<% /****************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2000-2009 e-Deal * * e-Deal S.A. * 55 rue Brillat Savarin * 75013 Paris * France * * T: +33 (0)1 53 80 80 30 * F: +33 (0)1 73 01 69 77 * http://www.e-deal.com * * La diffusion de ce code source sous quelque forme que ce soit sans * l'autorisation de E-DEAL est interdite. * * Vous êtes autorisés à modifier ce code source uniquement pour votre usage * propre et sous réserve que les mentions de copyright demeurent intactes. * * Ce code est fourni en l'état. Aucune garantie d'aucune sorte, explicite ou * implicite n'est donnée. En aucun cas E-DEAL ne pourra être tenu pour * responsable des dommages pouvant résulter de l'utilisation de ce code * source. ******************************************************************************/ %><%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8"%> <%@ page import="com.edeal.frontline.navigation.FlRequest" %> <%@ page import="java.util.Iterator" %> <%@ page import="com.edeal.frontline.Utils" %> <%@ page import="com.edeal.frontline.*" %> <%@ page import="java.util.Hashtable" %> <%@ page import="java.util.HashMap" %> <%@ page import="java.util.Vector" %> <%@ page import="com.edeal.frontline.ListBean" %> <%@ page import="com.edeal.frontline.ListBean.SearchZone" %> <%@ page import="com.edeal.frontline.DataDictionary" %> <%@ page import="com.edeal.frontline.helper.custom.DataDictionaryHelper" %> <%@ page import="com.edeal.frontline.FlContext" %> <%@ page import="java.util.Map" %> <%@ page import="java.lang.reflect.*" %> <%@ page import="com.edeal.frontline.navigation.WebUtils" %> <%@ page import="com.edeal.frontline.controller.actions.SelectAction" %> <%@ page import="com.edeal.frontline.FlDataSource" %> <%@ page import="java.util.Date" %> <%@ page import="com.edeal.frontline.helper.custom.ListHelper" %> <%@ page import="com.edeal.frontline.ListBean.MandatoryGroup" %> <%@page import="com.edeal.frontline.navigation.EdealBigTabsNavigation"%> <%@page import="com.edeal.frontline.navigation.EdealBigTabsNavigation.BigTabsParams"%> <%@ page import="com.edeal.frontline.navigation.FlRequest" %> <%@ page import="com.edeal.frontline.grid.*" %> <%@ page import="com.edeal.frontline.*" %> <%@ page import="com.edeal.frontline.grid.EdealGrid" %> <%@ page import="java.util.*" %> <%@ page import="com.edeal.frontline.FrontlineException" %> <%@ page import="com.edeal.frontline.navigation.EdealBigTabsNavigation" %> <%@ page import="com.edeal.frontline.navigation.EdealBigTabsNavigation.BigTabsParams" %> <%@page import="java.util.Enumeration"%> <%@page import="com.edeal.frontline.helper.ActorBaseHelper"%> <%@page import="com.edeal.frontline.helper.custom.ActorHelper"%> <%@page import="org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils"%> <%@ page import="com.edeal.frontline.helper.custom.EventHelper" %> <%@ page import="com.edeal.frontline.helper.custom.PersonEventHelper" %> <%@ page import="com.edeal.frontline.helper.EventBaseHelper.StatusType" %> <%@ page import="java.util.Iterator" %> <%@page import="com.edeal.frontline.display.XmlSelector"%> <%@taglib uri="http://www.e-deal.com/taglib/fl" prefix="fl"%> <% final org.apache.commons.logging.Log logger = org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory.getLog(getClass()); FlRequest flRequest = new FlRequest(request); FlContext context = flRequest.getContext(); DataDictionary dico = context.getDataDictionary(); EdealBigTabsNavigation ebtn = new EdealBigTabsNavigation(request); // List code String lc = flRequest.getRequestParameterOrAttribute("lc"); if (lc == null) { lc = flRequest.getRequestParameterOrAttribute("code"); } // Search criteria String sc = flRequest.getRequestParameterOrAttribute("sc"); Vector pagination = (Vector)flRequest.getAttribute("Pagination"); boolean hasPagination = pagination != null ? pagination.size() > 1 : false; ListBean.SearchZone searchZone = null; ListBean.ResultZone resultZone=null; try { searchZone = List.getSearchZone(); resultZone = List.getResultZone(); } catch (Exception e) { } String includedListScript=null; if (resultZone!=null) { includedListScript=ListHelper.processXmlListScriptExtension(context, session, resultZone.getScript()); } String pJsonFobQuery=flRequest.getRequestParameterOrAttribute("_jsonfobquery"); JSONUtils jsonUtils=new JSONUtils(); Map mapFobQuery = jsonUtils.mapFromJson(pJsonFobQuery); if (mapFobQuery!=null) { } String SfwID = flRequest.getRequestParameterOrAttribute("SfwID"); // Is this our first time in here? (ie, we're not navigating back from an object) boolean isFirstTimeIn = !ebtn.isDoList(); Map searchCriteria = new Hashtable(); if (sc != null) { searchCriteria = WebUtils.parseQueryString(sc); } String gridName=Utils.formatToWeb(lc, true); EdealBigTabsNavigation bTabNav = new EdealBigTabsNavigation(request); bTabNav.setBigTabsParameterValue(BigTabsParams.NameSearchGridJs, "_grid__" + gridName + "_js_"); String pageIndex=flRequest.getSearchCriteria("$$idx",gridName,false); pageIndex=StringUtils.isEmpty(pageIndex)?"0":pageIndex; String pagePagination=flRequest.getSearchCriteria("$$nb",gridName,false); pagePagination=StringUtils.isEmpty(pagePagination)?(String)pagination.firstElement():pagePagination; String pPreview = flRequest.getSearchCriteria("$$preview",gridName,false); boolean fDisplayPreview="true".equals(pPreview); boolean fHasListPreview = resultZone.hasPreview(); %>

<%= ebtn.getBigTabsInput(BigTabsParams.CodeLC) %> <%= ebtn.getBigTabsInput(BigTabsParams.SearchCriteria) %> <%= ebtn.getBigTabsInput(BigTabsParams.ObjectURI) %> <%= ebtn.getBigTabsInput(BigTabsParams.ObjectTitle) %> <%= ebtn.getBigTabsInput(BigTabsParams.CriteriaListTitle) %> <% if (isFirstTimeIn) { %> <%= ebtn.getBigTabsInput(BigTabsParams.DoList, "1") %> <%= ebtn.getBigTabsInput(BigTabsParams.CriteriaListURI, "/list_criteria.fl") %> <%= ebtn.getBigTabsInput(BigTabsParams.SelectedTab, "1") %> <% } %> <% if (SfwID != null) { %> <%= ebtn.getBigTabsInput(BigTabsParams.SoftwareModule) %> <% } %>
<% if(searchZone != null) { int nTabIndex = 1; /////////////////////int nbLines = searchZone.getNbLines()>= 2 ? searchZone.getNbLines()-1 : searchZone.getNbLines(); int nbLines = searchZone.getNbLines()> 4 ? 4 : searchZone.getNbLines(); for(int i = 0; i < nbLines ; i++) { %> <% for(int j = 0; j < searchZone.getNbFields(i); j++) { if (j >= 4) { // Four is our limit for right now, hard-coded break; } ListBean.Field fld = searchZone.getField(i, j); String fldinputname=fld.getInputName(); fldinputname=fldinputname.replace("$",":"); // in the sc param, the fields are with : where we expect with $ Vector fieldValues = (Vector)searchCriteria.get(fldinputname); if(fld.getChoiceType() == ListBean.CHOICE_NONE) { String strDisp = null; String value = null; if (fieldValues != null && fieldValues.size() > 0) { value = (String) fieldValues.firstElement(); } if(fld.isDate() || fld.isTime() || fld.isBoolean() || fld.isDecimal() || fld.isInteger()) { strDisp = fld.getDisplay(session); } else { strDisp = "<" + fld.getDisplay(session) + ">"; } if(fld.getFldFobSql() != null) { String lblValue = null; String initVal = flRequest.getRequestParameterOrAttribute("init"+fld.getInputName()); if (value != null) { Vector lblValues = (Vector)searchCriteria.get("lbl" + fldinputname); if (lblValues != null && lblValues.size() > 0) { lblValue = (String)lblValues.firstElement(); } } else { HashMap vectDefaultVals; if (initVal != null) { FieldBean fldBean = dico.getFieldByName(fld.getName()); ObjectsBean obj = dico.getTable("id", fldBean.getFldFobID()); lblValue = obj.toString(session, initVal); value=initVal; } else if (sc == null && (vectDefaultVals = fld.getStrDefaultValsList(session)) != null) { if (vectDefaultVals.size() > 0) { FieldBean fldBean = dico.getFieldByName(fld.getName()); ObjectsBean obj = dico.getTable("id", fldBean.getFldFobID()); value = vectDefaultVals.get(ListBean.Field.DISPLAY); lblValue = obj.toString(session, value); } } } boolean doAjax = fld.getObjAjaxSearch() != null; String fldNameWeb = Utils.formatToWeb(fld.getInputName(), true); String emptyLabelDisplay = lblValue != null ? Utils.formatToWeb(lblValue, true) : Utils.formatToWeb(strDisp, true); String emptyLabelDisplayJS = lblValue != null ? Utils.formatToJavascript(lblValue) : Utils.formatToJavascript(strDisp); String selectJsonQuery=mapFobQuery.containsKey(fldNameWeb)?mapFobQuery.get(fldNameWeb):null; String queryFobUrl=mapFobQuery.containsKey(fldNameWeb)?"&query="+flRequest.urlEncode(Utils.formatToJavascript(mapFobQuery.get(fldNameWeb))):""; String webapp = request.getContextPath(); String fobSql = fld.getFldFobSql(); String selectUrl = "javascript:var win = window.open('" + webapp + "/select.fl?type=" + flRequest.urlEncode(fobSql) + "&field=" + flRequest.urlEncode(fld.getInputName()) + queryFobUrl + "', 'Select" + fobSql + "', 'menubar=no,status=no,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=" + SelectAction.SELECT_WINDOW_WIDTH + ",height=410')"; ObjectsBean fobBean = dico.getTable("sql", fobSql); //Determination of which selector will be used (XML or fields) try { String xmlListSelect = fobBean.getObjSelectListID(); if (!Utils.isEmpty(xmlListSelect)) { XmlSelector selector = new XmlSelector(false, webapp, xmlListSelect,flRequest.urlEncode(fld.getInputName()), "", 0, "", ""); selectUrl = selector.buildSelectUrl(); } } catch (FieldNotInitializedException e) { //No list defined for object selection (=> use SelectFields) // logger.debug("No list defined for object selection",e); } catch (FrontlineException fe) { //No list defined for object selection (=> use SelectFields) logger.error("Error in list defined for object selection",fe); } %> <%=ListHelper.getFldClasses(fld)%>" type="text" value="<%=emptyLabelDisplay%>"<%=doAjax ? " autocomplete=\"off\" onfocus=\"displayOnFocus(this);\"" : " readonly onfocus=\"this.blur();\""%>> $(f.lbl<%=fldNameWeb%>).change(); void('')" tabindex="<%= nTabIndex++ %>"> <% } else if (fld.isFldRef()) { %> <% } else if (fld.isString()) { // voir si une valeur par défaut est pré-renseignée dans l'URL String initVal = flRequest.getRequestParameterOrAttribute("init" + fld.getInputName()); if("".equals(initVal)) initVal = null; if (sc == null) { HashMap vectDefaultVals = fld.getStrDefaultValsList(session); if (initVal == null) { // voir si une valeur est pré-renseignée dans l'XML if (vectDefaultVals != null) if (vectDefaultVals.size() > 0) initVal = vectDefaultVals.get(ListBean.Field.DISPLAY); } } String fieldValue=Utils.formatToWeb(value != null ? value : (initVal != null ? initVal : strDisp), true); %> <%=ListHelper.getFldClasses(fld)%>" type="text" value="<%= fieldValue %>" onfocus="this.select()" onblur="if(this.value == '') this.value = '<%=Utils.formatToJavascript(strDisp)%>';" tabindex="<%=nTabIndex++%>" > <% } else if (fld.isInteger()) { String fromValue = null; String toValue = null; Vector intValues = (Vector) searchCriteria.get(fldinputname + "$From"); if (intValues != null && intValues.size() > 0) { fromValue = (String) intValues.firstElement(); } intValues = (Vector) searchCriteria.get(fldinputname + "$To"); if (intValues != null && intValues.size() > 0) { toValue = (String) intValues.firstElement(); } String initValMin = flRequest.getRequestParameterOrAttribute("init" + fld.getInputName() + "Min"); String initValMax = flRequest.getRequestParameterOrAttribute("init" + fld.getInputName() + "Max"); Vector vectDefaultVals = fld.getDefaultValsList(); if (initValMin != null) { if (fromValue == null) fromValue = initValMin; } if (initValMax != null) { if (toValue == null) toValue = initValMax; } if (vectDefaultVals != null) { if (vectDefaultVals.size() > 0) { if (fromValue == null) { if (fld.getDefaultValsList().elementAt(0) != null) { fromValue = ((Hashtable) fld.getDefaultValsList().elementAt(0)).get(ListBean.Field.DISPLAY_MIN).toString(); } } if (toValue == null) { if (fld.getDefaultValsList().elementAt(1) != null) toValue = ((Hashtable) fld.getDefaultValsList().elementAt(1)).get(ListBean.Field.DISPLAY_MAX).toString(); } } } %> <%=Utils.formatToWeb(strDisp, false)%>   ');" tabindex="<%=nTabIndex++%>" >    ');" tabindex="<%=nTabIndex++%>" > <% } else if (fld.isDecimal()) { String fromValue = null; String toValue = null; Vector decValues = (Vector) searchCriteria.get(fldinputname + "$From"); if (decValues != null && decValues.size() > 0) { fromValue = (String) decValues.firstElement(); } decValues = (Vector) searchCriteria.get(fldinputname + "$To"); if (decValues != null && decValues.size() > 0) { toValue = (String) decValues.firstElement(); } String initValMin = flRequest.getRequestParameterOrAttribute("init" + fld.getInputName() + "Min"); String initValMax = flRequest.getRequestParameterOrAttribute("init" + fld.getInputName() + "Max"); HashMap vectDefaultVals = fld.getStrDefaultValsList(session); if (initValMin != null) { if (fromValue == null) fromValue = initValMin; } if (initValMax != null) { if (toValue == null) toValue = initValMax; } if (vectDefaultVals != null) { if (vectDefaultVals.size() > 0) { if (sc == null && fromValue == null) { fromValue = vectDefaultVals.get(ListBean.Field.DISPLAY_MIN); } if (sc == null && toValue == null) { toValue = vectDefaultVals.get(ListBean.Field.DISPLAY_MAX); } } } %> <%=Utils.formatToWeb(strDisp, false)%>   ');" tabindex="<%=nTabIndex++%>" >    ');" tabindex="<%=nTabIndex++%>" > <% } else if (fld.isDate()) { String fromValue = null; String toValue = null; String fldNameWeb = Utils.formatToWeb(fld.getFullName(), true); Vector dateValues = (Vector) searchCriteria.get(fldinputname + "$From"); if (dateValues != null && dateValues.size() > 0) { fromValue = (String) dateValues.firstElement(); } dateValues = (Vector) searchCriteria.get(fldinputname + "$To"); if (dateValues != null && dateValues.size() > 0) { toValue = (String) dateValues.firstElement(); } String initValMin = flRequest.getRequestParameterOrAttribute("init" + fld.getInputName() + "Min"); String initValMax = flRequest.getRequestParameterOrAttribute("init" + fld.getInputName() + "Max"); if (initValMin != null) { if (fromValue == null) fromValue = initValMin; } if (initValMax != null) { if (toValue == null) toValue = initValMax; } if (sc == null) { HashMap vectDefaultVals = fld.getStrDefaultValsList(session); if (vectDefaultVals != null) { if (vectDefaultVals.size() > 0) { if (fromValue == null) { if (vectDefaultVals.containsKey(ListBean.Field.DISPLAY_MIN)) fromValue = vectDefaultVals.get(ListBean.Field.DISPLAY_MIN); } if (toValue == null) { if (vectDefaultVals.containsKey(ListBean.Field.DISPLAY_MAX)) toValue = vectDefaultVals.get(ListBean.Field.DISPLAY_MAX); } } } } %> "><%=Utils.formatToWeb(strDisp, false)%>   ');" tabindex="<%=nTabIndex++%>" size="10" maxlength="10" >    ');" tabindex="<%=nTabIndex++%>" size="10" maxlength="10" > <% } else if (fld.isTime()) { String fromValue = null; String toValue = null; Vector dateValues = (Vector) searchCriteria.get(fldinputname + "$From"); if (dateValues != null && dateValues.size() > 0) { fromValue = (String) dateValues.firstElement(); } dateValues = (Vector) searchCriteria.get(fldinputname + "$To"); if (dateValues != null && dateValues.size() > 0) { toValue = (String) dateValues.firstElement(); } String initValMin = flRequest.getRequestParameterOrAttribute("init" + fld.getInputName() + "Min"); String initValMax = flRequest.getRequestParameterOrAttribute("init" + fld.getInputName() + "Max"); HashMap vectDefaultVals = fld.getStrDefaultValsList(session); if (initValMin != null) { if (fromValue == null) fromValue = initValMin; } if (initValMax != null) { if (toValue == null) toValue = initValMax; } if (sc == null && vectDefaultVals != null) { if (vectDefaultVals.size() > 0) { if (fromValue == null) { if (vectDefaultVals.containsKey(ListBean.Field.DISPLAY_MIN)) fromValue = vectDefaultVals.get(ListBean.Field.DISPLAY_MIN); } if (toValue == null) { if (vectDefaultVals.containsKey(ListBean.Field.DISPLAY_MAX)) toValue = vectDefaultVals.get(ListBean.Field.DISPLAY_MAX); } } } %> "><%=Utils.formatToWeb(strDisp, false)%>   ');" tabindex="<%=nTabIndex++%>" size="5" maxlength="5">  ');" tabindex="<%=nTabIndex++%>" size="5" maxlength="5" > <% } else if (fld.isBoolean()) { String initVal = flRequest.getRequestParameterOrAttribute("init" + fld.getInputName()); if (sc == null) { HashMap vectDefaultVals = fld.getStrDefaultValsList(session); if (initVal == null) { // voir si une valeur est pré-renseignée dans l'XML if (vectDefaultVals != null) if (vectDefaultVals.size() > 0) initVal = vectDefaultVals.get(ListBean.Field.DISPLAY); } } boolean isChecked = value!=null ? ("1".equals(value)||"true".equalsIgnoreCase(value)):("1".equals(initVal)||"true".equalsIgnoreCase(initVal)); %> <%=ListHelper.getFldClasses(fld)%>" name="<%=Utils.formatToWeb(fld.getInputName(), true)%>" id="<%=Utils.formatToWeb(fld.getInputName(), true)%>" type="checkbox" value="1" tabindex="<%=nTabIndex++%>" <%=isChecked ? "checked" : ""%> > <% } } else { String strDisp = null; String strType = null; Vector values = (Vector) searchCriteria.get(fld.getFullName()); if (values == null) { values = new Vector(); } Vector vectChoices = fld.getChoiceList(); switch (fld.getChoiceType()) { case ListBean.CHOICE_SELECT : case ListBean.CHOICE_SELECT_MULTIPLE : strDisp = "<" + fld.getDisplay(session) + ">"; %> <% break; case ListBean.CHOICE_RADIO: strType = "radio"; case ListBean.CHOICE_CHECKBOX: strDisp = fld.getDisplay(session); if(strType == null) strType = "checkbox"; %> <%= Utils.formatToWeb(strDisp, false) %> : <% for(int c = 0; c < vectChoices.size(); c++) { boolean isSelected = values.contains(Integer.toString(c)); Hashtable row = (Hashtable)vectChoices.elementAt(c); %> 0 ? "class=\"leftMargin10\" " : " ") %>name="<%= Utils.formatToWeb(fld.getFullName(), true) %>" type="<%= strType %>" value="<%= c %>" tabindex="<%= nTabIndex++ %>" <%= isSelected ? "checked" : "" %> > <%= Utils.replace(Utils.formatToWeb(row.get("Display"), false), " ", " ") %> <% } %> <% break; } } } } %>
<% if (hasPagination) { %> <% } if (fHasListPreview) { String previewAttribute=fDisplayPreview?"checked=\"true\"":""; %> <% } String iconRunSearch=StringUtils.isEmpty(searchZone.getIconUrl())?"/icons/ico/valid_green2_long.gif":searchZone.getIconUrl(); %>

" href="javascript:executeSearch('<%= gridName %>'); void('')">
<%} %>
<% String code = flRequest.getRequestParameterOrAttribute("gridName"); if (code == null) { String paramCode = flRequest.getRequestParameterOrAttribute("code"); String gn=((paramCode==null?"":paramCode) + "_gridname"); code = flRequest.getRequestParameterOrAttribute(gn); if (code == null) { code = paramCode; } } GridData grid = (GridData)flRequest.getAttribute(code); boolean isEmbedded = flRequest.getAttribute(code + "_Embedded") != null; boolean isEmbedded2 = grid.isEmbedded(); String type = (String)flRequest.getAttribute("objSql"); if (type==null) { type=(String)flRequest.getAttribute(code+"_objSql"); } boolean fIsListEmbedded=isEmbedded || isEmbedded2; bTabNav.setBigTabsParameterValue(BigTabsParams.SelectedTab, "1"); String pEditMode=flRequest.getParameter("editmode"); boolean fUpdateMode=("true".equals(pEditMode)); String pAllowUserUpdate=flRequest.getParameter("allowupdate"); boolean fAllowUpdate=("true".equals(pAllowUserUpdate)); // is preview to be displayed ? String pGridHeight=flRequest.getParameter("gridheight"); EdealGrid edealGrid=new EdealGrid(); edealGrid.setName(code); edealGrid.buildColumns(session, context, grid); //boolean fAllowUpdate=true; //boolean fUpdateMode=false; int totalNbOfRecs=grid.getTotalNbOfRecords(); boolean fDisplayCounter=(totalNbOfRecs!=0); int pageNumber=grid.getPageNumber()+1; fAllowUpdate=fAllowUpdate && grid.isUpdatable(); if (fAllowUpdate) { ActorBaseHelper actorHlpr=ActorBaseHelper.factory(ActorBaseHelper.getSessionActor(session)); fAllowUpdate=fAllowUpdate && actorHlpr.canUseObjectForOperation(type,AccessControlManager.EDIT); } String jsGridObject=bTabNav.getBigTabsParameterValue(BigTabsParams.NameSearchGridJs); String[] updColumnFields=grid.getColumnUpdFld(); boolean canUpdateList=((updColumnFields!=null) && (updColumnFields.length>0)); // can we mass select entries ? boolean isMassSelect=grid.isMassSelectable(); String previewToken=grid.getPreviewCacheToken(); ListPreviewCache.PreviewCache previewCache=null; if (previewToken!=null) { previewCache=ListPreviewCache.factory(flRequest.getSession()).getCache(previewToken); } if(grid.getNbRows()==0){ %> <%}else{ int totalNbOfPages=1; try { if(totalNbOfRecs > grid.getNbLines()){ if(totalNbOfRecs % grid.getNbLines()>0){ totalNbOfPages=(totalNbOfRecs/grid.getNbLines())+1; } else{ totalNbOfPages=(totalNbOfRecs/grid.getNbLines()); } } } catch (ArithmeticException e) {//avoid / by } %>
<% if(!(grid.isFirstPage() && grid.isLastPage())){%> <%if(!grid.isFirstPage()){%> <%} if (fDisplayCounter) {%> <%=Utils.getMessage(session, "F608C", "Page")%> <%=pageNumber+"/"+totalNbOfPages%><%= " - ("+totalNbOfRecs+")"%> <%} else { %> <%=Utils.getMessage(session, "F608C", "Page")%> <%=pageNumber %> <% } %> <%if(!grid.isLastPage()){ %> <% if (totalNbOfPages>1) { %> <%}%> <%}%> <%}%> <% if (fAllowUpdate && !fUpdateMode) { %> "> <% } %> <% if (fUpdateMode) { %> ">  "> <% } %>
ed:embedded="<%= fIsListEmbedded %>" style="<%= (pGridHeight!=null)?"height:"+pGridHeight:""%>"> <% if (isMassSelect && !fIsListEmbedded) { %> <% } %> <% int formIndex=1; for (EdealGridColumn gridColumn: edealGrid.getColumns()) { if (gridColumn.getDataType() != null && !gridColumn.getDataType().equals(EdealGridColumn.DataType.PREVIEW)) { %> <%=gridColumn.getHeader(edealGrid.getJsGridName(),edealGrid.getName(),flRequest)%> <%} } %><% ArrayList rowsId = grid.getRowsId(); //ArrayList previewValue = new ArrayList(); boolean oddRow = false; ActorBean currentActor=ActorHelper.getSessionActor(session); BasicBean rowBean = null; int nbOfRows=grid.getData().length; int tabindex=0; int nbOfCols=0; for(int rowidx = 0; rowidx < nbOfRows; rowidx++) { String id = ""; oddRow = !oddRow ; String objectID=""; if (rowsId != null && rowsId.size()>0 && rowsId.get(rowidx) != null) { objectID=rowsId.get(rowidx); }%> bean" tabindex="<%=++tabindex%>"> <% if (isMassSelect && !fIsListEmbedded) { %> <% } Object[] row = grid.getData()[rowidx]; nbOfCols=row.length; for (int colidx = 0; colidx < row.length; colidx++) { EdealGridColumn eGCol = edealGrid.getColumn(colidx); boolean allowedToEdit=fUpdateMode && canUpdateList && updColumnFields[colidx]!=null; if (allowedToEdit) { try { rowBean= dico.getTable("sql",type).getBasicBean(objectID,session); allowedToEdit=rowBean.enforceAccess(AccessControlManager.EDIT,currentActor); if (allowedToEdit) { request.setAttribute(type,rowBean); } } catch (FrontlineException e) { logger.error("listAjax.jsp: cannot load bean ["+type+"]["+objectID+"]",e); } } if (allowedToEdit) { String fieldsToBeUpdated=updColumnFields[colidx]; Vector vFieldsToBeUpdated=(Vector)Utils.explodeList(fieldsToBeUpdated,";"); Enumeration enumFieldsToBeUpdated=vFieldsToBeUpdated.elements(); %> <% } else { %> <%= eGCol.advancedFormatWithTD(row[colidx]) %> <% } } %> <% if (fDisplayPreview) { String previewTxt=(previewCache==null)?null:previewCache.getPreviewForID(objectID); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(previewTxt)) { %> list_preview" tabindex="<%=++tabindex%>"> <% } } } if (type!=null && request.getAttribute(type)!=null) { request.removeAttribute(type); } %>
<% while (enumFieldsToBeUpdated.hasMoreElements()) { String fieldName=enumFieldsToBeUpdated.nextElement(); String eraseJs="eraseField('"+fieldName+"-"+objectID+"')"; %> <% formIndex++; } %>
<% if (fieldName.equals(StatusType.getFieldNameStatus(StatusType.INSCRIPTION))) { PersonEventBean pev = (PersonEventBean)rowBean; String pvtEventID = null; try { pvtEventID = pev.getPvtEventID(); } catch (FrontlineException e) { } String pvtInsStatus = null; try { pvtInsStatus = pev.getPvtInsStatus(); } catch (FrontlineException e) { } if (pvtEventID != null) { LinkedHashMap statusInsIDAndDisplay = EventHelper.getListStatusByEvent(context, StatusType.INSCRIPTION, pvtEventID); if (statusInsIDAndDisplay != null && !statusInsIDAndDisplay.isEmpty()) { %> <% } } else { %> " ondelete="<%=eraseJs%>" nodiv="true" /> <% } } else if (fieldName.equals(StatusType.getFieldNameStatus(StatusType.PARTICIPATION))) { PersonEventBean pev = (PersonEventBean)rowBean; String pvtEventID = null; try { pvtEventID = pev.getPvtEventID(); } catch (FrontlineException e) { } String pvtParStatus = null; try { pvtParStatus = pev.getPvtParStatus(); } catch (FrontlineException e) { } LinkedHashMap statusParIDAndDisplay = EventHelper.getListStatusByEvent(context, StatusType.PARTICIPATION, pvtEventID); if (statusParIDAndDisplay != null && !statusParIDAndDisplay.isEmpty()) { %> <% } else { %> " ondelete="<%=eraseJs%>" alt=" " nodiv="true" /> <% } } else { %> " ondelete="<%=eraseJs%>" alt=" " nodiv="true" /> <% } %>
<%= Utils.formatToWeb(previewTxt,false) %>
<% // } %>