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If log on information is required, you will not be able to proceed. The current default report prompts will be used.Chart Next Level... Cross-TabCrystal ReportsCurrencyCurrent Page No.: Customize... Database:DateDateTimeused by the subreport: 0Enter your user ID and password for the databaseYou cannot continue this operation and keep your drill-down tabs. If you continue, your drill-down tabs will be closed. Do you want to continue?Detail SectionIDetermines whether the report is offset from the edge of its view window.PDetermines whether the Crystal Reports Viewer's group tree is visible or hidden.MDetermines whether the Crystal Reports Viewer's toolbar is visible or hidden. Drill Down Drill-DownRDetermines whether the Crystal Report Viewer's drilldown functionality is enabled.NEnable refresh by toolbar buttons, method calls, and data-fetching parameters..Enable tooltips for objects within the viewer.PDetermines whether the Crystal Reports Viewer's status bar is visible or hidden.!Please enter a valid page number.)Please enter the string you want to find.$Please enter a valid zooming factor.Report Name is Empty.Invalid data source.HThe value entered is larger than the maximum allowed for this parameter.IThe value entered is smaller than the minimum allowed for this parameter.HThe range start value must be less than or equal to the range end value.Please enter a {0} value.%The control is busy downloading data.Export failed..The required group information is unavailable.The index is out of range.'Couldn't initialize the export control.(Exception in DocumentManager.AddReport: 2Exception in DocumentManager.InitDocumentManager: =Exception in MainReportDocument.GetGroupInfoForDrillOnGraph: 8Exception in MainReportDocument.GetGroupTreeFromEngine: =Exception in MainReportDocument.GetLastPageNumberFromEngine: )Exception in MainReportDocument.GetPage: )Exception in MainReportDocument.Refresh: $Could not get IExtensibilityService.Could not get IDesignerHost.Could not get Current Project.Refresh is disabled.bYou drilled on an area that does not have detail data. To drill down, click an area that has data.(Exception in ReportDocumentBase.Export: +Exception in ReportDocumentBase.FindGroup: *Exception in ReportDocumentBase.FindText: .Exception in ReportDocumentBase.GetGroupTree: 3Exception in ReportDocumentBase.GetLastPageNumber: )Exception in ReportDocumentBase.GetPage: 2Exception in ReportDocument.GetDrillDownDocument: 2Exception in ReportGroupTree.InitReportGroupTree: &Toolbar control index is out of range.Invald toolbar control tooltip.>Toolbar tooltip caption exists. Please choose another tooltip.Export completed.This report cannot be exported.Field:.Character Separated Values (CSV) (*.csv)|*.csv&Microsoft Word (97-2003) (*.doc)|*.doc1Microsoft Word (97-2003) - Editable (*.rtf)|*.rtfHTML 3.2 (*.html)|*.htmlHTML 4.0(DHTML) (*.html)|*.htmlPDF (*.pdf)|*.pdf1Microsoft Excel (97-2003) Data-Only (*.xls)|*.xls2Microsoft Excel Workbook Data-Only (*.xlsx)|*.xlsxCrystal Reports (*.rpt)|*.rpt)Crystal Reports Read-Only (*.rptr)|*.rptr$Rich Text Format (RTF) (*.rtf)|*.rtf'Microsoft Excel (97-2003) (*.xls)|*.xlsXML (*.xml)|*.xmlFinish Finished searching the document. &Freeze Pane Group Footer Group Header&Help SubreportShow the Advanced dialog box/Please specify a {0} value between {1} and {2}.Click here for more items...Delete!Duplicate values are not allowed.8Please specify a {0} value greater than or equal to {1}.5Please specify a {0} value less than or equal to {1}.No ValueApply(The maximum length for this field is {0}(The minimum length for this field is {0}Click to add new value...!This is a data-fetching parameterDate/time Picker'Click the Apply button to apply changes&This parameter is of type "Read Only". Loading...Database Login Login ID: Logon Failed. Main Report Main ReportMapMemo%Missing ParameterField current value.Could not start print job.No report to view.HCould not find any more instances of the specified text after this page.Crystal Reports WPF ViewerYou can provide one or more values (including ranges) for this parameter. Enter a value (or a lower and an upper limit), and then click Add for each value (range of values) you want to include.You can provide one or more values (including ranges) for this parameter. Choose or enter a value (or a lower and an upper limit), and then click Add for each value (range of values) you want to include.You can provide one or more values (including ranges) for this parameter. Choose a value (or a lower and an upper limit), and then click Add for each value (range of values) you want to include.|You can provide one or more values for this parameter. Enter a value, and then click Add for each value you want to include.You can provide one or more values for this parameter. Choose or enter a value, and then click Add for each value you want to include.}You can provide one or more values for this parameter. Choose a value, and then click Add for each value you want to include.You can provide one or more ranges of values for this parameter. Enter a lower and an upper limit, and then click Add for each range of values you want to include.You can provide one or more ranges of values for this parameter. Choose or enter a lower and an upper limit, and then click Add for each range of values you want to include.You can provide one or more ranges of values for this parameter. Choose a lower and an upper limit, and then click Add for each range of values you want to include.&Next >NumberOK OLAP Grid OLE ObjectThe report you are about to print is a pre-formatted image of the actual report data. Changing orientation or paper size may result in loss of objects on each printed page. Do you wish to continue?of Page Footer Page HeaderPage {0} of {1} Page WidthcPreviewLayout OptionsCen&ter the Page!&Fit Horizontal Pages to One Page Page ScalingDo &Not Scale Report Page&Sca&le Report Page to Fit Printer Page Printer PaperSi&ze:&Source:LayoutReport Page Size:VNo printers are configured. Please configure a printer on the system before printing.Enter Parameter Values'Please Provide Information - {0} of {1})Please enter information for the prompt: (The value must be between {0} and {1}{2}%The value must be between {0} and {1}characters long6The value must be between {0} and {1} characters long.&Prompt: True or FalseCurrencyDate Date TimeNumberStringTime Password:`Click "Yes" to use the current parameter values. Click "No" to prompt for new parameter values.Refresh Report DataSubreport Name: Report Object Report Footer Report Header/The name or the URL of the report to be viewed.;The remote report service proxy of the report to be viewed.XGets or sets whether the current parameter values are used when the report is refreshed. Search OptionType the text to findSectionThe record selection formula. Server Name:ODetermines whether the viewer toolbar has the button for closing a report page.CDetermines whether the viewer toolbar has the button for exporting.PDetermines whether the viewer toolbar has the button for specifying page number.ZDetermines whether the viewer toolbar has the button for showing or hiding the group tree.VDetermines whether the viewer toolbar has the buttons for navigating the report pages._Determines whether the viewer toolbar has the button for showing or hiding the parameter panel.BDetermines whether the viewer toolbar has the button for printing.DDetermines whether the viewer toolbar has the button for refreshing.HDetermines whether the viewer toolbar has the button for text searching.dDetermines whether the viewer toolbar has the zoom button for setting the report page zooming level.WYou can provide a single value for this parameter. Enter the value you want to include.aYou can provide a single value for this parameter. Choose or enter the value you want to include.XYou can provide a single value for this parameter. Choose the value you want to include.You can provide a single range of values for this parameter. Enter a lower and an upper limit to describe the range of values you want to include.You can provide a single range of values for this parameter. Choose or enter a lower and an upper limit to describe the range of values you want to include.You can provide a single range of values for this parameter. Choose a lower and an upper limit to describe the range of values you want to include.T(Press Shift+Up for ascending order sort, and Shift+Down for descending order sort.)String Table Name:Text Text ObjectTime5Determines which tool panel view is shown by default.)Gets or sets the width of the tool panel.Total Page No.:Please try again.&Unfreeze PaneUse Integrated Security &User ID: The view-time selection formula. Whole Page Zoom FactorZoom Factor: 100% Browse ...Close Current ViewEdit ...Edit Report SourceEnter Report Source Export ReportGo to First Page Fit To Width Full Page Go to PageHelpGo to Last Page Match CaseMatch Whole WordGo to Next Page(None)of+Crystal Reports (*.rpt;*.rptr)|*.rpt;*.rptrOpen an Existing Crystal ReportBFires when graph drill-down or group drill-down is about to occur.EFires when the viewer catches an exception and is about to handle it.1Fires when the page navigation is about to occur./Fires when the report is about to be refreshed.-Fires when the text search is about to occur.1Fires when subreport drilldown is about to occur.2Fires when the zoom factor is about to be changed. Page NumberGo to Previous Page Print ReportRefresh Find Text Search Expert Select ExpertCopyToggle Side Panel Stop LoadingToggle Group TreeToggle Parameter PanelShow/Hide ToolbarZoomZoomingBSJB v2.0.50727l#~tx#Strings#US#GUID4#Blob 3%B_x <<<!<)<1<9<. ...#.+.3.;# $8 ;mscorlibSystem.ReflectionAssemblyTitleAttribute.ctorAssemblyDescriptionAttributeAssemblyCompanyAttributeAssemblyProductAttributeAssemblyCopyrightAttributeAssemblyTrademarkAttributeAssemblyFileVersionAttributeSAPBusinessObjects.WPF.Viewer.resources.dllSAPBusinessObjects.WPF.Viewer.resourcesenSAPBusinessObjects.WPF.Viewer.ViewerResource.en.resources zd;/H0Ez\V4hc{0 $$RSA1pSO$RԆO7w\gb92UxdUz|'\`?8ێW)eY1!i"z,~q]}'07'`P5Z& WPFCRViewerSAP Business Objects+&Copyright © SAP Business Objects 2010 13.0.3501.0 _CorDllMainmscoree.dll% @0HX4VS_VERSION_INFO ?DVarFileInfo$TranslationStringFileInfo000004b0LCompanyNameSAP Business Objects@ FileDescriptionWPFCRViewer8 FileVersion13.0.3501.0x,InternalNameSAPBusinessObjects.WPF.Viewer.resources.dllp&LegalCopyrightCopyright SAP Business Objects 2010,OriginalFilenameSAPBusinessObjects.WPF.Viewer.resources.dll8 ProductNameWPFCRViewer< ProductVersion13.0.3501.0@ Assembly Version13.0.3500.0 ?