# Localized 08/22/2013 12:35 PM (GMT) 303:4.80.0411 CL_LocalizationData.psd1 # Localized 01/04/2013 11:32 AM (GMT) 303:4.80.0411 CL_LocalizationData.psd1 ConvertFrom-StringData @' ###PSLOC Program_Choice_NOTLISTED=Not Listed Version_Choice_DEFAULT=None Version_Choice_WIN8RTM=Windows 8 Version_Choice_WIN7RTM=Windows 7 Version_Choice_WINVISTA2=Windows Vista (Service Pack 2) Version_Choice_WINXPSP3=Windows XP (Service Pack 3) Version_Choice_MSIAUTO=Skip Version Check Version_Choice_UNKNOWN=I don't know VersionD_Choice_ALL = Display_Choice_DEFAULT=Normal Display_Choice_256COLOR=256 Colors (8-bit) Display_Choice_16BITCOLOR=65536 Colors (16-bit) Display_Choice_640x480=640x480 Resolution Display_Choice_HIGHDPIAWARE=Scaling on high DPI Access_Choice_DEFAULT=Normal Access_Choice_ADMIN=Run as administrator ProblemN_Choice_VERSION=The program worked in earlier versions of Windows but won't install or run now ProblemD_Choice_VERSION=Example: the setup program won't begin ProblemN_Choice_DISPLAY=The program opens but doesn't display correctly ProblemD_Choice_DISPLAY=Example: wrong colors, size, or resolution ProblemN_Choice_ACCESS=The program requires additional permissions ProblemD_Choice_ACCESS=Example: Access denied errors appear, or the program requests administrator permissions to run ProblemN_Choice_UNKNOWN=I don't see my problem listed ProblemD_Choice_UNKNOWN = DisplayN_Choice_256COLOR=Error message saying the program needs to run in 256 colors or 8-bit color mode DisplayD_Choice_256COLOR = DisplayN_Choice_16BITCOLOR=Error message saying the program needs to run in 65536 colors or 16-bit color mode DisplayD_Choice_16BITCOLOR = DisplayN_Choice_640x480=Program starts up in a small window (640x480 pixel) and won't switch to full screen DisplayD_Choice_640x480 = DisplayN_Choice_HIGHDPIAWARE=Program does not display properly when large scale font settings are selected DisplayD_Choice_HIGHDPIAWARE = DisplayN_Choice_UNKNOWN=I don't see my problem listed DisplayD_Choice_UNKNOWN = Text_FILE_UNSPECIFIED=Unspecified Text_FILE_INVALID=The specified path does not contain a valid program. Please select a valid program (ending with .exe or .msi). Text_FILE_PROTECTED=The specified path contains a program that cannot be changed by this troubleshooter. Please select another program. Text_Activity_TROUBLESHOOTING=Troubleshooting Text_Activity_SAVING=Saving settings Text_Status_SEARCHING=Searching for programs... Text_Status_GENERATING=Generating report... Text_Version_Title=Windows compatibility mode: Text_Display_Title=Display settings: Text_Access_Title=User Account Control: Text_Display_Warning=Display settings could have a noticeable impact on the appearance of other programs. After you have tested the program, you must close it to restore the appearance. Text_Report_CompatName=Compatibility Mode Text_Report_CompatDesc=Compabitiliy modes applied: Text_Report_SolutionYes=User verification: Fix worked Text_Report_SolutionNo=User verification: Fix didn't work Throw_NO_MODE=No mode is specified Throw_INVALID_PATH=Invalid target path specified Throw_NO_PATH=No path is specified ###PSLOC '@