// Copyright (c) 1997-2003 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved #pragma namespace("\\\\.\\ROOT\\CIMV2") instance of __namespace{ name="ms_409";}; #pragma namespace("\\\\.\\ROOT\\CIMV2\\ms_409") [Description("The Win32_PnPSignedDriver class provides digital signature information about drivers ") : Amended ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x0409) : ToSubclass] class Win32_PnPSignedDriver : CIM_Service { [Description("The DeviceID property is the DeviceID of the device e.g. ROOT\\FTDISK\\0000 ") : Amended ToSubclass] String DeviceID; [Description("The ClassGUID property is the ClassGUID of the device e.g. {71A27CDD-812A-11D0-BEC7-08002BE2092F}") : Amended ToSubclass] String ClassGuid; [Description("The IsSigned property is the signature status of driver that is it represents whether the driver is signed or not") : Amended ToSubclass] Boolean IsSigned; [Description("The Signer property is the signer of driver if it is signed e.g. ntbuild ") : Amended ToSubclass] String Signer; [Description("The InfName property is the name of the Inf file which installed this device e.g. machine.inf ") : Amended ToSubclass] String InfName; [Description("The DriverVersion property is the version of the driver e.g. 5.1.2427.1 ") : Amended ToSubclass] String DriverVersion; [Description("The DriverDate property is the Date of the driver e.g 1-25-2001 ") : Amended ToSubclass] datetime DriverDate; [Description("The Description property is the Description of the driver e.g. Volume Manager ") : Amended ToSubclass] String Description; [Description("The ProviderName property is the Provider of the driver e.g. Microsoft ") : Amended ToSubclass] String DriverProviderName; [Description("The HardwareID property is the HardwareID of the driver e.g. ROOT\\FTDISK ") : Amended ToSubclass] String HardWareID; [Description("The DeviceName property is the name of the device") : Amended ToSubclass] String DeviceName; [Description("The DeviceClass property is DeviceClass of the driver e.g. SYSTEM ") : Amended ToSubclass] String DeviceClass; [Description("The CompatID property is the CompatID for the driver e.g. DETECTEDInternal\\ftdisk ") : Amended ToSubclass] String CompatID; [Description("The Location property is the Location of the driver ") : Amended ToSubclass] String Location; [Description("The PDO property represents Physical Device Object e.g \\Device\\00000002 PDOs represent individual devices on a bus to a bus driverA bus driver creates a PDO for each device that it enumerates on its bus.The PDO represents the device to the bus driver. Other drivers for a device attach device objects on top of the PDO--the PDO is always at the bottom of the device stack") : Amended ToSubclass] String PDO; [Description("The Manufacturer property is the Manufacturer of the driver e.g. Microsoft") : Amended ToSubclass] String Manufacturer; [Description("The FriendlyName property is the array of FriendlyName/Caption of the driver e.g. Communications Port (COM2)") : Amended ToSubclass] String FriendlyName; [Description("The DevLoader property is the Device Loader for the device") : Amended ToSubclass] String DevLoader; [Description("The DriverName of the driver ") : Amended ToSubclass] String DriverName; }; [Description("Win32_PnPSignedDriverCIMDataFile is an association class basically used to get all the binary files associated with the driver") : Amended ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x0409) : ToSubclass] class Win32_PnPSignedDriverCIMDataFile : CIM_Dependency { [key,Description("The Antecedent propety is a reference to Win32_PnPSignedDriver\tinstance ") : Amended ToSubclass] Win32_PnPSignedDriver Ref Antecedent; [key,Description("The Dependent property is a reference to CIM_DataFile which represents the binary file associated with the PnP driver ") : Amended ToSubclass] CIM_DataFile Ref Dependent; };