// Copyright (c) 1997-2008 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved #pragma autorecover #pragma classflags(64) #pragma namespace("\\\\.\\root\\interop") Instance of __Win32Provider as $InteropProvider { Name = "ProfileAssociationProviderInterop"; HostingModel = "LocalSystemHost:UmpoWmi"; ImpersonationLevel = 1; CLSID = "{4B314A47-12E0-4d52-95FE-084B9224DD4F}"; }; Instance of __InstanceProviderRegistration { Provider = $InteropProvider; SupportsGet = FALSE; SupportsPut = FALSE; SupportsDelete = FALSE; SupportsEnumeration = TRUE; }; [Locale(1033) : ToInstance,UUID("{8116a35d-671e-47b2-bcf6-1a43b7ec8b4a}") : ToInstance] class Win32_PowerSupplyProfile : CIM_RegisteredProfile { }; Instance of Win32_PowerSupplyProfile as $PowerSupplyProfile { InstanceID = "Power Supply"; RegisteredName = "Power Supply Profile"; RegisteredOrganization = 1; OtherRegisteredOrganization = "Microsoft"; RegisteredVersion = "1.0"; }; [Locale(1033) : ToInstance,UUID("{ac1de07e-50bd-49ec-a849-c1b7e089e3c0}") : ToInstance] class Win32_PowerSupplyConformsToProfile : CIM_ElementConformsToProfile { [read] CIM_RegisteredProfile Ref ConformantStandard = $PowerSupplyProfile; [read,MSFT_TargetNamespace("root\\cimv2\\power")] Win32_PowerSupply Ref ManagedElement; }; Instance of Win32_PowerSupplyConformsToProfile as $PowerSupplyConformantInterop { ManagedElement = $PowerSupply; }; [Dynamic,Provider("ProfileAssociationProviderInterop") : ToInstance ToSubclass,Locale(1033) : ToInstance,UUID("{fa20a145-baea-4d8a-bacd-a952e926fe8f}") : ToInstance] class Win32_PowerMeterConformsToProfile : CIM_ElementConformsToProfile { [read] CIM_RegisteredProfile Ref ConformantStandard = $PowerSupplyProfile; [read,MSFT_TargetNamespace("root\\cimv2\\power")] Win32_PowerMeter Ref ManagedElement; }; #pragma namespace("\\\\.\\root\\cimv2\\power") Instance of __Win32Provider as $CimV2Provider { Name = "ProfileAssociationProviderCimV2"; HostingModel = "LocalSystemHost:UmpoWmi"; ImpersonationLevel = 1; CLSID = "{8F22970F-2910-4baf-9B34-396F18318C17}"; }; Instance of __InstanceProviderRegistration { Provider = $CimV2Provider; SupportsGet = FALSE; SupportsPut = FALSE; SupportsDelete = FALSE; SupportsEnumeration = TRUE; }; [Locale(1033) : ToInstance,UUID("ce665784-cdbf-4df5-aa8d-646b9cef02ab") : ToInstance] class Win32_PowerSupply : CIM_PowerSupply { [read] string Name; [read,key] string DeviceID; }; Instance of Win32_PowerSupply as $PowerSupply { DeviceID = "Power Supply 0"; Name = "Microsoft Power Supply Device"; Description = "This class represents a static power supply on the system"; Status = "OK"; }; [Dynamic,Provider("ProfileAssociationProviderCimV2") : ToInstance ToSubclass,Locale(1033) : ToInstance,UUID("{fa20a145-baea-4d8a-bacd-a952e926fe8f}") : ToInstance] class Win32_PowerMeterConformsToProfile : CIM_ElementConformsToProfile { [read,MSFT_TargetNamespace("root\\interop")] CIM_RegisteredProfile Ref ConformantStandard = $PowerSupplyProfile; [read] Win32_PowerMeter Ref ManagedElement; }; #pragma autorecover #pragma classflags(64) #pragma namespace("\\\\.\\root\\interop") instance of __namespace{ name="ms_409";}; #pragma namespace("\\\\.\\root\\interop\\ms_409") [DisplayName("Power Supply Profile") : Amended ToSubclass,Description("A power supply profile as defined by the DMTF specification") : Amended ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE("ms_409") : ToInstance] class Win32_PowerSupplyProfile : CIM_RegisteredProfile { }; [DisplayName("Power Supply Conforms To Profile") : Amended ToSubclass,Description("An association between a power supply and the registered power supply profile.") : Amended ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE("ms_409") : ToInstance] class Win32_PowerSupplyConformsToProfile : CIM_ElementConformsToProfile { [DisplayName("Conformant Standard") : Amended ToSubclass,Description("The standard profile that is associated to the managed element in ManagedElement.") : Amended ToSubclass] CIM_RegisteredProfile Ref ConformantStandard; [DisplayName("Managed Element") : Amended ToSubclass,Description("The power supply that is associated to the power supply profile in ConformantStandard.") : Amended ToSubclass] Win32_PowerSupply Ref ManagedElement; }; [DisplayName("Power Meter Conforms To Profile") : Amended ToSubclass,Description("An association between a power meter and the registered power supply profile.") : Amended ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE("ms_409") : ToInstance] class Win32_PowerMeterConformsToProfile : CIM_ElementConformsToProfile { [DisplayName("Conformant Standard") : Amended ToSubclass,Description("The standard profile that is associated to the managed element in ManagedElement.") : Amended ToSubclass] CIM_RegisteredProfile Ref ConformantStandard; [DisplayName("Managed Element") : Amended ToSubclass,Description("The power meter that is associated to the power supply profile in ConformantStandard.") : Amended ToSubclass] Win32_PowerMeter Ref ManagedElement; }; #pragma namespace("\\\\.\\root\\cimv2\\power") instance of __namespace{ name="ms_409";}; #pragma namespace("\\\\.\\root\\cimv2\\power\\ms_409") [DisplayName("Power Supply") : Amended ToSubclass,Description("A power supply device") : Amended ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE("ms_409") : ToInstance] class Win32_PowerSupply : CIM_PowerSupply { [DisplayName("Name") : Amended ToSubclass,Description("The friendly name of the power supply device.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Name; [DisplayName("DeviceID") : Amended ToSubclass,Description("The unique identifier of the power supply device.") : Amended ToSubclass,key] string DeviceID; }; [DisplayName("Power Meter Conforms To Profile") : Amended ToSubclass,Description("An association between a power meter and the registered power supply profile.") : Amended ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE("ms_409") : ToInstance] class Win32_PowerMeterConformsToProfile : CIM_ElementConformsToProfile { [DisplayName("Conformant Standard") : Amended ToSubclass,Description("The standard profile that is associated to the managed element in ManagedElement.") : Amended ToSubclass] CIM_RegisteredProfile Ref ConformantStandard; [DisplayName("Managed Element") : Amended ToSubclass,Description("The power meter that is associated to the power supply profile in ConformantStandard.") : Amended ToSubclass] Win32_PowerMeter Ref ManagedElement; };