MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $Rؕ3}3}3}H̴3}H̱3}Rich3}PEL!  l@.rsrc@@(@Xpa0 H ` x   8Ph(@X p!"#$%&'(0)H*`+x,-./012 384P5h6789:;< =( >@ ?X @p A B C D E F G 0 H ` x  8 P h  ( @ X p                  (  8  H  X  h  x                    ( 8 H X h x           ( 8 H X h x           ( 8 H X h x           ( 8 H X h x           ( 8 H X h x      "#0,OSz=Lܫ~ \@D<J0  lj !-D1NVn%Z$  :X4F |*,-2H:KL\c 4q4:pZ̋0 d  оrD     X tFL f +x,3 8=$\D:J\P8UZPb `k uu6v,$y{{xL|}}6,؁܅rPԋ0ȍv X($MUI0zI!]v:. 2Ʉ MUIen-US)InstanceID is an optional property that may be used to opaquely and uniquely identify an instance of this class within the scope of the instantiating Namespace. Various subclasses of this class may override this property to make it required, or a key. Such subclasses may also modify the preferred algorithms for ensuring uniqueness that are defined below. To ensure uniqueness within the NameSpace, the value of InstanceID should be constructed using the following "preferred" algorithm: <OrgID>:<LocalID> Where <OrgID> and <LocalID> are separated by a colon (:), and where <OrgID> must include a copyrighted, trademarked, or otherwise unique name that is owned by the business entity that is creating or defining the InstanceID or that is a registered ID assigned to the business entity by a recognized global authority. (This requirement is similar to the <Schema Name>_<Class Name> structure of Schema class names.) In addition, to ensure uniqueness, <OrgID> must not contain a colon (:). When using this algorithm, the first colon to appear in InstanceID must appear between <OrgID> and <LocalID>. <LocalID> is chosen by the business entity and should not be reused to identify different underlying (real-world) elements. If not null and the above "preferred" algorithm is not used, the defining entity must assure that the resulting InstanceID is not reused across any InstanceIDs produced by this or other providers for the NameSpace of this instance. If not set to null for DMTF-defined instances, the "preferred" algorithm must be used with the <OrgID> set to CIM.UThe Caption property is a short textual description (one- line string) of the object.FThe Description property provides a textual description of the object.)A user-friendly name for the object. This property allows each instance to define a user-friendly name in addition to its key properties, identity data, and description information. Note that the Name property of ManagedSystemElement is also defined as a user-friendly name. But, it is often subclassed to be a Key. It is not reasonable that the same property can convey both identity and a user-friendly name, without inconsistencies. Where Name exists and is not a Key (such as for instances of LogicalDevice), the same information can be present in both the Name and ElementName properties. Note that if there is an associated instance of CIM_EnabledLogicalElementCapabilities, restrictions on this properties may exist as defined in ElementNameMask and MaxElementNameLen properties defined in that class.2.19.0ManagedElement is an abstract class that provides a common superclass (or top of the inheritance tree) for the non-association classes in the CIM Schema.A datetime value that indicates when the object was installed. Lack of a value does not indicate that the object is not installed.The Name property defines the label by which the object is known. When subclassed, the Name property can be overridden to be a Key property.> Indicates the current statuses of the element. Various operational statuses are defined. Many of the enumeration\'s values are self-explanatory. However, a few are not and are described here in more detail. "Stressed" indicates that the element is functioning, but needs attention. Examples of "Stressed" states are overload, overheated, and so on. "Predictive Failure" indicates that an element is functioning nominally but predicting a failure in the near future. "In Service" describes an element being configured, maintained, cleaned, or otherwise administered. "No Contact" indicates that the monitoring system has knowledge of this element, but has never been able to establish communications with it. "Lost Communication" indicates that the ManagedSystem Element is known to exist and has been contacted successfully in the past, but is currently unreachable. "Stopped" and "Aborted" are similar, although the former implies a clean and orderly stop, while the latter implies an abrupt stop where the state and configuration of the element might need to be updated. "Dormant" indicates that the element is inactive or quiesced. "Supporting Entity in Error" indicates that this element might be "OK" but that another element, on which it is dependent, is in error. An example is a network service or endpoint that cannot function due to lower-layer networking problems. "Completed" indicates that the element has completed its operation. This value should be combined with either OK, Error, or Degraded so that a client can tell if the complete operation Completed with OK (passed), Completed with Error (failed), or Completed with Degraded (the operation finished, but it did not complete OK or did not report an error). "Power Mode" indicates that the element has additional power model information contained in the Associated PowerManagementService association. OperationalStatus replaces the Status property on ManagedSystemElement to provide a consistent approach to enumerations, to address implementation needs for an array property, and to provide a migration path from today\'s environment to the future. This change was not made earlier because it required the deprecated qualifier. Due to the widespread use of the existing Status property in management applications, it is strongly recommended that providers or instrumentation provide both the Status and OperationalStatus properties. Further, the first value of OperationalStatus should contain the primary status for the element. When instrumented, Status (because it is single-valued) should also provide the primary status of the element.UnknownOtherOKDegradedStressedPredictive FailureErrorNon-Recoverable ErrorStartingStoppingStopped In Service No ContactLost CommunicationAbortedDormantSupporting Entity in Error Completed Power Mode DMTF ReservedVendor ReservedAStrings describing the various OperationalStatus array values. For example, if "Stopping" is the value assigned to OperationalStatus, then this property may contain an explanation as to why an object is being stopped. Note that entries in this array are correlated with those at the same array index in OperationalStatus.PAA string indicating the current status of the object. Various operational and non-operational statuses are defined. This property is deprecated in lieu of OperationalStatus, which includes the same semantics in its enumeration. This change is made for 3 reasons: 1) Status is more correctly defined as an array. This definition overcomes the limitation of describing status using a single value, when it is really a multi-valued property (for example, an element might be OK AND Stopped. 2) A MaxLen of 10 is too restrictive and leads to unclear enumerated values. 3) The change to a uint16 data type was discussed when CIM V2.0 was defined. However, existing V1.0 implementations used the string property and did not want to modify their code. Therefore, Status was grandfathered into the Schema. Use of the deprecated qualifier allows the maintenance of the existing property, but also permits an improved definition using OperationalStatus.QIndicates the current health of the element. This attribute expresses the health of this element but not necessarily that of its subcomponents. The possible values are 0 to 30, where 5 means the element is entirely healthy and 30 means the element is completely non-functional. The following continuum is defined: "Non-recoverable Error" (30) - The element has completely failed, and recovery is not possible. All functionality provided by this element has been lost. "Critical Failure" (25) - The element is non-functional and recovery might not be possible. "Major Failure" (20) - The element is failing. It is possible that some or all of the functionality of this component is degraded or not working. "Minor Failure" (15) - All functionality is available but some might be degraded. "Degraded/Warning" (10) - The element is in working order and all functionality is provided. However, the element is not working to the best of its abilities. For example, the element might not be operating at optimal performance or it might be reporting recoverable errors. "OK" (5) - The element is fully functional and is operating within normal operational parameters and without error. "Unknown" (0) - The implementation cannot report on HealthState at this time. DMTF has reserved the unused portion of the continuum for additional HealthStates in the future.Degraded/Warning Minor failure Major failureCritical failureNon-recoverable errorCommunicationStatus indicates the ability of the instrumentation to communicate with the underlying ManagedElement. CommunicationStatus consists of one of the following values: Unknown, None, Communication OK, Lost Communication, or No Contact. A Null return indicates the implementation (provider) does not implement this property. "Unknown" indicates the implementation is in general capable of returning this property, but is unable to do so at this time. "Not Available" indicates that the implementation (provider) is capable of returning a value for this property, but not ever for this particular piece of hardware/software or the property is intentionally not used because it adds no meaningful information (as in the case of a property that is intended to add additional info to another property). "Communication OK " indicates communication is established with the element, but does not convey any quality of service. "No Contact" indicates that the monitoring system has knowledge of this element, but has never been able to establish communications with it. "Lost Communication" indicates that the Managed Element is known to exist and has been contacted successfully in the past, but is currently unreachable. Not AvailableCommunication OKDetailedStatus compliments PrimaryStatus with additional status detail. It consists of one of the following values: Not Available, No Additional Information, Stressed, Predictive Failure, Error, Non-Recoverable Error, SupportingEntityInError. Detailed status is used to expand upon the PrimaryStatus of the element. A Null return indicates the implementation (provider) does not implement this property. "Not Available" indicates that the implementation (provider) is capable of returning a value for this property, but not ever for this particular piece of hardware/software or the property is intentionally not used because it adds no meaningful information (as in the case of a property that is intended to add additional info to another property). "No Additional Information" indicates that the element is functioning normally as indicated by PrimaryStatus = "OK". "Stressed" indicates that the element is functioning, but needs attention. Examples of "Stressed" states are overload, overheated, and so on. "Predictive Failure" indicates that an element is functioning normally but a failure is predicted in the near future. "Non-Recoverable Error " indicates that this element is in an error condition that requires human intervention. "Supporting Entity in Error" indicates that this element might be "OK" but that another element, on which it is dependent, is in error. An example is a network service or endpoint that cannot function due to lower-layer networking problems.No Additional Informationm OperatingStatus provides a current status value for the operational condition of the element and can be used for providing more detail with respect to the value of EnabledState. It can also provide the transitional states when an element is transitioning from one state to another, such as when an element is transitioning between EnabledState and RequestedState, as well as other transitional conditions. OperatingStatus consists of one of the following values: Unknown, Not Available, In Service, Starting, Stopping, Stopped, Aborted, Dormant, Completed, Migrating, Emmigrating, Immigrating, Snapshotting. Shutting Down, In Test A Null return indicates the implementation (provider) does not implement this property. "Unknown" indicates the implementation is in general capable of returning this property, but is unable to do so at this time. "None" indicates that the implementation (provider) is capable of returning a value for this property, but not ever for this particular piece of hardware/software or the property is intentionally not used because it adds no meaningful information (as in the case of a property that is intended to add additional info to another property). "Servicing" describes an element being configured, maintained, cleaned, or otherwise administered. "Starting" describes an element being initialized. "Stopping" describes an element being brought to an orderly stop. "Stopped" and "Aborted" are similar, although the former implies a clean and orderly stop, while the latter implies an abrupt stop where the state and configuration of the element might need to be updated. "Dormant" indicates that the element is inactive or quiesced. "Completed" indicates that the element has completed its operation. This value should be combined with either OK, Error, or Degraded in the PrimaryStatus so that a client can tell if the complete operation Completed with OK (passed), Completed with Error (failed), or Completed with Degraded (the operation finished, but it did not complete OK or did not report an error). "Migrating" element is being moved between host elements. "Immigrating" element is being moved to new host element. "Emigrating" element is being moved away from host element. "Shutting Down" describes an element being brought to an abrupt stop. "In Test" element is performing test functions. "Transitioning" describes an element that is between states, that is, it is not fully available in either its previous state or its next state. This value should be used if other values indicating a transition to a specific state are not applicable. "In Service" describes an element that is in service and operational. Servicing Migrating EmigratingPA Immigrating Snapshotting Shutting DownIn Test TransitioningPrimaryStatus provides a high level status value, intended to align with Red-Yellow-Green type representation of status. It should be used in conjunction with DetailedStatus to provide high level and detailed health status of the ManagedElement and its subcomponents. PrimaryStatus consists of one of the following values: Unknown, OK, Degraded or Error. "Unknown" indicates the implementation is in general capable of returning this property, but is unable to do so at this time. "OK" indicates the ManagedElement is functioning normally. "Degraded" indicates the ManagedElement is functioning below normal. "Error" indicates the ManagedElement is in an Error condition.CIM_ManagedSystemElement is the base class for the System Element hierarchy. Any distinguishable component of a System is a candidate for inclusion in this class. Examples of system components include: - software components such as application servers, databases, and applications - operating system components such as files, processes, and threads - device components such as disk drives, controllers, processors, and printers - physical components such as chips and cards.2.22.0CIM_LogicalElement is a base class for all the components of a System that represent abstract system components, such as Files, Processes, or LogicalDevices.2.6.0A free-form string that represents the status of the job. The primary status is reflected in the inherited OperationalStatus property. JobStatus provides additional, implementation-specific details.The time that the Job was submitted to execute. A value of all zeroes indicates that the owning element is not capable of reporting a date and time. Therefore, the ScheduledStartTime and StartTime are reported as intervals relative to the time their values are requested.