MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $Rؕ3}3}3}H̴3}H̱3}Rich3}PEL!  2P}@1.rsrc@2@@H(@0H ` x?@ ~8rPxh    ( 8 H X h x           ( 8P<!#t(D)`.34b4"59;tp<=$>t><MUIzw0G:FH2S._Cj MUIen-USWindows Network Diagnostics+Detects problems with network connectivity.Select entry point6Please select the entry point for Network Diagnostics.ReservedReserved for internal use.3Enter the address of the website you want to access&For example,,Type the network location you want to access"For example, \\networkname\folder.&Select the network adapter to diagnosePA7If you're not sure, select the last option in the list. %IT_P_Name%%IT_P_Description%@Enter the remote address and port of the remote host to diagnoseFor example, the protocol to use for the socket0Enter the ID of the executable trying to connect,For example, %windir%\system32\explorer.exe.Enter the peer group nameWhat are you trying to do?CChoose the program you're trying to use to connect to this computer3Please select the issue Windows should troubleshoot0What type of networking problems are you having?Windows tested your Internet connection and verified that you are able to access some websites. Are you looking for help with a different issue?+Choose the networking issue to troubleshootThe troubleshooter will check whether Windows Firewall is preventing connections to this computer. Click the task you're trying to complete:PAbClick Browse, and then select a program file. The file you choose should have an ".exe" extension. Instance ID0Not to be specified outside of MSDT application.Web Connectivity$Diagnoses connectivity to web sites. File Sharing&Diagnoses connectivity to file shares.Network Adapter$Diagnoses specific network adpaters.%IT_P_ContinueButtonName%PA %IT_P_ContinueButtonDescription%Skip this step#Continue trying to fix the problem.%IT_P_LaunchButtonName%Apply this fixWinsock ConnectivityDiagnoses socket connectivity.TCPUDPGrouping/Diagnoses the Peer Networking Grouping Service.InboundDiagnoses inbound connections. DirectAccess4Diagnoses corporate connectivity using DirectAccess.*Troubleshoot my connection to the Internet1We'll try to connect to me connect to a specific web pageDefaultConnectivityDiagnoses general connectivity.=I'm trying to reach a specific website or folder on a networkI'm having a different problem.Show me other network troubleshooting options.1Allow other computers to connect to this computer,Connect to your workplace using DirectAccessBUse a specific network adapter (for example, Ethernet or wireless)PA6Enter the address or path you are trying to connect to>For example, or \\networkname\folder.%IT_P_LaunchButtonDescription%=Your computer does not meet the requirements for DirectAccess:Configure your computer to be compatible with DirectAccessMake sure your computer is running WindowsServer2008R2, Windows7 Enterprise, Windows7 Ultimate or later. Your computer must be joined to a domain, and your network administrator must have configured DirectAccess for your organization. If these requirements are met, use an Ethernet, wireless, or VPN connection to connect your computer to the domain. This will update settings controlled by your network administrator.-The Diagnostics Policy Service is not runningINetwork Diagnostics cannot be run without the Diagnostics Policy Service.$Start the Diagnostics Policy ServiceLNetwork Diagnostics requires that the Diagnostics Policy Service be running.*The Diagnostics Policy Service is disabled2Start the Diagnostics Policy Service automaticallyWindows is in Safe Mode.&Reboot your computer to exit Safe Mode/Network Diagnostics cannot be run in Safe Mode. %RTFText%"Accessing the domain network over DirectAccess requires that your computer be running WindowsServer2008R2, Windows7 Enterprise, Windows7 Ultimate or later. Your computer must be joined to a domain, and your network administrator must have configured DirectAccess for your organization.%RootCauseName%%RootCauseDescription% %RepairName%%RepairDescription% %RepairName1%%RepairDescription1%PA PAInternet ConnectionsEFind and fix problems with connecting to the Internet or to websites.Shared FoldersJFind and fix problems with accessing files and folders on other computers.Network Adapter?Find and fix problems with wireless and other network adapters.Incoming ConnectionsNFind and fix problems with incoming computer connections and Windows Firewall.,Connection to a Workplace Using DirectAccessSFind and fix problems with connecting to your workplace network using DirectAccess.Something elseShare files or folders8Connect to this computer using Remote Desktop Connection!Find this computer on the networkPA5Launch Help and Support to learn more about Safe Mode(Troubleshoot DirectAccess related issues{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0{\colortbl ;\red255\green0\blue0;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\nowidctlpar\f0\fs18 %DESC% \par\par\cf1\b %ERROR% \cf0\b0\f1\fs20}Network NetworkingInternetWebsiteURLWebSite TroubleshootWebpage Fileshare File Share File Sharing Folder ShareFolder Sharing DiscoverySharingShareSharedAccessEthernetWirelessPAAdapterNIC Corporate DirectAccess WorkplaceWorkAccessVPNRemotePAIncomingInboundRDPTSRemoteTerminalFirewall<4VS_VERSION_INFO@%@%?StringFileInfov040904B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft Corporation(FileDescriptionr)FileVersion6.3.9600.16384 (winblue_rtm.130821-1623) InternalName.LegalCopyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.(OriginalFilenamej%ProductNameMicrosoft Windows Operating SystemBProductVersion6.3.9600.16384DVarFileInfo$Translation PADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPAD