MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $Rؕ3}3}3}H̴3}H̱3}Rich3}PEL!  Xp}@V.rsrc`X@@(@(@Xp?@AELMR0^H` x           ( 8 H X h x@4"'*(06$;hB  LP pVX^p`B\`bMUI=QeiˊF6%,~FVg9 MUIen-USDisableEnableOnNetworkIdEnableDA DisableDA2Property for controlling DirectAccess rules state.FallbackSecureFallbackUnsecureFallbackPrivateDProperty for controlling DNS client name resolution fallback policy. QueryIPv6Only QueryBoth1Property for controlling DNS client query policy.7DNS Client Name Resolution Policy Table Global Settings3The version for Name Resolution Policy Table entry.lDNS namespace which can be a Suffix/Prefix/FQDN/Subnet/Any.In order to specify Any, the value must be .(dot)PA&Name which uniquely identifies a rule.,An optional friendly name for the NRPT rule.;Property which identifies if DNSSEC is enabled on the rule.1Property to enable AD bit check on DNS responses.5Property to tunnel DNSSEC queries over IPsec channel.5Property to control IPsec tunnel encryption settings.NoneLowMediumHighAProperty which identifies if DirectAccess is enabled on the rule.6Certification authority to validate the IPsec channel.9The DNS servers which will be queried when DA is enabled.2Property to tunnel DNS queries over IPsec channel.AThe proxy server type to be used when connecting to the Internet.NoProxyPA UseDefault UseProxyName<The proxy server to be used when connecting to the Internet.=The DNS servers the DNS query is sent to when DA is disabled.0Encoding format for host names in the DNS query.Utf8WithMappingUtf8WithoutMappingPunycode0A user friendly description of the current rule.-DNS Client Name Resolution Policy Table Entry7DNS namespace which can be a Suffix/Prefix/FQDN/Subnet.5Property which identifies if DirectAccess is enabled.ACertification authority to validate the IPsec channel for DNSSEC.-Whether DNSSEC validation is required or not.-Whether IPsec is required for DNSSEC queries."IPsec encryption level for DNSSEC.HCertificattion authority to validate the IPsec channel for DirectAccess.+Whether IPsec is required for DirectAccess.(IPsec encryption level for DirectAccess.CThe DNS servers which will be queried when DirectAccess is enabled.DirectGeneric DNS ServersDNS Client Policy ConfigurationModifies Global NRPT settings$Property that controls Direct Access=Name of GPO, if not specified the default GPO on the domain Server hosting the GPO6Specifies if result of the cmdlet should be displayedMicrosoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance#DnsClientNrptGlobal object contains all the properties of DNS client NRPT Global settings.8Retrieves Name Resolution Policy Table global settingsDNS Client NRPT+Adds a rule to Name Resolution Policy TablePAEThe DNS servers which will be queried when Direct Access is enabled BProperty for controlling whether IPsec is required or not for DA 5Property for controlling IPsec encryption type for DA=The proxy server to be used when connecting to the Internet ?The proxy server type to be used when connecting to Internet. GProperty for controlling whether Dnssec validation is required or not 3Property for controlling DirectAccess rules state. 7Certification authority to validate the IPsec channel Stores admin notes FAn optional friendly name for the Name Resolution Policy Table rule 1Property to tunnel DNS queries over IPsec channel6Property to control Ipsec tunnel encryption settings >The DNS servers the DNS query is sent to when DA is disabled 1Encoding format for host names in the DNS query oDNS namespace which can be a suffix/prefix/FQDN/subnet/any. In order to specify any, the value must be .(dot) ~Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance#DnsClientNrptRule Object contains all the properties of DNS client NRPT rulePARemoves DNS client NRPT rule#Name of the GPO on which to operate'Name which uniquely identifies a rule %Name of the server containing the GPOSpecifies not to issue a prompt7Retrieves DNS client Name Resolution Policy Table rules%Name which uniquely identifies a ruleServer hosting the gpo2Modifies DNS client NRPT rule for given namespace.8Property for controlling IPsec encryption type for DA. CThe DNS servers which will be queried when Direct Access is enabled=The proxy server type to be used when connecting to Internet.EAn optional friendly name for the Name Resolution Policy Table rule.FCertification authority to validate the Ipsec channel for DirectAccess<The DNS servers the DNS query is sent to when DA is disabledmDNS namespace which can be a suffix/prefix/FQDN/subnet/any. In order to specify any, the value must be .(dot)"Property to store admin comments.5Property to control Ipsec tunnel encryption settings.HProperty for controlling whether Dnssec validation is required or not.<Name of GPO, if not specified the default GPO on the domain.DNS Client NRPT RuleBRetrieves Name Resolution Policy Table configured on the machineCIf this parameter is specified then EffectiveNrptPolicy is returnedMicrosoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance#DnsClientPolicyConfiguration object contains all the properties of DNS client NRPT policy. If "Effective" is specified, only the contents of Effective policy are retrieved./CIM class for Nrpt policy configured on machine4DNS Name Resolution Policy Table Powershell ProviderRule %1 was not found.Rule %1 is corrupt.#Unable to perform PassThru request.A Group Policy Object(GPO) name was not specified. In order to configure NRPT settings in the GPO, you must specify a valid GPO name for the domain and optionally the domain controller on which you want to configure the settings.At least one of EnableDAForAllNetworks, SecureNameQueryFallback and QueryPolicy parameters must be specified for the operation to complete.Failed to load the NRPT information. If you have specified GPOName, verify that the machine is domain joined and the input GPO is present on the domain controller. If GPOName was not specified, verify that you have administrative privileges on the machine.CFailed to set the value for property %1. Input value specified: %2.PAdInvalid DAProxyServername. Please provide a value for DAProxyServerName in the format <Name>:<Port>.!Failed to create a new NRPT rule.0Failed to commit the configuration to the store.dFailed to update one of Namespace, Comment, DisplayName or IPSecCARestriction property for the rule..Failed to update DNSSEC settings for the rule.*Failed to update DA settings for the rule.2Failed to update generic DNS servers for the rule.*Failed to update IDN setting for the rule.zThe DAProxyType is specified as UseProxyName but DAProxyServerName parameter is empty. Please provide a DAProxyServerName.*Failed to update the version for the rule.The rule creation or editing requires specifying a valid value for at least one of: DnsSecEnable, DAEnable, NameServers or NameEncoding parameters to the cmdlet.You must specify the DnsSecEnable parameter to the cmdlet in order to configure DnsSecIPsecRequired, DnsSecValidationRequired or DnsSecIPsecEncryptionType on the rule.bYou must specify the DnsSecIPsecRequired parameter inorder to configure DnsSecIPsecEncryptionType.You must specify the DAEnable parameter to the cmdlet in order to configure DANameServers, DAIPsecRequired, DAIPsecEncryptionType, DAProxyType or DAProxyServerName on the rule.PAVYou must specify DAIPsecRequired parameter inorder to configure DAIPsecEncryptionType.YThe input value for DANameServers must contain one or more valid IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.QThe input value for NameServers must contain one or more IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.DNSSEC is not configured on the rule. You must specify the DnsSecEnable parameter with a value of $true to the cmdlet in order to configure DnsSecIPsecRequired, DnsSecValidationRequired or DnsSecIPsecEncryptionType on the rule.DnsSecIPsecRequired is not configured on the rule. You must specify the DnsSecIPsecRequired parameter with value a of $true to configure DnsSecIPsecEncryptionType.DA is not configured on the rule. You must specify the DAEnable parameter with a value of $true to the cmdlet in order to configure DANameServers, DAIPsecRequired, DAIPsecEncryptionType, DAProxyType or DAProxyServerName on the rule.DAIPsecRequired is not configured on the rule. You must specify the DAIPsecRequired parameter with a value of $true to configure DAIPsecEncryptionType.DAProxyServerName parameter can be specified only when the parameter DAProxyType is specified and with value equal to UseProxyName./Cannot get rule %1 due to unrecognized version./Cannot set rule %1 due to unrecognized version.2Cannot remove rule %1 due to unrecognized version.7Memory allocation failure when performing the operationFailed to enumerate rules.Failed to remove %1 ruleOFailed to retrieve NRPT policy. Please refer to extended error for more detailsAdding NRPT rule for namespace %1 with DAEnable: %2 DnsSecValidationRequired: %3 NameEncoding: %4 NameServers: %5 in %6 GPOzAdding NRPT rule for namespace %1 with DAEnable: %2 DnsSecValidationRequired: %3 NameEncoding: %4 NameServers: %5 Removing NRPT rule for namespace %1 with DAEnable: %2 DnsSecValidationRequired: %3 NameEncoding: %4 NameServers: %5 in %6 GPO{Removing NRPT rule for namespace %1 with DAEnable: %2 DnsSecValidationRequired: %3 NameEncoding: %4 NameServers: %5,Setting global parameters for NRPT in %1 GPO"Setting global parameters for NRPTEnabling DNSSECDisabling DNSSECEnabling DNSSEC in %1 GPODisabling DNSSEC in %1 GPOEnabling DirectAccessDisabling DirectAccessEnabling DirectAccess in %1 GPO Disabling DirectAccess in %1 GPO!Setting namespace to %1 in %2 GPOSetting namespace to %1PA"Setting NameServer to %1 in %2 GPOSetting NameServer to %1Clearing NameServer in %1 GPOClearing NameServer$Setting NameEncoding to %1 in %2 GPOSetting NameEncoding to %1EnabledDisabledNoPARemoving NRPT rule for namespace %1 with DAEnable: %2, DnsSecValidationRequired: %3, NameEncoding: %4 NameServers: %5 in %6 GPO Do you want to continue?Removing NRPT rule for namespace %1 with DAEnable: %2, DnsSecValidationRequired: %3, NameEncoding: %4 NameServers: %5 Do you want to continue?4VS_VERSION_INFO@%@%?6StringFileInfo040904B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft Corporation\FileDescriptionDNS Client WMIv2 Providerr)FileVersion6.3.9600.16384 (winblue_rtm.130821-1623)PInternalNameDnsClientPsProvider.dll.LegalCopyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.`OriginalFilenameDnsClientPsProvider.dll.muij%ProductNameMicrosoft Windows Operating SystemBProductVersion6.3.9600.16384DVarFileInfo$Translation PADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGX