// Copyright (c) 1997-2011 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved // shoaibn@microsoft.com #pragma autorecover #pragma classflags ("forceupdate") #pragma namespace("\\\\.\\root\\Microsoft\\Windows\\ServerManager") instance of __namespace{ name="MS_409";}; #pragma namespace("\\\\.\\root\\Microsoft\\Windows\\ServerManager\\MS_409") [Version("2.22.1") : Amended,Description("CIM_Error is a specialized class that contains information about the severity, cause, recommended actions and other data related to the failure of a CIM Operation. Instances of this type MAY be included as part of the response to a CIM Operation.") : Amended ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE("MS_409")] class CIM_Error { [Description("Primary classification of the error. The following values are defined: \n2 - Communications Error. Errors of this type are principally associated with the procedures and/or processes required to convey information from one point to another. \n3 - Quality of Service Error. Errors of this type are principally associated with failures that result in reduced functionality or performance. \n4 - Software Error. Error of this type are principally associated with a software or processing fault. \n5 - Hardware Error. Errors of this type are principally associated with an equipment or hardware failure. \n6 - Environmental Error. Errors of this type are principally associated with a failure condition relating the to facility, or other environmental considerations. \n7 - Security Error. Errors of this type are associated with security violations, detection of viruses, and similar issues. \n8 - Oversubscription Error. Errors of this type are principally associated with the failure to allocate sufficient resources to complete the operation. \n9 - Unavailable Resource Error. Errors of this type are principally associated with the failure to access a required resource. \n10 -Unsupported Operation Error. Errors of this type are principally associated with requests that are not supported.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"Unknown", "Other", "Communications Error", "Quality of Service Error", "Software Error", "Hardware Error", "Environmental Error", "Security Error", "Oversubscription Error", "Unavailable Resource Error", "Unsupported Operation Error", "DMTF Reserved"} : Amended ToSubclass] uint16 ErrorType; [Description("A free-form string describing the ErrorType when 1, \"Other\", is specified as the ErrorType.") : Amended ToSubclass] string OtherErrorType; [Description("A string that uniquely identifies the entity that owns the definition of the format of the Message described in this instance. OwningEntity MUST include a copyrighted, trademarked or otherwise unique name that is owned by the business entity or standards body defining the format.") : Amended ToSubclass] string OwningEntity; [Description("An opaque string that uniquely identifies, within the scope of the OwningEntity, the format of the Message.") : Amended ToSubclass] string MessageID; [Description("The formatted message. This message is constructed by combining some or all of the dynamic elements specified in the MessageArguments property with the static elements uniquely identified by the MessageID in a message registry or other catalog associated with the OwningEntity.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Message; [Description("An array containing the dynamic content of the message.") : Amended ToSubclass] string MessageArguments[]; [Description("An enumerated value that describes the severity of the Indication from the notifier\\'s point of view: \n0 - the Perceived Severity of the indication is unknown or indeterminate. \n1 - Other, by CIM convention, is used to indicate that the Severity\\'s value can be found in the OtherSeverity property. \n2 - Information should be used when providing an informative response. \n3 - Degraded/Warning should be used when its appropriate to let the user decide if action is needed. \n4 - Minor should be used to indicate action is needed, but the situation is not serious at this time. \n5 - Major should be used to indicate action is needed NOW. \n6 - Critical should be used to indicate action is needed NOW and the scope is broad (perhaps an imminent outage to a critical resource will result). \n7 - Fatal/NonRecoverable should be used to indicate an error occurred, but it\\'s too late to take remedial action. \n2 and 0 - Information and Unknown (respectively) follow common usage. Literally, the Error is purely informational or its severity is simply unknown.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"Unknown", "Other", "Information", "Degraded/Warning", "Minor", "Major", "Critical", "Fatal/NonRecoverable", "DMTF Reserved"} : Amended ToSubclass] uint16 PerceivedSeverity; [Description("An enumerated value that describes the probable cause of the error.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"Unknown", "Other", "Adapter/Card Error", "Application Subsystem Failure", "Bandwidth Reduced", "Connection Establishment Error", "Communications Protocol Error", "Communications Subsystem Failure", "Configuration/Customization Error", "Congestion", "Corrupt Data", "CPU Cycles Limit Exceeded", "Dataset/Modem Error", "Degraded Signal", "DTE-DCE Interface Error", "Enclosure Door Open", "Equipment Malfunction", "Excessive Vibration", "File Format Error", "Fire Detected", "Flood Detected", "Framing Error", "HVAC Problem", "Humidity Unacceptable", "I/O Device Error", "Input Device Error", "LAN Error", "Non-Toxic Leak Detected", "Local Node Transmission Error", "Loss of Frame", "Loss of Signal", "Material Supply Exhausted", "Multiplexer Problem", "Out of Memory", "Output Device Error", "Performance Degraded", "Power Problem", "Pressure Unacceptable", "Processor Problem (Internal Machine Error)", "Pump Failure", "Queue Size Exceeded", "Receive Failure", "Receiver Failure", "Remote Node Transmission Error", "Resource at or Nearing Capacity", "Response Time Excessive", "Retransmission Rate Excessive", "Software Error", "Software Program Abnormally Terminated", "Software Program Error (Incorrect Results)", "Storage Capacity Problem", "Temperature Unacceptable", "Threshold Crossed", "Timing Problem", "Toxic Leak Detected", "Transmit Failure", "Transmitter Failure", "Underlying Resource Unavailable", "Version Mismatch", "Previous Alert Cleared", "Login Attempts Failed", "Software Virus Detected", "Hardware Security Breached", "Denial of Service Detected", "Security Credential Mismatch", "Unauthorized Access", "Alarm Received", "Loss of Pointer", "Payload Mismatch", "Transmission Error", "Excessive Error Rate", "Trace Problem", "Element Unavailable", "Element Missing", "Loss of Multi Frame", "Broadcast Channel Failure", "Invalid Message Received", "Routing Failure", "Backplane Failure", "Identifier Duplication", "Protection Path Failure", "Sync Loss or Mismatch", "Terminal Problem", "Real Time Clock Failure", "Antenna Failure", "Battery Charging Failure", "Disk Failure", "Frequency Hopping Failure", "Loss of Redundancy", "Power Supply Failure", "Signal Quality Problem", "Battery Discharging", "Battery Failure", "Commercial Power Problem", "Fan Failure", "Engine Failure", "Sensor Failure", "Fuse Failure", "Generator Failure", "Low Battery", "Low Fuel", "Low Water", "Explosive Gas", "High Winds", "Ice Buildup", "Smoke", "Memory Mismatch", "Out of CPU Cycles", "Software Environment Problem", "Software Download Failure", "Element Reinitialized", "Timeout", "Logging Problems", "Leak Detected", "Protection Mechanism Failure", "Protecting Resource Failure", "Database Inconsistency", "Authentication Failure", "Breach of Confidentiality", "Cable Tamper", "Delayed Information", "Duplicate Information", "Information Missing", "Information Modification", "Information Out of Sequence", "Key Expired", "Non-Repudiation Failure", "Out of Hours Activity", "Out of Service", "Procedural Error", "Unexpected Information", "DMTF Reserved"} : Amended ToSubclass] uint16 ProbableCause; [Description("A free-form string describing the probable cause of the error.") : Amended ToSubclass] string ProbableCauseDescription; [Description("A free-form string describing recommended actions to take to resolve the error.") : Amended ToSubclass] string RecommendedActions[]; [Description("The identifying information of the entity (i.e., the instance) generating the error. If this entity is modeled in the CIM Schema, this property contains the path of the instance encoded as a string parameter. If not modeled, the property contains some identifying string that names the entity that generated the error. The path or identifying string is formatted per the ErrorSourceFormat property.") : Amended ToSubclass] string ErrorSource; [Description("The format of the ErrorSource property is interpretable based on the value of this property. Values are defined as: \n0 - Unknown. The format is unknown or not meaningfully interpretable by a CIM client application. \n1 - Other. The format is defined by the value of the OtherErrorSourceFormat property.2 - CIMObjectPath. A CIM Object Path as defined in the CIM Infrastructure specification. Note: CIM 2.5 and earlier used the term object names.