#line 1 "C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\WBEM\\EN-US\\ISCSIDSC.MFL" //*************************************************************************** // // // Module: iScsi Discovery api // // Purpose: // // Copyright (c) 2001 Microsoft Corporation // //*************************************************************************** #pragma autorecover #pragma namespace("\\\\.\\Root\\WMI") instance of __namespace{ name="ms_409";}; #pragma namespace("\\\\.\\Root\\WMI\\ms_409") [Description("Microsoft iSCSI Initiator: Portal") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x0409)] class MSiSCSIInitiator_Portal { [key,Description("Index number of this portal") : Amended] uint32 Index; [Description("Portal Symbolic Name") : Amended] string SymbolicName; [Description("Portal Address") : Amended] string Address; [Description("Portal Port") : Amended] uint16 Port; }; [Description("Microsoft iSCSI Initiator: Portal Group") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x0409)] class MSiSCSIInitiator_PortalGroup { [key,Description("Index number of this portal group") : Amended] uint32 Index; [Description("List of Portals in this Portal Group") : Amended] MSiSCSIInitiator_Portal Portals[]; }; [Description("Microsoft iSCSI Initiator: Target Address") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x0409)] class MSiSCSIInitiator_TargetAddress { [Description("OS Device Name") : Amended] string OSDeviceName; [Description("OS SCSI bus number target is mapped to") : Amended] uint32 OSBusNumber; [Description("OS SCSI Target number target is mapped to") : Amended] uint32 OSTargetNumber; [Description("OS SCSI LUN number target LUN is mapped to") : Amended] uint32 OSLunNumber; }; [Description("Microsoft iSCSI Initiator: LUN List") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x0409)] class MSiSCSIInitiator_LUNList { [Description("OS SCSI LUN number target LUN is mapped to") : Amended] uint32 OSLunNumber; [Description("Target LUN") : Amended] uint64 TargetLun; }; [Description("Microsoft iSCSI Initiator: Target Mappings") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x0409)] class MSiSCSIInitiator_TargetMappings { [Description("Initiator Name") : Amended] string InitiatorName; [Description("Target Name") : Amended] string TargetName; [Description("OS Device Name") : Amended] string OSDeviceName; [Description("OS SCSI bus number target is mapped to") : Amended] uint32 OSBusNumber; [Description("OS SCSI Target number target is mapped to") : Amended] uint32 OSTargetNumber; [Description("LUN List") : Amended] MSiSCSIInitiator_LUNList LUNList[]; }; [Description("Microsoft iSCSI Initiator: Target Login Options") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x0409)] class MSiSCSIInitiator_TargetLoginOptions { [Description("ISCSI Login Options Version") : Amended] uint32 Version; [Description("Bit field indicating which information is specified") : Amended] uint32 InformationSpecified; [Description("Flags that affect how login occurs") : Amended] uint32 LoginFlags; [Description("Flags to indicate login authentication type") : Amended,Values{"No Authentication", "CHAP", "Mutual CHAP"} : Amended] uint32 AuthType; [Description("Cyclic integrity checksums that can be negotiated for the header digests") : Amended] uint32 HeaderDigest; [Description("Cyclic integrity checksums that can be negotiated for the data digests") : Amended] uint32 DataDigest; [Description("Maximum number of connections, 0 implies no limit") : Amended] uint32 MaximumConnections; [Description("The initiator and target negotiate the minimum time, in seconds, to wait before attempting an explicit/implicit logout or active task reassignment after an unexpected connection termination or a connection reset.") : Amended] uint32 DefaultTime2Wait; [Description(" The initiator and target negotiate the maximum time, in seconds after an initial wait (Time2Wait), before which an explicit/implicit connection Logout or active task reassignment is still possible after an unexpected connection termination or a connection reset.") : Amended] uint32 DefaultTime2Retain; [Description("Username for iSCSI authentication") : Amended] uint8 Username[]; [Description("Password for iSCSI authentication") : Amended] uint8 Password[]; }; [Description("Microsoft iSCSI Initiator: Connection Information") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x0409)] class MSiSCSIInitiator_ConnectionInformation { [Description("Connection ID string") : Amended] string ConnectionID; [Description("Initiator Address") : Amended] string InitiatorAddress; [Description("Target Address") : Amended] string TargetAddress; [Description("Initiator Port") : Amended] uint16 InitiatorPort; [Description("Target Port") : Amended] uint16 TargetPort; [Description("Connection ID token") : Amended] uint8 CID[]; }; [Description("Microsoft iSCSI Initiator: IKE Preshared Key Authentication Information") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x0409)] class MSiSCSIInitiator_IKEPresharedKeyAuthenticationInfo { [Description("Authentication Method: Preshared Key") : Amended] uint32 AuthMethod; [Description("Security Flags") : Amended] uint64 SecurityFlags; [Description("IKE Identification Payload Type") : Amended] uint32 IdType; [Description("ID") : Amended] uint8 Id[]; [Description("Key") : Amended] uint8 Key[]; }; [Description("Microsoft iSCSI Initiator: Target Class") : Amended ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x0409)] class MSiSCSIInitiator_TargetClass { [key : ToSubclass,Description("Target Name") : Amended ToSubclass] string TargetName; [key : ToSubclass,Description("Discovery Mechanism") : Amended ToSubclass] string DiscoveryMechanism; [Description("Initiator Name") : Amended ToSubclass] string InitiatorName; [Description("Protocol Type") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 ProtocolType; [Description("Target Alias") : Amended ToSubclass] string TargetAlias; [Description("Portal Groups") : Amended ToSubclass] MSiSCSIInitiator_PortalGroup PortalGroups[]; [Description("Mappings") : Amended ToSubclass] MSiSCSIInitiator_TargetMappings Mappings; [Description("Target Flags") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 TargetFlags; [Description("Login Options") : Amended ToSubclass] MSiSCSIInitiator_TargetLoginOptions LoginOptions; [Description("Login to this target") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass] uint32 Login([in,Description("Indicates whether this is informational session") : Amended] boolean IsInformationalSession,[in,Description("Initiator Port Number") : Amended] uint32 InitiatorPortNumber,[in,Description("Target Portal") : Amended] MSiSCSIInitiator_Portal TargetPortal,[in,Description("Security Flags") : Amended] uint64 SecurityFlags,[in,Description("Mappings") : Amended] MSiSCSIInitiator_TargetMappings Mappings[],[in,Description("Login Options") : Amended] MSiSCSIInitiator_TargetLoginOptions LoginOptions,[in,Description("Key") : Amended] uint8 Key[],[in,Description("IsPersistent") : Amended] boolean IsPersistent,[out,Description("Unique Session ID") : Amended] string UniqueSessionId,[out,Description("Unique Connection ID") : Amended] string UniqueConnectionId); }; [Description("Microsoft iSCSI Initiator: Persistent Login Class") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x0409)] class MSiSCSIInitiator_PersistentLoginClass { [key,Description("Target Name") : Amended] string TargetName; [Description("Indicates whether this is informational session") : Amended] boolean IsInformationalSession; [Description("Initiator Instance") : Amended] string InitiatorInstance; [Description("Initiator Port Number") : Amended] uint32 InitiatorPortNumber; [Description("Target Portal") : Amended] MSiSCSIInitiator_Portal TargetPortal; [Description("Security Flags") : Amended] uint64 SecurityFlags; [Description("Mappings") : Amended] MSiSCSIInitiator_TargetMappings Mappings; [Description("Login Options") : Amended] MSiSCSIInitiator_TargetLoginOptions LoginOptions; }; [Description("Microsoft iSCSI Initiator: iSNS Server Class") : Amended ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x0409)] class MSiSCSIInitiator_iSNSServerClass { [key : ToSubclass,Description("iSNS Server Address") : Amended ToSubclass] string iSNSServerAddress; [Description("Refresh the list of discovered targets from this iSNS server") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass] uint32 Refresh(); }; [Description("Microsoft iSCSI Initiator: Send Target Portal Class") : Amended ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x0409)] class MSiSCSIInitiator_SendTargetPortalClass { [key : ToSubclass,Description("Portal Identifier String") : Amended ToSubclass] string PortalIdentifierString; [Description("Initiator Instance or Name") : Amended ToSubclass] string InitiatorName; [Description("Initiator Port Number") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 InitiatorPortNumber; [Description("Portal Symbolic Name") : Amended ToSubclass] string PortalSymbolicName; [Description("Portal Address") : Amended ToSubclass] string PortalAddress; [Description("Portal Port") : Amended ToSubclass] uint16 PortalPort; [Description("Login Options") : Amended ToSubclass] MSiSCSIInitiator_TargetLoginOptions LoginOptions; [Description("Security Flags") : Amended ToSubclass] uint64 SecurityFlags; [Description("Refresh the list of discovered targets from this Send Targets portal") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass] uint32 Refresh(); }; [Description("Microsoft iSCSI Initiator: Initiator Class") : Amended ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x0409)] class MSiSCSIInitiator_InitiatorClass { [key : ToSubclass,Description("Initiator Name") : Amended ToSubclass] string InitiatorName; }; [Description("Microsoft iSCSI Initiator: Device attached to a session") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x0409)] class MSiSCSIInitiator_DeviceOnSession { }; [Description("Microsoft iSCSI Initiator: Session Class") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x0409)] class MSiSCSIInitiator_SessionClass { [key,Description("Session ID") : Amended] string SessionId; [Description("Initiator Name") : Amended] string InitiatorName; [Description("Target Node Name") : Amended] string TargetNodeName; [Description("Target Name") : Amended] string TargetName; [Description("Initiator Specific ID") : Amended] uint8 ISID[]; [Description("Target Specific ID") : Amended] uint8 TSID[]; [Description("Logout from the iSCSI Target in this session") : Amended] uint32 Logout(); [Description("Send SCSI Inquiry command") : Amended] uint32 SendScsiInquiry([in,Description("LUN") : Amended] uint64 Lun,[in,Description("EvpdCmddt") : Amended] uint8 EvpdCmddt,[in,Description("Page Code") : Amended] uint8 PageCode,[out,Description("SCSI Status") : Amended] uint8 ScsiStatus,[out,Description("Response Buffer") : Amended] uint8 ResponseBuffer[],[out,Description("Sense Buffer") : Amended] uint8 SenseBuffer[]); [Description("Send SCSI Read Capacity command") : Amended] uint32 SendScsiReadCapacity([in,Description("LUN") : Amended] uint64 Lun,[out,Description("SCSI Status") : Amended] uint8 ScsiStatus,[out,Description("Response Buffer") : Amended] uint8 ResponseBuffer[],[out,Description("Sense Buffer") : Amended] uint8 SenseBuffer[]); [Description("Send SCSI Report LUNs command") : Amended] uint32 SendScsiReportLuns([out,Description("SCSI Status") : Amended] uint8 ScsiStatus,[out,Description("Response Buffer") : Amended] uint8 ResponseBuffer[],[out,Description("Sense Buffer") : Amended] uint8 SenseBuffer[]); [Description("Add a connection to the session") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass] uint32 AddConnection([in,Description("Initiator Port Number") : Amended] uint32 InitiatorPortNumber,[in,Description("Target Portal") : Amended] MSiSCSIInitiator_Portal TargetPortal,[in,Description("Security Flags") : Amended] uint64 SecurityFlags,[in,Description("Login Options") : Amended] MSiSCSIInitiator_TargetLoginOptions LoginOptions,[in,Description("Key") : Amended] uint8 Key[],[out,Description("Unique Connection ID") : Amended] string UniqueConnectionId); [Description("Remove a connection from the session") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass] uint32 RemoveConnection([in,Description("Unique Connection ID") : Amended] string UniqueConnectionId); }; #pragma deleteclass("MSiSCSIInitiator_MethodClass",NOFAIL) [Description("Microsoft iSCSI Initiator: Method Class") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x0409)] class MSiSCSIInitiator_MethodClass { [Description("iSCSI Initiator Node Name") : Amended] string iSCSINodeName; [Description("Refresh the entire list of targets using all available discovery methods") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass] uint32 RefreshTargetList(); [Description("Set iSCSI Tunnel Mode Outer Address") : Amended] uint32 SetIScsiTunnelModeOuterAddress([in,Description("Initiator Name") : Amended] string InitiatorName,[in,Description("Initiator Port Number") : Amended] uint32 InitiatorPortNumber,[in,Description("Destination Address") : Amended] string DestinationAddress,[in,Description("Outer Mode Address") : Amended] string OuterModeAddress,[in,Description("Indicates whether to persist") : Amended] boolean Persist); [Description("Set iSCSI IKE Information") : Amended] uint32 SetIScsiIKEInfo([in,Description("Initiator Name") : Amended] string InitiatorName,[in,Description("Initiator Port Number") : Amended] uint32 InitiatorPortNumber,[in,Description("IKE Authentication Information") : Amended] MSiSCSIInitiator_IKEPresharedKeyAuthenticationInfo AuthInfo,[in,Description("Indicates whether to persist") : Amended] boolean Persist); [Description("Set iSCSI Group Preshared Key") : Amended] uint32 SetIScsiGroupPresharedKey([in,Description("Key") : Amended] uint8 Key[],[in,Description("Indicates whether to persist") : Amended] boolean Persist); [Description("Set iSCSI CHAP Shared Secret") : Amended] uint32 SetIScsiInitiatorCHAPSharedSecret([in,Description("Shared Secret") : Amended] uint8 SharedSecret[]); [Description("Set iSCSI RADIUS Shared Secret") : Amended] uint32 SetIScsiInitiatorRADIUSSharedSecret([in,Description("Shared Secret") : Amended] uint8 SharedSecret[]); [Description("Set iSCSI Initiator Node Name") : Amended] uint32 SetIScsiInitiatorNodeName([in,Description("Initiator Node Name") : Amended] string InitiatorNodeName); [Description("Setup Persistent iSCSI Volumes") : Amended] uint32 SetupPersistentIScsiVolumes(); [Description("Clear Persistent iSCSI Volumes") : Amended] uint32 ClearPersistentIScsiVolumes(); }; [Description("Microsoft iSCSI Initiator: Persistent Devices") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x0409)] class MSiSCSIInitiator_PersistentDevices { [key,Description("DevicePath") : Amended] string DevicePath; };