MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $PELR! ^0 @@ R@0K@`  H.textd  `.rsrc@@@.reloc `@B@0H-H P F- lSystem.Resources.ResourceReader, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089#System.Resources.RuntimeResourceSetPADPADPԌoUG|5ӎ L vR(IӻL㦍a}=f|jV}sJL/kP]#*DefaultJobDescriptionDefaultJobNameWDescriptionf*InvalidClientFilenameInvalidFilenameh*InvalidServerFilename"(NoJobFoundForGivenId,NoJobFoundForGivenNameM$PropertyOutOfRange$ProxyOverrideError,ProxyOverrideListError$RemoteCallsBlocked4(ServerClientMismatch$UploadTooManyFiles Vendor4WildCardWithClientFilenameUThis is a file transfer that uses the Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS). BITS TransfermThis is a Windows PowerShell module that contains the Background Intelligent Transfer Session (BITS) cmdlets.An incorrect value is specified in the Destination parameter. Verify that the directory and file names in the Destination parameter are correct.An incorrect value is specified in the Source parameter or in the Destination parameter. Verify that the directory and file names in the Source and Destination parameters are correct.An incorrect value is specified in the Source parameter. Verify that the directory and file names in the Source parameter are correct.Cannot find a BITS transfer that has the specified ID. You can use the Get-BitsTransfer cmdlet without any parameters to view a list of current BITS transfers.Cannot find a BITS transfer that has the name '{0}'. You can use the Get-BitsTransfer cmdlet without any parameters to view a list of current BITS transfers.The value specified for the property is outside the acceptable range of values. Change the value in the property to a value that is within the acceptable range of values.You can specify the ProxyList and ProxyBypassList parameters only when the ProxyUsage parameter is set to override. Verify that the ProxyUsage parameter is set to override. Or, do not specify the ProxyList and ProxyBypassList parameters.The ProxyList parameter cannot be empty when the ProxyUsage parameter is set to override. Verify that the ProxyList parameter contains a list of proxy servers to use.The remote use of BITS is not supported. For more information about BITS, see the MSDN documentation at number of items specified in the Source parameter do not match the number of items specified in the Destination parameter. Verify that the same number of items is specified in the Source and Destination parameters.A BITS upload job can contain only one file. Specify only one file for the BITS upload job. Or, use the output of the Import-CSV cmdlet to upload a set of files. For more information, see the example in the Start-BitsTransfer Help topic. MicrosoftThe Source parameter does not support wildcards when the Destination parameter contains a file name or more than one directory. aGRt4hٓO>u'~fxmRtGB.nRY=Z, Z ۾?.))X%42!N[M0A.D"t<7^cgx,3*BSJBv2.0hd#~#Strings#US#GUID#Blob3~ GJMicrosoft.BackgroundIntelligentTransfer.Management.resourcesenBackgroundIntelligentTransferResources.en.resourcesMicrosoft.BackgroundIntelligentTransfer.Management.resources.dll @\GNC]oE$$RSA1gw:މ8e `Y>Ēe??1 3`!g-1 /%}oY5L9EC;&=oGP\dEk*+Ge+]80N0 @0_CorDllMainmscoree.dll% @0 HX@884VS_VERSION_INFO@%@%DVarFileInfo$Translation StringFileInfot040904b0LCompanyNameMicrosoft Corporation,FileDescription >FileVersion6.3.9600.16384AInternalNameMicrosoft.BackgroundIntelligentTransfer.Management.resources.dll:LegalCopyrightCopyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.AOriginalFilenameMicrosoft.BackgroundIntelligentTransfer.Management.resources.dllv+ProductNameMicrosoft (R) Windows (R) Operating SystemBProductVersion6.3.9600.163840 `0