#line 1 "C:\\Windows\\system32\\inetsrv\\fr-FR\\asp.mfl" #pragma autorecover #pragma classflags(64) #pragma namespace("\\\\.\\Root\\WMI") instance of __namespace{ name="MS_40c";}; #pragma namespace("\\\\.\\Root\\WMI\\MS_40c") [AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c)] class ASP_Trace : EventTrace { [Description("Levels") : Amended,ValueDescriptions{"Abnormal exit or termination", "Severe errors", "Warnings", "Information", "Detailed information"} : Amended] uint32 Level; }; [Description("ASP Request") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c)] class ASP_Trans_V0 : ASP_Trace { }; [Description("ASP Request Types") : Amended,EventTypeName{"Start", "End"} : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c)] class AspRequest : ASP_Trans_V0 { [Description("ConnID") : Amended] uint32 ConnID; }; [Description("ASP Request") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c)] class ASP_Trans : ASP_Trace { }; [Description("Start Request") : Amended,EventTypeName("ASP_START_REQUEST") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c)] class AspStartRequest : ASP_Trans { [Description("Context ID") : Amended] object ContextId; [Description("Physical Path") : Amended] string PhysicalPath; }; [Description("End Request") : Amended,EventTypeName("ASP_END_REQUEST") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c)] class AspEndRequest : ASP_Trans { [Description("Context ID") : Amended] object ContextId; }; [Description("First request") : Amended,EventTypeName("ASP_FIRST_REQUEST_FOR_ASP") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c)] class AspFirstRequest : ASP_Trans { [Description("Context ID") : Amended] object ContextId; }; [Description("Initialization failure") : Amended,EventTypeName("ASP_INIT_FAILURE") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c)] class AspInitFailure : ASP_Trans { [Description("Context ID") : Amended] object ContextId; [Description("Reason for ASP Init Failure") : Amended,ValueDescriptions{"Metabase Read Failure", "Persisted Template Cache Init Failure", "COM Init Failure", "Metabase Change Notification Listener Initialization Failure"} : Amended] uint32 Reason; }; [Description("Unhealthy failure") : Amended,EventTypeName("ASP_UNHEALTHY_FAILURE") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c)] class AspUnhealthyFailure : ASP_Trans { [Description("Context ID") : Amended] object ContextId; [Description("Reason ASP is Unhealthy") : Amended,ValueDescriptions{"Deadlock Detected", "ASP heap is out of memory"} : Amended] uint32 Reason; }; [Description("First request for application") : Amended,EventTypeName("ASP_FIRST_REQUEST_FOR_APPLICATION") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c)] class AspFirstRequestForApplication : ASP_Trans { [Description("Context ID") : Amended] object ContextId; [Description("Application Path") : Amended] string ApplicationPath; }; [Description("Start Global.ASA check") : Amended,EventTypeName("ASP_START_GLOBAL_ASA_CHECK") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c)] class AspStartGlobalASACheck : ASP_Trans { [Description("Context ID") : Amended] object ContextId; [Description("Global.ASA Path") : Amended] string GlobalASAPath; }; [Description("End Global.ASA check") : Amended,EventTypeName("ASP_END_GLOBAL_ASA_CHECK") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c)] class AspEndGlobalASACheck : ASP_Trans { [Description("Context ID") : Amended] object ContextId; }; [Description("Global.ASA does not exist") : Amended,EventTypeName("ASP_GLOBAL_ASA_DOES_NOT_EXIST") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c)] class AspGlobalASADoesNotExist : ASP_Trans { [Description("Context ID") : Amended] object ContextId; }; [Description("Global.ASA access denied") : Amended,EventTypeName("ASP_GLOBAL_ASA_ACCESS_DENIED") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c)] class AspGlobalASAAccessDenied : ASP_Trans { [Description("Context ID") : Amended] object ContextId; }; [Description("Global.ASA Access Success") : Amended,EventTypeName("ASP_GLOBAL_ASA_ACCESS_SUCCESS") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c)] class AspGlobalASAAccessSuccess : ASP_Trans { [Description("Context ID") : Amended] object ContextId; }; [Description("New Session Created") : Amended,EventTypeName("ASP_NEW_SESSION_CREATED") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c)] class AspNewSession : ASP_Trans { [Description("Context ID") : Amended] object ContextId; [Description("Session ID") : Amended] string SessionId; }; [Description("Set SessionID Secure") : Amended,EventTypeName("ASP_SECURE_SESSION_ID_SET") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c)] class AspSecureSessionID : ASP_Trans { [Description("Context ID") : Amended] object ContextId; [Description("Session ID") : Amended] string SessionId; }; [Description("Start Scriptless Send") : Amended,EventTypeName("ASP_START_SCRIPTLESS_SEND") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c)] class AspStartScriptlessSend : ASP_Trans { [Description("Context ID") : Amended] object ContextId; }; [Description("End Scriptless Send") : Amended,EventTypeName("ASP_END_SCRIPTLESS_SEND") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c)] class AspEndScriptlessSend : ASP_Trans { [Description("Context ID") : Amended] object ContextId; }; [Description("Server Too Busy") : Amended,EventTypeName("ASP_SERVER_TOO_BUSY_TO_QUEUE") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c)] class AspServerTooBusy : ASP_Trans { [Description("Context ID") : Amended] object ContextId; }; [Description("Queue Request") : Amended,EventTypeName("ASP_QUEUE_REQUEST") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c)] class AspQueueRequest : ASP_Trans { [Description("Context ID") : Amended] object ContextId; }; [Description("Dequeue Request") : Amended,EventTypeName("ASP_DEQUEUE_REQUEST") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c)] class AspDequeueRequest : ASP_Trans { [Description("Context ID") : Amended] object ContextId; }; [Description("Request queueing failure") : Amended,EventTypeName("ASP_QUEUE_REQUEST_FAILED") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c)] class AspQueueRequestFailed : ASP_Trans { [Description("Context ID") : Amended] object ContextId; [Description("Error Code") : Amended] uint32 ErrorCode; }; [Description("Client Disconnected connection") : Amended,EventTypeName("ASP_CLIENT_DISCONNECTED") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c)] class AspClientConnectionDisconnected : ASP_Trans { [Description("Context ID") : Amended] object ContextId; }; [Description("ASP Request Timeout") : Amended,EventTypeName("ASP_REQUEST_TIMEOUT") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c)] class AspRequestTimeout : ASP_Trans { [Description("Context ID") : Amended] object ContextId; }; [Description("File Access Denied") : Amended,EventTypeName("ASP_FILE_ACCESS_DENIED") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c)] class AspFileAccessDenied : ASP_Trans { [Description("Context ID") : Amended] object ContextId; [Description("File Name") : Amended] string FilePath; }; [Description("File Not Found") : Amended,EventTypeName("ASP_FILE_NOT_FOUND") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c)] class AspFileNotFound : ASP_Trans { [Description("Context ID") : Amended] object ContextId; [Description("File Name") : Amended] string FilePath; }; [Description("Read File") : Amended,EventTypeName("ASP_READ_FILE") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c)] class AspReadFile : ASP_Trans { [Description("Context ID") : Amended] object ContextId; [Description("File Name") : Amended] string FilePath; }; [Description("ASP Compile Failed") : Amended,EventTypeName("ASP_COMPILE_FAILED") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c)] class AspCompileFailed : ASP_Trans { [Description("Context ID") : Amended] object ContextId; [Description("File Name") : Amended] string FilePath; [Description("Error Code") : Amended] uint32 ErrorCode; }; [Description("Start Application On_Start") : Amended,EventTypeName("ASP_START_APPLICATION_ONSTART") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c)] class AspStartApplicationOnStart : ASP_Trans { [Description("Context ID") : Amended] object ContextId; }; [Description("End Application On_Start") : Amended,EventTypeName("ASP_END_APPLICATION_ONSTART") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c)] class AspEndApplicationOnStart : ASP_Trans { [Description("Context ID") : Amended] object ContextId; }; [Description("Application On_Start Succeeded") : Amended,EventTypeName("ASP_APPLICATION_ONSTART_SUCCESS") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c)] class AspApplicationOnStartSuccess : ASP_Trans { [Description("Context ID") : Amended] object ContextId; }; [Description("Application On_Start Error") : Amended,EventTypeName("ASP_APPLICATION_ONSTART_ERROR") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c)] class AspApplicationOnStartError : ASP_Trans { [Description("Context ID") : Amended] object ContextId; [Description("Error Code") : Amended] uint32 ErrorCode; }; [Description("Start Session On_Start") : Amended,EventTypeName("ASP_START_SESSION_ONSTART") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c)] class AspStartSessionOnStart : ASP_Trans { [Description("Context ID") : Amended] object ContextId; }; [Description("End Session On_Start") : Amended,EventTypeName("ASP_END_SESSION_ONSTART") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c)] class AspEndSessionOnStart : ASP_Trans { [Description("Context ID") : Amended] object ContextId; }; [Description("Session On_Start Succeeded") : Amended,EventTypeName("ASP_SESSION_ONSTART_SUCCESS") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c)] class AspSessionOnStartSuccess : ASP_Trans { [Description("Context ID") : Amended] object ContextId; }; [Description("Session On_Start Error") : Amended,EventTypeName("ASP_SESSION_ONSTART_ERROR") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c)] class AspSessionOnStartError : ASP_Trans { [Description("Context ID") : Amended] object ContextId; [Description("Error Code") : Amended] uint32 ErrorCode; }; [Description("Start Script Execution") : Amended,EventTypeName("ASP_START_SCRIPT_EXECUTION") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c)] class AspStartScriptExecution : ASP_Trans { [Description("Context ID") : Amended] object ContextId; }; [Description("End Script Execution") : Amended,EventTypeName("ASP_END_SCRIPT_EXECUTION") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c)] class AspEndScriptExecution : ASP_Trans { [Description("Context ID") : Amended] object ContextId; }; [Description("Transaction Aborted") : Amended,EventTypeName("ASP_TRANSACTION_ABORTED") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c)] class AspTransactionAborted : ASP_Trans { [Description("Context ID") : Amended] object ContextId; }; [Description("Transaction Commited") : Amended,EventTypeName("ASP_TRANSACTION_COMMITED") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c)] class AspTransactionCommited : ASP_Trans { [Description("Context ID") : Amended] object ContextId; }; [Description("Begin Compilation") : Amended,EventTypeName("ASP_START_COMPILE") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c)] class AspStartCompile : ASP_Trans { [Description("Context ID") : Amended] object ContextId; [Description("File Name") : Amended] string FilePath; }; [Description("End Compilation") : Amended,EventTypeName("ASP_END_COMPILE") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c)] class AspEndCompile : ASP_Trans { [Description("Context ID") : Amended] object ContextId; }; [Description("Check Cache Begin") : Amended,EventTypeName("ASP_START_CACHE_ACCESS") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c)] class AspStartCacheAccess : ASP_Trans { [Description("Context ID") : Amended] object ContextId; [Description("File Name") : Amended] string FilePath; }; [Description("Check Cache End") : Amended,EventTypeName("ASP_END_CACHE_ACCESS") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c)] class AspEndCacheAccess : ASP_Trans { [Description("Context ID") : Amended] object ContextId; [Description("Error Code") : Amended] uint32 ErrorCode; [Description("Access Result") : Amended,ValueDescriptions{"Content Not Served", "Content Served, Cache Miss", "Content Served, Cache Hit, Change Notification based Caching", "Content Served, Cache Hit, Last Modified Time based Caching", "Content Served, Cache Hit, Last Modified Time based Caching with No Access to backend UNC"} : Amended] uint32 AccessResult; }; [Description("Current ASP Session") : Amended,EventTypeName("ASP_CURRENT_SESSION") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c)] class AspCurrentSession : ASP_Trans { [Description("Context ID") : Amended] object ContextId; [Description("Session ID") : Amended] string SessionID; }; [Description("ASP Done Processing") : Amended,EventTypeName("ASP_DONE_PROCESSING") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c)] class AspDoneProcessing : ASP_Trans { [Description("Context ID") : Amended] object ContextId; }; [Description("ASP Script Trace Info") : Amended,EventTypeName{"ASP_SCRIPT_TRACE_START", "ASP_SCRIPT_TRACE_END"} : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c)] class AspScriptTraceInfo : ASP_Trans { [Description("Context ID") : Amended] object ContextId; [Description("File Name") : Amended] string FilePath; }; [Description("ASP Script Trace Object Invocation Info") : Amended,EventTypeName{"ASP_SCRIPT_TRACE_COM_CALL_START", "ASP_SCRIPT_TRACE_COM_CALL_END", "ASP_SCRIPT_TRACE_CREATE_OBJECT_START", "ASP_SCRIPT_TRACE_CREATE_OBJECT_END", "ASP_SCRIPT_TRACE_GET_OBJECT_START", "ASP_SCRIPT_TRACE_GET_OBJECT_END"} : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c)] class AspScriptObjectTraceInfo : ASP_Trans { [Description("Context ID") : Amended] object ContextId; [Description("File Name") : Amended] string FilePath; [Description("Line Number") : Amended] uint32 LineNumber; [Description("Statement Executing") : Amended] string CurrentStatement; [Description("Size of Source") : Amended] uint32 SizeOfStatement; }; [Description("ASP encountered an error") : Amended,EventTypeName("ASP_LOG_ERROR") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c)] class AspLogError : ASP_Trans { [Description("Context ID") : Amended] object ContextId; [Description("Line Number") : Amended] string LineNumber; [Description("Error Code") : Amended] string ErrorCode; [Description("Error Description") : Amended] string Description; };