// Copyright (c) 2006 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved #pragma autorecover #pragma classflags(64) #pragma namespace("\\\\.\\ROOT\\CIMV2") Instance of __Win32Provider as $P1 { Name = "UserProfileConfigurationProvider"; CLSID = "{20E25881-F081-448e-85C9-4707A9400593}"; ImpersonationLevel = "1"; PerUserInitialization = "TRUE"; HostingModel = "LocalSystemHost"; }; Instance of __InstanceProviderRegistration { provider = $P1; SupportsEnumeration = "TRUE"; SupportsGet = "TRUE"; SupportsDelete = "TRUE"; SupportsPut = "TRUE"; }; Instance of __MethodProviderRegistration { provider = $P1; }; [Dynamic : ToInstance DisableOverride,provider("UserProfileConfigurationProvider"),description(""),singleton,inpartition{"local-system"}] class Win32_FolderRedirectionHealthConfiguration { [read,write,description("Cautious threshold, in hours. If the number of hours since the last attempted synchronization is greater than or equal to this threshold, the HealthStatus property of the Win32_FolderRedirectionHealth class is set to Caution.")] uint32 LastSyncDurationCautionInHours; [read,write,description("Unhealthy threshold, in hours. If the number of hours since the last attempted synchronization is greater than or equal to this threshold, the HealthStatus property of the Win32_FolderRedirectionHealth class is set to Unhealthy.")] uint32 LastSyncDurationUnhealthyInHours; }; [Dynamic : ToInstance DisableOverride,provider("UserProfileConfigurationProvider"),description(""),singleton,inpartition{"local-user"}] class Win32_RoamingProfileUserConfiguration { [read,write,description("An array of strings containing directories to exclude from the roaming profile.")] string ExcludedProfileDirs[]; [read,write,description("An array of strings containing network directories to synchronize at when the user logs on to or off of a local computer.")] string DirectoriesToSyncAtLogonLogoff[]; [read,description("Indicates if the settings configured through this WMI class are taking affect.")] boolean IsConfiguredByWMI; }; [Dynamic : ToInstance DisableOverride,provider("UserProfileConfigurationProvider"),description("")] class Win32_RoamingProfileSlowLinkParams { [read,write,description("The slow-network connection timeout, in milliseconds. This threshold is used to determine if the connection is a slow link. If the delay in milliseconds is greater than this threshold, the connection is considered to be slow. This property applies to non-IP networks."),Max(20000)] uint16 TimeOut; [read,write,description("The connection speed, in kilobytes per second (kbps). This threshold is used to determine if the connection is a slow link. If the server's transfer rate in kbps is less than this threshold, the connection is considered to be slow. This property applies to IP networks.")] uint32 ConnectionTransferRate; }; [Dynamic : ToInstance DisableOverride,provider("UserProfileConfigurationProvider"),description("")] class Win32_RoamingProfileBackgroundUploadParams { [read,write,description("Indicates when a background upload should be performed. One of the following values can be specified. SpecificTime - Perform the background upload at the time of day specified in the Time property. SetInterval - Perform the background upload at the interval specified in the Interval property."),Values{"SpecificTime", "SetInterval"},ValueMap{"1", "2"}] uint8 SchedulingMethod; [read,write,description("The time interval, in hours."),Max(720)] uint16 Interval; [read,write,description("An integer value that represents the hour, in 24-hour time, for the time of day when they sync should occur. This must be an integer value from 0 to 23."),Max(23)] uint16 Time; }; [Dynamic : ToInstance DisableOverride,provider("UserProfileConfigurationProvider"),description(""),singleton,inpartition{"local-system"}] class Win32_RoamingProfileMachineConfiguration { [read,description("Indicates if the settings configured through this WMI class are taking affect.")] boolean IsConfiguredByWMI; [read,write,description("If true, a configured roaming profile will only be downloaded if the machine is a primary computer for the user.")] boolean PrimaryComputerEnabled; [read,write,description("If true, add the Administrator group to roaming user profiles.")] boolean AddAdminGroupToRUPEnabled; [read,write,description("Contains the parameter for the background upload of a roaming user profile's registry file while the user is logged on.")] Win32_RoamingProfileBackgroundUploadParams BackgroundUploadParams; [read,write,description("If true, cached copies of the roaming profile are deleted at