MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $PELR! ` } @ _@|K  H.text$] ` `.rsrcp@@.reloc @B}Hz4 P Yz9lSystem.Resources.ResourceReader, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089#System.Resources.RuntimeResourceSetfPADPADPԾI{gD¾wk-҈TًݩΗH법gΐ7qjYH`AN.abňnBbh.Gt?ŞKU3::*7.xخ ¾32}4)jk$5`Apc ^\+WEQa}{|6$ L#2 m 7>K^Ȏo6ߓE2 ͈$ b( b(?+5^5 g55507 9 P:"9;};MqQO2Q=QSaYZqc_:`[d dx*e2eS4eLg(ݔl$ٮr~3t2zxz2 2 4FB J 2   % /=t HuH  wU .  )5A x_:H{t h b jJ  D! <!c2 u 6$CategoryAppearanceCategoryInk BInkCollectorEventCursorButtonDown>InkCollectorEventCursorButtonUpU6InkCollectorEventCursorDownInkCollectorEventInkDoubleClick:InkCollectorEventInkMouseDown,:InkCollectorEventInkMouseMove}6InkCollectorEventInkMouseUp "InkDisplayModeInkr $InkDisplayModeText &InkEditEventGesture .InkEditEventRecognition $InkEditEventStroke] :InkEditMethodGetGestureStatus ,InkEditMethodRecognize :InkEditMethodSetGestureStatus *InkEditPropertyCursorQ @InkEditPropertyDrawingAttributes ,InkEditPropertyFactoid 8InkEditPropertyInkInsertModeS,InkEditPropertyInkModeBInkEditPropertyRecognitionTimeoutv2InkEditPropertyRecognizer,InkEditPropertySelInksBInkEditPropertySelInksDisplayMode}*InkEditPropertyStatus>InkEditPropertyUseMouseForInputC.InkEditStatusCollecting"InkEditStatusIdle0InkEditStatusRecognizing0InkInsertModeInsertAsInk2InkInsertModeInsertAsTextRInkModeDisabledInkModeInk(InkModeInkAndGesture(InkOverlayAttachMode 4InkOverlayAttachModeBehind|6InkOverlayAttachModeInFront*InkOverlayEditingMode6InkOverlayEditingModeDeleteB0InkOverlayEditingModeInkk6InkOverlayEditingModeSelect(InkOverlayEraserModeInkOverlayEraserModeStrokeErase1,InkOverlayEventPaintedZ.InkOverlayEventPainting>InkOverlayEventSelectionChanged @InkOverlayEventSelectionChanging>:InkOverlayEventSelectionMovedmInkOverlayEventSelectionResized@InkOverlayEventSelectionResizing0:InkOverlayEventStrokesDeleteds$SelectionHitResult,SelectionHitResultEast+,SelectionHitResultNoneM.SelectionHitResultNorthp6SelectionHitResultNortheast6SelectionHitResultNorthwest6SelectionHitResultSelection.SelectionHitResultSouth6SelectionHitResultSoutheastA6SelectionHitResultSouthwestj,SelectionHitResultWest AppearanceInkBOccurs when the InkCollector detects a cursor button that is down.@Occurs when the InkCollector detects a cursor button that is up.BOccurs when the cursor tip contacts the digitizing tablet surface.[Occurs when a cursor enters the physical detection range (proximity) of the tablet context.]Occurs when the cursor leaves the physical detection range (proximity) of the tablet context.:Occurs when an application-specific gesture is recognized.WEvent which is fired when the user double-clicks a mouse button or double-taps the pen.OEvent which is fired when the user presses a mouse button or puts the pen down.:Event which is fired when the user moves the mouse or pen.MEvent which is fired when the user releases a mouse button or lifts the pen. ;Event which is fired when the user scrolls the mouse wheel.0This event occurs when an in-air packet is seen..Occurs when the InkCollector receives packets.6Occurs when the user draws a new stroke on any tablet.TDefines values that set the interest in a set of operating system-specific gestures.,Occurs when a tablet is added to the system.0Occurs when a tablet is removed from the system.lReturns or sets a value that specifies whether the InkCollector will repaint when the window is invalidated.FReturns the value that specifies whether ink is currently being drawn._Defines values that determine whether ink, gestures, or both are recognized as the user writes.Sets the mouse cursor.UContains the Cursor objects that represent general information about a tablet cursor.VReturns or sets the default drawing attributes to use when drawing and displaying ink.CReturns or sets the desired packet description of the InkCollector.PReturns or sets the value that specifies whether ink is rendered as it is drawn.Returns or sets a value that specifies whether the InkCollector or InkOverlay objects will collect pen input (in-air packets, cursor in range events, and so on).EReturns or sets the handle value of the window on which ink is drawn.Returns or sets the Ink object that is associated with an InkCollector object, an InkOverlay object, or a InkPicture control.This property returns the Ink object that is associated with an InkCollector object, an InkOverlay object, or a InkPicture control.UReturns or sets the x-axis margin around the window rectangle, in screen coordinates.UReturns or sets the y-axis margin around the window rectangle, in screen coordinates.ERepresents the management of mappings from ink to the display window.Returns or sets a value that specifies whether ink will be rendered as just one color, Color = COLOR_WINDOWTEXT (as detected by a call to SystemParametersInfo(), specifying SPI_GETHIGHCONTRAST), when the system is in High Contrast mode.`Represents the digitizer device of the Tablet PC that receives tablet device messages or events.2Returns or sets the control on which ink is drawn.1Specifies that the selection be displayed as ink.2Specifies that the selection be displayed as text.:Occurs when an application-specific gesture is recognized.FOccurs when the InkEdit control recognizes using the Recognize method.6Occurs when the user draws a new stroke on any tablet.GSpecifies (gets) the interest of the object/control in a given gesture.(Specifies that recognition should occur.GSpecifies (sets) the interest of the object/control in a given gesture.7Represents general information about the tablet cursor.@Represents the objects that are applied to ink when it is drawn.Defines constant string values that are used to increase recognition accuracy by providing contextual information to the recognizer.gReturns or sets a value that specifies how ink is inserted onto the control - either as text or as ink.Defines values that specify the collection mode settings for drawn ink - whether ink collection is disabled, whether ink is collected, or whether ink and gestures are being collected.Returns or sets the length of time, in milliseconds, between the last ink stroke collected and the beginning of text recognition.This property returns a signed 32-bit number that specifies the length of time, in milliseconds, between the last ink stroke collected and the beginning of text recognition.gRepresents the ability to process ink, or handwriting, and translate the strokes into text or gestures.kReturns or sets the array of embedded Ink objects (if displayed as ink) contained in the current selection.cReturns or sets a value that allows for toggling the display of the selection between ink and text._Returns a value that specifies whether the control is idle, collecting ink, or recognizing ink.TReturns or sets a value that indicates whether the mouse is used as an input device.The control is collecting ink.8The control is idle (not collecting or recognizing ink).The control is recognizing ink.Occurs when the position of the current selection has changed.EOccurs when the position of the current selection is about to change.:Occurs when the size of the current selection has changed.AOccurs when the size of the current selection is about to change.=Occurs after strokes have been deleted from the Ink property.8Occurs before strokes are deleted from the Ink property.oReturns or sets the value that specifies whether the object is attached behind or in front of the given window.{Returns or sets a value that specifies whether the object/control is in ink mode, deletion mode, or selecting/editing mode.UReturns or sets the value that specifies whether ink is erased by stroke or by point.EReturns or sets the value that specifies width of the eraser pen tip.Returns the collection of strokes that are currently selected inside the control.This property returns the collection of strokes that are currently selected inside the control. The default value is Null.Returns or sets a value that specifies whether all selection UI (selection bounding box, selection handles) will be drawn in high contrast when the system is in High Contrast mode.?The cursor that appears when the mouse passes over the control.Returns or sets a value that specifies whether the InkPicture control will collect pen input, such as in-air packets or cursor in range events.YDefines values that specify which part of a selection, if any, was hit during a hit test. East side sizing handle was hit.!No part of the selection was hit.!North side sizing handle was hit.'Northeast corner sizing handle was hit.'Northwest corner sizing handle was hit.7Selection itself was hit (no selection handle was hit).!South side sizing handle was hit.'Southeast corner sizing handle was hit.'Southwest corner sizing handle was hit. West side sizing handle was hit.lSystem.Resources.ResourceReader, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089#System.Resources.RuntimeResourceSetHPADPADP1b ۈ׋D9 # Oףy@s\fb%n%[@`1w\qŏɛiͰ'DωNqNSatçpXbU`pA0B^t ͓ 18A z[Jno|zW+ +<+J4.NL< (A2AyUJ*{JOk4uP]P"Q4USWSXp[0f5yjhelSapEtlu_5y$E MZ lkX x+  4  B M %HF  Pw:5     ,r  iM  R0Arg_ArrayPlusOffTooSmall8Arg_RankMultiDimNotSupported<$ArgumentNull_Array@ArgumentOutOfRange_NeedNonNegNum,Argument_InvalidOffLen:AsyncPluginCollectionNonEmptyODAsyncSinkCollectionContainsCascade6CannotSetCascadeRTSProperty-6CannotSetLineHeightProperty>CascadeRTSConstructWithNoArgRts6CircularCascadingNotAllowedI&CustomStrokesRemove6DuplicateObjectInCollection4DuplicateValueInCollectionFDynamicRendererNullHandleDisallowed ,EmptyRecognitionResultT GDIInternalError$IncompatibleObject*InconsistentArgumentsIndexOutOfRangeInitializeFail& InkCollectorBusyB&InkCollectorEnabledInkObject2InvalidDataFromRecognizer.InvalidDataInterestMask,InvalidDynamicRenderer` InvalidInputRectInvalidMode2InvalidNotificationObjectInvalidPropertyCInvalidRightss$InvalidScaleFactorInvalidStroke&InvalidStylusQueuesLoadDLLError&MismatchedInkObject**MoreThanOnePacketDatam:MultiLevelCascadingNotAllowed&NoArgRtsCantCascade NoDefaultTablet $NoPluginsConnected (NoStrokesToRecognize NotRelevant NotSupported_UnrevertableStream~ $ObjectCannotBeNull OutOfOrderCall (OverlappingInputRect 4RTSInterfaceNotImplemented? RTSInternalErrory "RTSMustBeDisabled RTSMustBeEnabled 6RecognizerContextAlreadySetQ *RecognizerGuideNotSetq ,RecognizerNotFreeInput >RecognizerNotLanguageRecognizer .RecognizerNotRegistered .RtsInvalidConfiguratione Stroke Strokes "StrokesAlreadySet StylusQueueFull ThreadMustBeSTAUnknownProperty.ValueCannotBeEmptyArray"ValueCannotBeNull8ValueCannotBeSmallerThanZeroC"ValueCannotBeZerokValueReservedWindowNotSet:Combination of Array index plus size was not large enough.FOnly single dimensional arrays are supported for the requested action.Array cannot be null.Non-negative number required.Offset and length were out of bounds for the array or count is greater than the number of elements from index to the end of the source collection.|The AsyncPluginCollection of the parent RealTimeStylus object must be empty before adding a cascading RealTimeStylus object.^Plug-ins cannot be added to a collection already containing a cascading RealTimeStylus object.nThis property cannot be set on a RealTimeStylus object that was instantiated with the no-argument constructor.RCannot set the line height once the Strokes collection is assigned to the Divider.VA cascading RealTimeStylus should be constructed by using the no-argument constructor.Microsoft.Ink.resourcesenMicrosoft.Ink.Resources.SRAttributes.en.resourcesMicrosoft.Ink.Resources.Errors.en.resourcesMicrosoft.Ink.resources.dll (ˋ Nȭq0*a$$RSA1gw:މ8e `Y>Ēe??1 3`!g-1 /%}oY5L9EC;&=oGP\dEk*+Ge+]|} }_CorDllMainmscoree.dll% @0 HX4VS_VERSION_INFO@%@%DVarFileInfo$Translation StringFileInfo040904b0LCompanyNameMicrosoft Corporation,FileDescription >FileVersion6.3.9600.16384XInternalNameMicrosoft.Ink.resources.dll:LegalCopyrightCopyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.`OriginalFilenameMicrosoft.Ink.resources.dllv+ProductNameMicrosoft (R) Windows (R) Operating SystemBProductVersion6.3.9600.16384p =