MochiKit.Visual 1.4
See for documentation, downloads, license, etc.
(c) 2005 Bob Ippolito and others. All rights Reserved.
if (typeof(dojo) != 'undefined') {
if (typeof(JSAN) != 'undefined') {
JSAN.use("MochiKit.Base", []);
JSAN.use("MochiKit.DOM", []);
JSAN.use("MochiKit.Style", []);
JSAN.use("MochiKit.Color", []);
JSAN.use("MochiKit.Iter", []);
try {
if (typeof(MochiKit.Base) === 'undefined' ||
typeof(MochiKit.DOM) === 'undefined' ||
typeof(MochiKit.Style) === 'undefined' ||
typeof(MochiKit.Color) === 'undefined' ||
typeof(MochiKit.Iter) === 'undefined') {
throw "";
} catch (e) {
throw "MochiKit.Visual depends on MochiKit.Base, MochiKit.DOM, MochiKit.Style, MochiKit.Color and MochiKit.Iter!";
if (typeof(MochiKit.Visual) == "undefined") {
MochiKit.Visual = {};
MochiKit.Visual.NAME = "MochiKit.Visual";
MochiKit.Visual.VERSION = "1.4";
MochiKit.Visual.__repr__ = function () {
return "[" + this.NAME + " " + this.VERSION + "]";
MochiKit.Visual.toString = function () {
return this.__repr__();
//MochiKit.Visual._RoundCorners = function (e, options) {
// e = MochiKit.DOM.getElement(e);
// this._setOptions(options);
// if (this.options.__unstable__wrapElement) {
// e = this._doWrap(e);
// }
// var color = this.options.color;
// var C = MochiKit.Color.Color;
// if (this.options.color === "fromElement") {
// color = C.fromBackground(e);
// } else if (!(color instanceof C)) {
// color = C.fromString(color);
// }
// this.isTransparent = (color.asRGB().a <= 0);
// var bgColor = this.options.bgColor;
// if (this.options.bgColor === "fromParent") {
// bgColor = C.fromBackground(e.offsetParent);
// } else if (!(bgColor instanceof C)) {
// bgColor = C.fromString(bgColor);
// }
// this._roundCornersImpl(e, color, bgColor);
//MochiKit.Visual._RoundCorners.prototype = {
// _doWrap: function (e) {
// var parent = e.parentNode;
// var doc = MochiKit.DOM.currentDocument();
// if (typeof(doc.defaultView) === "undefined"
// || doc.defaultView === null) {
// return e;
// }
// var style = doc.defaultView.getComputedStyle(e, null);
// if (typeof(style) === "undefined" || style === null) {
// return e;
// }
// var wrapper = MochiKit.DOM.DIV({"style": {
// display: "block",
// // convert padding to margin
// marginTop: style.getPropertyValue("padding-top"),
// marginRight: style.getPropertyValue("padding-right"),
// marginBottom: style.getPropertyValue("padding-bottom"),
// marginLeft: style.getPropertyValue("padding-left"),
// // remove padding so the rounding looks right
// padding: "0px"
// /*
// paddingRight: "0px",
// paddingLeft: "0px"
// */
// }});
// wrapper.innerHTML = e.innerHTML;
// e.innerHTML = "";
// e.appendChild(wrapper);
// return e;
// },
// _roundCornersImpl: function (e, color, bgColor) {
// if (this.options.border) {
// this._renderBorder(e, bgColor);
// }
// if (this._isTopRounded()) {
// this._roundTopCorners(e, color, bgColor);
// }
// if (this._isBottomRounded()) {
// this._roundBottomCorners(e, color, bgColor);
// }
// },
// _renderBorder: function (el, bgColor) {
// var borderValue = "1px solid " + this._borderColor(bgColor);
// var borderL = "border-left: " + borderValue;
// var borderR = "border-right: " + borderValue;
// var style = "style='" + borderL + ";" + borderR + "'";
// el.innerHTML = "
" + el.innerHTML + "
// },
// _roundTopCorners: function (el, color, bgColor) {
// var corner = this._createCorner(bgColor);
// for (var i = 0; i < this.options.numSlices; i++) {
// corner.appendChild(
// this._createCornerSlice(color, bgColor, i, "top")
// );
// }
// el.style.paddingTop = 0;
// el.insertBefore(corner, el.firstChild);
// },
// _roundBottomCorners: function (el, color, bgColor) {
// var corner = this._createCorner(bgColor);
// for (var i = (this.options.numSlices - 1); i >= 0; i--) {
// corner.appendChild(
// this._createCornerSlice(color, bgColor, i, "bottom")
// );
// }
// el.style.paddingBottom = 0;
// el.appendChild(corner);
// },
// _createCorner: function (bgColor) {
// var dom = MochiKit.DOM;
// return dom.DIV({style: {backgroundColor: bgColor.toString()}});
// },
// _createCornerSlice: function (color, bgColor, n, position) {
// var slice = MochiKit.DOM.SPAN();
// var inStyle = slice.style;
// inStyle.backgroundColor = color.toString();
// inStyle.display = "block";
// inStyle.height = "1px";
// inStyle.overflow = "hidden";
// inStyle.fontSize = "1px";
// var borderColor = this._borderColor(color, bgColor);
// if (this.options.border && n === 0) {
// inStyle.borderTopStyle = "solid";
// inStyle.borderTopWidth = "1px";
// inStyle.borderLeftWidth = "0px";
// inStyle.borderRightWidth = "0px";
// inStyle.borderBottomWidth = "0px";
// // assumes css compliant box model
// inStyle.height = "0px";
// inStyle.borderColor = borderColor.toString();
// } else if (borderColor) {
// inStyle.borderColor = borderColor.toString();
// inStyle.borderStyle = "solid";
// inStyle.borderWidth = "0px 1px";
// }
// if (!this.options.compact && (n == (this.options.numSlices - 1))) {
// inStyle.height = "2px";
// }
// this._setMargin(slice, n, position);
// this._setBorder(slice, n, position);
// return slice;
// },
// _setOptions: function (options) {
// this.options = {
// corners: "all",
// color: "fromElement",
// bgColor: "fromParent",
// blend: true,
// border: false,
// compact: false,
// __unstable__wrapElement: false
// };
// MochiKit.Base.update(this.options, options);
// this.options.numSlices = (this.options.compact ? 2 : 4);
// },
// _whichSideTop: function () {
// var corners = this.options.corners;
// if (this._hasString(corners, "all", "top")) {
// return "";
// }
// var has_tl = (corners.indexOf("tl") != -1);
// var has_tr = (corners.indexOf("tr") != -1);
// if (has_tl && has_tr) {
// return "";
// }
// if (has_tl) {
// return "left";
// }
// if (has_tr) {
// return "right";
// }
// return "";
// },
// _whichSideBottom: function () {
// var corners = this.options.corners;
// if (this._hasString(corners, "all", "bottom")) {
// return "";
// }
// var has_bl = (corners.indexOf('bl') != -1);
// var has_br = (corners.indexOf('br') != -1);
// if (has_bl && has_br) {
// return "";
// }
// if (has_bl) {
// return "left";
// }
// if (has_br) {
// return "right";
// }
// return "";
// },
// _borderColor: function (color, bgColor) {
// if (color == "transparent") {
// return bgColor;
// } else if (this.options.border) {
// return this.options.border;
// } else if (this.options.blend) {
// return bgColor.blendedColor(color);
// }
// return "";
// },
// _setMargin: function (el, n, corners) {
// var marginSize = this._marginSize(n) + "px";
// var whichSide = (
// corners == "top" ? this._whichSideTop() : this._whichSideBottom()
// );
// var style = el.style;
// if (whichSide == "left") {
// style.marginLeft = marginSize;
// style.marginRight = "0px";
// } else if (whichSide == "right") {
// style.marginRight = marginSize;
// style.marginLeft = "0px";
// } else {
// style.marginLeft = marginSize;
// style.marginRight = marginSize;
// }
// },
// _setBorder: function (el, n, corners) {
// var borderSize = this._borderSize(n) + "px";
// var whichSide = (
// corners == "top" ? this._whichSideTop() : this._whichSideBottom()
// );
// var style = el.style;
// if (whichSide == "left") {
// style.borderLeftWidth = borderSize;
// style.borderRightWidth = "0px";
// } else if (whichSide == "right") {
// style.borderRightWidth = borderSize;
// style.borderLeftWidth = "0px";
// } else {
// style.borderLeftWidth = borderSize;
// style.borderRightWidth = borderSize;
// }
// },
// _marginSize: function (n) {
// if (this.isTransparent) {
// return 0;
// }
// var o = this.options;
// if (o.compact && o.blend) {
// var smBlendedMarginSizes = [1, 0];
// return smBlendedMarginSizes[n];
// } else if (o.compact) {
// var compactMarginSizes = [2, 1];
// return compactMarginSizes[n];
// } else if (o.blend) {
// var blendedMarginSizes = [3, 2, 1, 0];
// return blendedMarginSizes[n];
// } else {
// var marginSizes = [5, 3, 2, 1];
// return marginSizes[n];
// }
// },
// _borderSize: function (n) {
// var o = this.options;
// var borderSizes;
// if (o.compact && (o.blend || this.isTransparent)) {
// return 1;
// } else if (o.compact) {
// borderSizes = [1, 0];
// } else if (o.blend) {
// borderSizes = [2, 1, 1, 1];
// } else if (o.border) {
// borderSizes = [0, 2, 0, 0];
// } else if (this.isTransparent) {
// borderSizes = [5, 3, 2, 1];
// } else {
// return 0;
// }
// return borderSizes[n];
// },
// _hasString: function (str) {
// for (var i = 1; i< arguments.length; i++) {
// if (str.indexOf(arguments[i]) != -1) {
// return true;
// }
// }
// return false;
// },
// _isTopRounded: function () {
// return this._hasString(this.options.corners,
// "all", "top", "tl", "tr"
// );
// },
// _isBottomRounded: function () {
// return this._hasString(this.options.corners,
// "all", "bottom", "bl", "br"
// );
// },
// _hasSingleTextChild: function (el) {
// return (el.childNodes.length == 1 && el.childNodes[0].nodeType == 3);
// }
//MochiKit.Visual.roundElement = function (e, options) {
// new MochiKit.Visual._RoundCorners(e, options);
//MochiKit.Visual.roundClass = function (tagName, className, options) {
// var elements = MochiKit.DOM.getElementsByTagAndClassName(
// tagName, className
// );
// for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
// MochiKit.Visual.roundElement(elements[i], options);
// }
//MochiKit.Visual.tagifyText = function (element, /* optional */tagifyStyle) {
// /***
// Change a node text to character in tags.
// @param tagifyStyle: the style to apply to character nodes, default to
// 'position: relative'.
// ***/
// var tagifyStyle = tagifyStyle || 'position:relative';
// if (MochiKit.Base.isIE()) {
// tagifyStyle += ';zoom:1';
// }
// element = MochiKit.DOM.getElement(element);
// var fe = MochiKit.Iter.forEach;
// fe(element.childNodes, function (child) {
// if (child.nodeType == 3) {
// fe(child.nodeValue.split(''), function (character) {
// element.insertBefore(
// MochiKit.DOM.SPAN({style: tagifyStyle},
// character == ' ' ? String.fromCharCode(160) : character), child);
// });
// MochiKit.DOM.removeElement(child);
// }
// });
MochiKit.Visual.forceRerendering = function (element) {
try {
element = MochiKit.DOM.getElement(element);
var n = document.createTextNode(' ');
} catch(e) {
//MochiKit.Visual.multiple = function (elements, effect, /* optional */options) {
// /***
// Launch the same effect subsequently on given elements.
// ***/
// options = MochiKit.Base.update({
// speed: 0.1, delay: 0.0
// }, options || {});
// var masterDelay = options.delay;
// var index = 0;
// MochiKit.Iter.forEach(elements, function (innerelement) {
// options.delay = index * options.speed + masterDelay;
// new effect(innerelement, options);
// index += 1;
// });
MochiKit.Visual.PAIRS = {
'slide': ['slideDown', 'slideUp'],
'blind': ['blindDown', 'blindUp'],
'appear': ['appear', 'fade'],
'size': ['grow', 'shrink']
//MochiKit.Visual.toggle = function (element, /* optional */effect, /* optional */options) {
// /***
// Toggle an item between two state depending of its visibility, making
// a effect between these states. Default effect is 'appear', can be
// 'slide' or 'blind'.
// ***/
// element = MochiKit.DOM.getElement(element);
// effect = (effect || 'appear').toLowerCase();
// options = MochiKit.Base.update({
// queue: {position: 'end', scope: (element.id || 'global'), limit: 1}
// }, options || {});
// var v = MochiKit.Visual;
// v[MochiKit.DOM.isVisible(element) ?
// v.PAIRS[effect][1] : v.PAIRS[effect][0]](element, options);
Transitions: define functions calculating variations depending of a position.
MochiKit.Visual.Transitions = {}
MochiKit.Visual.Transitions.linear = function (pos) {
return pos;
MochiKit.Visual.Transitions.sinoidal = function (pos) {
return (-Math.cos(pos*Math.PI)/2) + 0.5;
MochiKit.Visual.Transitions.reverse = function (pos) {
return 1 - pos;
MochiKit.Visual.Transitions.flicker = function (pos) {
return ((-Math.cos(pos*Math.PI)/4) + 0.75) + Math.random()/4;
MochiKit.Visual.Transitions.wobble = function (pos) {
return (-Math.cos(pos*Math.PI*(9*pos))/2) + 0.5;
MochiKit.Visual.Transitions.pulse = function (pos) {
return (Math.floor(pos*10) % 2 == 0 ?
(pos*10 - Math.floor(pos*10)) : 1 - (pos*10 - Math.floor(pos*10)));
MochiKit.Visual.Transitions.none = function (pos) {
return 0;
MochiKit.Visual.Transitions.full = function (pos) {
return 1;
Core effects
MochiKit.Visual.ScopedQueue = function () {
MochiKit.Base.update(MochiKit.Visual.ScopedQueue.prototype, {
__init__: function () {
this.effects = [];
this.interval = null;
add: function (effect) {
var timestamp = new Date().getTime();
var position = (typeof(effect.options.queue) == 'string') ?
effect.options.queue : effect.options.queue.position;
var fe = MochiKit.Iter.forEach;
switch (position) {
case 'front':
// move unstarted effects after this effect
fe(this.effects, function (e) {
if (e.state == 'idle') {
e.startOn += effect.finishOn;
e.finishOn += effect.finishOn;
case 'end':
var finish;
// start effect after last queued effect has finished
fe(this.effects, function (e) {
var i = e.finishOn;
if (i >= (finish || i)) {
finish = i;
timestamp = finish || timestamp;
effect.startOn += timestamp;
effect.finishOn += timestamp;
if (!effect.options.queue.limit ||
this.effects.length < effect.options.queue.limit) {
if (!this.interval) {
this.interval = setInterval(MochiKit.Base.bind(this.loop, this),
remove: function (effect) {
this.effects = MochiKit.Base.filter(function (e) {
return e != effect;
}, this.effects);
if (this.effects.length == 0) {
this.interval = null;
loop: function () {
var timePos = new Date().getTime();
MochiKit.Iter.forEach(this.effects, function (effect) {
MochiKit.Visual.Queues = {
instances: {},
get: function (queueName) {
if (typeof(queueName) != 'string') {
return queueName;
if (!this.instances[queueName]) {
this.instances[queueName] = new MochiKit.Visual.ScopedQueue();
return this.instances[queueName];
MochiKit.Visual.Queue = MochiKit.Visual.Queues.get('global');
MochiKit.Visual.DefaultOptions = {
transition: MochiKit.Visual.Transitions.sinoidal,
duration: 1.0, // seconds
fps: 25.0, // max. 25fps due to MochiKit.Visual.Queue implementation
sync: false, // true for combining
from: 0.0,
to: 1.0,
delay: 0.0,
queue: 'parallel'
MochiKit.Visual.Base = function () {};
MochiKit.Visual.Base.prototype = {
Basic class for all Effects. Define a looping mechanism called for each step
of an effect. Don't instantiate it, only subclass it.
__class__ : MochiKit.Visual.Base,
start: function (options) {
var v = MochiKit.Visual;
this.options = MochiKit.Base.setdefault(options || {},
this.currentFrame = 0;
this.state = 'idle';
this.startOn = this.options.delay*1000;
this.finishOn = this.startOn + (this.options.duration*1000);
if (!this.options.sync) {
v.Queues.get(typeof(this.options.queue) == 'string' ?
'global' : this.options.queue.scope).add(this);
loop: function (timePos) {
if (timePos >= this.startOn) {
if (timePos >= this.finishOn) {
var pos = (timePos - this.startOn) / (this.finishOn - this.startOn);
var frame =
Math.round(pos * this.options.fps * this.options.duration);
if (frame > this.currentFrame) {
this.currentFrame = frame;
render: function (pos) {
if (this.state == 'idle') {
this.state = 'running';
if (this.state == 'running') {
if (this.options.transition) {
pos = this.options.transition(pos);
pos *= (this.options.to - this.options.from);
pos += this.options.from;
cancel: function () {
if (!this.options.sync) {
MochiKit.Visual.Queues.get(typeof(this.options.queue) == 'string' ?
'global' : this.options.queue.scope).remove(this);
this.state = 'finished';
setup: function () {
finish: function () {
update: function (position) {
event: function (eventName) {
if (this.options[eventName + 'Internal']) {
this.options[eventName + 'Internal'](this);
if (this.options[eventName]) {
repr: function () {
return '[' + this.__class__.NAME + ', options:' +
MochiKit.Base.repr(this.options) + ']';
//MochiKit.Visual.Parallel = function (effects, options) {
// this.__init__(effects, options);
//MochiKit.Visual.Parallel.prototype = new MochiKit.Visual.Base();
//MochiKit.Base.update(MochiKit.Visual.Parallel.prototype, {
// /***
// Run multiple effects at the same time.
// ***/
// __init__: function (effects, options) {
// this.effects = effects || [];
// this.start(options);
// },
// update: function (position) {
// MochiKit.Iter.forEach(this.effects, function (effect) {
// effect.render(position);
// });
// },
// finish: function () {
// MochiKit.Iter.forEach(this.effects, function (effect) {
// effect.render(1.0);
// effect.cancel();
// effect.event('beforeFinish');
// effect.finish();
// effect.event('afterFinish');
// });
// }
MochiKit.Visual.Opacity = function (element, options) {
this.__init__(element, options);
MochiKit.Visual.Opacity.prototype = new MochiKit.Visual.Base();
MochiKit.Base.update(MochiKit.Visual.Opacity.prototype, {
Change the opacity of an element.
@param options: 'from' and 'to' change the starting and ending opacities.
Must be between 0.0 and 1.0. Default to current opacity and 1.0.
__init__: function (element, /* optional */options) {
var b = MochiKit.Base;
var d = MochiKit.DOM;
this.element = d.getElement(element);
// make this work on IE on elements without 'layout'
if (b.isIE() && (!this.element.currentStyle.hasLayout)) {
d.setStyle(this.element, {zoom: 1});
options = b.update({
from: d.getOpacity(this.element) || 0.0,
to: 1.0
}, options || {});
update: function (position) {
MochiKit.DOM.setOpacity(this.element, position);
MochiKit.Visual.Move = function (element, options) {
this.__init__(element, options);
MochiKit.Visual.Move.prototype = new MochiKit.Visual.Base();
MochiKit.Base.update(MochiKit.Visual.Move.prototype, {
Move an element between its current position to a defined position
@param options: 'x' and 'y' for final positions, default to 0, 0.
__init__: function (element, /* optional */options) {
this.element = MochiKit.DOM.getElement(element);
options = MochiKit.Base.update({
x: 0,
y: 0,
mode: 'relative'
}, options || {});
setup: function () {
var d = MochiKit.DOM;
// Bug in Opera: Opera returns the 'real' position of a static element
// or relative element that does not have top/left explicitly set.
// ==> Always set top and left for position relative elements in your
// stylesheets (to 0 if you do not need them)
var s = this.element.style;
var originalVisibility = s.visibility;
var originalDisplay = s.display;
if (originalDisplay == 'none') {
s.visibility = 'hidden';
s.display = '';
this.originalLeft = parseFloat(d.getStyle(this.element, 'left') || '0');
this.originalTop = parseFloat(d.getStyle(this.element, 'top') || '0');
if (this.options.mode == 'absolute') {
// absolute movement, so we need to calc deltaX and deltaY
this.options.x -= this.originalLeft;
this.options.y -= this.originalTop;
if (originalDisplay == 'none') {
s.visibility = originalVisibility;
s.display = originalDisplay;
update: function (position) {
MochiKit.DOM.setStyle(this.element, {
left: Math.round(this.options.x * position + this.originalLeft) + 'px',
top: Math.round(this.options.y * position + this.originalTop) + 'px'
MochiKit.Visual.Scale = function (element, percent, options) {
this.__init__(element, percent, options);
MochiKit.Visual.Scale.prototype = new MochiKit.Visual.Base();
MochiKit.Base.update(MochiKit.Visual.Scale.prototype, {
Change the size of an element.
@param percent: final_size = percent*original_size
@param options: several options changing scale behaviour
__init__: function (element, percent, /* optional */options) {
this.element = MochiKit.DOM.getElement(element)
options = MochiKit.Base.update({
scaleX: true,
scaleY: true,
scaleContent: true,
scaleFromCenter: false,
scaleMode: 'box', // 'box' or 'contents' or {} with provided values
scaleFrom: 100.0,
scaleTo: percent
}, options || {});
setup: function () {
this.restoreAfterFinish = this.options.restoreAfterFinish || false;
this.elementPositioning = MochiKit.DOM.getStyle(this.element,
var fe = MochiKit.Iter.forEach;
var b = MochiKit.Base.bind;
this.originalStyle = {};
fe(['top', 'left', 'width', 'height', 'fontSize'],
b(function (k) {
this.originalStyle[k] = this.element.style[k];
}, this));
this.originalTop = this.element.offsetTop;
this.originalLeft = this.element.offsetLeft;
var fontSize = MochiKit.DOM.getStyle(this.element,
'font-size') || '100%';
fe(['em', 'px', '%'],
b(function (fontSizeType) {
if (fontSize.indexOf(fontSizeType) > 0) {
this.fontSize = parseFloat(fontSize);
this.fontSizeType = fontSizeType;
}, this));
this.factor = (this.options.scaleTo - this.options.scaleFrom)/100;
if (/^content/.test(this.options.scaleMode)) {
this.dims = [this.element.scrollHeight, this.element.scrollWidth];
} else if (this.options.scaleMode == 'box') {
this.dims = [this.element.offsetHeight, this.element.offsetWidth];
} else {
this.dims = [this.options.scaleMode.originalHeight,
update: function (position) {
var currentScale = (this.options.scaleFrom/100.0) +
(this.factor * position);
if (this.options.scaleContent && this.fontSize) {
MochiKit.DOM.setStyle(this.element, {
fontSize: this.fontSize * currentScale + this.fontSizeType
this.setDimensions(this.dims[0] * currentScale,
this.dims[1] * currentScale);
finish: function () {
if (this.restoreAfterFinish) {
MochiKit.DOM.setStyle(this.element, this.originalStyle);
setDimensions: function (height, width) {
var d = {};
if (this.options.scaleX) {
d.width = Math.round(width) + 'px';
if (this.options.scaleY) {
d.height = Math.round(height) + 'px';
if (this.options.scaleFromCenter) {
var topd = (height - this.dims[0])/2;
var leftd = (width - this.dims[1])/2;
if (this.elementPositioning == 'absolute') {
if (this.options.scaleY) {
d.top = this.originalTop - topd + 'px';
if (this.options.scaleX) {
d.left = this.originalLeft - leftd + 'px';
} else {
if (this.options.scaleY) {
d.top = -topd + 'px';
if (this.options.scaleX) {
d.left = -leftd + 'px';
MochiKit.DOM.setStyle(this.element, d);
//MochiKit.Visual.Highlight = function (element, options) {
// this.__init__(element, options);
//MochiKit.Visual.Highlight.prototype = new MochiKit.Visual.Base();
//MochiKit.Base.update(MochiKit.Visual.Highlight.prototype, {
// /***
// Highlight an item of the page.
// @param options: 'startcolor' for choosing highlighting color, default
// to '#ffff99'.
// ***/
// __init__: function (element, /* optional */options) {
// this.element = MochiKit.DOM.getElement(element);
// options = MochiKit.Base.update({
// startcolor: '#ffff99'
// }, options || {});
// this.start(options);
// },
// setup: function () {
// var d = MochiKit.DOM;
// var b = MochiKit.Base;
// // Prevent executing on elements not in the layout flow
// if (d.getStyle(this.element, 'display') == 'none') {
// this.cancel();
// return;
// }
// // Disable background image during the effect
// this.oldStyle = {
// backgroundImage: d.getStyle(this.element, 'background-image')
// };
// d.setStyle(this.element, {
// backgroundImage: 'none'
// });
// if (!this.options.endcolor) {
// this.options.endcolor =
// MochiKit.Color.Color.fromBackground(this.element).toHexString();
// }
// if (!this.options.restorecolor) {
// this.options.restorecolor = d.getStyle(this.element,
// 'background-color');
// }
// // init color calculations
// this._base = b.map(b.bind(function (i) {
// return parseInt(
// this.options.startcolor.slice(i*2 + 1, i*2 + 3), 16);
// }, this), [0, 1, 2]);
// this._delta = b.map(b.bind(function (i) {
// return parseInt(this.options.endcolor.slice(i*2 + 1, i*2 + 3), 16)
// - this._base[i];
// }, this), [0, 1, 2]);
// },
// update: function (position) {
// var m = '#';
// MochiKit.Iter.forEach([0, 1, 2], MochiKit.Base.bind(function (i) {
// m += MochiKit.Color.toColorPart(Math.round(this._base[i] +
// this._delta[i]*position));
// }, this));
// MochiKit.DOM.setStyle(this.element, {
// backgroundColor: m
// });
// },
// finish: function () {
// MochiKit.DOM.setStyle(this.element,
// MochiKit.Base.update(this.oldStyle, {
// backgroundColor: this.options.endcolor
// }));
// }
//MochiKit.Visual.ScrollTo = function (element, options) {
// this.__init__(element, options);
//MochiKit.Visual.ScrollTo.prototype = new MochiKit.Visual.Base();
//MochiKit.Base.update(MochiKit.Visual.ScrollTo.prototype, {
// /***
// Scroll to an element in the page.
// ***/
// __init__: function (element, /* optional */options) {
// this.element = MochiKit.DOM.getElement(element);
// this.start(options || {});
// },
// setup: function () {
// var p = MochiKit.Position;
// p.prepare();
// var offsets = p.cumulativeOffset(this.element);
// if (this.options.offset) {
// offsets.y += this.options.offset;
// }
// var max;
// if (window.innerHeight) {
// max = window.innerHeight - window.height;
// } else if (document.documentElement &&
// document.documentElement.clientHeight) {
// max = document.documentElement.clientHeight -
// document.body.scrollHeight;
// } else if (document.body) {
// max = document.body.clientHeight - document.body.scrollHeight;
// }
// this.scrollStart = p.windowOffset.y;
// this.delta = (offsets.y > max ? max : offsets.y) - this.scrollStart;
// },
// update: function (position) {
// var p = MochiKit.Position;
// p.prepare();
// window.scrollTo(p.windowOffset.x, this.scrollStart + (position * this.delta));
// }
Combination effects.
MochiKit.Visual.fade = function (element, /* optional */ options) {
Fade a given element: change its opacity and hide it in the end.
@param options: 'to' and 'from' to change opacity.
var d = MochiKit.DOM;
var oldOpacity = d.getInlineOpacity(element);
options = MochiKit.Base.update({
from: d.getOpacity(element) || 1.0,
to: 0.0,
afterFinishInternal: function (effect) {
if (effect.options.to !== 0) {
d.setStyle(effect.element, {opacity: oldOpacity});
}, options || {});
return new MochiKit.Visual.Opacity(element, options);
MochiKit.Visual.appear = function (element, /* optional */ options) {
Make an element appear.
@param options: 'to' and 'from' to change opacity.
var d = MochiKit.DOM;
var v = MochiKit.Visual;
options = MochiKit.Base.update({
from: (d.getStyle(element, 'display') == 'none' ? 0.0 :
d.getOpacity(element) || 0.0),
to: 1.0,
// force Safari to render floated elements properly
afterFinishInternal: function (effect) {
beforeSetupInternal: function (effect) {
d.setOpacity(effect.element, effect.options.from);
}, options || {});
return new v.Opacity(element, options);
//MochiKit.Visual.puff = function (element, /* optional */ options) {
// /***
// 'Puff' an element: grow it to double size, fading it and make it hidden.
// ***/
// var d = MochiKit.DOM;
// var v = MochiKit.Visual;
// element = d.getElement(element);
// var oldStyle = {
// opacity: d.getInlineOpacity(element),
// position: d.getStyle(element, 'position')
// };
// options = MochiKit.Base.update({
// beforeSetupInternal: function (effect) {
// d.setStyle(effect.effects[0].element,
// {position: 'absolute'});
// },
// afterFinishInternal: function (effect) {
// MochiKit.Style.hideElement(effect.effects[0].element);
// d.setStyle(effect.effects[0].element, oldStyle);
// }
// }, options || {});
// return new v.Parallel(
// [new v.Scale(element, 200,
// {sync: true, scaleFromCenter: true,
// scaleContent: true, restoreAfterFinish: true}),
// new v.Opacity(element, {sync: true, to: 0.0 })],
// options);
MochiKit.Visual.blindUp = function (element, /* optional */ options) {
Blind an element up: change its vertical size to 0.
var d = MochiKit.DOM;
element = d.getElement(element);
options = MochiKit.Base.update({
scaleContent: false,
scaleX: false,
restoreAfterFinish: true,
afterFinishInternal: function (effect) {
}, options || {});
return new MochiKit.Visual.Scale(element, 0, options);
MochiKit.Visual.blindDown = function (element, /* optional */ options) {
Blind an element down: restore its vertical size.
var d = MochiKit.DOM;
element = d.getElement(element);
var elementDimensions = MochiKit.Style.getElementDimensions(element);
options = MochiKit.Base.update({
scaleContent: false,
scaleX: false,
scaleFrom: 0,
scaleMode: {originalHeight: elementDimensions.h,
originalWidth: elementDimensions.w},
restoreAfterFinish: true,
afterSetupInternal: function (effect) {
d.setStyle(effect.element, {height: '0px'});
afterFinishInternal: function (effect) {
}, options || {});
return new MochiKit.Visual.Scale(element, 100, options);
//MochiKit.Visual.switchOff = function (element, /* optional */ options) {
// /***
// Apply a switch-off-like effect.
// ***/
// var d = MochiKit.DOM;
// element = d.getElement(element);
// var oldOpacity = d.getInlineOpacity(element);
// var options = MochiKit.Base.update({
// duration: 0.3,
// scaleFromCenter: true,
// scaleX: false,
// scaleContent: false,
// restoreAfterFinish: true,
// beforeSetupInternal: function (effect) {
// d.makePositioned(effect.element);
// d.makeClipping(effect.element);
// },
// afterFinishInternal: function (effect) {
// MochiKit.Style.hideElement(effect.element);
// d.undoClipping(effect.element);
// d.undoPositioned(effect.element);
// d.setStyle(effect.element, {opacity: oldOpacity});
// }
// }, options || {});
// var v = MochiKit.Visual;
// return new v.appear(element, {
// duration: 0.4,
// from: 0,
// transition: v.Transitions.flicker,
// afterFinishInternal: function (effect) {
// new v.Scale(effect.element, 1, options)
// }
// });
//MochiKit.Visual.dropOut = function (element, /* optional */ options) {
// /***
// Make an element fall and disappear.
// ***/
// var d = MochiKit.DOM;
// element = d.getElement(element);
// var oldStyle = {
// top: d.getStyle(element, 'top'),
// left: d.getStyle(element, 'left'),
// opacity: d.getInlineOpacity(element)
// };
// options = MochiKit.Base.update({
// duration: 0.5,
// beforeSetupInternal: function (effect) {
// d.makePositioned(effect.effects[0].element);
// },
// afterFinishInternal: function (effect) {
// MochiKit.Style.hideElement(effect.effects[0].element);
// d.undoPositioned(effect.effects[0].element);
// d.setStyle(effect.effects[0].element, oldStyle);
// }
// }, options || {});
// var v = MochiKit.Visual;
// return new v.Parallel(
// [new v.Move(element, {x: 0, y: 100, sync: true}),
// new v.Opacity(element, {sync: true, to: 0.0})],
// options);
//MochiKit.Visual.shake = function (element, /* optional */ options) {
// /***
// Move an element from left to right several times.
// ***/
// var d = MochiKit.DOM;
// var v = MochiKit.Visual;
// element = d.getElement(element);
// options = MochiKit.Base.update({
// x: -20,
// y: 0,
// duration: 0.05,
// afterFinishInternal: function (effect) {
// d.undoPositioned(effect.element);
// d.setStyle(effect.element, oldStyle);
// }
// }, options || {});
// var oldStyle = {
// top: d.getStyle(element, 'top'),
// left: d.getStyle(element, 'left') };
// return new v.Move(element,
// {x: 20, y: 0, duration: 0.05, afterFinishInternal: function (effect) {
// new v.Move(effect.element,
// {x: -40, y: 0, duration: 0.1, afterFinishInternal: function (effect) {
// new v.Move(effect.element,
// {x: 40, y: 0, duration: 0.1, afterFinishInternal: function (effect) {
// new v.Move(effect.element,
// {x: -40, y: 0, duration: 0.1, afterFinishInternal: function (effect) {
// new v.Move(effect.element,
// {x: 40, y: 0, duration: 0.1, afterFinishInternal: function (effect) {
// new v.Move(effect.element, options
// ) }}) }}) }}) }}) }});
//MochiKit.Visual.slideDown = function (element, /* optional */ options) {
// /***
// Slide an element down.
// It needs to have the content of the element wrapped in a container
// element with fixed height.
// ***/
// var d = MochiKit.DOM;
// var b = MochiKit.Base;
// element = d.getElement(element);
// if (!element.firstChild) {
// throw "MochiKit.Visual.slideDown must be used on a element with a child";
// }
// d.removeEmptyTextNodes(element);
// var oldInnerBottom = d.getStyle(element.firstChild, 'bottom') || 0;
// var elementDimensions = MochiKit.Style.getElementDimensions(element);
// options = b.update({
// scaleContent: false,
// scaleX: false,
// scaleFrom: 0,
// scaleMode: {originalHeight: elementDimensions.h,
// originalWidth: elementDimensions.w},
// restoreAfterFinish: true,
// afterSetupInternal: function (effect) {
// d.makePositioned(effect.element);
// d.makePositioned(effect.element.firstChild);
// if (b.isOpera()) {
// d.setStyle(effect.element, {top: ''});
// }
// d.makeClipping(effect.element);
// d.setStyle(effect.element, {height: '0px'});
// MochiKit.Style.showElement(effect.element);
// },
// afterUpdateInternal: function (effect) {
// d.setStyle(effect.element.firstChild,
// {bottom: (effect.dims[0] - effect.element.clientHeight) + 'px'})
// },
// afterFinishInternal: function (effect) {
// d.undoClipping(effect.element);
// // IE will crash if child is undoPositioned first
// if (b.isIE()) {
// d.undoPositioned(effect.element);
// d.undoPositioned(effect.element.firstChild);
// } else {
// d.undoPositioned(effect.element.firstChild);
// d.undoPositioned(effect.element);
// }
// d.setStyle(effect.element.firstChild,
// {bottom: oldInnerBottom});
// }
// }, options || {});
// return new MochiKit.Visual.Scale(element, 100, options);
//MochiKit.Visual.slideUp = function (element, /* optional */ options) {
// /***
// Slide an element up.
// It needs to have the content of the element wrapped in a container
// element with fixed height.
// ***/
// var d = MochiKit.DOM;
// var b = MochiKit.Base;
// element = d.getElement(element);
// if (!element.firstChild) {
// throw "MochiKit.Visual.slideUp must be used on a element with a child";
// }
// d.removeEmptyTextNodes(element);
// var oldInnerBottom = d.getStyle(element.firstChild, 'bottom');
// options = b.update({
// scaleContent: false,
// scaleX: false,
// scaleMode: 'box',
// scaleFrom: 100,
// restoreAfterFinish: true,
// beforeStartInternal: function (effect) {
// d.makePositioned(effect.element);
// d.makePositioned(effect.element.firstChild);
// if (b.isOpera()) {
// d.setStyle(effect.element, {top: ''});
// }
// d.makeClipping(effect.element);
// MochiKit.Style.showElement(effect.element);
// },
// afterUpdateInternal: function (effect) {
// d.setStyle(effect.element.firstChild,
// {bottom: (effect.dims[0] - effect.element.clientHeight) + 'px'});
// },
// afterFinishInternal: function (effect) {
// MochiKit.Style.hideElement(effect.element);
// d.undoClipping(effect.element);
// d.undoPositioned(effect.element.firstChild);
// d.undoPositioned(effect.element);
// d.setStyle(effect.element.firstChild, {bottom: oldInnerBottom});
// }
// }, options || {});
// return new MochiKit.Visual.Scale(element, 0, options);
// Bug in opera makes the TD containing this element expand for a instance
// after finish
//MochiKit.Visual.squish = function (element, /* optional */ options) {
// /***
// Reduce an element and make it disappear.
// ***/
// var d = MochiKit.DOM;
// var b = MochiKit.Base;
// options = b.update({
// restoreAfterFinish: true,
// beforeSetupInternal: function (effect) {
// d.makeClipping(effect.element);
// },
// afterFinishInternal: function (effect) {
// MochiKit.Style.hideElement(effect.element);
// d.undoClipping(effect.element);
// }
// }, options || {});
// return new MochiKit.Visual.Scale(element, b.isOpera() ? 1 : 0, options);
//MochiKit.Visual.grow = function (element, /* optional */ options) {
// /***
// Grow an element to its original size. Make it zero-sized before
// if necessary.
// ***/
// var d = MochiKit.DOM;
// var v = MochiKit.Visual;
// element = d.getElement(element);
// options = MochiKit.Base.update({
// direction: 'center',
// moveTransition: v.Transitions.sinoidal,
// scaleTransition: v.Transitions.sinoidal,
// opacityTransition: v.Transitions.full
// }, options || {});
// var oldStyle = {
// top: element.style.top,
// left: element.style.left,
// height: element.style.height,
// width: element.style.width,
// opacity: d.getInlineOpacity(element)
// };
// var dims = MochiKit.Style.getElementDimensions(element);
// var initialMoveX, initialMoveY;
// var moveX, moveY;
// switch (options.direction) {
// case 'top-left':
// initialMoveX = initialMoveY = moveX = moveY = 0;
// break;
// case 'top-right':
// initialMoveX = dims.w;
// initialMoveY = moveY = 0;
// moveX = -dims.w;
// break;
// case 'bottom-left':
// initialMoveX = moveX = 0;
// initialMoveY = dims.h;
// moveY = -dims.h;
// break;
// case 'bottom-right':
// initialMoveX = dims.w;
// initialMoveY = dims.h;
// moveX = -dims.w;
// moveY = -dims.h;
// break;
// case 'center':
// initialMoveX = dims.w / 2;
// initialMoveY = dims.h / 2;
// moveX = -dims.w / 2;
// moveY = -dims.h / 2;
// break;
// }
// var optionsParallel = MochiKit.Base.update({
// beforeSetupInternal: function (effect) {
// d.setStyle(effect.effects[0].element, {height: '0px'});
// MochiKit.Style.showElement(effect.effects[0].element);
// },
// afterFinishInternal: function (effect) {
// d.undoClipping(effect.effects[0].element);
// d.undoPositioned(effect.effects[0].element);
// d.setStyle(effect.effects[0].element, oldStyle);
// }
// }, options || {});
// return new v.Move(element, {
// x: initialMoveX,
// y: initialMoveY,
// duration: 0.01,
// beforeSetupInternal: function (effect) {
// MochiKit.Style.hideElement(effect.element);
// d.makeClipping(effect.element);
// d.makePositioned(effect.element);
// },
// afterFinishInternal: function (effect) {
// new v.Parallel(
// [new v.Opacity(effect.element, {
// sync: true, to: 1.0, from: 0.0,
// transition: options.opacityTransition
// }),
// new v.Move(effect.element, {
// x: moveX, y: moveY, sync: true,
// transition: options.moveTransition
// }),
// new v.Scale(effect.element, 100, {
// scaleMode: {originalHeight: dims.h,
// originalWidth: dims.w},
// sync: true,
// scaleFrom: MochiKit.Base.isOpera() ? 1 : 0,
// transition: options.scaleTransition,
// restoreAfterFinish: true
// })
// ], optionsParallel
// );
// }
// });
//MochiKit.Visual.shrink = function (element, /* optional */ options) {
// /***
// Shrink an element and make it disappear.
// ***/
// var d = MochiKit.DOM;
// var v = MochiKit.Visual;
// element = d.getElement(element);
// options = MochiKit.Base.update({
// direction: 'center',
// moveTransition: v.Transitions.sinoidal,
// scaleTransition: v.Transitions.sinoidal,
// opacityTransition: v.Transitions.none
// }, options || {});
// var oldStyle = {
// top: element.style.top,
// left: element.style.left,
// height: element.style.height,
// width: element.style.width,
// opacity: d.getInlineOpacity(element)
// };
// var dims = MochiKit.Style.getElementDimensions(element);
// var moveX, moveY;
// switch (options.direction) {
// case 'top-left':
// moveX = moveY = 0;
// break;
// case 'top-right':
// moveX = dims.w;
// moveY = 0;
// break;
// case 'bottom-left':
// moveX = 0;
// moveY = dims.h;
// break;
// case 'bottom-right':
// moveX = dims.w;
// moveY = dims.h;
// break;
// case 'center':
// moveX = dims.w / 2;
// moveY = dims.h / 2;
// break;
// }
// var optionsParallel = MochiKit.Base.update({
// beforeStartInternal: function (effect) {
// d.makePositioned(effect.effects[0].element);
// d.makeClipping(effect.effects[0].element);
// },
// afterFinishInternal: function (effect) {
// MochiKit.Style.hideElement(effect.effects[0].element);
// d.undoClipping(effect.effects[0].element);
// d.undoPositioned(effect.effects[0].element);
// d.setStyle(effect.effects[0].element, oldStyle);
// }
// }, options || {});
// return new v.Parallel(
// [new v.Opacity(element, {
// sync: true, to: 0.0, from: 1.0,
// transition: options.opacityTransition
// }),
// new v.Scale(element, MochiKit.Base.isOpera() ? 1 : 0, {
// sync: true, transition: options.scaleTransition,
// restoreAfterFinish: true
// }),
// new v.Move(element, {
// x: moveX, y: moveY, sync: true, transition: options.moveTransition
// })
// ], optionsParallel
// );
//MochiKit.Visual.pulsate = function (element, /* optional */ options) {
// /***
// Pulse an element between appear/fade.
// ***/
// var d = MochiKit.DOM;
// var v = MochiKit.Visual;
// var b = MochiKit.Base;
// element = d.getElement(element);
// var oldOpacity = d.getInlineOpacity(element);
// options = b.update({
// duration: 3.0,
// from: 0,
// afterFinishInternal: function (effect) {
// d.setStyle(effect.element, {opacity: oldOpacity});
// }
// }, options || {});
// var transition = options.transition || v.Transitions.sinoidal;
// var reverser = b.bind(function (pos) {
// return transition(1 - v.Transitions.pulse(pos));
// }, transition);
// b.bind(reverser, transition);
// return new v.Opacity(element, b.update({
// transition: reverser}, options));
//MochiKit.Visual.fold = function (element, /* optional */ options) {
// /***
// Fold an element, first vertically, then horizontally.
// ***/
// var d = MochiKit.DOM;
// var v = MochiKit.Visual;
// element = d.getElement(element);
// var oldStyle = {
// top: element.style.top,
// left: element.style.left,
// width: element.style.width,
// height: element.style.height
// };
// d.makeClipping(element);
// options = MochiKit.Base.update({
// scaleContent: false,
// scaleX: false,
// afterFinishInternal: function (effect) {
// new v.Scale(element, 1, {
// scaleContent: false,
// scaleY: false,
// afterFinishInternal: function (effect) {
// MochiKit.Style.hideElement(effect.element);
// d.undoClipping(effect.element);
// d.setStyle(effect.element, oldStyle);
// }
// });
// }
// }, options || {});
// return new v.Scale(element, 5, options);
// Compatibility with MochiKit 1.0
MochiKit.Visual.Color = MochiKit.Color.Color;
MochiKit.Visual.getElementsComputedStyle = MochiKit.DOM.computedStyle;
/* end of Rico adaptation */
MochiKit.Visual.__new__ = function () {
var m = MochiKit.Base;
this.EXPORT_TAGS = {
":common": this.EXPORT,
":all": m.concat(this.EXPORT, this.EXPORT_OK)
MochiKit.Visual.EXPORT = [
MochiKit.Visual.EXPORT_OK = [
MochiKit.Base._exportSymbols(this, MochiKit.Visual);