MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $PEL[J!  . @  $=@O8  H.text4  `.rsrc8@@.reloc @BHX P ּ4lSystem.Resources.ResourceReader, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089#System.Resources.RuntimeResourceSetZPADPADPr>pA|Oڹ/yZ[,"Ï^l /g`5рC=׀ڎk[d|hBDt8aov~َ  fYi]C<́I_%hI (.l(,`/Y00]5v d `bn = b"C ] T{  b + 3HAliasesToExport Author$CLRVersion;ImportingNonStandardNounVerbose.0ImportingNonStandardVerb>ImportingNonStandardVerbVerboseRImportingNonStandardVerbVerboseSuggestion"ImportingVariablea:InvalidDotNetFrameworkVersion|,InvalidModuleExtension*InvalidModuleManifest 6InvalidModuleManifestMemberu 2InvalidModuleManifestPathY @InvalidModuleSpecificationMember RequiredModuleMissingModuleNamekDRequiredModuleMissingModuleVersion.RequiredModuleNotLoadedZ@RequiredModuleNotLoadedWrongGuidFRequiredModuleNotLoadedWrongVersion]RequiredModules&ScriptsFileNotFoundD ScriptsToProcessDScriptsToProcessIncorrectExtension "TypesFileNotFoundnTypesToProcess4UnableToRemoveModuleMember/"VariablesToExport"Aliases to export from this moduleAuthor of this moduleLMinimum version of the common language runtime (CLR) required by this moduleGThe Export-ModuleMember cmdlet can only be called from inside a module.zNo custom object was returned for module '{0}' because the -AsCustomObject parameter can only be used with script modules."Cmdlets to export from this module Company or vendor of this module{0} (Path: '{1}')#Copyright statement for this module(Creating the "{0}" module manifest file.Unknown!(c) {0} {1}. All rights reserved.8Description of the functionality provided by this module=Minimum version of the .NET Framework required by this module#Dot-sourcing the script file '{0}'.Processing the module manifest file '{0}' did not result in a valid manifest object. Update the file to contain a valid Windows PowerShell module manifest. A valid manifest can be created using the New-ModuleManifest cmdlet.Exporting alias '{0}'.Exporting cmdlet '{0}'.Exporting function '{0}'.Exporting variable '{0}'.+List of all files packaged with this moduleThe specified format data file '{0}' could not be processed because the file was not found. Please correct the path and try again.>Format files (.ps1xml) to be loaded when importing this module$Functions to export from this module(ID used to uniquely identify this moduleImporting alias '{0}'.Importing cmdlet '{0}'.Importing function '{0}'.Some imported command names contain one or more of the following restricted characters: # , ( ) {{ }} [ ] & - / \ $ ^ ; : " ' < > | ? @ ` * % + = ~The command name '{0}' contains one or more of the following restricted characters: # , ( ) {{ }} [ ] & - / \ $ ^ ; : " ' < > | ? @ ` * % + = ~Some imported command names include unapproved verbs which might make them less discoverable. Use the Verbose parameter for more detail or type Get-Verb to see the list of approved verbs.YThe command name '{0}' includes an unapproved verb which might make it less discoverable.The command name '{0}' includes an unapproved verb which might make it less discoverable. The suggested alternative verbs are "{1}".Importing variable '{0}'.sThe module '{0}' requires the following version of the .NET Framework: {1}. The required version is not installed.The extension '{0}' is not a valid module extension. The supported module extensions are '.dll', '.ps1', '.psm1' and '.psd1'. Correct the extension then try adding the file '{1}' again.The module manifest '{0}' could not be processed because it is not a valid PowerShell restricted language file. Please remove the elements that are not permitted by the restricted language: {1} {2}The '{0}' module cannot be imported because its manifest contains one or more members that are not valid. The valid manifest members are ({1}). Remove the members that are not valid ({2}), then try to import the module again.Invalid Module Manifest path '{0}'. The path argument must resolve to a single file in the file system with a '.psd1' extension. Please fix the path specification and try again.The hashtable describing a module contains one or more members that are not valid. The valid members are ({0}). Remove the members that are not valid ({1}), then try again.]This operation cannot be performed on a binary module. Please try again with a script module.rThe name of the current PowerShell host is: '{0}'. The module '{1}' requires the following PowerShell host: '{2}'.The current PowerShell host is: '{0}' (version {1}). The module '{2}' requires a minimum PowerShell host version of '{3}' to execute.gThe current processor architecture is: {0}. The module '{1}' requires the following architecture: {2}.Loading '{0}' from path '{1}'.Loading module from path '{0}'. Module manifest for module '{0}'Generated by: {0}Generated on: {0}The module to process '{0}', listed in field '{1}' of module manifest '{2}' was not processed because no valid module was found in any module directory.nThe assembly '{0}' was not loaded because no assembly was found. Please check the assembly name and try again.tUnable to remove module '{0}' because it is marked as constant. A module cannot be removed if it is marked constant.gUnable to remove module '{0}' because it is read-only. Use the -force flag to remove read-only modules.hUnable to remove module '{0}' because it is required by '{1}'. Use the -force flag to remove the module.-List of all modules packaged with this moduleThe version of the loaded CLR is '{0}'. The module '{1}' requires a minimum CLR version of '{2}' to execute. Please verify the installation of the CLR and try again.The version '{0}' of module '{1}' does not meet the required minimum version '{2}'. Please verify the version number and try loading the module again.The version of the loaded PowerShell is '{0}'. The module '{1}' requires a minimum PowerShell version of '{2}' to execute. Please verify the installation of the PowerShell and try again.The member '{0}' in the module manifest is invalid: {1}. Please make sure that a valid value is specified for this field in file '{2}'.BThe '{0}' member is invalid in the module manifest file '{2}': {1}The member 'ModuleVersion' is not present in the module manifest. This member must exist and be assigned a version number of the form 'n.n.n.n'. Please add the missing member to the file '{0}'.The module manifest member 'NestedModules' cannot be used if 'ModuleToProcess' member is a binary module. Please fix the module manifest file at '{0}' and try again.iThe specified module '{0}' was not loaded because no valid module file was found in any module directory.AScript module or binary module file associated with this manifestCannot load module '{0}' because the module nesting limit has been reached. Modules can only be nested to {1} levels. Please reexamine the order in which you are loading modules so that they aren't as deeply nested then try running your script again.Version number of this module.NModules to import as nested modules of the module specified in ModuleToProcessNo modules were removed. Verify that the specification of modules to remove is correct and those modules exist in the runspace.;Name of the Windows PowerShell host required by this moduleFMinimum version of the Windows PowerShell host required by this moduleHMinimum version of the Windows PowerShell engine required by this module?Private data to pass to the module specified in ModuleToProcessGProcessor architecture (None, X86, Amd64, IA64) required by this module"Removing the imported "{0}" alias.%Removing the imported "{0}" function.%Removing the imported "{0}" variable.=Assemblies that must be loaded prior to importing this moduleLThe 'ModuleName' member is not present in the hashtable describing a module.The 'ModuleVersion' member is not present in the hashtable describing a module. This member must exist and be assigned a version number of the form 'n.n.n.n'.wThe required module '{1}' is not loaded. Load the module or remove the module from 'RequiredModules' in the file '{0}'.The required module '{1}' with GUID '{2}' is not loaded. Load the module or remove the module from 'RequiredModules' in the file '{0}'.The required module '{1}' with version '{2}' is not loaded. Load the module or remove the module from 'RequiredModules' in the file '{0}'.XModules that must be imported into the global environment prior to importing this module}The specified script file '{0}' could not be processed because the file was not found. Please correct the path and try again.[Script files (.ps1) that are run in the caller's environment prior to importing this moduleLThe file '{0}' is not allowed because it does not have the extension '.ps1'.The specified type data file '{0}' could not be processed because the file was not found. Please correct the path and try again." L to start from line , and "list " to list 1 lines starting from line =The line count must be a positive integer no greater than {0}@The starting line must be a positive integer no greater than {0}Command breakpoint on '{0}'Command breakpoint on '{0}:{1}' {0}, {1,-16} Continue executionB Repeat last command if it was {0}, {1} or {2}) {0}, Get-PSCallStack Display call stack( {0}, {1,-16} Displays this help messageLine breakpoint on '{0}:{1}'8 {0}, {1,-16} List source code for the current script.  {0}: Line {1}!There is no source code availableWFor instructions about how to customize your debugger prompt, type "help about_prompt".K The current session does not support debugging; execution will continue. !Line breakpoint on '{0}:{1}, {2}'> {0}, {1,-16} Single step (step into functions, scripts, etc.)< {0}, {1,-16} Step out of the current function, script, etc.I {0}, {1,-16} Step to next statement (step over functions, scripts, etc.)2 {0}, {1,-16} Stop execution and exit the debugger*Variable breakpoint on '${0}' ({1} access).Variable breakpoint on '{0}:${1}' ({2} access)Breakpoint {0} will not be hit|lSystem.Resources.ResourceReader, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089#System.Resources.RuntimeResourceSetPADPADPCvhNkb=J܅EÇ]܇Dً_)Ih۳oג[Gk*]iϙufOڡ-Wg4̦Sԥ?8rx3dmߪ*ezq=)dk*'GѼX+V3-MY8uǽ=d[ɡLw |`ͣ i2ϬVXOII JҘ[JmӫoK 6֩ \h~pڃ%Cto#Jx>侁^v4 B5B簫ɨ! 4{&tL4j|6ezŽ z>3z-i {ڹ C`8nFj= u6 WOG6w--:%7/#$DQZ 2gP8Y9ʜ9ݓ:C;En=9 =yo?Y@2LENF*DH8zI?uI/IsI;KsQKLCNNNUOOrO!&QSlS{U}W%XcYbe{Y&FZvZ []:W]/Y^7x^Y'_7W`EaOap`c+؞fchOq1i4Fk2'pkn~6o'p|qbrsTx{ˍ|,}J~* V("gE+(8 lA y * .T&{  I9' #T :#(* !E,~w VM $ -J'09 4(kZD$j'51(`\ A) (.",WH)w# ;"F,)[$<L(*/f-% qG> t!z% #  %d!xy 9-z)M [Y "nO!& )-m  !'-i  YY. ,f#-++]*vq({,x+N  S& )+&n3p'S6DefaultRemotingExceptionMessage0DeserializedObjectIsNullAJDuplicateInitializationParameterFoundf*EDcsRequiresElevation ERemotingCaption5ERemotingQueryX"EcsScriptMessageV,EcsShouldProcessTarget"EcsWSManQCCaptionEcsWSManQCQuery2EcsWSManShouldProcessDesc4,FatalErrorCausingCloseQBFilePathNotFromFileSystemProvider4FilePathShouldPS1ExtensionForceClosed`.FragmetIdsNotInSequenceo"GcsScriptMessageV=GeneralErrorNcsCannotDeleteFileAfterInstall%6NcsCannotWritePluginContentw%"NcsScriptMessageV%4NcsShouldProcessTargetSDDL&4NestedPipelineNotSupported&BNewRunspaceAmbiguosAuthentication&@NoAttributesFoundForParamElement'"NoMoreInputWrites8'LNonExistentInitialSessionStateProviders'DNotEnoughHeaderForRemoteDataObject'8ObjectIdCannotBeLessThanZero((ObjectIdsNotMatching)ObjectIsTooBig7*OutOfMemory*BPSDefaultSessionOptionDescription +.PSSenderInfoDescription=+ PSSessionAppName+4PSSessionConfigurationName+*PipelineIdsDoNotMatchE,0PipelineNotFoundOnServer,PipelineStopped, PortIsOutOfRange,6ProxyAmbiguosAuthentication9-8ProxyCredentialWithoutAccess-0PushedRunspaceMustBeOpenY."RcsScriptMessageVp.,ReceiveExCallBackError.ReceiveExFailed.JReceivedDataSizeExceededMaximumClient&/JReceivedDataSizeExceededMaximumServer/:ReceivedDataStreamIsNotStdout/NReceivedObjectSizeExceededMaximumClientL0NReceivedObjectSizeExceededMaximumServer12ReceivedUnsupportedAction16ReceivedUnsupportedDataType2BReceivedUnsupportedRemoteHostCallG2\ReceivedUnsupportedRemotingTargetInterfaceTypet2:RedirectedURINotWellFormatted2LRelativeUriForRunspacePathNotSupported"3(RemoteHostCallFailedg3DRemoteHostDataDecodingNotSupported3DRemoteHostDataEncodingNotSupported30RemoteHostDecodingFailed 46RemoteHostGetBufferContentsd4RemoteRunspaceInfoHasDuplicates9>RemoteRunspaceInfoLimitExceededH9\RemoteRunspaceNotAvailableForSpecifiedComputer9TRemoteRunspaceNotAvailableForSpecifiedName9`RemoteRunspaceNotAvailableForSpecifiedRunspaceId9^RemoteRunspaceNotAvailableForSpecifiedSessionId:0RemoteRunspaceOpenFailedA:4ScsShouldProcessTargetSDDL[>&SendExCallBackErrorp>SendExFailed>.ServerKeyExchangeFailed>.ServerNegotiationFailed6?0ServerNegotiationTimeout?DServerNotFoundCapabilityProperties@@&ServerProcessExited@:ServerRequestedToCloseSession@0ShowUIAndSDDLCannotExistA.StartupScriptNotCorrect}ADStartupScriptThrewTerminatingErrorA0StdInCannotBeSetToNoWaitAStdInIsNotOpenIB*StopPSJobWhatIfTargetmB0TroubleShootingHelpTopicB"TypeNeedsAssemblyC,URIEndPointNotResolvedDC0URIRedirectWarningToHostiC,URIRedirectionReportedC(UnableToLoadAssemblyBD UnableToLoadType}D$UnknownTargetClassD2UnsupportedWaitHandleTypeD(UriSpecifiedNotValid"EUnexpected type of remoting data (expected PSObject, got {0}).\The server did not respond with an encrypted session key within the specified timeout periodPowerShell client does not support the {0} {1} negotiated by the server. Make sure the server is compatible with the build {2} and the protocol version {3} of PowerShell.[Client negotiation timer has expired. The negotiation timeout interval is {0} milliseconds.{0}. Negotiation with the server failed. Make sure the server is compatible with the build {1} and the protocol version {2} of PowerShell. Client side receive call failed.*Client has requested to close the session.Client side send call failed.Close call completed.RClosing remote server shell instance failed with the following error message : {0}The close call failed.Close is called.LThe command handle returned from the WinRS API WSManRunShellCommand is null.QProcessing data for a remote command failed with the following error message: {0}+Receiving data for a remote command failed.MSending data to a remote command failed with the following error message: {0}(Sending data to a remote command failed.The command cannot retrieve the jobs of the specified computers. The ComputerName parameter can be used only with jobs creating using PowerShell remoting.IConnecting to remote server failed with the following error message : {0}#Connecting to remote server failed.Connection attempt failed.0No Session Configuration matches criteria "{0}".7Running command "{0}" to disable Session Configuration.XName: {0} SDDL: {1}. This will disable access to this session configuration for everyoneDisabling the session configurations does not undo all the changes made by the Enable-PSRemoting or Enable-PSSessionConfiguration cmdlet. You might have to manually undo the changes by following these steps. 1. Stop and disable the WinRM service. 2. Delete the listener that accepts requests on any IP address. 3. Disable the firewall exceptions for WS-Management communications. 4. Restore the value of the LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy to 0, which restricts remote access to members of the Administrators group on the computer.Error in decoding ErrorRecord.$Error in decoding Maximum runspaces.$Error in decoding Minimum runspaces.$Error in decoding PipelineStateInfo.&Error in decoding PowerShellStateInfo.(Error in decoding RunspacePoolStateInfo.$Error in decoding RunspaceStateInfo.$An error of type "{0}" has occurred.#Deserialized remoting data is null.The {0} parameter is already specified in the {1} section. Contact your administrator to make sure that {0} is specified only once.GAccess is denied. You need to run this cmdlet from an elevated process.!Registering session configurationSession configuration "{0}" is not found. Running command "{1}" to create "{0}" session configuration. This will restart WinRM service.6Running command "{0}" to enable Session Configuration.pName: {0} SDDL: {1}. This will allow selected users to remotely run Windows PowerShell commands on this computerWinRM Quick ConfigurationRunning command "{0}" to enable this machine for remote management through WinRM service. This includes: 1. Starting or restarting (if already started) the WinRM service 2. Setting the WinRM service type to auto start 3. Creating a listener to accept requests on any IP address 4. Enabling firewall exception for WS-Management traffic (for http only). Do you want to continue?Performing operation "{0}"._An error has occurred which PowerShell is unable to handle. Remote session may have terminated.FPath specified for FilePath parameter is not from FileSystem provider.dOnly PowerShell script files are allowed for FilePath parameter. Specify a file with .ps1 extension. Force closed.The FragmentId's of the same object must be in sequence with increment of 1. This may happen if the fragments are not properly constructed by the remote machine or the data might have been tampered with.ERunning command "{0}" to get PowerShell based Session Configurations.State of current Job instance is not valid for this operation.D{0} is an invalid scheme value. Valid values are "http" and "https".&{0} does not contain item with id {1}.The command cannot remove the job with the {0} session identifier and the {1} instance identifier because the job is not finished. To remove the job, first stop the job or use the Force parameter.The command cannot find the job with the {0} instance identifier because the identifier was not found. Verify the value of the InstanceId parameter, and then try the command again.The command cannot remove the job with the {0} session identifier and the {1} name because the job is not finished. To remove the job, first stop the job, or use the Force parameter.The command cannot find the job because the {0} name was not found. Verify the value of the Name parameter, and then try the command again.The command cannot remove the job with the {0} session identifier because the job is not finished. To remove the job, first stop the job, or use the Force parameter.The command cannot find the job because the {0} session identifier was not found. Verify the value of the Id parameter and then try the command again.^Mandatory value {0} is not in correct format for registry key {1}. Expected format is string.BThe mandatory value {0} is not specified for the {1} registry key.)Remoting data is missing CallId property.3Remoting data is missing RemotingDataType property..Remoting data is missing destination property.Last fragment's IsEndFragment flag is not set. This may happen if the fragments are not properly constructed by the remote machine or the data might have been tampered with.1First fragment's IsStartFragment flag is not set.-Remoting data is missing MethodName property.&Remoting data is missing {0} property.5Remoting data is missing Session InstanceId property.3Remoting data is missing target interface property.ARemote host method was invoked without specifying a target class.=Only administrators can override the Thread Options remotely.6Native API call to ReadFile failed. Error code is {0}.7Native API call to WriteFile failed. Error code is {0}.ECannot delete temporary file {0}. Try again. Reason for failure: {1}.eNew shell successfully registered. However cannot delete temporary file {0}. Reason for failure: {1}.bCannot write shell configuration data into temporary file {0}. Try again. Reason for failure: {1}.Remote host method was invoked on an unknown target class: {0},The wait handle type "{0}" is not supported.Specified Uri {0} is not valid.UWildcards are not supported for FilePath parameter. Specify a path without wildcards.5A {0} value must be specified for session option {1}.[The maximum number of WSMan uri redirections to allow while connecting to a remote machine.lSystem.Resources.ResourceReader, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089#System.Resources.RuntimeResourceSetPADPADP3ÞBCs>>VG-(InvalidEntryAssemblyNRunspaceConfigurationAttributeDuplicateJLRunspaceConfigurationAttributeNotExistDUndefinedRunspaceConfigurationTypep(UpdateAssemblyErrorsTUpdateNotSupportedForConfigurationCategoryHCannot reflect on entry assembly to find out RunspaceConfigurationType. Cannot create RunspaceConfiguration object because there are more than one assembly attribute of type RunspaceConfigurationType defined in assembly {0}.Cannot create RunspaceConfiguration object because assembly attribute of type RunspaceConfigurationType is not defined in assembly {0}. FRunspaceConfiguration-derived type {1} is not defined in assembly {0}.TThe following errors occurred when updating the assembly list for the runspace: {0}.AUpdate is not supported for runspace configuration category {0}. lSystem.Resources.ResourceReader, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089#System.Resources.RuntimeResourceSet2PADPADP/ `FPmhAӛ: Cبzn\ U7Ƭm59 ڷ S_,~2խV% & { d _ݧ {Q(,6,ޑ0Ir4*Y27+ PWjXa^. a@f"lju؂|B|MdNe6(4b-r'?Q&GK`ujy2:(AcceptsPipelineInput2AcceptsWildCardCharacters Answer>*BaseCmdletInformationFCapabilities*Category8 CmdletsSupportedE(CmdletsSupportedCapsZ CommonParametersmContentColonDefinitionColon&DetailedDescription Drives"DynamicParametersExampleExampleHelpInfo ExampleUpperCaseExamplesFalseShortFiltersFullHelpInfo InputType-Name5NamedParameter;4NonHyphenTerminatingErrorsB NotesZ OutputaOutputColoni*ParameterDefaultValuer"ParameterPosition"ParameterRequiredParametersProviderNameQuestionColonRelatedLinksRemarksSectionReturnType  ShortDescription(SuggestedActionColon)Synopsis= SyntaxG*TargetObjectTypeColonOTaskg TasksoTermColonv"TerminatingErrors}TitleColonTrueShortTypeColonVerboseHelpInfoAccept pipeline input? Accept wildcard characters? Answer This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug, ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable, OutBuffer and OutVariable. For more information, type, "get-help about_commonparameters". CAPABILITIES (Category: Cmdlets Supported: CMDLETS SUPPORTEDContent: Definition: DESCRIPTIONDRIVESDYNAMIC PARAMETERSExampleTo see the examples, type: EXAMPLEEXAMPLESfalseFILTERS!For technical information, type: INPUTSNAMEnamedNON-TERMINATING ERRORSNOTESOUTPUTOutput:Default value Position? Required?  PARAMETERS PROVIDER NAME Question: RELATED LINKSREMARKSOUTPUTSSHORT DESCRIPTIONSuggested Action: SYNOPSISSYNTAXTarget Object Type: TASK: TASKSTerm:TERMINATING ERRORSTitle:trueType: For more information, type: C lSystem.Resources.ResourceReader, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089#System.Resources.RuntimeResourceSetPADPADPe]MߖJ흯M߫W:WQ 4ٳ@QBBD1KD$OOP\VT3ByAi{"w] PN#7y}CannotLaunchURI&HelpCategoryInvalid]&HelpFileLoadFailure*HelpFileNotAccessible HelpFileNotValid?HelpLoadError{HelpNotFoundInvalidURI6LoadHelpFileForTargetFailedek"&+a/a.8Ճ@E~I KNS[M]T]tlPoOs)#t ^z-qTzw!/O^$`,67ML  W< *AllowedNodesSeparator*CannotFindRegistryKey2CannotFindRegistryKeyPathYHCodePropertyShouldHaveGetterOrSetterDuplicateFileDuplicateMember;&EntryShouldBeMshXml]&ErrorConvertingNoteException.ExpectedNodeNameInstead.ExpectedNodeTypeInsteadFileError8FileLineErrorH"FileLineTypeErrordFileNotFound$InvalidAdaptedType(IsHiddenNotSupported@IsHiddenValueShouldBeTrueOrFalse&MemberMustBePresentF$MemberShouldBeNote(MemberShouldHaveType0MemberShouldNotBePresent.NodeNotFoundAtLeastOnce NodeNotFoundOnce_.NodeShouldHaveInnerText4NodeShouldNotHaveInnerText$NotAStandardMember$NotMoreThanOnceOneN0NotMoreThanOnceZeroOrOne$ReservedNameMember LScriptPropertyShouldHaveGetterOrSetter98SerializationSettingsIgnoredgw9Y(k0V&?PCommittedTransactionForRollbackD&NoTransactionActive8NoTransactionActiveForCommitMonadEngineRegistryAccessFailed]:MonadRootRegistryAccessFailed*MshSnapinDoesNotExist8NoMshSnapinPresentForVersion,4PSVersionAttributeNotExistr4PublicKeyTokenAccessFailed ,ResourceReaderDisposedN0SpecifiedVersionNotFound*VersionValueInCorrect]Cannot find required information in registry or missing key files. Cannot load some cmdlets.^Mandatory value {0} is not in correct format for registry key {1}. Expected format is string.cMandatory value {0} is not in correct format for registry key {1}. Expected format is multistring.7Mandatory value {0} not specified for registry key {1}.JUnable to access Windows PowerShell PowerShellEngine registry information.9Unable to access Windows PowerShell registry information.FThe Windows PowerShell snap-in '{0}' is not installed on this machine.DNo snap-ins have been registered for Windows PowerShell version {0}.No [PSVersion] attribute was found for Windows PowerShell type {0}. Add a PSVersion attribute to the type using [PSVersion(Windows PowerShell SnapinBase.PSEngineVersion)].,Unable to access PublicKeyToken information.ICannot retrieve the string resource because the reader has been disposed.CVersion {0} of Windows PowerShell is not available on this machine.HVersion value {0} is not specified or is incorrect for registry key {1}.lSystem.Resources.ResourceReader, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089#System.Resources.RuntimeResourceSetPADPADP~D)F\fM_T)E$CmdletNotAvailable&InvalidPSSnapInNameR NoPSSnapInsFound-PThe operation cannot be performed. This Cmdlet is not supported in custom shell.The format of the specified snap-in name was not valid. Windows PowerShell snap-in names can only contain alpha-numeric characters, dashes, underscores and periods. Correct the name and then try the operation again.wNo Windows PowerShell snap-ins matching the pattern '{0}' were found. Check the pattern and then try the command again.rlSystem.Resources.ResourceReader, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089#System.Resources.RuntimeResourceSetPADPADPwē_NQutT% InvalidMatchType*RuleMustBeScriptBlock5TSuggestion_CommandExistsInCurrentDirectoryj6Suggestion_StartTransactionq2Suggestion_UseTransaction3MatchType must be 'Command', 'Error', or 'Dynamic'.3Rule must be a ScriptBlock for dynamic match types."The command {0} was not found, but does exist in the current location. Windows PowerShell doesn't load commands from the current location by default. If you trust this command, instead type `"{1}`". See `"get-help about_Command_Precedence`" for more details."{Once a transaction is started, only commands that get called with the -UseTransaction flag become part of that transaction.The Use-Transaction cmdlet is intended for scripting of transaction-enabled .NET objects. Its ScriptBlock should contain nothing else.WxlSystem.Resources.ResourceReader, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089#System.Resources.RuntimeResourceSetPADPADPjJ@*(ޝɄiք_eW|nQΏӹrK5?ptmimꚩY~wڳ啕7-ZHn˺e4&u+\+_4è'k;W`ǣIsȫ8l'\ɂyɑ͘HШdO|zԙyB&̦ٷxw2ڿ%L >9FAO$g(6Ԧ?%ِ7ӻ钄#^;dX^UNzHH6y"6p <רrGSB݂cڃ!۰ gu  @6?>WwMONEFV9!!,"Jm"A=7##[E$_h$$t!C)*nY,qY,@9-t.KF.K 0y!1ǰ1@4KA4M6ٟz99;,I? @D!#DDIDL>p]NnNNm4TI?TTTVPY$,]%A]t]f]`]x`R`#@dQ_eHfǍ[fj2lmpm%nJxnSdoBpkr 6r)&s\uv1xx}y{De{|8}Y\Q0X!&,T-q'#'-Gi$. },= *-l:&ra n+*"9Lq(3 (" )!"JR# $\I+7*d*r=t @,"A!(,$'>Ne'*D&o K j0 +& 9$l.Mv!p  H( -),-h  <)' O' (6 m%)w"3 -Ad!Wt %@" ,%J#w`+ 2%-J#t'<}4DAliasAllScopeOptionCannotBeRemoved$AliasAlreadyExists=2AliasCannotBeMadeConstant*AliasDriveDescriptionAliasIsConstant8AliasIsReadOnlynAliasNotFound"AliasNotRemovable AliasNotWritableAliasOverflow|"CannotRenameAlias$CannotRenameFilter(CannotRenameFunctionZ(CannotRenameVariable\ClearContentDynamicParametersProviderException:ClearContentProviderException_VClearItemDynamicParametersProviderException4ClearItemProviderException6^ClearPropertyDynamicParametersProviderExceptionDriveRemovalPreventedByProvider 6EnvironmentDriveDescription 0ErrorStreamingNotEnabledI FFilterAllScopeOptionCannotBeRemoved 4FilterCannotBeMadeConstant FilterIsConstantS FilterIsReadOnly&Filter_NotSupportedJFunctionAllScopeOptionCannotBeRemoved 8FunctionCannotBeMadeConstantI0FunctionDriveDescription$FunctionIsConstant$FunctionIsReadOnly*(FunctionNotRemovable_&FunctionNotWritable FunctionOverflow:GetChildNameProviderException6^GetChildNamesDynamicParametersProviderExceptionItemCmdletProvider_NotSupportedXItemExistsDynamicParametersProviderException6ItemExistsProviderException2MakePathProviderException0MaxAliasCountDescription[0MaxDriveCountDescription0MaxErrorCountDescription6MaxFunctionCountDescription4MaxHistoryCountDescription1 6MaxVariableCountDescriptionp TMoveItemDynamicParametersProviderException ,MoveItemOneDestination!VMoveItemPathMultipleDestinationNotContainer!2MoveItemProviderExceptionn"VMoveItemSourceAndDestinationNotSameProvider"LMovePropertyDestinationResolveToSingle)#\MovePropertyDynamicParametersProviderExceptionv#:MovePropertyProviderException#(MustBeFileSystemPathO$*NamedCommandIsPrivate$JNavigationCmdletProvider_NotSupported$@NewDriveCredentials_NotSupported%TNewDriveDynamicParametersProviderExceptionR%2NewDriveProviderException%,NewDriveProviderFailed&(NewItemAlreadyExistse&8NewItemCannotModifyDriveRoot&0NewItemDriveNameConflict&RNewItemDynamicParametersProviderExceptionG'0NewItemProviderException'6NewItemProviderNameConflict( NewItemTypeDrive(&NewItemTypeProvider(:NewItemValueMustBePSDriveInfo!)RemovePropertyProviderExceptionj7*RenameItemDoesntExist7XRenameItemDynamicParametersProviderException76RenameItemProviderExceptionp8.RenameMultipleItemError8`RenamePropertyDynamicParametersProviderException:9>RenamePropertyProviderException9"ResourceIsPrivate:2ResourceStringFormatErrorM:.ResourceStringLoadError:$ScopeDepthOverflow*;:ScopeIDExceedsAvailableScopesN;4ScopedFunctionMustHaveName;NSecurityDescriptorInterfaceNotSupported;RSetItemDynamicParametersProviderException$<0SetItemProviderException<ZSetPropertyDynamicParametersProviderException<8SetPropertyProviderExceptionj=LSetSecurityDescriptorProviderException=6StackNameResolvedToMultiple8>StackNotFoundm>LStartDynamicParmatersProviderException>&TraceSourceNotFound-?2Transactions_NotSupportedX?JVariableAllScopeOptionCannotBeRemoved?*VariableAlreadyExists@8VariableCannotBeMadeConstant4@0VariableDriveDescription@$VariableIsConstant@"VariableIsPrivateA VariableNotFound]A(VariableNotRemovableA4VariableNotRemovableSystemB&VariableNotWritableZB VariableOverflowBCannot find drive. A drive with the name '{0}' does not exist.XDrive {0} cannot be created because drive capacity {1} has been exceeded for this scope.FDrive '{0}' cannot be removed because the provider '{1}' prevented it.IThe drive containing a view of the environment variables for the process.hCmdletProvider could not stream the results because no Cmdlet was specified to stream the error through.The AllScope option cannot be removed from the function '{0}'.dExisting function {0} cannot be made constant. Functions can be made constant only at creation time.EThe drive containing a view of the functions stored in session state.2Cannot modify function {0} because it is constant.3Cannot modify function {0} because it is read-only.2Cannot remove function {0} because it is constant.ACannot write to function {0} because it is read-only or constant.^Function {0} cannot be created because function capacity {1} has been exceeded for this scope.aAttempting to perform the GetChildName operation on the '{0}' provider failed for path '{1}'. {2}sThe dynamic parameters for the GetChildNames operation cannot retrieved from the '{0}' provider for path '{1}'. {2}bAttempting to perform the GetChildNames operation on the '{0}' provider failed for path '{1}'. {2}vThe dynamic parameters for the GetChildItems operation cannot be retrieved from the '{0}' provider for path '{1}'. {2}bAttempting to perform the GetChildItems operation on the '{0}' provider failed for path '{1}'. {2}xThe dynamic parameters for the GetContentReader operation cannot be retrieved for the '{0}' provider for path '{1}'. {2}QContent reader cannot be retrieved for the '{0}' provider for the path '{1}'. {2}xThe dynamic parameters for the GetContentWriter operation cannot be retrieved for the '{0}' provider for path '{1}'. {2}QContent writer cannot be retrieved for the '{0}' provider for the path '{1}'. {2}pThe dynamic parameters for the GetItem operation cannot be retrieved from the '{0}' provider for path '{1}'. {2}\Attempting to perform the GetItem operation on the '{0}' provider failed for path '{1}'. {2}bAttempting to perform the GetParentPath operation on the '{0}' provider failed for path '{1}'. {2}tThe dynamic parameters for the GetProperty operation cannot be retrieved from the '{0}' provider for path '{1}'. {2}`Attempting to perform the GetProperty operation on the '{0}' provider failed for path '{1}'. {2}jAttempting to perform the GetSecurityDescriptor operation on the '{0}' provider failed for path '{1}'. {2}Global scope cannot be removed.fAttempting to perform the HasChildItems operation on the '{0}' provider failed for the path '{1}'. {2}rHome location for this provider is not set. To set the home location, call "(get-psprovider '{0}').Home = 'path'"._Cannot use interface. The IContentCmdletProvider interface is not implemented by this provider.hCannot perform the ClearContent operation. The ClearContent operation is not supported by this provider.NCannot call method. The content Seek method is not supported by this provider.gCannot use interface. The IDynamicPropertyCmdletProvider interface is not implemented by this provider.