}The time that the current Job is scheduled to start. This time can be represented by the actual date and time, or an interval relative to the time that this property is requested. A value of all zeroes indicates that the Job is already executing. The property is deprecated in lieu of the more expressive scheduling properties, RunMonth, RunDay, RunDayOfWeek, and RunStartInterval.The time that the Job was actually started. This time can be represented by an actual date and time, or by an interval relative to the time that this property is requested. Note that this property is also present in the JobProcessingStatistics class. This class is necessary to capture the processing information for recurring Jobs, because only the \'last\' run time can be stored in this single-valued property.VThe time interval that the Job has been executing or the total execution time if the Job is complete. Note that this property is also present in the JobProcessingStatistics class. This class is necessary to capture the processing information for recurring Jobs, because only the \'last\' run time can be stored in this single-valued property.The number of times that the Job should be run. A value of 1 indicates that the Job is not recurring, while any non-zero value indicates a limit to the number of times that the Job will recur. Zero indicates that there is no limit to the number of times that the Job can be processed, but that it is terminated either after the UntilTime or by manual intervention. By default, a Job is processed once.PAeThe month during which the Job should be processed. Specify 0 for January, 1 for February, and so on.JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugust SeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember#The day in the month on which the Job should be processed. There are two different interpretations for this property, depending on the value of DayOfWeek. In one case, RunDay defines the day-in-month on which the Job is processed. This interpretation is used when the DayOfWeek is 0. A positive or negative integer indicates whether the RunDay should be calculated from the beginning or end of the month. For example, 5 indicates the fifth day in the RunMonth and -1 indicates the last day in the RunMonth. When RunDayOfWeek is not 0, RunDay is the day-in-month on which the Job is processed, defined in conjunction with RunDayOfWeek. For example, if RunDay is 15 and RunDayOfWeek is Saturday, then the Job is processed on the first Saturday on or after the 15th day in the RunMonth (for example, the third Saturday in the month). If RunDay is 20 and RunDayOfWeek is -Saturday, then this indicates the first Saturday on or before the 20th day in the RunMonth. If RunDay is -1 and RunDayOfWeek is -Sunday, then this indicates the last Sunday in the RunMonth.A positive or negative integer used in conjunction with RunDay to indicate the day of the week on which the Job is processed. RunDayOfWeek is set to 0 to indicate an exact day of the month, such as March 1. A positive integer (representing Sunday, Monday, ..., Saturday) means that the day of week is found on or after the specified RunDay. A negative integer (representing -Sunday, -Monday, ..., -Saturday) means that the day of week is found on or BEFORE the RunDay. -SaturdayPA-Friday -Thursday -Wednesday-Tuesday-Monday-SundayExactDayOfMonthSundayMondayTuesday WednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdayThe time interval after midnight when the Job should be processed. For example, 00000000020000.000000:000 indicates that the Job should be run on or after two o\'clock, local time or UTC time (distinguished using the LocalOrUtcTime property.This property indicates whether the times represented in the RunStartInterval and UntilTime properties represent local times or UTC times. Time values are synchronized worldwide by using the enumeration value 2, "UTC Time".PA Local TimeUTC TimeThe time after which the Job is invalid or should be stopped. This time can be represented by an actual date and time, or by an interval relative to the time that this property is requested. A value of all nines indicates that the Job can run indefinitely.BThe User who is to be notified upon the Job completion or failure.aThe User that submitted the Job, or the Service or method name that caused the job to be created.Indicates the urgency or importance of execution of the Job. The lower the number, the higher the priority. Note that this property is also present in the JobProcessingStatistics class. This class is necessary to capture the setting information that would influence the results of a job.The percentage of the job that has completed at the time that this value is requested. Note that this property is also present in the JobProcessingStatistics class. This class is necessary to capture the processing information for recurring Jobs, because only the \'last\' run data can be stored in this single-valued property. Note that the value 101 is undefined and will be not be allowed in the next major revision of the specification.PercentIndicates whether or not the job should be automatically deleted upon completion. Note that the \'completion\' of a recurring job is defined by its JobRunTimes or UntilTime properties, or when the Job is terminated by manual intervention. If this property is set to false and the job completes, then the extrinsic method DeleteInstance must be used to delete the job instead of updating this property.QA vendor-specific error code. The value must be set to zero if the Job completed without error. Note that this property is also present in the JobProcessingStatistics class. This class is necessary to capture the processing information for recurring Jobs, because only the \'last\' run error can be stored in this single-valued property.0A free-form string that contains the vendor error description. Note that this property is also present in the JobProcessingStatistics class. This class is necessary to capture the processing information for recurring Jobs, because only the \'last\' run error can be stored in this single-valued property.Describes the recovery action to be taken for an unsuccessfully run Job. The possible values are: 0 = "Unknown", meaning it is unknown as to what recovery action to take 1 = "Other", indicating that the recovery action will be specified in the OtherRecoveryAction property 2 = "Do Not Continue", meaning stop the execution of the job and appropriately update its status 3 = "Continue With Next Job", meaning continue with the next job in the queue 4 = "Re-run Job", indicating that the job should be re-run 5 = "Run Recovery Job", meaning run the Job associated using the RecoveryJob relationship. Note that the recovery Job must already be in the queue from which it will run.Do Not ContinueContinue With Next Job Re-run JobRun Recovery JobhA string describing the recovery action when the RecoveryAction property of the instance is 1 ("Other").EKillJob is being deprecated because there is no distinction made between an orderly shutdown and an immediate kill. CIM_ConcreteJob.RequestStateChange() provides \'Terminate\' and \'Kill\' options to allow this distinction. A method to kill this job and any underlying processes, and to remove any \'dangling\' associations.Success Not SupportedTimeoutFailed Access Denied Not FoundVendor SpecificIndicates whether or not the Job should be automatically deleted upon termination. This parameter takes precedence over the property, DeleteOnCompletion.A Job is a LogicalElement that represents an executing unit of work, such as a script or a print job. A Job is distinct from a Process in that a Job can be scheduled or queued, and its execution is not limited to a single system.2.10.0Primary classification of the error. The following values are defined: 2 - Communications Error. Errors of this type are principally associated with the procedures and/or processes required to convey information from one point to another. 3 - Quality of Service Error. Errors of this type are principally associated with failures that result in reduced functionality or performance. 4 - Software Error. Error of this type are principally associated with a software or processing fault. 5 - Hardware Error. Errors of this type are principally associated with an equipment or hardware failure. 6 - Environmental Error. Errors of this type are principally associated with a failure condition relating the to facility, or other environmental considerations. 7 - Security Error. Errors of this type are associated with security violations, detection of viruses, and similar issues. 8 - Oversubscription Error. Errors of this type are principally associated with the failure to allocate sufficient resources to complete the operation. 9 - Unavailable Resource Error. Errors of this type are principally associated with the failure to access a required resource. 10 -Unsupported Operation Error. Errors of this type are principally associated with requests that are not supported.Communications ErrorQuality of Service ErrorSoftware ErrorPAHardware ErrorEnvironmental ErrorSecurity ErrorOversubscription ErrorUnavailable Resource ErrorUnsupported Operation Error[A free-form string describing the ErrorType when 1, "Other", is specified as the ErrorType.A string that uniquely identifies the entity that owns the definition of the format of the Message described in this instance. OwningEntity MUST include a copyrighted, trademarked or otherwise unique name that is owned by the business entity or standards body defining the format.kAn opaque string that uniquely identifies, within the scope of the OwningEntity, the format of the Message.The formatted message. This message is constructed by combining some or all of the dynamic elements specified in the MessageArguments property with the static elements uniquely identified by the MessageID in a message registry or other catalog associated with the OwningEntity.7An array containing the dynamic content of the message.An enumerated value that describes the severity of the Indication from the notifier\'s point of view: 0 - the Perceived Severity of the indication is unknown or indeterminate. 1 - Other, by CIM convention, is used to indicate that the Severity\'s value can be found in the OtherSeverity property. 2 - Information should be used when providing an informative response. 3 - Degraded/Warning should be used when its appropriate to let the user decide if action is needed. 4 - Minor should be used to indicate action is needed, but the situation is not serious at this time. 5 - Major should be used to indicate action is needed NOW. 6 - Critical should be used to indicate action is needed NOW and the scope is broad (perhaps an imminent outage to a critical resource will result). 7 - Fatal/NonRecoverable should be used to indicate an error occurred, but it\'s too late to take remedial action. 2 and 0 - Information and Unknown (respectively) follow common usage. Literally, the Error is purely informational or its severity is simply unknown. InformationMinorMajorCriticalPAFatal/NonRecoverableCAn enumerated value that describes the probable cause of the error.Adapter/Card ErrorApplication Subsystem FailureBandwidth ReducedConnection Establishment ErrorCommunications Protocol Error Communications Subsystem Failure!Configuration/Customization Error Congestion Corrupt DataCPU Cycles Limit ExceededDataset/Modem ErrorDegraded SignalDTE-DCE Interface ErrorEnclosure Door OpenEquipment MalfunctionExcessive VibrationFile Format Error Fire DetectedFlood Detected Framing Error HVAC ProblemHumidity UnacceptableI/O Device ErrorInput Device Error LAN ErrorNon-Toxic Leak DetectedLocal Node Transmission Error Loss of FrameLoss of SignalMaterial Supply ExhaustedPAMultiplexer Problem Out of MemoryOutput Device ErrorPerformance Degraded Power ProblemPressure Unacceptable*Processor Problem (Internal Machine Error) Pump FailureQueue Size ExceededReceive FailureReceiver FailureRemote Node Transmission ErrorResource at or Nearing CapacityResponse Time ExcessiveRetransmission Rate Excessive&Software Program Abnormally Terminated*Software Program Error (Incorrect Results)Storage Capacity ProblemTemperature UnacceptableThreshold CrossedTiming ProblemToxic Leak DetectedTransmit FailureTransmitter FailureUnderlying Resource UnavailableVersion MismatchPrevious Alert ClearedLogin Attempts FailedSoftware Virus DetectedHardware Security BreachedDenial of Service DetectedSecurity Credential MismatchUnauthorized AccessAlarm ReceivedLoss of PointerPayload MismatchTransmission ErrorExcessive Error Rate Trace ProblemElement UnavailableElement MissingLoss of Multi FrameBroadcast Channel FailureInvalid Message ReceivedRouting FailureBackplane FailureIdentifier DuplicationProtection Path FailureSync Loss or MismatchTerminal ProblemReal Time Clock FailureAntenna FailureBattery Charging Failure Disk FailureFrequency Hopping FailureLoss of RedundancyPower Supply FailureSignal Quality ProblemBattery DischargingBattery FailureCommercial Power Problem Fan FailureEngine FailureSensor FailurePA Fuse FailureGenerator Failure Low BatteryLow Fuel Low Water Explosive Gas High Winds Ice BuildupSmokeMemory MismatchOut of CPU CyclesSoftware Environment ProblemSoftware Download FailureElement ReinitializedLogging Problems Leak DetectedPAProtection Mechanism FailureProtecting Resource FailureDatabase InconsistencyAuthentication FailureBreach of Confidentiality Cable TamperDelayed InformationDuplicate InformationInformation MissingInformation ModificationInformation Out of Sequence Key ExpiredNon-Repudiation FailureOut of Hours ActivityOut of ServiceProcedural ErrorPAUnexpected Information>A free-form string describing the probable cause of the error.OA free-form string describing recommended actions to take to resolve the error.The identifying information of the entity (i.e., the instance) generating the error. If this entity is modeled in the CIM Schema, this property contains the path of the instance encoded as a string parameter. If not modeled, the property contains some identifying string that names the entity that generated the error. The path or identifying string is formatted per the ErrorSourceFormat property.The format of the ErrorSource property is interpretable based on the value of this property. Values are defined as: 0 - Unknown. The format is unknown or not meaningfully interpretable by a CIM client application. 1 - Other. The format is defined by the value of the OtherErrorSourceFormat property.2 - CIMObjectPath. A CIM Object Path as defined in the CIM Infrastructure specification. Note: CIM 2.5 and earlier used the term object names. CIMObjectPathA string defining "Other" values for ErrorSourceFormat. This value MUST be set to a non NULL value when ErrorSourceFormat is set to a value of 1 ("Other"). For all other values of ErrorSourceFormat, the value of this string must be set to NULL.X The CIM status code that characterizes this instance. This property defines the status codes that MAY be return by a conforming CIM Server or Listener. Note that not all status codes are valid for each operation. The specification for each operation SHOULD define the status codes that may be returned by that operation. The following values for CIM status code are defined: 1 - CIM_ERR_FAILED. A general error occurred that is not covered by a more specific error code. 2 - CIM_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED. Access to a CIM resource was not available to the client. 3 - CIM_ERR_INVALID_NAMESPACE. The target namespace does not exist. 4 - CIM_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER. One or more parameter values passed to the method were invalid. 5 - CIM_ERR_INVALID_CLASS. The specified Class does not exist. 6 - CIM_ERR_NOT_FOUND. The requested object could not be found. 7 - CIM_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED. The requested operation is not supported. 8 - CIM_ERR_CLASS_HAS_CHILDREN. Operation cannot be carried out on this class since it has instances. 9 - CIM_ERR_CLASS_HAS_INSTANCES. Operation cannot be carried out on this class since it has instances. 10 - CIM_ERR_INVALID_SUPERCLASS. Operation cannot be carried out since the specified superclass does not exist. 11 - CIM_ERR_ALREADY_EXISTS. Operation cannot be carried out because an object already exists. 12 - CIM_ERR_NO_SUCH_PROPERTY. The specified Property does not exist. 13 - CIM_ERR_TYPE_MISMATCH. The value supplied is incompatible with the type. 14 - CIM_ERR_QUERY_LANGUAGE_NOT_SUPPORTED. The query language is not recognized or supported. 15 - CIM_ERR_INVALID_QUERY. The query is not valid for the specified query language. 16 - CIM_ERR_METHOD_NOT_AVAILABLE. The extrinsic Method could not be executed. 17 - CIM_ERR_METHOD_NOT_FOUND. The specified extrinsic Method does not exist. 18 - CIM_ERR_UNEXPECTED_RESPONSE. The returned response to the asynchronous operation was not expected. 19 - CIM_ERR_INVALID_RESPONSE_DESTINATION. The specified destination for the asynchronous response is not valid. 20 - CIM_ERR_NAMESPACE_NOT_EMPTY. The specified Namespace is not empty. 21 - CIM_ERR_INVALID_ENUMERATION_CONTEXT. The enumeration context supplied is not valid. 22 - CIM_ERR_INVALID_OPERATION_TIMEOUT. The specified Namespace is not empty. 23 - CIM_ERR_PULL_HAS_BEEN_ABANDONED. The specified Namespace is not empty. 24 - CIM_ERR_PULL_CANNOT_BE_ABANDONED. The attempt to abandon a pull operation has failed. 25 - CIM_ERR_FILTERED_ENUMERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED. Filtered Enumeratrions are not supported. 26 - CIM_ERR_CONTINUATION_ON_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED. Continue on error is not supported. 27 - CIM_ERR_SERVER_LIMITS_EXCEEDED. The WBEM Server limits have been exceeded (e.g. memory, connections, ...). 28 - CIM_ERR_SERVER_IS_SHUTTING_DOWN. The WBEM Server is shutting down. 29 - CIM_ERR_QUERY_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED. The specified Query Feature is not supported.CIM_ERR_FAILEDCIM_ERR_ACCESS_DENIEDCIM_ERR_INVALID_NAMESPACECIM_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERCIM_ERR_INVALID_CLASSCIM_ERR_NOT_FOUNDCIM_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTEDCIM_ERR_CLASS_HAS_CHILDRENPACIM_ERR_CLASS_HAS_INSTANCESCIM_ERR_INVALID_SUPERCLASSCIM_ERR_ALREADY_EXISTSCIM_ERR_NO_SUCH_PROPERTYCIM_ERR_TYPE_MISMATCH$CIM_ERR_QUERY_LANGUAGE_NOT_SUPPORTEDCIM_ERR_INVALID_QUERYCIM_ERR_METHOD_NOT_AVAILABLECIM_ERR_METHOD_NOT_FOUNDCIM_ERR_UNEXPECTED_RESPONSE$CIM_ERR_INVALID_RESPONSE_DESTINATIONCIM_ERR_NAMESPACE_NOT_EMPTY#CIM_ERR_INVALID_ENUMERATION_CONTEXT!CIM_ERR_INVALID_OPERATION_TIMEOUTCIM_ERR_PULL_HAS_BEEN_ABANDONED CIM_ERR_PULL_CANNOT_BE_ABANDONED*CIM_ERR_FILTERED_ENUMERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED+CIM_ERR_CONTINUATION_ON_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTEDCIM_ERR_SERVER_LIMITS_EXCEEDEDCIM_ERR_SERVER_IS_SHUTTING_DOWN#CIM_ERR_QUERY_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTEDA free-form string containing a human-readable description of CIMStatusCode. This description MAY extend, but MUST be consistent with, the definition of CIMStatusCode.2.22.1CIM_Error is a specialized class that contains information about the severity, cause, recommended actions and other data related to the failure of a CIM Operation. Instances of this type MAY be included as part of the response to a CIM Operation.>Within the scope of the instantiating Namespace, InstanceID opaquely and uniquely identifies an instance of this class. In order to ensure uniqueness within the NameSpace, the value of InstanceID SHOULD be constructed using the following \'preferred\' algorithm: <OrgID>:<LocalID> Where <OrgID> and <LocalID> are separated by a colon \':\', and where <OrgID> must include a copyrighted, trademarked or otherwise unique name that is owned by the business entity that is creating or defining the InstanceID, or that is a registered ID that is assigned to the business entity by a recognized global authority. (This requirement is similar to the <Schema Name>_<Class Name> structure of Schema class names.) In addition, to ensure uniqueness <OrgID> must not contain a colon (\':\'). When using this algorithm, the first colon to appear in InstanceID must appear between <OrgID> and <LocalID>. <LocalID> is chosen by the business entity and should not be re-used to identify different underlying (real-world) elements. If the above \'preferred\' algorithm is not used, the defining entity must assure that the resulting InstanceID is not re-used across any InstanceIDs produced by this or other providers for the NameSpace of this instance. For DMTF defined instances, the \'preferred\' algorithm must be used with the <OrgID> set to \'CIM\'.The user-friendly name for this instance of a Job. In addition, the user-friendly name can be used as a property for a search or query. (Note: Name does not have to be unique within a namespace.)JobState is an integer enumeration that indicates the operational state of a Job. It can also indicate transitions between these states, for example, \'Shutting Down\' and \'Starting\'. Following is a brief description of the states: New (2) indicates that the job has never been started. Starting (3) indicates that the job is moving from the \'New\', \'Suspended\', or \'Service\' states into the \'Running\' state. Running (4) indicates that the Job is running. Suspended (5) indicates that the Job is stopped, but can be restarted in a seamless manner. Shutting Down (6) indicates that the job is moving to a \'Completed\', \'Terminated\', or \'Killed\' state. Completed (7) indicates that the job has completed normally. Terminated (8) indicates that the job has been stopped by a \'Terminate\' state change request. The job and all its underlying processes are ended and can be restarted (this is job-specific) only as a new job. Killed (9) indicates that the job has been stopped by a \'Kill\' state change request. Underlying processes might have been left running, and cleanup might be required to free up resources. Exception (10) indicates that the Job is in an abnormal state that might be indicative of an error condition. Actual status might be displayed though job-specific objects. Service (11) indicates that the Job is in a vendor-specific state that supports problem discovery, or resolution, or both. Query pending (12) waiting for a client to resolve a queryNewRunning Suspended TerminatedKilledPA ExceptionService Query PendingThe date or time when the state of the Job last changed. If the state of the Job has not changed and this property is populated, then it must be set to a 0 interval value. If a state change was requested, but rejected or not yet processed, the property must not be updated.The amount of time that the Job is retained after it has finished executing, either succeeding or failing in that execution. The job must remain in existence for some period of time regardless of the value of the DeleteOnCompletion property. The default is five minutes.DRequests that the state of the job be changed to the value specified in the RequestedState parameter. Invoking the RequestStateChange method multiple times could result in earlier requests being overwritten or lost. If 0 is returned, then the task completed successfully. Any other return code indicates an error condition.Completed with No ErrorUnknown/Unspecified Error&Can NOT complete within Timeout PeriodInvalid ParameterIn Use.Method Parameters Checked - Transition StartedInvalid State Transition&Use of Timeout Parameter Not SupportedBusyMethod ReservedPARequestStateChange changes the state of a job. The possible values are as follows: Start (2) changes the state to \'Running\'. Suspend (3) stops the job temporarily. The intention is to subsequently restart the job with \'Start\'. It might be possible to enter the \'Service\' state while suspended. (This is job-specific.) Terminate (4) stops the job cleanly, saving data, preserving the state, and shutting down all underlying processes in an orderly manner. Kill (5) terminates the job immediately with no requirement to save data or preserve the state. Service (6) puts the job into a vendor-specific service state. It might be possible to restart the job.StartSuspend TerminateKillA timeout period that specifies the maximum amount of time that the client expects the transition to the new state to take. The interval format must be used to specify the TimeoutPeriod. A value of 0 or a null parameter indicates that the client has no time requirements for the transition. If this property does not contain 0 or null and the implementation does not support this parameter, a return code of \'Use Of Timeout Parameter Not Supported\' must be returned.When the job is executing or has terminated without error, then this method returns no CIM_Error instance. However, if the job has failed because of some internal problem or because the job has been terminated by a client, then a CIM_Error instance is returned.Unspecified ErrorIf the OperationalStatus on the Job is not "OK", then this method will return a CIM Error instance. Otherwise, when the Job is "OK", null is returned.yA concrete version of Job. This class represents a generic and instantiable unit of work, such as a batch or a print job.EnabledState is an integer enumeration that indicates the enabled and disabled states of an element. It can also indicate the transitions between these requested states. For example, shutting down (value=4) and starting (value=10) are transient states between enabled and disabled. The following text briefly summarizes the various enabled and disabled states: Enabled (2) indicates that the element is or could be executing commands, will process any queued commands, and queues new requests. Disabled (3) indicates that the element will not execute commands and will drop any new requests. Shutting Down (4) indicates that the element is in the process of going to a Disabled state. Not Applicable (5) indicates the element does not support being enabled or disabled. Enabled but Offline (6) indicates that the element might be completing commands, and will drop any new requests. Test (7) indicates that the element is in a test state. Deferred (8) indicates that the element might be completing commands, but will queue any new requests. Quiesce (9) indicates that the element is enabled but in a restricted mode. Starting (10) indicates that the element is in the process of going to an Enabled state. New requests are queued.EnabledDisabledNot ApplicableEnabled but OfflineDeferredPAQuiesceA string that describes the enabled or disabled state of the element when the EnabledState property is set to 1 ("Other"). This property must be set to null when EnabledState is any value other than 1.`RequestedState is an integer enumeration that indicates the last requested or desired state for the element, irrespective of the mechanism through which it was requested. The actual state of the element is represented by EnabledState. This property is provided to compare the last requested and current enabled or disabled states. Note that when EnabledState is set to 5 ("Not Applicable"), then this property has no meaning. Refer to the EnabledState property description for explanations of the values in the RequestedState enumeration. "Unknown" (0) indicates the last requested state for the element is unknown. Note that the value "No Change" (5) has been deprecated in lieu of indicating the last requested state is "Unknown" (0). If the last requested or desired state is unknown, RequestedState should have the value "Unknown" (0), but may have the value "No Change" (5).Offline (6) indicates that the element has been requested to transition to the Enabled but Offline EnabledState. It should be noted that there are two new values in RequestedState that build on the statuses of EnabledState. These are "Reboot" (10) and "Reset" (11). Reboot refers to doing a "Shut Down" and then moving to an "Enabled" state. Reset indicates that the element is first "Disabled" and then "Enabled". The distinction between requesting "Shut Down" and "Disabled" should also be noted. Shut Down requests an orderly transition to the Disabled state, and might involve removing power, to completely erase any existing state. The Disabled state requests an immediate disabling of the element, such that it will not execute or accept any commands or processing requests. This property is set as the result of a method invocation (such as Start or StopService on CIM_Service), or can be overridden and defined as WRITEable in a subclass. The method approach is considered superior to a WRITEable property, because it allows an explicit invocation of the operation and the return of a result code. If knowledge of the last RequestedState is not supported for the EnabledLogicalElement, the property shall be NULL or have the value 12 "Not Applicable". Shut Down No ChangeOfflineTestRebootResetAn enumerated value indicating an administrator\'s default or startup configuration for the Enabled State of an element. By default, the element is "Enabled" (value=2). No Default The date or time when the EnabledState of the element last changed. If the state of the element has not changed and this property is populated, then it must be set to a 0 interval value. If a state change was requested, but rejected or not yet processed, the property must not be updated.AvailableRequestedStates indicates the possible values for the RequestedState parameter of the method RequestStateChange, used to initiate a state change. The values listed shall be a subset of the values contained in the RequestedStatesSupported property of the associated instance of CIM_EnabledLogicalElementCapabilities where the values selected are a function of the current state of the CIM_EnabledLogicalElement. This property may be non-null if an implementation is able to advertise the set of possible values as a function of the current state. This property shall be null if an implementation is unable to determine the set of possible values as a function of the current state.DeferTransitioningToState indicates the target state to which the instance is transitioning. A value of 5 "No Change" shall indicate that no transition is in progress.A value of 12 "Not Applicable" shall indicate the implementation does not support representing ongoing transitions. A value other than 5 or 12 shall identify the state to which the element is in the process of transitioning.Requests that the state of the element be changed to the value specified in the RequestedState parameter. When the requested state change takes place, the EnabledState and RequestedState of the element will be the same. Invoking the RequestStateChange method multiple times could result in earlier requests being overwritten or lost. A return code of 0 shall indicate the state change was successfully initiated. A return code of 3 shall indicate that the state transition cannot complete within the interval specified by the TimeoutPeriod parameter. A return code of 4096 (0x1000) shall indicate the state change was successfully initiated, a ConcreteJob has been created, and its reference returned in the output parameter Job. Any other return code indicates an error condition.Unknown or Unspecified Error%Cannot complete within Timeout Period'Method Parameters Checked - Job StartedxThe state requested for the element. This information will be placed into the RequestedState property of the instance if the return code of the RequestStateChange method is 0 (\'Completed with No Error\'), or 4096 (0x1000) (\'Job Started\'). Refer to the description of the EnabledState and RequestedState properties for the detailed explanations of the RequestedState values.tMay contain a reference to the ConcreteJob created to track the state transition initiated by the method invocation.A timeout period that specifies the maximum amount of time that the client expects the transition to the new state to take. The interval format must be used to specify the TimeoutPeriod. A value of 0 or a null parameter indicates that the client has no time requirements for the transition. If this property does not contain 0 or null and the implementation does not support this parameter, a return code of \'Use Of Timeout Parameter Not Supported\' shall be returned.This class extends LogicalElement to abstract the concept of an element that is enabled and disabled, such as a LogicalDevice or a ServiceAccessPoint.(The scoping System\'s CreationClassName.The scoping System\'s Name.CreationClassName indicates the name of the class or the subclass used in the creation of an instance. When used with the other key properties of this class, this property allows all instances of this class and its subclasses to be uniquely identified.OAn address or other identifying information to uniquely name the LogicalDevice.Boolean indicating that the Device can be power managed. The use of this property has been deprecated. Instead, the existence of an associated PowerManagementCapabilities class (associated using the ElementCapabilities relationhip) indicates that power management is supported.An enumerated array describing the power management capabilities of the Device. The use of this property has been deprecated. Instead, the PowerCapabilites property in an associated PowerManagementCapabilities class should be used.(Power Saving Modes Entered AutomaticallyPower State SettablePower Cycling SupportedPATimed Power On SupportedThe primary availability and status of the Device. (Additional status information can be specified using the Additional Availability array property.) For example, the Availability property indicates that the Device is running and has full power (value=3), or is in a warning (4), test (5), degraded (10) or power save state (values 13-15 and 17). Regarding the Power Save states, these are defined as follows: Value 13 ("Power Save - Unknown") indicates that the Device is known to be in a power save mode, but its exact status in this mode is unknown; 14 ("Power Save - Low Power Mode") indicates that the Device is in a power save state but still functioning, and may exhibit degraded performance; 15 ("Power Save - Standby") describes that the Device is not functioning but could be brought to full power \'quickly\'; and value 17 ("Power Save - Warning") indicates that the Device is in a warning state, though also in a power save mode.Running/Full PowerWarning Power OffOff LineOff Duty Not Installed Install ErrorPower Save - UnknownPower Save - Low Power ModePower Save - Standby Power CyclePower Save - WarningPaused Not ReadyNot ConfiguredQuiesced&The StatusInfo property indicates whether the Logical Device is in an enabled (value = 3), disabled (value = 4) or some other (1) or unknown (2) state. If this property does not apply to the LogicalDevice, the value, 5 ("Not Applicable"), should be used. StatusInfo has been deprecated in lieu of a more clearly named property with additional enumerated values (EnabledState), that is inherited from ManagedSystemElement. If a Device is ("Enabled")(value=3), it has been powered up, and is configured and operational. The Device may or may not be functionally active, depending on whether its Availability (or AdditionalAvailability) indicate that it is ("Running/Full Power")(value=3) or ("Off line") (value=8). In an enabled but offline mode, a Device may be performing out-of-band requests, such as running Diagnostics. If ("Disabled") StatusInfo value=4), a Device can only be "enabled" or powered off. In a personal computer environment, ("Disabled") means that the Device\'s driver is not available in the stack. In other environments, a Device can be disabled by removing its configuration file. A disabled device is physically present in a System and consuming resources, but can not be communicated with until a load of a driver, a load of a configuration file or some other "enabling" activity has occurred.ILastErrorCode captures the last error code reported by the LogicalDevice.ErrorDescription is a free-form string supplying more information about the error recorded in LastErrorCode, and information on any corrective actions that may be taken.fErrorCleared is a boolean property indicating that the error reported in LastErrorCode is now cleared.OtherIdentifyingInfo captures additional data, beyond DeviceID information, that could be used to identify a LogicalDevice. One example would be to hold the Operating System\'s user friendly name for the Device in this property.^The number of consecutive hours that this Device has been powered, since its last power cycle.Hours<The total number of hours that this Device has been powered.An array of free-form strings providing explanations and details behind the entries in the OtherIdentifyingInfo array. Note, each entry of this array is related to the entry in OtherIdentifyingInfo that is located at the same index._Additional availability and status of the Device, beyond that specified in the Availability property. The Availability property denotes the primary status and availability of the Device. In some cases, this will not be sufficient to denote the complete status of the Device. In those cases, the AdditionalAvailability property can be used to provide further information. For example, a Device\'s primary Availability may be "Off line" (value=8), but it may also be in a low power state (AdditonalAvailability value=14), or the Device could be running Diagnostics (AdditionalAvailability value=5, "In Test").KThe MaxQuiesceTime property has been deprecated. When evaluating the use of Quiesce, it was determine that this single property is not adequate for describing when a device will automatically exit a quiescent state. In fact, the most likely scenario for a device to exit a quiescent state was determined to be based on the number of outstanding requests queued rather than on a maximum time. This will be re-evaluated and repositioned later. Maximum time in milliseconds, that a Device can run in a "Quiesced" state. A Device\'s state is defined in its Availability and AdditionalAvailability properties, where "Quiesced" is conveyed by the value 21. What occurs at the end of the time limit is device-specific. The Device may unquiesce, may offline or take other action. A value of 0 indicates that a Device can remain quiesced indefinitely. MilliSecondsSets the power state of the Device. The use of this method has been deprecated. Instead, use the SetPowerState method in the associated PowerManagementService class.The power state to set.PA Full PowerPower Save - OtherTime indicates when the power state should be set, either as a regular date-time value or as an interval value (where the interval begins when the method invocation is received.Requests a reset of the LogicalDevice. The return value should be 0 if the request was successfully executed, 1 if the request is not supported and some other value if an error occurred. In a subclass, the set of possible return codes could be specified, using a ValueMap qualifier on the method. The strings to which the ValueMap contents are \'translated\' may also be specified in the subclass as a Values array qualifier.The EnableDevice method has been deprecated in lieu of the more general RequestStateChange method that directly overlaps with the functionality provided by this method. Requests that the LogicalDevice be enabled ("Enabled" input parameter = TRUE) or disabled (= FALSE). If successful, the Device\'s StatusInfo/EnabledState properties should reflect the desired state (enabled/disabled). Note that this method\'s function overlaps with the RequestedState property. RequestedState was added to the model to maintain a record (i.e., a persisted value) of the last state request. Invoking the EnableDevice method should set the RequestedState property appropriately. The return code should be 0 if the request was successfully executed, 1 if the request is not supported and some other value if an error occurred. In a subclass, the set of possible return codes could be specified, using a ValueMap qualifier on the method. The strings to which the ValueMap contents are \'translated\' may also be specified in the subclass as a Values array qualifier.7If TRUE enable the device, if FALSE disable the device.The OnlineDevice method has been deprecated in lieu of the more general RequestStateChange method that directly overlaps with the functionality provided by this method. Requests that the LogicalDevice be brought online ("Online" input parameter = TRUE) or taken offline (= FALSE). "Online" indicates that the Device is ready to accept requests, and is operational and fully functioning. In this case, the Device\'s Availability property would be set to a value of 3 ("Running/Full Power"). "Offline" indicates that a Device is powered up and operational, but not processing functional requests. In an offline state, a Device may be capable of running diagnostics or generating operational alerts. For example, when the "Offline" button is pushed on a Printer, the Device is no longer available to process print jobs, but could be available for diagnostics or maintenance. If this method is successful, the Device\'s Availability and AdditionalAvailability properties should reflect the updated status. If a failure occurs trying to bring the Device online or offline, it should remain in its current state. IE, the request, if unsuccessful, should not leave the Device in an indeterminate state. When bringing a Device back "Online", from an "Offline" mode, the Device should be restored to its last "Online" state, if at all possible. Only a Device that has an EnabledState/StatusInfo of "Enabled" and has been configured can be brought online or taken offline. OnlineDevice should return 0 if successful, 1 if the request is not supported at all, 2 if the request is not supported due to the current state of the Device, and some other value if any other error occurred. In a subclass, the set of possible return codes could be specified, using a ValueMap qualifier on the method. The strings to which the ValueMap contents are \'translated\' may also be specified in the subclass as a Values array qualifier. Note that this method\'s function overlaps with the RequestedState property. RequestedState was added to the model to maintain a record (i.e., a persisted value) of the last state request. Invoking the OnlineDevice method should set the RequestedState property appropriately.CIf TRUE, take the device online, if FALSE, take the device OFFLINE.qThe QuiesceDevice method has been deprecated in lieu of the more general RequestStateChange method that directly overlaps with the functionality provided by this method. Requests that the LogicalDevice cleanly cease all current activity ("Quiesce" input parameter = TRUE) or resume activity (= FALSE). For this method to quiesce a Device, that Device should have an Availability (or Additional Availability) of "Running/Full Power" (value=3) and an EnabledStatus/StatusInfo of "Enabled". For example, if quiesced, a Device may then be offlined for diagnostics, or disabled for power off and hot swap. For the method to "unquiesce" a Device, that Device should have an Availability (or AdditionalAvailability) of "Quiesced" (value=21) and an EnabledStatus/StatusInfo of "Enabled". In this case, the Device would be returned to an "Enabled" and "Running/Full Power" status. The method\'s return code should indicate the success or failure of the quiesce. It should return 0 if successful, 1 if the request is not supported at all, 2 if the request is not supported due to the current state of the Device, and some other value if any other error occurred. In a subclass, the set of possible return codes could be specified, using a ValueMap qualifier on the method. The strings to which the ValueMap contents are \'translated\' may also be specified in the subclass as a Values array qualifier.IIf set to TRUE then cleanly cease all activity, if FALSE resume activity.Requests that the Device capture its current configuration, setup and/or state information in a backing store. The goal would be to use this information at a later time (via the RestoreProperties method), to return a Device to its present "condition". This method may not be supported by all Devices. The method should return 0 if successful, 1 if the request is not supported, and some other value if any other error occurred. In a subclass, the set of possible return codes could be specified, using a ValueMap qualifier on the method. The strings to which the ValueMap contents are \'translated\' may also be specified in the subclass as a Values array qualifier.Requests that the Device re-establish its configuration, setup and/or state information from a backing store. The intent is to capture this information at an earlier time (via the SaveProperties method), and use it to return a Device to this earlier "condition". This method may not be supported by all Devices. The method should return 0 if successful, 1 if the request is not supported, and some other value if any other error occurred. In a subclass, the set of possible return codes could be specified, using a ValueMap qualifier on the method. The strings to which the ValueMap contents are \'translated\' may also be specified in the subclass as a Values array qualifier.`An abstraction or emulation of a hardware entity, that may or may not be Realized in physical hardware. Any characteristics of a LogicalDevice that are used to manage its operation or configuration are contained in, or associated with, the LogicalDevice object. Examples of the operational properties of a Printer would be paper sizes supported, or detected errors. Examples of the configuration properties of a Sensor Device would be threshold settings. Various configurations could exist for a LogicalDevice. These configurations could be contained in Setting objects and associated with the LogicalDevice.2.8.0-The bandwidth of the Port in Bits per Second.Bits per SecondPA5The maximum bandwidth of the Port in Bits per Second.nThe requested bandwidth of the Port in Bits per Second. The actual bandwidth is reported in LogicalPort.Speed.fIn some circumstances, a LogicalPort might be identifiable as a front end or back end port. An example of this situation would be a storage array that might have back end ports to communicate with disk drives and front end ports to communicate with hosts. If there is no restriction on the use of the port, then the value should be set to \'not restricted\'.Front-end only Back-end onlyNot restrictedPortType is defined to force consistent naming of the \'type\' property in subclasses and to guarantee unique enum values for all instances of NetworkPort. When set to 1 ("Other"), related property OtherPortType contains a string description of the type of port. A range of values, DMTF_Reserved, has been defined that allows subclasses to override and define their specific types of ports.BDescribes the type of module, when PortType is set to 1 ("Other").The abstraction of a port or connection point of a Device. This object should be instantiated when the Port has independent management characteristics from the Device that includes it. Examples are a Fibre Channel Port and a USB Port.The current bandwidth of the Port in Bits per Second. For ports that vary in bandwidth or for those where no accurate estimation can be made, this property should contain the nominal bandwidth.Note: The use of this property is deprecated in lieu of CIM_LogicalPort.PortType. Deprecated description: The type of module, when PortType is set to 1 ("Other".)YNetworkPorts are often numbered relative to either a logical module or a network element.An enumeration of the types of links. When set to 1 ("Other"), the related property OtherLinkTechnology contains a string description of the type of link.EthernetIBFCPAFDDIATM Token Ring Frame RelayInfrared BlueTooth Wireless LANJA string value that describes LinkTechnology when it is set to 1, "Other".TPermanentAddress defines the network address that is hardcoded into a port. This \'hardcoded\' address can be changed using a firmware upgrade or a software configuration. When this change is made, the field should be updated at the same time. PermanentAddress should be left blank if no \'hardcoded\' address exists for the NetworkAdapter.FAn array of strings that indicates the network addresses for the port.FBoolean that indicates that the port is operating in full duplex mode.A Boolean that indicates whether the NetworkPort is capable of automatically determining the speed or other communications characteristics of the attached network media.:The maximum transmission unit (MTU) that can be supported.BytesOThe active or negotiated maximum transmission unit (MTU) that can be supported.NetworkPort is the logical representation of network communications hardware such as a physical connector and the setup or operation of the network chips, at the lowest layers of a network stack.PAInterface Description, a.k.a. ifDescr or friendly name is a unique name assigned to the network adapter during installation. This name cannot be changed and is persisted as long as the network adapter is not uninstalled.nThe locally unique identifier for the network interface. in InterfaceType_NetluidIndex format. Ex: Ethernet_2.RThe locally unique identifier (LUID) for the network interface as a 64 bit number.#The GUID for the network interface.The index that identifies the network interface. This index value may change when a network adapter is disabled and then enabled, and should not be considered persistent./The name of the device object for this adapter.zAn index assigned to the network adapter at the time of installation. This index is unique in the scope of interface type.1Network adapter emulates a physical network card.DNetwork adapter is hidden and does not appear in any user interface..Network adapter cannot be removed by the user.HNetwork adapter is the adapter edge of an intermediate filter component.NThe interface type as defined by the Internet Assigned Names Authority (IANA).GThe interface for the network adapter is provided by a hardware device.QThe lower-level interface of the network adapter is a WDM bus driver such as USB.dThis interface is an endpoint device and is not a true network interface that connects to a network.LThe interface is used by iSCSI software initiator and is in the paging path.PA0The plug and play state of the network adapter. PresentStartedNetwork adapter media type.802.3802.5WAN Local TalkDIX Raw Arcnet878.2 Wireless WANIRDABPCConnection Oriented WANIP 1394PATunnel Native 802.11LoopbackWiMAXIP>The types of physical media that the network adapter supports Unspecified Cable Modem Phone Line Power LineDSL1394 InfinibandUWB Wired WANWired Connection Oriented WAN-Current network interface operational status.UpDownTesting Not PresentLower layer down=The default port of the network adapter is not authenticated.6The network adapter is not in a media-connected state.+The network adapter is in the paused state.,The network adapter is in a low power state.@Network adapter administrative status, as described in RFC 2863./Specifies the network adapter connection state. Connected DisconnectedThe maximum transfer unit (MTU) size the network adapter supports. This value does not include the size of the link-layer header.6The Virtual LAN Identifier set on the network adapter.+The transmit link speed in bits per second.*The receive link speed in bits per second.CTRUE if the interface is in promiscuous mode or FALSE if it is not.rTRUE if the network adapter supports wake-on-LAN capability and the capability is enabled, or FALSE if it does notIndicates if a connector is present on the network adapter. This value is set to TRUE if this is a physical adapter or FALSE if this is not a physical adapter..The media duplex state of the network adapter.HalfFull5The network adapter driver date in YYYY-MM-DD format.The network adapter driver date in FILETIME format. This is a 64-bit value representing the number of 100-nanosecond intervals since January 1, 1601 (UTC).9A string representing the network adapter driver version.'The name of the network adapter driver./The description for the network adapter driver.,The major version of network adapter driver.,The minor version of network adapter driver.>The major NDIS version the network adapter driver conforms to.>The minor NDIS version the network adapter driver conforms to.The Plug and Play Device ID.The driver provider name.@The PnP component ID, a.k.a. Hardware ID of the network adapter.0The interface indices of lower layer interfaces.1The interface indices of higher layer interfaces.The management state of the network adapter. If True, the network adapter is locked and many of its properties cannot be changed unless the adapter is unlocked.Enables a network adapterDisables a network adapterRestarts a network adapterLocks a network adapterUnlocks a network adapterRenames a network adapterA logical network adaptersWithin the scope of the instantiating Namespace, InstanceID opaquely and uniquely identifies an instance of this class. To ensure uniqueness within the NameSpace, the value of InstanceID should be constructed using the following "preferred" algorithm: <OrgID>:<LocalID> Where <OrgID> and <LocalID> are separated by a colon (:), and where <OrgID> must include a copyrighted, trademarked, or otherwise unique name that is owned by the business entity that is creating or defining the InstanceID or that is a registered ID assigned to the business entity by a recognized global authority. (This requirement is similar to the <Schema Name>_<Class Name> structure of Schema class names.) In addition, to ensure uniqueness, <OrgID> must not contain a colon (:). When using this algorithm, the first colon to appear in InstanceID must appear between <OrgID> and <LocalID>. <LocalID> is chosen by the business entity and should not be reused to identify different underlying (real-world) elements. If the above "preferred" algorithm is not used, the defining entity must assure that the resulting InstanceID is not reused across any InstanceIDs produced by this or other providers for the NameSpace of this instance. For DMTF-defined instances, the "preferred" algorithm must be used with the <OrgID> set to CIM.The user-friendly name for this instance of SettingData. In addition, the user-friendly name can be used as an index property for a search or query. (Note: The name does not have to be unique within a namespace.)GCIM_SettingData is used to represent configuration and and operational parameters for CIM_ManagedElement instances. There are a number of different uses of CIM_SettingData supported in the model today. Additional uses may be defined in the future. Instances of CIM_SettingData may represent Aspects of a CIM_ManagedElement instance. This is modeled using the CIM_SettingsDefineState association. CIM_SettingData may be used to define capabilities when associated to an instance of CIM_Capabilities through the CIM_SettingsDefineCapabilities association. Instances of CIM_SettingData may represent different types of configurations for a CIM_ManagedElement, including persistent configurations, in progress configuration changes, or requested configurations. The CIM_ElementSettingData association is used to model the relationship between a CIM_SettingData instance and the CIM_ManagedElement for which it is a configuration. When an instance of CIM_SettingData represents a configuration, the current operational values for the parameters of the element are reflected by properties in the Element itself or by properties in its associations. These properties do not have to be the same values that are present in the SettingData object. For example, a modem might have a SettingData baud rate of 56Kb/sec but be operating at 19.2Kb/sec. Note: The CIM_SettingData class is very similar to CIM_Setting, yet both classes are present in the model because many implementations have successfully used CIM_Setting. However, issues have arisen that could not be resolved without defining a new class. Therefore, until a new major release occurs, both classes will exist in the model. Refer to the Core White Paper for additional information. SettingData instances can be aggregated together into higher- level SettingData objects using ConcreteComponent associations.%Superclass SettingData for networkingName, a.k.a. Connection Name, ifAlias, or InterfaceAlias, is a unique name assigned to the adapter during installation. The Name of the adapter can be changed by the administrator and is persisted across the boot or network adapter restart. The source of the setting data. DevicePersistent storage7Represents the base class for network adapter settings.xThe property description in user interface. This property is only valid if the parameter is displayed in user interface.The description for the current value of the property. This property is only valid if the parameter is displayed in user interface.The description for the default value of the parameter. This property is only valid if the parameter is displayed in user interface.This property specifies the type of the parameter. The "int", "long", "word", and "dword" types specify a numeric parameter; "edit" and "enum" types specify a text parameter. Note that the values for all the parameters that are displayed in the user interface, including numeric parameters, are stored in the registry as REG_SZ (null terminated string) data type. This property is only valid if the parameter is displayed in user interface.intlongworddwordenumeditIf True, specifying this parameter is optional. Otherwise it is mandatory. This property is only valid if the parameter is displayed in user interface.An array of integers specifying the registry keyword values used to represent a parameter of the "enum" type. This property is only valid if the parameter is displayed in user interface.An array of strings representing the descriptions for the registry keyword values used in EnumParameterRegistryValues. This property is only valid if the parameter is displayed in user interface.The "Base" used in representing a numeric parameter. This property is only valid if the parameter is displayed in user interface.vThe minimum value of a numeric parameter. This property is only valid if the parameter is displayed in user interface.vThe maximum value of a numeric parameter. This property is only valid if the parameter is displayed in user interface.uThe "Step" value of a numeric parameter. This property is only valid if the parameter is displayed in user interface.Registry keyword name of the parameter. Registry keywords may be associated with a parameter displayed in user interface. Some registry keywords are not associated to any parameter displayed in user interface.Registry keyword data type. For parameters displayed in user interface, this value is always REG_SZ even if the parameter is a numeric parameter.REG_SZ REG_DWORD REG_MULTI_SZ REG_QWORDCurrent value of the registry keyword. For a parameter that is displayed in user interface and is of "enum" type, this is a value in EnumParameterRegistryValues array and not the description for the current value of the parameter.vDefault registry value for the parameter. This property is only valid if the parameter is displayed in user interface.OResets the advanced property of a network adapter to its factory default value.ZThis class represents the advanced properties of a network adapter stored in the registry.The managed element.3The SettingData object associated with the element.An enumerated integer indicating that the referenced setting is a default setting for the element, or that this information is unknown. Is DefaultIs Not DefaultAn enumerated integer indicating that the referenced setting is currently being used in the operation of the element, or that this information is unknown. Is CurrentIs Not CurrentAn enumerated integer indicating whether or not the referenced setting is the next setting to be applied. For example, the application could take place on a re-initialization, reset, reconfiguration request. This could be a permanent setting, or a setting used only one time, as indicated by the flag. If it is a permanent setting then the setting is applied every time the managed element reinitializes, until this flag is manually reset. However, if it is single use, then the flag is automatically cleared after the settings are applied. Also note that if this flag is specified (i.e. set to value other than "Unknown"), then this takes precedence over any SettingData that may have been specified as Default. For example: If the managed element is a computer system, and the value of this flag is "Is Next", then the setting will be effective next time the system resets. And, unless this flag is changed, it will persist for subsequent system resets. However, if this flag is set to "Is Next For Single Use", then this setting will only be used once and the flag would be reset after that to "Is Not Next". So, in the above example, if the system reboots in a quick succession, the setting will not be used at the second reboot.Is Next Is Not NextIs Next For Single Use2.19.1ElementSettingData represents the association between ManagedElements and applicable setting data. This association also describes whether this is a default or current setting.6Associates a network port with its configuration data.,Advanced properties for the network adapter.ZAssociates a network port with its advanced property configuration stored in the registry.7The bitmask for a set of logical processors in a group.1The group number for a set of logical processors.0This class represents a processor affinity mask.Not using interrupts.Using line based interrupts.MSI is supported.MSI is enabled.MSI-X is supported.MSI-X is enabled.<The number of MSI-X table entries supported by the hardware.CThe number of MSI messages allocated by the network adapter driver.%The NUMA node of the network adapter.The location information for a PCI network adapter. This string includes bus, device and function number for the network adapter as displayed in device manager.PA,The segment number of a PCI network adapter.(The bus number of a PCI network adapter.+The device number of a PCI network adapter.-The function number of a PCI network adapter.)The slot number of a PCI network adapter.The type of PCI device.Conventional PCIPCI-XPCI Express endpointPCI Express legacy endpoint,PCI Express Root Complex integrated endpointPCI Express treated as PCICThe current speed and mode, valid only for conventional PCI devicesConventional PCI 33MHzConventional PCI 66MHz8The current speed and mode, valid only for PCI-X devicesPAPCI-X Mode conventional PCIPCI-X Mode1 66MHzPCI-X Mode1 100MHzPCI-X Mode1 133MHzPCI-X Mode1 ECC 66MHzPCI-X Mode1 ECC 100MHzPCI-X Mode1 ECC 133MHzPCI-X Mode2 266 66MHzPCI-X Mode2 266 100MHzPCI-X Mode2 266 133MHzPCI-X Mode2 533 66MHzPCI-X Mode2 533 100MHzPCI-X Mode2 533 133MHz<Current payload size in bytes, valid only for PCI-E devices.<Maximum payload size in bytes, valid only for PCI-E devices.@Maximum read request size in bytes, valid only for PCI-E devicesPA9Current link speed encoded, valid only for PCI-E devices.2.5 Gbps5 GbpsCCurrent link width (1, 2, 4, .., 32), valid only for PCI-E devices.9Maximum link speed encoded, valid only for PCI-E devices.CMaximum link width (1, 2, 4, .., 32), valid only for PCI-E devices.;PCI Express specification version, valid for PCI-E devices.1.01.1-If True, line-based interrupts are supported.&If True, MSI interrupts are supported.(If True, MSI-X interrupts are supported.yMaximum number of message interrupts a device supports in hardware. Valid only if the device supports message interrupts._An array of processor affinity masks of MSI-X messages allocated by the network adapter driver.*Indicates if a device supports 64-bit DMA.DThis property indicates the status of SR-IOV support for the device. Supported MissingAcsMissingPfDriverNoBusResourcesNoIoMmuSupport NoVfBarSpace NoOscSupportDIndicates if a device can wake up via PME while the system is in S0.BThis property provides the unique ID associated with a PCI device.MThis property provides an identification string associated with a PCI device.*Hardware information for a network adapter:The hardware information setting data for network adapter.4Associates a network adapter with its hardware data.bIndicates network adapter support for Transmit Checksum Offload for this encapsulated packet type.aIndicates network adapter support for Receive Checksum Offload for this encapsulated packet type.dIndicates network adapter support for Large Send Offload (LSO) V2 for this encapsulated packet type.cIndicates network adapter support for Receive Side Scaling (RSS) for this encapsulated packet type.dIndicates network adapter support for Virtual Machine Queue (VMQ) for this encapsulated packet type.xThis class is used to define the capabilities of an encapsulation type supported by a network adapter for task offloads.UIndicates if Encapsulated Packet Task Offloads are currently enabled for this AdapterPDescribes Encapsulated Packet Task Offload hardware capabilities of this AdapterDEnables the Encapsulation Offload properties on the network adapter.EDisables the Encapsulation Offload properties on the network adapter.BEncapsulated packet task offload properties for a network adapter.FThe Encapsulated Packet Task Offload setting data for network adapter.AAssociates a network adapter with its Encapsulation Offload data.5Specifies that no encapsulation offload is supported.Specifies NULL encapsulation.#Specifies IEEE 802.3 encapsulation.4Specifies IEEE 802.3p and IEEE 802.3q encapsulation.qSpecifies that IEEE 802.3p and IEEE 802.3q encapsulation settings are specified in the NetBufferList as OOB info.Specifies logical link control (LLC) encapsulation for routed protocols. Also used to indicate Ethernet LLC/SNAP encapsulation.PA@Defines the encapsulation types the Adapter can support for LSO.9Defines the LSOv1 encapsulation settings for the Adapter.GMaximum bytes of user data in a single packet supported by the Adapter.vMinimum number of segments that a large TCP packet must be divisible by before offloading to Adapter for segmentation.RIndicates if the Adapter supports segmentation of a packet containing TCP options.SIndicates if the Adapter supports segmentation of a packet containing IPv4 options.EThis class is used to report LSOv1 capabilities on a network adapter.>Defines the IPv4 LSOv2 encapsulation settings for the Adapter.XMaximum bytes of user data in a single packet supported by the Adapter for IPv4 packets.Minimum number of segments that a large TCP packet must be divisible by before offloading to Adapter for segmentation for IPv4 packets.>Defines the IPv6 LSOv2 encapsulation settings for the Adapter.XMaximum bytes of user data in a single packet supported by the Adapter for IPv6 packets.Minimum number of segments that a large TCP packet must be divisible by before offloading to Adapter for segmentation for IPv6 packets.]Indicates if the Adapter supports segmentation of a packet containing IPv6 Extension headers.EThis class is used to report LSOv2 capabilities on a network adapter.8Indicates if LSOv1 is currently enabled for TCP packets.=Indicates if LSOv2 is currently enabled for IPv4 TCP packets.=Indicates if LSOv2 is currently enabled for IPv6 TCP packets.>Indicates the highest version of LSO supported by the Adapter.LSOv1LSOv20The LSO V1 hardware capabilities of the Adapter./The LSO V2 current capabilities of the Adapter.GEnables the Large Send Offload (LSO) properties on the network adapter.HDisables the Large Send Offload (LSO) properties on the network adapter.%LSO properties for a network adapter.)The LSO setting data for network adapter.DAssociates a network adapter with its Large Send Offload (LSO) data.Supplies the type of offload.IPv4ArpIPv6NSRsnRekeyCSupplies the identifier ID of this offload, assigned by the system.WSupplies the priority of this offload. A lower value implies a higher priority offload.*Supplies the friendly name of the offload.^MSFT_NetAdapterPowerManagement_Offload is the base class for various network adapter offloads.dSupplies an optional IPv4 address representing the Source Protocol Address (SPA) of the ARP request.USupplies the IPv4 address used as the Source Protocol Address (SPA) in ARP responses.]Supplies the MAC address used as the Source Hardware Address (SHA) field of the ARP response.WMSFT_NetAdapterPowerManagement_Offload_Arp contains settings related to ARP offloading.mSupplies an optional IPv6 address representing the Source Address field in the IPv6 header of the NS message.)Supplies the solicited node IPv6 address.BSupplies the MAC address used in the TLLA field of the NA message.Supplies an array of two IPv6 addresses. An NA message will be sent in response to any NS message with a Target Address field matching either address in this array.hMSFT_NetAdapterPowerManagement_Offload_NS contains settings related to Neighbor Solicitation offloading.(Supplies the key confirmation key (KCK).&Supplies the key encryption key (KEK).Supplies the replay counter.PAjMSFT_NetAdapterPowerManagement_Offload_RsnRekey contains parameters for offloading the RSN Rekey protocol."Supplies the type of wake pattern. BitmapPattern MagicPacket IPv4TcpSyn IPv6TcpSynEapolRequestIdMessageWildCard2Supplies the system defined ID of the wake pattern*Supplies the priority of the wake pattern./Supplies the friendly name of the wake pattern.OMSFT_NetAdapterPowerManagement_WakePattern defines a Wake-on-LAN (WOL) pattern.cMSFT_NetAdapterPowerManagement_WakePattern_MagicPacket defines settings for 'Wake on Magic Packet'..Supplies the source address of the SYN packet.3Supplies the destination address of the SYN packet.6Supplies the TCP source port number of the SYN packet.PA;Supplies the TCP destination port number of the SYN packet.^MSFT_NetAdapterPowerManagement_WakePattern_TcpSyn defines settings for a TCP SYN wake pattern.lMSFT_NetAdapterPowerManagement_WakePattern_EapolRequestId defines settings for an 802.1X EAPOL wake pattern.7Supplies the pattern to match against incoming packets.WSupplies a mask indicating which bits of the pattern to match against incoming packets.lMSFT_NetAdapterPowerManagement_WakePattern_Bitmap defines settings for waking on a bitmap/mask wake pattern.^MSFT_NetAdapterPowerManagement_WakePattern_WildCard defines settings for 'Wake on any Packet'.Supplies the setting for power management of the adapter. If the property is anything other than Enabled, the remaining property values are undefined. Unsupported=Supplies the setting for D0 Packet Coalescing on the adapter.Supplies the setting for sleeping on media disconnect. If this property is Enabled, then the adapter may enter a low power state on a media disconnect event.Inactive5Supplies the setting for ARP offloads on the adapter.4Supplies the setting for NS offloads on the adapter.0Supplies the setting for 802.11i RSN offloading.=Supplies the parameters for protocol offloads on the adapter.:Supplies the setting for selective suspend on the adapter.Supplies the setting for waking on Magic Packets. If this property is Enabled, then the adapter wakes the system on receipt of a Magic Packet.Supplies the setting for waking on a packet pattern. If this property is Enabled, then the adapter wakes the system on receipt of a specified pattern.CSupplies the list of packet patterns programmed to wake the system.RProvides a method to enable specific power management capabilities on the adapter.SProvides a method to disable specific power management capabilities on the adapter.uMSFT_NetAdapterPowerManagementSettingData represents the Power Management settings and features of a network adapter.:The Power Management setting data for the network adapter.}MSFT_NetAdapterPowerManagementElementSetting associates a network adapter with its MSFT_NetAdapterPowerManagementSettingData.NDKPI Major Version NumberNDKPI Minor Version Number/Vendor's organizational unique identifier (OUI)Vendor defined device IDUMaximum size (in bytes) of a single memory registration that the adapter can address.2Maximum size (in bytes) for a single memory windowtFast-register memory region (FRMR) size (in PAGE_SIZE pages) for which the adapter supports the most number of FRMRsXMaximum number of SGEs that can be specified in a single request over an initiator queueUMaximum number of SGEs that can be specified in a single request over a receive queueMaximum number of SGEs that can be specified in a read request (This overrides the MaxInitiatorRequestSge value for read requests.)iMaximum total length that can be referenced by all SGEs in a single send, receive, read, or write requestYMaximum amount of inline data in bytes that can be sent in a single send or write request=Maximum number of in-progress incoming read operations per QP=Maximum number of in-progress outgoing read operations per QP8Maximum number of outstanding requests per receive queue:Maximum number of outstanding requests per initiator queueXMaximum number of outstanding requests per shared receive queue. 0 means no SRQ support.9Maximum number of completion entries per completion queuezData size hint (in bytes) above which read and write operations will yield better results than send and receive operationsRMaximum size, in bytes, of the private data that can be sent via a connect request\Maximum size, in bytes, of the private data that can be sent via an accept or reject requestWhether the provider writes incoming data into the consumer's buffer in order, i.e., the last byte position in the consumer's buffer is guaranteed NOT to be updated before any prior byte position.Whether the provider supports resizing CQ objects or not. If this is false, CQ resize request must NOT be used by the NDKPI consumer.Whether the provider supports loopback connections (from a local network address on a given RNIC to the same local address on the same RNIC).Whether the provider requires NDKPI consumer to use NDK_MR_FLAG_RDMA_READ_SINK or NDK_OP_FLAG_RDMA_READ_SINK flags when registering sink buffers for RDMA Read requests.cWhether the provider supports programmable interrupt moderation per completion queue through NDKPI.IWhether the provider supports multiple execution engines on a given RNIC.DNetwork Direct Interface capabilities supported by a network adapter#Connect performance counter missing"Accept performance counter missing*ConnectFailure performance counter missing+ConnectionError performance counter missing,ActiveConnection performance counter missing0CompletionQueueError performance counter missing(RDMAInOctets performance counter missing)RDMAOutOctets performance counter missing(RDMAInFrames performance counter missing)RDMAOutFrames performance counter missing7RDMA missing performance counter information for a network adapter. NetworkDirect providers are required to support all the performance counters included in NDIS_NDK_PERFORMANCE_COUNTERS. However, in the rare case that a provider cannot support a counter due to an exceptional circumstance, it must indicate so.HIndicates whether the ND interface is enabled or disabled on the adapter6Maximum number of queue pairs supported by the adapter<Maximum number of completion queues supported by the adapter9Maximum number of memory regions supported by the adapter=Maximum number of protection domains supported by the adapterMaximum number of incoming outstanding read requests supported by the adapter. If this field is 0, there's no adapter-wide limit. There is still a limit per queue pair, which is indicated by the NetworkDirectAdapterInfo.MaxInboundReadLimit field.Maximum number of outgoing outstanding read requests supported by the adapter If this field is 0, there's no adapter-wide limit. There is still a limit per queue pair, which is indicated by the NetworkDirectAdapterInfo.MaxOutboundReadLimit field.9Maximum number of memory windows supported by the adapterMaximum number of shared receive queues supported by the adapter If this field is 0, adapter does not support shared receive queues.CRdma missing performance counter information for a network adapter.Structure that denotes NDK adapter capabilities and limits that are relevant for an individual NDKPI consumer (in contrast to system-wide limits).$Enables Rdma on the network adapter.%Disables Rdma on the network adapter.#Rdma settings for a network adapter)The NDI setting data for network adapter.-Associates a network port with its Rdma data.:Indicates if the Adapter supports RSC for IPv4 TCP packets:Indicates if the Adapter supports RSC for IPv6 TCP packetsCThis class is used to report RSC capabilities on a network adapter.*Controls RSC setting for IPv4 TCP packets.*Controls RSC setting for IPv6 TCP packets.-The RSC hardware capabilities of the Adapter.?Indicates if RSC is currently operational for IPv4 TCP packets.?Indicates if RSC is currently operational for IPv6 TCP packets.@Indicates the cause for RSC being disabled for IPv4 TCP packets. NoFailureNicPropertyDisabledWFPCompatibilityNDISCompatibilityForwardingEnabledNetOffloadGlobalDisabled@Indicates the cause for RSC being disabled for IPv6 TCP packets.OEnables the Receive Segment Coalescing (RSC) properties on the network adapter.PDisables the Receive Segment Coalescing (RSC) properties on the network adapter.%RSC properties for a network adapter.FThe Receive Segment Coalescing (RSC) setting data for network adapter.LAssociates a network adapter with its Receive Segment Coalescing (RSC) data.MSFT_NetAdapter_ProcessorNumberNDIS_RSS_PROCESSORESpecifies the processor selection and load balancing profile applied.Closest ProcessorClosest Processor Static NUMA ScalingNUMA Scaling StaticConservative ScalingASpecifies the processor group number for the first RSS processor.;Specifies the processor number for the first RSS processor.@Specifies the processor group number for the last RSS processor.:Specifies the processor number for the last RSS processor.GSpecifies the maximum number of RSS processors for the network adapter.IEnables the Receive Side Scaling (RSS) properties on the network adapter.JDisables the Receive Side Scaling (RSS) properties on the network adapter.7Receive Side Scale (RSS) settings for a network adapter-The RSS setting data for the network adapter.LAssociates a network adapter with its Receive Side Scale (RSS) setting data.XIf True, the binding has been enabled by admin. If False, the binding has been disabled.,The display name of the transport or filter.,The component ID of the transport or filter.KThe name used by NDIS. This is typically the service name for the protocol.DThe class name of the network component represented by this binding.DThe class GUID of the network component represented by this binding.ECharacteristics of the network component represented by this binding.'Enables a binding to a network adapter.(Disables a binding to a network adapter.PACThis class represents the binding information of a network adapter.,Binding information for the network adapter.7Associates a network port with its binding information.ReservedDefaultTCP PortUDP PortTCP or UDP Port EthertypeNetDirect Port?Specifies the protocol used in the ProtocolSpecificValue field.Specifies a protocol-specific value for classification. For example, this property is set to a TCP port number if ProtocolSelector is set to "TCP Port", or Ethertype value is ProtocolSelector is set to "Ethertype".ESpecifies the IEEE 802.1p priority value to use when a match is made.2This class describes a QoS classification element.,Transmission Selection settings are enabled.&Priority to Traffic Class assignments.PA?Transmission Selection Algorithm assignments per Traffic Class.(Bandwidth assignments per Traffic Class."Flow Control settings are enabled.9IEEE 802.1Qbb Priority Flow Control enabled per Priority.$Classification settings are enabled.!Number of classification entries.Classification entries.8This class represents QoS settings on a network adapter.IMACsec bypass for IEEE 802.1Qbb Priority-based Flow Control is supported.CEE DCBX is supported.IEEE DCBX is supported.$Number of traffic classes supported.jNumber of supported traffic classes that can be enabled for IEEE 802.1Qaz Enhanced Transmission Selection.fNumber of supported traffic classes that can be enabled for IEEE 802.1Qbb Priority-based Flow Control.CThis class is used to report QoS capabilities on a network adapter.5QoS functionality is enabled for the network adapter.5The QoS capabilities reported by the network adapter.>The QoS capabilities currently enabled on the network adapter.JThe operational QoS settings currently configured for the network adapter.NThe remote QoS settings currently reported by the network adapter's link peer.#Enables QoS on the network adapter.$Disables QoS on the network adapter.%QoS properties for a network adapter.+The QoS properties for the network adapter.2Associates a network port with its QoS properties."MSFT_NetAdapter_EncapsulationTypes^Defines the checksum offload encapsulation settings for the Adapter for IPv4 transmit packets.MIndicates if the Adapter supports IPv4 options for transmit checksum offload.\Indicates if the Adapter supports TCP options for transmit checksum offload on IPv4 packets.]Indicates if the Adapter supports TCP checksum computation offload for transmit IPv4 packets.]Indicates if the Adapter supports UDP checksum computation offload for transmit IPv4 packets.\Indicates if the Adapter supports IP checksum computation offload for transmit IPv4 packets.PA]Defines the checksum offload encapsulation settings for the Adapter for IPv4 receive packets.LIndicates if the Adapter supports IPv4 options for receive checksum offload.[Indicates if the Adapter supports TCP options for receive checksum offload on IPv4 packets.[Indicates if the Adapter supports TCP checksum validation offload for receive IPv4 packets.[Indicates if the Adapter supports UDP checksum validation offload for receive IPv4 packets.ZIndicates if the Adapter supports IP checksum validation offload for receive IPv4 packets.^Defines the checksum offload encapsulation settings for the Adapter for IPv6 transmit packets.WIndicates if the Adapter supports IPv6 extension headers for transmit checksum offload.\Indicates if the Adapter supports TCP options for transmit checksum offload on IPv6 packets.]Indicates if the Adapter supports TCP checksum computation offload for transmit IPv6 packets.]Indicates if the Adapter supports UDP checksum computation offload for transmit IPv6 packets.]Defines the checksum offload encapsulation settings for the Adapter for IPv6 receive packets.VIndicates if the Adapter supports IPv6 extension headers for receive checksum offload.[Indicates if the Adapter supports TCP options for receive checksum offload on IPv6 packets.[Indicates if the Adapter supports TCP checksum validation offload for receive IPv6 packets.[Indicates if the Adapter supports UDP checksum validation offload for receive IPv6 packets.PAMSFT_NetAdapter_ChecksumOffloadWIndicates if IP checksum offload is currently enabled for IPv4 packets on this Adapter. TxEnabled RxEnabled RxTxEnabledXIndicates if TCP checksum offload is currently enabled for IPv4 packets on this Adapter.XIndicates if TCP checksum offload is currently enabled for IPv6 packets on this Adapter.XIndicates if UDP checksum offload is currently enabled for IPv4 packets on this Adapter.XIndicates if UDP checksum offload is currently enabled for IPv6 packets on this Adapter.:The checksum offload hardware capabilities of the Adapter.EEnables the TCPIP checksum offload properties on the network adapter.FDisables the TCPIP checksum offload properties on the network adapter.)MSFT_NetAdapterChecksumOffloadSettingData<The TCPIP checksum offload setting data for network adapter.BAssociates a network adapter with its TCPIP checksum offload data.MA boolean value that is set to TRUE if VMQ is enabled and FALSE if it is not.;Number of receive queues that the network adapter supports.DThe total number of MAC addresses that the network adapter supports.+Number of supported MAC addresses per port.#Number of VLANs supported per port.\Indicates that the network adapter supports filtering received packets based on the VLAN ID.aIndicates that the network adapter supports splitting the received packets at a lookahead offset.SThe minimum size, in bytes, of the lookahead segment if lookahead split is enabled.SThe maximum size, in bytes, of the lookahead segment if lookahead split is enabled.xIndicates that the network adapter supports filtering received packets matching a MAC address and any arbitrary VLAN ID.Indicates that the network adapter supports changing the processor affinity of a queue dynamically and without restarting the queue.Indicate that the network adapter supports using the same interrupt vector for multiple queues when all those queues are targeted to the same processor.ASpecifies the processor group number for the first VMQ processor.;Specifies the processor number for the first VMQ processor.GSpecifies the maximum number of VMQ processors for the network adapter./Specifies the NUMA Node for the RSS Processors.?Enables the Virtual Machine Queue (VMQ) on the network adapter.PA@Disables the Virtual Machine Queue (VMQ) on the network adapter.4Network adapter Virtual Machine Queue (VMQ) settings-The VMQ setting data for the network adapter.OAssociates a network adapter with its Virtual Machine Queue (VMQ) setting data. Indicates if VLANs are supported8Indicates if Interrupt moderation is supported per VPortHIndicates if asymmetric queue pairs are supported for non-default VPorts Indicates if VF RSS is supported-Indicates if a single VPort Pool is supportedAThe maximum number of switches that can be created on the adapter?The maximum number of VPorts that can be created on the adapterJThe maximum number of Virtual Functions that can be created on the adapterFThe maximum number of queue pairs that can be allocated on the adapter;The maximum number of queue pairs for the non-default VPortHThe maximum number of MAC addresses that can be allocated on the adapterSRIOV Capabilities7Indicates if SRIOV is currently enabled on the Adapter.+Indicates the SRIOV support for the device.7The SRIOV capabilities reported by the network adapter.@The SRIOV capabilities currently enabled on the network adapter.External)Indicates the type of the embedded switchThe name of the switchCThe number of Virtual Functions that can be allocated on the switch4The number of Virtual Functions currently allocated.8The number of VPorts that can be allocated on the switch6The number of VPorts currently allocated on the switch/The number of Queue pairs for the default VPort3The number of Queue pairs for the non-default VPort8The number of active MAC addresses on the default VPort.<The number of active MAC addresses on the non-default VPorts2The number of active VLAN IDs on the default VPortPA7The number of active VLAN IDs on the non-default VPorts4Enables the SRIOV properties on the network adapter.5Disables the SRIOV properties on the network adapter.$SRIOV settings for a network adapter)The RSS setting data for network adapter..Associates a network port with its SRIOV data.Filter identifier.The MAC address filter.+The VLAN ID filter. This value may be NULL.2MAC address and VLAN ID filters for VMQ and VPortsThe queue identifier#The operational state of the queue. Undefined DmaStopped?The number of MAC address and VLAN ID filters set on the queue.A bitmap that specifies the CPU that the queue has affinity with. For example, setting bit 0 indicates CPU 0 is used, setting bit 1 indicates CPU 1 is used, and so on.PAPThe group number for the processors specified in ProcessorAffinityMask property.=The ID of the Virtual Machine to which the queue is assigned.EThe friendly name the Virtual Machine to which the queue is assigned.#A string that identifies the queue.BAn array of MAC address and VLAN ID pair filters set on the queue.+Network adapter VMQ settings for each queue3The VMQ Queue setting data for the network adapter.EAssociates a network adapter with the setting data of its VMQ queues.The ID of the VPort.The name of the VPort.The identifier of the switch.CThe ID of the attached function. This could be the Vf or the PF ID.The number of queue pairs.AdaptiveOffLowMediumHigh'The interrupt moderation for the VPort. Activated DeActivatedThe state of the VPort.BAn array of MAC address and VLAN ID pair filters set on the VPort.&Network adapter Virtual Port settings./The VPort setting data for the network adapter.8Associates a network adapter with its virtual port data.The Virtual Function ID.SThe friendly name of the Virtual Machine to which the Virtual Function is assigned.HThe ID of the Virtual Machine to which the Virtual Function is assigned.:The VM NIC ID to which the Virtual Function is associated.0The current MAC address of the Virtual Function.2The permanent MAC address of the Virtual Function.?The list of Virtual Port IDs attached to this Virtual Function.*SRIOV VPort settings for a network adapter-The SRIOV setting data for a network adapter.1Associates a network port with its SRIOV VF data.@Set the IPsec Task Offload v2 properties on the network adapter.4Enable IPsec Task Offload v2 on the network adapter.5Disable IPsec Task Offload v2 on the network adapter.4IPsec Task Offload v2 settings for a network adapterIAssociates a network adapter with its IPsec Task Offload v2 setting data.<Number of outbound RDMA connections established successfully;Number of inbound RDMA connections established successfully>Number of inbound and outbound failed RDMA connection attemptsNumber of successfully established RDMA connections on which an error occurred before being disconnected by local or remote client!Number of active RDMA connections>Number of RDMA completion queues that went into an error state@Number of bytes received at layer 2 for all inbound RDMA trafficPA=Number of bytes sent at layer 2 for all outbound RDMA traffic>Number of layer 2 frames received for all inbound RDMA traffic;Number of layer 2 frames sent for all outbound RDMA traffic.RDMA statistics supported by a network adapterMTotal number of packets that have resulted from one or more coalescing eventsKTotal number of bytes that have resulted from one or more coalescing eventsOTotal number of cases where an incoming packet is found eligible for coalescingQTotal number of cases where an incoming packet is found ineligible for coalescing-RSC statistics supported by a network adapterThe supported statisticsThe number of bytes of data received without errors through this interface. This value includes bytes in unicast, broadcast, and multicast packets.MThe number of unicast packets received without errors through this interface.OThe number of multicast packets received without errors through this interface.OThe number of broadcast packets received without errors through this interface.KThe number of unicast bytes received without errors through this interface.MThe number of multicast bytes received without errors through this interface.PAMThe number of broadcast bytes received without errors through this interface.The number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors were detected to prevent the packets from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.EThe number of incoming packets that were discarded because of errors.The number of bytes of data transmitted without errors through this interface. This value includes bytes in unicast, broadcast, and multicast packets.PThe number of unicast packets transmitted without errors through this interface.RThe number of multicast packets transmitted without errors through this interface.RThe number of broadcast packets transmitted without errors through this interface.NThe number of unicast bytes transmitted without errors through this interface.PThe number of multicast bytes transmitted without errors through this interface.PThe number of broadcast bytes transmitted without errors through this interface.XThe number of outgoing packets that were discarded even though they did not have errors.EThe number of outgoing packets that were discarded because of errors.RDMA statisticsRSC statisticsNetwork adapter statistics4The statistics setting data for the network adapter.PAEAssociates a network adapter with the setting data of its statistics. CapabilityPA ARP OffloadFiltered Interrupt ModerationSleep on Disconnect NS OffloadWiFi Rekey OffloadSelective SuspendWake on Magic PacketWake on PatternPAApplying new settings to %1!s!Adapter %1!s! not found.4Adapter %1!s!: %2!s!: Set failed with error %3!8.8x!7Adapter %1!s!: %2!s!: Invalid configuration value %3!d!Adapter %1!s!: RestartingAdapter %1!s!:  %1!s! will be enabled  %1!s! will be disabled ; The adapter will be restarted to apply the changes.* The adapter will not be restarted.? The computer will be allowed to power down the device. C The computer will not be allowed to power down the device. PA $true $false -Enabled $true -Enabled $false -NoRestart -IncludeHidden -PassThru -Name "%1!s!' -InterfaceDescription '%1!s!'0Rename-NetAdapter -Name '%1!s!' -NewName '%2!s!'Enable-NetAdapter '%1!s!'PADisable-NetAdapter '%1!s!'Restart-NetAdapter '%1!s!'Set-NetAdapter '%1!s!' -MacAddress %1!s! -VlanID %1!d!Set-NetAdapterRss '%1!s!'Enable-NetAdapterRss '%1!s!'Disable-NetAdapterRss '%1!s!' -BaseProcessorGroup %1!d! -BaseProcessorNumber %1!d! -MaxProcessors %1!d! -NumaNode %1!d! -NumberOfReceiveQueues %1!d! -Profile %1!d! -MaxProcessorGroup %1!d! -MaxProcessorNumber %1!d!PASet-NetAdapterVmq '%1!s!'Enable-NetAdapterVmq '%1!s!'Disable-NetAdapterVmq '%1!s!' -BaseProcessorGroup %1!d! -BaseProcessorNumber %1!d! -MaxProcessors %1!d! -MaxProcessorNumber %1!d! -NumaNode %1!d!yInvalid registry data type specified for keyword '%1!s!'. Valid types are REG_SZ, REG_DWORD, REG_MULTI_SZ, and REG_QWORD.:Either a display value or registry value must be specified -AllPropertiesBRegistry keyword must be configured by specifying a registry value$Registry data type cannot be changed1Cannot reset a property that has no default valueNo matching combination of display and keyword values found. The following are valid display values: %1!s! The corresponding valid keyword values: %2!s!PANNo matching display value found. The following are valid display values: %1!s!NNo matching keyword value found. The following are valid keyword values: %1!s!,Value must be within the range %1!s! - %2!s!DValue must be within the range %1!s! - %2!s!, in increments of %3!s!&Set-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty '%1!s!'&New-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty '%1!s!')Remove-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty '%1!s!'(Reset-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty '%1!s!'PA -DisplayName '%1!s!' -DisplayValue '%1!s!' -RegistryKeyword '%1!s!' -RegistryValue '%1!s!' -RegistryDataType REG_DWORD -RegistryDataType REG_QWORD -RegistryDataType REG_SZ -RegistryDataType REG_MULTI_SZ,'%1!s!'PANetwork Configuration9Waiting for an outstanding configuration task to completeSet-NetAdapterBinding '%1!s!' Enable-NetAdapterBinding '%1!s!'!Disable-NetAdapterBinding '%1!s!' -DisplayName '%1!s!' -ComponentID '%1!s!'Set-NetAdapterQos '%1!s!'Enable-NetAdapterQos '%1!s!'Disable-NetAdapterQos '%1!s!'Set-NetAdapterRdma "%1!s!"Enable-NetAdapterRdma "%1!s!"Disable-NetAdapterRdma "%1!s!"PA%Set-NetAdapterChecksumOffload "%1!s!"(Enable-NetAdapterChecksumOffload "%1!s!")Disable-NetAdapterChecksumOffload "%1!s!" RxTxEnabled RxEnabled TxEnabledDisabled -IpIPv4 '%1!s!'PA -TcpIPv4 '%1!s!' -TcpIPv6 '%1!s!' -UdpIPv4 '%1!s!' -UdpIPv6 '%1!s!'Set-NetAdapterLso "%1!s!"Enable-NetAdapterLso "%1!s!"Disable-NetAdapterLso "%1!s!" -V1IPv4 '%1!s!' -IPv4 '%1!s!' -IPv6 '%1!s!'Set-NetAdapterRsc "%1!s!"Enable-NetAdapterRsc "%1!s!"Disable-NetAdapterRsc "%1!s!" -IPv4 '%1!s!' -IPv6 '%1!s!'3Set-NetAdapterEncapsulatedPacketTaskOffload "%1!s!"6Enable-NetAdapterEncapsulatedPacketTaskOffload "%1!s!"7Disable-NetAdapterEncapsulatedPacketTaskOffload "%1!s!"' -EncapsulatedPacketTaskOffload '%1!s!'PASet-NetAdapterSriov '%1!s!'Enable-NetAdapterSriov '%1!s!'Disable-NetAdapterSriov '%1!s!' -NumVFs %1!d!)Failed to restart network adapter '%1!s!'AFailed to set '%1!s!' of '%2!s!' configuration of adapter '%3!s!'4Requested operation not supported on adapter '%1!s!'RCannot set property '%1!s!' on network adapter '%2!s!' because it is not supported%The adapter name '%1!s!' is not validGCannot rename '%1!s!' to '%2!s!' because the new name is already in useTThe network address %1!s! is already used on a network adapter with the name '%2!s!'mThe operation cannot continue because another application is in the process of changing network configurationPA4VS_VERSION_INFO@%@%?StringFileInfo040904B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft CorporationbFileDescriptionNetwork Adapter WMI Providerr)FileVersion6.3.9600.16384 (winblue_rtm.130821-1623)>InternalNameNetAdapter.dll.LegalCopyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.NOriginalFilenameNetAdapter.dll.muij%ProductNameMicrosoft Windows Operating SystemBProductVersion6.3.9600.16384DVarFileInfo$Translation PADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPAD