/* Copyright (c) Business Objects 2006. All rights reserved. */ if (typeof(bobj) == 'undefined') { bobj = {}; } if (typeof(bobj.crv) == 'undefined') { bobj.crv = {}; // Constants used in the viewer bobj.crv.ActxPrintControl_CLSID = 'B7DA1CA9-1EF8-4831-868A-A767093EA685'; bobj.crv.ActxPrintControl_Version = '13,0,8,1216'; // Configuration for ALL viewers in a page // TODO The dhtmllib doesn't currently suport widgets from different locales // on the same page. We will need that support for the viewer. bobj.crv.config = { isDebug : false, scriptUri: null, // The uri for the viewer script dir (that holds crv.js) skin: "skin_standard", needFallback: true, lang: "en", useCompressedScripts: true, useAsync : true, indicatorOnly: false, resources : { 'HTMLPromptingSDK' : {isLoaded: false, path : '../../promptengine-compressed.js'}, 'ParameterControllerAndDeps' : {isLoaded: false, path: '../../parameterUIController-compressed.js'} }, logging: { enabled: false, id: 0} }; bobj.crv.logger = { info: function(){ /* Do Nothing */} }; // Udate configuration with properties from crv_config, if it exists if (typeof(crv_config) == 'object') { for (var i in crv_config) { bobj.crv.config[i] = crv_config[i]; } } // If the uri for the bobj.crv script dir wasn't set, try to figure it out if (!bobj.crv.config.scriptUri) { var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName("script"); var reCrvJs = /(.*)crv\.js$/i; for(var i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++) { var src = scripts[i].getAttribute("src"); if(!src) { continue; } var matches = src.match(reCrvJs); if(matches && matches.length) { bobj.crv.config.scriptUri = matches[1]; break; } } if (!bobj.crv.config.scriptUri ) { bobj.crv.config.scriptUri = ''; if (bobj.crv.config.isDebug) { throw "bobj.crv.config.scriptUri is undefined"; } } } /** * Parse a URI into its constitutents as defined in RFC2396 * * @param uri [String] Uri to parse * * @return Returns object has string values for the uri's components */ bobj.parseUri = function(uri) { var regExp = "^(([^:/?#]+):)?(//([^/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(\\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))?$"; var result = uri.match(new RegExp(regExp)); return { scheme : result[2], authority : result[4], path : result[5], query : result[7], fragment : result[9] }; }; bobj.crvUri = function(uri) { return bobj.crv.config.scriptUri + uri; }; /** * A helper method for evaluating whether parent window is JSUnit test runner */ bobj.isParentWindowTestRunner = function() { try { var tempTop = top || window; while(tempTop.top && tempTop.top != tempTop) { tempTop = tempTop.top; } return tempTop.jsUnitTestSuite !== undefined; } catch(err){} return false; }; bobj.skinUri = function(uri) { return bobj.crvUri("../dhtmllib/images/") + bobj.crv.config.skin + "/" + uri; }; /** * Create a widget using json * eg. * createWidget({ * cons: bobj.crv.myWidget, * args: {foo: 'bar'}, * children: [ {cons: ...}, ...] * }); * * @param json [Object] Object representing the widget * @return Returns the widget or null if creation failed */ bobj.crv.createWidget = function(json) { if (!bobj.isObject(json)){ return null; } var constructor = json.cons; if (bobj.isString(constructor)) { try { constructor = eval(constructor); } catch (err) { if (bobj.crv.config.isDebug) { throw "bobj.crv.createWidget: invalid constructor"; } } } if (!bobj.isFunction(constructor)) { if (bobj.crv.config.isDebug) { throw "bobj.crv.createWidget: invalid constructor"; } return null; } var widget = constructor(json.args); if (bobj.isArray(json.children)) { if (widget.delayedBatchAdd) { widget.delayedBatchAdd(json.children); } else if (widget.addChild){ for (var i = 0, len = json.children.length; i < len; ++i) { var child = bobj.crv.createWidget(json.children[i]); widget.addChild(child); } } } return widget; }; /** * Create a widget using bobj.crv.createWidget and write it to the document. * If optional element is given, the innerHTML is written instead and scripts * are executed. * * @param json [Object] Object representing the widget * @return Returns the widget or null if creation failed */ bobj.crv.writeWidget = function(json, element) { var widget = bobj.crv.createWidget(json); if (widget) { if(element){ var html = widget.getHTML(); var ext = bobj.html.extractHtml(html); var links = ext.links; element.innerHTML = html; for(var iLinks = 0, linksLen = links.length; iLinks < linksLen; ++iLinks){ bobj.includeLink(links[iLinks]); } var scripts = ext.scripts; for (var iScripts = 0, scriptsLen = scripts.length; iScripts < scriptsLen; ++iScripts) { var script = scripts[iScripts]; if (!script) {continue;} if (script.text) { try { bobj.evalInWindow(script.text); } catch(err) {} } } var styleText = ""; for (var i = 0, len = ext.styles.length; i < len ; i++) { styleText += ext.styles[i].text + '\n'; } if(styleText.length > 0) { bobj.addStyleSheet(styleText); } } else { widget.write(); } } return widget; }; /** * Initialize a widget. * * @param widx [Int] Widget index * @param initElt [DOM Node, opt] The element that called the init event */ bobj.crv._initWidget = function(widx, initElt) { try { var widget = _widgets[widx]; widget.init(); if (initElt) { MochiKit.DOM.removeElement(initElt); } } catch (err) { if (bobj.crv.config.isDebug) { var msg = "bobj.crv._initWidget: Couldn't initialize widget: "; msg += 'widx=' + widx; msg += ', type='; if (!_widgets[widx]) { msg += 'null'; } else if (bobj.isString(_widgets[widx].widgetType)) { msg += _widgets[widx].widgetType; } else { msg += 'unknown'; } msg += ' because: ' + err; throw msg; } } }; /** * Creates an hidden image tag that initializes a widget using its onload * event. The tag should be appended to the html of the widget. * * Note: doesn't work in Opera 9, but we don't support that yet * * TODO nested widgets fail in Firefox because parent's init method has to * be called after child's init method and the timing of the img onload * events looks to be unpredictable. onerror might be more predictable if * no src is specified... is it supported in Safari? * * @param widx [Int] Widget index * * @return Returns html that initializes the widget with index == widx bobj.crv.getInitHTML = function(widx) { return bobj.html.IMG({ style: {display:'none'}, //onload: 'bobj.crv._initWidget(' + widx + ', this);', onload: "alert('loading " + widx + "')", src: bobj.crvUri("../dhtmllib/images/transp.gif") }); }*/ /** * Returns HTML that auto-intializes a widget. */ bobj.crv.getInitHTML = function(widx) { var scriptId = 'bobj_crv_getInitHTML_' + widx; return ''; }; bobj.crv._preloadProcessingIndicatorImages = function() { var relativeImgPath = bobj.crvUri("../dhtmllib/images/" + bobj.crv.config.skin + "/"); var images = []; var imgNames = [ "wait01.gif", "dialogtitle.gif", "dialogelements.gif", "../transp.gif"]; for(var i = 0, len = imgNames.length; i < len; i++){ images[i] = new Image(); images[i].src = relativeImgPath + imgNames[i]; } }; bobj.crv._loadJavaScript = function(scriptFile) { if (scriptFile) { document.write(''); } }; /** * Include the viewer's scripts in the document. */ bobj.crv._includeAll = function() { bobj.crv._includeLocaleStrings(); if (bobj.crv.config.useCompressedScripts) { if (bobj.crv.config.indicatorOnly) { bobj.crv._loadJavaScript('../../processindicator.js'); } else { bobj.crv._loadJavaScript('../../allInOne.js'); if(!bobj.crv.config.useAsync) { for(var name in bobj.crv.config.resources) { var resource = bobj.crv.config.resources[name]; resource.isLoaded = true; bobj.crv._loadJavaScript(resource.path); } } if (bobj.crv.config.logging.enabled) { bobj.crv._loadJavaScript('../log4javascript/log4javascript.js'); } } return; } else { // list of script uris relative to crv.js var scripts = []; if (bobj.crv.config.indicatorOnly) { scripts = [ '../MochiKit/Base.js', '../dhtmllib/dom.js', 'initDhtmlLib.js', '../dhtmllib/dialog.js', '../dhtmllib/waitdialog.js', 'common.js', 'Dialogs.js' ]; } else { scripts = [ '../MochiKit/Base.js', '../MochiKit/Async.js', '../MochiKit/DOM.js', '../MochiKit/Style.js', '../MochiKit/Signal.js', '../MochiKit/New.js', '../MochiKit/Color.js', '../MochiKit/Iter.js', '../MochiKit/Visual.js', '../log4javascript/log4javascript_uncompressed.js', '../external/date.js', '../dhtmllib/dom.js', 'initDhtmlLib.js', '../dhtmllib/palette.js', '../dhtmllib/menu.js', '../dhtmllib/psheet.js', '../dhtmllib/treeview.js', '../dhtmllib/dialog.js', '../dhtmllib/waitdialog.js', '../../prompting/js/promptengine_prompts2.js', '../../prompting/js/promptengine_calendar2.js', '../swfobject/swfobject.js', 'common.js', 'encoding.js', 'html.js', 'ImageSprites.js', 'Toolbar.js', 'Statusbar.js', 'PanelNavigator.js', 'PanelNavigatorItem.js', 'PanelHeader.js', 'LeftPanel.js', 'GroupTreeNode.js', 'GroupTree.js', 'GroupTreeListener.js', 'ToolPanel.js', 'ReportPage.js', 'ReportView.js', 'ButtonList.js', 'ReportAlbum.js', 'Separator.js', 'Viewer.js', 'ViewerListener.js', 'StateManager.js', 'IOAdapters.js', 'ArgumentNormalizer.js', 'event.js', 'PromptPage.js', 'Dialogs.js', 'StackedTab.js', 'StackedPanel.js', 'Parameter.js', 'ParameterController.js', 'Colors.js', 'TextField.js', 'TextCombo.js', 'RangeField.js', 'ParameterValueRow.js', 'ParameterInfoRow.js', 'OptionalParameterValueRow.js', 'ParameterUI.js', 'OptionalParameterUI.js', 'ParameterDialog.js', 'ParameterPanelToolbar.js', 'ParameterPanel.js', 'bobjcallback.js', 'Calendar.js', 'WarningPopup.js', '../FlexParameterBridge.js', 'ViewerFlexParameterAdapter.js', 'SignalDisposer.js' ]; } if(bobj.isParentWindowTestRunner()) { scripts.push('../jsunit/tests/crViewerTestSuite.js'); } for (var i = 0, len = scripts.length; i < len; i++) { document.write(''); } for(var i in bobj.crv.config.resources){ //all Resources are automatically loaded at initialization when useCompressedScripts is false (in debug mode) bobj.crv.config.resources[i].isLoaded = true; } } }; bobj.crv.getLangCode = function () { var splitChar = '_'; // default to java's locale split character if (bobj.crv.config.lang.indexOf ('-') > 0) { splitChar = '-'; // must be .Net's locale split } var lang = bobj.crv.config.lang.split(splitChar); // TODO (Julian): Java server side now handles the chinese variants due to language pack fix // We'll do the same for WebForm and then the following code can be removed. // For Chinese locales "zh" we only support "TW" & "CN" // zh_HK / zh_MO / zh_MY, are all mapped to zh_TW, everything else is zh_CN if(lang[0].toLowerCase() == "zh") { if(lang.length > 1 ) { var region = lang[1].toUpperCase(); if(region == "TW" || region == "HK" || region == "MO" || region == "MY") { lang[1] = "TW"; } else { lang[1] = "CN"; } } else { lang[1] = "CN"; } } // .NET webform viewers don't support variants from server side - until we fix this chop-off variant code for all other than "zh" if (lang.length > 1 && (!bobj.crv.config.needFallback || lang[0].toLowerCase() == "zh")) { lang = lang[0] + "_" + lang[1]; } else { lang = lang[0]; } return lang; }; bobj.crv._includeLocaleStrings = function() { var lang = bobj.crv.getLangCode (); if (bobj.crv.config.needFallback) { bobj.crv._loadJavaScript('../../allStrings_en.js'); if (lang == 'en') return; // DO NOT load 'en' strings below again! } bobj.crv._loadJavaScript('../../allStrings_' + lang + '.js'); }; if (typeof MochiKit == 'undefined') { MochiKit = {}; } if (typeof MochiKit.__export__ == 'undefined') { MochiKit.__export__ = false; // don't export symbols into the global namespace } if (!bobj.crv.config.useAsync) bobj.crv._preloadProcessingIndicatorImages(); bobj.crv._includeAll(); bobj.crv.initLog = function(logLevel, handlerUri) { bobj.crv.logger = log4javascript.getLogger(); log4javascript.setEnabled(bobj.crv.config.logging.enabled); if (bobj.crv.config.logging.enabled) { bobj.crv.logger.setLevel(logLevel); var uri = handlerUri + '?ServletTask=Log'; var ajaxAppender = new log4javascript.AjaxAppender(uri); bobj.crv.logger.addAppender(ajaxAppender); var oldLogFunc = bobj.crv.logger.log; bobj.crv.logger.log = function(level, message, exception) { oldLogFunc(level, bobj.crv.config.logging.id + ' ' + message, exception); }; bobj.crv.logger.info('Logging Initialized'); } }; bobj.crv.invokeActionAdapter = function (args) { var n = "invokeAction"; var f = window[n]; if (!f && window.parent){ f = window.parent[n]; } if (f){ f(args.url, args.actionId, args.objectId, args.containerId, args.actionType, null); } }; } if(typeof(Sys)!=='undefined' && typeof(Sys.Application)!== 'undefined' && typeof(Sys.Application.notifyScriptLoaded)!== 'undefined') { Sys.Application.notifyScriptLoaded(); }