^Cannot use interface. The IPropertyCmdletProvider interface is not supported by this provider.YAttempting to perform the InitializeDefaultDrives operation on the '{0}' provider failed.Cannot process returned information because the information returned from the provider Start method was for a different provider than the one passed.mCannot process returned information because the information returned from the provider Start method was null.|The dynamic parameters for the InvokeDefaultAction operation cannot be retrieved from the '{0}' provider for path '{1}'. {2}hAttempting to perform the InvokeDefaultAction operation on the '{0}' provider failed for path '{1}'. {2}nThe dynamic parameters for the IsItemContainer cannot be retrieved from the '{0}' provider for path '{1}'. {2}dAttempting to perform the IsItemContainer operation on the '{0}' provider failed for path '{1}'. {2}`Attempting to perform the IsValidPath operation on the '{0}' provider failed for path '{1}'. {2}WCannot call methods. The ItemCmdletProvider methods are not supported by this provider.sThe dynamic parameters for the ItemExists operation cannot be retrieved from the '{0}' provider for path '{1}'. {2}_Attempting to perform the ItemExists operation on the '{0}' provider failed for path '{1}'. {2}gAttempting to perform the MakePath operation operation on the '{0}' provider failed for path '{1}'. {2}3The maximum number of aliases allowed in a session.2The maximum number of drives allowed in a session.4The maximum number of errors to retain in a session.5The maximum number of functions allowed in a session.=The maximum number of history objects to retain in a session.5The maximum number of variables allowed in a session.qThe dynamic parameters for the MoveItem operation cannot be retrieved from the '{0}' provider for path '{1}'. {2}Cannot move the item because the destination resolved to multiple paths. Specify a destination path that resolves to a single destination and try again.Cannot move the item because the source path points to one or more items and the destination path is not a container. Validate that the destination path is a container and try again.]Attempting to perform the MoveItem operation on the '{0}' provider failed for path '{1}'. {2}ZCannot move because the source and destination paths did not resolve to the same provider.KCannot move because the destination path can resolve only to a single path.tThe dynamic parameters for the MoveProperty operation cannot be retrieved for the '{0}' provider for path '{1}'. {2}aAttempting to perform the MoveProperty operation on the '{0}' provider failed for path '{1}'. {2}.The path does not refer to a file system path.;Cannot access command '{0}' because it is a private commandHThe NavigationCmdletProvider methods are not supported by this provider.JCannot create drive. The provider does not support the use of credentials.ODynamic parameters for NewDrive cannot be retrieved for the '{0}' provider. {1}lAttempting to perform the NewDrive operation on the '{0}' provider failed for the drive with root '{1}'. {2}RCreation failed because the provider does not allow the creation of the new drive.&The item at path '{0}' already exists./The root of the drive '{0}' cannot be modified.Cannot create new drive because the name specified in the PSDriveInfo '{0}' does not match the drive name specified in the path '{1}'.pThe dynamic parameters for the NewItem operation cannot be retrieved from the '{0}' provider for path '{1}'. {2}`Attempting to perform the NewItem operation on the '{0}' provider failed for the path '{1}'. {2}rThe provider name specified in the PSDriveInfo '{0}' does not match the provider name specified in the path '{1}'.DCannot create a new drive because type '{0}' is not of type "drive".JCannot create a new provider because type '{0}' is not of type "provider".xCannot set new item value because the parameter "value" must be of type PSDriveInfo when "type" is specified as "drive".xCannot set new item value because parameter "value" must be of type ProviderInfo when "type" is specified as "provider".AItem '{0}' cannot be created because the value was not specified.tThe dynamic parameters for the NewProperty operation cannot be retrieved from the '{0}' provider for path '{1}'. {2}`Attempting to perform the NewProperty operation on the '{0}' provider failed for path '{1}'. {2}3The path '{0}' is shorter than the base path '{1}'.CThe path '{0}' referred to an item that was outside the base '{1}'.jAttempting to perform the NormalizeRelativePath operation on the '{0}' provider failed for path '{1}'. {2}The path is not in the correct format. Provider paths must contain a provider Id, followed by "::", followed by a provider specific path.hCannot compare PSDriveInfo. A PSDriveInfo instance can be compared only to another PSDriveInfo instance.kThe Cmdlet provider cannot stream the results because no Cmdlet was specified to stream the output through.1Cannot find path '{0}' because it does not exist.Cannot set the location because path '{0}' resolved to multiple containers. You can only the set location to a single container at a time.SThe provider '{0}' cannot be used to get or set data using the variable syntax. {2}cThe invocation of Close on the '{0}' provider's content reader or writer failed for path '{1}'. {2}XThe invocation of Read on the '{0}' provider's content reader failed for path '{1}'. {2}YThe invocation of Write on the '{0}' provider's content writer failed for path '{1}'. {2}NAn error occurred attempting to create an instance of the provider '{0}'. {1} CThe drive containing the list of loaded providers and their drives.`The provider '{0}' cannot be used to resolve the path '{1}' because of an error in the provider.S'{0}' resolved to a provider name that was ambiguous. Possible matches include:{1}.pThe specified provider name '{0}' cannot be used because it contains one or more invalid characters: \ [ ] ? * :+Cannot find a provider with the name '{0}'.Cannot find a provider with the name '{0}'. The name is not in the proper format. A provider name may only be alpha-numeric characters or a Windows PowerShell snap-in name followed by a single '\' followed by alpha-numeric characters.An error occurred attempting to create an instance of the provider. The provider type name of '{0}' could not be found in the assembly.JCannot create provider because creation of new providers is not supported.ECannot remove provider because removal of providers is not supported.The path is not in the correct format. Paths may contain only provider and drive names separated by forwardslashes or backslashes.XThe invocation of Seek on the '{0}' provider's content writer failed for path '{1}'. {2}KAttempting to perform the Start operation on the '{0}' provider failed. {1}JThe variable syntax cannot be used to get or set data in the provider. {2}?The invocation of RemoveDrive on the '{0}' provider failed. {1}TCannot remove the drive root in this way. Use "Remove-PSDrive" to remove this drive.mCannot remove provider {0}. All drives associated with provider {0} must be removed before it can be removed.sThe dynamic parameters for the RemoveItem operation cannot be retrieved from the '{0}' provider for path '{1}'. {2}_Attempting to perform the RemoveItem operation on the '{0}' provider failed for path '{1}'. {2}wThe dynamic parameters for the RemoveProperty operation cannot be retrieved from the '{0}' provider for path '{1}'. {2}cAttempting to perform the RemoveProperty operation on the '{0}' provider failed for path '{1}'. {2}*The item at the path '{0}' does not exist.sThe dynamic parameters for the RenameItem operation cannot be retrieved from the '{0}' provider for path '{1}'. {2}_Attempting to perform the RenameItem operation on the '{0}' provider failed for path '{1}'. {2}gCannot rename item because the path resolved to multiple items. Only one item can be renamed at a time.dDynamic parameters for RenameProperty cannot be retrieved for the '{0}' provider for path '{1}'. {2}cAttempting to perform the RenameProperty operation on the '{0}' provider failed for path '{1}'. {2}FCannot access session state resource because it is a private resource nA Session State error occurred for object {0}, but the message string could not be formatted for {1}.{2} : {3}kA Session State error occurred for object {0}, but the message string could not be loaded for {1}.{2} : {3}"Too many scopes have been created.;The scope number '{0}' exceeds the number of active scopes.OThe function definition '{0}' contained a scope qualifier but no function name.FThis provider does not support security descriptor related operations.pThe dynamic parameters for the SetItem operation cannot be retrieved from the '{0}' provider for path '{1}'. {2}\Attempting to perform the SetItem operation on the '{0}' provider failed for path '{1}'. {2}tThe dynamic parameters for the SetProperty operation cannot be retrieved from the '{0}' provider for path '{1}'. {2}`Attempting to perform the SetProperty operation on the '{0}' provider failed for path '{1}'. {2}jAttempting to perform the SetSecurityDescriptor operation on the '{0}' provider failed for path '{1}'. {2}3The '{0}' resolved to more than one location stack.MCannot find location stack '{0}'. It does not exist or it is not a container.oAttempting to perform the StartDynamicParameters operation on the '{0}' provider failed for the path '{1}'. {2})Cannot find trace source with name '{0}'.nThe provider does not support transactions. Perform the operation again without the -UseTransaction parameter.>The AllScope option cannot be removed from the variable '{0}'.*A variable with name '{0}' already exists.dExisting variable {0} cannot be made constant. Variables can be made constant only at creation time.GThe drive containing a view of those variables stored in session state.4Cannot modify variable {0} because it is a constant.BCannot access the variable '${0}' because it is a private variable'Cannot find a variable with name '{0}'.Cannot remove variable {0} because it is constant or read-only. If the variable is read-only, try the operation again specifying the Force option.=Cannot remove variable {0} because it is owned by the system.BCannot overwrite variable {0} because it is read-only or constant.TCannot create variable {0} because variable capacity {1} is exceeded for this scope.Cannot process variable because variable path '{0}' resolved to multiple items. You can get or set the variable value only one item at a time.lSystem.Resources.ResourceReader, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089#System.Resources.RuntimeResourceSet PADPADP6LƯǺH silS 0h6hhȐrhs`{#'Z$ClearItemAction2ClearItemResourceTemplate CopyItemAction0CopyItemResourceTemplate"NewItemAction>.NewItemResourceTemplateH RemoveItemActionh4RemoveItemResourceTemplateu RenameItemAction4RenameItemResourceTemplateSetItemAction.SetItemResourceTemplate Clear Item Item: {0} Copy ItemItem: {0} Destination: {1}New ItemItem: {0} Type: {1} Value: {2} Remove Item Item: {0} Rename ItemItem: {0} NewName: {1}Set ItemItem: {0} Value: {1} lSystem.Resources.ResourceReader, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089#System.Resources.RuntimeResourceSetPADPADPcf>P׶2lr٭v,8< /[p;%''*u69ZOi{yEP'#0kPI"AttributeExpected$DepthOfOneRequired4DeserializationMemoryQuota[,DeserializationTooDeep:DeserializeSecureStringFailed2DictionaryKeyNotSpecified6DictionaryValueNotSpecified0InvalidDictionaryKeyName=4InvalidDictionaryValueNamez"InvalidElementTagInvalidNodeType(InvalidPrimitiveType $InvalidReferenceIdA>InvalidTypeHierarchyReferenceIdfInvalidVersion&NullAsDictionaryKey8PrimitiveHashtableInvalidKeyInvalidRunspacePoolStateGenerall MaxPoolLessThan12MinPoolGreaterThanMaxPool MinPoolLessThan1 0RunspaceNotBelongsToPoolN$RunspacePoolClosedMThis {0} object was not created by calling {1} on this RunspacePool instance.fCannot open the runspace pool because it is not in the 'BeforeOpen' state. The current state is '{0}'.HThis property cannot be changed after the runspace pool has been opened.iCannot perform operation because the runspace pool is not in the '{0}' state. The current state is '{1}'.?The state of the runspace pool is not valid for this operation.,The maximum pool size cannot be less than 1.CThe minimum pool size cannot be greater than the maximum pool size.,The minimum pool size cannot be less than 1.UCannot release the runspace to this pool as the runspace doesn't belong to this pool.The runspace pool is closed.lSystem.Resources.ResourceReader, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089#System.Resources.RuntimeResourceSetPADPADP(MȞekt,jHK%k^X}&'9/ܡNzno)? GNVaVb4wtfyD:]=,!yD=8ConfirmPreferenceDescription$ConsoleDescription4DebugPreferenceDescription *DollarHookDescription[4DollarPSCultureDescription~8DollarPSUICultureDescription@ErrorActionPreferenceDescription(ErrorViewDescription$6ExecutionContextDescription[DFormatEnunmerationLimitDescriptionHOMEDescription*MshShellIdDescription8NestedPromptLevelDescriptionD2OutputEncodingDescriptionPIDDescriptionPPIDDescription0PSEmailServerDescription"PSHOMEDescriptionn"PSHostDescription2PSVersionTableDescription:ProgressPreferenceDescriptionPReportErrorShowExceptionClassDescriptionKPReportErrorShowInnerExceptionDescription@ReportErrorShowSourceDescriptionHReportErrorShowStackTraceDescription8VerbosePreferenceDescription;8WarningPreferenceDescription{6WhatIfPreferenceDescriptionDictates when confirmation should be requested. Confirmation is requested when the ConfirmImpact of the operation is equal to or greater than $ConfirmPreference. If $ConfirmPreference is None, actions will only be confirmed when Confirm is specified.!Name of the current console file.9Dictates action taken when an Debug message is delivered.!Execution status of last command.2Culture of the current Windows PowerShell Session.5UI Culture of the current Windows PowerShell Session.9Dictates action taken when an Error message is delivered.5Dictates the view mode to use when displaying errors.+The execution objects available to cmdlets.DDictates the limit of enumeration on formatting IEnumerable objects.-Folder containing the current user's profile.EThe ShellID identifies the current shell. This is used by #Requires.ODictates what type of prompt should be displayed for the current nesting level.?The text encoding used when piping text to a native executable.Current process ID.Parent process ID.mVariable to hold the Email Server. This can be used instead of HostName parameter in Send-MailMessage cmdlet.7Parent folder of the host application of this Runspace.1This is a reference to the host of this Runspace.3Version information for current PowerShell session.:Dictates action taken when Progress Records are delivered.DCauses errors to be displayed with a description of the error class.8Causes errors to be displayed with the inner exceptions.;Causes errors to be displayed with the source of the error.1Causes errors to be displayed with a stack trace.>Dictates the action taken when a Verbose message is delivered.>Dictates the action taken when a Warning message is delivered.=If true, WhatIf is considered to be enabled for all commands.G lSystem.Resources.ResourceReader, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089#System.Resources.RuntimeResourceSetPADPADP yߝhĢ_IǕu5>pSExXn@Z͎):MCLCY̛c*|k}liIdN2,KDAnotherSessionStateProxyInProgressCannotOpenAgainl.ChangePropertyAfterOpen4ConcurrentInvokeNotAllowedBErrorLoadingModulesOnRunspaceOpen@InvalidPipelineStateStateGenerala6InvalidRunspaceStateGeneral4InvalidThreadOptionsChange(InvalidValueMyResultl(InvalidValueToResult2NestedPipelineInvokeAsync '?Q@TAIDpaGUJ[N3N"S X騕]+_QaTd6hh""}o brȐrhsuKUx!zia{f : KQ =  x4 *f l"R5 G{ [ &tk S, :p~ '+ {j 5 t  /9 r o S R4AccessControl_InvalidGroup6AccessControl_InvalidHandleP4AccessControl_InvalidOwnerkDAccessControl_NoAssociatedSecurity:AccessControl_UnexpectedErrorS0AddPropertyValueAtActionDAddPropertyValueAtResourceTemplate ArgRegKeyDelHive$Arg_EnumIllegalValArg_Name"Arg_RegBadKeyKind*Arg_RegInvalidKeyNameQ$Arg_RegKeyNotFound$Arg_RegKeyStrEmpty&Arg_RegKeyStrLenBug(Arg_RegSetBadArrType 0Arg_RegSetMismatchedKind(Arg_RegSetStrArrNull&Arg_RegSubKeyAbsentW0Arg_RegSubKeyValueAbsent2Arg_RegValueNameStrLenBugArg_Value &Arg_ValueDataLenBug.BArgumentException_RegSubKeyAbsentsFArgumentException_TransactionAbsent:Argument_InvalidPrivilegeNameTArgument_InvalidRegistryKeyPermissionCheck4Argument_InvalidSafeHandle7BadAtParamUClearItemAction2ClearItemResourceTemplate&ClearPropertyAction:ClearPropertyResourceTemplateBContainerInvalidOperationTemplateCopyKeyAction).CopyKeyResourceTemplate3$CopyPropertyActionO8CopyPropertyResourceTemplate^ DefaultValueName0DestinationChildOfSourceXDestinationContainerInvalidOperationTemplate(HKCUDriveDescriptionI(HKLMDriveDescriptionvBInvalidOperation_MustBeSameThreadHInvalidOperation_MustRevertPrivilegeNInvalidOperation_MustUseSameTransaction @InvalidOperation_NeedTransaction JInvalidOperation_NoSecurityDescriptor ZInvalidOperation_NotAssociatedWithTransaction' @InvalidOperation_RegRemoveSubKey BInvalidOperation_RemoteNotAllowed KeyAlreadyExists# *KeyCreatedValueFailedF KeyDoesNotExist MoveItemAction 0MoveItemResourceTemplate $MovePropertyAction 8MovePropertyResourceTemplate 0NewDriveRootDoesNotExistD NewItemAction .NewItemResourceTemplate >NewItemResourceTemplateWithType "NewPropertyAction 6NewPropertyResourceTemplate >NotSupported_KernelTransactions 6ObjectDisposed_RegKeyClosed9 *PropertyAlreadyExists_ "PropertyNotAtPath} ,PropertyNotMultivalued 8PropertyNotMultivaluedChangeRemoveKeyAction2RemoveKeyResourceTemplate(RemovePropertyActionCannot delete a subkey tree because the subkey does not exist.No value exists with that name.OThe length of the specified value name exceeds the maximum of 16383 characters.#A value argument must be specified.CThe length of the specified value data exceeds the maximum of 1 MB.-The specified registry subkey does not exist.)A transaction argument must be specified.*The specified privilege name is not valid.)5WC+\&ArgMayNotBeNegative,ArgMayNotBeNullOrEmptyF@ParentActivityIdCantBeActivityId4PercentMayNotBeMoreThan100DCannot process the argument because {0} may not be a negative value.QCannot process the argument because {0} may not be null or an empty string value.6ParentActivityId cannot be the same as the ActivityId.:Cannot set percent because {0} cannot be greater than 100.lSystem.Resources.ResourceReader, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089#System.Resources.RuntimeResourceSet PADPADP\ӈII:Ipn(*Z/u(NY Mj|zFE{1,ApartmentStateMismatchFApartmentStateMismatchCurrentThreadt&AsyncResultNotOwned.ExecutionAlreadyStartedL:InvalidPowerShellStateGeneral(InvalidRunspaceState;0InvalidStateCreateNestedKeyMustBeStringI6NestedPowerShellInvokeAsyncv"NoCommandToInvoke@OperationNotSupportedForRemoting0ParameterRequiresCommand6RemoteRunspacePoolNotOpenedrWhen the runspace is set to re-use thread, the apartment state in the invocation settings must match the runspace.When the runspace is set to use the current thread the apartment state in the invocation settings must match that of the current thread.KThis {0} object was not created by calling {1} on this PowerShell instance.The operation cannot be performed because a command has already been started. Wait for the command to complete, or stop it, and then try the operation again.MThe state of the current PowerShell instance is not valid for this operation.lCannot perform operation because the runspace is not in the '{0}' state. Current state of runspace is '{1}'.State of PowerShell instance is not valid to create a nested PowerShell instance. Nested PowerShell should be created only for a running PowerShell instance.+The keys in the dictionary must be strings.FNested PowerShell cannot be invoked asynchronously. Use Invoke method.No commands are specified.CThis operation is currently not supported in the remoting scenario.wA command is required to add a parameter. A command must be added to the PowerShell instance before adding a parameter.6The runspace pool specified is not in an opened state. lSystem.Resources.ResourceReader, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089#System.Resources.RuntimeResourceSetPADPADPs]qIͼOa+u͚55˸(>KejWt`CzM|1{4 U0-Z(ActionPreferenceStop(CannotCreatePipeline6CommandProcessorAlreadyUsed.ExecutionAlreadyStartedF6FirstCommandCannotHaveInput(InvalidCommandNumber PipeAlreadyTaken|PPipelineExecuteRequiresAtLeastOneCommand58PipelineExecutionInformationHPipelineExecutionNonTerminatingErrorBPipelineExecutionParameterBindingBPipelineExecutionTerminatingError$PipelineNotStarted4SecondFailure"WriteNotPermitted*WriteToClosedPipelineCannot continue to execute cmdlet because all cmdlet execution was stopped by the Stop policy. Determine why cmdlet execution was stopped.'An error occurred creating the pipelineCannot process the cmdlet instance because the cmdlet instances is being used by another pipeline. Please contact Microsoft Support Services.lCannot perform the operation because the pipeline is started. Stop the pipeline and try the operation again.Cannot execute the pipeline because the first cmdlet in the pipeline is trying to read input from a previous cmdlet. Either modify the first cmdlet, remove the first cmdlet, or add the cmdlet whose output is needed by the first cmdlet, then execute the pipeline again.Cannot process the cmdlet number. The ReadFromCommand function must specify the Id of a cmdlet that has already been added to the pipeline. Please contact Microsoft Support Services.Cannot read the output specified by the ReadFromCommand and ReadErrorQueue functions because another cmdlet is already reading that output. Please contact Microsoft Support Services.uCannot execute pipeline because there are no commands. Add at least one command to the pipeline and execute it again.Information({0}): "{1}"NonTerminatingError({0}): "{1}".ParameterBinding({0}): name="{1}"; value="{2}"TerminatingError({0}): "{1}"Cannot complete pipeline execution because it hasn't been started yet. You must call the Begin() method before calling End() on a steppable pipeline.A cmdlet threw an exception after calling ThrowTerminatingError. The first exception was "{0}" with stack trace "{1}". The second exception was "{2}" with stack trace "{3}". Determine why these exception were thrown and try again.The WriteObject and WriteError methods cannot be called from outside the overrides of the BeginProcessing, ProcessRecord, and EndProcessing methods, and only from that same thread. Validate that the cmdlet makes these calls correctly, or please contact Microsoft Support Services.The WriteObject and WriteError methods cannot be called after the pipeline has been closed. Please contact Microsoft Support Services.lSystem.Resources.ResourceReader, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089#System.Resources.RuntimeResourceSetPADPADP,5!.L M=j7 ~52OutFile_DidNotResolveFileBOutFile_MultipleFilesNotSupportedSTOutFile_ReadWriteFileNotFileSystemProviderDOutFile_WriteToFileEncodingUnknown4UtilityFileExistsNoClobberCQCannot perform operation because the wildcard path {0} did not resolve to a file.xCannot perform operation because the path resolved to more than one file. This command cannot operate on multiple files.GCannot open file because the current provider ({0}) cannot open a file.+unknown Encoding {0}; legal values are {1}..File {0} already exists and {1} was specified.nslSystem.Resources.ResourceReader, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089#System.Resources.RuntimeResourceSetPADPADPkڀ>Qlj^̊wz1 $M4#/\Œ1{}n%]2<9Q ^՚, c3ɛi<^FZw6 \]c,xVZ|g=>Cݳ]8 J ^xɴU<0~ѹrź^ٲזUҿLM}ǒǧlHs˂zLͮ.σ)нZ=.ҪaYT԰Pr4^:|ֿڡV{u>߷\k(^J)w!Iç낡fYm91|HߍuT5L&uJT}K@9-\,/19Ô)Ǒd % B5 BF 3b}=C,^r變q\qK "x # '$N3$pJq$/'!D(g?(W(i )I)Z6Q+O,--wz-%..<026-89XB=R=*?,?vCrEwFUGxEG@HKYK8ObLPigLMSuN"AmbiguousParameterExtendMessagegAmbiguousPatht&AmpersandNotAllowed*ArrayAssignmentFailedHNArrayReferenceNotSupportedInDataSectionp4ArraySliceAssignmentFailed,AsOperatorRequiresTypeXAssignmentStatementNotSupportedInDataSection>&BackupParserMessage@BackupParserMessageWithExceptionBadEnumerationuBadExpression$BadNumericConstantJ&BadOperatorArgumentf(BadRegularExpression$BadReplaceArgument"BadlyFormedCmdlet BreakHelpMessageBreakLabelCOMExceptionNCannotFindConstructorForCustomAttribute"CannotIndex InvalidParameterNInvalidParameterForDataSectionStatement0InvalidRegularExpression_>InvalidScriptBlockInDataSection:InvalidSplitOptionCombination>InvalidSplitOptionWithPredicate"InvalidSwitchFlag\HInvalidTokenForDataSectionCmdletList0InvalidVariableReference$InvokeMethodOnNullq,IsOperatorRequiresTypeKeyTypeMismatchFMethodCallNotSupportedInDataSectionMethodNotFoundlMissingArgument6MissingArrayIndexExpression0MissingCatchHandlerBlock *MissingCatchOrFinally<NMissingCloseBraceInDataSectionStatementvDMissingCurlyBraceInSwitchStatement(MissingEndCurlyBrace4MissingEndMultiLineCommentBMissingEndParenthesisAfterForeach.FMissingEndParenthesisAfterStatementjBMissingEndParenthesisInExpressionXMissingEndParenthesisInFunctionParameterListDMissingEndParenthesisInIfStatementBMissingEndParenthesisInMethodCallHMissingEndParenthesisInSubexpression8LMissingEndParenthesisInSwitchStatement_.MissingEndSquareBracket4MissingEqualsInHashLiteral8MissingEqualsInNamedArgument"MissingExpression#:MissingExpressionAfterKeywordXMissingNameAfterFunctionKeywordLMissingOpenBraceInDataSectionStatementDMissingOpenParenthesisAfterKeyword &MissingPropertyNameF 0MissingPropertyReferencew *MissingStatementBlock MissingVariableNameAfterForeach#8MissingWhileOrUntilInDoWhile#8MultipleSwitchDefaultClauses$2NeedMultidimensionalIndexJ$.NoPropertiesInSplatting$8NonExistingVariableReferencem%NotADictionary%>NotAdefinedOperationForTypeType%NullArray&NullArrayIndex5&TerminatorExpectedAtEndOfStringi24TextForCharPositionMessage2,TextForPositionMessage2TextForWordLine26UnexpectedToken[6.UnexpectedUnaryOperator62UnknownAssignmentOperator6"UnrecognizedToken6&VariableIsUndefined7TVariableReferenceNotSupportedInDataSectionN7@WhitespaceBeforeHereStringFooter%84You can add another hash table only to a hash table./Ambiguous parameter '-{0}' Possible matches are {0} ({1})hPath cannot be processed because it resolved to more than one file; can process only one file at a time.hAmpersand not allowed. The & operator is reserved for future use; use "&" to pass ampersand as a string.&Array assignment to [{0}] failed: {1}.OArray references are not allowed in restricted language mode or a Data section.OArray assignment to [{0}] failed because assignment to slices is not supported.*The right operand of '-as' must be a type.TAssignment statements are not allowed in restricted language mode or a Data section.eAn error '{0}' occurred while processing this script. Text describing this error could not be loaded.xAn error '{0}' occurred while processing this script. Text describing this error could not be loaded due to error '{1}'.>An error occurred while enumerating through a collection: {0}.The expression after '{0}' in a pipeline element produced an invalid object. It must result in a command name, script block or CommandInfo object.Bad numeric constant: {0}.$Bad argument to operator '{0}': {1}..Bad regular expression supplied to '{0}': {1}.IThe {0} operator only permits 2 elements on the right-hand side, not {1}.Could not process combined Begin/Process/End clauses with command text. A script or function can either have begin/process/end clauses or command text but not both.8Do not continue processing, throw the exception instead.&Break0An unhandled COM interop exception occurred: {0}aCannot find an appropriate constructor to instantiate the custom attribute object for type '{0}'.+Unable to index into an object of type {0}.;Cannot execute a document in the middle of a pipeline: {0}.Cannot use '&' to invoke in the context of binary module '{0}'. Specify a non-binary module after the '&' and try the operation again.RThe command '{0}' is not in allowed in restricted language mode or a Data section.>Report the error then continue with the next script statement. &ContinueoCannot find the type for custom attribute '{0}'. Make sure that the assembly that contains this type is loaded.gThe Data section variable "{0}" has already been used for an existing variable or another Data section.VThe data statement is not allowed in restricted language mode or another Data section.ZThe Do and While statements are not allowed in restricted language mode or a Data section.JDot sourcing is not allowed in restricted language mode or a Data section.+Duplicate parameter ${0} in parameter list.6Duplicate keys '{0}' are not allowed in hash literals.0Duplicate named arguments '{0}' are not allowed.5Script command clause '{0}' has already been defined.%Braced variable name cannot be empty.)Catch block must be the last catch block.%An empty pipe element is not allowed.HEmpty ${} variable reference, there should be a name between the braces."Missing } at end of variable name."Missing ) at end of subexpression.>Encountered end of line while processing a type literal token.$Missing ] at end of attribute token.Missing ] at end of type token.HYou can only use the '=' operator when assigning to a list of variables.8The error stream for this command is already redirected."Action to take for this exception:Cannot bind positional parameters because no names were given.GCannot convert '{6}' to the type '{2}' required by parameter '{1}'. {7} Cannot bind parameter '{1}'. {6}Cannot bind cmdlet {0} because parameter '{1}' is of type '{2}' and the Add() method cannot be identified, or multiple Add() methods exist. {6}FCannot process command. The parameter '{0}' is defined multiple times.Cannot retrieve dynamic parameters for the cmdlet. Dynamic parameter '{1}' specified parameter set '{6}' which was not statically defined for this cmdlet. New parameter sets may not be defined as dynamic parameters, although dynamic parameters may join parameter sets which were statically defined.hPipeline input cannot be processed because the default value of parameter '{1}' cannot be retrieved. {6}:Cannot retrieve the dynamic parameters for the cmdlet. {6}zThe input object cannot be bound because it did not contain the information required to bind all mandatory parameters: {6}The input object cannot be bound to any parameters for the command either because the command does not take pipeline input or the input and its properties do not match any of the parameters that take pipeline input.YMissing an argument for parameter '{1}'. Specify a parameter of type '{2}' and try again.OCannot process command because of one or more missing mandatory parameters:{1}.>A parameter cannot be found that matches parameter name '{1}'.Cannot bind parameter because parameter '{1}' is specified more than once. To provide multiple values to parameters that can accept multiple values, use the array syntax. For example, "-parameter value1,value2,value3".>Cannot process argument transformation on parameter '{1}'. {6}{6}0Cannot validate argument on parameter '{1}'. {6}ECannot bind argument to parameter '{1}' because it is an empty array.JCannot bind argument to parameter '{1}' because it is an empty collection.FCannot bind argument to parameter '{1}' because it is an empty string.;Cannot bind argument to parameter '{1}' because it is null..Cannot bind parameter '{1}' to the target. {6};Parameter '{1}' cannot be specified in parameter set '{6}'.CA positional parameter cannot be found that accepts argument '{1}'.+cmdlet {0} at command pipeline position {1}+Supply values for the following parameters:kA parameter binding error occurred for object {0}; the message string cannot be formatted for {1}.{2} : {3}hA parameter binding error occurred for object {0}; the message string cannot be loaded for {1}.{2} : {3}Cannot bind cmdlet {0} because runtime-defined parameter '{1}' was added to the RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary with key '{6}'. The key must be the same as RuntimeDefinedParameter.Name.=The input to the script block for parameter '{1}' failed. {6}Cannot evaluate parameter '{1}' because its argument is specified as a script block and there is no input. A script block cannot be evaluated without input.VCannot evaluate parameter '{1}' because its argument input did not produce any output.;lSystem.Resources.ResourceReader, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089#System.Resources.RuntimeResourceSet PADPADPHqGlZu^N.[j?B`JsPO^+9bdb!CliXmlErrorBIncorrectValueForCommandParameter4@IncorrectValueForFormatParameter}4NoValueForCommandParameterNoValueForOutputFormatParameterW0NoValuesSpecifiedForArgs2ParameterSpecifiedAlreadyJStringValueExpectedForFormatParameter2Cannot process xml from '{0}' stream of '{1}': {2}GScriptBlock should only be specified as value to the Command parameter.SIncorrect value {6} specified for the {7} parameter. Legal values are Text and Xml.1No value was specified for the Command parameter.PNo value specified for the InputFormat parameter. Legal values are Text and Xml.TNo value is specified for the OutputFormat parameter. Legal values are Text and Xml.*No value specified for the Args parameter.#Parameter {6} is specified already. {6} parameter requires a string.GlSystem.Resources.ResourceReader, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089#System.Resources.RuntimeResourceSetPADPADP槈֏iXc h44~ljn7=2MshSignature_HashMismatch2MshSignature_IncompatibleNMshSignature_Incompatible_HashAlgorithm?,MshSignature_NotSignedFMshSignature_NotSupportedFileFormat=^MshSignature_NotSupportedFileFormat_NoExtension.MshSignature_NotTrusted$MshSignature_ValidBThe contents of file {0} may have been tampered because the hash of the file does not match the hash stored in the digital signature. The script will not execute on the system. Please see "get-help about_signing" for more details.TThe signature cannot be verified because it is incompatible with the current system.sThe signature cannot be verified because it is incompatible with the current system. The hash algorithm is invalid.The file {0} is not digitally signed. The script will not execute on the system. Please see "get-help about_signing" for more details.UCannot sign file because the system does not support signing operations on {0} files.jCannot sign file because the system does not support signing operations on files without a file extension.@File {0} is signed but the signer is not trusted on this system.Signature verified.lSystem.Resources.ResourceReader, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089#System.Resources.RuntimeResourceSetPADPADPxpY HN'xIDAllNullOrEmptyStringsErrorTemplate*LessThanErrorTemplate 6e`6Bk,W}a $u RAliasParameterNameAlreadyExistsForCommand\ArgumentTransformationArgumentsShouldBeStringsvParameterNameConflictsWithAlias^6ParsingTooManyParameterSets:ValidateCountMaxLengthFailure:TValidateCountMaxLengthSmallerThanMinLength:ValidateCountMinLengthFailure.ValidateCountNotInArray,*ValidateFailureResult=x4ChoiceMessageDefaultChoice@DefaultChoicesForMultipleChoices#"EmptyChoicesError>0InvalidChoiceHotKeyErrorgPInvalidDefaultChoiceForMultipleSelection8PromptEmptyDescriptionsError(ShouldContinueNoHelp9*ShouldContinueNoLabel[2ShouldContinueNoToAllHelp`4ShouldContinueNoToAllLabel6ShouldContinuePromptMessage2ShouldContinueSuspendHelp4ShouldContinueSuspendLabelH*ShouldContinueYesHelpR,ShouldContinueYesLabel]4ShouldContinueYesToAllHelpc6ShouldContinueYesToAllLabel4UnsupportedPreferenceError4WriteDebugLineStoppedError Choice[{0}]: (default is "{0}")(default choices are {0})'"{0}" should have at least one element.UCannot process the hot key because a question mark ("?") cannot be used as a hot key.C"{0}" must be a valid index into "{1}". "{2}" is not a valid index.4The "{0}" parameter must contain at least one value. End the operation with an error.&NoVEnd the operation with an error and do not inquire to continue again for this session. No to A&llContinue with this operation?cPause the current operation and enter a command prompt. Type "exit" to resume the paused operation.&Suspend Continue.&Yes?Continue and do not inquire to continue again for this session. Yes to &All8The value {0} is not a supported ActionPreference value.PWriteDebug stopped because the value of the DebugPreference variable was 'Stop'.lSystem.Resources.ResourceReader, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089#System.Resources.RuntimeResourceSetPADPADPA!wd9AJCount cannot be combined with multiple CommandLine parameters.+Count cannot be combined with multiple Ids.*Cannot locate history for commandline {0}.!Cannot locate history for Id {0}.Cannot locate history.Cannot locate last history..lSystem.Resources.ResourceReader, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089#System.Resources.RuntimeResourceSetPADPADP tf q w bD  h S t+OuN-/<9CAE]FGH9:R.e[6Dh{lBsktIwey'g'DGVR?pnv6:z~SQ`q AssemblyInGAC AssemblyNotFound(AttributesNotAllowedYControlAndLabel:ControlLabelWithoutExpressionDuplicatedNodeOEmptyAppliesToEmptyAttribute,EmptyCustomControlListEmptyNodeYErrorInFileExpectBoolean ExpectExpressionExpectInteger"&ExpectNaturalNumber[*ExpectPositiveInteger&FormatFileNotRooted&FormatLoadingErrors/*FormattableLoadErrorsg0IncorrectHeaderItemCount*IncorrectRowItemCount1*InvalidAlignmentValue&InvalidColumnHeaderError at XPath {0} in file {1}: Node {2} cannot have children.GError at XPath {0} in file {1}: There must be at least one default {2}.8Error at XPath {0} in file {1}: Missing definition list.8Error at XPath {0} in file {1}: Missing a format string.NError at XPath {0} in file {1}: At least one list view item must be specified.1Error at XPath {0} in file {1}: Missing property.:Error at XPath {0} in file {1}: Missing script block text.KError at XPath {0} in file {1}: {2} cannot be specified with an expression.NError at XPath {0} in file {1}: {2} cannot be specified without an expression.=Error at XPath {0} in file {1}: Node should be an XmlElement.@Error at XPath {0} in file {1}: Control cannot have a null Name.HError at XPath {0} in file {1}: An Out Of Band view cannot have GroupBy.JError at XPath {0} in file {1}: Resource {2} in assembly {3} is not found.[Error at XPath {0} in file {1}: Cannot have SelectionSetName and TypeName at the same time.jThe Formattable cannot be updated because the Formattable might have been created outside of the Runspace.ZError at XPath {0} in file {1}: String {2} from resource {3} in assembly {4} is not found.HError at XPath {0} in file {1}: {2}, {3} and {4} are mutually exclusive.JError at XPath {0} in file {1}: There cannot be more than one default {2}.Too many errors in file {0}.+FFQ=TO\tK^^":\a6plIoy!zz?ft7r{kug!1;NBHoN\8'\ ,AttributesNotSupported&BasePathLengthError"ByteEncodingError&CannotClearPropertyR CannotRemoveItem.CannotRestoreAttributes,ClearContentActionFile 6ClearContentesourceTemplate8ClearPropertyActionDirectory%.ClearPropertyActionFile?:ClearPropertyResourceTemplateTCopyErrorm.CopyItemActionDirectory$CopyItemActionFile8CopyItemResourceFileTemplateDelimiterError0DirectoryDisplayGroupingDirectoryExist"DirectoryNotEmptyK*DirectoryReparsePointDriveRootErrorFileNotFound InvokeItemAction=;DBL*PP͗Ra&Y8,[ eҐfY6o7s{9~;4< LX  w ,r T b1 NV  [ 1}; t 3 6 #L" Q _ *Q q  6AccessMemberOutsidePSObject2CannotAddPropertyOrMethod34CannotChangeReservedMemberx8CannotSetNonManagementObject6CannotSetValueForMemberType$ChangeStaticMember5,CodeMethodMethodFormat{>CodePropertyGetterAndSetterNull0CodePropertyGetterFormat10CodePropertySetterFormat"ComparisonFailure2CopyToInvocationExceptionCycleInAlias8(EnumerationExceptione,ExceptionGettingMember.ExceptionGettingMembersHExceptionRetrievingMethodDefinitionsB>ExceptionRetrievingMethodStringfExceptionRetrievingParameterizedPropertyDefinitionsbExceptionRetrievingParameterizedPropertyReadStatem\ExceptionRetrievingParameterizedPropertyStringdExceptionRetrievingParameterizedPropertyWriteStateLXExceptionRetrievingParameterizedPropertytypeJExceptionRetrievingPropertyAttributesHExceptionRetrievingPropertyReadStatewBExceptionRetrievingPropertyString>ExceptionRetrievingPropertyType; JExceptionRetrievingPropertyWriteState HExceptionRetrievingTypeNameHierarchy (ExceptionWhenGettingA (ExceptionWhenSettinga GetProperties GetProperty 2GetTypeNameHierarchyError 2GetWithoutGetterException >InvalidCastCannotRetrieveStringJ (InvalidCastExceptionw ^InvalidCastExceptionEnumerationMoreThanOneValue ZInvalidCastExceptionEnumerationNoFlagAndCommaF LInvalidCastExceptionEnumerationNoValue FInvalidCastExceptionEnumerationNull\ VInvalidCastExceptionForBooleanArgumentValue RInvalidCastExceptionNoStringForConversionLInvalidCastExceptionWithInnerException&InvalidCastFromNull InvalidComponent$&InvalidWMIClassPathInvalidWMIPathListSeparator(MemberAlreadyPresent@MemberAlreadyPresentFromTypesXml MemberNotPresent+0MethodAmbiguousExceptionMBMethodArgumentConversionException8MethodArgumentCountException2MethodInvocationException.8NonRefArgumentToRefParametere:NotAClsCompliantFieldPropertyNotIcomparable|5QżZ@iSx|YSx<![r>8CloseError DeadlockDetected"DeviceErrorKFromStdErrnInvalidArgumentInvalidData(InvalidErrorCategory InvalidOperationInvalidResult9InvalidType^MetadataErrorNotImplementedNotInstalledNotSpecifiedObjectNotFoundOpenError: OperationStopped[ OperationTimeoutParserError PermissionDeniedReadErrorResourceBusyResourceExists;&ResourceUnavailableaSyntaxErrorWriteError CloseError: ({1}:{2}) [{0}], {3}'Deadlock detected: ({1}:{2}) [{0}], {3}!DeviceError: ({1}:{2}) [{0}], {3} FromStdErr: ({1}:{2}) [{0}], {3}%InvalidArgument: ({1}:{2}) [{0}], {3}!InvalidData: ({1}:{2}) [{0}], {3}5Unrecognized error category {4}: ({1}:{2}) [{0}], {3}&InvalidOperation: ({1}:{2}) [{0}], {3}#InvalidResult: ({1}:{2}) [{0}], {3}!InvalidType: ({1}:{2}) [{0}], {3}#MetadataError: ({1}:{2}) [{0}], {3}$NotImplemented: ({1}:{2}) [{0}], {3}"NotInstalled: ({1}:{2}) [{0}], {3}"NotSpecified: ({1}:{2}) [{0}], {3}$ObjectNotFound: ({1}:{2}) [{0}], {3}OpenError: ({1}:{2}) [{0}], {3}&OperationStopped: ({1}:{2}) [{0}], {3}&OperationTimeout: ({1}:{2}) [{0}], {3}!ParserError: ({1}:{2}) [{0}], {3}&PermissionDenied: ({1}:{2}) [{0}], {3}ReadError: ({1}:{2}) [{0}], {3}"ResourceBusy: ({1}:{2}) [{0}], {3}$ResourceExists: ({1}:{2}) [{0}], {3})ResourceUnavailable: ({1}:{2}) [{0}], {3}!SyntaxError: ({1}:{2}) [{0}], {3} WriteError: ({1}:{2}) [{0}], {3}lSystem.Resources.ResourceReader, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089#System.Resources.RuntimeResourceSetPADPADP{_v4{D_krо1vۇdjh n&0j#ĒD__?$aDG+2*Qg4zK:@FR9ZId,ižljO3{{4|rrr- A9p+9@4AliasDeclaredMultipleTimes2AliasNotResolvedException-BCmdletDoesNotDeriveFromCmdletType&CmdletFormatInvalid[&CmdletNameAmbiguous.CmdletNotFoundExceptionb" "#requires -version " "#requires -pssnapin [-version ]"Cannot process the "#requires" statement at line {0} because the Windows PowerShell snap-in name '{1}' can only have alpha-numeric, dash, underscore or period characters.Cannot process the "#requires" statement at line {0} because the value of argument {1} is invalid. Specify a valid Windows PowerShell version of the format major.minor version.jCannot process the "#requires" statement at line {0} because a closing quote is missing from argument {1}.The script '{0}' cannot be run because it contained a "#requires" statement for which there was no valid registration in the Windows Registry for the specified shell ID '{1}'.lSystem.Resources.ResourceReader, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089#System.Resources.RuntimeResourceSetPADPADP/0NullOrEmptyErrorTemplate{0} cannot be null or empty.lSystem.Resources.ResourceReader, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089#System.Resources.RuntimeResourceSetPADPADPk8'TaIDPromptForCredential_DefaultCaptionDPromptForCredential_DefaultMessage(BPromptForCredential_DefaultTargetB&Windows PowerShell Credential Request Enter your credentials. Enter your credentials.lSystem.Resources.ResourceReader, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089#System.Resources.RuntimeResourceSetPADPADP㦍a؂|(DescriptionNamec VendoraThis Windows PowerShell snap-in contains cmdlets used to manage components of Windows PowerShell.Core Windows PowerShell snap-inMicrosoft CorporationlSystem.Resources.ResourceReader, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089#System.Resources.RuntimeResourceSet'PADPADPMQޅ ˌxPCavҾƿI^̧qO&@q~Dt~. vА~ҏ"u*9'(W*a-9qLꞌRKPV^cUPq tH vrxJo;`Dd9w5  nCbT 4AddPSSnapInBadMonadVersion&BadConsoleExtensiono"BadConsoleVersionBadMonadVersion$BadXMLElementFoundcBadXMLFormat"CannotLoadDefault $CannotLoadDefaultss&CannotRemoveDefault(CannotRemovePSSnapInu$CmdletNotAvailable@ConsoleCannotbeConvertedToString04ConsoleFileNameNotResolved&ConsoleFileReadOnly@ConsoleFileWildCardsNotSupported$ConsoleLoadFailure 4ConsoleVariableCannotBeSetI:ExportConsoleCannotDeleteFile&FileExistsNoClobber>FileNameCaptionForExportConsole&FileNameNotResolved*FileNamePromptMessage'IDNotFoundT(MonadConsoleNotFound(MonadVersionNotFoundJMultipleMshSnapinsElementNotSupported+*PSSnapInAlreadyExistsq8PSSnapInAssemblyNameMismatch(PSSnapInDoesNotExistU 0PSSnapInDuplicateCmdlets 4PSSnapInDuplicateProviders &PSSnapInLoadFailureF &PSSnapInLoadWarning PSSnapInNotFound "PSSnapInReadError PathNotAbsolute ,PromptForExportConsole (ProviderNotSupported SaveDefaultErrort mIncorrect Windows PowerShell version {0}. Windows PowerShell version {1} is supported in the current console.@Bad console file extension. Console file extension must be psc1.GRequired element "ConsoleSchemaVersion" in {0} is missing or incorrect.gIncorrect Windows PowerShell version {0}. Windows PowerShell version {1} is supported on this computer.KUnknown element {0} found. "{1}" should have "{2}" and "{3}" elements only.nBad Console file. Multiple entries found for element PSConsoleFile. Only one entry supported for this version.QThis is a system Windows PowerShell snap-in that is loaded by Windows PowerShell.qAn error occurred when loading the system Windows PowerShell snap-ins. Please contact Microsoft Support Services.Cannot remove the Windows PowerShell snap-in {0} because it is a system snap-in. Verify the name of the snap-in being removed and try again.Cannot remove the Windows PowerShell snap-in {0} because it is not loaded. Verify the name of the snap-in being removed and try again.0The cmdlet is not supported by the custom shell.zCannot save the file because the file name format is invalid. Specify a file name using the command: export-console -path.PCannot export to a console because no console is loaded or no name is specified.Cannot export to this file because file {0} is read-only. Change the read-only attribute of the file to read-write, or export to a different file.wCannot save the console file because wildcard characters were used. Specify a console file without wildcard characters.;The following errors occurred when loading console {0}: {1}CCannot set the ConsoleFileName variable to {0}. File {0} was saved..Save operation failed. Cannot remove file {0}..File {0} already exists and {1} was specified. Cmdlet {0}+Cannot save file. Save operation cancelled.+Supply values for the following parameters:UThe console file is not valid because the Windows PowerShell snap-in name is missing.@Required element "PSConsoleFile" in {0} is missing or incorrect.|5P81bop} |EO[29ArgumentArgumentNull$ArgumentOutOfRange .CanConvertOneClauseOnly:CanConvertOneOutputErrorRedir_2CanOnlyConvertOnePipeline0CantConvertEmptyPipelineFCantConvertScriptBlockWithNoContextCannot convert a script block with a top-level trap statement.Cannot generate a PowerShell object for a ScriptBlock which invokes pipelines, commands or functions to evaluate arguments of the main pipeline.MCannot generate a PowerShell object for a ScriptBlock that uses dot sourcing.WCannot generate a PowerShell object for a ScriptBlock that invokes other script blocks.tCannot generate a PowerShell object for a ScriptBlock that tries to pass other script blocks inside argument values.Cannot generate a PowerShell object for a ScriptBlock dereferencing variables undeclared in the param(...) block. Name of undeclared variable: {0}.Object "{0}" is the wrong type to return from the dynamicparam block. The dynamicparam block must return either $null or an object with type [System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary]Command halted by user.xCannot perform operation because operation "{0}" is invalid. Remove operation "{0}", or investigate why it is not valid.DCannot perform operation because operation "{0}" is not implemented.BCannot perform operation because operation "{0}" is not supported.HCannot perform operation because object "{0}" has already been disposed.The script block cannot be invoked because it contains more than one clause. The Invoke() method can only be used on script blocks containing a single clause. lSystem.Resources.ResourceReader, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089#System.Resources.RuntimeResourceSetPADPADP $^'l93)o]qD^߼X۲(E@vο)\I.v =>&&'p)I/\ ^FI^ X]7h>av:K*42AuthenticodePromptCaption,AuthenticodePromptText<NAuthenticodePromptText_UnknownPublisher*CertNotGoodForSigning Choice_AlwaysRun_*Choice_AlwaysRun_HelplChoice_DoNotRun(Choice_DoNotRun_HelpChoice_NeverRunE(Choice_NeverRun_HelpQChoice_RunOnce&Choice_RunOnce_HelpChoice_Suspendi&Choice_Suspend_Helps(InvalidHashAlgorithm0Reason_DisallowedBySaferReason_DoNotRun:Reason_FileContentUnavailableReason_NeverRunF"Reason_NotTrusted*Reason_RestrictedMode]Reason_Unknown.RemoteFilePromptCaption (RemoteFilePromptText(TimeStampUrlRequired:Do you want to run software from this untrusted publisher?iFile {0} is published by {1} and is not trusted on your system. Only run scripts from trusted publishers.gSoftware {0} is published by an unknown publisher. It is recommended that you do not run this software.MCannot sign code. The specified certificate is not suitable for code signing. &Always run^Run the script from this publisher now, and do not prompt me to run this script in the future. &Do not runjDo not run the script from this publisher now, and continue to prompt me to run this script in the future. Ne&ver runDo not run the script from this publisher now, and do not prompt me to run this script in future. Future attempts to run this script will result in a silent failure. &Run oncecRun the script from this publisher now, and continue to prompt me to run this script in the future.&SuspendmPause the current pipeline and return to the command prompt. Type exit to resume execution when you are done.6Cannot sign code. The hash algorithm is not supported.File {0} cannot be loaded because its execution is blocked by software restriction policies. For more information, contact your system administrator.PFile {0} cannot be loaded because you have elected to not run this software now.@File {0} cannot be loaded because its content could not be read.]File {0} cannot be loaded because you have elected to never run software from this publisher.File {0} is published by {1}. This publisher is explicitly untrusted on your system. The script will not execute on the system. Please see "get-help about_signing" for more details.File {0} cannot be loaded because the execution of scripts is disabled on this system. Please see "get-help about_signing" for more details.File {0} cannot be loaded. {1}.Security WarningRun only scripts that you trust. While scripts from the Internet can be useful, this script can potentially harm your computer. Do you want to run {0}?eCannot sign code. The TimeStamp server URL must be fully qualified in the form of http://Qrl!X/jkL7 q5ԒKqqPvN"J~a/BzAff}fֿ 32.Ms~ۂ!BK\r5GXwq+j 8{NDcT  2Yc1y"557@WX1ZE\ir*t=u System.Management.Automation.resourcesenModules.en.resourcesDebuggerStrings.en.resourcesRemotingErrorIdStrings.en.resourcesMiniShellErrors.en.resourcesHelpDisplayStrings.en.resourcesHelpErrors.en.resourcesWildcardPattern.en.resourcesTypesXml.en.resourcesTransactionStrings.en.resourcesMshSnapinInfo.en.resourcesMshSnapInCmdletResources.en.resourcesSuggestionStrings.en.resourcesSessionStateStrings.en.resourcesSessionStateProviderBaseStrings.en.resourcesSerialization.en.resourcesAuthorizationManagerBase.en.resourcesRunspacePoolStrings.en.resourcesRunspaceInit.en.resourcesRunspace.en.resourcesRegistryProviderStrings.en.resourcesPSListModifier.en.resourcesPSDataBufferStrings.en.resourcesPSCommandStrings.en.resourcesProxyCommandStrings.en.resourcesProviderBaseSecurity.en.resourcesProgressRecordStrings.en.resourcesPowerShellStrings.en.resourcesPipeline.en.resourcesPathUtils.en.resourcesParser.en.resourcesParameterBinderStrings.en.resourcesNativeCP.en.resourcesMshSignature.en.resourcesMshHostRawUserInterfaceStrings.en.resourcesMetadata.en.resourcesLogging.en.resourcesInternalHostUserInterfaceStrings.en.resourcesInternalHostStrings.en.resourcesHistory.en.resourcesHostInterfaceExceptionsStrings.en.resourcesGetErrorText.en.resourcesFormatAndOut.XmlLoading.en.resourcesFileSystemProviderStrings.en.resourcesExtendedTypeSystem.en.resourcesEventingResources.en.resourcesErrorPackageRemoting.en.resourcesErrorPackage.en.resourcesErrorCategory.en.resourcesDiscoveryExceptions.en.resourcesDescriptionsStrings.en.resourcesCredUI.en.resourcesCoreMshSnapInResources.en.resourcesConsoleInfoErrorStrings.en.resourcesCredentialAttribute.en.resourcesCredential.en.resourcesCommandBaseStrings.en.resourcesAutomationExceptions.en.resourcesAuthenticode.en.resourcesSystem.Management.Automation.resources.dll 8(N[<$$RSA1gw:މ8e `Y>Ēe??1 3`!g-1 /%}oY5L9EC;&=oGP\dEk*+Ge+] _CorDllMainmscoree.dll% @0 HX4VS_VERSION_INFO@@DVarFileInfo$Translation @StringFileInfo040904b0LCompanyNameMicrosoft Corporation,FileDescription >FileVersion6.1.7600.16385v+InternalNameSystem.Management.Automation.resources.dll:LegalCopyrightCopyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.~+OriginalFilenameSystem.Management.Automation.resources.dllv+ProductNameMicrosoft (R) Windows (R) Operating SystemBProductVersion6.1.7600.16385 09