MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $Rؕ3}3}3}H̴3}H̱3}Rich3}PEL!  @.rsrc@@(@  8Ph9:?@    ( 8 H X h x    0,?Cz=,4j l *<P MUIu bX~ɑh5 MUIen-US)InstanceID is an optional property that may be used to opaquely and uniquely identify an instance of this class within the scope of the instantiating Namespace. Various subclasses of this class may override this property to make it required, or a key. Such subclasses may also modify the preferred algorithms for ensuring uniqueness that are defined below. To ensure uniqueness within the NameSpace, the value of InstanceID should be constructed using the following "preferred" algorithm: <OrgID>:<LocalID> Where <OrgID> and <LocalID> are separated by a colon (:), and where <OrgID> must include a copyrighted, trademarked, or otherwise unique name that is owned by the business entity that is creating or defining the InstanceID or that is a registered ID assigned to the business entity by a recognized global authority. (This requirement is similar to the <Schema Name>_<Class Name> structure of Schema class names.) In addition, to ensure uniqueness, <OrgID> must not contain a colon (:). When using this algorithm, the first colon to appear in InstanceID must appear between <OrgID> and <LocalID>. <LocalID> is chosen by the business entity and should not be reused to identify different underlying (real-world) elements. If not null and the above "preferred" algorithm is not used, the defining entity must assure that the resulting InstanceID is not reused across any InstanceIDs produced by this or other providers for the NameSpace of this instance. If not set to null for DMTF-defined instances, the "preferred" algorithm must be used with the <OrgID> set to CIM.UThe Caption property is a short textual description (one- line string) of the object.FThe Description property provides a textual description of the object.)A user-friendly name for the object. This property allows each instance to define a user-friendly name in addition to its key properties, identity data, and description information. Note that the Name property of ManagedSystemElement is also defined as a user-friendly name. But, it is often subclassed to be a Key. It is not reasonable that the same property can convey both identity and a user-friendly name, without inconsistencies. Where Name exists and is not a Key (such as for instances of LogicalDevice), the same information can be present in both the Name and ElementName properties. Note that if there is an associated instance of CIM_EnabledLogicalElementCapabilities, restrictions on this properties may exist as defined in ElementNameMask and MaxElementNameLen properties defined in that class.2.19.0ManagedElement is an abstract class that provides a common superclass (or top of the inheritance tree) for the non-association classes in the CIM Schema.A datetime value that indicates when the object was installed. Lack of a value does not indicate that the object is not installed.The Name property defines the label by which the object is known. When subclassed, the Name property can be overridden to be a Key property.> Indicates the current statuses of the element. Various operational statuses are defined. Many of the enumeration\'s values are self-explanatory. However, a few are not and are described here in more detail. "Stressed" indicates that the element is functioning, but needs attention. Examples of "Stressed" states are overload, overheated, and so on. "Predictive Failure" indicates that an element is functioning nominally but predicting a failure in the near future. "In Service" describes an element being configured, maintained, cleaned, or otherwise administered. "No Contact" indicates that the monitoring system has knowledge of this element, but has never been able to establish communications with it. "Lost Communication" indicates that the ManagedSystem Element is known to exist and has been contacted successfully in the past, but is currently unreachable. "Stopped" and "Aborted" are similar, although the former implies a clean and orderly stop, while the latter implies an abrupt stop where the state and configuration of the element might need to be updated. "Dormant" indicates that the element is inactive or quiesced. "Supporting Entity in Error" indicates that this element might be "OK" but that another element, on which it is dependent, is in error. An example is a network service or endpoint that cannot function due to lower-layer networking problems. "Completed" indicates that the element has completed its operation. This value should be combined with either OK, Error, or Degraded so that a client can tell if the complete operation Completed with OK (passed), Completed with Error (failed), or Completed with Degraded (the operation finished, but it did not complete OK or did not report an error). "Power Mode" indicates that the element has additional power model information contained in the Associated PowerManagementService association. OperationalStatus replaces the Status property on ManagedSystemElement to provide a consistent approach to enumerations, to address implementation needs for an array property, and to provide a migration path from today\'s environment to the future. This change was not made earlier because it required the deprecated qualifier. Due to the widespread use of the existing Status property in management applications, it is strongly recommended that providers or instrumentation provide both the Status and OperationalStatus properties. Further, the first value of OperationalStatus should contain the primary status for the element. When instrumented, Status (because it is single-valued) should also provide the primary status of the element.UnknownOtherOKDegradedStressedPredictive FailureErrorNon-Recoverable ErrorStartingStoppingStopped In Service No ContactLost CommunicationAbortedDormantSupporting Entity in Error Completed Power Mode DMTF ReservedVendor ReservedAStrings describing the various OperationalStatus array values. For example, if "Stopping" is the value assigned to OperationalStatus, then this property may contain an explanation as to why an object is being stopped. Note that entries in this array are correlated with those at the same array index in OperationalStatus.PAA string indicating the current status of the object. Various operational and non-operational statuses are defined. This property is deprecated in lieu of OperationalStatus, which includes the same semantics in its enumeration. This change is made for 3 reasons: 1) Status is more correctly defined as an array. This definition overcomes the limitation of describing status using a single value, when it is really a multi-valued property (for example, an element might be OK AND Stopped. 2) A MaxLen of 10 is too restrictive and leads to unclear enumerated values. 3) The change to a uint16 data type was discussed when CIM V2.0 was defined. However, existing V1.0 implementations used the string property and did not want to modify their code. Therefore, Status was grandfathered into the Schema. Use of the deprecated qualifier allows the maintenance of the existing property, but also permits an improved definition using OperationalStatus.QIndicates the current health of the element. This attribute expresses the health of this element but not necessarily that of its subcomponents. The possible values are 0 to 30, where 5 means the element is entirely healthy and 30 means the element is completely non-functional. The following continuum is defined: "Non-recoverable Error" (30) - The element has completely failed, and recovery is not possible. All functionality provided by this element has been lost. "Critical Failure" (25) - The element is non-functional and recovery might not be possible. "Major Failure" (20) - The element is failing. It is possible that some or all of the functionality of this component is degraded or not working. "Minor Failure" (15) - All functionality is available but some might be degraded. "Degraded/Warning" (10) - The element is in working order and all functionality is provided. However, the element is not working to the best of its abilities. For example, the element might not be operating at optimal performance or it might be reporting recoverable errors. "OK" (5) - The element is fully functional and is operating within normal operational parameters and without error. "Unknown" (0) - The implementation cannot report on HealthState at this time. DMTF has reserved the unused portion of the continuum for additional HealthStates in the future.Degraded/Warning Minor failure Major failureCritical failureNon-recoverable errorCommunicationStatus indicates the ability of the instrumentation to communicate with the underlying ManagedElement. CommunicationStatus consists of one of the following values: Unknown, None, Communication OK, Lost Communication, or No Contact. A Null return indicates the implementation (provider) does not implement this property. "Unknown" indicates the implementation is in general capable of returning this property, but is unable to do so at this time. "Not Available" indicates that the implementation (provider) is capable of returning a value for this property, but not ever for this particular piece of hardware/software or the property is intentionally not used because it adds no meaningful information (as in the case of a property that is intended to add additional info to another property). "Communication OK " indicates communication is established with the element, but does not convey any quality of service. "No Contact" indicates that the monitoring system has knowledge of this element, but has never been able to establish communications with it. "Lost Communication" indicates that the Managed Element is known to exist and has been contacted successfully in the past, but is currently unreachable. Not AvailableCommunication OKDetailedStatus compliments PrimaryStatus with additional status detail. It consists of one of the following values: Not Available, No Additional Information, Stressed, Predictive Failure, Error, Non-Recoverable Error, SupportingEntityInError. Detailed status is used to expand upon the PrimaryStatus of the element. A Null return indicates the implementation (provider) does not implement this property. "Not Available" indicates that the implementation (provider) is capable of returning a value for this property, but not ever for this particular piece of hardware/software or the property is intentionally not used because it adds no meaningful information (as in the case of a property that is intended to add additional info to another property). "No Additional Information" indicates that the element is functioning normally as indicated by PrimaryStatus = "OK". "Stressed" indicates that the element is functioning, but needs attention. Examples of "Stressed" states are overload, overheated, and so on. "Predictive Failure" indicates that an element is functioning normally but a failure is predicted in the near future. "Non-Recoverable Error " indicates that this element is in an error condition that requires human intervention. "Supporting Entity in Error" indicates that this element might be "OK" but that another element, on which it is dependent, is in error. An example is a network service or endpoint that cannot function due to lower-layer networking problems.No Additional Informationm OperatingStatus provides a current status value for the operational condition of the element and can be used for providing more detail with respect to the value of EnabledState. It can also provide the transitional states when an element is transitioning from one state to another, such as when an element is transitioning between EnabledState and RequestedState, as well as other transitional conditions. OperatingStatus consists of one of the following values: Unknown, Not Available, In Service, Starting, Stopping, Stopped, Aborted, Dormant, Completed, Migrating, Emmigrating, Immigrating, Snapshotting. Shutting Down, In Test A Null return indicates the implementation (provider) does not implement this property. "Unknown" indicates the implementation is in general capable of returning this property, but is unable to do so at this time. "None" indicates that the implementation (provider) is capable of returning a value for this property, but not ever for this particular piece of hardware/software or the property is intentionally not used because it adds no meaningful information (as in the case of a property that is intended to add additional info to another property). "Servicing" describes an element being configured, maintained, cleaned, or otherwise administered. "Starting" describes an element being initialized. "Stopping" describes an element being brought to an orderly stop. "Stopped" and "Aborted" are similar, although the former implies a clean and orderly stop, while the latter implies an abrupt stop where the state and configuration of the element might need to be updated. "Dormant" indicates that the element is inactive or quiesced. "Completed" indicates that the element has completed its operation. This value should be combined with either OK, Error, or Degraded in the PrimaryStatus so that a client can tell if the complete operation Completed with OK (passed), Completed with Error (failed), or Completed with Degraded (the operation finished, but it did not complete OK or did not report an error). "Migrating" element is being moved between host elements. "Immigrating" element is being moved to new host element. "Emigrating" element is being moved away from host element. "Shutting Down" describes an element being brought to an abrupt stop. "In Test" element is performing test functions. "Transitioning" describes an element that is between states, that is, it is not fully available in either its previous state or its next state. This value should be used if other values indicating a transition to a specific state are not applicable. "In Service" describes an element that is in service and operational. Servicing Migrating EmigratingPA Immigrating Snapshotting Shutting DownIn Test TransitioningPrimaryStatus provides a high level status value, intended to align with Red-Yellow-Green type representation of status. It should be used in conjunction with DetailedStatus to provide high level and detailed health status of the ManagedElement and its subcomponents. PrimaryStatus consists of one of the following values: Unknown, OK, Degraded or Error. "Unknown" indicates the implementation is in general capable of returning this property, but is unable to do so at this time. "OK" indicates the ManagedElement is functioning normally. "Degraded" indicates the ManagedElement is functioning below normal. "Error" indicates the ManagedElement is in an Error condition.CIM_ManagedSystemElement is the base class for the System Element hierarchy. Any distinguishable component of a System is a candidate for inclusion in this class. Examples of system components include: - software components such as application servers, databases, and applications - operating system components such as files, processes, and threads - device components such as disk drives, controllers, processors, and printers - physical components such as chips and cards.2.22.0CIM_LogicalElement is a base class for all the components of a System that represent abstract system components, such as Files, Processes, or LogicalDevices.2.6.0!The friendly name of the session."Guid, the unique Id of the sessionAThe mode of the capture - SaveToFile, RealtimeRPC, RealtimeLocal.rThe local filename to which event capture traces will be written to. Only valid when CaptureMode equals SaveToFileThe maximum size of the local file to which event capture traces will be written to, in MB. Only valid when CaptureMode equals SaveToFile. Minimum value is 1. When set to 0, there is no limit on the file size.LThe trace buffer size for the ETW session. The value range is 1KB to 1024KB.=The maximum number of trace buffers used for the ETW session.<The current status of the Session - Running, Stopped, Failed<Starts the event capture, applying the session configurationStops the event capture=This class encapsulates an ETW capture session on a computer.The name of the provider>Guid, the unique id of the provider installed on the computer.PGuid, the unique id of the session, when part of a session. NULL Guid otherwise.4The session of the provider, when part of a session..The maximum event level for the event capture.9The MatchAnyKeyword mask specified for the event capture.9The MatchAllKeyword mask specified for the event capture.LThis class encapsulates an ETW provider on a computer for the event capture.KThis class encapsulates an ETW provider on a computer for the event captureName of the object)The Unique identifying key of the object.PA$Name of the packet capture provider.Current status of the Capture.=This class encapsulates a Packet Capture Target on a computer?The friendly name or description of the target network adapter.YThis class encapsulates a target network adapter, on which the traffic is to be captured.0Type of the capture - Physical, VMSwitch or BothSpecifies if the capture is required at each possible layer in the target networking stack, or just the default layer. For a VMSwitch, the filter is installed at the top of the extension stack by default. For a physical network adapater, the filter is installed just above the miniport.9Specifies MAC Addresses or LinkLayerAddress for filtering%Specifies the EtherType for filtering/Specifies the IP Addresses(V4/V6) for filtering(Specifies the IP Protocols for filtering~Specifies the packet truncation length in bytes. The default is 128. The minimum is 14. The value of zero disables truncation.vSpecifies the direction of the traffic to be captured when Vm Targets are added - Ingress, Egress or IngressAndEgress.LThis class encapsulates the Packet Capture Filter ETW provider on a computer&The parent element in the association.%The child element in the association.PA2.7.0CIM_Component is a generic association used to establish \'part of\' relationships between Managed Elements. For example, it could be used to define the components or parts of a System.Identifies the sessionIdentifies the providerGThis class encapsulates an association between a session and a providerAThe MacAddress or the LinkLayerAddress of the VM Network Adapter.FThe name of the virtual switch the VM network adapter is connected to.(The port name of the VM network adapter.GThe name of the virtual machine that the VM network adapter belongs to.EThe Id of the virtual machine that the VM network adapter belongs to.This class encapsulates a VM Network Adapter, that corresponds to a port on a virtual switch, on which the traffic is to be captured.ZEncapsulates a Virtual Switch on the hyper-v host, on which the traffic is to be captured.'Identifies the packet capture provider.%Identifies the packet capture target.hThis class encapsulates the association between the packet capture provider and a packet capture target.FAnother Session already exists on this computer with the name '%1!s!'.=There are no sessions on this computer with the name '%1!s!'.$'%1!s!' is not a valid Session name.1Session:'%1!s!' already running on this computer.HThere are no ETW Providers on this computer that match the name '%1!s!'.KThere are no Network Adapters on this computer that match the name '%1!s!'.FThere are no VM Switches on this computer that match the name '%1!s!'.PANThere are no VM Network Adapters on this computer that match the name '%1!s!'.oOperation timed out. Cannot perform requested operation as '%1!s!' is currently updating network configuration.@Access Denied. This operation requires administrator privileges.?Invalid format. Please check the value of the parameter:'%1!s!':You need to specify parameters '%1!s!' for this operation.%1!s! and %2!s!PACreates Session with Name:'%1!s!' CaptureMode:{%2!s!}, LocalFilePath:'%3!s!', MaxFileSize:'%4!u!', MaxNumberOfBuffers:'%5!u!, and TraceBufferSize:'%6!u!'.0Starts the ETW Session:'%1!s!' on this computer./Stops the ETW Session:'%1!s!' on this computer.PA3Removes the ETW Session:'%1!s!' from this computer.Adds the ETW Provider:'%1!s!' to the Session:'%2!s!' with Level:'%3!u!', MatchAllKeywords:'4%!I64!' and MatchAnyKeywords:'%5!I64!'6Removes the ETW Provider:'%1!s!' from Session:'%2!s!'.IAdds the Packet Capture ETW Provider:'%1!s!' to the Session:'%2!s!' with Level:'%3!u!', MatchAllKeywords:'4%!I64!', MatchAnyKeywords:'%5!I64!', CaptureType:'%6!s!, MultiLayer:'%7!u!, LinkLayerAddress:'%8!s!', EtherType:'%9!s!', IpAddresses:'%10!s!', IpProtocols:'%11!s!', TruncationLength:'%12!u!' and VmCaptureDirection:'%13!s!'ERemoves the Packet Capture ETW Provider:'%1!s!' from Session:'%2!s!'.qAdds Network Adapter:'%1!s!' to the Packet Capture ETW Provider:'%2!s!' in Session:'%3!s!' for filtering traffic.vRemoves Network Adapter:'%1!s!' from the Packet Capture ETW Provider:'%2!s!' in Session:'%3!s!' for filtering traffic.tAdds VM Network Adapter:'%1!s!' to the Packet Capture ETW Provider:'%2!s!' in Session:'%3!s!' for filtering traffic.yRemoves VM Network Adapter:'%1!s!' from the Packet Capture ETW Provider:'%2!s!' in Session:'%3!s!' for filtering traffic.jAdds VMSwitch:'%1!s!' to the Packet Capture ETW Provider:'%2!s!' in Session:'%3!s!' for filtering traffic.oRemoves VMSwitch:'%1!s!' from the Packet Capture ETW Provider:'%2!s!' in Session:'%3!s!' for filtering traffic. %1!s! %2!s!'%1!s!''%1!s!',4VS_VERSION_INFO@%@%?NStringFileInfo*040904B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft Corporationj!FileDescriptionNetEvent Packet Capture Providerr)FileVersion6.3.9600.16384 (winblue_rtm.130821-1623)TInternalNameNetEventPacketCapture.dll.LegalCopyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.dOriginalFilenameNetEventPacketCapture.dll.muij%ProductNameMicrosoft Windows Operating SystemBProductVersion6.3.9600.16384DVarFileInfo$Translation PADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDING