MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $|/////1f%//1f //1f#//1f$//1f=//1f'//1f"//Rich/PEd$iY"  v$=-`A <0LP`;@.texttv `.dataL z@.pdata|@@.idatat @@.didat@@.rsrc0@@.relocL@B=HJMM`cgph{}} ~@~`~~~~~ @$iY.;/`ADVAPI32.dllGuidLevelFlagsCircularSizeWERDIAG: Verifier.dll loaded. Enabling Autoverifier. WERDIAG: ProcessStartupSettingsUpdate failed. NTSTATUS: %08X WERDIAG: FDR will be enabled WERDIAG: Stopping Autoverifier WERDIAG: Stopping FDR WERDIAG: AutoVerifier: Failed getting current user registry path. NTSTATUS: %08X WERDIAG: AutoVerifier: Path is: %S Software\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting\Plugins\AutoverifierWERDIAG: AutoVerifier: Subkey is: %S WERDIAG: AutoVerifier: could not open settings key. NTSTATUS: %08X AutoverifierEnabledWERDIAG: AutoVerifier: could not read enabled flag. NTSTATUS: %08X WERDIAG: AutoVerifier: Enabled flag: %u \Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error ReportingWERDIAG: Failed opening registry key. NTSTATUS: %08X ErrorPortWERDIAG: PluginsNtGetRegStringValue failed. NTSTATUS: %08X WERDIAG: SignalStartWerSvc failed NTSTATUS: %08X WERDIAG: NtQuerySysInfo(ErrorPortTimeouts) failed. NTSTATUS: %08X WERDIAG: WaitForWerSvc failed %08X. NTSTATUS: %08X WERDIAG: WaitForWerSvc timed out, failing the call with NTSTATUS: %08X WERDIAG: RtlAllocateAndInitializeSid failed. NTSTATUS: %08X WERDIAG: NtAlpcConnectPort failed. NTSTATUS: %08X WERDIAG: NtAlpcConnectPort timed out, failing the call with NTSTATUS %08X WERDIAG: NtAlpcSendWaitReceivePort failed. NTSTATUS: %08X WERDIAG: Service returned failure status. NTSTATUS: %08X WERDIAG: Failed getting current user registry path. NTSTATUS: %08X Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution OptionsWERDIAG: Handle to registry key is null WERDIAG: Failed getting process name. NTSTATUS: %08X AutoverifierAutoVerifierCountWERDIAG: Failed reading key value. NTSTATUS: %08X WERDIAG: Failed writing registry value. NTSTATUS: %08X OriginalBucketAutoVerifierTimeDurationWERDIAG: Failed creating timer thread. NTSTATUS: %08X WERDIAG: Failed deleting autovefier enabled flag. NTSTATUS: %08X WERDIAG: Failed writing key value \Registry\Machine\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session ManagerImageExecutionOptionsWERDIAG: Not disabling HKCU IFEO look-up because its statically enabled. WERDIAG: Thread failed to wait for the specified time; Disabling autoverifier. NTSTATUS: %08X verifier.dllWERDIAG: Failed obtaining verifier.dll handle. NTSTATUS: %08X VerifierForceNormalHeapWERDIAG: Failed obtaining VerifierForceNormalHeap function address. NTSTATUS: %08X WERDIAG: Failed switching to normal heap mode. NTSTATUS: %08X WERDIAG: Verifier switched to light mode \KernelObjects\SystemErrorPortReadyu: AnT DWERDIAG: Invalid params WERDIAG: Arithmetic overflow WERDIAG: OOM WERDIAG: Failed creating FDR thread. NTSTATUS: %08X WERDIAG: GetTraceLoggerHandle failed WERDIAG: GetTraceEnableLevel failed WERDIAG: GetTraceEnableFlags failed WERDIAG: Internal provider enabled for Level %u, Flags %lu WERDIAG: Tracing disabled for internal provider WERDIAG: Provider not registered. RegisterTraceGuids failed with %d WERDIAG: Internal provider: FDR did not start yet; Message lost WERDIAG: Failed determining string length. HRESULT: %08X WERDIAG: Memory allocation for event failed. WERDIAG: Internal provider failed to log message. Win32 error: %08X WERDIAG: Internal log message WERDIAG: Failed reading the session settings of updating the process ID. HRESULT: %08X WERDIAG: Failed parsing settings string. HRESULT: %08X WERDIAG: Failed to enable logging. HRESULT: %08X FDR startedWERDIAG: Failed enabling trace provider. Win32 error: %08X FDR Tracing SessionWERDIAG: Invalid arguments: Log path cannot be null WERDIAG: Unable to allocate %d bytes for properties structure. WERDIAG: Failed copying string buffer. HRESULT: %08X WERDIAG: StartTrace failed for the internal provider. Win32 error: %08X WERDIAG: Failed enabling internal trace provider. Win32 error: %08X WERDIAG: Invalid args: The pair string cannot be null WERDIAG: Failed obtaining string length. HRESULT: %08X WERDIAG: Invalid format: expected '='. WERDIAG: Invalid args WERDIAG: Failed getting string length. HRESULT: %08X WERDIAG: Failed copying string. HRESULT: %08X WERDIAG: Invalid arguments: Buffer or separator character cannot be null WERDIAG: Invalid arguments: String buffer cannot be null WERDIAG: Failed obtaining the length of the input string. HRESULT: %08X WERDIAG: Out of resources allocating memory for string buffer WERDIAG: Failed making a copy of the original settings string. HRESULT: %08X WERDIAG: Failed copying characters to pair buffer. HRESULT: %08X WERDIAG: Invalid argument: settins string cannot be NULL WERDIAG: Failed extracting next token from settings string. HRESULT: %08X WERDIAG: Failed extracting next pair from the current token. HRESULT: %08X WERDIAG: Error parsing current pair; Ignoring pair and continuing parsing. HRESULT: %08X WERDIAG: Failed updating settings; Parsing continues. HRESULT: %08X WERDIAG: Log file size was not specified; Logging will not be enabled WERDIAG: Failed reading session settings, cannot delete log file. HRESULT: %08X %s_%dWERDIAG: Failed appending process ID to log file name. HRESULT: %08X WERDIAG: Failed deleting file. NTSTATUS: %08X WERDIAG: Session settings and/or FDR layer were not deleted successfuly. HRESULT: %08X Software\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting\Plugins\FDR\CurrentSessionAppPathWERDIAG: Failed reading string value from registry. NTSTATUS: %08X Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\LayersFDRWERDIAG: UtilRemoveAppCompatLayerFromList failed. HRESULT: %08X WERDIAG: PluginsNtSetRegStringValue failed. NTSTATUS: %08X WERDIAG: Failed opening session registry key. NTSTATUS: %08X WERDIAG: Invalid arguments; pointer to string buffer cannot be null SessionSettingsWERDIAG: Failed reading FDR settings value from registry. NTSTATUS: %08X LogPathWERDIAG: Failed reading log file path value from registry. NTSTATUS: %08X WERDIAG: Get current process ID failed ProcIDWERDIAG: Failed writing process ID to registry. NTSTATUS: %08X WERDIAG: StartFDR failed 0x%x FDR_FLUSH_MESSAGE%s-%dWERDIAG: Failed concatenating strings. HRESULT: %08X WERDIAG: Failed creating event. Win32 error: %08X WERDIAG: Failed setting event. Win32 error: %08X WERDIAG: Flushing done, done signal sent WERDIAG: Unexpected event response or failed waiting for event DFԓ@+f9vKtdgWERDIAG: AppRecorder: Failed creating AppRecorder thread. NTSTATUS: %08X Local\{DF2B7FCA-C5B0-4638-A4AD-59F7F76CE540}WERDIAG: AppRecorder: ProcessStartupSettingsUpdate failed. HRESULT: %08X %d-AppRecorderEnabledWERDIAG: AppRecorder: Failed creating apprecorder event name string. HRESULT: %08X WERDIAG: AppRecorder: Failed creating event. Win32 error: %08X WERDIAG: AppRecorder: Failed to get temp folder path. Win32 error: %08X WERWERDIAG: AppRecorder: Failed to get temp file name. Win32 error: %08X .AppRecorderData.xmlWERDIAG: AppRecorder: Failed to create temp file name. HRESULT: %08X WERDIAG: AppRecorder: Failed to create apprecorder temp file. Win32 error: %08X WERDIAG: AppRecorder: Failed to register the log file with WER. HRESULT: %08X WERDIAG: AppRecorder: Failed to get system folder path. Win32 error: %08X \psr.exeWERDIAG: AppRecorder: Failed to create UAR executable image path. HRESULT: %08X %s /start /output %s /gui 0 /recordpid %d /stopevent %s /sc 0 /noarc 1 /waitonpid 1WERDIAG: AppRecorder: Failed to create UAR process command line. HRESULT: %08X WERDIAG: AppRecorder: Failed to create UAR process. Win32 error: %08X WERDIAG: AppRecorder: Failed getting current user registry path. NTSTATUS: %08X Software\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting\Plugins\AppRecorderWERDIAG: AppRecorder: AppRecorder settings key is not present. NTSTATUS: %08X AppRecorderEnabledWERDIAG: AppRecorder: AppRecorder enabled flag is not present. NTSTATUS: %08X AppRecorderCountWERDIAG: AppRecorder: Failed to get current process name. Win32 error: %08X WERDIAG: AppRecorder: Failed to open App Recorder layer key. NTSTATUS: %08X WERDIAG: AppRecorder: Failed to get application appcompat layers. NTSTATUS: %08X AppRecorderWERDIAG: AppRecorder: Failed to update application appcompat layers. NTSTATUS: %08X WERDIAG: AppRecorder: Failed to update App Recorder run count. NTSTATUS: %08X WERDIAG: Invalid parameters WERDIAG: SizeTAdd failed. NTSTATUS: %08X WERDIAG: Arithmetic operation failed. NTSTATUS: %08X WERDIAG: Insufficient resources %s\%sWERDIAG: Key: %S WERDIAG: Out of resources allocating memory for key information structure WERDIAG: Failed extracting registry value %S. NTSTATUS: %08X WERDIAG: Failed writing to value %S. NTSTATUS: %08X WERDIAG: Failed writing to value %S. NTSTATUS %08X WERDIAG: NtQueryInformationProcess failed. NTSTATUS: %08X WERDIAG: Invalid size returned. NTSTATUS: %08X WERDIAG: Registry value %S is not of type string WERDIAG: Failed determining string buffer length. HRESULT: %08X WERDIAG: Failed with integer overflow 5RSDStk|ZJ)B;WerDiagController.pdbH(u YuxY0 eYcY[Y=XYtLQLl9uLyLD3ҹuYLPt%X!vuc=Xu3LtH ZHtFYtH%Z6=Xu-Lot>u H RIH(Hl$Ht$WH IHuE33u=\u=s\LƋHHl$0Ht$8H _WH\$UVAVHH@33HMHu(fuHEEfEesy LLMLsL LtsLEE3EqHE(HAHD$ -3yL~$HM(LE H5yLD3sD9u LADDrHM(HtrH9utHMrrHM3^rH\$pH@A^^]HHXHxL`Lp UHHp HPH3H` E33HHEEfEHEEt$E3E3ALd$`Ld$hLeLd$pDe@fEDLefDeHD$ 2HMqyLD3ҹqHMLD$`HW8؅y LKLMH vE3AAD$ /qx0D9et*Dd$0H IE3E33Dd$(Ld$  qAI3HUHH &E3E3HEHHEPpuAAE܅yDLE3HT$xEAAIsp؅y LHc\$xHiLEHEHEHMEFHE0HELeDeLe Le(,px7„u HiHMHMLEME3pHM7p߅yDLGuASLeAHT$`HM0oHD$pE3HD$PDd$HDd$@Dd$8Dd$0EAHM@ADd$(Dd$ jo؅y LMr|$|E0LeDeLeLeLeuHcD$|HiHMHD$pH}IELEHU0H|$PLd$HLd$@Ld$8Ld$0HD$(HL$hE3D$ n؅y L=uASLAAxHM`3E2=HE3E`PxDžD =HL$hH|$8HELd$0HD$(HLE`E3ɺDžPxHD$ Lun؅x4=t-DEyL3ҹnALD3ҹvnL9d$`teH %`LD$`3HI0emHL$pHt lLd$pHL$hHt mLd$hHMHtlH` H36L$p I[I{Mc Ms(I]HL$USWAVHl$HE33H S3ALuLuLuwLu'HE/fDuHEE!fE%LufD5QL5S;HM m؅yLD3ҹ[mLEE3HEAIH(HD$ -HMly DLLMMuL3ҹlDfD95Pu2؅y LgLMHEHPE3HD$ ,؅yDLMHEwHE3HD$ a,؅xHMwLEgHx.؅y L}gv&HMwDGHJ/؅y LHMwLEH2xbLEH $RL+EHHtAft fHHuHu HAfD1QEɹ1CVAIQHMwLEoHb-؅y LrEot}HiȀigHE'E3HD$HH}QH SHD$@HzSE3HD$8HC3HD$0HLt$(Lt$ L5?Qi؅yLD3ҹ k<w4HMwiHMiyLD3ҹjAL9uteH %`LE3HI0iHMHtPjHMHtAjHMwHt2jHĈA^_[]HL$USWHH@33HMH}0H}(f}HEEfE} i؅y L-LEE3HE0AIHHD$ )؅yLD3ҹiHM0HYE3i-؅yLD3ҹi`E3HE(HOAIE3HD$ r)x6HM(LE H+x9} tL^iHM(HthHM0HthH9}tHMhHM3hH@_[]H\$UVWHH@33H3fuHEEfEfuHEEfEgyLtD3ҋhHHM6hLM(LE33dg؅y L3ҋ]HHMHgHM(LM0HUE3;g؅y LH]0HghHU(H3ҋϋ؅yL DhL:hދH\$`H@_^]@SVWH`HEH3H$PHܵIAH+HMLD$@HHD$0AHD$ .f3uf NH|$0t+~|$@1CVAt mHGAI;A HAGɅx@΅t/LL$DL+L+IHtAft fHHuHuHtf3H$PH3/H`_^[H\$Hl$Ht$WATAUAVAWH E3IHLEAH`HHfD9,AuJH;HH;eH %`D3HI0D.eHHHuL43ҹfM3H4f Dvf;uEAEHf93ttfD9+t f7AHHAHduHCfuI;t v fD9kuHftHfHEfufD/A9LK3ҹQeLMteH %`3HI0DdL.L3ҹeWH\$PHl$XHt$`H A_A^A]A\_LSH`IcIc3ICICE3ICICE3ICIcH&ICIcIc3HTc؅yLD3ҹwd3ۋH`[@SH0tH%eLL>ICrHLLHuLg3ҹ dNHr؄u LjH L r3ҹu LqLDˉD$ c3H0[HHXHhHp HPWH 3H9-KuL3ҹuc!H f9)t HHuHeH %`H+3HI0H\$8ffDbHHu L2L3H1LD$8fG,HO4HyGNEGG00H JHptLD3ҹbL03ҹbeH %`LHI03{aLBAW3ҹObH\$0Hl$@Ht$H3H _H\$Hl$Ht$WH033H91vbHk|+ uOH DD+T+LKHD$ Lp3ɅL+ tLoD3ҹa;;rH\$@Hl$HHt$P%@H0_H\$Hl$Ht$ WATAUAVAWH0E3H LLLHuL]BaWIAًfD9 t HHuHu WIHH+HL$`yDL3ҹ`HLAfE9t IHuHu WIH+…xI=L$E3A,LeH %`HI0DDv_HHuDL{M3H`.HT$`/G,AL$xo(MOpG@GtxHGAFgDH‰GI{PLD$8HD$PHE3ɹHD$ -؅yLD3ҹ4P HL$PNHL$PHtOH\$XH@_H\$Ht$HL$UWAVHH@3E3IHLu fDuHEEfEHMHMOOLEHE HANE3HD$ c؅y L2HM HzL؅y LlHM HL؅y LJeH%0D@@EuL3ҹ O@6HM H ؅yLD3ҹNAHM HtoNL|3ҹNWH\$hHt$pH@A^_]HHXHpHxUHXHH,H3HHd$@Hd$HHHHL$`3A )LD$HHT$@ Ht$H؅yLҼHT$@HL$`=3ҋ؅yLHd$XHHHD$PHLHD$8Hd$0Hd$(HD$PH ;AHD$ [tLD3ҋeMHL$`H؅yL3Dȋ>M3HteH %`LD$H3HI0&LH|$@teH %`LD$@3HI0LyLQD3ҋLeH%0eH %`3HI0X@AKHHuL3ҋL5L L/Hȉ\$ F؅yL!D3ҋTLLE333JHHuJL"~T$`3tHMDƒ9uHIuҁ(=u\HL$`3ɅҁwˆHHJuH3Ju4AJLD3ҋK@&L'3ҋKL3ҋrK3eH %`L3HI0hJHH3L$I[IsI{ I]LD$LL$ SUVWH(3HBHH=WGx5HZLL$hHHӋJxHH;wuf,^f,^zHtf.H(_^][H\$3HBAI;DAWEGEx>DHt*L+L+IHtAft fHHuHuHAzHtfH\$A@SH`Hd$pHd$P3HD$Xt{HD$PE3E3HD$HHD$p3HD$@Hd$8HeHD$0Hd$(Hd$ HH؅yLD3ҹI3HL$pHt-HH`[HHXHpHxUAVAWHH@ Ho'H3H0 3HL$x3DF`t$p+3Ll3ҹHt$PHD$XHD$`ffuff fXGH1L DF33RGHu @!:AyLMD3AHeH%0ALyDH@HAF؅yLD3ASHLE333FHHu4FL3DAHF؁NdH AVFutFLLMHH E3FuCFLHMELHM؅y L#Ht$0HMDCE3ɺ@D$(\$ EHuEL/6HEHMA_E؅y LbHA5Eu{ELLHI؅y LRDHDHLHL$0D$(HELHIHD$ M؅yLD3AZFHD$PHHHD$HHD$pE3HD$@Ht$8Ht$0E3t$(D$pht$ 5Du1DLtD3AExD؁N,HL$PHt hDHt$PHL$XHt SDHt$XHt y H:DH0 H3aL$@ I[ Is(I{0IA_A^]H\$UVWHH@33HMH}(f}HEEfEDy LNLEE3HE(AqH7HD$ y LHM(LE H>yLD3ҹD9u DHM(Ht`DH9}tHM@DHM3,DH\$pH@_^]HHXHpHxUATAUAVAWHHHHo"H3HE33HL$PALl$0Ll$@Dl$8fDl$PHD$RH\$HD$ZfD$^A@fDl$pCy LLD$XHD$0HE3ɹHD$ y LxHL$0LD$8H2y LDD$8HL$0AZCBHT$pA3Au9AL3DȹGCADADNULD$XE3HD$@AIH{HD$ y LHL$@LD$HHT$pY y!L2D3ҹBH\$HH\$HHHfD9,su ADfHDA H C|Au0tG CAtG D CAufF9,{t A;wF명OG D;rfD,K.+ׅtDFH H K DFH HHSMKAHT$pfD9+HL$`AHL$@HT$`AEHL$0HtvAHL$@HtfAHteH %`LD$H3HI0@L9l$XtHL$P%AHL$P3AAHH3> L$I[0Is8I{@IA_A^A]A\]HL$@LWLHA7L1D3ҹ@H\$H|$3HBLH=WDDGILEx)IDMtf99t HHuHtML+DLExQIK CDI+t5HI+MLH+Mt ftfIHHuHu HAzf9H\$H|$AH\$Ht$H|$UATAUAVAWHHp3ME3MLDfDMAHE‰EfEHHuPHLMIЋfD9 t HHuHxLIL+HfD9 t HHuHTH+JI;2HHH;HHHeH %`LHI0">HHuL#3ҹ?$HL*MHHLt$ ؅y%LD3ҹ>ہHHMO>LML>HeHeHELEAHE0LeHEE@H>؅y[LD3ҹK>DALA!ALAWLD3ҹ >3HteH %`L3HI0<LU3ҹ= L\$pI[0Is8I{@IA_A^A]A\]LI[IkVWAVH@33Mfl$0ICHD$:fD$>Hىl$hHHIKA(<eH %`DEHI03&<HHuL3ҹ=rHD$hHT$0LHD$(AHD$ <؅xu G ALuL3ҹD$ <eH %`L3HI0;L3ҹ< H\$`Hl$pH@A^_^LI[IsECWH@33Hft$0ICHىD$:fD$>Ht\HtWIK;DNHD$`DL$(HT$0E3HHD$ ;؅yLL3ҹD$ ;ދLH3ҹ; H\$PHt$XH@_LI[IkIsWH@33Ifl$0ICHD$:fD$>HHtqHtlHtgIK:HHf9,CuEHT$0AD$(E3HH\$ ;؅yL;L3ҹD$ ;݋Lp3ҹ: H\$PHl$XHt$`H@_H\$WH`HH3H$PHL$233Af|$0LD$0W+AHH|$ k:؅y Lf9D$0vLD~L$0HD$8Hfmemset} ~@~`~~~~0 H`4VS_VERSION_INFOTI%TI%?.StringFileInfo 040904B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft Corporation\FileDescriptionWER Diagnostic Controllert*FileVersion6.3.9600.18772 (winblue_ltsb.170714-0709)TInternalNameWER Diagnostic Controller.LegalCopyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.TOriginalFilenameWERDiagController.dllj%ProductNameMicrosoft Windows Operating SystemBProductVersion6.3.9600.18772DVarFileInfo$Translation  0Ы   (0