// Copyright (c) 1997-2003 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved #pragma autorecover #pragma classflags(64) #pragma namespace("\\\\.\\root\\cli") instance of __namespace{ name="ms_409";}; #pragma namespace("\\\\.\\root\\cli\\ms_409") [Description("Instances of the CliQualifier class represent qualifiers that influence the handling of the associatied object. These qualifiers are drawn from the qualifiers on the underlying WMI object and should be handled the same way. For example ValueMap should be treated as a constraint on the values that may used with the Set verb on a property. The MaxLen qualifier should be treated as a constraint on the number of characters that can be provided on a Set.") : Amended ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x0409)] class MSFT_CliQualifier { [Description("The name of the qualifier - this must be unique within the set of qualifiers for the object the qualifier applies to") : Amended ToSubclass] STRING Name; [Description("The value for the qualifier. Note that the WMI convention will be strictly followed and qualifiers present without a value will not have any entries in this property. For example the Write qualifier is commonly used without a value and the presence of the qualifier is taken as indicating that the property is writable - its value is irrelevant.") : Amended ToSubclass] STRING QualifierValue[]; }; [Description("Instances of the CliParam class define verb parameters. Each verb has a (possibly empty) list of parameters accepted by the verb. The CliParam instance defines the name of the paramater, the default value for the parameter, the type of the parameter and whetehr the parameter is optional or not.") : Amended ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x0409)] class MSFT_CliParam { [Description("The default string defines the default value used for the parameter if the user choose not to supply any actual value.") : Amended ToSubclass] STRING Default; [Description("The Description property provides description of the parameter") : Amended ToSubclass] String Description; [Description("The Optional boolean indicates that the parameter may be omotted.") : Amended ToSubclass] BOOLEAN Optional; [Description("The ParaId string is the formal name for the parameter.") : Amended ToSubclass] STRING ParaId; [Description("The qualifiers applicable to this Parameter") : Amended ToSubclass] MSFT_CliQualifier Qualifiers[]; [Description("The Type string defines the format expected for any value supplied for this parameter.") : Amended ToSubclass] STRING Type; }; [Description("Instances of the CliVerb class represent behavior available through the alias. The Name property defines the actual function to be invoked when the verb is used in a command. The function may be either a fiixed list of system defined standard functions such as CALL. Or the function may be a method by on the Target of the alias. The verb has both a Descriptions property providing a description of what the verb does and a Usages property providing a description of how the verb should be called.") : Amended ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x0409)] class MSFT_CliVerb { [Description("The Derivation string represents the name of the method the verb is based on or the name of a standard verb (for example the standard verb 'CALL').") : Amended ToSubclass] STRING Derivation; [Description("The Description property provides the description of the verb") : Amended ToSubclass] String Description; [Description("The Name string provides the name for the verb.") : Amended ToSubclass] STRING Name; [Description("The Parameters array provides an array of objects that describe the parameters accepted by the verb.") : Amended ToSubclass] MSFT_CliParam Parameters[]; [Description("The qualifiers applicable to this Verb") : Amended ToSubclass] MSFT_CliQualifier Qualifiers[]; [Description("The VerbType property identifies the type of the verb. If the VerbType property has the value 2 (CommandLine), the verb is executed by invocation of the command line utility named in the Derivation property. If no Parameters are provided as a part of the verb definition, at invocation time the text up to the next carriage return should be passed to the utility named in the Derivation property. If any Parameters are provided as a part of the verb definition - the parameter definitions should be used in checking actual parameters provided at invocation time.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"Class Method", "Standard", "CommandLine"} : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 VerbType; [Description("The Usages array provides the text that defines how the verb should be used.") : Amended ToSubclass] String Usage; }; [Description("Instances of the CliProperty class describe values that will be used in a Format. Each property has a name, description and a Derivation. Note any formatting strategies such as truncation length or formatting strategies for numeric values will be defined in the stylesheet defined for the format containing the property.") : Amended ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x0409)] class MSFT_CliProperty { [Description("The Derivation string provides an expression that will be used by the commandline utility to derive the value for the property. The derivation must be either the name of a property defined by the Alias' WMIObject or a Command Line command such as 'w System Get Name'.") : Amended ToSubclass] STRING Derivation; [Description("The Description property provides a description of the property") : Amended ToSubclass] String Description; [Description("The Name string provides the name of the property to be displayed.") : Amended ToSubclass] STRING Name; [Description("The qualifiers applicable to this Property") : Amended ToSubclass] MSFT_CliQualifier Qualifiers[]; }; [Description("Instances of the CliFormat class represent a display strategy for the alias. The display strategy consists of a list of properties to be displayed together with aformat (represented by an XSL style sheet) to be used indisplaying them") : Amended ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x0409)] class MSFT_CliFormat { [Description("The Format string provides the location of an XSL file that can be used to format the output from the category.") : Amended ToSubclass] STRING Format; [Description("The Name string corresponds to the format used with the SHOW command. The format name may be one of the system defined formats(FULL, BRIEF, INSTANCE) or may be an arbitrary user-defined format.") : Amended ToSubclass] STRING Name; [Description("The Properties arrays is the list of properties to be shown for this Format.") : Amended ToSubclass] MSFT_CliProperty Properties[]; }; [Description("The CliConnection class defines parameters to be used with the owning alias when establishing the connection to the namespace on which the Alias will operate. If one of the connection properties is not specified it should default to the current value for that property for the utility session.") : Amended ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x0409)] class MSFT_CliConnection { [Description("Optional. If the strAuthority parameter begins with the string 'kerberos:', Kerberos authentication is used and this parameter should contain a Kerberos principal name. If the strAuthority parameter contains any other value, NTLM authentication is used and this parameter should contain an NTLM domain name. If you leave this parameter blank the operating system negotiates with DCOM to determine whether NTLM or Kerberos authentication is used. This parameter should only be used with connections to remote WMI servers. If you attempt to set the authority for a local WMI connection, the connection attempt fails. For more information see Using Kerberos or NTLM Authentication with the Scripting API in the WMI SDK help file for more information. ") : Amended ToSubclass] STRING Authority; [Description("Optional. String that specifies the localization code. If you want to use the current locale, leave it blank. If not blank, this parameter must be a string that indicates the desired locale in which information should be retrieved. For Microsoft locale identifiers, the format of the string is 'MS_xxxx', where xxxx is a string in hexadecimal form that indicates the LCID. For example, American English would appear as 'MS_409'") : Amended ToSubclass] STRING Locale; [Description("Optional. String that specifies the namespace to which you log on. For example, to log on to the root\\default namespace, use 'root\\default'. If you do not specify this parameter, it defaults to the namespace that has been configured as the default namespace for scripting. For more information on the default value for this parameter, see WMI SDK help entries on Object Creation and Monikers.") : Amended ToSubclass] STRING NameSpace; [Description("Optional. String that specifies the password to use when attempting to connect. Leave it blank to use the password of the current logged-on user. The Password parameter should only be used with connections to remote WMI servers. If you attempt to specify Password for a local WMI connection, the connection attempt fails. ") : Amended ToSubclass] STRING Password; [Description("Optional. For access to a remote computer using DCOM, this parameter specifies the computer name. One example is 'myserver'. If you do not provide this parameter, the call defaults to the local computer.") : Amended ToSubclass] STRING Server; [Description("Optional. String that specifies the user name to use while attempting to connect. This can be in the form of a user name or Domain\\Username. Leave it blank to use the current logged-on user name. The strUser parameter should only be used with connections to remote WMI servers. If you attempt to specify strUser for a local WMI connection, the connection attempt fails.") : Amended ToSubclass] STRING User; }; [Description("Instances of the CliAlias class represent aliases. These are used by the WMI command utility as a mechanism for restructuring the capabilities provided by the WMI schema. The restructuring is done by roles. The roles are represented by namespaces. CliAlias instances are organized into role oriented namespaces in such a way that the aliases required by a specific operational role will all be found together. For example all the printer management aliases will be found in the \\\\.\\root\\ops\\printer namespace. Each alias consists of a list of Formats and verbs. The formats provide various display strategies for the Alias (for example FULL or BRIEF). The verbs represent behavior that is available through the Alias (for example RESET in the context of a printer). Each format consists of a list of properties. The Alias itself is related to the schema through the Target property that contains a WQL query or a valid path (which may be just a class name) that defines the instance or set of instances the alias applies to. ") : Amended ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x0409)] class MSFT_CliAlias { [Description("The Connection object defines parameters required when connecting to WMI") : Amended ToSubclass] MSFT_CliConnection Connection; [Description("The Description property provides a description of the alias") : Amended ToSubclass] String Description; [Description("The elements of the Formats array define lists of properties to be shown for this alias. This is a list of lists indexed by the format name (for example FULL, BRIEF, INSTANCE or a user defined qualifier).") : Amended ToSubclass] MSFT_CliFormat Formats[]; [Description("The FriendlyName string provides the name for the alias. The name will be unique in the context of the namespace in which the alias is defined. Note CLASS, QUERY, PATH and RESTORE cannot be used as alias names as they appear in the same location in the syntax.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride] STRING FriendlyName; [Description("The PWhere property defines a from/where clause (i.e. a WQL query without the Select clause). The query string may contain substitution parameters (tokens preceded by a '#' mark) indicating where values may be substituted into the query string. The parameter values are taken from the tokens immediately after the alias if the token cannot be resolved to a switch or verb - this allows for example a command such as 'w KillProcess 154' where the PWhere value for the KillProcess alias would be 'From Win32_process Where ProcessId = #ProcId'") : Amended ToSubclass] STRING PWhere; [Description("The qualifiers applicable to this Alias") : Amended ToSubclass] MSFT_CliQualifier Qualifiers[]; [Description("The Target string defines the object to be operated on through the Alias. The string may be a simple class name or a WQL query. If the Target property is empty only verbs based on commandline utilities may be used by the alias") : Amended ToSubclass] STRING Target; [Description("The Verbs array is the list of verbs supported for this alias.") : Amended ToSubclass] MSFT_CliVerb Verbs[]; }; [Description("The CliSeeAlso association provides a relationship between an alias and related aliases that may be used as a part of the same role.") : Amended ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x0409)] class MSFT_CliSeeAlso { [Description("The Descriptions property provides a description of how the SeeAlsoAlias relates to the original") : Amended ToSubclass] String Description; }; [Description("A translatetable entry defines a mapping between one value or set of values and another value.") : Amended ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x0409)] class MSFT_CliTranslateTableEntry { [Description("The FromValue property defines a value or set of values that is to be translated. If the value is a set the syntax - should be used. This will be interpreted as meaning any value in collating sequence order between and including value1 and value2. If the character \"-\" is to be included it should be escaped with a \\ character") : Amended ToSubclass] string FromValue; [Description("The ToValue property defines the value to be substituted for the value recognised by the FromValue property.") : Amended ToSubclass] string ToValue; }; [AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x0409)] class MSFT_CliTranslateTable { [key,Description("The Name property provides a unique identifier for the table. This identifier may be referenced in the Translate switch.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Name; [Description("The Tbl property provides an array of translate table entries that define the translations to be performed for this translate table.") : Amended ToSubclass] MSFT_CliTranslateTableEntry Tbl[]; };