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"Unknown", "Other", "CIMObjectPath", "DMTF Reserved"} : Amended ToSubclass] uint16 ErrorSourceFormat; [Description("A string defining \"Other\" values for ErrorSourceFormat. This value MUST be set to a non NULL value when ErrorSourceFormat is set to a value of 1 (\"Other\"). For all other values of ErrorSourceFormat, the value of this string must be set to NULL.") : Amended ToSubclass] string OtherErrorSourceFormat; [Description("The CIM status code that characterizes this instance. \nThis property defines the status codes that MAY be return by a conforming CIM Server or Listener. Note that not all status codes are valid for each operation. The specification for each operation SHOULD define the status codes that may be returned by that operation. \nThe following values for CIM status code are defined: \n1 - CIM_ERR_FAILED. A general error occurred that is not covered by a more specific error code. \n2 - CIM_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED. Access to a CIM resource was not available to the client. \n3 - CIM_ERR_INVALID_NAMESPACE. The target namespace does not exist. \n4 - CIM_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER. One or more parameter values passed to the method were invalid. \n5 - CIM_ERR_INVALID_CLASS. The specified Class does not exist. \n6 - CIM_ERR_NOT_FOUND. The requested object could not be found. \n7 - CIM_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED. The requested operation is not supported. \n8 - CIM_ERR_CLASS_HAS_CHILDREN. Operation cannot be carried out on this class since it has instances. \n9 - CIM_ERR_CLASS_HAS_INSTANCES. Operation cannot be carried out on this class since it has instances. \n10 - CIM_ERR_INVALID_SUPERCLASS. Operation cannot be carried out since the specified superclass does not exist. \n11 - CIM_ERR_ALREADY_EXISTS. Operation cannot be carried out because an object already exists. \n12 - CIM_ERR_NO_SUCH_PROPERTY. The specified Property does not exist. \n13 - CIM_ERR_TYPE_MISMATCH. The value supplied is incompatible with the type. \n14 - CIM_ERR_QUERY_LANGUAGE_NOT_SUPPORTED. The query language is not recognized or supported. \n15 - CIM_ERR_INVALID_QUERY. The query is not valid for the specified query language. \n16 - CIM_ERR_METHOD_NOT_AVAILABLE. The extrinsic Method could not be executed. \n17 - CIM_ERR_METHOD_NOT_FOUND. The specified extrinsic Method does not exist. \n18 - CIM_ERR_UNEXPECTED_RESPONSE. The returned response to the asynchronous operation was not expected. \n19 - CIM_ERR_INVALID_RESPONSE_DESTINATION. The specified destination for the asynchronous response is not valid. \n20 - CIM_ERR_NAMESPACE_NOT_EMPTY. The specified Namespace is not empty.\n21 - CIM_ERR_INVALID_ENUMERATION_CONTEXT. The enumeration context supplied is not valid.\n22 - CIM_ERR_INVALID_OPERATION_TIMEOUT. The specified Namespace is not empty.\n23 - CIM_ERR_PULL_HAS_BEEN_ABANDONED. The specified Namespace is not empty.\n24 - CIM_ERR_PULL_CANNOT_BE_ABANDONED. The attempt to abandon a pull operation has failed.\n25 - CIM_ERR_FILTERED_ENUMERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED. Filtered Enumeratrions are not supported.\n26 - CIM_ERR_CONTINUATION_ON_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED. Continue on error is not supported.\n27 - CIM_ERR_SERVER_LIMITS_EXCEEDED. The WBEM Server limits have been exceeded (e.g. memory, connections, ...).\n28 - CIM_ERR_SERVER_IS_SHUTTING_DOWN. The WBEM Server is shutting down.\n29 - CIM_ERR_QUERY_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED. The specified Query Feature is not supported.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"CIM_ERR_FAILED", "CIM_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED", "CIM_ERR_INVALID_NAMESPACE", "CIM_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER", "CIM_ERR_INVALID_CLASS", "CIM_ERR_NOT_FOUND", "CIM_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED", "CIM_ERR_CLASS_HAS_CHILDREN", "CIM_ERR_CLASS_HAS_INSTANCES", "CIM_ERR_INVALID_SUPERCLASS", "CIM_ERR_ALREADY_EXISTS", "CIM_ERR_NO_SUCH_PROPERTY", "CIM_ERR_TYPE_MISMATCH", "CIM_ERR_QUERY_LANGUAGE_NOT_SUPPORTED", "CIM_ERR_INVALID_QUERY", "CIM_ERR_METHOD_NOT_AVAILABLE", "CIM_ERR_METHOD_NOT_FOUND", "CIM_ERR_UNEXPECTED_RESPONSE", "CIM_ERR_INVALID_RESPONSE_DESTINATION", "CIM_ERR_NAMESPACE_NOT_EMPTY", "CIM_ERR_INVALID_ENUMERATION_CONTEXT", "CIM_ERR_INVALID_OPERATION_TIMEOUT", "CIM_ERR_PULL_HAS_BEEN_ABANDONED", "CIM_ERR_PULL_CANNOT_BE_ABANDONED", "CIM_ERR_FILTERED_ENUMERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED", "CIM_ERR_CONTINUATION_ON_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED", "CIM_ERR_SERVER_LIMITS_EXCEEDED", "CIM_ERR_SERVER_IS_SHUTTING_DOWN", "CIM_ERR_QUERY_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED", "DMTF Reserved"} : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 CIMStatusCode; [Description("A free-form string containing a human-readable description of CIMStatusCode. This description MAY extend, but MUST be consistent with, the definition of CIMStatusCode.") : Amended ToSubclass] string CIMStatusCodeDescription; }; [Description("Class that represents the results selected by a BPA path.") : Amended ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE("MS_409")] class MSFT_ServerBpaResult { [Description("The BPA path that generated the results.") : Amended ToSubclass] string BpaXPath; [Description("The value selected by the BPA path.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Values[]; }; [Description("Represents the cluster attribute of the managed node.") : Amended ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE("MS_409")] class MSFT_ServerClusterInformation { [Description("The name of the cluster.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Name; [Values{"Standalone", "Node", "Cluster Name Object", "Client Access Point", "Distributed Network Name"} : Amended ToSubclass,Description("The type of cluster object type.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint8 ObjectType; [Values{"Core Cluster", "Available Storage", "Temporary", "Shared Volume", "Pool", "File Server", "Print Server", "Dhcp Server", "Distributed Transaction Controller", "Microsoft Message Queue", "Wins Server", "Standalone Dfs", "Generic Application", "Generic Service", "Generic Script", "iSns Server", "Virtual Machine", "Ts Session Broker", "iScsi Target Server", "Scale-out File Server", "Hyper-V Replica Broker", "Task Scheduler", "Update Agent", "Unknown"} : Amended ToSubclass,Description("The group type of the cluster object.") : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 GroupType; }; [Description("Represents an extended error information regarding the a failure in Server Manager's Provider.") : Amended ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE("MS_409")] class MSFT_ServerError : CIM_Error { [Description("The error code reported by the provider.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 ErrorCode; [Description("The extended error code reported by the provider.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 ExtendedErrorCode; }; [Description("Represents the detailed information of an event in a particular log generated by a specific source.") : Amended ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE("MS_409")] class MSFT_ServerEventDetail { [Description("The ID of the event.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 Id; [Description("The level of the event.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint16 Level; [Description("The log this event is read.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Log; [Description("The record ID of the event in the event log.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 RecordId; [Description("The source that logged the event.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Source; [Description("The logged time of the event.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint64 Timestamp; [Description("The text description of the event.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Description; [Description("The ID of the query file that selected this event.") : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 QueryFileId; }; [Description("Represents an event log.") : Amended ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE("MS_409")] class MSFT_ServerEventLog { [Description("The name of the event log.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Name; [Description("The localized name of the event log. ") : Amended ToSubclass] string LocalizedName; }; [Description("Represents a server feature on the managed node.") : Amended ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE("MS_409")] class MSFT_ServerFeature { [Description("The ID of the feature.") : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 Id; [Description("The feature's parent name.") : Amended ToSubclass] string ParentName; [Description("The name of the feature.") : Amended ToSubclass] string UniqueName; [Description("The localized name of the feature.") : Amended ToSubclass] string DisplayName; [Values{"Available", "Installed", "Uninstall Pending", "Install Pending", "Not Present", "Removed", "Unknown"} : Amended ToSubclass,Description("The install state of the feature.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint8 State; [Values{"Role", "Role Service", "Feature"} : Amended ToSubclass,Description("The type of the feature.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint8 Type; [Values{"Configuration Failed", "Not Configured", "Configured", "Not Applicable"} : Amended ToSubclass,Description("The configuration status of the feature.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint8 ConfigurationStatus; [Description("The file name of the event query for the feature.") : Amended ToSubclass] string EventQuery; [Description("The name of the services for the feature.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Services[]; [Description("The ID of the BPA models of the feature.") : Amended ToSubclass] string BpaModels[]; }; [Description("Represents the inventory information of the server.") : Amended ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE("MS_409")] class MSFT_ServerInventory { [Description("The name of the server.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Name; [Description("The description of the server.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Description; [Description("The fully qualified domain of the server.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Fqdn; [Description("The domain name of the server.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Domain; [Description("Is the server joined to a domain.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean IsDomainJoined; [Values{"Unknown", "Physical", "Virtual"} : Amended ToSubclass,Description("The type of the server.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint8 Type; [Description("The product ID of the server.") : Amended ToSubclass] string ProductId; [Values{"Unknown", "Disabled", "Disabled by Group Policy", "Enabled", "Enabled by GroupPolicy"} : Amended ToSubclass,Description("The Customer Experience Improvement Program setting on the server.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint8 CeipSetting; [Description("The Windows Error Reporting setting on the server.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint8 WerSetting; [Description("Is Windows Error Reporting setting enforced by Group Policy.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean IsWerSettingEnforcedByGP; [Values{"Unknown", "Activated", "Not Activated"} : Amended ToSubclass,Description("The activation status of the server.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint8 ActivationStatus; [Description("The timestamp of the last update by Component Based Servicing.") : Amended ToSubclass] datetime CbsTimestamp; [Description("The total physical memory installed on the server.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint64 TotalPhysicalMemory; [Description("The manufacturer of the server.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Manufacturer; [Description("The names of the processors installed on the server.") : Amended ToSubclass] string ProcessorNames[]; }; [Description("Class that exposes Multi Machine Server Manager tasks.") : Amended ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE("MS_409")] class MSFT_ServerManagerTasks { [Description("Retrieves the performance counter samples logged by a Data Collector Set at the specified time stamps.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 GetCounterSamplesAtTime([In,Description("The name of the Data Collector Set in Performance Logs & Alerts.") : Amended ToSubclass] string CollectorName,[In,Description("The list of performance counters to query in the performance log file.") : Amended ToSubclass] string CounterPaths[],[In,Description("The list of timestamps to filter the performance counter samples.") : Amended ToSubclass] datetime Timestamps[],[In,Description("The batch size to use for streaming data back to the client.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 BatchSize,[Out,Description("The selected performance counter samples.") : Amended ToSubclass] MSFT_ServerPerformanceCounterSamples cmdletOutput[]); [Description("Retrieves the performance counter samples logged by a Data Collector Set in a particular time range.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 GetCounterSamplesInTimeRange([In,Description("The name of the Data Collector Set in Performance Logs & Alerts.") : Amended ToSubclass] string CollectorName,[In,Description("The list of performance counters to query in the performance log file.") : Amended ToSubclass] string CounterPaths[],[In,Description("The start boundary of the time range.") : Amended ToSubclass] datetime StartTime,[In,Description("The end boundary of the time range.") : Amended ToSubclass] datetime EndTime,[In,Description("The batch size to use for streaming data back to the client.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 BatchSize,[Out,Description("The selected performance counter samples.") : Amended ToSubclass] MSFT_ServerPerformanceCounterSamples cmdletOutput[]); [Description("Retrieves the state of a Data Collector Set in Performance Logs & Alerts.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 GetPerformanceCollectorState([In,Description("The name of the Data Collector Set in Performance Logs & Alerts.") : Amended ToSubclass] string CollectorName,[Out,Values{"Stopped", "Running"} : Amended ToSubclass,Description("The state of the data collector set in PLA.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint8 cmdletOutput); [Description("Configures the state of a Data Collector Set in Performance Logs & Alerts.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 SetPerformanceCollectorState([In,Description("The name of the Data Collector Set in Performance Logs & Alerts.") : Amended ToSubclass] string CollectorName,[In,Values{"Stopped", "Running"} : Amended ToSubclass,Description("The required state of the Data Collector Set.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint8 State); [Description("Retrieves the BPA model results from the server.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 GetServerBpaResult([In,Description("The BPA paths to query.") : Amended ToSubclass] string BpaXPaths[],[In,Description("The batch size to stream results in.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 BatchSize,[Out,Description("The results selected by the specified BPA paths.") : Amended ToSubclass] MSFT_ServerBpaResult cmdletOutput[]); [Description("Retrieves the access names and name of all the nodes in the cluster.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 GetServerClusterName([Out,Description("The list of cluster names.") : Amended ToSubclass] string cmdletOutput[]); [Description("Retrieves the details of events generated in an event log by a particular source.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 GetServerEventDetail([In,Description("The list of logs to query when collecting events.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Logs[],[In,BitValues{"Critical", "Error", "Warning", "Informational", "All"} : Amended ToSubclass,Description("An array of bitmasks that specify the level of events to query.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint8 Levels[],[In,Description("The list of start times used to filter the events based on the log time.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint64 StartTimes[],[In,Description("The list of end times used to filter the events based on the logged time.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint64 EndTimes[],[In,Description("The batch size to use for streaming data back to the client.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 BatchSize,[In,Description("The list of query files to use when for collecting feature events.") : Amended ToSubclass] string QueryFiles[],[In,Description("The list of query file ids to return as the query file identifier in the event details object. If this is null or empty, the index of the file in the QueryFiles paramerter is returned. If present the number of elements should exactly match the number of elements in the QueryFiles parameter.") : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 QueryFileIds[],[Out,Description("The log time of the latest event returned by the function.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint64 LatestEventTimestamp,[Out,Description("The list of selected events that match the specified criteria.") : Amended ToSubclass] MSFT_ServerEventDetail cmdletOutput[]); [Description("Gets the server features on the managed node.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 GetServerFeature([In,BitValues{"Available", "Installed", "UninstallPending", "InstallPending", "NotPresent", "Removed", "Unknown"} : Amended ToSubclass,Description("Return only features that are in a particular install state.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 FilterFlags,[In,Description("The batch size to stream results in.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 BatchSize,[Out,Description("Flag indicating whether a reboot required status is reported by CBS.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean RequiresReboot,[Out,Description("The requested list of features.") : Amended ToSubclass] MSFT_ServerFeature cmdletOutput[]); [Description("Retrieves the basic inventory information of the server.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 GetServerInventory([In,Description("Optional parameter specifying the name used in the server manager to add the managed node.") : Amended ToSubclass] string SMServerId,[Out,Description("The miscellaneous inventory information of the server.") : Amended ToSubclass] MSFT_ServerInventory ServerInventory,[Out,Description("The operating system details of the server.") : Amended ToSubclass] MSFT_ServerOperatingSystem OperatingSystem,[Out,Description("The cluster information of the server.") : Amended ToSubclass] MSFT_ServerClusterInformation ClusterInformation,[Out,Description("The list of network adapters installed on the server.") : Amended ToSubclass] MSFT_ServerNetworkAdapter NetworkAdapters[],[Out,Description("The list of event logs installed on the server.") : Amended ToSubclass] MSFT_ServerEventLog EventLogs[]); [Description("Retrieves the details of the specified Win32 services on the managed node.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 GetServerServiceDetail([In,Description("The list of services to query on the managed node.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Services[],[In,Description("The batch size for streamed results.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 BatchSize,[Out,Description("The details regarding the list of win32 services selected from server.") : Amended ToSubclass] MSFT_ServerServiceDetail cmdletOutput[]); [Description("Remove the log file for a data collector set that are older than a given threshold.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 RemoveServerPerformanceLog([In,Description("The data collector set name.") : Amended ToSubclass] string CollectorName,[In,Description("The threshold to use when removing the log files.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint64 MillisecondThreshold); }; [Description("Represent an installed network adapter on the server.") : Amended ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE("MS_409")] class MSFT_ServerNetworkAdapter { [Description("The name of the network adapter.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Name; [Values{"Disconnected", "Connecting", "Connected", "Disconnecting", "Hardware not present", "Hardware disabled", "Hardware malfunction", "Media disconnected", "Authenticating", "Authentication succeeded", "Authentication failed", "Invalid address", "Credentials required"} : Amended ToSubclass,Description("The connection status of the network adapter.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint16 ConnectionStatus; [Description("Is IP address assigned by Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean DHCPEnabled; [Description("The IP addresses mapped to the network adapter.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Addresses[]; }; [Description("Represents the operating system of the server.") : Amended ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE("MS_409")] class MSFT_ServerOperatingSystem { [Description("The brand name of the operating system.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Name; [Description("The major version number of the operating system.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 MajorVersion; [Description("The minor version number of the operating system.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 MinorVersion; [Description("The build number of the operating system.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 BuildNumber; [Description("The major version number of the operating system service pack installed.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint16 SPMajorVersion; [Description("The minor version number of the operating system service pack installed.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint16 SPMinorVersion; [Description("The Stock Keeping Unit name of the operating system.") : Amended ToSubclass] string SKU; [Description("The operating system locale name.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Language; [Values{"Unknown", "32-bit", "64-bit"} : Amended ToSubclass,Description("The operating system's architecture.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint8 Architecture; }; [Description("Represents the list of performance counter samples collected from the managed node.") : Amended ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE("MS_409")] class MSFT_ServerPerformanceCounterSamples { [Description("The list of performance counters path that are in the sample.") : Amended ToSubclass] string CounterPaths[]; [Description("The time stamps of the samples.") : Amended ToSubclass] datetime Timestamps[]; [Description("The sample values of the counter paths.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Values[]; }; [Description("Represents the details about an installed system service on the server.") : Amended ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE("MS_409")] class MSFT_ServerServiceDetail { [Description("The name of the service.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Name; [Description("The localized name of the service.") : Amended ToSubclass] string DisplayName; [Description("The description of the service.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Description; [Values{"Boot", "System", "Auto", "Demand", "Disabled"} : Amended ToSubclass,Description("The startup type of the service.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 StartupType; [Description("Is the service auto delayed start.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean IsDelayedAutoStart; [Description("Does the service has other start triggers.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean IsTriggered; [BitValues{"Stop", "Pause Continue", "Shutdown", "Parameter Change", "Net Binding Change", "Hardware Profile Change", "Power Event", "Session Change", "PreShutdown", "Time Change", "Trigger Event"} : Amended ToSubclass,Description("The control codes supported by the service.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 SupportedControlCodes; [Values{"Not Found", "Stopped", "Start Pending", "Stop Pending", "Running", "Continue Pending", "Pause Pending", "Paused"} : Amended ToSubclass,Description("The current status of the service.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 Status; [Description("The service exit code reported by the Service Control Manager.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint64 ExitCode; [Description("The list of names of dependent services.") : Amended ToSubclass] string DependentServices[]; };