MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $Rؕ3}3}3}H̴3}H̱3}Rich3}PEL!  4Pf`@2.rsrc@4@@@0H 8Ph( @ X p  ~0H`x 8 P ` p             0 @ P ` p             0HVX`!p' 3 <>Q mrXDy4xH`" ̨' p4p v H  >  '578>MUIb uh r1Z\Ĵ"|_ MUI en-US+Name of the current VPN Connection profile.!Address of the Remote VPN Server.IFlag to represent All User VPN Connection profile or Single user profile.nThis flag shall store the credentials for the VPN Connection to the credman after first successful connection.This parameter contains the PPP Tunnel Type configured in the RAS config blob. This tunnel is decided after first successful connection. AutomaticPptpL2tpSstpIkev2dThis parameter contains the Authentication method configured for the current VPN connection profile.PapChapMsChapv2EapPA]This parameter is to specify the Encryption level to be used with the current VPN connection.OptionalRequiredMaximumJThis flag specifies whether Split Tunneling has to be enabled or disabled.oThis parameter specifies whether the L2TP IPSec Authentication method is Machine Certificate or Pre Shared Key. CertificatePskThis flag is only used for MsChapv2/EAP-MsChapv2 Authentication Methods. It indicated whether the User Winlogon Credentials are to be automatically used for connection using the current VPN connection profile.TThis is an XML Stream containing the detailed EAP Configuration for the VPN profile.VThe read-only GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) that represents this phone-book entry.KThis property reflects the current connection status of the VPN connection. Connected NotConnected ConnectingLimitedDormantThis property reflects the NAP (Health) status of the connection if it is configured to use PEAP authentication method and is currently connected to the Remote VPN Server.Success NotNapCapable NoConnectionError GCW Profile.Removes the specified VPN connection profile. ?Specifies the name of the VPN connection profile to be removed.9Forces the removal of the VPN profile from the phonebook.YReturns the VpnConnection object that contains the VpnConnection configuration settings. bSpecifies that the VPN connection should be removed from the AllUserConnection phone book entries.ARetrieves the VPN connection profile specified by the parameters.ASpecifies the name of the VPN connection profile to be retrieved.dSpecifies that the VPN connection should be retrieved from the AllUserConnection phone book entries.-Modifies an existing VPN connection profile. Specifies the address of the remote VPN server to which the client will connect. Can be specified as a URL, IPv4, or IPv6 address.aSpecifies that the VPN connection being modified is in the AllUserConnection phone book entries. NSpecifies that split tunnel should be enabled for the VPN connection profile. tSpecifies whether the credentials supplied at the time of first successful connection should be stored in the cache.Specifies the type of tunnel used for the VPN connection. Options include PPTP, L2TP (for L2TP/IPSec), SSTP, IKEv2 and Automatic (IKEv2, L2TP)SIf L2TP is used, enforces supplying the Pre-Shared Key value over unsecure channel.Specifies the value of Pre-Shared Key to be used for L2TP authentication. If this parameter is not specified, by default a certificate will be used for L2TP.~Specifies the authentication method to be used for the VPN connection. Available methods include PAP, CHAP, MSCHAPv2, and EAP.WSpecifies the contents of the EAP XML configuration file (including the EAP method ID).BSpecifies the name of the VPN connection profile to be modified. Specifies that MSCHAPv2 should be used as the authentication method, and Windows logon credentials should be used automatically when connecting with the VPN connection profile. NoEncryption6Specifies the encryption level for the VPN connection.;Adds a VPN connection to the Connection Manager phonebook. PA?Specifies the name of the VPN connection profile to be created.^Specifies that the VPN connection should be added to the AllUserConnection phone book entries.Specifies that split tunnel should be enabled for the VPN connection profile. If this parameter is not specified, split tunneling is disabled.TIf L2TP is used, enforces supplying the Pre-Shared Key value over unsecure channel. GCW profile management classEAP Configuration object.IGenerates a new XML file with the specified EAP configuration parameters.Specifies that EAP-MSCHAPv2 should be used as the authentication method, and Windows logon credentials should be used automatically when connecting with the VPN connection profile.fSpecifies that EAP-TLS (smart card or user certificate) should be used as the authentication method. Specifies whether a User certificate should be used for authentication. This parameter is used with EAP-TLS. If it is not set, a smart card is used for authentication.Specifies whether server identity validation should be performed for the VPN connection. This parameter is used with PEAP and EAP-TLS (with tunneled EAP client authentication).@Specifies that TTLS should be used as the authentication method.MsChap=Specifies the simple EAP-TTLS client authentication methods. YSpecifies the configuration XML blob for tunneled EAP, EAP-TTLS, or PEAP authentication. @Specifies that PEAP should be used as the authentication method.NSpecifies whether Network Access Protection (NAP) should be enabled for PEAP. YSpecifies whether FastReconnect is enabled or disabled in current configuration for PEAP.Advanced EAP Configuration'The Name of the VPN Connection profile.CWhether the Connection profile is an AllUser or Local User profile.AThe serialized encoded string form of the VPN Connection profile.mThe Set method creates or modifies the VPN connection profile as specified by the method parameter Profile. NString representation of the VPN connection profile to be modified or created.7VPN Connection profile management and remediation classMachineCertificate^An XML representation of this instance, which can be used as input for MSFT_VpnConnection::SetAddress of Remote VPN Server.#Friendly Name of Remote VPN Server.)InstanceID is an optional property that may be used to opaquely and uniquely identify an instance of this class within the scope of the instantiating Namespace. Various subclasses of this class may override this property to make it required, or a key. Such subclasses may also modify the preferred algorithms for ensuring uniqueness that are defined below. To ensure uniqueness within the NameSpace, the value of InstanceID should be constructed using the following "preferred" algorithm: <OrgID>:<LocalID> Where <OrgID> and <LocalID> are separated by a colon (:), and where <OrgID> must include a copyrighted, trademarked, or otherwise unique name that is owned by the business entity that is creating or defining the InstanceID or that is a registered ID assigned to the business entity by a recognized global authority. (This requirement is similar to the <Schema Name>_<Class Name> structure of Schema class names.) In addition, to ensure uniqueness, <OrgID> must not contain a colon (:). When using this algorithm, the first colon to appear in InstanceID must appear between <OrgID> and <LocalID>. <LocalID> is chosen by the business entity and should not be reused to identify different underlying (real-world) elements. If not null and the above "preferred" algorithm is not used, the defining entity must assure that the resulting InstanceID is not reused across any InstanceIDs produced by this or other providers for the NameSpace of this instance. If not set to null for DMTF-defined instances, the "preferred" algorithm must be used with the <OrgID> set to CIM.UThe Caption property is a short textual description (one- line string) of the object.FThe Description property provides a textual description of the object.)A user-friendly name for the object. This property allows each instance to define a user-friendly name in addition to its key properties, identity data, and description information. Note that the Name property of ManagedSystemElement is also defined as a user-friendly name. But, it is often subclassed to be a Key. It is not reasonable that the same property can convey both identity and a user-friendly name, without inconsistencies. Where Name exists and is not a Key (such as for instances of LogicalDevice), the same information can be present in both the Name and ElementName properties. Note that if there is an associated instance of CIM_EnabledLogicalElementCapabilities, restrictions on this properties may exist as defined in ElementNameMask and MaxElementNameLen properties defined in that class.2.19.0ManagedElement is an abstract class that provides a common superclass (or top of the inheritance tree) for the non-association classes in the CIM Schema.Within the scope of the instantiating Namespace, InstanceID opaquely and uniquely identifies an instance of this class. In order to ensure uniqueness within the NameSpace, the value of InstanceID SHOULD be constructed using the following \'preferred\' algorithm: <OrgID>:<LocalID> Where <OrgID> and <LocalID> are separated by a colon \':\', and where <OrgID> MUST include a copyrighted, trademarked or otherwise unique name that is owned by the business entity creating/defining the InstanceID, or is a registered ID that is assigned to the business entity by a recognized global authority. (This is similar to the <Schema Name>_<Class Name> structure of Schema class names.) In addition, to ensure uniqueness <OrgID> MUST NOT contain a colon (\':\'). When using this algorithm, the first colon to appear in InstanceID MUST appear between <OrgID> and <LocalID>. <LocalID> is chosen by the business entity and SHOULD not be re-used to identify different underlying (real-world) elements. If the above \'preferred\' algorithm is not used, the defining entity MUST assure that the resultant InstanceID is not re-used across any InstanceIDs produced by this or other providers for this instance\'s NameSpace. For DMTF defined instances, the \'preferred\' algorithm MUST be used with the <OrgID> set to \'CIM\'.:The address which serves as the destination to be reached.The specific administrative distance of this route, overriding any default distances specified by the system or routing service.RouteMetric provides a numeric indication as to the preference of this route, compared to other routes that reach the same destination.\TRUE indicates that this is a static route, and FALSE indicates a dynamically-learned route.An enumerated integer indicating whether the route is administrator-defined (value=2), computed (via a routing protocol/algorithm, value=3) or the actual route implemented in the network (value=4). The default is a computed route.Administrator Defined RouteComputed Route Actual RouteXNextHopRoute represents one of a series of \'hops\' to reach a network destination. A route is administratively defined, or calculated/learned by a particular routing process. A ConcreteDependency associaton may be instantiated between a route and its routing service to indicate this. (In this scenario, the route is dependent on the service.)The destination prefix."The user-friendly interface index.PA!The user-friendly interface name.(The next hop address or gateway address.One of the following values: No: Not advertised in Route Advertisements. This is the default. Age: Advertised in Route Advertisements with a finite lifetime. Yes: Advertised in Route Advertisements with an infinite lifetime.NoAgeYesFLifetime over which the route is valid. The default value is infinite.JLifetime over which the route is preferred. The default value is infinite.One of the following values: Active: Change only lasts until next boot. Persistent: Change is persistent. This is the default. PersistentActiveBTo indicate whether the address family for this route is v4 or v6.IPv4IPv6Create the Route.3Represents the Route class in TCPIP WMIv2 provider.Specifies a single DNS suffix.dIPv4/IPv6 address of the corresponding DNS servers that should be used for the specified DNS suffix.$DNS configuration for VPN triggering%Unique identifier for an application.%Specifies Trigger DNS Configurations.'Triggering properties of VPN connectionA value that specifies the time, in seconds, after which an idle connection is terminated. Unless the idle time-out is disabled, the entire connection is terminated if the connection is idle for the specified interval.Specifies the VPN Server List.#Specifies the routes to be plumbed./Specifies Trigger properties of VPN Connection.Specifies the DNS Suffix.VPN Common Config(Encryption method plumbed in IKE policy.)Integrity method plumbed in IPsec policy.Cipher plumbed in IPsec policy.!DH group plumbed in IPsec policy.'Auth transform plumbed in IPsec policy."PFS group plumbed in IPsec policy.Associated IPSec Custom Policy.HArray of Certificate EKU Filter, EKU Name for standard EKU else EKU OID.Root Certificate Issuer Filter.hAn XML representation of this instance, which can be used as input for MSFT_ThirdPartyVpnConnection::Set+Identifier for the third party application.Third Party VPN Profile2EKU filter for IKEv2 machine certificate selectionACertificate issuer filter for IKEv2 machine certificate selection1List of VPN servers the VPN client can connect to3Idle time before the VPN connection is disconnected DNS suffix of the VPN connection VpnConnection consists of the following fields: Name (string) Specifies the name of the VPN connection profile. ServerAddress (string) Specifies the address of the Remote VPN Server. RememberCredential (boolean) Specifies whether the credentials for the VPN Connection are stored in cache after first successful connection. SplitTunneling (boolean) Specifies whether split tunneling is enabled or disabled. UseWinlogonCredential (boolean) Specifies whether the Windows logon user credentials should be automatically for VPN connection profile. Guid (Guid) Specifies the read-only GUID that represents the phone-book entry ConnectionStatus (string) Specifies the connection status of the VPN connection profile. Available values: Connected, NotConnected, Connecting, Limited, Dormant IdleDisconnectSeconds (uint32) Specifies the idle time before the VPN connection is disconnected ServerList (VpnServerAddress[]) Specifies the address of the Remote VPN Server. Routes (MSFT_NetRoute[]) Specifies the route to be plumbed. VpnTrigger (VpnConnectionTrigger) Specifies Trigger properties of VPN connection. DnsSuffix (string) Specifies the connection specific DNS suffix AllUserConnection (boolean) Specifies that the VPN connection is in AllUserConnection phone book entries. TunnelType (string) Specifies the VPN Tunnel Type in the VPN Connection profile. Available values: Automatic, Pptp, L2tp, Sstp, Ikev2 AuthenticationMethod (string[]) Specifies the authentication method set configured for the VPN Connection profile. Available values: Pap, Chap, MsChapv2, Eap EncryptionLevel (string) Specifies the encryption level for the VPN connection profile. Available values: NoEncrytpion, Optional, Required, Maximum L2tpIPsecAuth (string) Specifies whether the L2TP/IPSec authentication uses a certificate or Pre-Shared key. Available values: Certificate, Psk EapConfigXmlStream (XML) Specifies the contents of the XML file containing the EAP Configuration for the VPN connection profile. NapState (string) Specifies the NAP status for PEAP authentication method. Available values: Success, NotNapCapable, NoConnection, Error MachineCertifiacateEKUFilter (string[]) Specifies the EKU filters for Machine certificate selection MachineCertificateIssuerFilter (X509Certificate2) Specifies the Certificate Issuer filter for machine certificate selection GAdds a Third Party VPN connection to the Connection Manager phonebook. Specifies the address of the remote VPN server to which the client will connect. Can be specified as a URL, friendly name, IPv4, or IPv6 address.*Identifier for the third party applicationVSwitch parameter to denote that the cmdlet is being executed for a third party profileEapConfiguration consists of the following fields: EapConfigXmlStream - a string that specifies the content of XML file containing the EAP Configuration. >Configures the IPsec parameter of the specified VPN connection&Auth Transform plumbed in IPsec policyCipher plumbed in IPsec Policy)Encryption method plumbed in IPsec policy(Integrity method plumbed in IPsec policy"PFS Group plumbed in Ipsec policy.!DH Group Plumbed in Ipsec policy.WReturns the VpnConnection object that contains the VpnConnection configuration settingsclass VpnConnectionIPsecConfiguration VpnClientIPSecPolicy { EncryptionMethod (uint32) IntegrityCheckMethod ( uint32) CipherTransformConstants (uint32) DHGroup (uint32) AuthenticationTransformConstants (uint32) PfsGroup (uint32) }; *Sets the IPsec parameters to default value'IPsec configuration of a VPN connectionGenerates a VPN server objectAddress of the VPN server$User friendly name of the VPN server#Returns the VpnServerAddress object`class VpnServerAddress { VPNServerNameAddress (string) VPNServerFriendlyName (string) }; VPN server address class,Adds a route to the specified VPN connection+Destination prefix of the route to be addedMetric of the route being added Returns the MSFT_NetRoute objectLMSFT_NetRoute object. The destination prefix and metric field are populated1Removes a route from the specified VPN connection-Destination prefix of the route to be removedRoute for a VPN connectionThis cmdlet adds a DNS suffix to the trigger properties. Whenever client tries to access a resource that matches the DNS suffix, VPN connection is auto-triggered."Name of the VPN connection profileSpecifies a single DNS suffixcIPv4/IPv6 address of the corresponding DNS servers that should be used for the specified DNS suffixcReturns the VPN connection DNS trigger properties, DNS suffixes and their corresponding DNS servers%DNS configuration for VPN triggering..Sets the DNS servers for a specific DNS suffixzReturns the VpnConnectionTriggerDnsConfiguration object that contains the DNS suffixes and their corresponding DNS serversAForces the resetting of the DNS servers for the given DNS Suffix.NRemoves a DNS suffix and corresponding DNS servers from the trigger propertiesList of DNS suffixesReturns the VpnConnectionTriggerDnsConfiguration object containing the list of DNS suffixes and their corresponding DNS servers5Forces the removal of Nrpt Rule from the VPN profile.Applications for VPN triggeringsThe Add-VpnConnectionTriggerApplication adds applications, which when launched will auto-trigger the VPN connection$Unique identifier for an applicationPAcReturns the VpnConnectionTriggerApplication object that contains the trigger application settings. MRemoves one or more applications from trigger properties for a VPN connectionlReturns the VpnConnectionTriggerApplication object that contains the applications configured for VPN trigger:Forces the removal of Application ID from the VPN profile.2Returns the trigger properties of a VPN connection^Specifies the name of the VPN connection profile for which trigger properties to be retrieved.=Dns Suffix search list for the auto-triggered VPN connection.<Dns Suffix search list for the auto-triggered VPN connection7This parameter contains the Vpn Connection Profile TypeInbox ThirdParty@Used by Third Party VPN plugins to specify custom configuration. VpnCommonConfig consists of the following fields: Name (string) Specifies the name of the VPN connection profile. ServerAddress (string) Specifies the address of the Remote VPN Server. RememberCredential (boolean) Specifies whether the credentials for the VPN Connection are stored in cache after first successful connection. SplitTunneling (boolean) Specifies whether split tunneling is enabled or disabled. UseWinlogonCredential (boolean) Specifies whether the Windows logon user credentials should be automatically for VPN connection profile. Guid (Guid) Specifies the read-only GUID that represents the phone-book entry ConnectionStatus (string) Specifies the connection status of the VPN connection profile. Available values: Connected, NotConnected, Connecting, Limited, Dormant IdleDisconnectSeconds (uint32) Specifies the idle time before the VPN connection is disconnected ServerList (VpnServerAddress[]) Specifies the address of the Remote VPN Server. Routes (MSFT_NetRoute[]) Specifies the route to be plumbed. VpnTrigger (VpnConnectionTrigger) Specifies Trigger properties of VPN connection. DnsSuffix (string) Specifies the connection specific DNS suffix Inbox GCW profile consist of following additional fields: AllUserConnection (boolean) Specifies that the VPN connection is in AllUserConnection phone book entries. TunnelType (string) Specifies the VPN Tunnel Type in the VPN Connection profile. Available values: Automatic, Pptp, L2tp, Sstp, Ikev2 AuthenticationMethod (string[]) Specifies the authentication method set configured for the VPN Connection profile. Available values: Pap, Chap, MsChapv2, Eap EncryptionLevel (string) Specifies the encryption level for the VPN connection profile. Available values: NoEncrytpion, Optional, Required, Maximum L2tpIPsecAuth (string) Specifies whether the L2TP/IPSec authentication uses a certificate or Pre-Shared key. Available values: Certificate, Psk EapConfigXmlStream (XML) Specifies the contents of the XML file containing the EAP Configuration for the VPN connection profile. NapState (string) Specifies the NAP status for PEAP authentication method. Available values: Success, NotNapCapable, NoConnection, Error MachineCertifiacateEKUFilter (string[]) Specifies the EKU filters for Machine certificate selection MachineCertificateIssuerFilter (X509Certificate2) Specifies the Certificate Issuer filter for machine certificate selection 3rd Party profile consist of following additional fields: PlugInApplicationID (string) Specifies Identifier for the third party application. CustomConfiguration (string) Specifies custom configuration used by Third Party VPN plugins. ?Used by Third Party VPN plugins to specify custom configurationThirdPartyVpnConnection consists of the following fields: Name (string) Specifies the name of the VPN connection profile. ServerAddress (string) Specifies the address of the Remote VPN Server. RememberCredential (boolean) Specifies whether the credentials for the VPN Connection are stored in cache after first successful connection. SplitTunneling (boolean) Specifies whether split tunneling is enabled or disabled. UseWinlogonCredential (boolean) Specifies whether the Windows logon user credentials should be automatically for VPN connection profile. Guid (Guid) Specifies the read-only GUID that represents the phone-book entry ConnectionStatus (string) Specifies the connection status of the VPN connection profile. Available values: Connected, NotConnected, Connecting, Limited, Dormant IdleDisconnectSeconds (uint32) Specifies the idle time before the VPN connection is disconnected ServerList (VpnServerAddress[]) Specifies the address of the Remote VPN Server. Routes (MSFT_NetRoute[]) Specifies the route to be plumbed. VpnTrigger (VpnConnectionTrigger) Specifies Trigger properties of VPN connection. DnsSuffix (string) Specifies the connection specific DNS suffix PlugInApplicationID (string) Specifies Identifier for the third party application. CustomConfiguration (string) Specifies custom configuration used by Third Party VPN plugins. CTrusted network DNS suffixes for the auto-triggered VPN connection.#Name of the VPN Connection profile.!Specifies a list of DNS suffixes.0Trusted Network configuration for VPN triggeringThe Add-VpnConnectionTriggerTrustedNetwork adds DNS suffixes to the VPN profile. When any of these DNS suffixes is present on physical interface on the client, VPN connection will not be auto triggered. Specifies a list of DNS suffixesqReturns the VpnConnectionTriggerTrustedNetwork object containing the list of trusted networks for auto triggeringThe Remove-VpnConnectionTriggerTrustedNetwork removes DNS suffixes from the VPN profile. When any of these DNS suffixes is present on physical interface on the client, VPN connection will not be auto triggered.sSupplying this parameter will automatically remove the supplied DNS suffixes from the current Trusted Network List.The Set-VpnConnectionTriggerTrustedNetwork sets the trusted network list with the NRPT DNS suffixes that have been configured as part of triggering properties. The NRPT exemption entries are ignored.Switch parameter to specify that all DNS suffixes in the VpnConnectionTriggerDnsConfiguration object must be copied into the DNS suffixes for VpnConnectionTriggerTrustedNetwork. DNS suffixes without corresponding DNS servers will not be copied.Supplying this parameter will automatically replace the current Trusted Network List with the DNS suffixes present in VpnConnectionTriggerDnsConfiguration. Note that only DNS suffixes with corresponding DNS server addresses are copied from VpnConnectionTriggerDnsConfiguration9Configures the Web-proxy for the specified VPN connection<Switch parameter used to Automatically detect proxy settingslSpecifies that the automatic configuration WPAD script specified for web-proxy configuration should be used.VSpecifies the web-proxy server address and port number pair in colon separated format.ISwitch parameter used to bypass web-proxy for local (intranet) addresses.OSpecifies the prefixes for the addresses for which the proxy should not be usedlReturns the VpnConnectionProxy object that contains the proxy configuration for the specified VPN ConnectionVpnConnectionProxy Object*Web-proxy configuration for VPN connection%Proxy settings of the VPN connection.PSpecifies the prefixes for the addresses for which the proxy should not be used.!Proxy settings for VPN connection7The routing mechanism via which this route was learned.OtherPALocalNetMgmtIcmpEgpGgpHelloRipIsIsEsIsIgrpBbnOspfBgpIdprEigrpDvmrpRplDhcp*Provisioning Authority of the VPN Profile.CustomWSelects the best local IP address and best route to reach the specified remote address.GThis flag indicates whether the VPN Connection is auto-trigger enabled.@Forces the addition of the DNS servers for the given DNS Suffix.9Forces the addition of Application ID to the VPN profile.nSupplying this parameter will automatically add the supplied DNS suffixes to the current Trusted Network List.SThis VPN connection has already been created. Specify a different VPN profile name.6The format of the specified profile name is incorrect.The connection does not use EAP as one of the authentication methods. The EapConfigXmlStream parameter is invalid for this profile.FAuthentication method %1!s! was specified twice as an input parameter.eThe EAP authentication method cannot be used in conjuction with another method (PAP, CHAP, MSChapv2).UIKEv2 tunnel type only supports Eap and Machine certificate as authentication method.qThe VPN Connection cannot be added because conflicting PPP Tunnel types are specified. Using L2TP is recommended.CEapConfigXmlStream must be used with the EAP authentication method.dVPN connection %1!s! cannot be configured with EAP settings. The EAP configuration XML is incorrect.FFailed to generate the EAP Configuration for the VPN Connection %1!s!.2The profile %1!s! is not a VPN connection profile.The current encryption selection requires EAP or MS-CHAPv2 logon security methods. PAP and CHAP do not support Encryption settings 'Required' or 'Maximum'.ECould not add DNS Suffix because the DNS Suffix specified is invalid.ServerList cannot be NULL.eDefault Server is not set because the server specified is not a valid VPN Server for this connection.PA*Invalid parameter DestinationPrefix %1!s!.#The specified route is not present.}The VPN Connection profile %1!s! could not be modified because Machine Certificate authentication is supported by IKEv2 only.yMachine Certificate authentication methods can't be used in conjunction with other methods (PAP, CHAP, EAP and MSChapv2).#VPN connection %1!s! was not found.U%1!s! parameter can be applied only when AuthenticationMethod is Machine Certificate.gMachine Certificate EKU filter %1!s! could not be validated. It might be a user-defined or invalid EKU./The number of routes cannot be more than %1!d!.0The number of servers cannot be more than %1!d!.-The number of EKUs cannot be more than %1!d!.RWinLogon credential cannot be used with Machine Certificate Authentication method.tEncryption Level could not be set to Custom because IPSec Custom Policy has not been defined for the VPN Connection.;The current tunnel type does not support Custom Encryption.The currently selected encryption level requires EAP or MS-CHAPv2 logon security methods. Data encryption will not occur for Pap or Chap.sThe RememberCredentials option was selected. User credentials will be stored after the first successful connection.PA>Removing the VPN connection %1!s! from local user connections.xThe -UseWinlogonCredential parameter is invalid. This parameter is not supported with the current authentication method.KNo VPN connection specified. Retrieving all connections for the local user.FNo VPN connection specified. Retrieving all connections for all users.BRetrieving the VPN connection %1!s! from local user's connections.%Creating new VPN Server Address %1!s!Setting %1!s! as default server Creating VPN connection %1!s!...#Configuring VPN connection %1!s!... Deleting VPN connection %1!s!...QTransmitting the secret key over unsecure text stream... Do you want to continue?7Deleting VPN connection %1!s!. Do you want to continue?*Adding %1!s! route to VpnConnection %2!s!..Removing %1!s! route from VpnConnection %2!s!.&Configuring VPN cryptography settings.1Configuring VPN cryptography settings to default.<Changing the Cryptography Settings. Do you want to continue?DVPN connection %1!s! cannot be added to the global user connections.CVPN connection %1!s! cannot be added to the local user connections.LThe configuration cannot be applied to the global user VPN connection %1!s!.KThe configuration cannot be applied to the local user VPN connection %1!s!.NThe VPN connection %1!s! cannot be retrieved from the global user connections.LThe VPN connections could not be retrieved from the global user connections.PThe VPN connection %1!s! could not be retrieved from the local user connections.KThe VPN connections could not be retrieved from the local user connections.LThe VPN connection %1!s! cannot be removed from the global user connections.GThe VPN connections cannot be removed from the global user connections.KThe VPN connection %1!s! cannot be removed from the local user connections.FThe VPN connections cannot be removed from the local user connections.\The Authentication Transform settings could not be applied as %1!d! is an invalid parameter.TThe Cipher Transform settings could not be applied as %1!d! is an invalid parameter.XThe Diffie-Hellman Group settings could not be applied as %1!d! is an invalid parameter.NThe Encryption settings could not be applied as %1!d! is an invalid parameter.SThe Integrity Check settings could not be applied as %1!d! is an invalid parameter.aThe Perfect Forward Secrecy Group settings could not be applied as %1!d! is an invalid parameter.?The application %1!s! is not present in the connection profile.9This DnsSuffix is already part of the connection profile.CThis DnsSuffix is not configured as part of the connection profile.^ThirdPartyVpn parameter must be specified for setting the properties of a third party profile.CThirdPartyVpn parameter is not relevant for Microsoft VPN profiles.#The ApplicationID %1!s! is invalid.PIPsec configuration settings are not applicable for third party VPN connections.`Parameters BypassProxyForLocal and ExceptionPrefix cannot be used without the ProxyServer value.NAll DNS servers will be removed for DNS suffix %1!s!. Do you want to continue?NDNS servers %1!s! will be added for DNS suffix %2!s!. Do you want to continue?CChanging the DNS server for a DNS suffix for VPN auto-triggering...4Adding applications %1!s! for VPN auto-triggering...0Removing applications for VPN auto-triggering...YThe applications %1!s! will be removed from VPN auto-triggering. Do you want to continue?Removing the application %1!s! will disable auto triggering since there are no other auto triggering properties configured. Do you want to continue?RAdding a DNS suffix %1!s! with DNS server address %2!s! for VPN auto-triggering...4Adding a DNS suffix %1!s! for VPN auto-triggering...7Removing DNS Suffixes %1!s! from VPN auto-triggering...kThe DNS suffixes %1!s! will be removed from VPN auto-triggering for profile %2!s!. Do you want to continue?Removing the DNS suffix %1!s! will disable auto triggering since there are no other auto triggering properties configured. Do you want to continue?@The Application %1!s! is already part of the connection profile._The IPv6 address %1!s! entered for the DNS suffix %2!s! is invalid. Enter a valid IPv6 address._The IPv4 address %1!s! entered for the DNS suffix %2!s! is invalid. Enter a valid IPv4 address.8This DnsSuffix is not present in the connection profile.MDnsIPAddress parameter can only be provided along with a DnsSuffix parameter.PAJDnsSuffix parameter can only be provided along with a DnsServer parameter.