˙˙˙‚&Enter the IP address to use for this Web site:!P01 ˙˙…PF˙˙˙˙˙˙‚&TCP port this Web site should use (Default: 80):€PP( ˙˙Pf˙˙˙˙˙˙‚&Host header for this Web site (Default: None):€Pp ˙˙P†( ˙˙‚SS&L port this Web site should use: (Default: 443)€P(Ü ˙˙P¨˙˙˙˙˙˙‚For more information, read the IIS product documentation.PA˙˙H€P =şMS Shell DlgP Ą˙˙‚Security CredentialsP˙˘˙˙‚Specify a user name and password to prevent unauthorized access to the network resource.P#=Ľ˙˙‚P,˙˙˙˙˙˙‚Enter the user name and password that should be used to gain access to the network directory.PCŒ.+˙˙‚&User name:€PMŽ,+˙˙P¨N20+˙˙€B&rowse...P`‹+˙˙‚&Password: PjŽ-+˙˙@¨jK/+˙˙€&Check Password$P†Ý‹˙˙€&Always use the authenticated user's credentials when validating access to the network directory.PA˙˙ČŔ€ş=Backup passwordMS Shell DlgPŹ˙˙˙˙˙˙‚Please enter &password to restore the metabase: PŹ™˙˙P!(2˙˙€OKPW(2˙˙€Cancel˙˙ČȀ vAdd New Application PoolMS Shell DlgP H˙˙˙˙˙˙‚Application pool &ID:€PPv˙˙P÷@˙˙˙˙˙˙€Application pool settings P)Ţ @˙˙€Use &default settings for new application pool P6Ţ x˙˙€Use existing &application pool as templatePGR˙˙˙˙˙˙‚Application &pool name:!PtE|#y˙˙…P2a2˙˙€OKPja2˙˙€CancelP˘a2Fá˙˙€&HelpPA˙˙ŔȐ2"ŇFileMS Shell DlgP ž˙˙‚The content for this resource should come from: PK Ä ˇ˙˙€The &designated file XKË ¸˙˙€A &share located on another computer PK$Ç  ˙˙€A redirection to a &URLP-Bů ˙˙€P-PL ˙˙€P 9>n ˙˙‚Network Dire&ctory:€XK7Ž ÷˙˙€PK7Ž ř˙˙P Fƒ c˙˙€Scrip&t source accessP Pƒ ^˙˙€&ReadP Zƒ _˙˙€&WriteP‘F `˙˙€Log &visitsP HpK ˙˙‚The client will be sent to:P S÷ H ˙˙€The e&xact URL entered aboveX `ƒ I ˙˙€A director&y below this oneP m÷ J ˙˙€A permanent redirection for t&his resource˙˙H€P =şMS Shell DlgP Ą˙˙‚FTP User IsolationP˙˘˙˙‚Specify the Active Directory credentials and default Active Directory domain.P#=Ľ˙˙‚P,˙˙˙˙˙˙‚Enter the user name and password that should be used to gain access to the Active Directory domain.PC.+˙˙‚&User name:€PM,+˙˙P¨M20+˙˙€B&rowse...P`+˙˙‚&Password: Pj-+˙˙P}˙˙˙˙˙˙‚&Enter the default Active Directory domain:€P‡+˙˙P¨‡2‰˙˙€Bro&wse...˙˙HŔ€ýÚOptionsMS Shell DlgPď˙˙˙˙˙˙€Application configurationPÓ (˙˙€Enable &session stateP 7(˙˙‚Session &timeout:€ P\((˙˙şPQ Ďmsctls_updown32Spin1PŒ!@(˙˙‚minutesP-Ž ü'˙˙€Enable &bufferingP;ą ý'˙˙€Enable &parent pathsPJN(˙˙‚Default ASP &language:€P\G’(˙˙P\@˙˙˙˙˙˙‚ASP script ti&meout:€ P\[((˙˙şPQ[ Ómsctls_updown32Spin2P‡\5˙˙˙˙˙˙‚secondsPoŕ ą˙˙€&Enable Side by Side assembliesP@°˙˙‚Manifest &file name:€P\~’Ż˙˙˙˙HŔ€ýÚDebuggingMS Shell DlgPď.˙˙˙˙˙˙€Debugging flagsPÜ (˙˙€&Enable ASP server-side script debuggingP$Ü (˙˙€E&nable ASP client-side script debuggingP:ďQ˙˙˙˙˙˙€Error messages for script errors PHÓ (˙˙€&Send detailed ASP error messages to client PUÖ (˙˙€Send the following &text error message to client:DPbÖ (˙˙˙˙HŔ€ ýÚMappingsMS Shell DlgP` (˙˙€&Cache ISAPI extensionsPďŔ˙˙˙˙˙˙€Application e&xtensions PáC(SysListView32List1Pe2(˙˙€A&dd...PLe2 (˙˙€&Edit...PŠe2 (˙˙€&RemoveP{á ˙˙˙˙˙˙‚&Wildcard application maps (order of implementation): @P‡Š2ŰSysListView32List2P˝‡2Ö˙˙€I&nsert...P˝˜2×˙˙€Ed&it...P˝Ş2Ř˙˙€Re&movePż2Ů˙˙€Move &UpPGż2Ú˙˙€M&ove Down˙˙ČȀ†Add/Edit Application Extension MappingMS Shell DlgP ;˙˙˙˙˙˙‚E&xecutable:€PJ‘(˙˙Pá25˙˙€&Browse...P<˙˙˙˙˙˙‚&Extension:€PJ((˙˙P- 2˙˙˙˙˙˙€Verbs P;m (˙˙€&All verbs PK8 (˙˙€&Limit to:€ƒPJJ‘(˙˙Pd• ű'˙˙€&Script enginePtb ü'˙˙€&Verify that file existsPop2˙˙€OKPŠp2˙˙€CancelPáp2 (˙˙€Help˙˙HŔ€ýÚCache OptionsMS Shell DlgPď˘˙˙˙˙˙˙€ASP File Cache PŔ (˙˙€Do &not cache ASP files P&ş (˙˙€&Cache all ASP files in memory P9’ (˙˙€Cache &limited ASP files in memory€ ƒP˛8( (˙˙şP§8 Ëmsctls_updown32Spin3 PL­ ˙˙€Cache &remaining ASP files on disk P_ Ž˙˙€Cache li&mited ASP files on disk€ P˛](É˙˙şP§] Ęmsctls_updown32Spin2Pˆ¤˙˙˙˙˙˙‚&Disk cache directory:€P’¨(˙˙Pť‘2c˙˙€&Browse...Pˇ”˙˙˙˙˙˙‚N&umber of script engines cached:€ P˛´((˙˙şP§´ Ěmsctls_updown32Spin4PA˙˙HŔ€ ýÚCache OptionsMS Shell DlgPďJ˙˙˙˙˙˙€ASP File Cache P‘ (˙˙€Do n&ot cache ASP files P'‘ (˙˙€Ca&che all requested ASP files P9 (˙˙€&Max ASP files cached:€ PŸ8( (˙˙şP“8 Ëmsctls_updown32Spin3P\‚˙˙˙˙˙˙‚&Number of script engines cached:€ PŸZ((˙˙şP”Z Ěmsctls_updown32Spin4PA˙˙HŔ€ýÚMappingsMS Shell DlgP` (˙˙€&Cache ISAPI extensionsPď¤˙˙˙˙˙˙€Application extensions P$á{(SysListView32List1PŚ2(˙˙€A&dd...PLŚ2 (˙˙€&Edit...PŠŚ2 (˙˙€&RemovePA˙˙ČȀ?Add/Edit Application Extension MappingMS Shell DlgP <˙˙˙˙˙˙‚E&xecutable:€PJ‘(˙˙Pá25˙˙€&Browse...PŞ ü'˙˙€&Verify that file existsPo)2˙˙€OKPŠ)2˙˙€CancelPá)2 (˙˙€Help˙˙H̀Message Box DialogMS Shell DlgIISNThis snap-in administers the Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0Microsoft CorporationExecutable Path/Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0 Manager%s (local computer) Web Sites FTP SitesUnknown IIS6 ManagerAutomatic BackupFTP &Site (from file)...!Virtual &Directory (from file)...Web &Site (from file)...!Virtual &Directory (from file)...Create new FTP site from file*Create new FTP Virtual Directory from fileéBecause this directory is configured on a FAT file system, you cannot secure the directory using permissions. If you want to secure your content directories using permissions, you should consider converting your file system to NTFS.=There are no new configuration changes that need to be saved.VerbsAllWeb Service Extensions Web Service ExtensionAllowed ProhibitedCustomIn use Not in use&Allow\The server you are administering has a hard coded limit of 10 connections. Limit set to 10.Warning: the server you are administering has a hard coded limit of 10 connections. Setting a limit higher than 10 is a violation of your license agreement.Applicatio&n pool:/The machine does not support machine properties3Are you sure you want to delete the selected items? Operation Completed SuccessfullyRThe connection to the server '%s' was lost. Do you want to attempt to reconnect?"'Are you sure you want to disconnect %s?YesNoStart Internet Services on %sStop Internet Services on %s Restart %sRestart Internet Services on %sPAóStarts all Internet services. To start individual Internet services, use the Computer Management application in the Microsoft Management Console. Choose this option if you have previously stopped the Internet services and want to restart them.$Stops all Internet services. You will lose all current sessions, and all Internet sites will be unavailable until the Internet services are restarted. Choose to stop all the Internet services if you need to install files or components that are locked while the Internet services are running.Restarts the computer. You will lose all current sessions, and all Internet sites will be unavailable until the Internet services are restarted. Choose to restart the computer only if there is a serious problem that cannot be resolved by restarting the Internet services.Restarts all Internet services. You will lose all current sessions, and all Internet sites will be unavailable until the Internet services are restarted. Choose to restart the Internet services for serious problems. You do not need to restart the computer restart the Internet services.&Configuration changes have been saved.Create new Web site from fileLocationVersion Date/TimeíRestoring a metabase backup is a lengthy procedure that deletes all your current settings and causes all Internet services to be stopped. When the procedure completes, IIS then restarts these services. Are you sure you want to continue?:The configuration backup name contains invalid characters.RunningStoppedPaused* All Unassigned *Enter password9Attempting to shut down Internet Services. %d Seconds...¨You last connected to the server '%s' using a specific username and password. Enter the password or press cancel to connect using the currently logged-in user context.?Enter the username and password to connect to the server '%s' .Set Impersonation ParametersRemove Impersonation ParametersERemove impersonation parameters and use current user context instead.QDo you want to remove the impersonation and use the current user context instead? IIS V%d.