MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $PEL[J! ` s @ @rKh  H.text$S ` `.rsrchp@@.reloc @BsH$o P SNnlSystem.Resources.ResourceReader, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089#System.Resources.RuntimeResourceSetPADPADP㦍a؂|(DescriptionNameb Vendorw`This Windows PowerShell snap-in contains management cmdlets used to manage Windows components. Management PSSnapInMicrosoft CorporationlSystem.Resources.ResourceReader, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089#System.Resources.RuntimeResourceSetPADPADP l !:W!/R*WmiFilterInvalidClassWmiInvalidClassk8WmiMethodNameForConfirmation&WmiNamespaceConnectiThe class name {0} is invalid. Valid class names consist of letters, digits, '_', '?', '*', '-' and "[]".Could not register for event. The class name is invalid. Valid class names consist of letters, digits and the underscore character. {0} ({1})-Could not get objects from namespace {0}. {1}alSystem.Resources.ResourceReader, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089#System.Resources.RuntimeResourceSet$PADPADP|z}u ʘVFI%u] ^uGPpmԞnZ. MAbÙ50g߫%r())x۸DnGkL HMN#Q;^@ahKkvRn/=h(|x{KVo$Wb3"X*ComputerNamesAreEqual.DomainOrWorkGroupChange$DoubleComputerName2InvalidComputerNameFormat.InvalidDomainNameFormatpInvalidDrive&InvalidRestorePoint&NetworkPathNotFound`NoPingResultNoResorePoint+NoSystemDriveNotDisabledNotEnabledNNotSupportedkNotValidDriveOperationFailedU ProgressActivity.ProgressStatusCompletedDProgressStatusCreatingRestorePoint,RemoteWorkgroupMachine*RemoveComputerConfirmPRenameComputer 8ResetComputerMachinePasswordS RestartNeeded *RestartcomputerFailed RestoreFailed $RestoreInterrupted: ,RestorePointNotCreatedu RestoreSuceess ServiceDisabled $StopcomputerFailed 6SystemRestoreSeriveDisabled= FTestComputerSecureChannelWithRepair ZTestComputerSecureChannelWithRepairWithServer# LTestComputerSecureChannelWithoutRepairg `TestComputerSecureChannelWithoutRepairWithServer The value specified for the NewComputerName parameter is the same as the value of the ComputerName parameter. Provide a different value for the NewComputerName parameter.VThis command will change computer {1} to domain or workgroup. Do you wish to continue? {0} ({1})The following computer name is not valid: {0}. Make sure that the computer name is not longer than 255 characters, that it does not contain two or more consecutive dots, that it does not begin with a dot, that it does not contain only numeric characters, and that it does not contain any of the following characters: {{|}}~[\]^:;<=>?@!"#$%^`()+/,zThe domain in computer name '{0}' is not valid. Make sure that the domain exists and that the name is a valid domain name.The command cannot turn on the restore computer infrastructure on the specified computer because the supplied drive is not valid. Enter a valid drive in the Drive parameter, and then try again.The command cannot restore the computer because "{0}" has not been set as valid restore point. Enter a valid restore point in the RestorePoint parameter, and then try again.Try below options and Run you command again. 1. Check the target computer('{0}') is running. 2. Give full computer name of the target computer('{0}').0Testing connection to computer '{0}' failed: {1}tThe command cannot locate the "{0}" restore point. Verify the "{0}" sequence number, and then try the command again.+Include System Drive in the list of Drives.~The command cannot disable System Restore on the {0} drive. You may not have sufficient permissions to perform this operation.Could not enable drive {0}.=This functionality is not supported on this operating system.The command cannot turn off the restore computer infrastructure because the supplied drive is not valid. Enter a valid drive in the Drive parameter, and then try again.YThis command cannot be executed on target computer('{1}') due to following error: {0}.{2}#Creating a system restore point ... Completed.2Creating a system restore point... {0}% Completed.9This command cannot rename a remote machine in workgroup.After you leave the domain, you will need to know the password of the local Administrator account to log onto this computer. Do you want to remove this computer from the domain?MThis command will rename the computer in the domain. Do you wish to continue?L"The password of the secure channel between '{0}' and '{1}' has been reset."@The changes will take effect after you restart the computer {1}.#Failed to restart the computer {0}.0The last attempt to restore the computer failed.9The last attempt to restore the computer was interrupted.@The system restore infrastructure cannot create a restore point.>The computer has been restored to the specified restore point."SystemRestore service is disabled. Failed to stop the computer {0}.This command cannot be executed due to the following error: the service cannot be started because it is disabled or does not have enabled devices associated with it.<"The secure channel between '{0}' and '{1}' has been reset."B"The secure channel between '{0}','{1}' and '{2}' has been reset."L"The secure channel between '{0}' and '{1}' is alive and working correctly."R"The secure channel between '{0}','{1}' and '{2}' is alive and working correctly."BlSystem.Resources.ResourceReader, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089#System.Resources.RuntimeResourceSetPADPADP/NoEntriesFoundcThis command cannot find hot-fix on the machine '{0}'. Verify the input and Run your command again.lSystem.Resources.ResourceReader, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089#System.Resources.RuntimeResourceSetPADPADPnֺDInvalidUriNotSupportedUSThe Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) cannot be null or empty. Provide a valid URI.6The command is not supported on this Operating System.lSystem.Resources.ResourceReader, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089#System.Resources.RuntimeResourceSetPADPADP>w&TransactionTimedOut6Cannot use transaction. The transaction has timed out.YlSystem.Resources.ResourceReader, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089#System.Resources.RuntimeResourceSetPADPADP]+`6;KGל)<zYn*>L@z@)F+4[r5f@hfjbgtCouldNotResumeServiceNotRunningBCouldNotResumeServiceNotSupported$CouldNotSetServiceI:CouldNotSetServiceDescription(CouldNotStartService&CouldNotStopService0,CouldNotSuspendServicew@CouldNotSuspendServiceNotRunningDCouldNotSuspendServiceNotSupportedBNoServiceFoundForGivenDisplayNamex4NoServiceFoundForGivenName&ResumeServiceFailedResumingService6ServiceHasDependentServices7DServiceHasDependentServicesNoForce6ServiceIsDependentOnNoForce4ServiceNameForConfirmation<$StartServiceFailedGStartingServicej"StopServiceFailedStoppingService(SuspendServiceFailed"SuspendingServiceThe command cannot be used to configure the service '{0}' because access to computer '{1}' is denied. Run PowerShell as admin and run your command again.EService '{1} ({0})' cannot be created due to the following error: {2}iService '{1} ({0})' was created, but its description cannot be configured due to the following error: {2}EService '{1} ({0})' cannot be resumed due to the following error: {2}JService '{1} ({0})' cannot be resumed because it is not currently running.fService '{1} ({0})' cannot be resumed because the service does not support being suspended or resumed.HService '{1} ({0})' cannot be configured due to the following error: {2}TService '{1} ({0})' description cannot be configured due to the following error: {2}EService '{1} ({0})' cannot be started due to the following error: {2}EService '{1} ({0})' cannot be stopped due to the following error: {2}GService '{1} ({0})' cannot be suspended due to the following error: {2}LService '{1} ({0})' cannot be suspended because it is not currently running.hService '{1} ({0})' cannot be suspended because the service does not support being suspended or resumed.0Cannot find any service with display name '{1}'.0Cannot find any service with service name '{0}'."Service '{1} ({0})' resume failed.5Waiting for service '{1} ({0})' to finish resuming...sCannot stop service '{1} ({0})' because it has dependent services. It can only be stopped if the Force flag is set.BCannot stop service '{1} ({0})' because it has dependent services.JCannot stop service '{1} ({0})' because it is dependent on other services. {0} ({1})!Service '{1} ({0})' start failed.5Waiting for service '{1} ({0})' to finish starting... Service '{1} ({0})' stop failed.5Waiting for service '{1} ({0})' to finish stopping...