log off")] boolean DeleteRoamingCacheEnabled; [read,write,description("If the DeleteRoamingCache property is true, this property specifies the number of days after which a user profile should be deleted. User profiles older than this number of days are deleted when the computer is restarted."),Max(99999)] uint16 DeleteProfilesOlderDays; [read,write,description("If true, do not detect slow network connections. If false, use the SlowLinkTimeOutParams property to determine whether the computer has a slow network connection.")] boolean DetectSlowLinkDisabled; [read,write,description("If true, do not forcibly unload the user's registry when the user logs off.")] boolean ForceUnloadDisabled; [read,write,description("If true, do not allow users to log in with temporary profiles.")] boolean TempProfileLogonBlocked; [read,write,description("If true, allow only local user profiles.")] boolean OnlyAllowLocalProfiles; [read,write,description("If true, prevent roaming profile changes from being copied to the server.")] boolean ProfileUploadDisabled; [read,write,description("If true, the user is prompted to specify whether his or her profile should be downloaded even when the network connection is slow.")] boolean SlowLinkUIEnabled; [read,write,description("The maximum time, in seconds, to wait for the network transport to be available if a user has a roaming user profile. If the network is unavailable after this time has elapsed, the user is logged on, but the profile is not synchronized."),Max(300)] uint16 WaitForNetworkInSec; [read,write,description("The roaming profile path to be set for all users that log on to this computer. The path should be in the form of \\\\ComputerName\\ShareName\\%USERNAME%."),MaxLen(260)] string MachineProfilePath; [read,write,description("Contains slow network connection timeout parameters to be used for user profiles.")] Win32_RoamingProfileSlowLinkParams SlowLinkTimeOutParams; [read,write,description("If true, wait for a remote user profile.")] boolean WaitForRemoteProfile; [read,write,description("If true, allow cross-forest user policy and roaming user profiles. If false, a roaming profile user receives a local profile when logged on to a cross-forest domain.")] boolean AllowCrossForestUserPolicy; [read,write,description("If true, don't check the owners of user profiles.")] boolean OwnerCheckDisabled; }; [Dynamic : ToInstance DisableOverride,provider("UserProfileConfigurationProvider"),description(""),singleton,inpartition{"local-system"}] class Win32_RoamingUserHealthConfiguration { [read,write,description("Configure how the Win32_UserProfile::HealthStatus property should reflect the use of temporary profiles."),Values{"Healthy", "Unhealthy", "Caution"},ValueMap{"0", "1", "2"}] uint8 HealthStatusForTempProfiles; [read,write,description("This is the time threshold, in hours, after which the profile health is reported as Caution when the profile has not been uploaded yet")] uint16 LastProfileUploadIntervalCautionInHours; [read,write,description("This is the time threshold, in hours, after which the profile health is reported as Caution when the profile has not been downloaded yet")] uint16 LastProfileDownloadIntervalCautionInHours; [read,write,description("This is the time threshold, in hours, after which the profile health is reported as Unhealthy when the profile has not been downloaded yet")] uint16 LastProfileUploadIntervalUnhealthyInHours; [read,write,description("This is the time threshold, in hours, after which the profile health is reported as Unhealthy when the profile has not been uploaded yet")] uint16 LastProfileDownloadIntervalUnhealthyInHours; }; [Dynamic : ToInstance DisableOverride,provider("UserProfileConfigurationProvider"),description("Private Interface"),singleton,inpartition{"local-system"}] class Win32_OfflineFilesHealth { [read,description("If true, the Offline Files feature is enabled for this folder.")] boolean OfflineAccessEnabled; [read,description("If true, the share is working in Online mode")] boolean OnlineMode; [read,description("A DATETIME value, in string format, that represents the last time this folder was successfully synchronized to the Offline Files cache.")] string LastSuccessfulSyncTime; [read,description("A DATETIME value, in string format, that represents the last time an attempt was made to synchronized this folder to the Offline Files cache, even if it was unsuccessful.")] string LastSyncTime; [read,description("The status of the last attempt to synchronize this folder to the Offline Files cache.")] uint8 LastSyncStatus; }; #pragma autorecover