%0d&Save Configuration to Disk*Create new Web Virtual Directory from file &ProhibiteIf you prohibit %s, the following applications will be prevented from running on your IIS Web server. File Nameˆ<input name='btnAllow' style='width:100px;' type='button' value='%s' onclick="javascript:external.ExecuteSelectionMenuItem('%s')" /><BR>‹<input name='btnProhibit' style='width:100px;' type='button' value='%s' onclick="javascript:external.ExecuteSelectionMenuItem('%s')" /><BR><input name='btnProperties' style='width:100px;' type='button' value='%s' onclick="javascript:external.ExecuteSelectionMenuItem('%s')" /><BR>T<input name='btnAllow' style='width:100px;' type='button' value='%s' disabled /><BR>W<input name='btnProhibit' style='width:100px;' type='button' value='%s' disabled /><BR>H<A href="javascript:external.ExecuteScopeNodeMenuItem('%s');">%s</A><BR>H<A href="javascript:external.ExecuteScopeNodeMenuItem('%s');">%s</A><BR>%d user(s) currently connected.Connected UsersFromTime?Error disconnecting '%s' %h Continue deleting selected users?7Are you sure you want to disconnect all selected users?8Are you sure you want to disconnect all connected users?.The FTP service is not started on the machine.kPassword synchronization is not supported with non-local user accounts. Are you sure you want to continue?LThe temporary folder you have selected does not exist on the local computer.ÎThe temporary folder location you have chosen is on a volume type (such as FAT) that does not store ACLs. Therefore, any files that do contain ACLS cannot be compressed. Are you sure you want to do this?ÄThe temporary folder location you have chosen is on a compressed volume or is itself marked for compression. This causes HTTP compression performance to suffer. Are you sure you want to do this? Perm&issionsH<A href="javascript:external.ExecuteScopeNodeMenuItem('%s');">%s</A><BR>H<A href="javascript:external.ExecuteScopeNodeMenuItem('%s');">%s</A><BR>~If you allow %s, any CGI application can run on your Web server. This is a potential security risk. Do you want to allow %s?~If you allow %s, any ISAPI extension can run on your Web server. This is a potential security risk. Do you want to allow %s?eIf you prohibit %s, the following applications will be prevented from running on your IIS Web server.The item is not removable.(<BR><img src='%s' width=13 height=13 /> –<input name='btnProperties' style='width:100px;' type='button' value='%s' onclick="javascript:external.ExecuteSelectionMenuItem('%s')" disabled /><BR><BR><BR>Tasks<BR><HR>Web Service Extension - %sDo you want to prohibit %s?$This file is already required by %s.XYou must enter another file name. File names cannot contain the following characters: %sZFile paths must be in the form <drive>:\<Path>\<filename> or \\<server>\<path>\<filename>. ,|<>?/* PA%Web Service Extension Properties - %sM&Limit the total network bandwidth available for all Web sites on this serverHYou must close the property page for this item before you can delete it.Service is disabledService is runningService is stoppedService is pausedService is stoppingService pause is pendingService continue is pendingService is starting Start service Stop serviceEnable service Start service Stop servicePAEnable serviceZCannot change state of the site. %1 service is disabled. Click Yes to enable the service.†Cannot change state of the site. %1 service is not started and is in manual start mode. Click Yes to start the service and this site.XYou must close the property page for the Web service extension before you can delete it.AllowProhibit•IIS was unable to start the site. Another site may already be using the port you configured for this site. Please select a unused port for this site.BEntries containing spaces need quotes around the file/path portionInvalid Host header.1You cannot have an all numeric host header value.TYou must close all open property sheets before disconnecting the specified computer.)You must select a valid application pool.%s (Service is disabled)OISAPI dll files (*.dll)|*.dll|CGI exe files (*.exe)|*.exe|All files (*.*)|*.*||cYou must close the property page for the Web service extension before you can allow or prohibit it.9Invalid entry. Cannot contain the following characters:%sPA/You cannot delete the Default application pool.PA &Connect...Discover Properties&StartPASto&pP&auseSet Impersonation Parameters&Explore&Open&BrowseSiteVirtual Directory... %s Site...:Change username and password used to manage this computer.IIS Taskpad View &Disconnect Properties &Backup/Restore Configuration...&Restart IIS...PAAdd a computer to the listFind Internet servers Properties for the selected item Start item Stop item Pause item Explore item Open item Browse itemCreate new siteCreate new virtual directory New %s site&Remove selected computer from the list7You have successfully completed the permissions wizard.,Backup and restore configuration informationPASwitch to/from taskpad view9Shutdown, and/or restart Internet Information Services...Launch the new site wizard'Launch the new virtual directory wizardSet Permissions2Forces a save of configuration information to disk Application &Pool (from file)... &Save Configuration to a File...!By default, all access is granted By default, all access is denied!Create Application Pool from fileExports Configuration to a file%s is granted access%s is denied access,No security templates found in the metabase.ComputerLocal DescriptionHost header value IP addressPortStateNamePath AttributesStatusVersionRA mime mapping already exists for the given extension. Do you want to replace it?PA8Are you sure you want to remove the selected file types?Home DirectoryVirtual Directory L&ocal path:Netw&ork share: \\{server}\{share}AccessIP address (Subnet mask) Deny Access Grant Access Network &ID: &IP address: Doma&in name:ąWarning: Restricting access by domain name requires a DNS reverse lookup on each connection. This is a very expensive operation and will dramatically affect server performance.Invalid IP addressThe domain name is not valid.-A duplicate entry already exists in the list. Pending.../There are invalid characters in the alias name.DeniedGranted(None)Access permissionsFiles can be viewedFiles can be writtenScripts can be runExecutables can be run&Comma cannot be used in redirect path.PA0The SSL port cannot be the same as the TCP port.Binding is not unique. IP addressTCP portHost header valueSSL port<N/A>DefaultPA Add/Edit Web Site Identification$Add/Edit Web Site SSL Identification TCP p&ort: SSL p&ort:No port specified.HThe given port is already in use as a TCP port for the given IP address.HThe given port is already in use as a SSL port for the given IP address.<Web Master Properties><%s>Disabl&e&EnableCr&eateR&emove DirectoryFile Lo&cal path:PANetwork dire&ctory: Redire&ct to:(Error creating/removing application. %h<No Application Defined>http://Default ApplicationĺWARNING -- By setting both the Write and Execute permissions, you are potentially exposing this site to malicious attack. A destructive or intrusive program could be uploaded and then executed. Are you sure you want to do this?tUnloading this application will unload all applications in the application pool. Are you sure you want to continue?Low (IIS Process)Medium (Pooled)High (Isolated)None Scripts onlyScripts and ExecutablesThe &designated filePA%A &directory located on this computerThe &designated directory File SecurityDirectory SecurityßDigest authentication only works with Active Directory domain accounts. For more information about configuring Active Directory domain accounts to allow digest authentication, click Help. Are you sure you wish to continue?wThe authentication options you have selected will result in all access being denied. Are you sure you want to do this?E&dit...AYou must be editing the local machine to set the CTL information. New IIS CTLNThis CTL is to be used as the list of trusted roots for IIS virtual web sites. Unnamed CTLStatus Filter NameFilter ExecutablePriorityHighMediumLow * Unknown *DisabledLoaded Not Loaded * Changed *&EnableçThe following filters are active for all Web sites on this computer and executed in the order listed below. These filters are visible only from this property page, and cannot be viewed on the property pages of individual Web sites.°The following filters are active only for this Web site and executed in the order listed below. This list does not show filters configured for all the Web sites on this server.,Executable files|*.exe|All files (*.*)|*.*||OISAPI dll files (*.dll)|*.dll|CGI exe files (*.exe)|*.exe|All files (*.*)|*.*||1ISAPI filters (*.dll)|*.dll|All files (*.*)|*.*||The filter name is not unique.Fil&e:&URL:*The path is not a local absolute URL path.DefaultFileURL HTTP ErrorTypeContents^An invalid custom error message was found. Entry will be skipped Error Code: %d Sub Code: %dDYour configuration is invalid: there are no HTTP error descriptions.KThe content expiration value is out of range. The value has been adjusted.-The custom header already exists in the list. Minute(s)Day(s) [Site #%d]%s:%dApplication PoolsPA &FTP Site... &Web Site...&Application Pool...Create new FTP siteCreate new Web siteCreate Application PoolLaunch the new FTP site wizardLaunch the new Web site wizard&Launch the new Application Pool wizard*Are you sure you want to delete this item?FTP Site Creation Wizard!Virtual Directory Creation Wizard'Welcome to the FTP Site Creation Wizard=This wizard helps you create a new FTP site on this computer.=You have successfully completed the FTP Site Creation Wizard.;The FTP Site Creation Wizard did not complete successfully.FTP Site Access Permissions-Set the access permissions for this FTP site.FTP Site Security CredentialshSpecify the security credentials that should be used to access the network directory from this FTP site.Re&cycleRecycle this Application PooljSome properties changed on this dialog require IIS restart to have effect. Do you want to restart IIS now? Local System Local ServiceNetwork ServiceWeb Site Creation Wizard!Virtual Directory Creation WizardhSpecify the security credentials that should be used to access the network directory from this Web site.Web Site Security CredentialsWeb Site Access Permissions-Set the access permissions for this Web site.xSelecting both Write and Execute permissions could be dangerous. Are you sure you want to select both these permissions?'The alias you have given is not unique.'Welcome to the Web Site Creation Wizard=This wizard helps you create a new Web site on this computer.=You have successfully completed the Web Site Creation Wizard.;The Web Site Creation Wizard did not complete successfully.0Welcome to the Virtual Directory Creation WizardFThis wizard helps you create a new virtual directory on this Web site.&Virtual Directory... Create new FTP Virtual Directory+Launch the new FTP Virtual Directory wizard0Welcome to the Virtual Directory Creation WizardFThis wizard helps you create a new virtual directory on this FTP site.FYou have successfully completed the Virtual Directory Creation Wizard.DThe Virtual Directory Creation Wizard did not complete successfully.&Virtual Directory... Create new Web Virtual Directory+Launch the new Web Virtual Directory wizardFYou have successfully completed the Virtual Directory Creation Wizard.DThe Virtual Directory Creation Wizard did not complete successfully.HYou must close all open property sheets before refreshing computer node.Authentication MethodsAnonymous users allowedžIn order for %s to run on your IIS Web server, the following files must be enabled. Disabling or removing a file might cause %s (or another Web service extension) to stop running correctly.!Basic authentication (clear text)!Windows Integrated authenticationDigest authenticationIP Address Restrictions(Administrators have full access to filesEveryone can read filesEveryone can write filesEveryone can execute files File ACLsFile ACLs will not be changed.3The following ACLs will replace existing file ACLs:7The following ACLs will be added to existing file ACLs: Administrators have full control.Everyone has the following access permissions:Read Read ControlRead AttributesRead PropertiesWriteAppendPADeleteWrite AttributesWrite PropertiesExecute List ObjectHour(s)No such host is known.Directory can be browsedDirectory cannot be browsedEnable default documentsDisable default documentsDirectory browsing* Redirected to %s *@Please enter only characters A to Z, a to z, digits, '.' and '-' %s (Stopped) %s (Paused)help\iismmc.chm¸You cannot delete an application pool that contains applications. You need to reassign all applications in this application pool to another application pool or delete the applications.nRemote administration of IIS 6.0 from IIS 5.1 is not supported. Please upgrade to IIS 6.0 Administration Pack.Total Web site connections:AppPoolApplication Pool/The path specified contains invalid characters.$The filter name is invalid or empty.Application Configuration&Remove the selected script mapping(s)?(UNC format cannot be used in this field..Remote file name cannot be used in this field.-Please enter file name, not a directory name.@This extension is already used. Please, enter another extension. Extension&The application pool ID is not unique.PA4The application pool ID contains invalid characters.?Wrong URL format. Please enter an absolute URL within the site.Wrong extension format.5Wrong path format. There is no closing quote in path.8The file name contains invalid characters (*,<,>,\,|,").Used By IdentifieršYou have chosen to run this application pool as Local System. The Local System identity has full access to your computer and running this application pool as Local System could increase the severity of any attacks resulting from unauthorized access to your Web server. Please ensure that it is absolutely necessary for this application pool to run as Local System before proceeding. Do you wish to run this application pool as Local System?MThis executable path is already used. Please, select another executable file.<Invalid Application Pool>#&Add a new Web service extension...=Allow all Web service &extensions for a specific application& $&Prohibit all Web service extensions Add a new Web service extension& <Allow all Web service extensions for a specific application& %Prohibits all web service extensions.PAÇIf you prohibit all extensions, all Web service extensions in the list will be prohibited. This may prevent applications from running on your IIS Web server. Do you want to prohibit all extensions?Do you want to prohibit %s?All Unknown ISAPI ExtensionsAll Unknown CGI Extensions@This extension name already exists. You must enter another name.aYou must enter another extension name. Extension names cannot contain the following characters: ,SSL Port3ISAPI dll files (*.dll)|*.dll|All files (*.*)|*.*||"Add a new Web service extension...<Allow all Web service extensions for a specific application& #Prohibit all Web service extensionsHelpPA-HTML Files|*.html;*.htm|All Files (*.*)|*.*|| No action Throttle backTurn on tracingShutdown Open Help9Environment variables in file names will not be expanded.Manifest file name is invalid. This name cannot be absolute or relative path, or contain *,?,/,\,<,:,>,|, " and space characters./You must specify at least one default document.@The footer document must be a fully qualified path and filename.*A default document may not contain a path.(The document already exists in the list.9The footer document cannot reside on a network directory.PAKThe passwords you typed do not match. Type the password in both text boxes.IIS was unable to restore the previous version of the configuration using the password you entered. Please re-enter the password.3Executable file (*.exe)|*.exe|All Files (*.*)|*.*||(The parent node does not have any explicit Access Permissions set. Access Permissions which will be inherited to this node will not enable access to anyone. If you are sure you want to do this click Yes. (Otherwise, fix the parent node permissions so that correct permissions can be inherited)PAAllows Web extension to run$Prohibits Web extension from loadingError°Unable to connect to server %s. The target server does not have FTP installed, and you cannot manage an IIS 7.0 Web server by using Internet Information Services (6.0) Manager.ŔUnable to connect to localhost. The target server does not have the SMTP service installed. You cannot manage an IIS 7.5 Web or FTP server by using Internet Information Services (6.0) Manager.4VS_VERSION_INFO˝ďţ@€%@€%?îStringFileInfoĘ040904B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft CorporationTFileDescriptionIIS MMC Snapin Moduler)FileVersion8.5.9600.16384 (winblue_rtm.130821-1623)8 InternalNameinetmgr.dll€.LegalCopyrightŠ Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.HOriginalFilenameinetmgr.dll.mui\ProductNameInternet Information ServicesBProductVersion8.5.9600.16384DVarFileInfo$Translation °f vSGQf˙ţ˙E&dit...R㠑ÎăŞK¸Q°0 MS Shell DlgPADPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDING