#pragma autorecover #pragma classflags(64) #pragma namespace("\\\\.\\ROOT\\CIMV2") instance of __namespace{ name="ms_409";}; #pragma namespace("\\\\.\\ROOT\\CIMV2\\ms_409") [AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x0409)] class Win32_Reliability { }; [Description("System stability index value history") : Amended ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x0409)] class Win32_ReliabilityStabilityMetrics : Win32_Reliability { [Key,Description("The UTC time at which the system stability index value was calculated") : Amended ToSubclass] datetime TimeGenerated; [Description("A GUID used to correlate reliability metrics on this computer. The GUID will be reset if an error prevents reliability metrics from being calculated") : Amended ToSubclass] string RelID; [Description("The UTC time at which reliability metric data collection began") : Amended ToSubclass] datetime StartMeasurementDate; [Description("The most recent UTC time at which reliability metric data was collected") : Amended ToSubclass] datetime EndMeasurementDate; [Description("The system stability index value") : Amended ToSubclass] real64 SystemStabilityIndex; [Description("Get the number of stability metric records") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 GetRecordCount([OUT,Description("Number of stability metric records in the database") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 RecordCount); }; [Description("Reliability related events. When available, these events are associated with the original records in the Win32_NTLogEvent class") : Amended ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x0409)] class Win32_ReliabilityRecords : Win32_Reliability { [Key,Description("The UTC time at which the source generated the event") : Amended ToSubclass] datetime TimeGenerated; [Key,Description("The name of the event log") : Amended ToSubclass] string Logfile; [Key,Description("The event record number in the original event log") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 RecordNumber; [Description("The event source") : Amended ToSubclass] string SourceName; [Description("The event ID number") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 EventIdentifier; [Description("The computer name") : Amended ToSubclass] string ComputerName; [Description("The name of the user on whose behalf the event occurred, if available") : Amended ToSubclass] string User; [Description("The product name, if available") : Amended ToSubclass] string ProductName; [Description("The text of the event as it appears in the event log") : Amended ToSubclass] string Message; [Description("The array of variables and values from the original event") : Amended ToSubclass] string InsertionStrings[]; [Description("Get the number of reliability records") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 GetRecordCount([OUT,Description("Number of reliability records in the database") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 RecordCount); };