MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $Rؕ3}3}3}H̴3}H̱3}Rich3}PEL!  @.rsrc@@( @Xp   lMUIڄ1$ setting.%0 Windows could not apply the unattend answer file's <DiskConfiguration> setting.%0 (Administrator%0 Windows Setup cannot parse the provided command-line options.%0 Windows could not calculate how much space is required for installation.%0 Windows encountered an internal error while initializing COM.%0 4cmd.exe,"/k echo This environment should only be used to recover from a failed installation. Type EXIT and press Enter to resume installation."%0 Windows installation cannot continue because a required driver could not be installed.%0 Windows must be installed to a partition formatted as NTFS.%0 HThe partition is not primary.%0 DThe partition is too small.%0 lThe partition does not have enough free space.%0 HThe selected disk is dynamic.%0 The partition contains one or more dynamic volumes that are not supported for installation.%0 xThe partition is not followed by unpartitioned space.%0 dWindows cannot read from the selected disk.%0 The selected disk has the maximum number of partitions of this type.%0 The partition was reserved by the computer's Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM).%0 The partition contains an existing Windows installation.%0 The selected partition or disk contains temporary installation files.%0 |The selected hard disk space already holds a partition.%0 hThe selected hard disk space is unallocated.%0 lThe partition is an EFI system partition (ESP).%0 |The partition is a Microsoft Reserved (MSR) partition.%0 pThe selected disk is of the GPT partition style.%0 pThe selected disk is of the MBR partition style.%0 This computer's hardware may not support booting to this disk. Ensure that the disk's controller is enabled in the computer's BIOS menu.%0 The selected hard disk space is within an extended partition.%0 The selected disk has an MBR partition table. On EFI systems, Windows can only be installed to GPT disks.%0 Windows could not determine if this computer supports installation.%0 Windows could not register Component Based Servicing (CBS) binaries. Error code: 0x%1!X!. Exit code: 0x%2!X!.%0 Windows could not prepare files for installation. Error code: 0x%1!X!%0 tWindows cannot determine which language to install.%0 Windows cannot parse the language configuration file (lang.ini).%0 Windows could not set the UI selected language as the language pack to be installed.%0 pWindows could not install the selected language.%0 The /lang switch cannot be used with an assembled image.%0 Windows cannot read the <AcceptEula> setting from the unattend answer file.%0 Windows cannot read the <ProductKey> setting from the unattend answer file.%0 The unattend answer file contains an invalid product key. Either remove the invalid key or provide a valid product key in the unattend answer file to proceed with Windows installation.%0 Windows cannot read the <UserData> setting from the unattend answer file.%0 Windows cannot locate the partition selected for installation.%0 xWindows cannot locate the disk and partition specified in the unattend answer file's %1!s! setting. Make sure the setting references a valid partition and restart the installation.%0 Windows could not prepare the specified data images to be copied.%0 Windows could not process the %1!s! setting in the unattend answer file.%0 Windows could not install the data images specified in the unattend answer file.%0 Windows could not apply the Windows PE bootstrap setting specified in the unattend answer file.%0 pThe selected disk is of the GPT partition style.%0 Windows could not apply unattend settings during pass [%1!s!].%0 Unattended upgrades using setup /unattend with no answer file are not supported when running Windows PE.%0 Windows could not parse or process the unattend answer file.%0 (Windows User%0 Windows cannot read the <DynamicUpdate> setting from the unattend answer file.%0 Windows Setup could not configure Windows to run on this computer's hardware.%0 Windows could not display the images available for installation.%0 The product key entered does not match any of the Windows images available for installation. Enter a different product key.%0 N/A%0 Windows could not determine if this computer contains a valid system volume.%0 Windows could not process the command line [%1!s!]. Error code: 0x%2!X!%0 The system registry contains invalid file paths. Installation cannot proceed. This system image was applied without guaranteeing that drive-letter assignments would match across computers.%0 The disk selected for installation (%2!u!) does not exist. Make sure the unattend answer file's %1!s! setting references a valid disk on this computer, and then restart the installation.%0 The partition selected for installation (%3!u!) does not exist on disk %2!u!. Make sure the unattend answer file's %1!s! setting references a valid partition on this computer, and then restart the installation.%0 pThe partition selected for installation (disk %1!u! partition %2!u!) does not meet requirements. Make sure this partition contains enough free space and is of a supported type.%0 The version of Windows being installed does not support this computer's processor. Installation cannot proceed.%0 The version of Windows being installed does not support this computer's processor. Installation cannot proceed.%0 tThe selected disk is not the computer's boot disk.%0 |The selected partition contains an unknown file system.%0 The selected partition's allocation unit size is too large.%0 The selected dynamic partition is not already marked active.%0 To ensure that all Windows features work correctly, Windows might create additional partitions for system files.%0 Setup cannot copy the operating system's loader files to the computer's system volume. Make sure the directories Boot\ and EFI\ and the files bootmgr and bootmgr.efi are available on the installation media, and then restart the installation.%0 4CheckForACPISupport%0 This computer is not compliant with the Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) standard. Windows must be installed onto a computer that supports ACPI. Contact your computer manufacturer for a BIOS update or install Windows on an ACPI-compliant computer.%0 Windows Setup cannot determine if this computer supports installing this version of Windows.%0 The disk may fail soon. If other hard disks are available, install Windows to another location.%0 Windows cannot read the compliance check setting from the unattend answer file.%0 One or more compliance checks failed. In accordance with the settings in the unattend answer file, installation cannot proceed.%0 Windows cannot find the Microsoft Software License Terms. Make sure the installation sources are valid and restart the installation.%0 Windows could not process the <UseConfigurationSet> setting in the unattend answer file.%0 Configuration sets are only supported when Windows installation is started from Windows PE.%0 Windows could not apply the configuration set. The WINDOWS folder cannot be found.%0 tThe selected partition contains an active pagefile.%0 Windows could not record information about the partition selected for installation.%0 BitLocker Drive Encryption is enabled on the selected partition.%0 The specified drive [%1!c!:] does not meet all requirements necessary to store temporary installation files.%0 pA value specified in the answer file is invalid.%0 pA required value is missing from the answer file.%0 A value specified in the answer file is outside the range of acceptable values.%0 Two or more mutually exclusive values are present in the answer file.%0 The settings specified in the answer file cannot be applied.%0 The answer file does not contain a valid <unattend> root element.%0 DThe answer file is invalid.%0 The error was detected at line %1!u! column %2!u! of the answer file.%0 The error was detected at line %1!u! of the answer file.%0 The error was detected at XML path [%1!s!] in the answer file.%0 Windows could not parse or process unattend answer file [%1!s!] for pass [%2!s!].%0 Windows could not parse or process the unattend answer file for pass [%1!s!].%0 The error was detected while processing setting [%1!s!].%0 Windows could not install the accepted License Terms onto the computer.%0 Windows could not parse or process unattend answer file [%1!s!].%0 The answer file contains one or more settings elements that have already been processed.%0 Windows could not process the command-line argument [/userlocale]. Error code: 0x%1!X!%0 Windows could not process the command-line argument [/inputlocale]. Error code: 0x%1!X!%0 Windows could not set the offline locale information. Error code: 0x%1!X!%0 The Setup language specified in the unattend answer file is invalid.%0 dWindows cannot find the installation image.%0 Windows could not select the image to install based on the provided product key.%0 Windows cannot resolve the metadata provided in the unattend answer file's <ImageInstall> setting.%0 Windows could not collect information from the installation images.%0 Multiple Windows images were selected based on the provided information. Windows Setup cannot determine which one to use.%0 Windows Setup cannot locate its installation files. Error code: 0x%1!X!%0 tWindows could not apply the provided QFE packages.%0 4CheckForSerialKeys%0 Turn off Serial Keys. If you are upgrading from Windows XP and currently using Serial Keys with alternative input devices, such as single switch or puff and sip devices, turn off Serial Keys and install another solution before upgrading. To turn off Serial Keys, open 'Accessibility Options'. On the 'General' tab, under Serial Key devices, clear the 'Use Serial Keys' check box. See the Microsoft Ease of Access website for where to install solutions so you can keep using your devices with this version of Windows.%0 Windows needs the driver for device [%1!s!]. Click 'Load Driver' and load the required device driver.%0 Unknown%0 Windows could not determine if this disk and its parent devices have the necessary driver support.%0 ,Install Windows%0 Setup does not support configuration of or installation to disks connected through a USB or IEEE 1394 port.%0 The computer restarted unexpectedly or encountered an unexpected error. Windows installation cannot proceed. To install Windows, click "OK" to restart the computer, and then restart the installation.%0 Windows could not prepare the computer to boot into the next phase of installation. To install Windows, restart the installation.%0 Windows could not load device compatibility data. Error code: 0x%1!X!%0 Windows could not copy files from [%1!s!] to [%2!s!]. Make sure [%1!s!] is available, and then restart the installation.%0 Windows could not configure the installation environment.%0 XThe answer file contains invalid XML.%0 A component or non-list setting is specified more than once in the answer file.%0 A component or setting specified in the answer file does not exist.%0 TWindows could not clean disk %2!u!.%0 tWindows could not create a partition on disk %2!u!.%0 tWindows could not extend a partition on disk %2!u!.%0 |Windows could not set a partition active on disk %2!u!.%0 tWindows could not delete a partition on disk %2!u!.%0 tWindows could not format a partition on disk %2!u!.%0 Windows could not assign a drive letter to a partition on disk %2!u!.%0 Windows could not assign a volume label to a partition on disk %2!u!.%0 The target disk, partition, or volume does not support the specified operation.%0 TThe specified disk does not exist.%0 The specified partition does not exist on the target disk.%0 The error occurred while applying the unattend answer file's <DiskConfiguration> setting.%0 The error occurred while preparing the partition selected for installation.%0 The error occurred while preparing the computer's system volume.%0 The error was detected while processing settings for component [%1!s!].%0 Windows cannot access one or more of the installation images using the provided credentials.%0 Windows could not make final changes to the image being installed.%0 Windows could not update registry data in the installation.%0 Windows cannot open the data image files specified in the answer file.%0 hWindows cannot open the required file %1!s!.%0 xWindows cannot open files required for installation.%0 Windows cannot access the data image files specified in the answer file.%0 lWindows cannot access the required file %1!s!.%0 |Windows cannot access files required for installation.%0 Windows cannot install the data image files specified in the answer file.%0 \Windows cannot install required files.%0 lWindows cannot copy files from %1!s! to %2!s!.%0 xWindows cannot copy files required for installation.%0 Network problems may be preventing Windows from accessing the files.%0 Network problems may be preventing Windows from accessing the file.%0 XThe files may be corrupt or missing.%0 TThe file may be corrupt or missing.%0 <The files do not exist.%0 @The file does not exist.%0 Make sure the computer is connected to the network and restart the installation.%0 Make sure all files required for installation are available, and restart the installation.%0 4Error code: 0x%1!X!%0 @CheckForRunningOnBattery%0 Windows cannot be installed on a computer using battery power. If the battery runs out of power during the installation, you might lose data. To continue the installation, plug in the computer's power adapter.%0 LWindows cannot wipe this disk.%0 lWindows cannot create a partition on this disk.%0 `Windows cannot be installed to this disk.%0 tThis disk cannot hold the computer's system volume.%0 tThis disk cannot hold temporary installation files.%0 xWindows cannot be installed to this hard disk space.%0 pWindows cannot create a partition in this space.%0 XWindows cannot delete this partition.%0 XWindows cannot extend this partition.%0 XWindows cannot format this partition.%0 `Windows cannot set this partition active.%0 |Windows cannot assign a drive letter to this partition.%0 pWindows cannot assign a label to this partition.%0 tWindows Setup cannot display this hard disk space.%0 This hard disk space cannot be the computer's system volume.%0 This partition cannot hold temporary installation files.%0 Setup was unable to create a new system partition or locate an existing system partition. See the Setup log files for more information.%0 Windows could not process the command-line argument [/layereddriver]. Error code is [%1!X!].%0 Windows Setup could not set the display language. To install Windows, restart the installation.%0 xWindows cannot be installed to the selected partition. Installation requires at least %1!u! MB of free space. To install Windows, free additional space and restart the installation.%0 Windows could not process the command-line argument [/tempdrive]. The required drive path was not found or is invalid.%0 4CheckForOtherUsers%0 You are attempting to install Windows while there are other users logged onto this computer. Those users may lose any unsaved data they are working on. Make sure there are no other users logged onto this computer during installation.%0 4CheckForBlockedBios%0 8Windows cannot be installed on this computer with the current system BIOS version. Contact your computer manufacturer for a BIOS update, install the update, and then start Windows installation again. OEM Name: %1!s!; OEM Model: %2!s!; BIOS Version: %3!s!; BIOS Date: %4!s!%0 (Not specified%0 To use the product key you entered, start the installation on a computer that is running a genuine version of Windows.%0 Windows cannot find a Microsoft Reserved partition on the disk selected for installation (disk %1!d!). Although recommended, this partition is not required to complete installation. Do you want to proceed with installation?%0 ,Windows detected that the EFI system partition was formatted as %1!s!. Format the EFI system partition as FAT32, and restart the installation.%0 The partitions on the disk selected for installation are not in the recommended order. For additional information about installing to GPT disks go to the Microsoft website ( and search for GPT. Do you want to proceed with installation?%0 Windows could not process the command-line argument [/installfrom]. The required path is invalid.%0 Windows could not collect information for the Windows image being installed.%0 Windows could not collect information for [%1!s!] since no image file path is specified.%0 Windows could not collect information for [%1!s!] since the specified image file [%2!s!] does not exist.%0 tThis disk cannot hold Microsoft Reserved Partition.%0 This disk region cannot be used to create Microsoft Reserved Partition.%0 xWindows cannot find a Microsoft Reserved partition on the disk selected for installation (disk %1!d!). There is enough space on the installation disk to create one. Click 'OK' to create this Microsoft Reserved partition and to continue installing Windows. Click 'Cancel' to return to the previous screen.%0 The error occurred while preparing the computer's Microsoft Reserved partition.%0 Configuration of or installation to disks connected through iSCSI is only supported when Windows installation is started from Windows PE.%0 iSCSI deployment is disabled since no NICs referenced in the iBFT can be resolved to actual NT-visible devices.%0 XWindows could not online disk %2!u!.%0 PWindows cannot online this disk.%0 lWindows cannot change this partition's type ID.%0 Windows could not set the id for a partition on disk %2!u!.%0 `BitLocker Drive Encryption is enabled on the selected partition. Suspend (also referred to as disable) BitLocker in the Control Panel, and then restart the installation.%0 This version of Windows cannot be installed to a partition encrypted by BitLocker Drive Encryption. To install to this partition, turn off (decrypt) BitLocker Drive Encryption, and then restart the installation.%0 lThis 32-bit version of Windows cannot be installed to an EFI-based computer. Installation cannot proceed. Use a 64-bit version of Windows to install to an EFI-based computer.%0 `The partition is of an unrecognized type.%0 `The selected disk space is not of type ESP. 8Windows Setup Rollback XWindows is unable to surface or mount the deployed image. Installation cannot proceed. To retry installing this image, reboot the system and restart the installation. Windows is unable to read the installation media's configuration file. Installation cannot proceed. hThe selected disk is a surfaced virtual disk.%0 DSetup cannot continue due to a corrupted installation file. Contact the vendor of your Windows installation disc or your system administrator for assistance. PCheckForARMProcessorArchitecture%0 Windows Setup does not support installation from this operating system. To install Windows, start the computer with Windows Preinstallation Environment (Windows PE), and do a clean installation.%0 The selected disk is offline. To install to this disk use the Disk management tool to bring the disk online.%0 The selected volume is offline. To install to this volume use the Disk management tool to bring the volume online.%0 The selected disk is read only. To install to this disk use the Disk management tool to make the disk writable.%0 The selected volume is read only. To install to this volume use the Disk management tool to make the volume writable.%0 Setup could not modify the disk attributes for disk %2!u!.%0 Setup could not modify the disk attributes for disk %2!u!.%0 Setup could not modify the volume attributes for disk %2!u!.%0 Windows was unable to validate the partition selected for installation. Installation cannot proceed.%0 ,System Reserved%0 ,This hard disk space is formatted with an unsupported version of the NTFS file system. Please back up any data you have on this partition. Then, restart the computer using the Windows installation disc, perform a custom installation and reformat the hard disk partition.%0 Recovery%0 pThe partition is a Microsoft Recovery partition.%0 TWindows detected that this is an unstaged image. Installation requires at least %1!d! MB of RAM, but this computer only has %2!d! MB. Installation cannot proceed.%0 An unsupported command-line option [%1!s!] was specified. Make sure you are using this command-line option in the correct environment.%0 Windows Setup experienced an unexpected error. To install Windows, restart the installation.%0 Performance Sysprep Info Start Stop Information 0Execute Setup Phase 0Sysprep Specialize ,Setup information (OS information 8Microsoft-Windows-Setup System 8Setup phase %1 started. TSetup phase completed with status %1. @Sysprep specialize started. dSysprep specialize completed with status %1. 4VS_VERSION_INFO@%@%?StringFileInfo040904B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft CorporationRFileDescriptionWindows System Setupr)FileVersion6.3.9600.16384 (winblue_rtm.130821-1623): InternalNameWinSetup.dll.LegalCopyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.JOriginalFilenameWINSETUP.DLL.MUIj%ProductNameMicrosoft Windows Operating SystemBProductVersion6.3.9600.16384DVarFileInfo$Translation PADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPAD