MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $PEL R! 6S `@ Y1@SS`0  H.text4 6 `.rsrc0`8@@.reloc >@BSHQ P 0,Q0lSystem.Resources.ResourceReader, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089#System.Resources.RuntimeResourceSetKPADPADP˄E"^BG P&vSR|)K&7=´zKCN͇R  T,"ῢjG&h,=zt􌛃VЛFB|@}!1IEl ZݛX(I(ze,O,S./6Cl8K҆8F:2=AG0x&Jj%K]KzPT U# \RFAdvanced.SharedData.Add.FormatErrorLAdvanced.SharedDataItem.NotInitializedJException.ArgumentOutOfRangeMinDException.ArgumentOutOfRangeMinMax>:Exception.ClassNotInitializedw.Exception.ClassShutdownXException.Common.Persistence.NotSerializable"JException.Common.SnapInPlatformIsNull>Exception.Common.TypeUnexpected8Exception.Common.WrongThreadvException.Internal.ConsoleDialogHost.AlreadyInsideModalLoop;pException.Internal.ConsoleDialogHost.OwnerNotInitializedaxException.Internal.ConsoleDialogHost.OwnerWindowNotAvailable6Exception.MMCOutOfResourcesBDException.Views.ViewNotInitialized{TFormView.ControlType.ContainerCreateFailed@FormView.ControlType.InvalidTypeM HFormView.ShowContextMenu.NoSelection nInternal.NamespaceSnapInBase.PreInitialize.NullPlatform PInternal.Status.RequestStatus.AlreadySet3 &InvalidResourceNameS VListView.ChangeResultNodeSelection.NotExist 6ListView.Compare.NullObject 4ListView.DoSort.NoComparer |Microsoft.ManagementConsole.CustomStatus.RequestAlreadyStarted dMicrosoft.ManagementConsole.Fx.Column.DefaultTitle zMicrosoft.ManagementConsole.Internal.Status.RequestNotStarted PMmcCollectionBase.OnValidate.InvalidType$ zNodeSyncManager.AddTreeToInsertionList.NodeExistInOneLocationg NNodeSyncManager.Initialize.NullPlatform >NodeSyncManager.InvalidNodeType. = {1}: {0}7The following parameter must be >= {1} and <= {2}: {0}.YThe following operation is not valid because the class {0} has not been initialized: {1}.NThe following operation is not valid because the class {0} has shut down: {1}.dThe selected object cannot be serialized. Ensure that the object is a non-null, serializable object.+Internal error: The SnapInPlatform is null.BThe type must be derived from or a subclass of the following: {0}.@The following object must be created on the snap-in thread: {0}.$A modal loop is already in progress.The ShowDialog method cannot be called before the snap-in or property sheet is initialized. Ensure OnInitialize is called before calling ShowDialog.GThe owner window used by the Show method is not available at this time.7MMC is out of resources and might have to be restarted.VThe requested operation cannot be performed because the view has not been initialized.xThe FormView cannot be initialized because the creation of the container control failed. MMC might have to be restarted.hThe specified ControlType for a ViewDescription must be System.Windows.Forms.Control or a derived type. 2ShowContextMenu requires that an item be selected.FInternal error: The SnapIn must be associated with an ISnapInPlatform._requestStatus is already set.1The following resource string was not found: {0}.3The specified node does not exist in the list view.BThe following argument is null or is not a ResultNode object: {0}.~UseCustomSorting requires an object that implements IResultNodeComparer and the MMCListView.Sorter property set to the object.PThis custom status is already started. Call Complete before calling Start again.NameKThe Status object has not been started. Call Start before calling Complete.AThe type of argument does not match the collection's member type.eThis node already exists in the tree. To place it in another location, first remove it from the tree.^Internal error: The NodeSyncManager cannot be initialized because the ISnapInPlatform is null.%The specified node type is not valid.3Internal error: NodeSyncManager is not initialized.)The specified object must be a ScopeNode.6The specified object must be a WritableSharedDataItem.DThis property page has already been added to another property sheet.Clear cannot be called because one or more items are selected.LFor list views, the Clear method can be called only from OnSelectionChanged./The selection object is null for the selection.0The Rename command is valid only for list views.[For list views, the SelectionData.Update method can be called only from OnSelectionChanged.QThe value for this parameter is not consistent with the number of selected items.The root node cannot be set after the SnapIn instance is initialized. Consider adding the root node in the constructor of your SnapIn class.yAn instance of a SnapIn class has already been created on this thread. Only a single instance can be created on a thread.3The specified type must be derived from SnapInBase.nTypes that have an ExtendsNodeTypeAttribute must be derived from NamespaceExtension or PropertySheetExtension.KThe Node ID at the following index is null or of an unrecognized type: {0}.-The specified type must be derived from View.=The following cannot be initialized because {1} is null: {0}.x eL/vi a<\"Jf^oɝ^7BJujsL4 dk;Rŏ@+8'gWI\8fihTBSJBv2.0hd#~t#Strings@#USH#GUIDX#Blob3H 03Microsoft.ManagementConsole.resourcesenStrings.en.resourcesMicrosoft.ManagementConsole.resources.dll YLcRƜ/$$RSA1gw:މ8e `Y>Ēe??1 3`!g-1 /%}oY5L9EC;&=oGP\dEk*+Ge+]SS S_CorDllMainmscoree.dll% @0 HX`4VS_VERSION_INFO@%@%DVarFileInfo$Translation 8StringFileInfo040904b0LCompanyNameMicrosoft Corporation,FileDescription >FileVersion6.3.9600.16384t*InternalNameMicrosoft.ManagementConsole.resources.dll:LegalCopyrightCopyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.|*OriginalFilenameMicrosoft.ManagementConsole.resources.dllv+ProductNameMicrosoft (R) Windows (R) Operating SystemBProductVersion6.3.9600.16384P 4