MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $Rؕ3}3}3}H̴3}H̱3}Rich3}PEL!  D`D@B.rsrcPD@@@0H  Q0RHS`x 8 P ` p             0H.8!&(+1.447^h7V8t:>OMUIL06r\.uMeˎF*A0 MUI en-US+The CIM namespace for the stream operation.The dialect of the CIM query.The CIM query expression.!Defines a CIM query based stream..The CIM class on which the method is executed.The CIM method to execute.1The input object for instance method invocations.The object containing the input parameters of the method invocation. This object can be of any type as long as it exposes properties with the same name and type as method arguments.Defines a CIM method invocation based stream. This stream captures all the out parameters of a method (return value is treated as a special case of out parameter).The list of streams to merge.?Defines a MI stream that merges upstreams into a single stream.DDeserializes the specified file and collects all the stream objects.PA<Same as Collect but pushes the data to configured end-point.NInstructs the web client to push any pending data to the configured end-point.+Defines the MI stream collection interface. The stream definition file name.The output of the stream.HWhether to suppress the output based on the previous collection history.)Base class for all the supported streams. Timestamp output was suppressed.EThe embedded object that signals an output suppression by the stream.KOutput instance produced when the input of the output stream is suppressed.bWhether to only update the last known snapshot or also suppress the output based on that snapshot.cThe Msft_MiCompareSuppression instance to produce if the output of the input stream was suppressed.The input stream.Compares the current output of a stream identified by the given ID with the previous output of the input stream and suppress the current output if it's identical.PAInvalid parameter.aFailed to open %1. Please verify that the file name is correct and that the path is not included.1The input file is too large and is not supported.!Failed to read the file contents.6Failed to copy the file contents to the result buffer. Failed to open the registry key.Failed to get the DWORD value.Failed to set the DWORD value.0Failed to get the string value in static buffer.5Failed to get the string value in the dynamic buffer.Failed to set the string value. Failed to get the task's folder.Failed to get the task.Unable to enable the task.Unable to disable the task.Unable to get the triggers.Unable to set the triggers.)Unable to get the definition of the task.'Unable to get the settings of the task.)Failed to expand the environment strings.Failed to get the task's name.:Failed to convert the specified local time to system time.$Failed to get the local server name.CFailed to get the information about the file using the file handle.PA File path passed is a directory.:Failed to convert the specified local time to system time.6Invalid entry. Please enter a valid HTTPS target URI. %Failed to delete the collection task.4Failed to get the principal information of the task.3Failed to get the actions associated with the task.7Failed to get the registration information of the task.PA Don't know how to convert %1!d!.Failed to get the session.Failed to get the application.cFailed to create the stream for Msft_MiQuery {namespace: %1!s!, dialect: %2!s!, expression: %3!s!.}_Failed to create the stream for Msft_MiCommand {namespace: %1!s!, class: %2!s!, method: %3!s!.}-Failed to create the stream for Msft_MiMerge.3Input streams size for Msft_MiMerge is less than 1.2Failed to create the list for Msft_MiMerge inputs. Failed to get the input streams.2Failed to create the wrapping Msft_MiMerge object.DFailed to set the input streams on the wrapping Msft_MiMerge object.No input file name provided.&Failed to construct the output object.4Failed to set the return value on the output object.!Failed to post the output object.The stream failed.PAFailed to write the results.'Failed to create the binary log writer.No input file name provided.#The attempt to get the data failed.'The attempt to publish the data failed.'The attempt to publish the data failed.7Failed to get property %1!s! from object of type %2!s!.The required property from class %1!s! failed post checks. type = %2!d!, expected type = %3!d!, flags = %4!d!, nullable = %5!d!.PA#Unable to enumerate files in cache.Unable to delete cached file.%Error closing file cache enumeration.4Failed to create the wrapping Msft_MiCompare object./Failed to create the stream for Msft_MiCompare.BFailed to create the Msft_MiCompare stream's suppression instance.Failed to cancel the operation.PA"Failed to create the deserializer.'Failed to create the operation options.-Failed to set the options for the serializer.%Failed to deserialize instance array.PA:Entry %1!s! already exists in the stream constructors map.1Unable to get the name of the stream input class.2Don't know how to create a stream for class %1!s!.,Failed to create the stream for class %1!s!.PAFailed to get the target connection settings. The settings are either corrupt or could not be read. Please verify that the connection settings have been properly set and that you have permission to read them.\Failed to publish data to %1!s!. Please verify that the target URI is correct and reachable.Both a Target URI and a Certificate Thumbprint need to be specified for Publish-SilData to be successful. If one, or both, are not specified the data will be cached locally until the next successful Publish. 00PPppL, tT!$'  Start Stop Error Warning Information Lifetime HttpClient Flush PMicrosoft-Windows-MiStreamProvider Operational Debug ,Provider loaded. 0Provider unloaded. ,Collect started. `Collect error. Error code: %1, Message: %2 ,Collect stopped. HCollect pipeline error started. pCollect pipeline error. Error code: %1, Message: %2 TCollect pipeline OnComplete started. TCollect pipeline OnComplete stopped. LCollect pipeline OnNext started. LCollect pipeline OnNext stopped. LCollect pipeline release started. LCollect pipeline release stopped. $Push started. XPush error. Error code: %1, Message: %2 $Push stopped. DPush pipeline error started. lPush pipeline error. Error code: %1, Message: %2 HPush pipeline release started. HPush pipeline release stopped. (Flush started. \Flush error. Error code: %1, Message: %2 (Flush stopped. (Flush started. (Flush stopped. HConnection info. Target URI: %1 pGetting filename for KVP write. Is guest server: %1 @Filename for KVP write: %1 dCleaning up cached files older than %1 days. <Deleting cached file: %1 Data is being collected locally because the Target URI and/or Certificate Thumbprint is not set. lCreating pipeline from .mof started. Filename: %1 TCreating pipeline from .mof stopped. HCreating push pipeline started. HCreating push pipeline stopped. 0Http client loaded. 4Http client unloaded. 4Http Session opened. \Failed to enumerate directory to upload. \Failed to read file. Error: %1, File: %2 lFailed to add headers to HTTP request. Error: %1 XFailed to load certificates. Error: %1 XFailed to send Http request. Error: %1 `Failed to delete file. Error: %1, File: %2 hInvalid status received from server. Error: %1 \callback status request error. Error: %1 XFailed to write file stream. Error: %1 Cannot use the client certificate specified. Error: Certificate expired. 4VS_VERSION_INFOC%C%?&StringFileInfo040904B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft Corporationh FileDescriptionSIL Composable Streams Providerp(FileVersion6.3.9600.17400 (winblue_r4.141013-1500)BInternalNamemistreamprov.dll.LegalCopyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.ROriginalFilenamemistreamprov.dll.muij%ProductNameMicrosoft Windows Operating SystemBProductVersion6.3.9600.17400DVarFileInfo$Translation PADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADD