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All rights reserved.B OriginalFilenameMSHTMLER.DLLDProductNameInternet ExplorerFProductVersion11.00.9600.16384(OleSelfRegisterDVarFileInfo$Translation window.onerror = HandleError function HandleError(message, url, line) { var str = L_Dialog_ErrorMessage + "\n\n" + L_ErrorNumber_Text + line + "\n" + message; alert (str); window.close(); return true; } var g_fOKEnabled = false; var g_fURLLoaded = false; function findAnchor(range) { var rangeWorking; var elmWorking; var index; elmWorking = range.parentElement() while (null != elmWorking) { if ("A" == elmWorking.tagName.toUpperCase()) { return elmWorking; } else { elmWorking = elmWorking.parentElement } } rangeWorking = range.duplicate(); rangeWorking.collapse(true); rangeWorking.moveEnd("character", 1); while (rangeWorking.compareEndPoints("EndToEnd", range) < 0) { rangeWorking.move("Character"); if (null != findAnchor(rangeWorking)) { return findAnchor(rangeWorking); } } return null; } function getProtocolFromURL(strURL) { var index; return strURL.substring(0, strURL.indexOf(":") + 1); } function updateProtocolSel() { var index; var strProtocol = getProtocolFromURL(txtURL.value); selProtocol.value = strProtocol; if (selProtocol.value != strProtocol) { selProtocol.value = ""; } } function updateProtocolTxt() { var strSlashProts = " file:ftp:http:https:"; var strProtocolTxt = getProtocolFromURL(txtURL.value); var strProtocolSel = selProtocol.value; var strTempURL; if ("//" == (txtURL.value.substring(strProtocolTxt.length, strProtocolTxt.length + 2))) { strProtocolTxt = strProtocolTxt + "//"; } strTempURL = txtURL.value.substring(strProtocolTxt.length); if (0 < strSlashProts.indexOf(strProtocolSel)) { strProtocolSel = strProtocolSel + "//"; } txtURL.value = strProtocolSel + strTempURL; } function setOKState() { var htmlKeyAlt = 18; if (!g_fURLLoaded) { if ((("" == txtURL.value) || (txtURL.value == selProtocol.value) ||(txtURL.value == selProtocol.value + "//")) == g_fOKEnabled) { btnOK.disabled = g_fOKEnabled g_fOKEnabled = !g_fOKEnabled; } } } function bdyLoad() { var globalDoc = window.dialogArguments; var rngMaster; var rngLink; var elmLink; document.onhelp = new Function("callHelp(window.event.srcElement)"); document.onmouseup = new Function("mouseClick()"); selProtocol.onchange = new Function("updateProtocolTxt()"); btnOK.onclick = new Function("btnOKClick()"); btnCancel.onclick = new Function("btnCancelClick()"); txtURL.onfocus = new Function(""); txtURL.onpropertychange = new Function("if (event.propertyName == 'value') setOKState();"); txtURL.onkeypress = new Function("txtDefaultESC()"); if ("Control" == globalDoc.selection.type) { rngMaster = globalDoc.selection.createRange(); if (1 == rngMaster.length) { rngMaster = getTextRange(rngMaster(0));; } } if (("Text" == globalDoc.selection.type) || ("None" == globalDoc.selection.type)) { rngMaster = globalDoc.selection.createRange(); globalDoc.execCommand("AutoDetect"); elmLink = findAnchor(rngMaster); if (null != elmLink) { rngLink = getTextRange(elmLink); if (rngLink.compareEndPoints("StartToStart", rngMaster) < 0) { rngMaster.setEndPoint("StartToStart", rngLink); } if (rngLink.compareEndPoints("EndToEnd", rngMaster) > 0) { rngMaster.setEndPoint("EndToEnd", rngLink); }; var inputHref = (elmLink.ownerDocument.documentMode >= 9) ? elmLink.getAttribute('href') : elmLink.href; if (null != inputHref && "" != inputHref) { txtURL.value = inputHref; txtURL.href = inputHref; g_fURLLoaded = true; btnOK.disabled = false; } updateProtocolSel(); } txtURL.focus();; setOKState(); } } function IsRangeEmpty( range ) { var tempRange; tempRange = range.duplicate(); result = tempRange.compareEndPoints( "StartToEnd", range ); if ( result == 0 ) { return true; } else { return false; } } function btnOKClick() { var globalDoc = window.dialogArguments; var cmdCreateLink = "CreateLink"; var cmdUnlink = "Unlink"; var range = globalDoc.selection.createRange(); var strSlashProts = " file:ftp:http:https:"; var strProtocol = selProtocol.value; var dupRange; var initialRange; var iRight; var fUseExecCommand = true; if ("" == txtURL.value) { range.execCommand(cmdUnlink, false); window.close(); return; } if (g_fURLLoaded && (txtURL.value == txtURL.href)) { window.close(); return; } updateProtocolSel(); if (0 < strSlashProts.indexOf(strProtocol)) { strProtocol = strProtocol + "//"; } initialRange = range.duplicate(); if ( IsRangeEmpty( range ) ) { range.text = txtURL.value; fUseExecCommand = false; } else { dupRange = range.duplicate(); iRight = dupRange.moveEnd( "Character", 2 ); if ( iRight < 2 && dupRange.htmlText == "" ) { range.text = txtURL.value; fUseExecCommand = false; } } if ( fUseExecCommand ) { range.execCommand(cmdCreateLink, false, txtURL.value); } else { dupRange = range.duplicate(); dupRange.move( "Character", -1 ); elmParent = dupRange.parentElement(); if (elmParent.tagName.toUpperCase() == "A") { elmParent.href = txtURL.value; } else { range.setEndPoint( "StartToEnd", initialRange ); dupRange = range.duplicate(); dupRange.collapse(true); elmParent = dupRange.parentElement(); if (elmParent.tagName.toUpperCase() == "A") { range.execCommand(cmdUnlink, false); } range.execCommand(cmdCreateLink, false, txtURL.value); } } window.close(); } function callHelp(elm) { if (null != elm.helpid) { window.showHelp(elm.helpfile, "" + parseInt(elm.helpid), "popup"); } else { if ("BODY" != elm.tagName) { callHelp(elm.parentElement); } } } function btnCancelClick() { window.close(); } function getTextRange(elm) { var r = elm.parentTextEdit.createTextRange(); r.moveToElementText(elm); return r; } function mouseClick() { if (,3) == "txt") { return; } if (window.event.button == 2) { callHelp(window.event.srcElement); } } function txtDefaultESC() { if (event.keyCode == 27) { window.close(); return; } } var g_bSearchList = false; var g_nTimeoutID; var g_szLastFound = ""; var g_nLastFoundIndex = 0; var g_nMatchLength = 0; function loadBdy() { var doc = window.dialogArguments; if (doc.parentWindow.frames.length > 0 && doc.all.tags("IFRAME").length == 0) { alert(L_InsideFrameset_ErrorMessage); window.close(); } var rngCurrent = doc; document.onhelp = new Function("callHelp(window.event.srcElement)"); document.onmouseup = new Function("mouseClick()"); txtFontName.onblur = new Function("syncSelect(cmdFontName, txtFontName)"); txtFontName.onfocus = new Function(""); txtFontName.onchange = new Function("setFont(getTextRange(elmSample))"); txtFontName.onkeyup = new Function("syncTextFont()"); txtFontName.onfocus = new Function(""); txtFontName.onkeypress = new Function("txtDefaultESC()"); txtFontStyle.onblur = new Function("syncSelect(selFontStyle, txtFontStyle)"); txtFontStyle.onfocus = new Function(""); txtFontStyle.onchange = new Function("setFontStyle" + "(getTextRange(elmSample))"); txtFontStyle.onkeyup = new Function("synchText()"); txtFontStyle.onfocus = new Function(""); txtFontStyle.onkeypress = new Function("txtDefaultESC()"); txtFontSize.onblur = new Function("syncSelect(cmdFontSize, txtFontSize)"); txtFontSize.onfocus = new Function(""); txtFontSize.onchange = new Function("setSelectStateCmd(cmdFontSize, " + "getTextRange(elmSample))"); txtFontSize.onkeyup = new Function("synchText()"); txtFontSize.onfocus = new Function(""); txtFontSize.onkeypress = new Function("txtDefaultESC()"); cmdFontName.onchange = new Function("syncSelect2(cmdFontName, txtFontName);" + "setFont(getTextRange(elmSample))"); selFontStyle.onchange = new Function("syncSelect2(selFontStyle," + "txtFontStyle);" + "setFontStyle(getTextRange(elmSample))"); cmdFontSize.onchange = new Function("syncSelect2(cmdFontSize, txtFontSize);" + "setSelectStateCmd(cmdFontSize, getTextRange(elmSample))"); chkUnderline.onclick = new Function("setCheckStateCmd(chkUnderline," + "getTextRange(elmSample))"); selColor.onchange = new Function("setFontColor(getTextRange(elmSample))"); btnCustom.onclick = new Function("btnCustomClick()"); btnOK.onclick = new Function("btnOKClick()"); btnCancel.onclick = new Function("btnCancelClick()"); fillFontSelect(cmdFontName); getCheckStateCmd(chkUnderline, rngCurrent); getSelectStateCmd(cmdFontName, rngCurrent); getSelectStateCmd(cmdFontSize, rngCurrent); getFontStyle(); selColor.customColor = 0; getFontColor(); syncSelect2(cmdFontName, txtFontName); syncSelect2(selFontStyle, txtFontStyle); syncSelect2(cmdFontSize, txtFontSize);; g_szLastFound = txtFontName.value; updateSample(); txtFontName.focus(); } function GetSampleString() { var strReturn = "AaBbYyZz"; if (txtFontName.value != "") { switch (dialogHelper.getCharset(txtFontName.value)) { case 2: { strReturn = "Symbol"; break; } case 128: { strReturn = "Aa\u3042\u3041\u30a2\u30a1\u4e9c\u5b87"; break; } case 129: case 130: { strReturn = "\uac00\ub098\ub2e4\u0041\u0061\u0042\u0062\u0059\u0079\u005a\u007a"; break; } case 136: { strReturn = "\u4e2d\u6587\u5b57\u578b\u7bc4\u4f8b"; break; } case 161: { strReturn = "AaBb\u0391\u03b1\u0392\u03b2"; break; } case 162: { strReturn = "AaBb\u011e\u011f\u015e\u015f"; break; } case 177: { strReturn = "AaBb\u05e0\u05e1\u05e9\u05ea"; break; } case 178: case 179: { strReturn = "AaBb\u0639\u0645\u0646\u062e\u0631\u0648\u0643\u0645"; break; } case 204: { strReturn = "AaBb\u0411\u0431\u0424\u0444"; break; } case 238: { strReturn = "AaBb\u00c1\u00e1\u00d4\u00f4"; break; } case 255: { strReturn = "Aa\u00f8\u00f1\u00fd"; break; } } } return strReturn; } function getCheckStateCmd(checkbox, range) { checkbox.checked = (true == range.queryCommandState(checkbox.value)); } function getSelectStateCmd(select, range) { var index; if (null != range.queryCommandValue( { for (index = 0; index < select.options.length; index++) { if (select.options[index].value == range.queryCommandValue( { select.selectedIndex = index; break; } } } else { select.selectedIndex = -1; } } function setCheckStateCmd(checkbox, range) { if (checkbox.checked != (true == range.queryCommandState(checkbox.value))) { range.execCommand(checkbox.value, false); } } function setSelectStateCmd(select, range) { if (-1 != select.selectedIndex) { range.execCommand(, false, select.options[select.selectedIndex].value); } } function NoCaseCompare(str1, str2) { var ideo1 = 1 != escape(str1.charAt(0)).length; var ideo2 = 1 != escape(str2.charAt(0)).length; if (ideo1 != ideo2) return ideo1 ? -1 : 1; if (str1.toLowerCase() < str2.toLowerCase()) return -1; if (str1.toLowerCase() > str2.toLowerCase()) return 1; return 0; } function fillFontSelect(select) { var index; var fontList = new Array(); var optFontName; var len = dialogHelper.fonts.length; for (index = 0; index < len; index++) { fontList[index] = dialogHelper.fonts.item(index); } fontList.sort(NoCaseCompare); for (index = 0; index < fontList.length; index++) { optFontName = new Option(); optFontName.value = fontList[index]; optFontName.text = fontList[index]; select.options[index] = optFontName; } } function setFont(range) { var FontNameCommand = "FontName"; if (window.event.srcElement == txtFontName || window.event.srcElement == cmdFontName) { range.text = GetSampleString(); range = getTextRange(elmSample); } if (-1 != cmdFontName.selectedIndex) { range.execCommand(FontNameCommand, false, txtFontName.value); } } function getFontStyle() { var cmdBold = "Bold"; var cmdItalic = "Italic"; var globalDoc = window.dialogArguments; var range = globalDoc; with (range) { if (queryCommandState(cmdBold) && queryCommandState(cmdItalic)) { selFontStyle.value = "Bold-Italic"; } else if (queryCommandState(cmdBold)) { selFontStyle.value = "Bold"; } else if (queryCommandState(cmdItalic)) { selFontStyle.value = "Italic"; } else { selFontStyle.value = "Regular"; } } } function setFontStyle(range) { var cmdBold = "Bold"; var cmdItalic = "Italic"; with (range) { if ("Bold-Italic" == selFontStyle.value) { if (true != queryCommandState(cmdBold)) { execCommand(cmdBold, false); } if (true != queryCommandState(cmdItalic)) { execCommand(cmdItalic, false); } } else if ("Bold" == selFontStyle.value) { if (true != queryCommandState(cmdBold)) { execCommand(cmdBold, false); } if (true == queryCommandState(cmdItalic)) { execCommand(cmdItalic, false); } } else if ("Italic" == selFontStyle.value) { if (true == queryCommandState(cmdBold)) { execCommand(cmdBold, false); } if (true != queryCommandState(cmdItalic)) { execCommand(cmdItalic, false); } } else { if (true == queryCommandState(cmdBold)) { execCommand(cmdBold, false); } if (true == queryCommandState(cmdItalic)) { execCommand(cmdItalic, false); } } } } function getFontColor() { var cmdForeColor = "ForeColor"; var globalDoc = window.dialogArguments; var range = globalDoc; var intColor = range.queryCommandValue(cmdForeColor); if (null != intColor) { selColor.value = intColor; if (parseInt(selColor.value) != parseInt(intColor)) { selColor.customColor = intColor; selColor.value = "custom"; } } else { selColor.selectedIndex = -1; } } function setFontColor(range) { var cmdForeColor = "ForeColor"; var intDefaultColor = 0; if (-1 != selColor.selectedIndex) { if ("custom" == selColor.value) { range.execCommand(cmdForeColor, false, parseInt(selColor.customColor)); return; } else { range.execCommand(cmdForeColor, false, parseInt(selColor.value)); } } } function syncSelect(ctlSelect, ctlText) { if (-1 != ctlSelect.selectedIndex) { if (ctlText.value.toLowerCase() == ctlSelect.options[ctlSelect.selectedIndex] .text.toLowerCase()) { ctlText.value = ctlSelect.options[ctlSelect.selectedIndex].text; } } } function syncSelect2(ctlSelect, ctlText) { if (-1 != ctlSelect.selectedIndex) { ctlText.value = ctlSelect.options[ctlSelect.selectedIndex].text; } } function findMatch (strMatch, optionsList) { var index; var index2; var bestChar = 0; var bestMatch = 0; var strOptText; for (index = 0; index < optionsList.length; index++) { strOptText = optionsList.options[index].text; for (index2 = bestChar; index2 < strMatch.length; index2++) { if (strMatch.substring(0, index2 + 1).toLowerCase() == strOptText.substring(0, index2 + 1) .toLowerCase()) { bestChar = index2 + 1; bestMatch = index; } else { break; } } } return bestMatch; } function updateSample() { var rngSample = getTextRange(elmSample); setCheckStateCmd(chkUnderline, rngSample); rngSample.text = GetSampleString(); rngSample = getTextRange(elmSample); setFont(rngSample); setSelectStateCmd(cmdFontSize, rngSample); setFontStyle(rngSample); setFontColor(rngSample); } function searchText() { var index; var index2; var bestChar = g_nMatchLength; var bestMatch = g_nLastFoundIndex; var strOptText; var optionsList = cmdFontName.options; var strMatch = txtFontName.value; if (strMatch.length == 0) { cmdFontName.selectedIndex = -1; g_nMatchLength = 0; g_nLastFoundIndex = 0; g_bSearchList = false; g_szLastFound = ""; return; } if (strMatch.length >= g_szLastFound.length && (strMatch.substring(0, g_nMatchLength).toLowerCase() == g_szLastFound.substring(0, g_nMatchLength).toLowerCase())) { index = g_nLastFoundIndex; } else { index = 0; bestChar = 0; } for (; index < optionsList.length; index++) { strOptText = optionsList.options[index].text; for (index2 = bestChar; index2 < strMatch.length; index2++) { if (strMatch.substring(index2, index2 + 1).toLowerCase() == strOptText.substring(index2, index2 + 1) .toLowerCase()) { bestChar = index2 + 1; bestMatch = index; g_nLastFoundIndex = bestMatch; g_nMatchLegth = bestChar; } else { break; } } if (bestChar > 0 && index < optionsList.options.length - 2 && optionsList.options[index + 1].text .substring(bestChar - 1, bestChar).toLowerCase() != strMatch.substring(bestChar - 1, bestChar).toLowerCase()) { break; } } cmdFontName.selectedIndex = bestMatch; g_bSearchList = false; g_szLastFound = txtFontName.value; } function TextboxKeyDown(textbox, select, iKeyCode) { var fReturn = false; if (38 == iKeyCode || 40 ==iKeyCode) { var iDirection = (iKeyCode == 38) ? -1 : 1; if (!((iDirection == 1 && !(select.selectedIndex < select.options.length - 1)) || (iDirection == -1 && !select.selectedIndex))) { select.selectedIndex = select.selectedIndex + iDirection; textbox.value = select.options(select.selectedIndex).text;; updateSample(getTextRange(elmSample)); } fReturn = true; } return fReturn; } function syncTextFont() { if (TextboxKeyDown(txtFontName, cmdFontName, window.event.keyCode)) return; if (g_szLastFound.toLowerCase() == txtFontName.value.toLowerCase()) { return; } if (g_bSearchList) { window.clearTimeout(g_nTimeoutID); } g_bSearchList = true; g_nTimeoutID = window.setTimeout("searchText()", 200); } function btnCustomClick() { var result = dialogHelper.choosecolordlg(selColor.customColor); if (result != 0) { selColor.customColor = result; selColor.value = "custom"; setFontColor(getTextRange(elmSample)); } } function btnOKClick() { var globalDoc = window.dialogArguments; var range = globalDoc; setCheckStateCmd(chkUnderline, range); setSelectStateCmd(cmdFontSize, range); setFont(range); setFontColor(range); setFontStyle(range); window.close(); } function synchText() { var index; var elmSource = window.event.srcElement; var arrSelect = new Array(); var elmSelect; var elmOptions; arrSelect["txtFontName"] = cmdFontName; arrSelect["txtFontStyle"] = selFontStyle; arrSelect["txtFontSize"] = cmdFontSize; elmSelect = arrSelect[]; elmOptions = elmSelect.options; if (TextboxKeyDown(elmSource, elmSelect, window.event.keyCode)) return; if ("" != elmSource.value) { elmSelect.selectedIndex = findMatch(elmSource.value, elmOptions); } } function btnBrowseClick() { var L_Picture_DIALOG_Title_DialogTitle = "Picture"; var L_Picture_DIALOG_FileTypes_Text = "GIF (.gif)|*.gif|JPEG (.jpg, .jpeg, .jpe, .jfif)|*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.jpe;*.jfif|PNG (.png)|*.png|Bitmap (.bmp, .dib)|*.bmp;*.dib|Windows Metafile (.wmf)|*.wmf|ART (.art)|*.art|Icon (.ico)|*.ico|All Picture Files|*.gif;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.jpe;*.jfif;*.png;*.bmp;*.dib;*.wmf;*.art;*.ico|All Files|*.*|"; var strFileName; strFileName = dialogHelper.openfiledlgex("", "", L_Picture_DIALOG_FileTypes_Text, 8, L_Picture_DIALOG_Title_DialogTitle); if ("" != strFileName) { txtFileName.value = strFileName; } setOKState(false); } function getProtocolFromURL(strURL) { var index; return strURL.substring(0, strURL.indexOf(":") + 1); } function bdyLoad() { var elmSelectedImage; var htmlSelectionControl = "Control"; var globalDoc = window.dialogArguments; var grngMaster = globalDoc.selection.createRange(); txtFileName.onfocus = new Function(""); txtFileName.onkeypress = new Function("txtDefaultESC()"); txtAltText.onfocus = new Function(""); txtAltText.onkeypress = new Function("txtDefaultESC()"); txtHorizontal.onfocus = new Function(""); txtHorizontal.onkeypress = new Function("txtDefaultESC()"); txtBorder.onfocus = new Function(""); txtBorder.onkeypress = new Function("txtDefaultESC()"); txtVertical.onfocus = new Function(""); txtVertical.onkeypress = new Function("txtDefaultESC()"); btnBrowse.onclick = new Function("btnBrowseClick()"); btnOK.onclick = new Function("btnOKClick()"); btnCancel.onclick = new Function("btnCancelClick()"); document.onhelp = new Function("callHelp(window.event.srcElement)"); document.onmouseup = new Function("mouseClick()"); txtFileName.onpropertychange = new Function("setOKState(true)"); txtFileName.fImageLoaded = false; txtFileName.intImageWidth = 0; txtFileName.intImageHeight = 0; if (globalDoc.selection.type == htmlSelectionControl) { if (grngMaster.length == 1) { elmSelectedImage = grngMaster.item(0); if (elmSelectedImage.tagName.toUpperCase() == "IMG") { txtFileName.fImageLoaded = true; if (elmSelectedImage.src) txtFileName.value = elmSelectedImage.src; txtFileName.intImageHeight = elmSelectedImage.height; txtFileName.intImageWidth = elmSelectedImage.width; txtVertical.value = elmSelectedImage.vspace; txtHorizontal.value = elmSelectedImage.hspace; txtBorder.value = elmSelectedImage.border; txtAltText.value = elmSelectedImage.alt; selAlignment.value = elmSelectedImage.align; } } } setOKState(false); txtFileName.focus(); } function testTextValue(txtBox) { var val = parseInt(txtBox.value); if (isNaN(val) || val < 0 || val > 999) { return false; } return true; } function btnOKClick() { var elmImage; var intAlignment; var L_HorizontalNotNumber_ErrorMessage = "Horizontal spacing must be a number between 0 and 999."; var L_VerticalNotNumber_ErrorMessage = "Vertical spacing must be a number between 0 and 999."; var L_BoderNotNumber_ErrorMessage = "Border thickness must be a number between 0 and 999."; var cmdInsertImage = "InsertImage"; var cmdDelete = "Delete"; var htmlSelectionControl = "Control"; var globalDoc = window.dialogArguments; var grngMaster = globalDoc.selection.createRange(); if ("" != txtHorizontal.value) { if (!testTextValue(txtHorizontal)) { alert(L_HorizontalNotNumber_ErrorMessage); txtHorizontal.focus(); return; } } if ("" != txtBorder.value) { if (!testTextValue(txtBorder)) { alert(L_BoderNotNumber_ErrorMessage); txtBorder.focus(); return; } } if ("" != txtVertical.value) { if (!testTextValue(txtVertical)) { alert(L_VerticalNotNumber_ErrorMessage); txtVertical.focus(); return; } } if (globalDoc.selection.type == htmlSelectionControl && !txtFileName.fImageLoaded) { grngMaster.execCommand(cmdDelete); grngMaster = globalDoc.selection.createRange(); } idstr = "\" id=\"c2eec6217e1a474eb649bfedd577334a"; if (!txtFileName.fImageLoaded) { grngMaster.execCommand(cmdInsertImage, false, idstr); elmImage = globalDoc.all.c2eec6217e1a474eb649bfedd577334a; elmImage.removeAttribute("id"); elmImage.removeAttribute("src"); grngMaster.moveStart("character", -1); } else { elmImage = grngMaster.item(0); if (elmImage.src != txtFileName.value) { grngMaster.execCommand(cmdDelete); grngMaster = globalDoc.selection.createRange(); grngMaster.execCommand(cmdInsertImage, false, idstr); elmImage = globalDoc.all.c2eec6217e1a474eb649bfedd577334a; elmImage.removeAttribute("id"); elmImage.removeAttribute("src"); grngMaster.moveStart("character", -1); txtFileName.fImageLoaded = false; } grngMaster = getTextRange(elmImage); } if (txtFileName.fImageLoaded) { = txtFileName.intImageWidth; = txtFileName.intImageHeight; } if (txtFileName.value.length > 2040) txtFileName.value = txtFileName.value.substring(0,2040); if ("" == getProtocolFromURL(txtFileName.value)) { elmImage.src = "file://" + txtFileName.value; } else { elmImage.src = txtFileName.value; } if (txtHorizontal.value != "") { elmImage.hspace = parseInt(txtHorizontal.value); } else { elmImage.hspace = 0; } if (txtVertical.value != "") { elmImage.vspace = parseInt(txtVertical.value); } else { elmImage.vspace = 0; } elmImage.alt = txtAltText.value; if (txtBorder.value != "") { elmImage.border = parseInt(txtBorder.value); } else { elmImage.border = 0; } elmImage.align = selAlignment.value; grngMaster.collapse(false);; window.close(); } C\yuL?5dݚ= MUIMUIen-US