MZÿÿ¸@¸º´ Í!¸LÍ!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $ÑRØ•3}‹•3}‹•3}‹HÌ´‹”3}‹H̱‹”3}‹Rich•3}‹PELà!  B`ÿ©@ô@.rsrcPB@@è€(€ @€X€p€ˆ€ € ¸ È Øð°ä Ð;äpM„äMUIÍþÍþ°auZ†M³nD«Âÿåøózð±¾;Qhmq6ð<#¨ê [@ˆ˜  MUI en-US  pÌ€I€ôP€]€Ì_€z€À€€‰€˜ € €Œ$0€0€˜'@€1@€è'(Already exists ,Reset to default Different Timed out $No more data 0Operation cancelled ,Operation Pending ,Duplicate objects $Access Denied (Partial Results (Generic failure Not found $Access denied ,Provider failure $Type mismatch $Out of memory (Invalid context ,Invalid parameter $Not available (Critical error (Invalid stream $Not supported 0Invalid superclass ,Invalid namespace (Invalid object $Invalid class 0Provider not found DInvalid provider registration 4Provider load failure 8Initialization failure ,Transport failure ,Invalid operation $Invalid query 0Invalid query type LObject or property already exists 4Override not allowed 4Propagated qualifier 0Propagated property ,Unexpected error ,Illegal operation 8Property can not be key ,Incomplete class (Invalid syntax 4Non-decorated object tAttempt to modify read-only object or property failed pProvider is not capable of the attempted operation 0Class has children 0Class has instances 4Query not implemented 0Illegal null value 8Invalid qualifier type 4Invalid property type 0Value out of range 0Cannot be singleton (Invalid CimType (Invalid method @Invalid method Parameter(s) (System property ,Invalid property (Call cancelled $Shutting down ,Propagated method 4Unsupported parameter 4Missing parameter id. 4Invalid parameter id. HNon-consecutive parameter ids. LReturn Value has a parameter id. 0Invalid object path ,Out of disk space LThe supplied buffer was too small \Provider does not support put extensions pThe marshaling packet identifies an unknown object. XThe marshaling packet type is unknown. PMarshaling packet version mismatch. XMarshaling packet signature is invalid. 0Invalid qualifier. DInvalid Duplicate Parameter. pServer buffers are full and data cannot be accepted pServer buffers are full and data cannot be accepted (Invalid flavor `Class derivation caused circular reference. <Unsupported class update. TCannot change class key inheritance. XCannot change class index inheritance. ˆClass object already contains the maximum number of properties. ”A property was redefined with a conflicting type in a derived class. ˆA non-overrideable qualifier was overridden in a derived class. œA method was redeclared with a conflicting signature in a derived class. `This method is not implemented in any class XThis method is disabled for this class 4The refresher is busy ,Unparsable query. DClass is not an event class. `'BY' cannot be used without 'GROUP WITHIN'. hAggregation on all properties is not supported.  'Dot' notation cannot be used on a property that is not an embedded object. ˜Aggregation on a property that is an embedded object is not supported. |Intrinsic event provider registration uses illegal query. A backup or restore was requested while WinMgmt is already running. 8Event queue overflowed. 0Privilege not held. pThis operator is not valid for this property type. tUser credentials cannot be used for local connections ŒA class cannot be abstract if its superclass is not also abstract ´An amended object cannot be put unless WBEM_FLAG_USE_AMENDED_QUALIFIERS is specified œThe client was not retrieving objects quickly enough from an enumeration DNull security descriptor used 0Operation times out 0Invalid association 0Ambiguous operation (Quota violation 4Transaction conflict @Transaction forced rollback 0Unsupported locale 0Handle out of date ,Connection failed 8Invalid handle request 8Property name too wide 0Class name too wide 4Method name too wide 8Qualifier name too wide $Rerun command <Database version mismatch Veto delete Veto put |The specified locale id was not valid for the operation. 0Provider suspended ÀThe object must be committed and retrieved again before the requested operation can succeed €Schema required to complete the operation is not available @Provider already registered 8Provider not registered |Fatal transport error, other transport will not be tried Client connection to WINMGMT needs to be encrypted for this operation. Please adjust your IWbemServices proxy security settings and retry. ŒA provider failed to report results within the specified timeout. hAttempt to put an instance with no defined key. xProvider registration overlaps with system event domain œ'WITHIN' clause must be used in this query due to lack of event providers øThis computer does not have the necessary domain permissions to support the security functions relating to the created subscription instance. Contact the Domain Administrator to get this computer added to the Windows Authorization Access Group. Retry Later 0Resource Contention XExpected qualifier name, an identifier <Expected semicolon or '=' 0Expected open brace hMissing closing brace, or illegal array element <Expected closing bracket DExpected closing parenthesis ¨Illegal constant value. (Numeric value out of range or strings without quotes) <Expected type identifier <Expected open parenthesis HUnexpected token at file scope `Unrecognized or unsupported type identifier LExpected property or method name |Typedefs and enumerated types are not currently supported ˜Unexpected alias. Only references to class object can take alias values ŒUnexpected array initialization. Arrays must be declared with [] DInvalid namespace path syntax HDuplicate amendment specifiers `#pragma must be followed by a valid keyword DInvalid namespace path syntax €Unexpected character in class name (must be an identifier) ¬Type mismatch. The value specified could not be coerced into the appropriate type „Dollar sign must be followed by an alias name (an identifier) <Invalid class declaration €Invalid instance declaration. Must start with 'instance of' ´Expected dollar sign. 'as' keyword must be followed by an alias, of the form '$name' À'CIMTYPE' qualifier may not be specified directly in a MOF file. Use standard type notation \Duplicate property declaration unexpected ˜Invalid namespace syntax. References to other servers are not allowed! 0Value out of range DThis is not a valid MOF file PEmbedded objects may not be aliases \NULL elements in array are not supported `Duplicate qualifier declaration unexpected ¼Expected a flavor type such as ToInstance, ToSubClass, EnableOverride, or DisableOverride xCombining Overridable, and NotOverridable is not legal @Alias cannot be used twice ”Combining "Restricted", and "ToInstance" or "ToSubClass" is not legal PMethods cannot return array values pArguments must have an "In" and/or "Out" qualifier 4Invalid flags syntax @Expected brace or bad type „CIM V2.2 feature not currently supported for qualifier value pCIM V2.2 feature not currently supported; data type ÈInvalid delete instance syntax, should be #pragma deleteinstance("instance path", FAIL|NOFAIL) üInvalid qualifier syntax. Should be of the for Qualifier name:type=value,scope(class|instance), flavor(toinstance|etc); XQualifier is used outside of its scope DError creating temporary file 4Invalid include file @Invalid DeleteClass syntax „4VS_VERSION_INFO½ïþ@€%@€%?âStringFileInfo¾040904B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft Corporation0FileDescriptionWMIr)FileVersion6.3.9600.16384 (winblue_rtm.130821-1623): InternalNamewmiutils.dll€.LegalCopyright© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.JOriginalFilenamewmiutils.dll.muij%ProductNameMicrosoft® Windows® Operating SystemBProductVersion6.3.9600.16384DVarFileInfo$Translation °PADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPAD