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of the ServerThe Namespace pathThe parent Namespace pathWThe Display Name for this pathThe Class name-Indicates whether this path addresses a ClassW#Coerce this path to address a ClassWWW:Indicates whether this path addresses a Singleton Instance0Coerce this path to address a Singleton InstanceWWA collection of named valuesWW A named valueWThe Value of this Named elementWWWThe Name of this Value&Get a named value from this Collection&The number of items in this collection$Add a named value to this collectionWW)Remove a named value from this collectionWMake a copy of this collection#Delete all items in this collectionWWW2The collection of Key value bindings for this pathA Security ConfiguratorWWW(Defines the security impersonation levelWW The security impersonation levelWW)Defines the security authentication levelW!The security authentication levelW#A collection of Privilege OverridesWWWDefines a privilegeWWWA Privilege OverrideWW2Whether the Privilege is to be enabled or disabledThe name of the PrivilegeW!The display name of the PrivilegeWThe Privilege identifierWW*Get a named Privilege from this collection"Add a Privilege to this collection'Remove a Privilege from this collectionWWW(Add a named Privilege to this collectionWW,The collection of privileges for this objectWW,Defines the security components of this pathWW%Defines locale component of this pathW7Defines authentication authority component of this pathWWWSave this ObjectWWSave this Object asynchronouslyWWWDelete this Object!Delete this Object asynchronouslyW$A collection of Classes or InstancesWW7Get an Object with a specific path from this collectionWWW)The Security Configurator for this ObjectW8Get an Object with a specific index from this collectionWW"Return all instances of this Class1Return all instances of this Class asynchronouslyW"Enumerate subclasses of this Class1Enumerate subclasses of this Class asynchronouslyW"Get the Associators of this Object1Get the Associators of this Object asynchronouslyW!Get the References to this ObjectW0Get the References to this Object asynchronouslyWWExecute a Method of this ObjectWWW.Execute a Method of this Object asynchronouslyClone this ObjectWGet the MOF text of this ObjectWWW Create a subclass of this ObjectWW!Create an Instance of this ObjectW Compare this Object with anotherWWA collection of Qualifiers A QualifierWWWThe value of this QualifierWWWThe name of this Qualifier7Indicates whether this Qualifier is local or propagatedWWW=Determines whether this Qualifier can propagate to subclassesW<Determines whether this Qualifier can propagate to instancesWWDDetermines whether this Qualifier can be overridden where propagatedWW?Determines whether the value of this Qualifier has been amendedWWW*Get a named Qualifier from this collection"Add a Qualifier to this collection'Remove a Qualifier from this collectionWWW+The collection of Qualifiers of this ObjectWWWA collection of Properties A PropertyThe value of this PropertyThe name of this PropertyW6Indicates whether this Property is local or propagated&The originating class of this Property/Defines the valid CIM Types of a Property valueWWWThe CIM Type of this PropertyW-The collection of Qualifiers of this PropertyW0Indicates whether this Property is an array typeWW)Get a named Property from this collectionW!Add a Property to this collectionW&Remove a Property from this collection+The collection of Properties of this ObjectWWWA collection of MethodsWWWA MethodWWThe name of this MethodWWW$The originating class of this MethodWW"The in parameters for this Method.#The out parameters for this Method.WWW,The collection of Qualifiers of this Method.WW'Get a named Method from this collectionWWW(The collection of Methods of this ObjectWWAn array of strings describing the class derivation heirarchy, in most-derived-from order (the first element in the array defines the superclass and the last element defines the dynasty class).WThe path of this ObjectWWWGet a single Class or Instance-Get a single Class or Instance asynchronouslyWDelete a Class or Instance)Delete a Class or Instance asynchronouslyW"Enumerate the Instances of a Class1Enumerate the Instances of a Class asynchronouslyW#Enumerate the subclasses of a ClassWWW3Enumerate the subclasses of a Class asynchronously WWWExecute a QueryWWWExecute an asynchronous QueryW*Get the Associators of a class or instance9Get the Associators of a class or instance asynchronouslyW)Get the References to a class or instanceW8Get the References to a class or instance asynchronouslyWWAn Event sourceWWWaRetrieve the next event within a specified time period. The timeout is specified in milliseconds.W(Execute a Query to receive NotificationsWW6Execute an asynchronous Query to receive NotificationsExecute a MethodWWExecute a Method asynchronouslyWWW$Used to obtain Namespace connectionsWWConnect to a Namespace$The last error on the current threadWW6A sink for events arising from asynchronous operations+Event triggered when an Object is availableWWWEDefines the errors that may be returned by the WBEM Scripting libraryW;Event triggered when an asynchronous operation is completedWWWCEvent triggered to report the progress of an asynchronous operationWWWJEvent triggered when an object path is available following a Put operationAsynchronous operation control Cancel an asynchronous operationWWRefresh this ObjectWWW2The collection of System Properties of this ObjectDefines object text formatsWWW0Retrieve a textual representation of this ObjectWW9Set this Object using the supplied textual representationW!Save the Object to this NamespaceW0Save the Object to this Namespace asynchronouslyWW A DatetimeThe DMTF datetimeW=The Year component of the value (must be in the range 0-9999)W'Whether the Year component is specifiedWWW<The Month component of the value (must be in the range 1-12)WW(Whether the Month component is specifiedWW[The Day component of the value (must be in the range 1-31, or 0-999999 for interval values)WWW&Whether the Day component is specified<The Hours component of the value (must be in the range 0-23)WW(Whether the Hours component is specifiedWW>The Minutes component of the value (must be in the range 0-59)*Whether the Minutes component is specified>The Seconds component of the value (must be in the range 0-59)*Whether the Seconds component is specifiedGThe Microseconds component of the value (must be in the range 0-999999)WWW/Whether the Microseconds component is specifiedWWWAThe UTC component of the value (must be in the range -720 to 720)W&Whether the UTC component is specifiedRIndicates whether this value describes an absolute date and time or is an interval5Retrieve value in Variant compatible (VT_DATE) formatW7Set the value using Variant compatible (VT_DATE) formatWWW;Retrieve value in FILETIME compatible string representationWWW=Set the value using FILETIME compatible string representationW#A Collection of Refreshable ObjectsWWWA single item in a RefresherWW.The index of this item in the parent refresherThe parent refresherWW=Whether this item represents a single object or an object setW The objectThe object set*Remove this item from the parent refresherGet an item from this refresherWWW%The number of items in this refresherW,Add a refreshable instance to this refresherWW.Add a refreshable enumerator to this refresher"Remove an item from this refresher$Refresh all items in this collectionWW9Whether to attempt auto-reconnection to a remote providerW0Defines semantics of putting a Class or InstanceWW+Defines behavior of various interface callsWWW%Defines depth of enumeration or queryW(Defines content of generated object textWWDefines timeout constantsW&Defines settings for object comparison"Used to define connection behaviorA collection of Named ValuesWW Object PathWWW Date & TimeWWW RefresherWA single item from a Refresher@ @  @  @  (@,@HX@X@h@x dL 08@@HX`xpxl ( ` @T  ( @H XWWWQLWWWWW.WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW WW WW WW WW WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW WW!WW"WW#WW$WW%WW&WW'WW(WW)WW*WW+WW,WW-WW.WW/WW0WW1WW2WW3WW4WW5WW6WW7WW8WW9WW:WW;WW<WW=WW>WW?WW@WWAWWBWWCWWDWWEWWFWWGWWHWWIWWPWWQWWRWWSWWTWWUWWVWWWWWXWWYWWZWW[WW\WW]WW_WW`WWaWWbWWcWWdWWeWWfWWgWWhWWiWWjWWkWWlWWmWWnWWoWWpWWqWWrWWsWWtWWuWWvWWwWWxWWyWWzWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW WW WW0WW0WW `8 T< 11 1X p@  < 11 1 1PH < 1 1pP   < 1 1 1`X T81 1 p` \ 1 1 1`h T,11 1 pp  ,11 1 1px T11 1    11 1 1  T $< <1X1t11 1 1111 1    P < <1X1t11 1 1111 1 1 | T < X11 1 111 1    < X11 1 111 1 1p Tl011 1   11 1 1 T<  11 1   <  11 1 1,TDD  Hh4( ` `0 `P` P8 Tp1 1 `@  1 1 1@H 1 1`P  1 1 1PX T1 1 ``  1 1 1Ph T1 1 `p ( 1 1 1x T \<1X1t11 1 1111 1    <1X1t11 1 1111 1 1 l T X11 1 111 1    X11 1 111 1 1p  T   11 1   0  11 1 1,T D` X @t Tt 10 @| T 1X @| T 1X P T X 1 ,TD0 @P ,TDPp ,TD( ,LD\ ,TD ,TDD  t  $<TpLl8XD| PPP`  L4`,8LDp| $@D!,HLD $PD!,XLD $`D!,hLD $pD!,xLD4 , LD l $ D! 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