#line 1 "C:\\Windows\\system32\\wbem\\fr-FR\\cliegaliases.mfl" // Copyright (c) 1997-2003 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved // Localization schema for Cli.mof and CliEgAliases.mof #pragma autorecover #pragma classflags("forceupdate") #pragma namespace ("\\\\.\\Root\\cli") instance of __Namespace { Name = "MS_40c"; }; #pragma namespace ("\\\\.\\Root\\cli\\MS_40c") [abstract] class MSFT_LocalizableElement { string RelPath; string Text[]; }; [abstract] class MSFT_LocalizableQualifier : MSFT_LocalizableElement { string QualifierName; }; [static] class MSFT_LocalizableClassQualifier : MSFT_LocalizableQualifier { [overwrite, key] string RelPath; [overwrite, key] string QualifierName; [key] string ObjectLocator = ""; }; [static] class MSFT_LocalizablePropertyQualifier : MSFT_LocalizableQualifier { [overwrite, key] string RelPath; [overwrite, key] string QualifierName; [key] string PropertyName; [key] string ObjectLocator = ""; }; [static] class MSFT_LocalizableMethodQualifier : MSFT_LocalizableQualifier { [overwrite, key] string RelPath; [overwrite, key] string QualifierName; [key] string MethodName; [key] string ObjectLocator = ""; }; [static] class MSFT_LocalizableMethodParameterQualifier : MSFT_LocalizableQualifier { [overwrite, key] string Relpath; [overwrite, key] string QualifierName; [key] string MethodName; [key] string ParameterName; [key] string ObjectLocator = ""; }; [static] class MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue : MSFT_LocalizableElement { [overwrite, key] string RelPath; [key] string PropertyName; [key] string ObjectLocator = ""; }; /* End of localization schema. Begin localization instances */ instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"DATAFILE\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Gestion des fichiers de données. "}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"NTEvent\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Entrées dans le journal d’événements NT. "}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"LOGON\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Sessions LOGON. "}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"NTDOMAIN\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Gestion de l’arborescence du domaine. "}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"SCSICONTROLLER\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Gestion de contrôleurs SCSI. "}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"IDECONTROLLER\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Gestion de contrôleurs IDE. "}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"QFE\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Ingénierie de correctifs à chaud. "}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"TapeDrive\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Gestion de lecteurs de bandes. "}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"UserAccount\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Auditer la gestion des comptes."}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"ComputerSystem\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Gestion de systèmes informatiques."}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"MEMCACHE\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Gestion de la mémoire cache."}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"PageFileSet\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Gestion des paramètres de fichier d’échange. "}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"Voltage\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Gestion des données de capteurs de tension (tensiomètre électronique)."}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"NetClient\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Gestion des clients réseau."}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"SysAccount\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Gestion des comptes système. "}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"DESKTOP\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Gestion du Bureau de l’utilisateur."}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"SystemEnclosure\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Gestion de la mise en armoire du système."}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"BootConfig\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Gestion de la configuration du démarrage."}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"WMISet\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Gestion des paramètres opérationnels du service WMI. "}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"RecoverOS\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Informations recueillies en mémoire en cas de dysfonctionnement du système d’exploitation. "}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"NetProtocol\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Gestion des protocoles et de leurs caractéristiques réseau."}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"SystemSlot\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Gestion de des points de connexion physiques : ports, connecteurs et périphériques, et points de connexion propriétaires."}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"SoftwareFeature\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Gestion des logiciels sous-ensembles de SoftwareElement. "}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"NetUse\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Gestion des connexion réseau actives."}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"Startup\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Gestion des commandes qui s’exécutent dès que l’utilisateur ouvre une session sur l’ordinateur."}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"LogicalDisk\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Gestion des périphériques de stockage locaux."}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"SoundDev\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Gestion des périphériques audio."}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"SoftwareElement\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Gestion des éléments d’un logiciel installé sur un ordinateur."}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"MemPhysical\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Gestion de la mémoire physique d’un ordinateur. "}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"PageFile\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Gestion des paramètres du fichier d’échange de mémoire virtuelle. "}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"Process\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Gestion des processus. "}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"PortConnector\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Gestion des ports de connexion physique."}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"Job\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Permet l’accès aux tâches planifiées à l’aide du service de planification. "}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"DCOMAPP\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Gestion d’applications."}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"Service\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Gestion des applications de services. "}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"BaseBoard\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Gestion de la carte de base (également appelée carte mère ou carte système)."}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"SysDriver\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Gestion du pilote système pour un service de base."}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"Temperature\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Gestion d’un capteur de température (thermomètre électronique)."}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"DeviceMemoryAddress\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Gestion des adresses mémoire pour périphériques."}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"NTEventLog\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Gestion du fichier journal d’événements NT. "}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"BIOS\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Gestion des services d’entrées/sorties (E/S) de base (BIOS)."}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"DMAChannel\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Gestion du canal DMA (Accès direct à la mémoire)."}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"LoadOrder\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Gestion des services système définissant les dépendances d’exécution. "}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"TimeZone\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Gestion des données de fuseau horaire. "}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"CPU\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Gestion du processeur."}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"Port\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Gestion des ports d’E/S."}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"Share\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Gestion des ressources partagées. "}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"Partition\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Gestion des zones partitionnées d’un disque physique."}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"Environment\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Gestion des paramètres d’environnement système."}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"DriverVXD\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Gestion des pilotes de périphérique virtuel. "}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"DiskDrive\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Gestion des disques durs physiques. "}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"CDROM\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Gestion des CD-ROM."}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"OnBoardDevice\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Gestion des périphériques carte communs intégrés dans la carte mère."}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"PrintJob\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Gestion des travaux d’impression. "}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"UPS\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Gestion de l’alimentation de secours (UPS). "}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"CSProduct\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Informations sur l’ordinateur issues du SMBIOS. "}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"FSDir\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Gestion des entrées de répertoires du système de fichiers. "}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"Server\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Gestion des informations sur le serveur. "}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"Printer\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Gestion des périphériques d’impression. "}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"IRQ\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Gestion des requêtes d’interruption (IRQ). "}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"Product\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Gestion des tâches des packages d’installation. "}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"PrinterConfig\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Gestion de la configuration des périphériques d’impression. "}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"Group\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Gestion des comptes de groupes. "}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"DesktopMonitor\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Gestion du moniteur de bureau."}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"OS\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Gestion des systèmes d’exploitation installés. "}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"Registry\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Gestion du Registre système."}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"NICConfig\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Gestion des cartes réseau. "}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"MemLogical\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Gestion de la mémoire système (configuration, disposition et disponibilité de la mémoire). "}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"NIC\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Gestion des contrôleurs réseau NIC (Network Interface Controller)."}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"NetLogin\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Gestion des informations d’ouverture de session réseau (d’un utilisateur précis). "}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"DiskQuota\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Gestion de l’utilisation de l’espace disque sur les volumes NTFS."}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"QuotaSetting\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Gestion des informations de quotas de disque sur un volume. "}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"VolumeQuotaSetting\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Associe le paramètre de quota de disque à un volume précis. "}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"DosCmd\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Accès à certaines commandes DOS"}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"Alias\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Accès aux alias disponibles sur l’ordinateur local"}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "Msft_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"MemoryChip\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Informations sur la puce mémoire."}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "Msft_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"RDToggle\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Active ou désactive à distance l’écoute du Bureau distant."}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "Msft_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"RDAccount\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Gestion d’autorisation de connexion du Bureau distant."}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "Msft_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"RDNIC\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Gestion de connexion du Bureau distant sur une carte réseau spécifique."}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "Msft_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"RDPermissions\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Autorisations pour une connexion du Bureau distant spécifique."}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "Msft_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"Volume\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Gestion des volumes de stockage locaux."}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "Msft_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"ShadowCopy\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Gestion des clichés instantanés."}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "Msft_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"VolumeUserQuota\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Gestion de quota de volume de stockage par utilisateur."}; }; instance of MSFT_LocalizablePropertyValue { RelPath = "Msft_CliAlias.FriendlyName=\"ShadowStorage\""; PropertyName = "Description"; Text = {"Gestion de la zone de stockage des copies shadow."}; };