-VPN connection profile %1!s! cannot be found.+The proxy server address format is invalid.5Setting the web-proxy for VPN connection profile vpn. %1!s! : %2!s!%A call to EAP Host returned an error.You have not configured any applications or name suffixes for triggering. Without configuring these, triggering will not work. Do you want to continue?jThis cmdlet is applicable only when name based triggering properties have been configured for the profile.>The DnsSuffix %1!s! is already part of the connection profile.DAdding trusted network DNS suffixes %1!s! for VPN auto-triggering...ESetting trusted network DNS suffixes %1!s! for VPN auto-triggering...The existing trusted network DNS suffixes %1!s! will be replaced with the DNS suffixes configured in the VPN auto-triggering properties, do you want to continue?If you remove these trusted network DNS suffixes, VPN connection will always auto trigger whenever trigger properties are satisfied. Do you want to continue?iThe trusted network DNS suffixes %1!s! will be removed from VPN auto-triggering, do you want to continue?FRemoving trusted network DNS suffixes %1!s! for VPN auto-triggering...=The DnsSuffix %1!s! is not present in the connection profile.The suffixes %1!s! will also be automatically removed from the trusted network detection list. Since there are no other suffixes configured in the trusted network detection list, VPN connection will always auto-trigger whether you are inside or outside corporate network.oThe suffixes %1!s! will be automatically added to the trusted network detection list. Any subsequent addition/removal of suffixes from this cmdlet will be reflected in the trusted network detection list. If you do not want this auto-population, remove the suffixes from the trusted network detection list by using the cmdlet: Remove-VpnConnectionTriggerTrustedNetworkJA proxy server port is not specified. Default port number 80 will be used.Auto triggering will be turned off in this profile because another auto-triggered profile already exists. You can manually turn on auto-triggering for this VPN profile in the Networks list.Since auto triggering properties are being removed from this profile, the VPN profile %1!s! will be enabled for auto triggering.RUse SetVpnConnectionIpSecConfiguration -RevertToDefault to reset Custom EncryptionSince split tunneling has been disabled, auto triggering will not work for this profile. The VPN profile %1!s! has been enabled for auto triggering.pIf you disable split tunneling, auto triggering will stop working for the connection. Do you want to continue? Split tunneling is disabled for this connection. Auto triggering will only work on VPN connections where split tunneling is enabled. Do you want to continue?;The DnsSuffix %1!s! is invalid. Specify a valid DNS suffix.5The DnsSuffix is invalid. Specify a valid DNS suffix.Auto triggering will be turned off in this profile because you have disabled auto triggering. You can manually turn on auto-triggering for this VPN profile in the Networks list.DThe web-proxy for VPN connection profile %1!s! cannot be configured.PA+Specify a valid value for parameter: %1!s!.cThe configuration XML cannot be generated. Conflicting tunnel authentication methods are specified./The EAP configuration file cannot be generated.PA2Creating EAP configuration XML for method %1!s!... 0 0LPP|PPpp''xSuccess Failure Error Information $VPNWmiCreate $VPNWmiDelete $VPNWmiModify \Microsoft-Windows-VPN-Client/Operational VPN Profile %1 has been created with the following properties: %n%2 VPN Profile %1 could not be created. %nError: (%2). %nProperties: %n%3 LVPN Profile %1 has been deleted. pVPN Profile %1 could not be deleted. %nError: (%2). VPN Connection %1 has been modified with the following properties: %n%2 VPN Profile %1 could not be modified. %nError: (%2). %nProperties: %n%3 VPN Profile %1 has been created with the following input properties: %n%2%nThe following properties could not be updated:%n%3 VPN Connection %1 has been modified with the following input properties: %n%2%nThe following properties could not be updated:%n%3 4VS_VERSION_INFO@%@%?6StringFileInfo040904B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft Corporation\FileDescriptionVPN Client WMIv2 Providerr)FileVersion6.3.9600.16384 (winblue_rtm.130821-1623)PInternalNameVpnClientPsProvider.dll.LegalCopyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.`OriginalFilenameVpnClientPsProvider.dll.muij%ProductNameMicrosoft Windows Operating SystemBProductVersion6.3.9600.16384DVarFileInfo$Translation PADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADD