#line 1 "C:\\Windows\\system32\\wbem\\en-US\\OfflineFilesWmiProvider.mfl" #pragma autorecover #pragma classflags(64) #pragma namespace("\\\\.\\ROOT\\CIMV2") instance of __namespace{ name="ms_409";}; #pragma namespace("\\\\.\\ROOT\\CIMV2\\ms_409") [Description("Provides file system-specific information about an item in the Offline Files cache. This information is available only for Directory and File items. File system information is not applicable to Server and Share items.") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x0409)] class Win32_OfflineFilesFileSysInfo { [Description("Win32 File system attributes for local copy") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass] uint32 LocalAttributes; [Description("File size in bytes for local copy") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass] sint64 LocalSize; [Description("Creation time for local copy") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass] DATETIME LocalCreationTime; [Description("Last write time for local copy") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass] DATETIME LocalLastWriteTime; [Description("Change time for local copy") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass] DATETIME LocalChangeTime; [Description("Last access time for local copy") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass] DATETIME LocalLastAccessTime; [Description("Win32 File system attributes for original copy") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass] uint32 OriginalAttributes; [Description("File size in bytes for original copy") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass] sint64 OriginalSize; [Description("Creation time for original copy") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass] DATETIME OriginalCreationTime; [Description("Last write time for original copy") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass] DATETIME OriginalLastWriteTime; [Description("Change time for original copy") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass] DATETIME OriginalChangeTime; [Description("Last access time for original copy") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass] DATETIME OriginalLastAccessTime; [Description("Win32 File system attributes for remote copy") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass] uint32 RemoteAttributes; [Description("File size in bytes for remote copy") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass] sint64 RemoteSize; [Description("Creation time for remote copy") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass] DATETIME RemoteCreationTime; [Description("Last write time for remote copy") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass] DATETIME RemoteLastWriteTime; [Description("Change time for remote copy") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass] DATETIME RemoteChangeTime; [Description("Last access time for remote copy") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass] DATETIME RemoteLastAccessTime; }; [Description("Describes if an item in the Offline Files cache is pinned and, if so, the type of pinning currently applied.") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x0409)] class Win32_OfflineFilesPinInfo { [Description("Indicates if the file is pinned for any reason.") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass] boolean Pinned; [Description("Indicates if the file is pinned by this user and if this pin state is inheritable. \n\n0 - Not pinned \n1 - Pinned \n2 - Pinned. Inherited by new files created in pinned directory.") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,Values{"Not pinned", "Pinned", "Pinned inherit"} : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass] uint32 PinnedForUser; [Description("Indicates if the file is pinned for this user by Group Policy and if this pin state is inheritable. \n\n0 - Not pinned \n1 - Pinned \n2 - Pinned. Inherited by new files created in pinned directory.") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,Values{"Not pinned", "Pinned", "Pinned inherit"} : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass] uint32 PinnedForUserByPolicy; [Description("Indicates if the file is pinned for all users on the computer. \n\n0 - Not pinned \n1 - Pinned \n2 - Pinned. Inherited by new files created in pinned directory.") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,Values{"Not pinned", "Pinned", "Pinned inherit"} : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass] uint32 PinnedForComputer; [Description("Indicates if the file is pinned for this user by Windows Folder Redirection. \n\n0 - Not pinned \n1 - Pinned \n2 - Pinned. Inherited by new files created in pinned directory.") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,Values{"Not pinned", "Pinned", "Pinned inherit"} : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass] uint32 PinnedForFolderRedirection; }; [Description("Describes if an item in the Offline Files cache has unsynchronized changes and, if so, the type of changes.") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x0409)] class Win32_OfflineFilesChangeInfo { [Description("Indicates if the item was changed while working offline. If True, one or more of the remaining properties is also True.") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass] boolean Dirty; [Description("Indicates if the item was deleted while working offline.") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass] boolean DeletedOffline; [Description("Indicates if the item was created while working offline.") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass] boolean CreatedOffline; [Description("Indicates if the file's contents were modified while working offline.") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass] boolean ModifiedData; [Description("Indicates if any of the file's attributes were modified while working offline.") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass] boolean ModifiedAttributes; [Description("Indicates if any of the file's time values were modified while working offline.") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass] boolean ModifiedTime; }; [Description("Describes the amount of information that will be synchronized when an item is synchronized.") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x0409)] class Win32_OfflineFilesDirtyInfo { [Description("Number of bytes needing synchronization from the client to the server.") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass] sint64 LocalDirtyByteCount; [Description("Number of bytes needing synchronization from the server to the client.") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass] sint64 RemoteDirtyByteCount; }; [Description("Provides information about the \"online\"/\"offline\" status of an item in the Offline Files cache.") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x0409)] class Win32_OfflineFilesConnectionInfo { [Description("Indicates if the item is currently \"online\" or \"offline\". \n\n0 - Unknown. Unable to determine connect state. \n1 - Offline. Item is currently \"offline\". Inspect OfflineReason to learn why. \n2 - Online. Item is currently \"online\". \n3 - Transparently Cached. Item is \"transparently cached\". \n4 - Partly Transparently Cached. Item contains a mix of \"transparently cached\" and \"online\" data.") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,Values{"Unknown", "Offline", "Online", "Transparently Cached", "Partly Transparently Cached"} : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass] uint32 ConnectState; [Description("If an item is \"offline\", indicates why it is offline.\n\n0 - Unknown. Unable to determine reason. \n1 - Not applicable. Item is online or item state is not known. \n2 - Working offline. User has selected the \"Work offline\" option in File Explorer. \n3 - Slow connection. Item is offline because the connection is slow. \n4 - Net disconnected. The computer is disconnected from the network or the remote share or server is unavailable. \n5 - Need to sync item. Item has unsynchronized local changes or an unresolved sync conflict. \n6 - Item suspended. Item is always offline.") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,Values{"Unknown", "Not applicable", "Working offline", "Slow connection", "Net disconnected", "Need to sync item", "Item suspended"} : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass] uint32 OfflineReason; }; [Description("Provides information about the current \"suspend\" state of an item in the Offline Files cache.") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x0409)] class Win32_OfflineFilesSuspendInfo { [Description("Indicates if the item is currently suspended, either directly or through inheritance from an ancestor. Inspect SuspendedRoot to determine which.") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass] boolean Suspended; [Description("Indicates if the item is a suspended tree root. If this is False, the item is suspended by way of inheritance through the suspended state of an ancestor.") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass] boolean SuspendedRoot; }; [Description("Represents an item in the Offline Files cache") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x0409)] class Win32_OfflineFilesItem { [key,Description("UNC path of the item on the server.") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass] string ItemPath; [Description("UNC path of the parent item on the server. This is empty if the item is a Server item.") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass] string ParentItemPath; [Description("File system name of item, excluding the directory path.") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass] string ItemName; [Description("Type of the item. An item may represent a Server, Share, Directory, or a File. \n\n0 - File \n1 - Directory \n2 - Share \n3 - Server") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,Values{"File", "Directory", "Share", "Server"} : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass] uint32 ItemType; [Description("File system information for item. Applicable to Directory and File items.") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass] Win32_OfflineFilesFileSysInfo FileSysInfo; [Description("Pin information for item. Applicable to Share, Directory, and File items.") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass] Win32_OfflineFilesPinInfo PinInfo; [Description("Change information for item. Applicable to Share, Directory, and File items.") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass] Win32_OfflineFilesChangeInfo ChangeInfo; [Description("Dirty byte count information for item. Applicable to File items.") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass] Win32_OfflineFilesDirtyInfo DirtyInfo; [Description("Connection information for item. Applicable to Share, Directory, and File items.") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass] Win32_OfflineFilesConnectionInfo ConnectionInfo; [Description("Suspend state information for item. Applicable to Share, Directory, and File items.") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass] Win32_OfflineFilesSuspendInfo SuspendInfo; [Description("Indicates if the item is encrypted in the Offline Files cache. This property is applicable only to File items. Server, Share, and Directory items will always report a value of False for this property. Inspect the ItemType property to determine the type of an item.") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass] boolean Encrypted; [Description("Indicates if the item is sparsely cached. A sparsely-cached item exists in the Offline Files cache but not all of its contents are cached. Such items are not available offline. This property is applicable only to File items. Server, Share, and Directory items will always report a value of False for this property. Inspect the ItemType property to determine the type of an item.") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass] boolean Sparse; }; [Description("The Win32_OfflineFilesCache class represents the Offline Files cache for the purpose of adding, removing, renaming, enumerating, synchronizing, and otherwise \"managing\" the cache contents. Offline Files is a Windows feature that provides offline availability of network files as well as facilities to synchronize changes made while working offline. Each computer using the Offline Files feature has a single \"cache\" on the local system where the local copies of network files are stored. This class and its associated classes are used to inspect and manage the contents of that cache.") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x0409)] class Win32_OfflineFilesCache { [Description("Indicates if Offline Files is enabled. This reflects the current as-configured state of the feature. If Offline Files is Enabled but not Active, a system restart will activate the feature.") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass] boolean Enabled; [Description("Indicates if Offline Files is active. This reflects the current running state of the feature. If Offline Files is Active, all behaviors associated with the feature are available. If Offline Files is Active but not Enabled, a system restart will deactivate the feature.") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass] boolean Active; [Description("Location of Offline Files cache on the local computer. This is the directory under which the locally-cached file copies exist. The directory is not accessible to non-system processes.") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass] string Location; [Description("Enables or disables the Offline Files feature. Inspect the RebootRequired parameter to determine if a reboot is required. If a reboot is required, the feature remains in its current state until the system is restarted.") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass] uint32 Enable([in,Description("Specify True to enable Offline Files, False to disable Offline Files.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean Enable,[out,Description("On return, if this value is True, a restart of the system is necessary for Offline Files to transition to the requested state.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean RebootRequired); [Description("Renames a path in the Offline Files cache. This is most often used after a directory tree has been renamed or moved on a remote server.") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass] uint32 RenameItem([in,Description("The current path string to be renamed.") : Amended ToSubclass] string OriginalPath,[in,Description("The new path string to replace the original path string.") : Amended ToSubclass] string NewPath,[in,Description("If this parameter is False, the operation will fail if the new path string specifies an existing file or directory. Specify True to automatically replace an existing file or directory. Therefore, use True with caution.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean ReplaceIfExists); [Description("Renames a path in the Offline Files cache without rebooting the system. This is most often used after a directory tree has been renamed or moved on a remote server.") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass] uint32 RenameItemEx([in,Description("The current path string to be renamed.") : Amended ToSubclass] string OriginalPath,[in,Description("The new path string to replace the original path string.") : Amended ToSubclass] string NewPath,[in,Description("If this parameter is False, the operation will fail if the new path string specifies an existing file or directory. Specify True to automatically replace an existing file or directory. Therefore, use True with caution.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean ReplaceIfExists); [Description("Synchronizes one or more items. To monitor progress, implement a WMI event sink to receive OnProgress notifications. The Message parameter contains a text string encoded with the following colon-delimited format: \n\n :::[] \n\nwhere: \n\n \n The type of progress notification. One of the following: \n 0 = Begin - Sent once at start of the operation. \n 1 = End - Sent once at the end of the operation. \n 2 = ItemBegin - Sent at the start of processing each item. \n 3 = ItemResult - Sent at the end of processing each item. \n\n \n Unsigned integer HRESULT. 0 = Success. \n\n \n Windows message text associated with . \n\n \n UNC path of item processed. This is empty if is \n Begin (0) or End (1).") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass] uint32 Synchronize([in,Description("Array of UNC path strings identifying directories and files to synchronize.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Paths[],[in,Values{"OfflineFilesSyncControlFlagFillSparse", "OfflineFilesSyncControlFlagSyncIn", "OfflineFilesSyncControlFlagSyncOut", "OfflineFilesSyncControlFlagPinNewFiles", "OfflineFilesSyncControlFlagPinLinkTargets", "OfflineFilesSyncControlFlagPinForUser", "OfflineFilesSyncControlFlagPinForUser_Policy", "OfflineFilesSyncControlFlagPinForAll", "OfflineFilesSyncControlFlagLowPriority", "OfflineFilesSyncControlFlagAsyncProgress", "OfflineFilesSyncControlFlagInteractive", "OfflineFilesSyncControlFlagConsole", "OfflineFilesSyncControlFlagSkipSuspendedDirs", "OfflineFilesSyncControlFlagBackground", "OfflineFilesSyncControlCrKeepLocal", "OfflineFilesSyncControlCrKeepRemote", "OfflineFilesSyncControlCrKeepLatest"} : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,Description("May be one or more of the following: \n\n0x00000001 - FillSparse. Fill sparse files. \n0x00000002 - SyncIn. Sync server changes to the local computer. \n0x00000004 - SyncOut. Sync local computer changes to the server. \n0x00000008 - PinNewFiles. Pin any new files found on server inside pinned directories. \n0x00000010 - PinLinkTargets. When pinning, if the file is a LNK file, pin the target also. \n0x00000020 - PinForUser. When pinning, pin for the logged-on user. \n0x00000040 - PinForUser_Policy. When pinning, pin for the logged-on user as if pinned by Group Policy. \n0x00000080 - PinForAll. When pinning, pin for all users. \n0x00000200 - LowPriority. Perform sync at low CPU and I/O priority whenever possible. \n0x00000400 - AsyncProgress. Use asynchronous progress reporting. This may drop some \"success\" notifications for performance. \n0x00000800 - Interactive. OK to interact with user if necessary (i.e. alternate credential requests). \n0x00001000 - Console. All interaction directed to console. \n0x00002000 - SkipSuspendedDirs. Do not sync suspended directories. \n0x00010000 - Background. Minimize sharing violations. \n0x10000000 - CrKeepLocal. Resolve all conflicts by copying the local computer copy to the server. \n0x20000000 - CrKeepRemote. Resolve all conflicts by copying the server copy to the local computer. \n0x30000000 - CrKeepLatest. Resolve all conflicts by keeping the \"latest\" copy. \n\nNote that CrKeepLocal, CrKeepRemote, and CrKeepLatest are not flag values. Set only \none of these to specify a conflict resolution policy. If no conflict resolution policy is specified, conflicts remain unresolved and may be viewed in the Sync Center Conflicts folder.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 Flags); [Description("Assures an item will be available offline. Pinning an item ensures it is protected from automatic eviction should the Offline Files cache need additional disk space. To monitor progress, implement a WMI event sink to receive OnProgress notifications. The Message parameter contains a text string encoded with the following colon-delimited format: \n\n :::[] \n\nwhere: \n\n \n The type of progress notification. One of the following: \n 0 = Begin - Sent once at start of the operation. \n 1 = End - Sent once at the end of the operation. \n 2 = ItemBegin - Sent at the start of processing each item. \n 3 = ItemResult - Sent at the end of processing each item. \n\n \n Unsigned integer HRESULT. 0 = Success. \n\n \n Windows message text associated with . \n\n \n UNC path of item processed. This is empty if is \n Begin (0) or End (1).") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass] uint32 Pin([in,Description("Array of UNC path strings identifying directories and files to pin.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Paths[],[in,Values{"OfflineFilesPinControlFlagFill", "OfflineFilesPinControlFlagPinLinkTargets", "OfflineFilesPinControlFlagForUser", "OfflineFilesPinControlFlagForUser_Policy", "OfflineFilesPinControlFlagForAll", "OfflineFilesPinControlFlagLowPriority", "OfflineFilesPinControlFlagAsyncProgress", "OfflineFilesPinControlFlagInteractive", "OfflineFilesPinControlFlagConsole", "OfflineFilesPinControlFlagBackground"} : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,Description("May be one or more of the following: \n\n0x00000001 - Fill. Fill files when pinning. \n0x00000020 - PinForUser. Pin for the logged-on user. \n0x00000040 - PinForUser_Policy. Pin for the logged-on user as if pinned by Group Policy. \n0x00000080 - PinForAll. Pin for all users. \n0x00000200 - LowPriority. Perform operation at low CPU and I/O priority whenever possible. \n0x00000400 - AsyncProgress. Use asynchronous progress reporting. This may drop some \"success\" notifications for performance. \n0x00000800 - Interactive. OK to interact with user if necessary (i.e. alternate credential requests). \n0x00001000 - Console. All interaction directed to console. \n0x00010000 - Background. Minimize sharing violations.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 Flags,[in,Description("For directory paths, indicates if the operation is to apply to the entire directory tree or only to the directory entry itself. This parameter is ignored for file paths.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean Deep); [Description("Removes the assurance that an item will be available offline. In addition, if the item is no longer pinned for any reason and if it has no unsynchronized local changes, it is automatically deleted from the Offline Files cache. To monitor progress, implement a WMI event sink to receive OnProgress notifications. The Message parameter contains a text string encoded with the following colon-delimited format: \n\n :::[] \n\nwhere: \n\n \n The type of progress notification. One of the following: \n 0 = Begin - Sent once at start of the operation. \n 1 = End - Sent once at the end of the operation. \n 2 = ItemBegin - Sent at the start of processing each item. \n 3 = ItemResult - Sent at the end of processing each item. \n\n \n Unsigned integer HRESULT. 0 = Success. \n\n \n Windows message text associated with . \n\n \n UNC path of item processed. This is empty if is \n Begin (0) or End (1).") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass] uint32 Unpin([in,Description("Array of UNC path strings identifying directories and files to pin.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Paths[],[in,Values{"OfflineFilesPinControlFlagForUser", "OfflineFilesPinControlFlagForUser_Policy", "OfflineFilesPinControlFlagForAll", "OfflineFilesPinControlFlagLowPriority", "OfflineFilesPinControlFlagAsyncProgress", "OfflineFilesPinControlFlagInteractive", "OfflineFilesPinControlFlagConsole", "OfflineFilesPinControlFlagBackground"} : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,Description("May be one or more of the following: \n\n0x00000020 - UnpinForUser. Unpin for the logged-on user. \n0x00000040 - UnpinForUser_Policy. Unpin for the logged-on user as if unpinned by Group Policy. \n0x00000080 - UnpinForAll. Unpin for all users. \n0x00000200 - LowPriority. Perform operation at low CPU and I/O priority whenever possible. \n0x00000400 - AsyncProgress. Use asynchronous progress reporting. This may drop some \"success\" notifications for performance. \n0x00000800 - Interactive. OK to interact with user if necessary (i.e. alternate credential requests). \n0x00001000 - Console. All interaction directed to console. \n0x00010000 - Background. Minimize sharing violations.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 Flags,[in,Description("For directory paths, indicates if the operation is to apply to the entire directory tree or only to the directory entry itself. This parameter is ignored for file paths.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean Deep); [Description("Deletes one or more items from the Offline Files cache.") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass] uint32 DeleteItems([in,Description("Array of UNC path strings identifying directories and files to be deleted.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Paths[],[in,Values{"OfflineFilesDeleteFlagNoAutoCached", "OfflineFilesDeleteFlagNoPinned", "OfflineFilesDeleteFlagDelModified", "OfflineFilesDeleteFlagAdmin"} : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,Description("May be one or more of the following: \n\n0x00000001 - NoAutoCached. Do not delete non-pinned files. \n0x00000002 - NoPinned. Do not delete pinned files. \n0x00000004 - DelModified. OK to delete files with unsynchronized changes. \n0x80000000 - Admin. If script is running under an account that is a local adminstrator, act as administrator when accessing the Offline Files cache.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 Flags); [Description("Encrypts or unencrypts files in the Offline Files cache") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass] uint32 Encrypt([in,Description("Set to True to encrypt, False to unencrypt.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean Encrypt,[in,Values{"OfflineFilesEncryptionControlFlagLowPriority", "OfflineFilesEncryptionControlFlagAsyncProgress", "OfflineFilesEncryptionControlFlagInteractive", "OfflineFilesEncryptionControlFlagConsole", "OfflineFilesEncryptionControlFlagBackground"} : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,Description("May be one or more of the following: \n\n0x00000200 - LowPriority. Perform operation at low CPU and I/O priority whenever possible. \n0x00000400 - AsyncProgress. Use asynchronous progress reporting. This may drop some \"success\" notifications for performance. \n0x00000800 - Interactive. OK to interact with user if necessary (i.e. alternate credential requests). \n0x00001000 - Console. All interaction directed to console. \n0x00010000 - Background. Minimize sharing violations.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 Flags); [Description("Suspends or un-suspends a directory tree in the Offline Files cache. A suspended directory tree is always offline but may be synchronized using the Synchronize method or through Windows Sync Center.") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass] uint32 SuspendRoot([in,Description("The UNC path of the directory to be suspended. The path must exist in the Offline Files cache.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Path,[in,Description("Set to True to suspend, False to un-suspend.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean Suspend); [Description("Transitions to offline the remote file system scope associated with the item.") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass] uint32 TransitionOffline([in,Description("The UNC path of the cache item.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Path,[in,Description("Force open files closed.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean Force,[in,Values{"OfflineFilesTransitionFlagInteractive", "OfflineFilesTransitionFlagConsole"} : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,Description("May be one or more of the following: \n\n0x00000001 - Interactive. OK to interact with user if necessary (i.e. alternate credential requests). \n0x00000002 - Console. All interaction directed to console. ") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 Flags,[out,Description("On return, if this value is True, open files prevented the transition.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean OpenFiles); [Description("Transitions to online the remote file system scope associated with the item.") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass] uint32 TransitionOnline([in,Description("The UNC path of the cache item.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Path,[in,Values{"OfflineFilesTransitionFlagInteractive", "OfflineFilesTransitionFlagConsole"} : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,Description("May be one or more of the following: \n\n0x00000001 - Interactive. OK to interact with user if necessary (i.e. alternate credential requests). \n0x00000002 - Console. All interaction directed to console. ") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 Flags); };