Component stylesheet for main elements in <i>hierarchy</i> of document elementStructure.xsl 2001-01-26 This stylesheet defines presentation and structure of contents of the resulting document. It contains templates to convert Word structures into their equivalents in XSL-FO. IMPLEMENTATION SPECIFICS To preserve initial whitespace characters, fo:leader with zero length is inserted before each text element, preventing the leading whitespace from collapsing by the effect of 'white-space-treatment' XSL-FO property. Main stylesheet Element properties Default tab width in twips. Value taken from MS Word generated file. Document's content Represents a container for document sections. true Represents a document subsection. Parent elements: wx:sect. Represents a paragraph element. inherit 0 0 pt 0pt Represents a run element. Parent elements: w:p. 0pt pt pt 90 -90 Represents a tab character. Parent elements: w:r Emulate tabulation with fo:leader Parameter for type of character filling of tab Length of space for tab use-content pt _ - .   image/ non-uniform uniform always ­ ߛ , , , | 0|