#pragma autorecover #pragma classflags ("safeupdate") #pragma namespace ( "\\\\.\\root") [NamespaceSecuritySDDL("O:BAG:BAD:P(A;;CCDCLCSWRPWPRCWD;;;BA)(A;;CCDCRP;;;LS)(A;;CCDCRP;;;NS)S:(AU;SAFA;0x6001f;;;WD)")] Instance of __Namespace { Name = "AccessLogging"; }; #pragma namespace ( "\\\\.\\root\\AccessLogging" ) Instance of __Win32Provider as $prov { Name = "UAL"; ClsId = "{29158F8E-ED31-4DFC-B16B-CD639E4BCA23}"; ImpersonationLevel = 1; HostingModel = "NetworkServiceHost"; }; Instance of __MethodProviderRegistration { Provider = $prov; }; Instance of __InstanceProviderRegistration { Provider = $prov; supportsGet = TRUE; supportsPut = TRUE; supportsDelete = TRUE; supportsEnumeration = TRUE; QuerySupportLevels = NULL; }; [Version("1"): Amended, dynamic: ToInstance, provider("UAL"): ToInstance, Description("This is a class of methods for enabling and disabling the User Access Logging feature.")] class MsftUal_Admin { [key] boolean Enabled; [implemented, static] uint32 Enable(); [implemented, static] uint32 Disable(); }; [Version("1"): Amended, dynamic: ToInstance, provider("UAL"): ToInstance, Description("This is a class of property qualifiers that provides client host and device data for the DNS role on the local server, if applicable.")] class MsftUal_Dns { [Description ("The name of the software parent product, or product line, that is providing User Access Logging data. This is also associated with a RoleName, and a RoleGuid.")] string ProductName; [Description ("The name of the role, component, or sub-product that is providing User Access Logging data. This is also associated with a ProductName, and a RoleGuid.")] string RoleName; [Description ("The UAL assigned, or registered, GUID representing the server role, or installed product. When a role or product reports its UAL data, this GUID accompanies the payload.")] string RoleGuid; [Key, Description ("The IP address of a DNS client record. This is associated with hostname.")] string IPAddress; [Key, Description ("The host name of the client. This is associated with IPAddress.")] string HostName; [Description ("The date and time when a DNS client record was last seen in DNS.")] datetime LastSeen; }; [Version("1"): Amended, dynamic: ToInstance, provider("UAL"): ToInstance, Description("This is a class of property qualifiers that provides an overview of roles and products installed and registered with the User Access Logging feature.")] class MsftUal_Overview { [Description ("The name of the software parent product, or product line, that is providing User Access Logging data. This is also associated with a RoleName, and a RoleGuid.")] string ProductName; [Description ("The name of the role, component, or sub-product that is providing User Access Logging data. This is also associated with a ProductName, and a RoleGuid.")] string RoleName; [Key, Description ("The UAL assigned, or registered, GUID representing the server role, or installed product. When a role or product reports its UAL data, this GUID accompanies the payload.")] string GUID; [Description ("The date and time when a role component or product, becomes operational through UAL.")] datetime FirstSeen; [Description ("The date and time when a role component, or product, was last operational through UAL.")] datetime LastSeen; }; [Version("1"): Amended, dynamic: ToInstance, provider("UAL"): ToInstance, Description("This is a class of property qualifiers that provides client device access details for roles and products installed on the local server.")] class MsftUal_DeviceAccess { [Description ("The name of the software parent product, or product line, that is providing User Access Logging data. This is also associated with a RoleName, and a RoleGuid.")] string ProductName; [Description ("The name of the role, component, or sub-product that is providing User Access Logging data. This is also associated with a ProductName, and a RoleGuid.")] string RoleName; [Key, Description ("The UAL assigned, or registered, GUID representing the server role, or installed product. When a role or product reports its UAL data, this GUID accompanies the payload.")] string RoleGuid; [Key, Description ("The IP address of a client device that accompanies the UAL payload from installed roles and products.")] string IPAddress; [Key, Description ("A unique GUID for a tenant client of an installed role or product which accompanies the UAL data payload, if applicable.")] string TenantIdentifier; [Description ("The incremental counter of device accesses for a particular client device.")] uint32 ActivityCount; [Description ("The date and time when a client IP address is first seen by a role or product.")] datetime FirstSeen; [Description ("The date and time when a client IP address is last seen by a role or product.")] datetime LastSeen; }; [Version("1"): Amended, dynamic: ToInstance, provider("UAL"): ToInstance, Description("This is a class of property qualifiers that provides client device access data on a given day of the year, or range.")] class MsftUal_DailyDeviceAccess { [Description ("The name of the software parent product, or product line, that is providing User Access Logging data. This is also associated with a RoleName, and a RoleGuid.")] string ProductName; [Description ("The name of the role, component, or sub-product that is providing User Access Logging data. This is also associated with a ProductName, and a RoleGuid.")] string RoleName; [Description ("The UAL assigned, or registered, GUID representing the server role, or installed product. When a role or product reports its UAL data, this GUID accompanies the payload.")] string RoleGuid; [Key, Description ("The IP address of a client device that accompanies the UAL payload from installed roles and products.")] string IPAddress; [Description ("The date that a device accessed a role, or installed product, on the local server.")] datetime AccessDate; [Description ("The number of accesses of a role, or installed product, on the local server from a unique client device.")] uint32 AccessCount; }; [Version("1"): Amended, dynamic: ToInstance, provider("UAL"): ToInstance, Description("This is a class of property qualifiers that provides client device access data on a given day of the year, or range.")] class MsftUal_DailyAccess { [Description ("The name of the software parent product, or product line, that is providing User Access Logging data. This is also associated with a RoleName, and a RoleGuid.")] string ProductName; [Description ("The name of the role, component, or sub-product that is providing User Access Logging data. This is also associated with a ProductName, and a RoleGuid.")] string RoleName; [Description ("The UAL assigned, or registered, GUID representing the server role, or installed product. When a role or product reports its UAL data, this GUID accompanies the payload.")] string RoleGuid; [Key, Description ("The IP address of a client device that accompanies the UAL payload from installed roles and products.")] string IPAddress; [Description ("The client user name that accompanies the UAL payload from installed roles and products, if applicable.")] string UserName; [Description ("A unique GUID for a tenant client of an installed role or product which accompanies the UAL data payload, if applicable.")] string TenantIdentifier; [Description ("The date that a device accessed a role, or installed product, on the local server.")] datetime AccessDate; [Description ("The number of accesses of a role, or installed product, on the local server from a unique client device.")] uint32 AccessCount; }; [Version("1"): Amended, dynamic: ToInstance, provider("UAL"): ToInstance, Description("This is a class of property qualifiers that provides client user access details for roles and products installed on the local server.")] class MsftUal_UserAccess { [Description ("The name of the software parent product, or product line, that is providing User Access Logging data. This is also associated with a RoleName, and a RoleGuid.")] string ProductName; [Description ("The name of the role, component, or sub-product that is providing User Access Logging data. This is also associated with a ProductName, and a RoleGuid.")] string RoleName; [Key, Description ("The UAL assigned, or registered, GUID representing the server role, or installed product. When a role or product reports its UAL data, this GUID accompanies the payload.")] string RoleGuid; [Key, Description ("The client user name that accompanies the UAL payload from installed roles and products, if applicable.")] string UserName; [Key, Description ("A unique GUID for a tenant client of an installed role or product which accompanies the UAL data payload, if applicable.")] string TenantIdentifier; [Description ("The incremental counter of client user accesses for a particular client user.")] uint32 ActivityCount; [Description ("The date and time when a client name is first seen by a role or product.")] datetime FirstSeen; [Description ("The date and time when a client name is last seen by a role or product.")] datetime LastSeen; }; [Version("1"): Amended, dynamic: ToInstance, provider("UAL"): ToInstance, Description("This is a class of property qualifiers that provides client user access data on a given day of the year, or range.")] class MsftUal_DailyUserAccess { [Description ("The name of the software parent product, or product line, that is providing User Access Logging data. This is also associated with a RoleName, and a RoleGuid.")] string ProductName; [Description ("The name of the role, component, or sub-product that is providing User Access Logging data. This is also associated with a ProductName, and a RoleGuid.")] string RoleName; [Description ("The UAL assigned, or registered, GUID representing the server role, or installed product. When a role or product reports its UAL data, this GUID accompanies the payload.")] string RoleGuid; [Key, Description ("The client user name that accompanies the UAL payload from installed roles and products, if applicable.")] string UserName; [Description ("The date that a client user accessed a role, or installed product, on the local server.")] datetime AccessDate; [Description ("The number of accesses of a role, or installed product, on the local server from a unique client user.")] uint32 AccessCount; }; [Version("1"): Amended, dynamic: ToInstance, provider("UAL"): ToInstance, Description("This is a class of property qualifiers that provides virtual machine details for the Hyper-V role on the local server, if applicable.")] class MsftUal_HyperV { [Description ("The name of the software parent product, or product line, that is providing User Access Logging data. This is also associated with a RoleName, and a RoleGuid.")] string ProductName; [Description ("The name of the role, component, or sub-product that is providing User Access Logging data. This is also associated with a ProductName, and a RoleGuid.")] string RoleName; [Description ("The UAL assigned, or registered, GUID representing the server role, or installed product. When a role or product reports its UAL data, this GUID accompanies the payload.")] string RoleGuid; [Key, Description ("The hypervisor assigned GUID for identifying a virtual machine.")] string UUID; [Description ("The unit identification for the local server.")] string ChassisSerialNumber; [Description ("The date and time when a VM is first seen.")] datetime FirstSeen; [Description ("The date and time when a VM is last seen.")] datetime LastSeen; }; [Version("1"): Amended, dynamic: ToInstance, provider("UAL"): ToInstance, Description("This is a class of property qualifiers that provides client access detail by device, for the local server as a whole.")] class MsftUal_ServerDevice { [Description ("The unit identification for the local server.")] string ChassisSerialNumber; [Description ("SMBIOS reported universally unique identifier for this server unit.")] string UUID; [Key, Description ("The IP address of the client that accompanies the UAL payload from installed roles and products.")] string IPAddress; [Description ("The incremental counter of client device accesses for a particular client device.")] uint32 ActivityCount; [Description ("The date and time when a client IP address is first seen by a server.")] datetime FirstSeen; [Description ("The date and time when a client IP address is last seen by a server.")] datetime LastSeen; }; [Version("1"): Amended, dynamic: ToInstance, provider("UAL"): ToInstance, Description("This is a class of property qualifiers that provides client access detail by user, for the local server as a whole.")] class MsftUal_ServerUser { [Description ("Unit identification for the local server.")] string ChassisSerialNumber; [Description ("SMBIOS reported universally unique identifier for this server unit.")] string UUID; [Key, Description ("The client user name that accompanies the UAL payload from installed roles and products, if applicable.")] string UserName; [Description ("The incremental counter of client user accesses for a particular client user.")] uint32 ActivityCount; [Description ("The date and time when a client user name is first seen by a server.")] datetime FirstSeen; [Description ("The date and time when a client user name is last seen by a server.")] datetime LastSeen; }; [Version("1"): Amended, dynamic: ToInstance, provider("UAL"): ToInstance, Description("This is a class of property qualifiers that provides profile details of the local server and reflects changes if they are made.")] class MsftUal_SystemId { [Description ("The date and time that the current operating system first became operational with this set of system identity properties. If the properties of a system change, then a new System Identity record is created.")] datetime CreationTime; [Description ("The name of the BIOS manufacturer.")] string SystemManufacturer; [Description ("The product name specified in the system BIOS.")] string SystemProductName; [Description ("The number of physical processors currently available on a system.")] uint32 PhysicalProcessorCount; [Description ("The number of cores for an instance of the physical processor in the system. For example, for a dual-core processor system, this property has a value of 2.")] uint32 CoresPerPhysicalProcessor; [Description ("The number of logical processors for an instance of a Hyper-Thread capable physical processor in the system. For example, in a Hyper-Thread quad-core processor system, this property has a value of 8.")] uint32 LogicalProcessorsPerPhysicalProcessor; [Description ("The maximum system memory size (in bytes). For a virtual machine, this value represents what the hypervisor configured for the virtual machine’s memory size.")] uint64 MaximumMemory; [Description ("The SMBIOS reported universally unique identifier for this server unit.")] string SystemSMBIOSUUID; [key, Description ("The unit identification for the local server.")] string SystemSerialNumber; [Description ("The server name according to the domain name server (DNS).")] string SystemDNSHostName; [Description ("The name of the domain, or workgroup, to which the server belongs.")] string SystemDomainName; [Description ("The major portion of the version number of the operating system.")] uint32 OSMajor; [Description ("The minor portion of the version number of the operating system.")] uint32 OSMinor; [Description ("The build number of the operating system.")] uint32 OSBuildNumber; [Description ("An integer that represents the operating system platform. The possible values of the data property are \"1\" to indicate an unsupported Windows system and \"2\" to indicate a supported Windows system.")] uint32 OSPlatformId; [Description ("The SuiteMask of the local system.")] uint32 OSSuiteMask; [Description ("An enumeration type that identifies the operating system that you are running.")] uint32 OSProductType; [Description ("The operating system product serial identification number.")] string OSSerialNumber; [Description ("The code for the country or region that an operating system uses. Values are based on international phone dialing prefixes.")] string OSCountryCode; [Description ("The number, in minutes, an operating system is offset from Greenwich mean time (GMT). The number is positive, negative, or zero.")] sint16 OSCurrentTimeZone; [Description ("If True, the daylight savings mode is ON.")] boolean OSDaylightInEffect; [Description ("The date and time the operating system was last restarted.")] string OSLastBootUpTime; [Description ("The major version number of the service pack.")] uint32 ServicePackMajor; [Description ("The minor version number of the service pack.")] uint32 ServicePackMinor; };