#line 1 "C:\\Windows\\system32\\wbem\\en-US\\DscCoreConfProv.mfl" #pragma autorecover #pragma classflags(64) #pragma namespace("\\\\.\\root\\Microsoft\\Windows\\DesiredStateConfiguration") instance of __namespace{ name="MS_409";}; #pragma namespace("\\\\.\\root\\Microsoft\\Windows\\DesiredStateConfiguration\\MS_409") [Description("Credential to use for DSC configuration providers.") : Amended ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE("MS_409")] class MSFT_Credential { [Description("UserName is the name of the user that an authorization service maps to an identity.") : Amended ToSubclass] string UserName; [Description("The UserPassword property may contain a password used to access resources.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Password; }; [Description("Base schema for all native configuration providers.") : Amended ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE("MS_409")] class OMI_BaseResource { }; [Description("The configuration provider for files and directories.") : Amended ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE("MS_409")] class MSFT_FileDirectoryConfiguration : OMI_BaseResource { [key,Description("File name and path on target node to copy or create.") : Amended ToSubclass] string DestinationPath; [Values{"Present.", "Absent."} : Amended ToSubclass,Description("Defines how to evaluate the existence of the destination file.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Ensure; [Values{"File.", "Directory."} : Amended ToSubclass,Description("A choice between File and Directory. The default value is File.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Type; [Description("The name and path of the file to copy from.") : Amended ToSubclass] string SourcePath; [Description("Contains a string that represents the contents of the file. To create an empty file, the string must be empty. The contents will be written and compared using UTF-8 character encoding.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Contents; [Values{"SHA-1.", "SHA-256.", "SHA-512.", "CreatedDate.", "ModifiedDate."} : Amended ToSubclass,Description("The checksum type to use when determining whether two files are the same.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Checksum; [Description("Recurse all child directories.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean Recurse; [Description("Perform the file operation even if it will destroy content files or directories.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean Force; [Description("Credential to access remote resources.") : Amended ToSubclass] MSFT_Credential Credential; [Description("Created date.") : Amended ToSubclass] datetime CreatedDate; [Description("Modified date.") : Amended ToSubclass] datetime ModifiedDate; [Values{"ReadOnly.", "Hidden.", "System.", "Archive.", "NotContentIndexed."} : Amended ToSubclass,Description("Attributes for file / directory.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Attributes[]; [Description("Object size.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint64 Size; [Description("The sub-folders and files if this is a directory.") : Amended ToSubclass] MSFT_FileDirectoryConfiguration SubItems[]; [Description("Always compare the DestinationPath with the SourcePath. The default is false, meaning we will use cached information.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean MatchSource; [Description("Get resource states based on input configuration file.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 GetTargetResource([In,Description("Configuration document that is to be applied.") : Amended ToSubclass] MSFT_FileDirectoryConfiguration InputResource,[In,Description("Flags passed to the providers. Reserved for future use.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 Flags,[Out,Description("The current state of the specified configuration resources.") : Amended ToSubclass] MSFT_FileDirectoryConfiguration OutputResource); [Description("Test resource states based on input configuration file.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 TestTargetResource([In,Description("Configuration document that to be applied.") : Amended ToSubclass] MSFT_FileDirectoryConfiguration InputResource,[In,Description("Flags passed to the providers. reserved for future use.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 Flags,[Out,Description("True if identical. False otherwise.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean Result,[Out,Description("Context information that the provider can use to optimize the set. This is optional.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint64 ProviderContext); [Description("Set resource states based on input configuration file.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 SetTargetResource([In,Description("Configuration document that to be applied.") : Amended ToSubclass] MSFT_FileDirectoryConfiguration InputResource,[In,Description("Context information that the provider can use to optimize the set from TestTargetResource. This is optional.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint64 ProviderContext,[In,Description("Flags passed to the providers. reserved for future use.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 Flags); };