#Service '{1} ({0})' suspend failed.7Waiting for service '{1} ({0})' to finish suspending... lSystem.Resources.ResourceReader, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089#System.Resources.RuntimeResourceSetPADPADPCrY鮖0֜y&f=:4&NewDriveConfirmResourceTemplate(ParsePathFormatErrorA0RemoveDriveConfirmActionDRemoveDriveConfirmResourceTemplate RemoveDriveInUseRemoveItemInUse,RemoveItemWithChildren%*RenameItemDoesntExist RenamedItemInUseRollbackAction= SetContentActionG SetContentTargetT&TransactionResource_ Add Content Path: {0}CommithCannot copy because specified destination already exists. Do you want to overwrite the existing content?BeginqThe specified path is a container that has child items. Do you want to delete this container and its child items?)Do you want to delete the specified item?oAn object at the specified path {0} does not exist, or has been filtered by the -Include or -Exclude parameter.:Cannot move item because the item at '{0}' does not exist.5Cannot move item because the item at '{0}' is in use. New Drive!Name: {0} Provider: {1} Root: {2}ICannot parse path because path '{0}' does not have a qualifier specified. Remove Drive!Name: {0} Provider: {1} Root: {2}/Cannot remove drive '{0}' because it is in use.5Cannot remove the item at '{0}' because it is in use.The item at {0} has children and the Recurse parameter was not specified. If you continue, all children will be removed with the item. Are you sure you want to continue?3Cannot rename because item at '{0}' does not exist.5Cannot rename the item at '{0}' because it is in use.Rollback Set Content Path: {0}Current transaction lSystem.Resources.ResourceReader, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089#System.Resources.RuntimeResourceSetPADPADPaEVcIoૠ/[cǞnֺKKԁ߆7𲇭8g $/CQ$_B?k` *>}k2AccessDeniedAccessIsDeniedJ(ClearEventLogWarningInvalidArgument*InvalidOverflowAction(LimitEventLogWarningnLogDoesNotExistLogReadErrorNoAccessNoEntriesFoundNotSupportedOSWritingError  PathDoesNotExist PermissionDenied*RemoveEventLogWarning &RemoveSourceWarningG$SourceDoesNotExist"SourceExistInComp$SourceExistWithLogValueOutofRange<HThe registry key for the log "{0}" for source "{2}" could not be opened.>Access is denied. Please try with an elevated user permission.9Do you want to clear the "{0}" log on the computer "{1}"?7Specify a valid value for the number of retention days.nRetention days is valid only if the overflow action is "OverwriteOlder". Please change the same and try again.LDo you want to change the properties of the "{0}" log on the "{1}" computer?8The Log name "{0}" does not exist in the computer "{1}".Log "{0}" could not be read to completion due to the following error. This may have occurred because the log was cleared while still being read. {1}'Access to the "{1}" computer is denied.No matches foundAThe command is not supported on this version of Operating System.|The operating system reported an error when writing the event entry to the event log. A Windows error code is not available./The path to the "{1}" computer cannot be found.MThe registry key for the log "{0}" could not be opened on the computer "{1}".Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Management.resourcesenManagementMshSnapInResources.en.resourcesWmiResources.en.resourcesComputerResources.en.resourcesHotFixResources.en.resourcesWebServiceResources.en.resourcesTransactionResources.en.resourcesProcessResources.en.resourcesServiceResources.en.resourcesNavigationResources.en.resourcesEventlogResources.en.resourcesMicrosoft.PowerShell.Commands.Management.resources.dll jf LG;C$$RSA1gw:މ8e `Y>Ēe??1 3`!g-1 /%}oY5L9EC;&=oGP\dEk*+Ge+]rs s_CorDllMainmscoree.dll% @0 HX4VS_VERSION_INFO@@DVarFileInfo$Translation pStringFileInfoL040904b0LCompanyNameMicrosoft Corporation,FileDescription >FileVersion6.1.7600.163857InternalNameMicrosoft.PowerShell.Commands.Management.resources.dll:LegalCopyrightCopyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.7OriginalFilenameMicrosoft.PowerShell.Commands.Management.resources.dllv+ProductNameMicrosoft (R) Windows (R) Operating SystemBProductVersion6.1.7600.16385p 3