# Copyright © 2008, Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. #include utility functions and localization data . .\UtilityFunctions.ps1 Import-LocalizedData -BindingVariable localizationString -FileName LocalizationData #set the environment constants .\UtilitySetConstants Write-DiagProgress -activity $localizationString.progress_Diagnosing_Initializing #reset the global NDF object $Global:ndf = $null $Global:previousNdf = $null #initialize script level variables (script scope used to avoid odd powershell scope handling) $script:ExpectingException = $false $script:incidentID = $null $Global:incidentData = $null #need to access this during verification as well $script:skipRerun = $false $script:attachTraceFile = $false $script:isRerun = $false #first check whether we're either elevated or a re-run scenario &{ $prevIncidentID = 0 $prevFlags = 0 $script:ExpectingException = $true #marked as no-ui. throws exception if not available $SBSData = Get-DiagInput -ID "SecurityBoundarySafe" $script:ExpectingException = $false if($SBSData[0].Length -gt 0) { #Security boundary safe data is now always passed in to our script on rerun or elevation #We use the "flags" field to determine whether it's a rerun or elevation -- if the flag doesn't match the current privilege, we elevated "SBS Data Retrieved: " + $SBSData | convertto-xml | Update-DiagReport -id SecurityBoundarySafe -name "Security Boundary Safe" -verbosity Debug $script:isRerun = $true $admin = IsAdmin SplitSBSData $SBSData[0] ([ref]$prevIncidentID) ([ref]$prevFlags) if([System.Int32]($prevFlags) -eq [System.Int32]($admin)) { "Previous run's privilege level flag (" + $prevFlags + ") matches our current level (IsAdmin:" + $admin +"). Determining whether it's appropriate to re-run." | convertto-xml | Update-DiagReport -id ReuseSession -name "Reusing previous session" -verbosity Debug #same privilege level as last run, so this is a rerun rather than elevation #should not use previous incident, but should determine whether rerun is necessary #open the previous incident $Global:ndf = GetExistingNDFInstance $prevIncidentID if($Global:ndf) { #recover the input attributes so we don't re-prompt $prevHelperClass = $Global:ndf.EntryPoint $prevHelperAttributes = $Global:ndf.HelperAttributes $Global:incidentData = @{"HelperClassName" = $prevHelperClass; "HelperAttributes" =$prevHelperAttributes} #check whether re-diagnosis occurred during verification, if so open use the follow up session $ndfRerun = $null $followupIncidentID = $Global:ndf.FollowUpSession if($followupIncidentID) { #if follow up incident is available, we should always reuse and return this data as the diagnostics result of this rerun $ndfRerun = GetExistingNDFInstance $followupIncidentID if($ndfRerun) { $Global:previousNdf = $Global:ndf #keep a handle to the previous NDF $Global:ndf = $ndfRerun; } else { throw "Could not open re-run incident." } } else { #don't have a rerun available so lets make sure it's appropriate to rerun #Only necessary when the last action was a failed validation $sessionStatus = $Global:ndf.SessionStatus if(!($sessionStatus -eq $NDF_STOP_STATUS_FAILEDVALIDATE)) { #rerun not necessary if($sessionStatus -eq $NDF_STOP_STATUS_SUCCESSVALIDATE) { "Skipping rerun, previous session succeeded in resolving the problem." | convertto-xml | Update-DiagReport -id SkipRerun -name "Skip Rerun" -verbosity Debug $script:skipRerun = $true } else { "Skipping rerun, previous session status (" + $sessionStatus + ") was not a verification failure. Will return same diagnosis as last session." | convertto-xml | Update-DiagReport -id SkipRerun -name "Skip Rerun" -verbosity Debug $script:incidentID = $prevIncidentID } return; } else { "Previous session ended in a validation failure (" + $sessionStatus + ") was a verification failure, rerun will proceed." | convertto-xml | Update-DiagReport -id ValidRerun -name "Rerun is Valid" -verbosity Debug $Global:ndf = $null } } } } else { "Previous run's privilege level flag (" + $prevFlags + ") differs to our current level (IsAdmin:" + $admin +"). Reusing previous session (" + $prevIncidentID + ")" | convertto-xml | Update-DiagReport -id ReuseSession -name "Reusing previous session" -verbosity Debug #different privilege level, reuse previous session $script:incidentID = $prevIncidentID #open the previous incident $Global:ndf = GetExistingNDFInstance $prevIncidentID #recover the input attributes so we don't re-prompt $prevHelperClass = $Global:ndf.EntryPoint $prevHelperAttributes = $Global:ndf.HelperAttributes $Global:incidentData = @{"HelperClassName" = $prevHelperClass; "HelperAttributes" =$prevHelperAttributes} } } } trap [Exception] { if($script:ExpectingException) { $script:ExpectingException = $false continue; } else { #rethrow exception throw $_.Exception; } } if($script:skipRerun) { return; } $script:IT_EntryPoint = "DefaultConnectivity" if($Global:ndf -eq $null) { "New Diagnostics Session." | convertto-xml | Update-DiagReport -id ReopenSessionCheck -name "Re-open Session Check" -verbosity Debug #get entry point &{ $script:ExpectingException = $true $script:IT_EntryPoint = Get-DiagInput -ID "IT_EntryPoint" $script:ExpectingException = $false if($script:IT_EntryPoint[0].Length -eq 0) { "No entry point specified. Using default connectivity diagnose experience" | convertto-xml | Update-DiagReport -id EntryPoint -name "Entry Point" -description "Selected entry point." -verbosity Debug $script:IT_EntryPoint = "DefaultConnectivity" } else { $script:IT_EntryPoint | convertto-xml | Update-DiagReport -id EntryPoint -name "Entry Point" -description "Selected entry point." -verbosity Debug } } trap [Exception] { if($script:ExpectingException) { "No entry point specified. Using default connectivity diagnose experience" | convertto-xml | Update-DiagReport -id EntryPoint -name "Entry Point" -description "Selected entry point." -verbosity Debug $script:ExpectingException = $false continue; } else { #rethrow exception throw $_.Exception; } } } $diagResult = $S_OK if($Global:ndf -eq $null) { if($Global:incidentData -eq $null) { #Entry Point functions return a hash with "HelperClassName" and "HelperAttributes" values, or $null on failure if($script:IT_EntryPoint -eq "InContext") { $Global:incidentData = InContextEntry } elseif($script:IT_EntryPoint -eq "HTTP") { $Global:incidentData = WebEntry } elseif($script:IT_EntryPoint -eq "SMB") { $Global:incidentData = FileSharingEntry } elseif($script:IT_EntryPoint -eq "NetworkAdapter") { $Global:incidentData = NetworkAdapterEntry } elseif($script:IT_EntryPoint -eq "Winsock") { $Global:incidentData = WinsockEntry } elseif($script:IT_EntryPoint -eq "Grouping") { $Global:incidentData = GroupingEntry } elseif($script:IT_EntryPoint -eq "Inbound") { $Global:incidentData = InboundEntry } elseif($script:IT_EntryPoint -eq "DirectAccess") { $Global:incidentData = DirectAccessEntry if(!$Global:incidentData) { #not provisioned, root cause outside of NDF Update-DiagRootCause -ID "{E42E5B5A-16E0-43f1-AB32-C94C608D269D}" -Detected $true return; } } elseif($script:IT_EntryPoint -eq "DefaultConnectivity") { #DefaultConnectivity experience initially diagnoses default URL $Global:incidentData = GetWebNDFIncidentData $DefaultDiagURL $true } else { throw "Unexpected entry point specified" } } if($Global:incidentData -eq $null) { throw "Entry Point function failure" } while($true) { #will diagnose, should attach trace file $script:attachTraceFile = $true $Global:incidentData["HelperClassName"] | convertto-xml | Update-DiagReport -id CreateIncidentHelperClass -name "Create Incident Helper Class" -description "CreateIncident Helper Class Value." -verbosity Debug $Global:incidentData["HelperAttributes"] | convertto-xml | Update-DiagReport -id CreateIncidentHelperAttributes -name "Create Incident Helper Attributes" -description "CreateIncident Helper Attributes Value." -verbosity Debug $Global:ndf = new-object -comObject ndfapi.NetworkDiagnostics.1 -strict $Global:ndf.CreateIncident($Global:incidentData["HelperClassName"], $Global:incidentData["HelperAttributes"]) $waitHandle = $Global:ndf.Diagnose($DiagnoseWaitTime, 0) if($waitHandle -eq $null) { throw "Diagnose call failed" } WaitWithProgress $localizationString.progress_Diagnosing_NoDetails $waitHandle $Global:ndf #check diagnose result $diagResult = $Global:ndf.DiagnoseResult if(($script:IT_EntryPoint -eq "DefaultConnectivity") -and (!$script:isRerun)) { #for the DefaultConnectivity entry point, if no issues are found then we ask a few follow up questions and potentially re-diagnose if(($diagResult -eq $S_OK) -and ($Global:ndf.RootCauses.Count -eq 0)) { #no issues were found, see if there's anything else to diagnose #first add tracelog from session to report AddTraceFileToSession $Global:ndf $localizationString.TraceFileReportName "Diagnose" #add network config information to report AddNetworkInfoToSession; #do not attach file if we break out of loop rather than re-diagnose $script:attachTraceFile = $false #query the user for new entry point $Global:incidentData = DefaultConnectivityFollowUpEntry if($Global:incidentData -eq $null) { #nothing else to diagnose break; } else { $script:IT_EntryPoint = "DefaultConnectivityOther" } } else { #issues found, break out of loop break; } } else { #for anything other than the DefaultConnectivity entry point we only diagnose once during a run break; } } } if($diagResult -eq $S_OK) { $Global:rootCauseEnum = $Global:ndf.RootCauses if($Global:rootCauseEnum -ne $null) { #enumerate through root causes $rootCauseCount = $Global:rootCauseEnum.Count $rootCauseCount | convertto-xml | Update-DiagReport -id RootCausecount -name "Root Cause Count" -description "The following number of root causes were found." -verbosity Debug #collect catch-all information for use later $Global:catchAlls = @{}; #will contain the RC's with catch all repairs, indexed by HC it applies to $catchAllsIndex = @{}; #will hold the index of the catch-all in the root cause list $Global:catchAllsAltRC = @{}; #will contain the alternate RC ID for the catch all, if available, indexed by root cause GetCatchAllInformation ($Global:rootCauseEnum) ([ref]$Global:catchAlls) ([ref]$catchAllsIndex) ([ref]$Global:catchAllsAltRC); $Global:rootCauseEnum.Reset() for($i=0; $i -lt $rootCauseCount; $i++) { $rootCause=$Global:rootCauseEnum.Next; "ID:" + $rootCause.RootCauseID + " Description:" + $rootCause.Description | convertto-xml | Update-DiagReport -id RootCauseFound -name "Root Cause Found" -description "A Root Cause was found." -verbosity Debug $rcFlags=$rootCause.Flags; if($rcFlags -band $RCF_ISTHIRDPARTY) { $rootCause.RootCauseID + " is a third party root cause. Filters and catch-alls do not apply." | convertto-xml | Update-DiagReport -id ThirdPartyRootCause -name "Third Party Root Cause" -verbosity Debug } else { #check if RC is filtered $catchAllRC = $null; $filterMode = 0; $filterValue = GetRootCauseFilterValue ($rootCause) ([ref]$filterMode); if($filterValue -eq $FV_FILTERED) { #always drop filtered root causes $rootCause.RootCauseID + " skipped because it is filtered." | convertto-xml | Update-DiagReport -id RootCauseSkipped -name "Root Cause Skipped" -verbosity Debug continue; } elseif($filterValue -eq $FV_MISSING) { #if the root cause is not in the inclusion list and not filtered, get the catch all data $className = $rootCause.ClassName; if($className) { $catchAllRC = $Global:catchAlls[$className]; } if(!$catchAllRC) { #no catch all found, should we ignore the RC? if($filterMode -eq $FM_CATCHALL) { #we're only in catch all mode, and this RC did not have a catch all to replace it. We allow the RC through. } else { $rootCause.RootCauseID + " skipped because it is not in the inclusion list." | convertto-xml | Update-DiagReport -id RootCauseSkipped -name "Root Cause Skipped" -verbosity Debug continue; } } } #a all catch-all RC should only be surfaced as a catch-all for another root cause #So if this RC is not filtered, or a catch-all is in use and is the same as the current root cause, #skip if it's all catch-alls if(($filterValue -eq $FV_NOTFILTERED) -or ($catchAllRC -and ($catchAllRC.RootCauseID -eq $rootCause.RootCauseID))) { $nonCatchAllPresent = $false; $repairEnum = $rootCause.Repairs; $repairCount = $repairEnum.Count; if($repairCount -gt 0) { $repairEnum.Reset(); for($curRep=0; $curRep -lt $repairCount; $curRep++) { $repair = $repairEnum.Next; if(!($repair.Flags -band $RF_RESERVED_CA)) { $nonCatchAllPresent = $true; break; } } if(!$nonCatchAllPresent) { $rootCause.RootCauseID + " skipped because it only contained catch-alls" | convertto-xml | Update-DiagReport -id RootCauseSkipped -name "Root Cause Skipped" -verbosity Debug continue; } } } } $rootCauseIndex = $i; if($catchAllRC) { #from now on we use the catch-all RC $rootCause = $catchAllRC; $rootCauseIndex = $catchAllsIndex[$catchAllRC]; } $instanceID = GetInstanceIDRC ($rootCause) ($Global:catchAlls) ($Global:catchAllsAltRC) $repairEnum = $rootCause.Repairs $repairCount = $repairEnum.Count if($repairCount -eq 0) { $rootCause.RootCauseID | convertto-xml | Update-DiagReport -id RootCauseWithoutRepairs -name "Root Cause Without Repairs" -description "Skipped root cause without repairs." -verbosity Debug continue; } &{ if($Global:previousNdf) { #before we add the root cause, lets make sure we shouldn't be skipping it $skipReason = $Global:previousNdf.ShouldSkipRootCause($rootCause); if($skipReason -ne $NDF_SKIPREASON_NONE) { $skipText = GetSkipReasonText($skipReason) $rootCause.RootCauseID + " skipped due to reason: " + $skipText | convertto-xml | Update-DiagReport -id RootCauseSkipped -name "Root Cause Skipped" -verbosity Debug continue; } } #try to add root cause. an exception will be thrown #if it is not manifested $rcToAttach = $rootCause.RootCauseID; if($catchAllRC) { #get the catch-all root cause ID if available if($Global:catchAllsAltRC[$catchAllRC]) { $rcToAttach = $Global:catchAllsAltRC[$catchAllRC]; "Attaching catch-all Root Cause instead. ID:" + $rcToAttach | convertto-xml | Update-DiagReport -id CatchAllRootCause -name "Catch-all Root Cause used." -verbosity Debug } } #collect the replacement parameters $params = @{"InstanceID" = $instanceID}; #Get extra replacement parameters from repair $descEx = $rootCause.DescriptionEx if(!($descEx -eq $null)) { $params += GetParameters $descEx $params } #also need parameters for every repair $repairEnum.Reset() for($curRep=0; $curRep -lt $repairCount; $curRep++) { $repair = $repairEnum.Next $descEx = $repair.DescriptionEx if(!($descEx -eq $null)) { $params += GetParameters $descEx $params } } #add security boundary safe data $data = GetSBSData $Global:ndf.IncidentID $params.Add("SBSData",$data) #keywords for escalation $keywords = GetKeywords($rootCause.DescriptionEx); if($keywords.Length -gt 0) { $params.Add("Keywords", $keywords); } $script:ExpectingException = $true; Update-DiagRootCause -InstanceId $instanceID -ID $rcToAttach -Detected $true -Parameter $params $script:ExpectingException = $false; #log the parameters $evtDesc = "Root Cause " + $rcToAttach $params | convertto-xml | Update-DiagReport -id RootCauseParameters -name "Root Cause Parameters" -description $evtDesc -verbosity Debug } trap [Exception] { if($script:ExpectingException) { $script:ExpectingException = $false #add unmanifested root cause $params = @{"InstanceID" = $instanceID}; $uRC = GetUnmanifestedRootCause $rootCause ([ref]$params) ($catchAllRC) if(!($uRC -eq $null)) { Update-DiagRootCause -InstanceId $instanceID -ID $uRC -Detected $true -Parameter $params #log the parameters $evtDesc = "Root Cause " + $rootCause.RootCauseID + " (" + $uRC + ")" $params | convertto-xml | Update-DiagReport -id RootCauseParameters -name "Root Cause Parameters" -description $evtDesc -verbosity Debug } continue } else { #rethrow exception throw $_.Exception; } } } } } elseif(!($diagResult -eq $S_FALSE)) { AddTraceFileToSession $Global:ndf $localizationString.TraceFileReportName "Diagnose" #may have failed due to service state or boot mode #first verify that DPS is running and that we aren't in safe mode. Write-DiagProgress -activity $localizationString.progress_Diagnosing_SafeMode $safeMode = IsSafeMode if($safeMode) { Update-DiagRootCause -ID "{6880DE42-9ED5-454a-8490-BA407BEABC22}" -Detected $true return; } #check if DPS is started Write-DiagProgress -activity $localizationString.progress_Diagnosing_DPS $dpsStarted = IsDPSStarted if(!$dpsStarted) { $dpsDisabled = IsDPSDisabled if($dpsDisabled) { Update-DiagRootCause -ID "{A693C86C-3907-4467-8A92-F360C3482C01}" -Detected $true } else { Update-DiagRootCause -ID "{F4148D83-8526-48e2-B21A-01894ECCE98C}" -Detected $true } return; } throw "Diagnosis failed with HRESULT" + $diagResult } #finished with troubleshooting #if we re-opened an existing incident, there's no need to retrieve the trace file #since nothing new was done other than re-reading the diagnostics results if($script:attachTraceFile) { #add tracelog to report AddTraceFileToSession $Global:ndf $localizationString.TraceFileReportName "Diagnose" #add network config information to report AddNetworkInfoToSession; } #clear validation result in case we are re-running $Global:ValidateResult = $null