<xsl:value-of select="msftscw:getString('SCWPolicy/Header/Title', 'KBLocFile')"/> function getImagePath(FileName) { var strPath = "../TransformFiles/View/" + FileName; return strPath; } function changeImgForDiv(bHoverOver) { div = event.srcElement.parentElement; obj = div.nextSibling; ImgElement = div.firstChild; if("none" == obj.currentStyle.display) { if ( bHoverOver ) ImgElement.src = getImagePath("RightArrowHighLight.gif"); else ImgElement.src = getImagePath("RightArrow.gif"); } else { if ( bHoverOver ) ImgElement.src = getImagePath("DownArrowHighLight.gif"); else ImgElement.src = getImagePath("DownArrow.gif"); } } function toggleDisplay() { var div = event.srcElement.parentElement; var obj = div.nextSibling; if("none" == obj.currentStyle.display) { obj.style.display = "block"; div.firstChild.src="../TransformFiles/view/downarrow.gif"; } else { obj.style.display = "none"; div.firstChild.src="../TransformFiles/view/rightarrow.gif"; } } function onKeyUp() { switch(event.keyCode) { case 13: case 32: toggleDisplay(); break; } } ]]>
= strKey.length ) { return strReturn; } else { strTemp = strKey.substr(strSub.length); strReturn = "
"; } var index = strWidth; var startpos = 0; while( strTemp.length - startpos > strWidth ) { while( index > 0 ) { if( strTemp.charAt(startpos + index)=='\\' ) { strReturn += strTemp.substr(startpos, index+1); if( !bFirst ) { strReturn += "
"; } startpos = startpos + index + 1; index = strWidth; break; } index = index - 1; } if( 0 == index ) { index = strWidth; strReturn += strTemp.substr(startpos, index+1); if( !bFirst ) { strReturn += "
"; } startpos = startpos + index + 1; } if( bFirst ) { break; } } if( !bFirst && startpos < strTemp.length ) { strReturn += strTemp.substr(startpos); } return strReturn; } function getTableStart(arrTable) { //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Specify the default formatting of policy tables //------------------------------------------------------------------------- var strReturn = "
" var strClass = "settingsheadersexpanded policySectionsExpanded"; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Enumerate through the array //------------------------------------------------------------------------- for(i = 0; i < arrTable.length; i++) { strReturn += getCell(arrTable[i], strClass, true); } return strReturn + ""; } function getTableEnd() { return "
"; } function getCell(strText, strClass, bHeader) { var strDefaultClass = " policyCellPadding policyResultDataRow "; var strTD = ""; else { strTD += strDefaultClass; strTD += "'>"; } if ( ( strText == null ) || ( strText.length == 0 ) ) { strText = " "; } return strTD + strText + ""; } function getLocStartupMode(strStartupMode) { strReturn = ""; strTemp = strStartupMode.toUpperCase(); strxPath = "SCWPolicy/SCWKBLocSection/"; switch ( strTemp ) { case "AUTOMATIC": case "MANUAL": case "DISABLED": case "IGNORED": strxPath += strStartupMode; break; default: strxPath = ""; break; } strReturn = getString(strxPath, "SCWLocStrings.xml"); if ( (strReturn == null) || ( strReturn.length == 0 ) ){ strReturn = strStartupMode; } return strReturn; } function getRow() { var strReturn = ""; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // For each argument passed in, append it to the return buffer //------------------------------------------------------------------------- for(nArgs = 0; nArgs < arguments.length; nArgs++) { strReturn += arguments[nArgs]; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Return the result with a pad cell (for right whitespace) and a //------------------------------------------------------------------------- return strReturn + ""; } function getNodeAttribute(nod, strNode, strAttr) { //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Select the node, or return null if not found //------------------------------------------------------------------------- var pNodeKey = nod; if(strNode) { pNodeKey = nod.selectSingleNode(strNode); if(null == pNodeKey) return null; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Return the value or null if not found //------------------------------------------------------------------------- return pNodeKey.getAttribute(strAttr); } var m_pDomDocument; var m_bLookupFileFound; var m_ServiceInfoArray = new Array(); function InitializeLookup() { //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // If a localization xml file exists, then use it. //------------------------------------------------------------------------- m_pDomDocument = new ActiveXObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument"); m_bLookupFileFound = false; if(m_pDomDocument) { m_pDomDocument.async = false; m_bLookupFileFound = m_pDomDocument.load("../kbs/main.xml"); } if ( m_bLookupFileFound ) { InitializeServiceInfoArray(); } return ""; } function ServiceInfo(name,DispName, Description) { this.ServiceName = name.toUpperCase(); this.ServiceDispName = DispName; this.ServiceDescription = Description; } function SortServiceInfo(first, second) { if (first.ServiceName == second.ServiceName) { return 0 ; } else if ( first.ServiceName < second.ServiceName ) { return -1; } else { return 1; } } function InitializeServiceInfoArray() { strXPath = "SCWKnowledgeBase/ServiceLocalization/Service"; ServiceList = m_pDomDocument.selectNodes(strXPath); if ( ServiceList != null ) { for ( iServiceList = 0; iServiceList < ServiceList.length ; iServiceList++ ) { ServiceNode = ServiceList.item(iServiceList); if ( ServiceNode != null ) { strServiceName = getNodeAttribute(ServiceNode, null, "Name"); strServiceDispName = getNodeTextFromString("DisplayName", ServiceNode); strServiceDescription = getNodeTextFromString("Description", ServiceNode); if ( strServiceDispName == null ) { strServiceDispName = ""; } if ( strServiceDescription == null) { strServiceDescription = ""; } m_ServiceInfoArray[iServiceList] = new ServiceInfo(strServiceName, strServiceDispName, strServiceDescription); } } m_ServiceInfoArray.sort(SortServiceInfo); } } function FindServiceInfoObject(Name) { Returnobj = null; for ( iFindSrv = 0 ; iFindSrv < m_ServiceInfoArray.length ; iFindSrv ++ ) { iComp = m_ServiceInfoArray[iFindSrv].ServiceName.localeCompare(Name.toUpperCase()); if ( iComp == 0 ) { ReturnObj = m_ServiceInfoArray[iFindSrv]; break; } if ( iComp == 1 ) { ReturnObj = null; break; } } return ReturnObj; } function getServicesTable(nodServicesRoot) { function ServiceObject(strDisplayName, strTableRow) { this.m_strDisplayName = strDisplayName; this.m_strTableRow = strTableRow; } function SortServiceObject(firstService, secondService) { firstServiceName = firstService.m_strDisplayName.toUpperCase(); secondServiceName = secondService.m_strDisplayName.toUpperCase(); return firstServiceName.localeCompare(secondServiceName); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Show nothing on error //------------------------------------------------------------------------- var strReturn = ""; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Get the headers //------------------------------------------------------------------------- var arrTableHeader = new Array(getString('SCWPolicy/Sections/Services/Table/ServiceName', 'KBLocFile'), getString('SCWPolicy/Sections/Services/Table/StartupMode', 'KBLocFile'), getString('SCWPolicy/Sections/Services/Table/Description', 'KBLocFile')); //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Make sure the xsl:value-of select returned the services section //------------------------------------------------------------------------- if(null == nodServicesRoot) return displayServicesTable(); //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Move past the hidden node //------------------------------------------------------------------------- var nodServices = nodServicesRoot.nextNode(); if(null == nodServices) return displayServicesTable(); //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Select all of the services //------------------------------------------------------------------------- var strServices = "Parameters/Parameter/Service"; var nodServiceNodes = nodServices.selectNodes(strServices); if(null == nodServiceNodes) return displayServicesTable(); var strService; var strDesc; var strStartupMode; var nodLookupService; var strTemp; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Create a new array so we can sort the formatted services //------------------------------------------------------------------------- var arr = new Array(nodServiceNodes.length); //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // For each service //------------------------------------------------------------------------- for(nService = 0; nService < nodServiceNodes.length; nService++) { //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Which service are we dealing with? //--------------------------------------------------------------------- strService = getNodeAttribute(nodServiceNodes.item(nService),null,"Name"); //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Remember its startup mode from the policy XML //--------------------------------------------------------------------- strTemp = getLocStartupMode(getNodeAttribute(nodServiceNodes.item(nService),null,"StartupMode")); strStartupMode = getCell(strTemp); //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // If the the lookup file loaded, then locate this service //--------------------------------------------------------------------- if(m_bLookupFileFound) { ServiceInfoObj = FindServiceInfoObject(strService); } else { ServiceInfoObj = null; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // If the service was found in the lookup file (some didn't during // testing) //--------------------------------------------------------------------- if(ServiceInfoObj) { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Get the friendly display name and description //----------------------------------------------------------------- strService = ServiceInfoObj.ServiceDispName; strTemp = ServiceInfoObj.ServiceDescription; if (strTemp == null) strTemp = ""; strDesc = getCell(strTemp); } else { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Convert the service to uppercase to avoid sorting issues and // leave the desc blank to give it a placeholder //----------------------------------------------------------------- strService = strService.toUpperCase(); strDesc = getCell(""); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Build the new service row //--------------------------------------------------------------------- arr[nService] = new ServiceObject(strService, getRow(getCell(strService), strStartupMode, strDesc)); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Use the default JScript ASCII sort //------------------------------------------------------------------------- arr.sort(SortServiceObject); //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Convert the array into a string //------------------------------------------------------------------------- strReturn = ""; for ( nService = 0 ; nService < arr.length ; nService++ ) { strReturn += arr[nService].m_strTableRow; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Return the formatted table //------------------------------------------------------------------------- function displayServicesTable() { return getTableStart(arrTableHeader) + strReturn + getTableEnd(); } return displayServicesTable(); } function getTitle(rootNodeList) { strText = ""; xPath = "SCWPolicy/Header/Title"; if ( rootNodeList != null ) { rootNode = rootNodeList.nextNode(); } if ( rootNode != null ) { RoolbackAttribute = rootNode.attributes.getNamedItem("RollbackPolicy"); if ( RoolbackAttribute != null ) { if ( RoolbackAttribute.value == "TRUE") { xPath = "SCWPolicy/Header/RollbackTitle"; } } } strText = getString(xPath, 'KBLocFile'); return strText; } function getDescription(rootNodeList) { strText = ""; xPath = "SCWPolicy/Header/Description"; if ( rootNodeList != null ) { rootNode = rootNodeList.nextNode(); } if ( rootNode != null ) { RoolbackAttribute = rootNode.attributes.getNamedItem("RollbackPolicy"); if ( RoolbackAttribute != null ) { if ( RoolbackAttribute.value == "TRUE") { xPath = "SCWPolicy/Header/RollbackDescription"; } } } strText = getString(xPath, 'KBLocFile'); return strText; } function getAuditValue(strAuditText) { strReturn = ""; strTemp = strAuditText.toUpperCase(); strxPath = "SCWPolicy/Sections/Audit/String/"; switch ( strTemp ) { case "TRUE": strxPath += "Audit_Enabled"; break; case "FALSE": strxPath += "Audit_Disabled"; break; default: strxPath = ""; break; } strReturn = getString(strxPath, "SCWLocStrings.xml"); if ( (strReturn == null) || ( strReturn.length == 0 ) ){ strReturn = strAuditText; } return strReturn; } function getAuditType(strAuditType) { strReturn = ""; strTemp = strAuditType.toUpperCase(); strxPath = "SCWPolicy/Sections/Audit/String/"; switch ( strTemp ) { case "SYSTEM": strxPath += "Audit_SYSTEM"; break; case "LOGON": strxPath += "Audit_LOGON"; break; case "OBJECTACCESS": strxPath += "Audit_OBJECTACCESS"; break; case "PRIVILEGEUSE": strxPath += "Audit_PRIVILEGEUSE"; break; case "POLICYCHANGE": strxPath += "Audit_POLICYCHANGE"; break; case "ACCOUNTMANAGEMENT": strxPath += "Audit_ACCOUNTMANAGEMENT"; break; case "DETAILEDTRACKING": strxPath += "Audit_DETAILEDTRACKING"; break; case "DIRECTORYSERVICEACCESS": strxPath += "Audit_DIRECTORYSERVICEACCESS"; break; case "ACCOUNTLOGON": strxPath += "Audit_ACCOUNTLOGON"; break; default: strxPath = ""; break; } strReturn = getString(strxPath, "SCWLocStrings.xml"); if ( (strReturn == null) || ( strReturn.length == 0 ) ){ strReturn = strAuditType; } return strReturn; } function getLocaleDate(strTemplateDate) { DateArr = strTemplateDate.split("/"); if (DateArr.length == 3 ) { // The month stored in the xml file is of the type SYSTEMTIME, but jscript starts // the date with 0 and not 1 month = parseInt(DateArr[0]) - 1; Day = parseInt(DateArr[1]); Year = parseInt(DateArr[2]); dateObj = new Date(Year,month,Day); strReturn = dateObj.toLocaleDateString(); } else { strReturn = strTemplateDate; } return strReturn; } function getLocaleTime(strTemplateTime) { TimeArr = strTemplateTime.split(":"); if (TimeArr.length == 3 ) { hour = parseInt(TimeArr[0]); min = parseInt(TimeArr[1]); sec = parseInt(TimeArr[2]); dateObj = new Date(); dateObj.setHours(hour,min,sec); strReturn = dateObj.toLocaleTimeString(); } else { strReturn = strTemplateTime; } return strReturn; } ///////////////////////// // // // Firewall Section... // // // ///////////////////////// function getNodeAttr(node, attrName) { var strReturn = ""; if (node == null) { return strReturn; } var attributes = node.attributes; var attribute = attributes.getNamedItem(attrName); if (attribute != null) { strReturn = attribute.text; } return strReturn; } function Merge2Lists(list1, list2) { var strReturn = ""; if (list1 != null && list1 != "") { strReturn += list1; } if (list2 != null && list2 != "") { if (strReturn != "") { strReturn += ", "; } strReturn += list2; } return strReturn; } function MergeLists(list1, list2, list3, list4, list5, list6, list7, list8, list9, list10) { var strReturn = ""; strReturn = Merge2Lists(list1, list2); strReturn = Merge2Lists(strReturn, list3); strReturn = Merge2Lists(strReturn, list4); strReturn = Merge2Lists(strReturn, list5); strReturn = Merge2Lists(strReturn, list6); strReturn = Merge2Lists(strReturn, list7); strReturn = Merge2Lists(strReturn, list8); strReturn = Merge2Lists(strReturn, list9); strReturn = Merge2Lists(strReturn, list10); return strReturn; } function getFirewallRules(requiredRules, allRules) { var strReturn = ""; if (requiredRules == null) { return strReturn; } for (var iRequiredRule = 0; iRequiredRule < requiredRules.length; ++iRequiredRule) { var requiredRule = requiredRules.item(iRequiredRule); var requiredRuleId = getNodeAttr(requiredRule, "Id"); for (var iRule = 0; iRule < allRules.length; ++iRule) { var rule = allRules.item(iRule); var ruleId = getNodeAttr(rule, "Id"); if (ruleId == requiredRuleId) { if (strReturn != "") { strReturn += ", "; } strReturn += getNodeAttr(rule, "Name"); } } } return strReturn; } function getProfiles(nodeList) { var strReturn = ""; if (nodeList == null) { strReturn = "Domain, Public, Private"; return strReturn; } for (var i = 0; i < nodeList.length; ++i) { var node = nodeList.item(i); if (strReturn != "") { strReturn += ", "; } strReturn += getNodeAttr(node, "Type"); } return strReturn; } function getSpecialPorts(nodeList) { var strReturn = ""; if (nodeList == null) { return strReturn; } var node = nodeList.item(0); if (node == null) { return strReturn; } strReturn = getNodeAttr(node, "SpecialPorts"); return strReturn; } function getSpecificPorts(nodeList) { var strReturn = ""; if (nodeList == null) { return strReturn; } for (var i = 0; i < nodeList.length; ++i) { var node = nodeList.item(i); if (strReturn != "") { strReturn += ", "; } strReturn += getNodeAttr(node, "Value"); } return strReturn; } function getCustomPorts(nodeList) { var strReturn = ""; if (nodeList == null) { return strReturn; } for (var i = 0; i < nodeList.length; ++i) { var node = nodeList.item(i); if (strReturn != "") { strReturn += ", "; } strReturn += getNodeAttr(node, "ResultValue"); } return strReturn; } function getSpecialAddresses(nodeList, keyword) { var strReturn = ""; if (nodeList == null) { return strReturn; } var node = nodeList.item(0); if (node == null) { return strReturn; } if (getNodeAttr(node, keyword) == "True") { strReturn = keyword; } return strReturn; } function getAddresses(nodeList) { var strReturn = ""; if (nodeList == null) { return strReturn; } for (var i = 0; i < nodeList.length; ++i) { var node = nodeList.item(i); if (strReturn != "") { strReturn += ", "; } strReturn += getNodeAttr(node, "Value"); } return strReturn; } function getRanges(nodeList) { var strReturn = ""; if (nodeList == null) { return strReturn; } for (var i = 0; i < nodeList.length; ++i) { var node = nodeList.item(i); if (strReturn != "") { strReturn += ", "; } strReturn += getNodeAttr(node, "Begin"); strReturn += " - "; strReturn += getNodeAttr(node, "End"); } return strReturn; } function getSubnets(nodeList) { var strReturn = ""; if (nodeList == null) { return strReturn; } for (var i = 0; i < nodeList.length; ++i) { var node = nodeList.item(i); if (strReturn != "") { strReturn += ", "; } strReturn += getNodeAttr(node, "Address"); strReturn += "/"; strReturn += getNodeAttr(node, "PrefixLength"); } return strReturn; } function getInterfaces(nodeList) { var strReturn = ""; if (nodeList == null) { return strReturn; } for (var i = 0; i < nodeList.length; ++i) { var node = nodeList.item(i); if (strReturn != "") { strReturn += ", "; } strReturn += getNodeAttr(node, "Id"); } return strReturn; } function getICMPs(nodeList) { var strReturn = ""; if (nodeList == null) { return strReturn; } for (var i = 0; i < nodeList.length; ++i) { var node = nodeList.item(i); if (strReturn != "") { strReturn += ", "; } strReturn += getNodeAttr(node, "Type"); strReturn += "/"; strReturn += getNodeAttr(node, "Code"); } return strReturn; } ]]>