MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $Rؕ3}3}3}H̴3}H̱3}Rich3}PEL!  ~B@}.rsrc~@@X(@ 8PhrT 6 (@ X h x           ( 8 H`8 H (($8K XW xbfHo \y${`~0̄n<MUIJ Kϑ DxޏX>am'T` MUIen-US1.0&Key-value pair for ODBC CIM providers.Name of an ODBC driver.Either '32-bit' or '64-bit'.#Key-value pairs of the ODBC driver.ODBC Driver Instance Provider.=Retrieves one or more installed ODBC drivers from the system.~Specifies one or more ODBC drivers by driver name. You can use wildcard characters. The default is to return all ODBC drivers.The platform architecture of the ODBC driver. Possible values are '32-bit', '64-bit' or 'All'. The default is 'All'. This is the platform architecture on the remote machine if this command is executed in a remote CIM session.gThe output is an array of CIM objects of type MSFT_OdbcDriver, each of which represents an ODBC driver.FConfigure driver\'s properties for one or more installed ODBC drivers.Passes the object created by this cmdlet through the pipeline. By default, this cmdlet does not pass any objects through the pipeline.Specifies the property values of the ODBC driver to be modified or added. Format as an array of strings where each string is: <key>=<value>.gSpecifies the property values of the ODBC driver to be deleted. This is an array of keys to be removed.Modifies the ODBC driver represented by the specified ODBC driver objects. Enter a variable that contains the objects, or type a command or expression that gets the objects.SSpecifies one or more ODBC drivers by driver name. You can use wildcard characters.The platform architecture of the ODBC driver. Possible values are '32-bit', '64-bit' or 'All'. The default is '32-bit' on a 32-bit process and '64-bit' on a 64-bit process. This is the platform architecture on the remote machine if this command is executed in a remote CIM session.Task provider for ODBC driver.Name of an ODBC DSN.Either 'User' or 'System'.=One of '32-bit', '64-bit', '32/64-bit' or 'Unknown Platform'.)The name of the ODBC driver for this DSN. Key-value pairs of the ODBC DSN.ODBC DSN Instance Provider.0Retrieves one or more ODBC DSNs from the system.uSpecifies one or more ODBC DSNs by DSN name. You can use wildcard characters. The default is to return all ODBC DSNs.Gets only ODBC DSNs that are using the specified ODBC driver. You can use wildcard characters. The default is to return all ODBC DSNs.The platform architecture of the ODBC DSN to retrieve. Possible values are '32-bit', '64-bit' or 'All'. The default is 'All'. This is the platform architecture on the remote machine if this command is executed in a remote CIM session.jThe type of the ODBC DSN to retrieve. Possible values are 'User', 'System' or 'All'. The default is 'All'.aThe output is an array of CIM objects of type MSFT_OdbcDsn, each of which represents an ODBC DSN.Adds an ODBC DSN.GThe name of the ODBC DSN to create. You cannot use wildcard characters.UThe name of the ODBC driver for the new ODBC DSN. You cannot use wildcard characters.uSpecifies the property values of the new ODBC DSN. Format as an array of strings where each string is: <key>=<value>.The platform architecture of the ODBC DSN you are adding. Possible values are '32-bit' or '64-bit'. The default is '32-bit' on a 32-bit process and '64-bit' on a 64-bit process. This is the platform architecture on the remote machine if this command is executed in a remote CIM session.HThe type of the ODBC DSN to add. Possible values are 'User' or 'System'.Modifies one or more ODBC DSNs.Specifies the property values of the ODBC DSN that you are modifying or adding. Format as an array of strings where each string is: <key>=<value>.dSpecifies the property values of the ODBC DSN to be deleted. This is an array of keys to be removed.Modifies the ODBC DSNs represented by the specified ODBC DSN objects. Enter a variable that contains the objects, or type a command or expression that gets the objects.AThe name of the ODBC DSN to set. You can use wildcard characters.This cmdlet will set the ODBC DSN using this driver only. You can use wildcard characters. The default is to set all ODBC DSNs.The platform architecture of the ODBC DSN to set. Possible values are '32-bit', '64-bit' or 'All'. The default is '32-bit' on a 32-bit process and '64-bit' on a 64-bit process. This is the platform architecture on the remote machine if this command is executed in a remote CIM session.OThe type of the ODBC DSN to set. Possible values are 'User', 'System' or 'All'.2Removes one or more existing DSNs from the system.Removes the ODBC DSNs represented by the specified ODBC DSN objects. Enter a variable that contains the objects, or type a command or expression that gets the objects.KSpecifies one or more ODBC DSNs to remove. You can use wildcard characters.This cmdlet will remove the ODBC DSN using this driver only. You can use wildcard characters. The default is to remove all ODBC DSNs. The platform architecture of the ODBC DSN to remove. Possible values are '32-bit', '64-bit' or 'All'. The default is '32-bit' on a 32-bit process and '64-bit' on a 64-bit process. This is the platform architecture on the remote machine if this command is executed in a remote CIM session.RThe type of the ODBC DSN to remove. Possible values are 'User', 'System' or 'All'..Task provider for ODBC Data Source Name (DSN).gThe platform architecture of the ODBC Connection Pooling PerfMon counters. Either '32-bit' or '64-bit'.@True if the ODBC connection pooling PerfMon counters is enabled.$ODBC PerfMon Counters Configuration.iEnables the ODBC Connection Pooling PerfMon counters for troubleshooting ODBC Connection Pooling feature.Enables the ODBC Connection Pooling PerfMon counters represented by the specified ODBC PerfMon counters objects. Enter a variable that contains the objects, or type a command or expression that gets the objects.The output is an array of CIM objects of type MSFT_OdbcPerfCounter, each of which represents an ODBC Performance Counter setting.6The platform architecture of the ODBC Connection Pooling PerfMon counters. Possible values are '32-bit', '64-bit' or 'All'. The default is '32-bit' on a 32-bit process and '64-bit' on a 64-bit process. This is the platform architecture on the remote machine if this command is executed on a remote CIM session.ZDisables the ODBC Connection Pooling PerfMon counters for ODBC Connection Pooling feature.Disables the ODBC Connection Pooling PerfMon counters represented by the specified ODBC PerfMon counters objects. Enter a variable that contains the objects, or type a command or expression that gets the objects.AThe platform architecture of the ODBC Connection Pooling PerfMon counters to disable. Possible values are '32-bit', '64-bit' or 'All'. The default is '32-bit' on a 32-bit process and '64-bit' on a 64-bit process. This is the platform architecture on the remote machine if this command is executed on a remote CIM session.[Retrieves the ODBC Connection Pooling PerfMon counters for ODBC Connection Pooling feature.The platform architecture of the ODBC Connection Pooling PerfMon counters to get. Possible values are '32-bit', '64-bit' or 'All'. The default is 'All'. This is the platform architecture on the remote machine if this command is executed on a remote CIM session.CTask provider for ODBC Connection Pooling PerfMon counters setting.OThe platform architecture of the BidTrace setting. Either '32-bit' or '64-bit'.LOne of the following: 1 (= Full path); 2 (= Folder); 3 (= All applications).The full path of applications for the BidTrace configuration (when Mode == 1), or the full path of application folder for the BidTrace configuration (when Mode==2). This is ignored for Mode == 3.iThe process ID of a particular application for the BidTrace configuration. This is ignored for Mode != 1.-True if the WDAC BidTrace setting is enabled.-True if the WDAC BidTrace setting is defined.&The full path of the BidTrace adapter.WDAC BidTrace Configuration.UEnables Built-in Diagnostics Tracing (BidTrace) for troubleshooting WDAC components. %Enable BidTrace for all applications.#The platform architecture of the WDAC BidTrace setting. Possible values are '32-bit', '64-bit' or 'All'. The default is '32-bit' on a 32-bit process and '64-bit' on a 64-bit process. This is the platform architecture on the remote machine if this command is executed on a remote CIM session.rThe output is an array of CIM objects of type MSFT_WdacBidTrace, each of which represents a WDAC BidTrace setting.7Enable BidTrace for all applications under this folder.Enable the BidTrace represented by the specified BidTrace setting objects. Enter a variable that contains the objects, or type a command or expression that gets the objects./Enable BidTrace for this application full path.)Enable BidTrace only for this process ID.UDisables Built-in Diagnostics Tracing (BidTrace) for troubleshooting WDAC components.&Disable BidTrace for all applications.8Disable BidTrace for all applications under this folder.Disable the BidTrace represented by the specified BidTrace setting objects. Enter a variable that contains the objects, or type a command or expression that gets the objects.0Disable BidTrace for this application full path.*Disable BidTrace only for this process ID.VRetrieves Built-in Diagnostics Tracing (BidTrace) for troubleshooting WDAC components.The platform architecture of the WDAC BidTrace setting. Possible values are '32-bit', '64-bit' or 'All'. The default is 'All'. This is the platform architecture on the remote machine if this command is executed on a remote CIM session.MGets only WDAC BidTrace settings that are associated with 'all applications'.pGets only WDAC BidTrace settings that are associated with the specified folder. You can use wildcard characters.Gets only WDAC BidTrace settings that are associated with the specified application full path. You can use wildcard characters. The default is to return all WDAC BidTrace settings.Gets only WDAC BidTrace settings that are associated with the specified Process ID. The parameter PlatformId is optional. The default is to return all WDAC BidTrace settings.;Task provider for the BidTrace setting for WDAC components.PA(%1!.300s! (Installer error code: %2!u!).%1!.255s! (32-bit ODBC driver)%1!.255s! (64-bit ODBC driver)%1!.32s! (32-bit ODBC User DSN)%1!.32s! (64-bit ODBC User DSN)"%1!.32s! (32/64-bit ODBC User DSN)+%1!.32s! (ODBC User DSN - Unknown Platform)!%1!.32s! (32-bit ODBC System DSN)!%1!.32s! (64-bit ODBC System DSN)-%1!.32s! (ODBC System DSN - Unknown Platform)/32-bit ODBC Connection Pooling PerfMon Counters/64-bit ODBC Connection Pooling PerfMon Counters %1!.260s! (32-bit WDAC BidTrace) %1!.260s! (64-bit WDAC BidTrace)Driver cannot be found.eDriver cannot be found under the specified platform. See the parameter Platform for more information.)Invalid wildcard pattern for driver name.Invalid driver name.Access denied: low-privilege user cannot manage ODBC driver. To manage an ODBC driver, start Windows PowerShell with the "Run as administrator" option.>Neither SetPropertyValue nor RemovePropertyValue is specified.CA single key {%1!.300s!} occurs more than once in SetPropertyValue.FA single key {%1!.300s!} occurs more than once in RemovePropertyValue.UA single key {%1!.300s!} is present in both SetPropertyValue and RemovePropertyValue.eSyntax error in the parameter SetPropertyValue {%1!.300s!}. It must be in the format "MyKey=MyValue".`Syntax error in the parameter RemovePropertyValue {%1!.300s!}. It must be in the format "MyKey".Attempt to set or remove the following keys: {APILevel, ConnectFunctions, Driver, DriverODBCVer, FileUsage, Setup, SQLLevel, UsageCount}. These keys should only be modified by driver setup program.1Attempt to remove a non-existant key {%1!.300s!}.%The driver name parameter is missing.DSN cannot be found.iSystem DSN cannot be found under the specified platform. See the parameter Platform for more information.dNo DSN matches the search criteria. Refine your criteria with parameters: Name, DsnType or Platform.WSystem DSN {%1!.300s!} cannot be found. See the parameter DsnType for more information.UUser DSN {%1!.300s!} cannot be found. See the parameter DsnType for more information.Invalid DSN name.6Invalid DSN type. It can either be "User" or "System".&Invalid wildcard pattern for DSN name.|Attempt to set or remove the {Driver} key of DSN. Use Remove-OdbcDsn and Add-OdbcDsn to migrate a DSN to a different driver.Attempt to set the {UID or PWD} key of a DSN. These keys should not be stored in the registry for security reason. Provide the credential information at runtime via SQLDriverConnect, SQLConnect or SQLBrowseConnect.Access denied: low-privilege user cannot manage an ODBC System DSN. To manage an ODBC System DSN, start Windows PowerShell with the "Run as administrator" option.(The driver {%1!.300s!} is not installed.uThe driver {%1!.300s!} cannot be found under the specified platform. See the parameter Platform for more information.YThe registry entry for the DSN is invalid. Verify the registry and call the cmdlet again.The DSN exists alreadyCThe driver of the DSN was uninstalled. The DSN can only be removed."The DSN name parameter is missing.nThe driver of the DSN was uninstalled. The DSN can only be removed by the "Name" parameter set of this cmdlet.PAAccess denied: low-privilege user cannot enable/disable ODBC Connection Pooling PerfMon counters. To enable/disable ODBC Connection Pooling PerfMon counters, start Windows PowerShell with the "Run as administrator" option.Cannot write to the registry.1Cannot create/write the necessary temporary file.9Cannot load the ODBC Connection Pooling PerfMon counters.;Cannot unload the ODBC Connection Pooling PerfMon counters.*Cannot find the application on the system.%Cannot find the folder on the system.Invalid Process ID./BidTrace configuration setting cannot be found.Access denied: low-privilege user cannot manage BidTrace setting. To manage BidTrace setting, start Windows PowerShell with the "Run as administrator" option.-The Path or the Folder parameter is too long.2The scope mode of the BidTrace setting is invalid.6Invalid wildcard pattern for Path or Folder parameter.Wildcard is not allowed.,The Path or the Folder parameter is missing.Out of memory.>Invalid Platform value. It can either be "32-bit" or "64-bit".EInvalid Platform value. It can either be "32-bit", "64-bit" or "All".Invalid input object.Insufficient buffer.BTimeout when waiting for another concurrent operation to complete.\Registry key {%1!.300s!} contains a value {%2!.300s!} of unsupported type. Skipping the key.MRegistry value name {%1!.300s!} is too long. Skipping the target {%2!.300s!}.URegistry value data {%1!.300s!} is too long. Skipping the registry value {%2!.300s!}.IInvalid registry value name {%1!.300s!}. Skipping the target {%2!.300s!}.2Invalid DSN name. Skipping the target {%1!.300s!}.5Invalid driver name. Skipping the target {%1!.300s!}.GThe DSN contains too many hierarchies. Skipping the target {%1!.300s!}.dRegistry is corrupt. Verify the registry and call the cmdlet again. Skipping the target {%1!.300s!}.NThe Path or the Folder parameter is too long. Skipping the target {%1!.300s!}.PA4VS_VERSION_INFO@%@%? StringFileInfo000004B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft CorporationNFileDescriptionWDAC WMI Providersr)FileVersion6.3.9600.16384 (winblue_rtm.130821-1623)@InternalNameWdacWmiProv.dll.LegalCopyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.POriginalFilenameWdacWmiProv.dll.muij%ProductNameMicrosoft Windows Operating SystemBProductVersion6.3.9600.16384DVarFileInfo$TranslationPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGX